#verse ~ inquisition
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dreadwxlf · 6 months ago
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~ The trip to the Temple of Mythal had been...enlightening to say the least. They had stopped Corypheus from gaining another source of power, however, destroying the Well of Sorrows in the process. What that meant for the Inquisitor, whom had volunteered to absorb its knowledge, Solas couldn't say -- but it was nothing good. Most importantly, he had discovered that more of his people still lived. The majority of the Sentinels had decided to remain in the temple; however, one had requested to join the Inquisition -- Myndilon. ~
~ While the majority of Skyhold had retired for the evening, Myndilon was still sorting through the few possessions he had brought from the temple. ~
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~ " An'daran Atish'an, " Solas greeted with a polite bow. " The Inquisitor instructed that I show you to your quarters. I am called Solas -- we met briefly in the temple. " He glanced behind him -- the hall was completely deserted. ~
~ "...I was also hoping that we could speak privately on more...sensitive matters, " Solas continued in their native tongue. " It is a pleasure to speak with a fellow Elvhen...I am certain you have devised so already, but only a handful of us remain... ". ~
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pinayelf · 3 months ago
Hello! I hope it’s okay to ask but for your Protags in all of the DA games, what are their body types like? Do they look different then how they’ve been designed in game ( since I know game cc doesn’t often have a ton of choices ), and I was curious since I love the little info you give abt them
It’s absolutely okay! Thank you for asking I love yapping about my OCs ❤️ Biyaya would be the closest in game as the cc has body sliders, the only difference is she has more boob and butt lol
I’m planning to make all of them in the new cc soon but for now the most accurate depiction aka drawing jfjfjfjd
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edda-grenade · 7 months ago
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sketches for illustrations for a matter of love
aka the moment where solas drops an even worse bombshell on saar than he does in canon trespasser
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harlequinides · 2 years ago
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—bit morbid, isn't it?
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dreadwxlf · 1 year ago
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~ " I understand the feeling; though for me, it is paint. Fresco pigment is difficult to wash out of clothing, unfortunately... ". ~
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"I am forever covered in glitter."
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dreadwxlf · 22 days ago
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@luna-mxth sent: sorry. didn't mean to wake you. — from Sontna on @luna-mxth for the verse of your choice :3
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~ " Tel'abelas -- I was not asleep. " Solas opened the door to his quarters wider, gesturing for Sontna to step inside. " Is something the matter? Is the Mark troubling you? " ~
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tevintersnakes · 8 months ago
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there we go, some quick sketches so there is something in my art folder for this month
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dreadwxlf · 9 months ago
~ Solas stood somberly behind Cole, watching as the boy tried in vain to save a wounded soldier; he had been dead long before they arrived. ~
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~ " You cannot save everyone, Cole, " he replies, placing a hand on the spirit's shoulder. " You tried -- that is all anyone can ask. " Solas understood better than anyone the toll this world could take on spirits such as Cole; especially those as fragile as Compassion. ~
~ " Come -- let us return to camp. We shall ask the other soldiers to bury them. " ~
"there's nothing you can do." (for Cole, from @dreadwxlf !)
From Here
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His shoulders sagged. He knew he couldn't save or help everyone he came across. Sometimes they didn't want it, for others it was too late. That didn't make it any easier.
Knowing when to stop was a skill, one he didn't know if he'd ever master. Did he want to?
Cole pulled his hands away from the soldier's wound, wiped them on his pants, and then reached out to close their eyes. They didn't get here in time.
A whole scouting party, wiped out in an ambush. How did they know they were coming? Did someone tell?
"I had to try," he murmured.
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fadewalking · 1 month ago
forever pissed that bioware decided to do the Elves like this and rob them of the ability to have meaningful faith.
in fact—
im more pissed about it than im willing to admit because let's not forget that the devs were bold enough to say they're never going to prove or disprove The Maker because they don't wanna take away faith like that. Oh but fuck the Elves, right? Fuck them and their heretical little sideblog of a faith, right? Fuck that so hard quite frankly, and look me in the eyes when i say this: I am an atheist.
a pretty hardcore one atp, at that. but man, what a literary shame. There are few things more compelling to me, as someone who was raised Catholic and went through an entire religious deconstruction that I'm still on a journey with, than exploring characters who have a strong sense of faith.
I built an entire OC with his religious beliefs as CENTRAL to his identity and VG has forced a deconstruction on him that I never wanted for him. And now I find myself missing a character who has such a strong sense of belief in a higher power. There are too few people in the rp scene and fandom at large who engage with faith in their characters and I think that is also a shame. And so little canonical information about any faiths other than their One True fucking God. Watch me give my atheist/agnostic OCs faith just out of SPITE.
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martyrmarked · 3 months ago
inquisition era based starter call <3
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inenaste · 28 days ago
"I do not know if I am worthy." x @iserahopes
"few are born worthy, da'len," the ancient elf gave a thoughtful hum, nodding his head. "one could even say that none are born worthy. you will have to face trials and tribulations before you find your worth."
violet gaze settled on her, and his expression softened into a smile. "we all have had them. fen'harel had them, i've had them, every other elf before you has had them. you will be worthy when you pass them."
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dreadwxlf · 4 months ago
~ The taller elf bows his head in a polite apology. ~
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~ " My apologies; I did not mean to startle you." He leans upon his own staff, eyes unreadable as he studies Brenna. "I only wished to see how you fared. Dealing with the Breach, not to mention settling in Haven amongst strangers...It would be difficult for anyone to bear -- especially a fellow apostate. " ~
@dreadwxlf liked for a Brenna starter.
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She’s startled by the shadow of another, clutching her staff as she rests a hand over her chest. He scared her!
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“Sweet maker Solas! You scared me!”
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dreadwxlf · 3 months ago
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@omniterror sent: "Don't worry, I'm determined to succeed." / from brienne c:
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~ " You are confident -- let us hope your determination does not wane in the coming battles. " Foolhardy bravery was better than meek cowardice, he supposed. Still, this Dalish quickling nor the others that lauded her knew anything about Corypheus and his intentions. Solas would need nudge them in the right direction, somehow... ~
~ " You have my assistance then -- however you may require it. " ~
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littlehoundthings · 1 month ago
rant about maxwell trevelyan
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EXHAUSTED SIPPING. "Excuse me, but who the ACTUALLY BLOODY FUCK PUT THE GUY IN CHARGE OF THE INQUISITION? What was he even doin' anywhere NEAR the rift and not at home in a safe room???" "Nothin' against the guy, but Maker's flamin' BALLS I feel bloody terrible for him. Not only does he gotta decide the fate of the world, but he's constantly lookin' like someone just drop kicked a puppy in front of him." "Honestly Corypheus probably will give up cause he's gunna look at those fuckin' puppy dog eyes and bloody give up." "He's like someone left a kitten out in the rain." "Cute like one, but SAD." "Anyways, where was I? OH RIGH-" ANOTHER SIP.
"WHO THE HELL PUT HIM IN CHARGE WHEN I'M PRETTY SURE 90% OF HIS SYSTEM IS ANXIETY? Like I've never met a man I've wanted t'just, had a bowl of soup and tell him t'bloody take a nap cause everythin' is gunna be alright quite like him. That's how sad it is." "Bloody Chantry. I can imagine some priest laughin' it up like a fuckin' cockwaddle over this."
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dreadwxlf · 10 months ago
~ As their journey dragged on, it was obvious that Senreth was in a great deal of pain -- and it was only getting worse. Solas looks back to see the other elf reclining against a rock, clutching his head in agony. ~
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~ " Is everything all right? " Solas asks, his brow creasing in concern. " If you are injured, I have a few spare healing potions you may use. I could also attempt to numb any pain with my magic. " Regardless, it was probably best to rest for a few moments. Solas kneels beside Senreth, pulling his pack from his back to search for his potions. ~
~ " Put simply, they are tears in the Veil -- aftershocks from the Breach, " Solas answers without looking up from his bag. He pulls out a small red bottle and passes it into Senreth's hand. " They violently rip any nearby spirits from the Fade, and pull them into the physical world -- the shock of the transition creates demons of them...Closing them does not send the rift elsewhere necessarily, but rather repairs the tear; like sewing closed a hole in a curtain. " ~
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@dreadwxlf || LIKED for a STARTER
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He feels uncomfortable; the closer they get to this tears in the veil, the more Senreth feels as if his very consciousness is being torn asunder. The agony of the headache is abysmal and though he is there to aid in the protection of Inquisition Researchers, he finds he cannot keep himself standing long enough to actively help.
Sitting 'pon a rock, the male takes but a moment to cradle his head and release a disgruntled breath - redundant though it was, it expressed his discomfort clearly - and attempts to will it away. There is much to do and he needed to remain vigilant, always - this he knows but 't is endlessly difficult when the throbbing within ones skill echoes the voices of those on the other side.
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"I'll be fine in just a moment - - my apologies for the delay." A deeper breath, as if steadying himself, and Senreth once more forces himself to his feet and idly rests a hand 'pon hilt. Comfort matters little in the face of potential threat, and though his eyes felt as if they ached and his head felt full of whispers and water, he had but no choice to continue as if little was wrong.
"These rifts... what are they-?" Perhaps he ought not ask, but showing some variety of curiosity aside those that appear to know far more than he appeared to be the best course of action. "Where do they go-?"
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archonoclasm · 1 month ago
@breathandshadow asked: "beauty does not solve problems." / 𝑺𝑶𝑭𝑻 𝑻𝑯𝑶𝑹𝑵𝑺 𝑽𝑶𝑳. 𝑰: still accepting.
Dorian could snort. So, because he could, he goes and does precisely that! By the dismissive pitch alone, it's obvious the young Pavus doesn't quite buy it.
"Maybe it doesn't if you're the average result of an ordinary breeding," he starts around a clementine, "but as I'm obviously not, I find it very much does."
What is he getting at? Dorian doesn't much like it, that knowing gleam in those eyes too disastrously aware. He's stirred another fight, alas, and the edges of his robes stir with its tells half-singed in the draft. It's no secret he's a menace, a rouser of rabble and a demon by half, but the problems he's corking tightly in his throat?
Bloody clementines. No one can know them. Dorian peels his fruit with a practiced cool.
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