#verse III
cy-lindric · 2 months
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His Majesty's little meow meows (from La Dame de Monsoreau)
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budgieflitter · 21 days
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some frames of my part for the animatic!! i spent too much time on some of these just to flash by for 0,5 sec lmao i tried to include as many characters as i could i love LFT grrraaAAAGHH
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braisedhoney · 1 year
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time to try again.
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rumor-imbris · 6 months
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There is no sky, no storm like You and no fiercer wish of mine to run under your rainfall
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mambocarmo · 1 year
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that color wheel twitter trend i finished a while ago too! this was very fun
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ramblingoak · 10 months
Shooting His Shot
Terzo x Omega ~ This takes place in the Butt Sparkle Verse along with Copia on ICE! It's the Winter Olympics and Omega gets distracted hearing his favorite ABBA song playing nearby...
This was directly inspired by this amazing work by @ghuleh-recs!
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Warnings: everyone is younger than canon in this verse, love struck Omega, grumpy older brother Secondo and a Terzo that knows exactly what (and who) he wants, nsfw due to a brief daydream by Omega, 870 words
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It was the ABBA blaring over the speakers that got his attention. 
There’s probably a joke there about ABBA and being Swedish but whatever.  Omega’s heard them all.  It helped that “Voulez-Vous” was his favorite song.  Well technically his mom’s favorite song but after hearing it so many times as a kid growing up it had wormed its way into his heart.  He always thought of dancing around the kitchen with her whenever he heard it.  So initially he was just curious why it was being played, although he wasn’t surprised to see it was due to a figure skater. 
He was surprised by the skull paint though.  
Of course that was only the first thing that caught his eye.  His outfit was next, an elaborate costume that was sheer enough to see nipples and dark hair.  It had to be borderline regulation and knowing how the officials at the Olympics could be he bet they still bitched about it.  The man’s entire body seemed to sparkle as he sped around the rink.  Countless spins and jumps being executed at a speed that made even Omega tired.  
“Can I help you?”
All the blood in Omega’s body froze at the sound of the voice at his back.  Omega would know that voice anywhere.  Deep and accented, he had heard it many times in his life and each time it always managed to strike a note of fear into him.  You couldn't be a hockey player anywhere without knowing who that voice belonged to. Slowly, like he was a creature trying not to upset a predator, he turned around to face another man in skull paint.
“Secondo.  Hey.”
Jesus, great first impression.  Secondo raised an eyebrow and impatiently crossed his arms.
“I’m waiting.”
“Uh, I don’t need any help.”  He winced at the raised eyebrow that got.  “Was just watching.”
“Watching my brother.”
“Yeah.  I like this song.”  Of course that was when the song stopped and Omega turned to see the man out on the ice striking a pose and breathing heavily. 
“Well the song is done so it’s time to go.”
Omega sighed, dragging his eyes from the ice right as the man relaxed and looked his way.  He took a few steps towards Secondo before stopping and taking a quick breath. 
“It’s Terzo right?  Your brother.”
“Sì!”  Omega turned back towards the rink and was immediately met with a shining set of eyes, one green and one as white as the ice he was standing on.  “It’s Terzo.  And what’s your name, bello?”
“He’s leaving, it doesn’t matter.”  Secondo brushed past him as he addressed his younger brother.  “Get dressed so we can meet Copia and Primo.”
“It’s Omega.”  Fuck it, he wouldn’t be a good hockey player if he didn’t know when to shoot his shot.  “Nice to meet you.”
He chose to focus on Terzo’s amazing smile rather than Secondo’s glare.  
“Omega.”  Terzo dragged out the ‘a’ sound far longer than necessary.  He had a brief vision in his head of Terzo also doing that while Omega pounded into him and holy fuck he was in so much trouble.  “Judging by my fratello’s hostility I’m assuming you play hockey, sì?”
“Yep.”  He dared to walk closer to the ice, really not sure where all this bravery was coming from but also knowing it had everything to do with how Terzo was looking at him.  “Sweden.”
“Ah, well that’s a pity.”  Terzo set his elbows on the short wall around the rink and rested his chin in his hands.  “Here I was hoping you were Italian and I’d see you more.”
“You can see me whenever you like.”  He hazarded a glance at Secondo and immediately regretted it.  The glare enough to tamp down the brief moment of suave bravery he was feeling.  “I mean, if you want?”
“Oh I definitely want, in fact why don’t we do lun—“
A burst of Italian from Secondo had Omega flinching and Terzo glaring at his brother.  He straightened up from his lean and spat something back at him.  The two went back and forth for a moment before Secondo threw his hands up in the air with an irritated shout.  He directed one last glare Omega’s way before storming off.  
“He ok?” 
“Sì, he’s just tense.  Lots of pressure.  You know how it is.” 
Omega nodded because he did know how it was.  And with this being the Winter Olympics all that pressure was amplified exponentially.  He had no doubt there would be an even larger target on his back if Sweden and Italy met on the ice this year.  But with Secondo gone he felt the spark of bravery returning and knew this was as good a chance as he’d get.  
“So.  Lunch?”  
Terzo smirked and started skating backwards along the wall.  Omega followed him like a duckling, watching as his muscles moved under his costume.  
“Lunch to start with.”  Terzo exited the rink, grabbing his blade covers and easily slipping them on.  “I’m sure we can find something to do after.”  
Omega grinned, ducking his head for a moment to hide his blush.  When he looked up Terzo had moved closer and Omega was definitely in trouble here.  Talk about love at first sight.  
Although the ABBA definitely helped too.
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And thus the Butt Sparkle Verse begins...
Read Copia on ICE! part one
My Masterlist ~ My Archive of our Own ~ My Ko-Fi Tip Jar
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sealpup9 · 11 months
Ok Inertia came in swinging with a beat that slaps so hard I forgot to duck and was knocked on my ass by the force that is the last two verses.
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undercoverossifrage · 7 months
I have loved Soldier, Poet, King for years now and even back then I couldn’t help but appreciate how perfect it was for the Httyd books. I’m sure I’m not the first to point this out, but please enjoy this incredibly rough animation anyway. The amount of finesse I tried to put into this is… negligible?
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demigoddessqueens · 8 months
Master List 10
Tieflings 💕
Types of hugs
Dragon Age - a fainting Hawke //
House of the Dragon/Game of Thrones - aemond + touch/massage prompt //
Delicious in Dungeon 🍱/Dungeon Meshi 🥘 - soft Laios headcanons //
Fallout - ghoul meme // i REALLY like him //
Ultraman rising - kenji sato fluff //
Dune - nsfw & romance // incorrect quotes //
Monkey Man - “Whispered Corners” fic //
The Arcana ✨- waking up with the main 6 // pirate Julian - heartbreak // massage headcanons // julian birthday headcanons //
Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss - taking care of you // Lucifer SFW Alphabet // valentines 💘 with Lucifer // Lucifer + s/o with depression // massage headcanons //
Spiderman 2099/Miguel O’Hara - massage headcanons
Critical Role 🎲
Vox Machina - special rock // poison?! // Vax 💔 oneshot // feeble mind spell // Percy rescues kidnapped reader // time ⏰ traveler reader // sit in my lap?// Vax + pregnant!reader //
Music 🎶 - Lunch ft the girls //
Dark Au - Orin!reader
Mighty Nein - Beau + sibling!reader // Mollymauk w/ reader // Caleb song angst // fjord song oneshot //
Crown Keepers -
Bell’s Hells - the “I love you” prompt //
Castlevania 🌙- massage headcanons // surprise kiss Dracula // do’s and dont’s - Alucard, Isaac //
Castlevania Nocturne 🌙 🦇 - massage headcanons // richter + pregnant!reader // shy kisses // “from bottom of your heart” + bg3
Assassin’s Creed - being Aveline’s sibling // shay for valentines 💘 // stealing Haytham’s coat // love languages // Basim + reader // Ezio + artist!reader // Haytham and Shay + former!Assassin // friends to lovers w/ Ezio // massage headcanons // shay + reader // Basim angst // Basim + fluff // Hytham in love // protective of pregnant!reader // Ezio modern au // basim angst oneshot // Connor with Latina!reader // Ezio birthday 🎂 headcanons // local hawk population //
Codexmonthly - February “ship” —> Shay story // Edward 🏴‍☠️ story // Altair & Maria //
March “artefact”
April “vault”
May “modern”
Mermay 🌊🧜‍♂️ - mermaid!Desmond //
“Shadows” prompt
June “mentor”
Baldur’s Gate - astarion + drunk!tav/reader // Halsin and letters // smile from your heart // sick 🤒 TLC headcanons // massage headcanons // interlink pinkies // astarion & his opposite // deep kisses // forehead kiss // secret 🤫 dating Astarion // how lucky to be with you //
Bat 🦇 Astarion Week - day 1 // day 2 // day3 // day 4 // day 5 //
Blood of Zeus ⚡️ - massage headcanons // musical mortal // Ares and handsy lover // Dad Apollo ☀️// Hermes being a dad //
Genshin Impact - neuvillette massage //
Star ⭐️ Wars 💫 - sequel quad + saving sibling // sibling with depression // nightmare headcanons // coming out non-binary //
The Bad Batch - crosshair headcanon //
Hazbin Hotel - Lucifer alphabet //
Challengers - art + patrick nsfw headcanons //
Critical 🎲 Role - service top + mighty 9 //
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can-of-pringles · 3 months
My Ghost characters orientations headcanons
Sister Imperator: Feels comfortable as a cis woman and "mostly straight" as she would say. She doesn't really have time to unpack it. She's just like "yeah I had male and female partners back in my youth what of it" I think she'd possibly like she/they pronouns.
Nihil: He's actually very queer but fits into that '"all guys think that other guys are attractive, just like how we find women attractive" and doesn't realize that in fact not all guys think that' situation. Which makes his sons give him a look but they never say anything. So he's queer, maybe pansexual, but doesn't think about it because he's so focused on Sister anyway lol. Gender is probably cis guy. The only time he did some questioning is probably when he was on something back then (please don't lecture me about if I'm incorrect on that I've never done anything)
Primo: Honestly, I'm not as sure he's slightly a mystery to me. I think he's somewhere on the demi-romantic spectrum... and is just queer for the rest but wouldn't call himself that. It's sorta just *shrug*, as for gender I think he'd say he's "too old to look into that" and is just mostly settled on cis guy. Though I think if he did have modern label knowledge he would be a demi-boy?
Secondo: I think either pansexual or bisexual. Big preference for women though which I guess traditionally would put him more as bi, though labels aren't too important. Cis guy who hates gender roles.
Terzo: Bisexual with somewhat of a masculine preference. Cis guy, but likes to experiment with other pronouns from time to time for fun.
Copia: I think he flips between grey-sexual and straight up asexual, but for simplicity's sake he calls himself asexual and bi. So he's asexual (sometimes grey-sexual) biromantic. Probably sex neutral btw. He's a cis guy but doesn't really care about pronouns much. Like if someone called him something other than he/him he wouldn't really mind much. Though he/him is his usual.
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eerna · 6 months
Hadestown. HADESTOWN. WHY did you incorporate West End lyrics into Broadway. not the good ones from If It's True, but the ones from Epic III, which actively make the song worse. why did you not include the good changes and only included the bad ones. WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM HADESTOWN
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tartt9 · 8 months
@eulogier [ roy ] asked // ∗ o8﹕ sender  shows  up  at  receiver’s  home  late  at  night . // [ from here ! ]
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Will he ever be used to this? Probably not. Jamie is not, and has never been, a morning person. It's been just a few weeks of this waking up at 3:30 to meet Roy at 4 AM thing, and he's sick of it. Well, he's not sick of getting to spend extra time with Roy, but he's sick of the fact that he has to go to sleep at fucking 8:30 like a granddad to get a full night's sleep before training. His social life is effectively dead, and on the nights he does spend with the team, he thinks Roy can tell that he got less sleep than he ought to.
This is one of those mornings. The team went to Ola's for some celebratory food and drink after the game. Jamie avoided Zava at all costs, mostly mingling with Sam, but Sam was busy with making sure they didn't destroy his restaurant. Still, the food was good. The company, when he had it, was also good. And now he's tired, and Roy's at his door, and they're about to do a full fucking workout. "Morning, Coach," Jamie greets, trying to pretend like he's not still tired. "Y'alright? Y'want some coffee or summat before we go?"
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akirakirxaa · 5 months
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[ day 8 : home ]
𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒'𝑠 𝑎 𝑑𝑖𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑚𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑚 𝐴𝑛𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑟𝑜𝑎𝑑 ℎ𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑖𝑠 𝑝𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑑 𝑖𝑛 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑟 𝑓𝑢𝑐𝑘𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑒𝑚 𝐼 𝑐𝑎𝑛 𝑛𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑔𝑜, 𝑔𝑜 𝑏𝑎𝑐𝑘 ℎ𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑎𝑔𝑎𝑖𝑛 𝐴𝑐𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑎 𝑖𝑠 𝑔𝑜𝑛𝑒
[ masterpost ]
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rumor-imbris · 23 days
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As soft as an echo, I'll touch your chest with my hand As lost as a memory, my voice will sing in your head a song of abyss deep, forgotten skies and rain realms but you'll only feel autumn breeze that finally put summer to rest
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athl3tes · 2 months
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take two // @tvintedspvrk
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⸻   chalk   powder   dust   blown   away   by   a   waft   of   his   voice   ,   meandering   over   towards   the   center   of   gym   mats   laid   strategically   around   the   training   area   .   he’d   come   down   earlier   than   most   mornings   to   get   ahead   of   the   influx   of   olympians   who   likely   had   the   same   idea   .   fresh   off   the   pole   vault   ,   he’d   pondered   over   towards   the   spectator   area   .   gentle   hazel   hues   look   on   in   appreciation   .   broad   lats   rising   and   falling   with   deep   breaths   ,   palms   sat   atop   blonde   locks   in   an   effort   to   pull   in   more   air   .   ❝   y’know   ,   you   technically   aren’t   a   spectator   .   .   .   so   ,   ❞   gesture   made   inwards   to   waiting   mats   ,   grin   plastered   on   his   face   .   ❝   don’t   appreciate   from   too   far   .   i   thought   you   wanted   to   get   some   practice   in   ?   ❞
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s4samus · 9 months
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I drew these guys over a year ago.... so la fiesta tech for your soul remastered !
(old ones)
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