#verse 02 | repay my faithfulness
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insilverbay · 2 months ago
from @lairofmuses:
take a deep breath , you need to calm down . -lairofmuses{from my HSR Azura if that's ok :D}
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Upon arriving at the Herta Space Station, he'd be whisked away by the surprising amount scientists who'd be enamored by the halovian's arrival. Would it be because of the rare sight of a man such as himself from Asdana's star system, from Penacony itself? Ah, how interesting it was to him. Though, there were voices in the crowd that he couldn't just ignore. He'd note their thoughts about himself and namely his sister of stardom, narrowing his eyes at the individual as he'd pick out the nameless person from the crowd. These weren't happy thoughts to experience and they certainly made his previously in awe expression sour and now? He'd walk swiftly towards the individual, bumping roughly shoulder to shoulder with the other researchers to reach the other.
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"...Care to share with the class?" Sunday narrows his eyes at the individual, placing a hand on their shoulder with a firm grip and grin on his face. One could see his nails starting to grow under his gloves as his anger began to fester, but another's literal voice would interrupt his terrible first impression on the crowd. However, it was obvious he did need to keep face as the Oak Family's figurehead visiting another's system as a guest to discuss diplomatic ideals... A few deep breaths would cause his grip to falter and himself to turn towards the woman, one arm behind his back, and the other on the front of his suit now, "Apologies for my scene, I let my emotions get the best of me; very uncommon. However, I was expecting Madam Herta or another Genius Society Member to greet me rather than her posse." Such a small comment would cause some researchers to get the hint and move on, but others would remain, "I'm uncertain if you know who I am? I'm Sunday of the Oak Family from Penacony."
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dailyaudiobible · 4 years ago
12/02/2020 DAB Transcript
Daniel 9:1-11:1, 1 John 2:18-3:6, Psalms 121:1-8, Proverbs 28:27-28
Today is the 2nd day of December welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it’s great to be here with you today. Always remember this day would've been my father's birthday. I lost him a couple years before the Daily Audio Bible began, but I can assure you it's on his back that I stand. I don’t think that I would be able to do what I'm doing, I don’t think I would be able to do this had it not been for his guidance, his fathering me. So, yeah, happy birthday dad. And, so, we are moving through our new week and getting settled into our new month. And, so, let's put…put…put our foot forward and take the next step. We’re reading from the Christian Standard Bible this week. Today, Daniel chapter 9 verse 1 through 11 verse 1.
Okay. Let's talk about doubt for a second because that really is the…sort of the underpinning to what we read in first John in his letter today. People were falling away…were falling away from the church, walking away from their faith just kind of disappearing back into the fabric of the culture. This kind of thing doesn't usually happen without spiritual doubt preceding it. And where does that come from? Like, where does the dissonance come from that would lead us into doubt? Typically, it's…it's because we were expecting something that didn't happen that caused us to question and caused us to doubt in our faith, like expectations went unmet. We prayed, we believed, we stood on promises, we lived into something that we thought God was going to come through on and then somehow it's taken too long or it's not happening the way that we envisioned it and then we…well…we reveal to ourselves what our expectations were, but it also leads us to discontent and doubt and then we can be let into deception quite easily and pretty soon…pretty soon we’re…we’re stepping away, we’re disappearing into the wall work…we’re walking away. And sometimes when these things happen people are estranged from God. Like, they don’t just go, “well that didn't work.” They are angry at everyone who led them to God, and they are angry at God. They become anti-God or anti-Christ. This is what John is talking about. And I quote, “children. it is the last hour and as you have heard that antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. By this we know that it is the last hour. They went out from us, but they did not belong to us. For if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us; however, they went out so that it might be made clear that none of them belongs to us.” But why would they, whoever they are in…in this equation, why would they do that? Why would they depart? Why would they become anti-Christ? This is where we have to understand the context that we’re dealing with. The early church had an apocalyptic worldview and Jesus preached an apocalyptic message, as did Paul, as does the…basically the entire New Testament…have this apocalyptic worldview that everything is going somewhere, that…the world…that we are headed somewhere and that somewhere is ultimately good, but not before it's bad. So, an understanding that everything is headed somewhere but it's headed into a time of real turmoil and trouble upon the earth. Very, very difficult times. And then, as is the backdrop of the whole Bible, against all odds, then God comes through. It is only God that could save. It is only His mighty power. But this is what they're looking at. The thing about it is they're expecting this imminently. So, people come to faith as they are quickened and awakened by the Holy Spirit, they come to faith at the message of Jesus and they are told that His arrival and the restoration of all things and the establishment of the kingdom of God is imminent, this gonna happen very, very soon. So, people would come into the faith really understanding that they’re some of the first people to be in. This is like a…this is the ground floor opportunity in the kingdom of God, but instead of being respected and instead of things moving forward they instead received ridicule and they were persecuted and they were marginalized and it just…they didn't get what they were expecting when they were expecting it. And this is why John would say something like what he has. “They…they never really were with us. If they really ever had been with us they would've stayed.” And, so, John basically aims his pen at an essential truth. So, he’s trying to cut through all of the different arguments and all the different reasons for why people do the things they do, just cut to the chase and tells us who…who is the liar if not the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ. This one is the antichrist, the one who denies the Father and the Son. No one who denies the Son has the father. He who confesses the Son has the Father as well. So, John is clarifying this because some have fallen away and become antagonistic and become anti-Christ's, but also because some were falling away because…because there was a swirl, a cauldron of different kinds of teachings beginning to emerge. And John wants to speak to both of those things because the end result is the same, people falling away from their faith, falling away from what they had been taught at the beginning. And, so, John writes words that are very hopeful and very encouraging as we face doubt, as we face deception, as we face anything that would draw us away. He says, “I have written these things to you concerning those who are trying to deceive you. As for you, the anointing you received from Him remains in you, and you don't need anyone to teach you. Instead His anointing teaches you about all things and is true and is not a lie. Just as it has taught you, remain in Him.
Father, we certainly can find ourselves in some of these types of categories. We have been a person who has walked away into rebellion before. We have been people who have walked into doubt before in an unhealthy way. We have at times allowed ourselves to feel separation or estrangement from you because of unmet expectations, as if you owe us something. So, the letter that we are reading here may have come from a couple of thousand years ago and the recipients of this letter may have been from far back in history and perhaps we don't have the same culture that they did, but we…we certainly do find ourselves in the posture of heart that's being spoken of. And, so, we acknowledge. We owe you everything. There is no way to repay you for your goodness and for the gift of eternal life that you’ve bestowed upon us. And, so, we ask Holy Spirit that you would teach us, that you would lead us into all truth, that we would hold true to what we were taught from the beginning. We pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it’s the website, it’s where you find out what's going on around here.
And today…today I have my daughter China here in the studio to…to share some things that are going on around here, but just before we get to that. I want to play you something.
[China reading] This is the family history of Jesus Christ. He came from the family of David. David came from the family of Abraham. Abraham was the father of Isaac. Isaac was the father of Jacob. Jacob was the father of Judah and his brothers. Judah was the father of Perez and Sarah. Their mother was Tamar.
Brian - That is that is so profoundly sweet to me. That was more than half of China's life ago on her first day of reading the Bible out loud and recording it, the first day of Daily Audio Bible kids. So, it has been a year for the record books this year 2020 and sitting here with China and just talking about all of the transitions because it's been a hard year, but it's also been a really beautiful year and some…in…in the midst of it all some really, really beautiful things have happened in our family. Well China got married a couple of years ago but this year she finds herself like Mary, with child and she's laughing but she doesn't it want it to be on the mic
China – I can’t believe you just compared me to the virgin Mary.
Brian – Yeah, with child. You find yourself with child at this time of year. And, so, that's exciting because it’s Christmas time. But this coming spring it won’t be a pregnancy, it will be a baby, But without you having a baby, especially this being your first baby. Oh, and by the way, for those of you who are like not aware, this is baby girl
China – Yup.
Brain - This is a baby girl coming into our family and China was the only girl in a sea of boys growing up. And, so, to have another little girl running around in little dresses or whatever she's gonna run around in. I don't care check, She can run around in a diaper. That’ll be fine. But just to have her, that's gonna be new life in our family and I'm really excited. But you have been at this now since 2009.
China – Yeah
Brain - I remember we went to India together. I think it was in 2009 and you were just a little girl. I remember that. And coming out of that was an inspiration to do Daily Audio Bible kids, even launch that. That was your vision. That’s something that you felt led to do, even as a child. And, so, we did. So we started and more than half of your life now has been spent reading the Bible and recording it every day just like your dear old dad.
China – Yeah
Brain - And we’ve been like at this every day for all of these years. But it's unique for you because it really spans your childhood and you've been at this every single day. I don't know anybody else like you…
China – Yeah
Brain - …in that regard, and I'm proud of that and I'm proud of how wise you've become over those years. You…you let the Bible be a part of your childhood and your teenage years. Now you are with child with a husband and about to become a mother, which brings tremendous transition. And, so, we were talking a couple of months ago about those transitions and what they would be like and what you felt like you were going to need to live into motherhood well. And we talked about it then, but now we’re talking about it now. And, so, I feel like I'm doing all the talking here, but China is going to step away and take a breather from the Daily…and believe me…it is a big responsibility when you have a seven day a week thing that never ends. And she's been faithful to it, but in preparation for the new life in a whole new set of parameters that she…she's never experienced before, it’s just best for her to get ready for motherhood. And, so, as we and this year 2020, China will be stepping away from Daily Audio Bible Chronological and taking a break to be a mom and in her place will be Jill, China's moms goona kinda step into that that role and begin the daily broadcast for Daily Audio Bible Chronological, and I'm looking forward to seeing what that brings for her. But we wanted to honor you and we wanted to have you here. This is a good thing. We wanted to both be here saying this is…this is a good thing; this is what needs to happen. So, I just wonder, like 10 years, what’s it gonna be like the first day you don't have to do this.
China – Gosh, I don’t even know like what looks like because it is…it’s…when something becomes daily, when it’s your routine and a legit hard-core routine that isn’t just your 30-day routine that becomes over a decade
Brian - Right.
China - It’s like ingrained into you. You can’t even try to put your head on the pillow at night and be like we do something and needed to do today. Like like it had to of been done. And so thinking about not doing it is like wow that’s that’s like a on wiring almost.
Brian - Yeah
China - But really around Thanksgiving every year we’d be praying about the word for next year and what the word’s supposed to look like direction wise. And I heard the Lord say probably mid-June or July when you started asking what 2021 looks like. And I was like, oh that’s kind of a jump. And just felt like I was supposed to come to a halt. That’s all I kept hearing and I was very confused by it and sat with it for about a month, was praying on it was nervous about it. Like it’s a single word. We have never heard that before and then about a month later found out I was pregnant and kinda was like, “ah okay”. Yeah, the Lord was preparing me for that and so once we announced to my parents, you and mom, we’d been having that conversation. Really what it comes down to is you can’t do both well. And I have no idea, you know, what it’s like to be pregnant and I don’t know what it’s like to have a newborn and I don’t know that I could do both well. And, so, instead of sucking at one thing or both things I think…well…really the Lord knew what was needed was to take a step back. And I don’t really know…I know there’s probably some questions that the community might have and here’s the only one that I think…I think I can answer right now, is that I actually don’t know when I will come back. That is a pretty big question that the Lord hasn’t answered yet but as soon as that is made clear we will let you guys know.
Brain – Absolutely. Well, I mean, that was one of my first questions when we were having this conversation
China – Naturally
Brian - Just to…well…just to plan and pray into and understand what you’re thinking and just really did seem best to…why nail that down right this second. It's not necessary.
China – Yeah
Brian - This whole thing that we’ve been doing all of these years has been on faith basically
China – Yeah
Brian - Just being faithful every day, showing up every day. And, so, it's best that you show up for your daughter first…
China – Yeah
Brain - …as this gift and let mom kind of step into this role. She's equipped for it. It’s part of the rhythm of our family. And, so, super excited to see what that looks like and how that grows and morphs and becomes as…as she takes over for now.
China – Yeah
Brain - And then we’ll just…we’ll just see. The…the point is, you’re not gone.
China – Yeah. No. I have no intentions of like disappearing or vanishing where you hear that I'm pregnant and you never see or hear from me or been for our little one. It’s just necessary and this is I have to steward my family well in order to do that and not properly leave something every day. This is … This is the best and this is what the Lord has and it’s going to be good. So, it’s bittersweet and exciting. It’s all the things all the things.
Brain – Yeah. It's all of the things. And, so, we should all just sit with all the things. And, so, mainly I just wanted you to come on with me. We started like this.
China – Yeah
Brain - On day 1 all of those years ago, sitting together like this reading the very very first one when you were just a little girl with a sweet little voice. Now you're a grown woman and this has been the thread.
China – Yeah
Brian - Like since that day one you’ve never stopped. This has been the thread up until now. And, so, I want to honor that because I don't know anybody else in the world like that, that’s been able to, through their childhood, record the Bible and I…I think that's unique and a beautiful thing that has shaped your life. And, so, we’re just honoring you for all of these years and looking forward to years to come. I don't know whether you gonna have one baby and then come back or whether you’re gonna build a whole family…we don't know.
China – Yeah
Brian – and that's fine. We just don't know those things.
China – Yeah
Brian – And, so, we’re just gonna do what we've always done and just live by faith.
China – Yeah
Brian - And trust that any kind of major pivots that the Lord is gonna have us do, that He's not gonna thrust them upon us, he’s gonna tell us
China – Yeah
Brian - And lead us as He always has throughout this ministry. And, so, thank you China. You have no idea…I mean you get told it and I get told it. You have no idea the hundreds of thousands of people that know your voice that have traveled the Bible together with you over these years. And, so, I remember…I mean…I got…after you announced you were pregnant I got a letter or not a letter…it was an email of somebody that was…I told you about it…they were sending it to you and it was somebody who had grown up with you…
China – Yeah
Brian - …that was right around your same age and who remembered being a kid with you going through the Bible as a kid and they were still around and still a part of keeping the rhythm of the Bible in their lives. So, you have made a profound difference in so many lives and now there's one life, one life, your baby girl that you're going to make an irreversible difference in her life. And, so, we’re excited to send you off to do that knowing that you're…you’re just down the road.
China – Yeah
Brian - And you're not planning to be a stranger around here. And, so, when the babies born, we’re gonna hear about it and probably be able to hear about it right directly from you.
China – Yeah
Brain – And, so, we’re looking for to that. But we just wanted to make this announcement together, that this is…that this is the right thing.
China - Yeah
Brian - Transitions are always disruptive and not always easy but necessary
China – Yeah
Brain - And this is a necessary one so that you can focus on the things that really, really do need to be focused on because this is a first go around.
China – Yeah
Brian – And, so, super excited for that and super…super excited for the future, whatever that might be. We just want to honor and thank you for all of these years.
China - it’s a pleasure seriously such an honor and a pleasure to be in people’s headphones or cars or workplaces, schools, bedrooms, kitchens, all…all of that. You can’t take it lightly. If you did then you would be doing it for 10 years plus.
Brian – Yeah
China - so it’s a big deal.
Brian – Yeah
China - and I’m grateful
Brian – we’re all grateful and we thank you. And there are no goodbyes in the Daily Audio Bible. There's only until we meet again's. And with China you can be sure that you’ll meet her again down the path.
Father, we bless China today and we thank you for all that she has done to bring your spoken word to anyone who will listen to it anywhere on this planet any time of day or night, and to build community around that rhythm so that we know are not alone. That has been the mission you've given us and she has carried that mission with integrity and wisdom beyond her years the whole time. And, so, as we prepare to move into new seasons, we just pray your blessing upon her and Ben and upon this new baby girl that we just cannot wait to see. And I pray…pray over her from the Daily Audio Bible, I pray over her speaking for the community, but I pray over as her father that You would instruct her, that You would guide her, that you would protect her, that you would direct her and that she and Ben and their family be sealed in Christ all the days of their lives walking with you into the great unknown that is life and I pray this, we all pray this in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
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insilverbay · 3 months ago
open | create my own destiny, dash commentary | with a frailty of thorns, asks | listen closely, anonymous | we’ve got some secrets, ask memes | bound by friendship and by hatred, crack | two sides of the same coin, games | i dare you to do this, lore | long twisted story, verse ?? | heart-rendering, verse 01 | split by loyalties, verse 02 | repay my faithfulness, verse 03 | pawns of destiny, verse 04 | a divine favor, verse 05 | made your peace, verse 06 | voice of destiny, verse 07 | with dignity and honor, npc | robin, npc | gopher wood, npc | mother, shipping | spilling our secrets
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dailyaudiobible · 4 years ago
08/02/2021 DAB Transcript
2 Chronicles 32:1-33:13, Romans 15:23-16:9, Psalms 25:16-22, Proverbs 20:16-18
Today is the 2nd day of August welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it is great to be here with you today as we just keep moving in here trying to get moved into this new month of the year and take the journey that will be August. We’re reading from the Gods Word Translation this week. Today, second Chronicles chapter 32 verse 1 through 33 verse 13.
Father, we thank You for Your word and we thank You for the in opportunity in second Chronicles to move through this story with Hezekiah again and we are reminded of the taunts shouted out over the walls to the people in Jerusalem and it just brings us back to things that we've faced in our lives, and even things that we've talked about from the Scriptures this year, this haunting voice, this intimidation, this diminishment that comes against us to try to pull us into isolation and fear - fear that we will be overrun, fear that we will be overcome. And the truth is, the Army that was set against Jerusalem had pretty much leveled everything in their paths and that was acknowledged, but they had not leveled You and they were subsequently leveled because they decided they weren’t just gonna taunt Israel they were gonna taunt You. And, so, Father wanna get behind You. So often we find ourselves way out in front of You when we need to be following You. Nothing will knock You down or move You off Your intended purpose. And if we are behind You and we are safe. And, so, help us to remember this, our utter dependence upon You. It's not the voice of the taunt-er. It's not the threats. It's not the diminishment. It’s not this mighty army set against us. Any of these things could destroy us, but none of these things can destroy You. And, so, we follow You as we continue this journey forward step-by-step day by day. Come Holy Spirit. Lead us on the narrow path that leads to life. Lead us into all truth. Be a light to our path we pray. In Jesus name, we ask. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is the website, its home base, it’s where you find out what's going on around here and stay connected and find resources.
So, there’s the Community section and…and by the way, if you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app and never noticed the little Drawer icon in the upper left-hand corner, that opens a Drawer that will show you things like the Community section. And that is where to get connected on all the different links to the social media channels where we are as well as the home of the Prayer Wall. And the Prayer Wall, of course, you can always…you can always pray for…for the needs that are listed there or always ask, request prayer be given on your behalf. So, it’s always on. It's never off. It's good to know that it's there. And, so, be aware of that.
Also, the Shop, the Daily Audio Bible Shop is full of resources that have been crafted over the years for the journey through the Bible in a year. So…so, check that out as well.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if the mission here to continue to do what we've been doing all of these years to bring the spoken Scriptures read fresh daily and offered to anyone who will listen to it anywhere on this planet any time of day or night, and to build community around that rhythm that day by day step-by-step rhythm that…that we lovingly call the Global Campfire. If that is life-giving and matters to you than thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner, or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement you can hit the Hotline button in the app, that is the little red button that looks kind of like a hotline button in the top of the app or you can dial 877-942-4253.
And that's it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Amen. Dear God thank You so much for the words that Brian spoke on the 29th. I pray that You will help us to humble ourselves and to make the choice and the decision to follow and to renew and to retrain ourselves to repay evil with good and to follow the way of life that Paul is describing. Lord I pray that You will just soften our hearts and that You will help us to all make the choice and to be intentional about it and help us to be determined and strong and successful Lord. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
OK this is Beloved in Texas, and this is for the guy who said he's just tired and he's tired of getting conflicting information and he doesn't know if…anyway you know who you are. This…you’re…I could feel in what you were saying how just…you’re exhausted, you are emotionally, mentally drained, you're just exhausted and your faith is starting to feel like work. I just wanted to give you a little bit of what I have learned. If this helps great, if it doesn't move on along. But I want you to think about your salvation as more like a relationship. When you love someone, you pursue them, and you want to do things for them, and you want to push through, and you want to seek that type of intimacy with that person. It's the same way with God. It's a two-way relationship. So, no it's not a, your salvation is not works based but once you get a revelation of how much God loves you and you love Him, I mean…you can't help it. You’re overcome with love for Him, then yes there is some…some work involved but it's not work it's because you love Him, it's a labor of love. It's seeking Him because you love Him so much and you want more. So, I don't I don't know if that helps but I hope it does and I'm praying for you.
Hi this is Vernon from Alberta just listening I'm a little bit behind but listening to the end of June and heard a call from a gentleman who said that he's been…God's been bringing him back in the last couple years but that he's so tired and…and just doesn't…feels like it's going the other way instead of getting better and so I just want to pray for you now. And God, I just thank You for the honesty of this Young man and I just pray that You would…would honor his…his honesty and just give him rest and heal him first of all in being able to rest and…and be able to hear You and then I just pray God that You would give him clarity and let him see Your hand in his life. And we just thank You for that in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Hey this is to Diane from Denver it's David here calling from Brisbane Australia. I have the privilege of serving as a chaplain to the prisoners in Queensland here. But Diane my heart broke for you when you told us your story of your daughter. I wept and wept. Bless you. Lord strengthen you, help you, guide you, His Holy Spirit encompass you. May He hide you under His fins. Bless you dear one. My heart breaks for you. Love from Australia.
Hello Daily Audio Bible family this is God's Beautiful Pool of Repose. That's one of the meanings of my name and it's taken a lifetime to learn to live in it partly with the help of this family. This is the first time I've called but I've been around I think since about halfway through the first year Brian started this. So, there's so many of you that I consider family - Victoria Soldier, Blind Tony, Daniel Johnson Junior so many others from over the years and new. Just know that I am covering your prayer requests as well. Today I'm calling because I have a couple family members who are seriously ill. COVID is involved in one case and friends as well for sure and I'm not sure about the others but just would ask that you would add those to your list of those who are suffering in this time. And then the other request is that in the midst of this season when it seems like all of my local prayer partners are dealing with their own crises I am faced with two major life changing decisions that I need to make within the next few days. I know that I hear God. I know that he will lead me, but I would just appreciate your prayer cover that I will know what to do. It involves a move and what I'm going to do for a living, and it would mean leaving my local church and some friendships and so it's not an easy decision. So, thank you very much. God bless all of you and thank you for being a part of this global family. It is such a blessing. And thank you to Brian and Jill and family for making this possible. Goodbye.
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