#verse / the vampire diaries
halfmoonshines · 3 months
Hello! I saw that you write for TVD so I wonder if I can get a Damon x witch!poc fem reader, in which she, deferential to everyone who only expects the worst from him, sees something good in him, which is why she always chooses him and defends him (only Damon receiving all the love and care he deserves) please? With lots of fluffy and angst
thank you <333
damon salvatore x witch!poc fem reader
summary; you were not blind to everyone's aggression and faults, so why was everyone blind to everything but Damon's?
a note that this is not set anywhere specific in timeline - alsooo... minor Elena hate? She's such a villain to me.
The living room of the boarding house had been destroyed, couch flipped and table turned to scrap by Stefan's outburst. He had stormed out quickly afterward, but not before telling both Elena and Damon that they had made him this way.
You stood near the entrance to the room, the magic in your veins humming as it begged to be released on the retreating, erratic vampire. He had been binging on human blood for so long now, you weren't sure he would ever go back to the mild mannered man you had first met all those years ago. No matter what scheme Elena and Damon concocted in their desperate attempt to save him.
"This is all your fault." Elena's voice wavered, but it was full of venom. Your eyes snapped to find her but she was locked on the eldest Salvatore. "You did this to him."
Damon shook his head, confusion marring his face. "Elena, you know that I've been trying-"
"If you had just cleaned up your act a bit sooner, Damon!" She was angrily gathering her things now, getting ready to storm out after her equally as volatile ex. "He wouldn't be this way if you hadn't influenced him."
Your eyes were only on Damon then, you could see the tell-tale clench of his jaw from across the room. The way his fingers flexed. He was upset, because he cared, but he would lash out because he didn't know how else to stand up for himself.
"That's not very fair, Elena. Stefan is his own person. Damon didn't make him do anything." Your voice was firm as you took the single step down into the living room, inching closer to Damon. Trying to let him know he wasn't alone.
Elena's eyes narrowed, a disbelieving smile gracing her face. "Are you really defending him right now?"
"Yes." No hesitation. "I am." You could feel his gaze burning a hole in your back while you stood like a human shield between him and the Gilbert. "I understand you're upset, we're all worried about Stefan. But it isn't fair to blame everything on Damon."
Her scoff would bother you for the next week. "Whatever you say." And with that she left.
The nervousness was settling in your chest when you finally turned to Damon, offering him a small smile. "Sorry about that."
His eyes searched yours for just a second before he turned around and walked upstairs silently.
"Damon, you're bleeding." You noticed the blood literally pouring from his abdomen when he peeled himself away from you, having shielded you from the explosion that just rocked the gym of the high school. You vaguely noticed your friends pulling themselves to their feet around you, Caroline and Stefan arguing with each other over something. You didn't notice Elena storming over.
Everyone else's yelling voices faded away when you looked up to meet his gaze, noticing his eyes flickering over your dark skin, checking you for any injuries of your own.
You reached a hand out to heal him. You knew he would heal eventually, but it was the least you could do since he most definitely got injured shielding you. You didn't know what was going on with you and Damon lately, but just the thought of him bleeding made you nauseous.
Before your hand could make contact he was yanked away from you, a barely perceptible wince coming from him at the movement. You were angry before you even decided to be.
"How could you not warn us?" Elena's voice was shrill against the pounding in your head from the boom that happened moments ago. You couldn't help but noticed she didn't have a scratch on her but didn't hesitate to hit Damon right in the chest.
"Elena." You stepped forward to wedge yourself between them, not wanting Damon to take the matter into his own hands but not allowing Elena to put a hand on him. Vampire or not.
Everyone was staring now.
"No! Don't Elena me. He full knew that this group of vampires had ex military with them. A warning about potential bombs would have been nice!"
You tried hard to put a cap on your frustration. "Why would he willingly walk into somewhere that could blow him to pieces? Pretty sure there's no coming back from that. Even for a vampire."
Elena seemed to debate her reply for a moment, gaze going from the rigid vampire behind you to your own eyes. "One day, he's going to hurt you so bad, you won't care about his feelings anymore." She left with that, Stefan and Caroline in tow. Caroline was the only one who cast a haphazard glance back at you.
"Thank you." His voice was quiet, and your shock was loud.
"Of course."
"Can you believe him?" You winced as Elena's angry voice sounded after the slam of the front door. You and Caroline had beat her to her own home after the showdown at the grill, hoping to clean up the broken glass you knew was waiting for her.
"I mean, what else do we expect?" Bonnie's reply was sardonic when they both rounded the corner, spying the other women in the kitchen.
"Damon is the most selfish, disgusting idiot that I have ever had the misfortune of knowing." Elena's tone was final as she slammed her purse down on the kitchen counter, pulling up one of the stools to plop into.
You tried to ignore that angry twinge that always started in your chest whenever people set their crosshairs on the older Salvatore. He seemed to be everyone's resident punching bag, despite the recent uncovered issues Stefan also harbored.
"I still say we should get rid of him." Caroline sounded chipper at the idea she presented, ready to have his head on a pike.
That was most definitely all that you could take. The glass you had been cleaning was roughly thrown into the trash can. "So we're going to get rid of Stefan too, right? Cut out the evil right at its root. Maybe Tyler too."
Her friends looked taken aback, each ones eyebrows pulling together while they stole glances at each other.
"Are you okay?" Bonnie was hesitant in her question, her caramel colored eyes focusing on your own.
"I'm fine, Bon. But it doesn't seem like you guys are. For the last year, all I have heard is how Damon is the bane of everyone's existence. How he's evil. How is what happened tonight his fault? Do you blame him for trying to save his mother? You surely wouldn't fault Stefan for doing the same. How can you make him the villain if you wouldn't hesitate to do what he does? If you were put in the same position?" You gripped the kitchen counter, willing your magic to calm from the swirling mess inside of your stomach.
"You can't mean that. He's done terrible things." Elena argued, arms crossing over her chest.
"So have you. So have I. But he's also done amazing things, Elena. He's sacrificed himself time and time again to try and win some kind of favor with you people but you've done nothing but take him for granted, and then demonize him even more when he dares to let your treatment of him hurt his feelings." By the end of your statement, you had your purse hanging off your arm and you were shoving past Bonnie to get out the door.
"Where the hell are you going?" Caroline questioned.
"To go make sure Damon's okay."
You were pretty sure you knew where you were going to find him. Since The Grill was out of commission due to the commotion early in the night, he was definitely drinking at home. That's where you came upon him, sprawled out on the couch in the living room of his home, tumbler of amber liquid dangling from his fingers.
"Shouldn't you be plotting my demise with the Scooby Gang?" The defeat in his voice nearly made you halt, a sadness pulling at the back of your eyes. This man had no venom to him, only defeat.
You came around the couch and gently moved his legs to the ground, taking the seat you just cleared. Those clever blue eyes tracked your movements, something foreign shaded in them.
"I know you don't usually want to, but do you want to talk about tonight? It wasn't an easy decision to make, Damon." You tried to sound understanding without being placating, fearing him holding up behind those walls he so loved to build.
"It wasn't a difficult decision. She had to die. So she did." You would've believed his cold mask if you hadn't heard the cracking in his voice.
You sighed a bit, daring to reach a hand out to rest on his knee. His gaze snapped to yours quickly, hardening slowly like water in winter. "You don't deserve to feel like the villain, Damon. You're put in impossible positions to make terrible decisions, and then shunned for them. Please don't let their hatefulness make you feel any less than you are."
You thought he was going to quip back at you at first, a sardonic smirk on his face - but it dropped quickly, and his voice was almost a breath when he asked his question. "Why do you keep defending me?"
A million answers floated through your mind, because there were so many. But you felt like there was only one that would suffice right now. "Because I care about you."
His lips found yours quickly, fitting together like the last pieces of a puzzle.
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house-of-slayterr · 7 months
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Greetings and Salutations,
And welcome to The House of Slayter. I’m Your Host, Fang, and I’ll be your guide through your Fandom Fantasies. So buckle in as I take you down your path of choosing…
Pick Your Poison:
Harry Potter-Verse
DC Comics
Gotham (TV Show)
Criminal Minds
Baulder’s Gate 3
The Vampire Diaries-Verse
The Lost Boys
Teen Wolf
Adventure Time
An: Will continue to update the list as I join more fandoms.
Side Blogs:
Little Blog: @little-buggy-beetle
Vampire Role Play: @auroraofsaints
The Slayter Family 🥰:
Moonbeam🌙: @mothmans-kingdom
Bubbe🐳💙: @kados-of-chaos
Greenie🐸🌿: @emeraldfangs
Platonic Soulmate 🫀: @joelsgeetar
Wifey 🥺: @myers-meadow
Beetie 😊: @ajarofpickledtears
Petit Rat🐀: @the-limp-linguine
Grand-mère🥰: @gabrielle-de-lioncourt-anon
My Queen👑: @oceansrose2002
Pretty Willow🥀: @willowbrookesblog
Mothman🦋: @x-littlemoth
Onion Boy 🧅: @frenziedslashers
Pretty Penguin 🐧: @keffirinne
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anewkindofme · 5 months
I had a random idea of Stefan fiddling with his ring and Damon having a heart attack every time he sees him doing it. I do that with my own jewelry, is how the idea even came while I was doing that with one of my rings; Stefan logically knows that if he takes it off he will burn- but he does it either way and Damon sees him doing and dies all over again. Enzo probably would as well of he saw Stefan doing that honestly-
You sent this to me so long ago and I thought I answered it!
Honestly, every move Stefan makes is going to freak Damon out for quite a bit. The fiddling of the ring is just the tip of the iceberg.
I think when most vampires turn, they forget that they can actually die. It just takes more than an average human. So, Stefan acting indestructible and like he's king of the world would freak Damon out.
Enzo is the much calmer one of the two and he'd honestly just straight up put Stefan in his place. Let him know that he needs to be careful and really lay into how all the dangers can effect not just him, but others around him.
Ask me stuff about my fics!
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allysonkgirl · 2 years
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@3brihd inspired
“Nature’s loopholed.”
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eternityunicorn · 1 month
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OC Eternity Art!!! 🎉🎨🎉
@elejah-wonderland @darknightfrombeyond
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sukibenders · 5 months
Rewatching TVD, seasons one and two, it's always been kind of weird when people say that Elena was selfish and whiny during these seasons. Now, I can't speak for past that (though I think that's largely on the shows poor characterization that impacted many others), but in the first two, she's nothing but selfless---from standing up to vampires even when she was just a human to her willing to sacrifice herself for her friends, she's anything but selfish. And whiny, I won't lie, tends to be so misused especially towards characters, often female, who display trauma (eg. Katara) and then are often met with said trauma being compared to other characters. While others in the TVD verse have experienced traumatic moments in their lives, everyone processes it differently and it definitely shouldn't be compared. But also: imagine your parents died in an accident and you are left adjusting to it, then your boyfriend and his brother ends up being a vampire, a new wave of supernatural enters your life and, often times, effects you and your friends, only to then find out that you are also tied to a supernatural aspect that involves you, and some of those you care about, dying. I don't know, but if that were me I'd be a little whiny too.
Also, many of the things that happen aren't even by Elena's know-how or agreed by her. Her friends often take matters into their own hands, especially under the guise of protecting her, and often leave her out because they know fully well that she will risk herself to save them if came down to it (eg. when she willingly handed herself over to Elijah and, in response, Damon had Bonnie spell her [Elena] in her house to prevent her from doing so again).
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storybounded · 3 months
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I think Scott should be in one vampire show AT LEAST. He deserves it.
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redemptivexheroics · 6 months
First Date [Closed]
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For the first time since Henrik and Caroline had admitted their feelings for each other, they were finally on a date after much pushing from their friends, mainly Elena and Bonnie. Henrik didn't want to go on a date in Mystic Falls, he felt Caroline needed something other than her own backyard for a date, that's how special she was, so he told her to pack for th weekend and they were heading to Virginia Beach. They were sitting outside on the outside patio of a beachside restaurant, thankful that Caroline had a Daylight ring so she could enjoy the scenery. "So what do you want to do after lunch? There's a couple of tourist spots here in Virginia Beach, not exactly my first time here, though the last time I was here was during the late 1800s," Henrik stated, trying to giggle at the giddy look on Caroline's face.
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soft-persephone · 1 year
Writing nsfw content about teens in fandom spaces is defiantly a nono. That seems to be the general consensus, but what about all the YA novels or books about high schoolers written by and published by older individuals? Some of them even write hella explicit stuff for the teens in their stuff too. What makes it okay for them and not for fanfiction writers? I am genuinely asking.
This is not made to justify actual harmful content at all. You know who you are.
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itsliyahhbih · 10 months
Okay so I haven’t posted on here, made any works IN YEARSSS. And I guess to due to my lack of activity ? I just have a bunch of like porno Mfkas on here following me. I still reblog stuff, heart stuff but it’s like my account became one those lost accounts yk 🤣 so I’d really like to start getting back into this! Writing is one my hobbies and I have a lot of writings I’ve yet to post anywhere 💕 so with that being said I will be taking any requests on thee following fandoms !!
Really any Dc comics character
Harry Potter
Miraculous lady bug
Legend of Korra
Avatar the last air bender
Avatar (The series with the Nav’i yk)
The originals
The vampire diaries
And ofc if I get a request for something that isn’t possibly on the list , I will be willing to talk to you and see if I could still produce a work for you! 🫶🏼
‼️There really isn’t restrictions on my writings or what the request can be of!! I write fluff, angst, smuts, create head canons and create fanfics, etc‼️
I’m really thinking about posting a fanfic I been working on here about the Spider-Verse but, I don’t want to post it and it flops 🤣 So we’ll see how it goes..hopefully I can get some requests from y’all !🥺 Feel free to ask me ANY QUESTIONS LOVES THIS IS A JUDGMENT FREE ZONE 💯🤞🏼
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legbite · 4 days
’ i don’t know, man. it’s just like sometimes i have to get out. ’
@ripstefan ... the outsiders.
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"yeah, i dunno if this counts as out, man." they're on the edge of town, but not out. austin does get it, though, there's a sort of quiet to it all. no one really comes around here, because there's nothing to see. a sign waving anyone off, the occasional car passing by, some trees.
"but this is about as good as it gets, without a car." if he could even drive one, when he gets the shot. he's trying not to think about it.
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anewkindofme · 5 months
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Teen!Stefan Salvatore in “For a shield from the storm”
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allysonkgirl · 2 years
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eternityunicorn · 2 months
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Art by me!!! 🎉🎨🎉
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halfmoonshines · 4 months
also pls send me any prompts for the fandoms tagged
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yantao-enthusiast · 2 months
chat, i want free premium on soundmap so not to sound like a scam or anything but if you don’t have soundmap, send me your phone number through dms (obviously i won’t share it and you don’t share mine and we’re all good in the neighborhood) and sign up for soundmap through my link and get your first song and i will write you a 200 word blurb of anything you want! original fiction or fanfiction character x character or x reader, whatever, you got it baby. also first 8 takers obviously that’s that me espresso
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