something-tofightfor · 10 months
Aphelion Intro: The Moodboard
Been sitting on this one for a while because it's hard to believe that someone took the time to create something so beautiful for this story - just because they love it. @versatileginger approached @the-blind-assassin-12 and I and asked if we'd be open to having moodboards created for Aphelion - our modern day Oberyn story.
We said yes, and this is the result for the intro chapter.
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There are so many little details in this - and so many nods to the things that Alysa and I were trying to convey with the story; I grin every time I look at it.
Thank you so much for creating this for us. We are ENDLESSLY appreciative.
Note - Reader does not have a desctiption within the story, and these moodboards feature one person's interpretation of her - not the only interpretation of her.
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versatileginger · 1 year
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Billy Russo x OC (Ava)
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Warnings: Not canon, violence, weapons, stalking (not MMC), murder, everything you'd find in The Punisher universe, no betrayal.
Summary: Billy meets someone that piques his interest. Did he mention she carries a knife?
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something-tofightfor · 11 months
Your story Aphelion is the very first Oberyn story I read and I keep going back to it, it's just chef's kiss. Could I maybe create you something of your choice? (or your co-writer's of course). I'd love to do it to show my love!
First of all: thank you so much for sending this over! @the-blind-assassin-12 and I could not be happier that you love Aphelion. I’ve said it so many times before but we’re truly treating it like a love letter to Oberyn, because he’s so very important to both of us.
Thank you, also, for reading - and for going back to the story. Thats a HUGE compliment to us, and it means a TON, especially since it was your first and there are so many other amazing stories written for him.
With that being said: OF COURSE you can create something for the story. I’m not sure what you had in mind (looking at your page it looks like you do graphics - and do them very well, too) but we’d welcome anything that you create / that you feel represents your take on the story. It’s always so damn cool and rewarding to see what other people are inspired to make based on something we’ve written.
I hope you have a wonderful day!
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versatileginger · 11 months
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Billy Russo x OC (Ava) 
Warnings: Not canon, violence, weapons, stalking (not MMC), murder, everything you'd find in The Punisher universe, no betrayal. 
Summary: Billy meets someone that piques his interest. Did he mention she carries a knife?
A/N: Hello lovelies! I hope you enjoy this chapter. As of now I'm looking for a beta reader!
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As the sun paints the sky with hues of dawn, Ava stirs from her slumber, greeted by the soft glow filtering through her curtains. She gently rubs away the remnants of sleep from her eyes, the warmth of the morning seeping into her room. With a sense of anticipation, she reaches for her phone, finding a message waiting for her from Billy.
"I’m looking forward to our date tonight." it reads. Ava can't help but smile as she types a playful response, teasing him about his chopstick prowess. While she waits for his reply, she heads to the bathroom, the cool tiles under her feet contrasting with the warmth of the morning. The subtle scent of her vanilla soap mingles with the freshness of the morning air.
Engaged in the morning routine, the rhythmic brushing of teeth becomes a familiar melody, accompanied by the distant sounds of birds beginning their day outside her window. A notification buzzes on her phone, and there it is—a quick-witted reply from Billy: "You think I would have proposed sushi if they weren’t?"
Ava slips into her comfortable fitness attire, a seamless blend of style and functionality. Eager for some fresh air and exercise, she steps out, her brisk walk unfolding under the open sky. The rhythmic beat of her sneakers against the pavement creates a harmonious cadence as she immerses herself in the invigorating energy of the outdoors. Along the way, she decides to treat herself, concluding her walk with the simple pleasure of a delicious sandwich, a well-deserved reward for both body and soul. 
Seated on a weathered bench in the lively park, Ava unwraps her sandwich, taking in the savory scent and the bustling scene around her. A cute mother duck waddles by with her ducklings, prompting a genuine smile from Ava. As she continues to enjoy her sandwich, her thoughts turn to Billy, appreciating the warm feeling of being wanted and the joy of his companionship.
Her thoughts linger on the playful banter, the teasing glances, and the shared laughter. Her heart flutters at the memory of how, when Billy playfully flirted, she couldn't help but blush, and when she returned the favor, she could see the same rosy hue coloring his cheeks. It was a delightful dance they had mastered, each move leaving them both grinning like conspirators in a shared secret.
Finishing the last bite, Ava stands up, discarding the wrapper. The park, now bathed in the soft glow of the morning sun, becomes a picturesque backdrop for her leisurely walk home. The echoes of laughter and the rustling leaves accompany her, a gentle soundtrack to the simple yet beautiful moments that have colored her morning.
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As Ava steps through the threshold of her home, putting them in the shoe rack. She turns on the tv to have some background noise, a low hum of information blending into the cadence of her domestic tasks
‘’Breaking news just in; In a daring feat, The Phantom Cartel intercepted a truck loaded with weapons, seamlessly vanishing into the shadows with their illicit bounty. Authorities find themselves floundering in the wake of this operation, grappling with the challenge posed by an enemy shrouded in mystery—dressed entirely in black, faces concealed, leaving no trace for investigation. This is Tracy Morgan and stay tuned for further updates on this unfolding saga.’’
Ava sighs as she surveys the kitchen counter. It's a mess, with clean dishes piled high and crumbs scattered everywhere. She grabs a sponge and some cleaning spray and gets to work.
She wipes down the counter, one swipe at a time. She doesn't mind the mindless repetition. It's a chance to clear her head and focus on something simple.
She moves on to the dishes, scrubbing them clean and stacking them neatly in the dishwasher. She takes her time, enjoying the feeling of accomplishment as she completes each task.
Finally, she wipes down the cupboards and sweeps the floor. The kitchen is now clean and tidy, and Ava feels a sense of satisfaction. She's not sure why she enjoys cleaning so much, but she does. It's a way to make her space feel more organized and in control.
Feeling accomplished she heads to the quietude of her bathroom, Ava engages in a cherished moment of self-care. The shower, a haven of warmth, becomes a retreat from the external clamor. Choosing her vanilla-scented body wash, transforming the act of cleansing into a sensory delight. The rich lather, coupled with the comforting aroma of vanilla, creates a cocoon of tranquility within the shower's embrace.
Turning her attention to her hair, Ava reaches for a conditioner with a gentle, invigorating scent. As she applies it with deliberate strokes, the routine transcends into a mindful ritual. Fingers weaving through her locks, she becomes attuned to the soothing cadence of the water. The shower, now an interplay of warmth and fragrance, affords her a brief respite—a moment to recalibrate amidst the demands of the day.
Ava steps out of the shower and wraps herself in a towel. She dries off her hair and then uses a blow dryer to style it. She curls her hair to add some volume and bounce.
Once her hair is dry, she applies some light makeup to accentuate her features. She puts on some foundation, concealer, and mascara. She also applies a light blush and lipstick.
Completing her makeup ritual with a satisfied flourish, Ava gracefully glides towards the living room, reveling in the pleasing orderliness of her space. The clock's hands inch towards eight as she adds a delicate touch of perfume, the final embellishment to her evening ensemble. Just as the fragrance delicately settles, a timely doorbell chime resonates through the room, punctuating the tranquil ambiance.
With a knowing smile, Ava deduces that her awaited guest, Billy, has arrived punctually.
Opening the door she is met with a dark figure.  Before she can even acknowledge the presence she is pushed inside. suddenly she feels weird and everything goes black.
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A gentle warmth graces Ava's face, the initial sensation seeping through the fog of unconsciousness. Attempting to pry her eyes open proves futile; the radiance that greets her is almost blinding, exacerbating the already pounding ache in her head.
"Ava? Ava? Fuck..."
The urgency in the voice pulls her into a heightened state of awareness. Suddenly, she's in motion, cradled by firm, reassuring hands beneath her knee and against her back. Despite the pain that continues to grip her mind, a realization pierces through — she's being carried.
"I could just close my eyes a bit longer, right?" she muses inwardly.
And in that moment, she surrenders to the lull of darkness once more.
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A cool, damp touch on her lips prompts Ava to sip, an unexpected rush of thirst compelling her to indulge.
"Easy, easy," a familiar voice cautions. "Don't drink too fast, or you'll get nauseous." She recognizes that voice. B-Billy? "Thank god," she hears him murmur. "Can you open your eyes for me, sweetheart?"
Slowly, she complies, eyelids parting in response to his gentle encouragement. "That's it," he whispers.
Fully awakening, she surveys her surroundings. This is unmistakably not her apartment. Everything appears meticulously arranged, a stark contrast to the disorder she anticipated. Not a single item seems out of place, except, perhaps, for herself.
"What happened?" she inquires, seeking Billy's gaze. His eyes are already fixed on her, unwavering.
As her eyes meet his, questions hang in the air, waiting to be unraveled.
"When I arrived at your door, it was already slightly ajar. Opening it, I discovered this dark figure standing over you. He heard me approaching and hastily fled through the window. God, Ava, I was so worried," Billy recounted, his concern etched across his face.
"Observing that you had no head trauma, I surmised you might have been drugged. That's when I decided to bring you with me to my apartment. I had my friend Curtis check you over. He assured me you're in the clear, probably just out of it. Curtis advised me to let you sleep it off," Billy explained, his voice a mix of relief and lingering worry.
A thousand thoughts race through Ava's mind, each one trying to catch up with the chaotic events that unfolded. As she gazes at Billy, she notices the disheveled state of his hair, evidence of the evident distress he must have felt.
"How are you feeling?" Billy inquires, his hand holding hers for reassurance.
"Like I've been run over by a truck," she replies with a light laugh, only to wince as the throbbing in her head makes itself known once more.
"Any idea who it was?" she presses Billy for answers.
"No," he admits, his gaze momentarily distant. "They left the moment they heard me. All I could make out was a figure clad in black." Unwilling to disclose the unsettling details, Billy decides it's best to keep from Ava the connection between the mysterious figure and the group he and Frank had been tailing.
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versatileginger · 11 months
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Billy Russo x OC (Ava) 
Warnings: Not canon, violence, weapons, stalking (not MMC), murder, everything you'd find in The Punisher universe, no betrayal. 
Summary: Billy meets someone that piques his interest. Did he mention she carries a knife?
A/N: Leading up to halloween everyone. I'm excited. Still open for recommendations by the way! Here's chapter 4 for ya.
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Ava had been eagerly anticipating Billy's visit all day. She spent the afternoon meticulously preparing her home for his arrival, as that's just the way she liked to do things. The soft glow of her dimmed, warm-toned lights filled the room, casting a cozy and inviting ambiance.
As the clock's hands ticked closer to eight o'clock, Ava put the finishing touches on her appearance. Her hair cascaded in loose waves down her shoulders, and she added just a touch of makeup to enhance her natural features. Most importantly, she aimed for comfort, allowing herself to move freely without restrictions. So, she opted for cargo jeans and a top that was neither too loose nor too tight, giving her the flexibility to sit as she pleased.
Precisely at eight o'clock, the doorbell chimed, and Ava's heart skipped a beat. She hurried to the door and greeted Billy with a warm smile. "Hey there! Come on in," she said, ushering him inside.
Billy stepped into her cozy living room, taking in the inviting atmosphere. Ava led him to the living room sofa and asked, "What would you like to drink?"
"Surprise me," Billy replied with a grin, putting his bag down next to the couch.
As Ava poured a glass of red wine for herself and selected a cold beer for Billy, Billy looked around at all the games she had stationed below her TV. He noticed that the shelf was mostly dominated by first- person shooters, which definitely added to her already interesting persona. With a mischievous twinkle in his eye, Billy proposed a game. "How about a shooter?
Ava raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the proposition. "You sure you’re up for it Russo?"
Billy grinned as he leaned closer, bumping her shoulder and giving her a wink.
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Ava's fingers danced skillfully on her controller, and her character dashed forward, dodging enemy fire and seeking cover behind a ruined building. Billy's character followed closely, his movements smooth and calculated. As they made their way through the virtual warzone, taking down opponents one by one, Ava couldn't help but admire Billy's gameplay. He moved with an effortless grace, his reflexes lightning-fast, and it seemed like he was always one step ahead of the enemy.
Billy took out an opponent with a perfectly aimed headshot. "Nice one," she exclaimed, a hint of admiration in her voice.
Billy responded with a quick acknowledging smile before returning his focus to the game. They continued to press forward, coordinating their movements, and taking out enemies with precision. The teamwork between them was flawless, and their characters made it through wave after wave of adversaries.
Amidst the chaos, Ava couldn't help but notice how calm and collected Billy remained. He didn't panic under the pressure, always seeming in control and his accuracy was on point. His cool demeanor was oddly attractive to her, and she found herself stealing glances at him from the corner of her eye.
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As the game progressed, their characters faced tougher challenges, but their synergy only grew stronger. Ava leaned in closer to the screen, her excitement evident in her voice, "You're really good at this, Russo."
Billy's character took down another enemy with a well-placed grenade, then turned to Ava with a mischievous grin. "I've had some practice," he replied, his eyes briefly locking with hers before returning to the game.
They pushed through one more intense wave, fighting off enemies with relentless determination. But as they reached a particularly difficult part of the game, their luck ran out. A hail of bullets rained down on their characters, and they were both taken out simultaneously.
Ava sighed in mock disappointment. "Well, that was a good run while it lasted."
Billy's character respawned, and he chuckled, "It was. We make a pretty great team, don't we?"
Ava couldn’t help but smile, they did indeed.
"You want another drink?" Ava asked him.
After a short silence, she looked at the couch where Billy no longer was. At the same time, she noticed his presence behind her as he spoke.
Putting her wine glass on the counter, he replied, "Yes, please." His warm breath tickled against her ear.
Returning to the couch, Billy asked, "You wanna go head to head this time? I'm dying to find out just how good you are at this."
Ava turned to face him, a playful glint in her eye matching the challenge in his tone. "Oh, you're on, Billy. Prepare to be impressed."
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As the game began, Ava and Billy were on opposite teams, and the tension in the room grew palpable. They clashed fiercely, exchanging shots and trying to outmaneuver each other. The virtual bullets flew, and their characters moved with precision.
Minutes turned into what felt like hours as they dueled relentlessly. Both were skilled gamers, and neither was giving an inch. Ava knew she had to bring her A-game to defeat Billy, who was proving to be a formidable opponent.
The climax of the match arrived, and Ava found a vantage point to take her shot. She aimed carefully and fired. Her shot hit true, and Billy's character fell.
The victory screen declared Ava the winner, and she couldn't help but smile as she looked at Billy.
"Gotcha," she said, with a triumphant tone.
Billy laughed, a mix of admiration and good-natured competitiveness in his voice. "You're quick, Ava. Well played. How about we make things a bit interesting for the next round? Put a little healthy pressure behind it.’’
Ava raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Interesting in what way?"
Billy leaned in a bit closer, his voice lowering to a conspiratorial tone. "How about a little wager?
Ava chuckled, accepting the challenge with a smile. "You're on. When I win, I want a tour of Anvil, everything you can show me. I'm curious to see how it all works."
"Alright," Billy agreed. "But when I win... I want to take you on a date."
Ava couldn't help but take a flirty and playful jab at Billy's proposition. "A date, huh? I don't know, Billy, I might have to add something else to my bet to make it even."
Billy raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued by her challenge. "Oh, really? What do you propose?"
Ava leaned in, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Well, if I win, you not only give me that tour of Anvil, but you also have to show me some of your impressive fighting tricks. Deal?"
Billy chuckled, his competitive spirit undaunted. "You drive a hard bargain, Ava. Deal. But don't think you're going to win again.’’
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The game began, and this time, Billy's performance was nothing short of extraordinary. His reflexes were faster, his aim was dead-on, and he seemed to know the virtual battlefield like the back of his hand. Wave after wave, he dominated the match, leaving Ava struggling to keep up.
As the game came to a close, the victory screen declared Billy the winner. Ava looked at him in disbelief, realizing that he had been holding back in the first round.
Ava couldn't help but shake her head in disbelief. "You were definitely holdin' back in the first game, weren't you, Russo?"
He grinned, his response a mix of pride and amusement. "Maybe just a little. Gotta keep you on your toes, right?" As he leaned back, he continued, "And I had to make sure I could take you on that date, sweetheart."
As they got up to fetch another round of drinks to celebrate Billy's victory, he noticed something peculiar in Ava's fruit bowl. It was a small, folded piece of paper, tucked beneath an apple. He picked it up, curiosity piqued, looking at Ava for silent permission.
Indicating that he could read it, she started explaining, "I found a bouquet in front of my door after our rendezvous at the bar. Might have been a prank, or maybe someone left it on the wrong doorstep."
Billy raised an eyebrow, concern etching across his features. "Have you noticed anythin' else suspicious recently?"
Ava thought for a moment before shaking her head. "No, not really."
Billy couldn't help but adopt a protective tone. "Well, how about this? To ease my mind, why don't you come train with me sometime, even if it's just for fun?" He added with a flirty demeanor, "I get to show you some tricks after all."
Ava smiled at his suggestion. "Sure, that sounds like a great idea."
As Ava playfully tried to snatch the note from Billy's hand. In a split second, he instinctively grabbed her wrist, preventing her from snatching the paper. She threw him a mischievous smile, their eyes locking in a playful exchange. Not one to be outdone, she quickly gave him a playful poke in the ribs. A chuckle escaped from Billy as her touch tickled him, and he playfully surrendered, letting go of her wrist.
Deciding to put the note back where he found it, Billy made a mental note of Ava's agility. They continued to chat and enjoy each other's company. Ava asked, "Are you hungry? Should we order some pizza?"
Billy's stomach growled in response, and he nodded with a grin. "Pizza sounds perfect.’’
As they decided on their pizza order, Ava grabbed her phone and dialed the local pizzeria. After a quick conversation, she confirmed their order and hung up.
"Great, it'll be here in about 30 minutes," she announced, placing the phone back on the table.
With their order placed, Ava took their empty dishes to the kitchen and returned with two fresh drinks. They continued chatting, sipping on their drinks and enjoying the anticipation of their meal.
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When the doorbell rang, signaling the pizza's arrival, Ava got up and headed for the door. She greeted the delivery person and handled the payment. With the warm pizza box in hand, she returned to the living room.
As she opened the box and noticed the pizza wasn't cut thoroughly, Ava acted on instinct. Without a moment's hesitation, she reached into her boot and drew a small, sharp knife.
While she focused on slicing the pizza, she sensed Billy's gaze on her. When she looked up, she found him raising an eyebrow, an expression of surprise mixed with amusement on his face. "Carrying a knife in your boot as well, huh?" he remarked, his voice tinged with humor.
Ava couldn't help but smile mischievously. "Makes you wonder what else I have on my body, doesn't it Russo?"
Billy nearly choked on his drink, caught off guard by her flirty remark.
This woman will be the death of him.
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versatileginger · 1 year
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Billy Russo x OC (Ava) 
Warnings: Not canon, violence, weapons, stalking (not MMC), murder, everything you'd find in The Punisher universe, no betrayal. 
Summary: Billy meets someone that piques his interest. Did he mention she carries a knife?
A/N: Early upload! My very first time writing.. anything lol. English is not my first language. Artwork made by yours truly. Let me know what you thought!
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The morning sun crept over the horizon, casting gentle rays through the curtains, and with it, Ava's day commenced. The shrill insistence of her alarm clock echoed through the room, urging her to greet the world at 6 a.m. She cherished the early hours, finding solace in the tranquil embrace of dawn. As she stretched, her long, dark hair flowed like a cascading waterfall over her shoulders.
Dressed in cargo pants, a comfortable top, and a well-worn leather jacket, she slung her bag over her shoulder before departing from her snug apartment. It may have been a modest space, but it was her sanctuary, and she treasured the solitude it granted her in the morning.
Amidst the awakening city, with the streets slowly coming to life, Ava made her way to her beloved coffee shop. There, she ordered her customary bold dark roast with a hint of cream and settled at a table near the window. Soft morning light filtered through the glass, casting a warm glow. With her phone in hand, she began to sift through emails and the latest news, savoring these quiet moments before the storm of the workday.
Then, a man in a finely-tailored suit graced the coffee shop with his presence, effortlessly commanding attention. His chiseled jawline and piercing coal- black eyes provided a striking contrast to his impeccable attire. The man moved with a purposeful grace, his gaze sweeping the room. When their eyes briefly met, an unspoken connection formed, acknowledging that they were the sole early risers in the establishment.
"Early start, huh?" he mused, his voice carrying a note of intrigue as he settled at a nearby table.
Ava glanced up from her phone, offering a welcoming smile. "Yeah, I find it helps me focus better at work," she replied.
Billy's curiosity was piqued. "That's interesting. What is it you do then?"
Ava, opting to share a glimpse of herself first, responded, "I work in IT, starting my day early gives me the feeling of having a head start on the day."
With curiosity gleaming in her eyes, she continued, "And what about you?"
Billy smiled, appreciating her inquisitiveness. "I work over at Anvil," he said. "We're a security outfit that helps people stay safe and solve their problems. We've got a diverse team, includin' some ex-veterans who bring real-world expertise to the mix. We handle all sorts of gigs, from keeping big corporations secure to helpin' out in more low-key situations."
Ava nodded, captivated by his work and eager to learn more about him. "That sounds fascinating," she said, taking a sip of her coffee. "You enjoy doing it??"
Billy nodded, his gaze focused on her. "It has its challenges, but it's worth it," he replied.
Leaning in, Ava's curiosity was fully engaged. "That's truly admirable," she remarked, sensing his hesitation to elaborate more. "It must be a deeply rewarding job."
Billy nodded, his gaze unwavering,. "It comes with its challenges, but it's worth every moment," he replied.
Their conversation unfolded and as the coffee shop filled with the bustling sounds of other patrons Ava gracefully stood, a courteous smile gracing her lips.
"Well, it was lovely chatting with you," she said, preparing to take her leave.
Billy realized the omission and extended his hand with a friendly smile. "I'm Billy," he said.
Ava shook his hand, her smile warm and genuine. "Nice to meet you, Billy. I'm Ava."
Ava walked away from the table with a casual "See you around," leaving Billy alone with his thoughts. He continued to sip his coffee and recount their conversation, but then he saw her heading for the exit. As she pulled open the door, her top rode up a bit, and Billy caught a glimpse of something glistening.
Is that a fucking knife?'
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Ava's workday was a mix of routine and challenges. As she settled into her office, surrounded by computer monitors and the soft hum of technology, she delved into her tasks. Emails poured in, demanding her attention, and she methodically sorted through them, addressing IT issues and providing support to her colleagues.
Her role in IT was diverse, and she enjoyed the ever-changing landscape of her job. Some days, it was troubleshooting technical glitches, ensuring the company's systems ran smoothly. Other days, it was collaborating with her team to implement new software solutions or security measures.
Her work brought her a sense of accomplishment, knowing that her efforts contributed to the seamless functioning of the company. Yet, amid the bustling work environment, she couldn't help but occasionally find herself lost in thoughts of her chance encounter with Billy at the coffee shop that morning. His intriguing job and friendly demeanor lingered in her mind, adding a touch of excitement to her otherwise ordinary workday.
As Ava immersed herself in her work, her coworker, Mark, approached her desk. Mark was a friendly guy with a penchant for coffee, much like Ava.
"Hey, Ava," he greeted her with a warm smile. "How's it going?"
Ava glanced up from her computer screen, returning his smile. "Morning, Mark. It's goin' well so far. Just the usual morning rush of emails and tech support."
Mark chuckled, nodding in understanding. "Tell me about it. I feel like you need a second cup of coffee already. Speaking of which, are you up for a quick coffee break later? My treat."
Ava appreciated the offer and the chance to catch up with her coworker. "Sure thing, Mark. I could use a coffee break. Let's say around 10:30?"
"Sounds perfect," Mark replied. "I'll meet you at the breakroom. Don't work too hard until then!"
As Mark walked away, Ava couldn't help but wonder how he knew she had already had a coffee. Perhaps her caffeine addiction was more obvious than she thought, or maybe it was just a lucky guess. Regardless, she looked forward to their coffee break, knowing it would be a pleasant distraction from her busy workday.
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versatileginger · 9 months
Second little snippet of my upcoming (as for now) one-shot.
AU, where I took some creative liberties with the lore. No mind-flayer (not mentioned)
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13 notes · View notes
versatileginger · 1 year
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Billy Russo x OC (Ava) 
Warnings: Not canon, violence, weapons, stalking (not MMC), murder, everything you'd find in The Punisher universe, no betrayal. 
Summary: Billy meets someone that piques his interest. Did he mention she carries a knife?
A/N: Chapter 2 is up, and that on Friday the 13th. I hope everyone enjoys and constructive criticism is always welcome!
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Billy had spent the past few days mulling over thoughts of Ava, the mysterious woman he'd crossed paths with at a quaint coffee shop. His life was a relentless whirlwind of danger and duty, but Ava had briefly been the sanctuary amidst the chaos. She lingered in his mind like an enigma, a puzzle he couldn't resist solving.
And then there was that knife.
Billy liked that knife; it kept his mind swirling in a thousand directions.
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On a crisp Saturday evening, he found himself in one of New York City's grittier neighborhoods. The dimly lit streets were adorned with dive bars and neon signs, an atmosphere he found comfort in, right amidst the rugged soul of the city he knew so well.
Dressed in his more casual attire he entered the seedy, yet legendary, pool hall that had seen its fair share of brawls and late-night hustlers. It was the kind of place where secrets were shared in hushed tones and alliances formed over games of skill and chance. Billy had come here for a solitary evening of reflection, a way to clear his mind at the end of the day.
As he pushed through the creaking doors, the clatter of billiard balls and the low hum of conversation greeted him. The air was laden with the scent of chalk, carrying an unmistakable aura of competition. He found an empty stool at the bar, ordered a whiskey, and surveyed the room, seeking an escape from his thoughts.
Just as he was about to savor the first sip of his drink, a voice rang out that he knew well. It was Ava. Her laughter cut through the din as she leaned over a pool table, lining up a shot. Billy couldn't believe his eyes; it felt like destiny had conspired to bring them together once more, this time in the very heart of New York's underworld.
He gently placed his glass back on the bar and observed her with a blend of astonishment and curiosity. Ava was in her element, her self-assured demeanor seamlessly fitting among the pool players around her. She meticulously chalked the cue, her gaze riveted on the table, her movements elegant and precise. But there was something more to the way she moved, setting her apart from the casual players.
Billy couldn't resist the urge to approach her. He made his way to the pool table, the dim overhead lights casting shadows across his rugged features.
"Mind if I join in?" he asked, his voice carrying the subtle edge of challenge.
Ava raised her head from the pool table, her brown eyes locking onto his, a mix of surprise and amusement flickering across her face. A playful smile curled her lips. "Billy, hey!" she exclaimed, excitement tinging her tone. "You're welcome to try your luck."
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The game evolved into a friendly contest, each shot evolving into a calculated maneuver. Billy's years of experience in sizing up situations and devising strategies came into play as he aimed with precision. Yet Ava was no stranger to the game; she was determined to prove it.
With a playful glint in her eye, Ava decided to up the ante. "How about a little wager, Billy?" she challenged. "If you win this round, I'll share a story from one of my adventures. But if I win," she continued, a mischievous smile on her lips, "you have to regale me with a tale of yours."
Billy raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the proposition. "You're on," he accepted, his competitive spirit ignited.
Their movements around the table now held a new level of intensity. With each shot, they aimed not only for victory but also for the chance to share a glimpse of their respective worlds. The dimly lit pool hall seemed to fade even further into the background, leaving only the pool table and the two players locked in a spirited exchange of skill.
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In the end, it was Billy who emerged victorious, sinking the final ball with finesse. He couldn't help but smile at his success, though he knew that Ava's story would be a captivating one.
Ava took a sip of her drink and then leaned in, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Congratulations, you win," she said with a playful grin.
Billy raised an intrigued eyebrow. "Let’s hear it then, a deal is a deal."
Ava chuckled and began, "Well, back in college, I had this roommate, Lisa. She was a bit of a prankster, always trying to outdo herself with elaborate practical jokes."
Billy leaned closer, fully engaged in Ava's story.
"One day," Ava continued, "I came home to find my room filled with helium balloons. Literally, hundreds of them. They were on the floor, the bed, hanging from the ceiling – everywhere."
Billy couldn't help but laugh, picturing the comical scene.
"But here's the kicker," Ava added with a grin, "each balloon had a funny face drawn on it. My roommate had turned my room into a balloon zoo of caricatures."
Billy burst into laughter, finding Ava's story genuinely amusing. "That's quite the prank," he said. "I hope you got her back in some way."
Ava winked, her eyes dancing with mischief. "Oh, I did. But that's a story for another time."
With their laughter still echoing in the pool hall, Billy leaned back and contemplated, as promised, a story of his own.
"You know, that reminds me of a time when Frank and I found ourselves in a quirky situation."
Ava's eyes lit up with anticipation as she leaned closer to hear one of Billy's tales despite not winning.
"So," Billy started, "there was this one time when my buddy Frank and I decided to visit a local carnival. It was your typical small-town fair, with rides, games, and all the classic attractions, ya know?"
Ava leaned in, eager to hear the story.
"So, we're strolling around the carnival grounds," Billy continued, "and we come across this shooting game. You know the one, right? You get rifles, and you're supposed to hit as many targets as possible."
Ava nodded, picturing the classic carnival shooting gallery.
"Now, my buddy Frank and I are both competitive guys," Billy said with a chuckle, "and we decide to give it a shot. The carnival vendor hands us each a rifle, and the challenge begins."
Ava couldn't help but smile, anticipating the humorous twist.
"But here's where it gets interesting," Billy continued. "Frank and I, we're always challenging' each other, so it was natural that we turned it into a competition."
Ava burst into laughter, imagining the playful rivalry.
"And believe it or not," Billy added, "we got so carried away that eventually the vendor, who wanted to close up for the night, couldn't get us to stop. He even dimmed the lights to signal that the game was over."
Their shared laughter filled the pool hall as Billy recounted this lighthearted carnival shooting competition.
"But we weren't about to quit," Billy continued with a chuckle. "Even with the dimmed lights, we could still see those targets well enough. Frank and I kept challenging each other, taking shots in the near-darkness."
Ava couldn't help but chuckle at the image of the determined duo.
"And then," Billy said with a grin, "I accidentally stepped on Frank's foot just as he was about to take a shot. It threw off his aim enough to miss the target and let me get in one more shot."
Ava burst into laughter. ''Accidentally huh?'' she asks, raising her brow.
"You should've seen his face," Billy continued with a laugh. "He looked at me, half annoyed, half amused. But I couldn't help myself; I was laughing too. In the end, we both had a good laugh about it. The vendor finally closed up shop, and we left the carnival with a couple of giant stuffed animals as our trophies."
As the laughter from Billy's story echoed through the pool hall, Ava couldn't help but enjoy the camaraderie and the entertaining tales from his adventures. Their easy banter had created a comfortable atmosphere, and she had genuinely relished their time together. However, she soon realized the time.
With a warm smile, Ava said, "That was a great story, Billy, but I should probably head home. It's getting late."
Billy nodded in understanding. "I completely understand. Let's walk you home to make sure you get there safely."
Ava's expression brightened at his offer. "That's really kind of you, Billy. Thank you."
They both gathered their belongings, leisurely finishing their drinks, and made their way towards the exit of the pool hall. The quiet of the night had settled in around them as they stepped out onto the dimly lit street. Billy walked alongside Ava, their conversation flowing easily as they strolled through the city.
As they reached Ava's apartment building, she turned to Billy with a grateful smile. "Thanks for walking me home, Billy."
"Anytime," he replied, his voice warm and friendly.
Ava stood in the entrance of her apartment building, feeling a pleasant connection with Billy. Their conversation had flowed so naturally, and she found herself wanting to see him again.
"Hey, Billy, I had a really great time tonight. If you ever wanna grab coffee again or just chat, would you mind giving me your number?"
Billy smiled, his blue eyes lighting up. He chuckled lightly. "Sure, don’t forget to shoot me a text later so I have yours. Can’t have a beautiful lady like yourself have my number but not have hers.’’
"I'll make sure to send you a text. I wouldn't wanna miss the chance to chat with a charming man like yourself."
Billy grinned, liking the way this is going. "C’mon, hand it over." he replied, holding out his hand for her phone. He quickly entered his number into her phone, his fingers dancing across the screen. When he was done, he handed the phone back to her, their fingers brushing slightly as the device exchanged hands.
Billy's eyes locked onto Ava's with a hint of intrigue, and he said, "There you go, Ava. Now you've got the number of the charming man himself."
Ava couldn't help but smile at the charged atmosphere between them. She took her phone, tucking it back into her pocket. Her eyes met Billy's, and she gave him a playful yet sincere smile.
"It's been a pleasure, Billy," Ava said. "I look forward to that text."
Billy's grin held a hint of anticipation. "I'll be waitin' for it, sweetheart," he replied, his gaze lingering for a moment longer than necessary.
With that, they exchanged one last, lingering look before finally bidding each other farewell. Ava turned and entered her apartment building, her heart racing with excitement. She knew that this chance encounter had the potential to be the beginning of something extraordinary, and she couldn't wait to see where it would lead. Billy, standing on the dimly lit street, watched her go with a sense of intrigue, already looking forward to their next meeting in the gritty, unpredictable world they both inhabited.
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With a smile on her face Ava enters her apartment on the fifth floor. The hallway is dimly lit, but she can see her door at the far end. To her surprise, there is a beautiful bouquet of flowers waiting on her doorstep. Intrigued, Ava carefully unfolds the small card attached to the bouquet.
The message on the card is cryptic, but instead of feeling scared, it piques her curiosity. It reads, "Our paths crossed today, Ava. I can't wait to see you again." Ava raises an eyebrow, analyzing the words. Although the message is unsettling, she is not easily frightened. It could simply be a prank.
Deciding to investigate further later, Ava places the small card in her fruit bowl, a designated spot for things she needs to look at later. She takes out her phone from her pocket and notices that it is still open on the contact screen, displaying the name.
"Billy Russo"
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20 notes · View notes
versatileginger · 11 months
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Billy Russo x OC (Ava) 
Warnings: Not canon, violence, weapons, stalking (not MMC), murder, everything you'd find in The Punisher universe, no betrayal. 
Summary: Billy meets someone that piques his interest. Did he mention she carries a knife?
A/N: Chapter 3 everyone, I hope you enjoy! Feel free to hmu with recs of your own!
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Billy's day began with the early light seeping through the curtains, signaling the start of another meticulously planned morning. It was a routine etched into the very fabric of his being, a well-practiced ballet of discipline and determination.
He stretched his lean frame, the cool sheets slipping off his body as he rose from the bed. The hardwood floors felt cool beneath his feet as he moved with precision, his steps silent and purposeful. His home gym beckoned, a sanctum of sweat and effort where he'd sculpted his body into an instrument of power and resilience.
Entering the gym, the weights stood ready like old friends, solid and unyielding. An intense workout followed, each repetition a reminder that amidst the chaos and danger that often consumed his life, this was the one sanctuary where he had absolute control.
Emerging from his workout, Billy's attention shifted to his phone, the screen lighting up on a nearby bench. A notification caught his eye, the sender's name sparking a playful grin:
"Mr Russo.’’
Unlocking his phone, his eyes scanned the text message. A smile tugged at his lips as her playful, teasing tone came through the words.
'’If only I had known I was dealing with the CEO from Anvil…’’
Billy couldn't help but smirk at Ava's message. She had a way of cutting through the seriousness of life with her playful tone. He quickly typed a reply, his morning immediately getting better.
'’And what would you have done differently, Ava?’’
Billy continued with his morning routine, heading to his walk-in closet to get dressed for the day. As he selected a crisp shirt and a well-tailored suit, his phone buzzed with another message from Ava.
'’Well, Mr. Russo, perhaps I would have prepared a PowerPoint presentation for our pool hall meeting. I could have dazzled you with colorful slides and pie charts to discuss our adventures! ;)’’.
Billy couldn't resist the opportunity to engage in Ava's playful banter. As he prepared to leave for work, he swiftly typed a reply to her message.
'’Ava, I'm quite intrigued by the idea of a PowerPoint presentation. Let's make it happen, shall we? I'll bring the pie charts if you handle the colorful slides! How about tonight? ;)’’
‘’Sounds like a plan, my place? I have some fun games laying around.’’ Ava replies.
With a smirk on his face, he texts her he’ll be there at 8 and tucks his phone into the pocket of his suit jacket. The thought of their playful exchange lingered in his mind as he headed out the door, ready to face another day at the helm of Anvil, but now with a touch of anticipation.
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Across the city, Ava's morning was infused with a similar anticipation. The sun's warm embrace through her apartment window seemed to mirror the warmth she felt for Billy, their recent interactions adding a spark of excitement to her otherwise routine life.
As she dressed for work, Ava's thoughts drifted towards Billy, She was really looking forward to later today. Anticipation fluttered in her chest as she headed out, the cozy coffee shop her destination of choice.
Upon entering the café, a tinge of disappointment washed over Ava as she scanned the room. Billy was nowhere to be seen. Instead, her gaze fell upon her coworker Mark, engrossed in a book at a corner table.
With a slight adjustment of her expectations, Ava approached Mark, a friendly smile gracing her lips.
"Morning, Mark," she greeted, taking a seat opposite him.
Mark looked up from his literary world, a pleasant surprise evident on his face.
"Ava, what a lovely surprise! You're not usually here this early."
Ava chuckled, "I could say the same about you. As a matter of fact, I haven't seen you here before, I believe."
"Always up for trying something new," Mark replied with a casual shrug.
"So, Mark, what book has captured your attention this morning?" Ava inquired, her curiosity piqued.
Mark proudly displayed the cover, revealing a science fiction novel titled "The Time Traveler's Dilemma."
"I'm a sucker for stories that explore the concept of time travel," he explained. "It's fascinating to ponder the possibilities, don't you think?"
Ava nodded in agreement, her interest sparked. "Absolutely! Time travel is such an intriguing concept. It's amazing how authors can transport us to different eras and make us question the boundaries of time."
Mark smiled, appreciating Ava's enthusiasm. "I couldn't agree more. It's like escaping into another world, even if just for a little while. A great way to unwind after a long day."
Ava couldn't help but notice Mark's enthusiasm, however a small voice in the back of her mind reminded her of the peculiar encounters she had been having with him lately.
As they chatted, Ava couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. She discreetly scanned the room, searching for any familiar faces, but found nothing out of the ordinary. Brushing off the uneasiness, she refocused her attention on Mark.
"So, Ava, anything exciting happening in your life recently?" Mark asked, breaking her train of thought.
Ava hesitated for a moment, "Oh, just the usual routine. Work, coffee, and the occasional unexpected surprise," she replied, giving Mark a playful smile.
Mark raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Unexpected surprises, huh? Care to elaborate?"
Ava chuckled, deciding to keep her encounters with Billy a mystery for now. "Oh, you know, just little things that brighten up my day. Life has a way of surprising us when we least expect it, don't you think?"
Mark nodded in agreement, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "Indeed, it does. Well, I hope these unexpected surprises continue." Mark replied with a big smile.
As their conversation continued, Ava couldn't help but wonder if Mark knew more than he let on. She pushed the thought aside, thinking to herself that he couldn’t know.
As Mark continued to chat with Ava, he couldn't help but wonder if the "unexpected surprises" she mentioned had something to do with him. Her cryptic responses and the spark in her eyes when she spoke made him question if there was a connection.
"You're being rather mysterious about these surprises," Mark observed, his tone laced with curiosity. "Are they related to work? Or perhaps someone you know?"
Ava smiled mysteriously, playing along with Mark's inquiries. "Oh, Mark, you have quite the imagination," she replied with a teasing glint in her eye. "Let's just say some of them might involve people I've met recently."
Mark's mind raced with possibilities, and he couldn't help but wonder if Ava was referring to their own interactions. He decided to tread carefully, not wanting to make any assumptions.
"Well," Mark said with a subtle smile, "If you ever decide to share more about these surprises, you know where to find me. I'm always here to lend an ear."
As their conversation continued, Ava couldn’t help but feel as if Mark knew more than she thought he did, but decided to brush it off.
‘’Will do.’’ she replied.
As their conversation came to a close, Mark rose from his seat, carefully sliding a bookmark adorned with dried flowers between the pages of his book.
"Ready to head to work?" Mark inquired, his gaze shifting to Ava.
Ava, savoring the last sip of her coffee, responded with a nod and a warm smile. "Sure thing," she said, rising from her chair and deftly tossing her empty cup into the nearby trash bin.
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The morning's hustle gradually eased into the afternoon rhythm, hours slipping by as Ava navigated the demands of her work. Deadlines ticked away, presentations received their final polish, and the office buzz provided a constant hum to her focused efforts. Yet, amidst the whirlwind of emails, meetings, and spreadsheets she couldn’t help but wonder who the flowers she received on her doorstep were from.
As the sun began its descent, casting long shadows across the cityscape, Ava's phone chimed, signaling an incoming text. It was from Billy, his playful tone evident even through the screen.
"Ready to get your ass kicked tonight?"
Ava couldn't suppress a grin, her fingers flying across the keyboard in response.
"Don't underestimate my skills, Mr. Russo. And besides, I'm not sure you've had enough time to practice between your CEO duties and keeping that physique up-to-date."
She hit send, a smile on her face. She did appreciate his physique, she had eyes after all.
Ava refocused her attention on the glowing screen of her laptop. With a few swift keystrokes, she saved her work, a sense of accomplishment washing over her as she closed the lid. Rising from her desk, she grabbed her bag.
As her phone chimed another time she picked it up from her desk, a notification right there at the top of her screen.
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17 notes · View notes
versatileginger · 11 months
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Billy Russo x OC (Ava) 
Warnings: Not canon, violence, weapons, stalking (not MMC), murder, everything you'd find in The Punisher universe, no betrayal. 
Summary: Billy meets someone that piques his interest. Did he mention she carries a knife?
A/N: Another friday, another chapter. genuinely suprising myself by the consistency of my posting. We're picking up the pace from this point forward!
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As the conversation flowed and laughter filled the room, Billy savored his last bite of pizza and leaned back in his chair, a mischievous glint in his eye.
"So, about our date," Billy mused, "I've heard there's this fantastic sushi restaurant in town. I've been eager to try it for a while. How do you feel about sushi?"
Ava's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm. "Sushi sounds perfect! I love it. Let's go there."
After savoring their pizza, Ava and Billy gathered their dishes and brought them to the sink. As Ava reached for a glass to rinse it, her enthusiasm got the best of her, and she accidentally dropped it back into the water, causing a big splash that soaked Billy's shirt.
Ava couldn't help but giggle nervously at the unexpected waterworks. "Oh, gosh! I'm so sorry about that," she said, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "I didn't mean for that to happen. Let me put it in the dryer for you."
Billy, who had already started taking his shirt off, chuckled. He pulled off his shirt, revealing a well-toned physique that left Ava momentarily astonished. Her gaze wandered to a few scars on his torso, and she couldn't help but wonder about their stories.
"No need, I have a spare shirt in my bag. How about we just hang it to dry?" Billy suggested.
Ava's cheeks flushed even deeper, interpreting his offer as a sign that he might return. She found herself momentarily lost in thought, her curiosity piqued by his toned physique and his forwardness. Her eyes slowly traveled back up to meet Billy's.
Billy chuckled with a playful glint in his eye. "You know, if you wanted my shirt off, you could have just asked," he teased.
Ava laughed, feeling even more embarrassed but relieved by his good-natured response. "I'll keep that in mind for next time."
With a mischievous glint in his eye, Billy suggested, "How about another round of that game? We can team up again?"
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As the evening progressed, Billy couldn't help but notice Ava's endearing yawns and the way she playfully rubbed her eyes. He flashed a mischievous grin and playfully remarked, 'Ava, it seems like you're putting on quite the sleepy act. How about I let you get some rest, and I'll pick you up at eight tomorrow?
Ava giggled in response, nodding. Her eyes sparkled with amusement as she replied, ''You caught me, Billy. I guess it's true; I'm starting to feel pretty tired.''
With their playful banter, they made their way to the front door. As Billy prepared to leave, she turned to him with a mischievous smile and said, 'I'll be ready and waiting, Mr. Russo.''
She embraced Billy, planting a playful kiss on his cheek as she expressed, ''Thank you for tonight. I had a blast.'"
Billy's face broke into a delighted grin. "I did too, Ava. I'll see you tomorrow."
As Billy's footsteps receded down the walkway, Ava gently closed the door behind him. She leaned against it for a moment, a warm smile tugging at her lips as she replayed the evening's delightful moments in her mind.
With a contented sigh, she realized that she genuinely enjoyed Billy's company. Their connection had grown effortlessly since they met, and she found herself eagerly looking forward to their upcoming date tomorrow. This felt different from her past experiences, as if things were simply falling into place.
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Stepping outside with his bag slung over his shoulder, Billy began his walk home. The way Ava had embraced him at the end left him momentarily stunned. While he'd been with many women who had shared his bed, this hug felt different. It was a level of genuine connection he rarely experienced, except perhaps with Frank and Karen. He couldn't recall the last time someone had willingly hugged him. Everything about Ava was undeniably appealing, from the way she fit against his frame to their engaging conversations. It made him realize that he desired more than just physical intimacy, and he couldn't help but chuckle to himself. It was a new but exciting feeling for him.
Deep in thought, Billy's phone suddenly rang. It was Frank.
"Hey, Frank, what's going on?" Billy inquired. It was quite late, and he had a hunch that this wasn't a social call. Knowing that Frank had somewhat settled down with Karen, he rarely stayed up this late unless there was a serious reason. Frank began to elaborate further, "Can you meet me at the docks? I've finally got some solid intel on the Phantom Cartel. I'll fill you in when you get here."
"I'll be there in 10," Billy affirmed, pulling up his hood. It seemed he wouldn't be heading home just yet.
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Arriving at the docks, Billy spotted Frank at their usual meeting spot on the bench, ready to share his discoveries. Eager to hear the latest, Billy joined him, their breaths creating little clouds in the cold night air.
"So, what's the word, Frank?" Billy asked, anticipation in his voice.
Frank leaned in, his eyes intense. "I've been delving deep into the Phantom Cartel, Billy. Gathered some valuable intel. This isn't your run-of-the-mill gang. It's a fast-growing operation, and their leader is shrouded in mystery."
Billy leaned forward, intrigued. "Where did you get all this information, Frank?"
"From various sources," Frank replied, a hint of excitement in his voice. "You know the drill – pulling threads, following leads. Much of it comes from the streets, informants within the criminal world."
Billy's curiosity deepened. "Street-level sources?"
Frank nodded. "Yeah, folks on the inside, small-time crooks who've had run-ins with the Cartel. They're scared, but when fear takes over, they start talking. But here's the twist: the Phantom Cartel doesn't operate like your typical gang. They have a mastermind at the helm, known as 'The Illusionist.' The catch is, the stories about him are all over the place. Some say he fights like a military expert, while others claim he's a martial arts prodigy. It's like everyone sees him differently."
Frank leaned in even closer, a sly grin forming. "I've got a lead on a warehouse, Billy, where The Illusionist may have been operating from."
With a spark of anticipation, Billy responded, "Count me in, Frank."
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Frank and Billy stood in the shadows outside the decrepit warehouse, their hopes pinned on discovering the key to unveiling the secrets of the Phantom Cartel and its elusive leader. The night hung heavy with darkness, casting an air of tension over their every move as they advanced toward the imposing structure.
With caution, Frank pushed open the creaking door, revealing a dimly lit interior. The space appeared abandoned, a disordered mess untouched for years. Graffiti marred the walls, and old crates were scattered about, buried beneath layers of dust. Their footsteps reverberated through the empty void as they ventured further inside.
Billy's gaze swept the area, his eyes narrowing in consternation. "This doesn't seem right, Frank. It's a dead end. Are you certain the informant who gave us this tip was reliable?"
Frank's jaw tightened, frustration simmering in his demeanor. "Yeah, I'm sure. But I'm beginning to question whether that guy was either deceptive or profoundly confused."
As they continued to scour the warehouse, it became evident that no valuable leads or evidence awaited them. Their initial lead had led to a dead-end, leaving them disheartened and bewildered.
"Looks like we're starting from scratch," Billy muttered as he rose, dusting off his hands. "What's our next move, Frank?"
Frank sighed, running a hand through his hair in contemplation. "We need more information, Billy. We must uncover identity of The Illusionist and discern the Phantom Cartel's next move."
The two men exited the warehouse, stepping into the night air for a brief respite from the mounting tension. They decided to approach the situation with renewed determination in the morning, heading to their favorite bar to recharge and regroup.
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In the dimly lit corner of their go-to bar, Frank and Billy sat, sharing a moment of camaraderie. The buzz of the bar patrons added to the cozy atmosphere, and the conversation between the friends flowing effortlessly.
Frank leaned in, a sly grin on his face. "So, Billy, you mentioned earlier… there's a new lady in your life, right?"
Billy nodded, a mischievous glint in his eye. "You bet, Frank. Ava's her name. We spent the evening together, and I gotta say, it was something else. We just clicked, like we've known each other forever. Got a date with her tomorrow, and I'm damn excited."
Frank's gruff voice softened with a hint of a smile. "Well, well, Billy. Looks like you've found something real. You know I'm glad for you, right?"
Billy chuckled, his tone hinting at their shared history. "Yeah, Frank, it's been a minute since I felt this way. She's different, makes me think there's more to life than the usual grind. We talked, laughed, and I couldn't get enough. It's like I want to spend hours just talking with her. It's refreshing, man."
Frank raised his glass, a nod of brotherly approval. "To new beginnings and genuine connections, brother."
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10 notes · View notes
versatileginger · 9 months
I humbly bestow upon you a snippet of my newest one-shot.
And yes. I TOTALLY fell into the hole of having multiple works in progress and not finishing them. I'm sorry.
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Yes, I do consider myself quite funny (sometimes). This fanfic will be accompanied by my usual moodboards/artwork.
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versatileginger · 10 months
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Oberyn Martell x OC (Ava)
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Warnings: AU, violence, weapons, mature themes, murder, everything you'd find in in Game of Thrones. 
Summary: In the embrace of existence, the brilliance of light finds its depth in the shadows, and conversely, the obscurity of darkness discovers its essence in the radiant dance of symbiotic contrast.
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CHAPTER 1 (Coming soon)
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versatileginger · 10 months
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Oberyn Martell x OC (Elara)
Warnings: AU, violence, weapons, mature themes, murder, everything you'd find in in Game of Thrones. 
Summary: In the embrace of existence, the brilliance of light finds its depth in the shadows, and conversely, the obscurity of darkness discovers its essence in the radiant dance of symbiotic contrast.
A/N: And thus it begins..
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In the frigid embrace of dawn's shadows, Elara's alarm, a shrill harbinger of monotony, tears through the cocoon of night. With the weariness of a thousand routines clinging to her, she reluctantly extracts herself from the dwindling warmth of her bed, limbs protesting against the relentless pull of another day. The bathroom, a witness to her perpetual metamorphosis, becomes the stage for her despondent ballet.
Her movements, mechanical and detached, guide her through the motions. Dark red strands cascade like forgotten aspirations as she prepares to face a world painted in grayscale. In the muted glow, a delicate layer of makeup becomes a futile attempt to conceal the exhaustion etched beneath her eyes. The closet, a repository of uninspired choices, relinquishes dark jeans, a nondescript grey t-shirt, and the obligatory leather jacket—a uniform of resignation. A baseball cap crowns her ensemble, a feeble shield against the relentless onslaught of the outside world.
This ritual, once a dance with promise, has devolved into a monotonous symphony played out too many times. Breakfast is reduced to the perfunctory gulp of a Red Bull, a liquid lifeline in a world devoid of vibrancy. Beyond the walls of her apartment, a dismal scene unfolds—the rain, a relentless torrent of forgotten dreams, drenching the world in melancholy.
The allure of a real job and the excitement of office life, once promising, have given way to a withered existence. In the field of sales, her days are a mechanical march through time, compliments falling on deaf ears, and a forced smile unable to breach the depths of her weary eyes. The conclusion of each day is a scripted routine—home, eat, bed—a haunting cycle that repeats like a tired echo.
Turning a desolate corner, she steps into an alley, undeniably shady but undoubtedly quicker. Her gaze scans forward, revealing a figure stationed at the alley's end. Confidence radiates from his stance, sharp features implying strength concealed in shadow. A fleeting glance is all he spares before disappearing, intentionally evading further observation. Just a few steps more, and a cloudiness descends upon her mind—an all-too-familiar precursor to the moment one realizes they're slipping into sleep.
In the heart of the alley, where shadows intertwine with the echoes of her wearied footsteps, she surrenders. Her body succumbs to the inexorable embrace of unconsciousness.
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At the desolate terminus of the alley, Oberyn stood, a sinister silhouette against the muted backdrop of shadows. The time had come for Elara, chosen by the scouts days ago, to be collected. As the right hand of the cell's leader in this city, Oberyn held a position of authority, a harbinger of ominous forces operating in the clandestine corners of the urban labyrinth.
Beside him, Lucian, a newcomer shrouded in uncertainty but wanting to prove himself, was present for a purpose—to ensure the subject's procurement unfolded according to plan. The alley, chosen strategically for its familiarity to Elara, became the stage for their sinister operation. Oberyn, making sure Lucian did what he was told, stood ready for damage control, a necessity when handling delicate matters like these.
Elara's form materialized at the entrance of the alley, an unwitting player in a meticulously orchestrated scheme. Oberyn recognized the calculated precision—they had anticipated her routine, exploiting the predictable path she took to work. Now, it was imperative to distance himself, and let Lucian do his thing and execute the extraction. In the realm of clandestine operations, every moment spent not in control was a risk, and Oberyn aimed to minimize those risks.
As the shadows tightened their grip, Elara moved further into the alley, unknowingly stepping into the carefully woven web of their plans. It was a successful day, a dark triumph for the cell that operated with ominous precision in the unseen recesses of the city's underbelly. The whispers of the alley, the echoes of their intentions, heralded the completion of another clandestine chapter, leaving behind only a sense of foreboding in the air.
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2 notes · View notes
versatileginger · 1 year
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Billy Russo x OC (Ava)
Warnings: Not canon, violence, weapons, stalking (not MMC), murder, everything you'd find in The Punisher universe, no betrayal.
Summary: Billy meets someone that piques his interest. Did he mention she carries a knife?
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Oberyn Martell x OC (Elara)
Warnings: AU, violence, weapons, mature themes, murder, everything you'd find in in Game of Thrones. 
Summary: In the embrace of existence, the brilliance of light finds its depth in the shadows, and conversely, the obscurity of darkness discovers its essence in the radiant dance of symbiotic contrast.
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1 note · View note
versatileginger · 9 months
I will definitely get back to posting! But atm I am having a life/work crisis and yea.. it basically requires me to grow a spine.. which I don't have 🤣
Anyone have toxic workplace stories with a good ending?
That and I've become obsessed with Baldur's Gate III.
0 notes
something-tofightfor · 9 months
2023 Year End Summary
I usually use this post as a way to wrap up my year, and this one's no different.
See beneath the cut for some of the highlights of my year - and some thank you notes.
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First story post of 2023: Competing For Christmas 6.2 - Let It Snow (The Scavenger Hunt)
Last story post of 2023: The Epilogue of Snow and Mistletoe (which will be posted later tonight)
Most Surprising Thing I Wrote in 2023: Wing Pit Daniel. Who the hell thought this would be a thing? Certainly not me.
Daniel + Vacation /First and 10  / Daniel + Beer / Daniel - Distracting Kiss / Smutsgiving: Sweet Potato Casserole
Something I never thought I'd write in 2023: Sex Pollen for Marcus Pike.
Things I'm proud of writing in 2023:
Tim Rockford Headcanons and the resulting Black Days
Joel Miller: NSFW ABC's / All I Ever Needed / Everybody's Waiting For The Next Surprise 1 + 2
Over the course of the year, I wrote just under 434k words on a total of 23 series/stories/events.
This is 65k below where I wanted to be - but I definitely got sidetracked during a few months - including a few where I took vacations or my mental health was in the toilet.
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My goal for next year will be 500k words again, but I'm going to set some specific goals for my writing, including finishing a few things that I've neglected for far too long. That includes:
Locked Down
Caught On
It's Dangerous To Fall In Love
I'm also going to finally release Baseball Jack in his entirety on you in 2024... get ready. I'm not going to lie - 2023 was disheartening from a writing standpoint for a lot of reasons.
Engagement was way down, the same small group of authors and stories seemed to be the only ones getting any sort of traction in the Pedro fandom, plotlines and characterization that I have no interest in writing or reading were the craze - especially for Joel, and actual feedback on things was almost nonexistent.
But that doesn't mean that I'm not proud of what I wrote, how I wrote it or why I wrote it.
I've said it before and I'll say it again - I'd rather have smaller numbers overall and be absolutely happy with what I've put out and how long it took me to do so than rush things to hop in on current popularity or hope for instant success with a story.
My writing process hasn't changed - and while I appreciate and have respect for people that can and do post things without editing or rereading or sitting on their work and letting it settle, I've never done that, and I never will. I'll also never hold my stories 'hostage' or threaten to keep new chapters under wraps until engagement improves or I hit a certain number of likes/followers/etc. That's unfair - and for something that's supposed to be fun for both writers and readers, it's baffling to me when people do this.
And now on to the fun part: I read some amazing work from some amazing authors this year. The list includes but is not limited to:
@the-blind-assassin-12 @oonajaeadira @littlemisspascal @wildemaven @trulybetty @morallyinept @prolix-yuy @tessa-quayle @grogusmum @whataperfectwasteoftime @keldabe-kriff @katareyoudrilling @undercoverpena ... and so many more. You're able to do things with words and storylines that is SO impressive. We're all lucky to see and read your work. If I didn't include you, please know it's not on purpose. And it's not only writing: it's art, too. @stealyourblorbos @valkblue @thekawaiifruitworld @versatileginger @saminadorazahi @be-an-echo ... your talent is endless. thank you for sharing.
There are so many talented people in this fandom that I wish I had more time to read and admire their work. That's one of my goals for 2024: to consume more content from people on tumblr and A03 and share it. I know I need to do better with this. I know I've been slacking. I don't want to do that anymore. My goal for 2024 is also to make some new friends on here, because to be truthful, I feel a little on the outskirts of so many friend groups, and that's no fun. So if you'd like to message me or say hello or interact, please feel free to do so. I'm also on Discord - somethingtofightfor is my username there. If we've interacted in any way throughout this year, please know that I appreciate you. I thank you for taking the time to read my work or reach out to me. I see all of the comments and messages even if I don't reply right away (something else I'm going to work on getting better about in 2024!!!) Happy New Year to all of you - I hope 2024 is bright and warm and filled with love and support. You deserve it.
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