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verkins · 11 months ago
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I like swords.
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katzuchan · 2 years ago
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some scraps with my boyzzzzzz
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oftenwantedafton · 2 months ago
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stay | dave miller x f!reader
They call it La Verkin Motel, but the residents living there call it Last Chance Motel, because that’s exactly what it is: the last place the unwanted dregs of society end up; the last stop on the road to hell.
Explicit content, 3.5k words, revised edition 12/3/24
ao3 link
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english-history-trip · 1 year ago
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Valuable works of art steeped in history are often hung in pride of place above a mantlepiece or on the walls of a grand entrance hall. But not so this 400-year-old hidden treasure, which spent decades out of sight, behind the door of a Surrey cottage, before being stumbled upon by an antiques expert during a house clearance of a late collector. 
Chris Kirkham, associate director at Hansons London spotted the painting while visiting the property, which was owned by a man, who has not been named, who collected paintings as a hobby. Kirkham commented that he ‘was surprised to find such a compelling portrait hidden away.’ 
He explained that the painting was likely to have been influenced by the Baroque artists Van Dyck and Reubens. Bearing the name Adriaen Verkins, possibly Dutch, the painting is dated 1626, when Charles I (1600-1649) was king of England, Scotland and Ireland. He lavished money on the arts and invited artists such as Van Dyck and Rubens to work in England.
(Note on the article: The subject of the painting is said to be a girl, and the name in the corner the artist's. However, the title reads "Adrian Verkins at age 1"; the sitter is presumably a little boy named Adrian. A quick internet search shows the grave of an Adrian Verkins in the Netherlands from 1704.)
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svrt-degraded · 1 year ago
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Fanart illustration for "Sakhalin island" by Eduard Verkin
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hatari-translations · 10 months ago
Bubbi Morthens - Beðurinn (The Bed) - transcript/translation
Dusting off another old request! This one features Bubbi tackling global warming.
Icelandic transcript
Leiðtogar jarðar loforð sviku gefin Hvísla, "Gerum ekkert meðan lifir efinn" Þeir vita að lygin er banvænn leikur Ljósið sem sest er eldrauður reykur
Við erum öll fram af brúninni að renna Undir draumnum er beðurinn að brenna
Hafið það súrnar og sólin hún grætur Svíður hagann og brennir rætur Þú mátt gapa en græðgin er verst "Gera ekkert of mikið, þú veist það manna best"
Ekki lengur spurning einhverju að nenna Undir draumnum er beðurinn að brenna
Á Netinu siglandi í sjokki horfum á Segjandi elskan, komdu, þú verður að sjá Leiðtogar þjóðar fastir frösum í meðan fólkið planleggur til helvítis frí
Við öngu björgum með blaði og penna meðan beðurinn okkar allra er að brenna
Enginn afsökun, verkin verða að tala viljir þú börn þín fái sín börn upp að ala í veruleika mínus hamfarir og dauða Þar sem skógurinn var er aðeins jörðin auða
Og þú sérð ekki sólina glaða sig glenna Hulin er reyk meðan beðurinn er að brenna
Teningnum kastað, tíminn er á þrotum Þurfum ekki loforð gefin í einkaþotum Milljónir á vergangi, maðurinn er ey Dylan sagði syntu, annar sekkurðu sem steinn
Og við vitum öll hverju er um að kenna Undir beði okkar allra er jörðin að brenna
English translation
The leaders of Earth betrayed promises made Whispering, "Let's do nothing so long as doubt remains" They know that lying is a deadly game The setting light is a scarlet smoke
We're all slipping off the cliff Beneath the dream, the bed is burning
The ocean sours and the sun cries Singes the fields and burns roots You can gape but the greed is worst "Don't do too much, you know better than anyone"
No longer a question of if you can be bothered Beneath the dream, the bed is burning
Surfing the internet, we look on in shock Saying, honey, look, you have to see The leaders of nations repeating phrases while the people plan their vacation to Hell
We won't save anything with paper and pen while all of our bed is burning
No excuse, we need to see action If you want your kids to get to raise their kids in a world with less disaster and death Where there used to be forest, there's only barren ground
And you won't see the sun happily beaming It's shrouded in smoke while the bed is burning
The die is cast, our time is up We don't need promises made in private jets Millions of refugees, Man is an island Dylan said to swim, or you'll sink like a stone
And we all know what's to blame Beneath all of our bed, the Earth is burning
Translation notes
Bubbi refers to sailing the Internet, which is not a usual metaphor I've heard, but English of course already has the concept of "surfing" the Internet.
The quotes around "Don't do too much, you know better than anyone" are just my guess that it's meant to be what the greedy are saying to each other, based on how I'm interpreting it - there's nothing else indicating that it's a quote, so I could be off.
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redundantharpoons · 2 years ago
as a utahn this is absolutely false
toquerville tooele kanarraville erda sigurd la verkin plain city mexican hat elsinore henefer
we have a place called eggnog and you’re coming out here with this weak ass nibley shit???
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Most oddly named town in each US state.
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dadilisto · 1 year ago
Janus og ég.....Janus and me.
Tvær teikningar frá 1979. Two drawings from 1979. Janus og ég.  Stundum eru gömul verk eftir mig á sýningum í söfnunum í þetta skipti eru það tvær teikningar frá 1979, á þessum tíma er ég að mótast og prófa mig áfram sem listamaður, það er þó skemmtilegt að verkin v��sa furðu vel veginn að því sem síðar kemur; hjartað hefur alltaf verið í forgrunni í höfundarverkinu, hjartað leiðir okkur að því…
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la-appel-du-vide · 1 year ago
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09•16•23 - Beach Bach 2
On day two, we got up and went to breakfast at River Rock. We had great food and drinks, with the normal gorgeous view. It was so funny when a guy at a nearby table asked us what we were doing, and we told him it was a bachelorette party. His response: "In La Verkin? You girls must love to get wild!" Killed me haha.
Then we headed back to the house for a fun and relaxing pool day, complete with fruit bowls, music, ice cream, and naps. RaCail left part way through the day, since she had to get back to her kids, but I'm so glad she came down for as long as she did.
Dinner that night was at Sakura, and the theme was "Bride or Die." We all wore black dresses, except the bride of course. We stopped at the St. George book store so Kena could get her map stamped, and everyone could get some books (except me, are you proud?) and then we went to eat! The wait time was super fast, and we had a chef all to ourselves. It is always the best place to eat, and this time I even tried the spring rolls - bomb. Beach got a congratulatory dessert, so that was cute.
When we got home, we played some more games - Telestrations After Midnight, and Sun Moon Rising. Then we went down to the theater room to watch Beach's favorite chick flick - The Other Woman. It's still great, even after seeing it so many times hahah.
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reshuffleadventures · 2 years ago
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10/3/2022 Monday - climbing at La Verkin overlook with Kass. I climbed 4 routes, the last one was the 5.10 that I'd led with Sidney in May. We saw some seashell fossils, which was pretty cool. And I saw a chuckwalla hiding in a crack partway up my last climb.
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verkins · 1 year ago
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Happy Birthday Fu Hua!
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katzuchan · 2 years ago
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yooo ahaha is it that SILLYMAN MISHA (actually his life is very tragic)
Misha Verkin, 17 y.o. (aug 11, 1987)
"what's wrong with my hair?"
some time before he looked like Mikhail Gorshenyov without "freedom spikes". he was very proud of it.
also he reminds of Alexander Shigolev, Alexander Leontyev or Shears Twins by his appearance
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seslimeram · 2 years ago
Bir Felaketin Meramı
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“Yas tutma yalnızca başından geçenleri anlatmakla oluyorsa, işkenceye maruz kalanların çelişkisi, işkence deneyimi ve bunun öykülenmesi arasındaki kıyaslanamazlıkta yatıyor demektir: geçmişteki canavarlığın “diegesis” biçiminde düzenlenmesi ya acıları daha da körükleme ya da öznenin deneyimine ihanet olarak algılanır - veya daha da kötüsü başkasının deneyimine ihanet olarak. Ve hayatta kalan kişi kendini sembolik bir felcin ortasında bulur.” Marc Nichanian - Edebiyat ve Felaket - Çevirmen Ayşegül Sönmezay - İletişim / 2011
Nüanslar, nüanslar, nüanslar! Kim kime ne demiş, kim kimden ne kadar uzağa düşmüş bir tirattır gidiyor. Sürekli, süreğen kılınan hengame içerisinde yaralar bir türlü fark edilmeye çalışılmasın isteniyor. Onca harap viran bir menzil hakikati söz konusuyken, yaraların her nasıl bünyeyi sardığı / sarstığı mesel kılınmasın isteniyor. Baştaki temsilin aralıksız kinle, kindarlığı önceleyen bir nefret edimiyle kurumsallaştırdığı ülke gerçekliği mevzu / mesele edilmesin isteniyor. Nefret, korku ve linç pazarlıyor muktedir. Yirmi bir koca yıllık olan o garabet düzenin binasına devamlılık adına yinelenen her eylem / taahhüt edilen her hamle bitimsiz bir nefreti biçimlendiriyor. Kesintisiz bir korkuyu öne sürüyor. Daimi bir halde o linç mefhumunu yükseltiyor. Yaşatan bir ev imgesinin / vatan diye sunulagelen o yapının nasıl kırılgan, yok eden, her nasıl bir biçimde kapana dönüştürüldüğü konuşturulmamaya çabalanıyor. Bugün vardığımız raddede ya bu toprağın özünden sayılı şanslı temsiliyetten seçilmişlersiniz yahut da hasbelkader bir gün icabına bakılacak şu, bu, osunuz. Kesintisiz bir devinim, mütemadiyen bir devamlılık hali ki ne nefes alma hakkı bırakıyor, ne de tek bir doğruyu izah ettirme, gidilen yolun karanlığına dair bahis açtırabilmek mümkün, olası.
Cerahatin bu menzilde her nereden var edildiği, dahası yüzleşmekten kaçınıldığı hallerle her gün yeniden nasıl bina olunduğuna dair tek bir tarihsel kırım / soykırım meselinden bahis açsak yeterlidir. 1915 Nisan ayının 24’ünde ağırlıkla aydınlar, entelektüeller, bilim insanları, politikacı ve gazeteci / edebiyatçılarla, ruhban üyelerinden seçilmiş bir kitlenin iki yüz elli kadar insanın apar topar tehciri ile görünürlük kazanan Medz Yeghern’in hali, hikayesi ve onca yaşatılmış olan hazin şey birbirinin tamamlayıcısıdır. Bu kadar çoraklık ile imtihan edilen, yaşatmaktan bunca çekinen, kendisinden saymadığını her defasında ya kapı dışarı, ya oyun dışı ya da hayattan men etme diskurunun nasıl biçimlendirildiğinin her nasıl var edildiği o günlerden bugünlere belirgin değil midir? Talat Efendi’nin var ettiği kurmayı olagelen Enver ve Cemal efendilerin de istikballeri, onlarsız, müreffeh bir ülkeye varılabilir diye gizli / açık onadıkları Ermenilerin imhasından daha kalıcı / daha açık hangi sınav bu cerahatle donatılmış yeri anlatabilir ki? İnkarın bugün ikrara, bariz bir kıvanç nesnelliğine dönüştürüldüğü yerde, Nichanian’ın aksettirdiği tarihsel gerçekliği bir kere daha yıkımdan sağ kurtulanların tanıklıklarının neden / ne şekilde bütünüyle yıkımla bütünleşik kalıcı bir felci var ettiği anlaşılır mıdır?
Sepastiya’nın ortasından bir gecede katara dizilen ailemin bir yanı, Gesarya’da kurtuluşun ölüme çıktığı bir serüvende hasbelkader yaşamda kalabilen bir yarımın bulunduğu zemin, yer gerçekliği söz konusuyken bugün yaşatılanların yekundaki biriktirdiği irinin / cürümle olan teşviki mesainin halen güncellenebilirliğinin derdi ne olacaktır ki? Misal sadece işte şu satırları yazanın değil, milletvekili Garo, aktivist Norayr, gazeteci Minas, avukat Alen, sadekar Grigor, yazılımcı Arden, kumaşçı Setrag, kuaför Verkine, terzi Anjel, profesör Anna, tiyatro sanatçısı Zabel nice kadın, nice erkek, nice nice nice insanın sırtlandığı hayat mefhumunun tam da ortasında çıkagelen o elemin / yasın / yüzleşilmekten kaçınılıp her dem sınava dönüştürülmüş olagelen Nisan 24 gerçekliğinin yarası nasıl okunmalıdır. Kim farkındadır sahi, yok edilmiş olanın! Kim görüyordur, uçurumun kıyısından gerisin geriye dönebilenlerin bıraktığı izlerin / mirasın, bugün halen nasıl bir yarayı var ettiğinin, sahi ama sahiden?
Tümüyle eksiltilmiş olanın yarasına dair ne zaman bahis açılsa hep bir duvarla karşılaşılıp bir kere daha gümbürtü ile kuşatılıyor Ermeni. Yalnızca aile hikayelerimizin temellerinde çıkagelen yaranın üstünün dahi “sözde”, “yalan”, “önce siz başlattınız”, “kaşındınız” gibi nicesiyle karşılandığı bir zeminde öyle laf olsun diye bir halk yüz sekiz yıldır yas tutabilir mi? Her şeyiyle ayakta kalma mücadelesi verirken, her Nisan 24 anmasının bir başka hattı kırmızı çizgiyi belirginleştirdiği bir zeminde, sokaklardan, mekanlardan, iş yerlerinden de çekilip gidilirken sahiden hicap eden olur mu, yaranın nasıl da benliği esir aldığından biri ya da birileri bahis açabilir mi? Sepastiya ve Gesarya’nın geçmişinden çıkagelen, ne terör, ne silahlı çete, ne de kalkışma bahislerinin mevzu olunmadığı bir zeminde sadece İttihatçı zihniyet talep ettiği, ekonomik anlamda çökertmenin kendi bekaları için uygun görülmüş şansız güruhtan olup sürgün / tehcir edilmenin ne olduğunu anlarlar mı sahi? Ankara’dan, Bardizag’a, Trapezun’dan, Tigranakert’e, Meleti’den, Hajin’e, Musa Ler’den, Hayots Dzor’dan, Yevtogia’ya, Sassun’dan, Sis’e nicesine nicesine bir hayat imecesinin kökünün toptan kazılmasının hazin failliği ne yana düşer, sahiden hiç mi hesabı verilmez, mevzusu dahi edilmez nedir?
Medz Yeghern’i yaşayıp kurtulanların ardından dördüncü / beşinci kuşağın hayatının orta yeri halen “soykırım” oldu / olmadı sınavlarıyla donanırken, yerle bir edilmiş yerlerden ol kalanların üstünde yükseltilen kentlerin sessiz tanıklıkları ne yana konulabilir! Kimisinde bir mabede dönüştürülüp, Müslüman malı kılınan yapılardan, daha yeni yeni konuşulmuş olagelen bir gazetecinin dedesinden kalmış Kilise kalıtı / yapısına, arazisine bir çöküşün o halen devamlılığı da mı, beyaz soykırım mefhumuna dahil değildir. Gezi Parkı sathının her bir köşesinden, memleketin medarı iftiharı denilegelen sömürücü, hırsız takımının en sivrilmiş temsili koçların hüküm sürdüğü divan oteli arazisi altında kalakalan Ermenilere ait mezarlık da mı bir şeyleri görünür kılmaz misal? Deprem bölgesinden çıkagelen tarihi yapıların, en çok da asırdan uzunca bir süredir verilen mücadeleyle muhafazası sağlama alınmaya, her türlü ötekileştirmenin, Ankara’dan çıkagelen uyarılara rağmen Hataylıların engin birliktelik çabası / müşterek bir hayat için olmazsanız olmaz direnciyle korunabilen Vakıflıköy gerçekliğine hani belgen diye sual edenlere kafi gelmez mi, anlaşılmaz mıdır hala el oğluna / kızına yaşatılmış insan elli cehennem! Kim sorgusuna düşecektir sahiden!
Geçtiğimiz günlerde Van’da bir inşaat çalışması sırasında bulunan Ermeni mezarlığının tam da günyüzü bulduğu bir zeminde, birkaç gün sonra üstünün betonla kaplanmasına izin verilen bir ülkede kime neyi anlatabilirsiniz, sahiden? Yaranın ne olduğunun idrakine her nasıl vardırabiliriz ülkeyi, aklı, zikri! Geçtiğimiz Ocak ayının sonunda 24’ünde Surp Pırgiç Ermeni Katolik Kilisesi lojmanında çıkagelen yangında kaybedilmiş, Fehmi Atsup, Josefin Ekmekçioğlu bir şeyleri izah ettirmez mealen bile olsa? Bir meçhulden çıkagelen yangın neticesinde yok olan hayatların dahi hesabının verilmediği, üstünün alelacele kapatıldığı bir yerde yarayı kim ne zaman fark edecektir ki, sahiden! Acı neydi ki, felce yol veren mesel neydi, düşünür müydünüz?
“Bir toplumun müştereklerinden olagelen bir halkın, topyekun önce tehdit unsuru, sonra mihrak, daha sonra hain, hemen ol peşi sıra imhası mübah addedilenler olarak sınıflandırılmasının türevleri ve birlikteliğinde bir katran karanlığı var edilmiştir ne eksik, ne fazla. Bugün o eksiltme hallerinin her neye dönüştüğü, Artsakh savaşı sırasındakiler kadar, devletlinin var ettiği Varlık Vergisi’nden, Tehcir hamlelerinden, Aşkale sürgünlerinden, 20 Dolar 20 Kilo deportizasyonlarında hiç ama hiçbir surette bitmeyen, arkası ha keza sorulmamış “muhteşem bir organizasyon” olarak görülmüş 6-7 Eylül 1955’ten, Affedersiniz Ermeni’ye, 100 bin Ermeni’yi sınır dışı ederiz esip gürlemesinden okunabilir. Kültürel kayıtların izlerinin silinmesinden, mabet ya da yerleşim yerlerinin tahrip edilmesinden, otopark, kişiye özel mülk, yıkıntılarından bina edilmiş yeni evlerden, üstünden geçilmiş mezarlıklardan talan edilmiş Gezi Parkı’nın temellerinden, Ani Harabelerinin birden Anı garabetliğine dönüştürülmesinden nicesinden anlam bulur! Acı bizatihi ortaklaştırılmasın diye, hiç sorgulanmasın diye yıllar yılıdır sündürüle gelen, aralıksız yerilen, “sözde” tanımına sıkıştırılmış bir yok sayma haline rehin edilmiş bir meseledir. Bütün bunların tekzibi hep yaşatılanlardır. Şu sahada onca zaman sonra kalma hakkını savunmaya!, yaşamda yer almaya çalışırken, sırtlandığı yükünü paylaşmaya hep ama her dem hazır ve nazır birkaç on binin üstüne düşürülen gölgelerin yekunudur tekzip, hani belgen sorusunun yanıtı.”
2010 yılından bu yana anmalar gerçekleştiren “24 Nisan Anma Platformunun” buluşma, yasa ortak olma çağrısı geçtiğimiz yıl olduğu gibi bir kere daha “düzenlenmesi uygun görülmemiştir” ibaresiyle engellenir. Meclis çatısı altında kendi ailesinden çıkagelen bir gerçekliği sorgulayıp, meram eyleyen, sekiz koca yıldır dillendiren vekil Garo Paylan’ın sesi kestirilir, yıllardır olduğu gibi son vedasında da dile getirdiği gibi özgürlüğün ancak yüzleşmekten geçtiğini bildirirken yalnızlaştırılır. (bkz. Ermenilerin Yarasını Fark Etmek) Kalıtlar silinirken, bellek dönüşüme tabi tutulurken, çekingen, alttan alta var edilen inkarı çoktan altüst eden bir ikrarla, asarız, keseriz, yeniden yaparız hallerini sahiplenen “isimsiz” yalnız kurtlar türer. Sokaklarından Talat, Enver, Cemal paşaların, o nefretle anılan Ermeni’yi yok edenlerin temsillerine göndermeleri bulunduran, yüzleşmeyi kağıt üstünde ortak acı, sosyal medya ve sokakta onlar da canımızı sıkmasaydılar, şuna ve buna kanıp gaza gelmeseydiler diye geçiştirebilen bir cühela cüretinin ortasında hangi yaradan, hangi ezadan, hangi hazandan mevzu açılabilir ki, değil mi?
Son kertede, yüz sekiz yıldır sırtlanmış bir acının giderek bir çığlığa evrimi sabit olundu. Dört duvar arasında, mezarlıklarda, cenaze taziyelerinde, kitlesel değil kişisel buluşmalar sırasında anılan / yad edilen / hayatlarımızın tam da ortasında duru veren bir geçmiş, şimdi sınavına dönüştürüldü. Acı, takvim yapraklarından taşa dururken, 1915’in karanlığından bu yana şu menzilin her günü apayrı kırılmalara çıkartıldı. Medz Yegehrn, Sayfo’ya, Küçük Anadolu Kırımına, İzmir’in yok edilmesine, Dersim Tertelesine, Trakya Pogromuna, Varlık Vergisi ve Aşkale Sürgünlerine, 20 Dolar 20 Kiloya, Sürgünlere, bambaşka acılara evrildi. Sepastiya’da var edilmiş olan felaket Artsakh’ta ölümlerin bir başka temsiline dönüştü. Kim olduklarının, neden yaşadıklarının derdi, yıllar yılıdır evleri burası olan insanlara bu ülkede ne işiniz var, nereden geldiniz bahislerinde sorgulamalara dönüştürüldü. Bugün Ermeni temsiliyetsiz, bugün Ermeni “sözde” diye anılan “yaranın” yasında bir başına. Sulhunu başkalarının hayatlarını yok ederek, acılarının üstüne basarak, ezerek, hiç sayarak var edebilen, dahası bu şerefli ülkede tek bir karış toprak hakları yoktur, bu toprak ilelebet Türkündür bahsinin kurucu liderden bu yana hep kafamıza çakıldığı bir düzlemde, sahiden emin misiniz, yas böyle yapınca sonlanır mı, yüzsüzlük bir sonucu var eder mi? Ermeni hep anlatıyor, gel gelelim, yirmi dört saatlik küfür seansları, cins, soy, sop, şecere hakaretlerine meze kılınmaktan ötede bir saniye onların da acısı vardır kısmı anlamlı bulunmuyor. 108 yıldır hepimizi, tanığıyla, sonraki nesilleriyle felç eden, utandıran, hala anlatmak mecburiyetinde bıraktıran bir iklimde “sizlerin” kökü de kazılmasın, sizler de sınanmayın diye bu imdat çığlıkları, sayıklamalar, isyana meram halleri. Yanı başınızda yüzleşilmediği için başlayamayan yasın farkında mısınız, acının neresindeyiz sorgular mısınız, oralarda mısınız, anlıyor musunuz?
Misak TUNÇBOYACI – İstan’2023
Görsel: Yasin AKGÜL – AFP / Getty Images
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divorcelawyergunnisonutah · 2 years ago
Estate Planning Attorney La Verkin Utah
Estate Planning Attorney La Verkin, Utah
A majority (70%) of homeowners have no estate plan, except the state’s statutory default plan. Almost as bad, the majority of those who do have an estate plan have a Last Will and Testament. Both have to be probated. So, what’s the big deal?
Perhaps a true story will make the point best. A couple takes care of the husband’s elderly mother until one day she passes away. In those last months, the couple cares for her with love and great personal sacrifice, even great financial sacrifice. The mother left a sizable estate, and her written will divided her substantial estate equally among the four adult children. Seems simple enough, right? Every once in a while, and far too often, there is an adult black sheep in the family who is so dysfunctional, he or she will hire attorneys to get more than his or her fair share. So determined is such a person, he or she will intentionally seek to hurt and destroy the other siblings to get what he wants, which is more than the money. Usually such a person is full of hate deep down, unexplainable hate that motivates them to behave incorrigibly toward their siblings.
Greed is alive and well in the world today, and it finds fertile soil in a probate process that is subject to a defective judicial process, fostered by attorneys with their own agendas and judges who wouldn’t know what Solomon’s wisdom was if it bit them in the nose. It is in this fertile soil that the black sheep finds a support system to do his or her evil.
This probate lasted five (5) years, and the siblings’ inheritance was eaten by attorney’s fees and costs, and interestingly enough, by the black sheep’s theft of much of the estate prior to their mother’s death. That’s too long a story to tell here. There is no question that if the deceased mother had known what her adult child would do to her other children, and that that child would completely annul her Last Will and Testament, she would be rolling over in her grave. You can bet if she had know that her children’s inheritance would go to attorneys, she would have burned the money first, or more likely, she would have set up an indestructible estate plan.
There are intelligent ways to make sure this never happens to your estate, but you have to create an effective and intelligent plan while you are yet alive. Avoid probate at all costs! Attorneys are quite famous for stacking up massive attorney’s fees, and then they get paid first out of the estate funds. And while the average probate takes as much as 18 months, many take much longer. Use techniques that avoid probate, such as the revocable living trust, the irrevocable life insurance trust, payable on death instruments, the right of survivorship (in appropriate cases), insurance benefits (life insurance payoffs are tax free), and there are many more. Be sure that the title to your real estate is vested appropriately to accomplish your estate plan, and if you own a business, incorporate a business succession plan into your comprehensive plan. Create an indestructible estate plan, and do it today.
Avoiding Estate Probate with a Living Trust
We have all heard the horror stories of probate. In fact, most infamously, the estate of the late Elvis Presley was significantly reduced in value to probate taxation. Just because the King himself didn’t follow the proper estate planning procedures doesn’t mean you should too. For good reason, it’s a good idea to avoid estate probate whenever possible. The good news is that it’s not a difficult or complicated thing to avoid probate. When it comes to clearing out your estate, the probate process can be both time-consuming and costly.
Even if you have a will set up, your estate must still go through the probate process. There are a few ways to avoid this, most commonly setting up a living trust. A living trust can be a great way to pass along assets without the long delays that are so commonly associated with the probate process. There are a few more ways to avoid probate like life insurance, for example, but establishing a living trust covers your entire estate.
Establishing a living trust used to be a big ordeal. You have to find an attorney well versed in estate planning issues that could draft you up a suitable living trust based on your situation. For obvious reasons, things could get pretty expensive, pretty quickly. In the past, it was just easier to draw up a simple will.
But, it no longer has to be that way. He advances of the Internet have had a rather large impact on our lives. These advances have made it much easier to research living trust issues. In fact, you can do everything online now, from the research to setting up your custom living trust. And the beauty of all this is that you don’t have to pay an expensive attorney to just fill out forms on your behalf. If you’re like most of us that like to do things themselves, filling out simple forms is a great way to reduce the costs associated with setting up a living trust. Taking this approach has the potential to save you thousands of dollars, in fact. It’s not at all unusual to see online services offering living trust set-up for small fractions of what it used to cost.
Setting up a living trust is one of the best ways to transfer your estate to another entity, but how do they work? The individual that puts their property into the living trust is named the trustor. He trustee is the individual that manages the assets and property. And of course, the individual or entity that receives the benefits from a living trust is called the beneficiary. Most of the time, the trustor plays the role of both trustee and trustor.
A living trust has several advantages when compared to a will. A living trust allows anyone to be chosen as the trustee. Also, when it comes to a will, a will is a matter of public record, where a living trust is is not. The costs associated with going through probate, with a will, are considerably more expensive when compared to setting up a simple living trust. This is important for a number of reasons; it avoids the headaches that are often associated with estate probate, saving your beneficiaries the trouble. Also, for the sake of your beneficiaries, avoiding the costs of probate will leave them with more of your estate, much like you intended. It is always recommended that you seek a qualified estate planning attorney, well versed in estate probate and living trusts, if you have complications or questions that may not be the norm. Setting up a living trust is one of the most critical estate planning steps in avoiding estate probate. for your family.
However, probate is just one of the several benefits you can get from a living trust. Don’t delay, set one up today. One of the concerns that estate planning addresses is the problem of probate. This is your state’s legal process of settling a decedent’s affairs supervised by your local probate court in your county. It’s a public, time-consuming, and often costly process. You can avoid it if you wish, but it’s important to understand that the estate that’s probated is different from the estate you pay estate taxes on when you die. Your Estate For Federal Tax Purposes: Your estate for federal tax purposes – that’ll be taxed at your death – is different from your probate estate. The federal estate is the total value of all you own, have a right to, or control when you die. This includes your home, life insurance you either own or control, your retirement plans such as your IRA, your car and all your investment holdings. It doesn’t matter whether any asset is subject to federal income tax or not. And it doesn’t matter whether or not the asset will automatically go to a designated beneficiary at your death – like an IRA. This also includes all assets you co-own with other people. The value of a co-owned asset that adds to your estate depends on who the co-owner is, what kind of co-ownership it is, and certain other factors about how you contributed to it. Lastly, any value someone owes you such as wages, debt, or bond interest, at the time of your death are also included in your estate. This estate can be quite sizeable and is subject to federal estate taxes and your state’s estate tax too. Of course each has its own tax exclusion or threshold level and tax rates.
Your Probate Estate: Your probate estate consists of only assets held in your own name alone and that won’t pass automatically to a named beneficiary when you die. You can see, the issue of the probate court is determining who should get your assets that only you own and have not automatic way of passing to another person.
So assets that typically bypass the probate estate (i.e. don’t get probated) include: • IRAs and qualified retirement plan benefits with a named beneficiary • Life insurance that pass to a named beneficiary, but not insurance left to the owner’s estate • Annuities with a named beneficiary • Property owned by joint tenants or tenants by the entirety with rights of survivorship, and • Living trusts that hold title to assets and that pass to named beneficiaries
You can see that this estate for probate can be quite a bit smaller than your estate for federal estate tax purposes. And you can see that if you have some assets in your name only and don’t automatically go to some beneficiary other than you, you can easily arrange to eliminate them as probate assets by transferring them to a living trust. That simply means entitling your assets in the name you give to the living trust. The living trust is a revocable trust so you can dissolve if you want to at any later time. Because you still control the assets in your living trust, they remain part of your federal estate but no longer your probate estate. So if you don’t like the probate process, you can easily exclude it from a possibility. If you have a Will or are thinking of preparing one you must understand how a will works after you pass away. The probate process is neither cheap nor quick. It can take from several months and can go on for years after you have passed on.
There are several steps in the probate process. Your states Probate Court will control the process. Probate courts around the country all pretty much follow the same basic processes and steps, which typically include: • Filing the deceased person’s will with the local court • Notifying heirs, creditors, and the public that you are, indeed, dead • Identifying and inventorying the deceased person’s property • Having the property appraised • Paying off all debts, including estate taxes, if any • Having the will “proved” valid to the court • Distributing your estate
The cost of probate may include appraisal costs, executor’s fees, court costs, the costs for a type of insurance policy known as a surety bond, legal fees, and accounting fees. When you add it all up, probate can cost from 3 percent to 7 percent of the total estate value. And if your estate includes property in more than one state, it may be subject to separate probate proceeding in all applicable states. It is said that the reason for having such a lengthy and costly process is to prevent fraud in transferring property and to protect inheritors by promptly resolving claims creditors have against a deceased person’s property. The reality is that most property is transferred within a close circle of family and friends and very few estates face potential fraud or creditor claims. Most people have no need for probate’s so-called benefits. Probate is often categorized as an expensive time-wasting process. As an alternative to probate there are many legal methods to avoid probate entirely. Because bequeathing property in a will usually results in probate, probate-avoidance strategies should be implemented. The most common probate-avoidance methods are: • Revocable living trust • Joint tenancy and tenancy by the entirety • Payable-on-death designations • Life insurance • Gift Planning
Keep in mind that these probate-avoidance methods can and should be used together as part of an estate plan.
You should already have a pretty good idea of what your estate is worth so that you can make intelligent choices for your estate plan. Remember that what is right for one person may not be right for everyone. Obtain a plan specific to your situation and needs by visiting your attorney. Make sure that you take the necessary steps today so that in the future you make a difficult time easier for your loved ones.
Understanding the Role of Trustor in Estate Settlement
Trustor is the title provided to people who setup a trust. Individuals can transfer ownership of their property to a trust as a way to avoid probate and lessen estate tax. An individual known as the Trustee is appointed to control assets and settle the estate upon death. The title of Trustor is included with most types of trusts such as living, testamentary, land, and irrevocable life insurance. Each of these serves a different purpose, but all allow estate assets to be distributed to heirs without passing through probate.
Probate is perhaps one of the least understood legal processes. Many people do not realize that regardless of whether they prepare a Will or not their estate has to undergo probate. Leaving a Will makes the process simpler and takes less time. When a person dies, everything they own is held in probate until the legal process is completed. Only then can inheritance gifts be transferred to heirs. The only way to avoid probate is to transfer ownership of property to a trust.
Living trusts are one of the most commonly used estate planning strategies. Property that is transferred into revocable trusts is controlled by the Trustor until death. At that time, a successor takes over and distributes property to beneficiaries which are named in the decedent’s last Will. While living trusts can be setup without help from a lawyer, most people feel better about hiring a law firm or estate planner. Those who choose to take on the task without legal help ought to take time learning about the various options to ensure their property is protected. Testamentary trusts refer to a legal entity that is created in accordance with directives provided in the decedent’s Will. This type of trust is established to deal with estate assets acquired throughout the decedent’s life or as a result of their death.
For example, if there is some type of legal litigation that result in payment after their death, such as a wrongful-death lawsuit, a testamentary trust could be setup to manage the assets.
Land trusts are established to safeguard real property against legal actions initiated by others and to avoid probate. Real estate investors often use this estate planning strategy due to the protection and privacy they provide. Due to the fact that people usually cannot sue a trust, all property that is transferred into land trusts is shielded from judgments or liens. Furthermore, real estate trusts provide beneficiaries with tax advantages and make it easy to take possession of property bequeathed to them. Land trusts are a good option for people who plan ahead for incapacity. A co-Trustee can be appointed to oversee the trust in the event the Trustor is declared incompetent by a physician.
Irrevocable life insurance trusts (ILIT) are a special type of trust that is used to take out life insurance earnings from decedent estates. This type of trust must be arranged by an attorney to avoid tax consequences.
Due to the complexities of transferring assets to trusts it is recommended to work with qualified professionals. Otherwise, Trustors might unintentionally create avoidable problems that result in higher estate taxes.
Free Initial Consultation with Lawyer
It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when. Legal problems come to everyone. Whether it’s your son who gets in a car wreck, your uncle who loses his job and needs to file for bankruptcy, your sister’s brother who’s getting divorced, or a grandparent that passes away without a will -all of us have legal issues and questions that arise. So when you have a law question, call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you!
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capribornio · 2 years ago
WHAT IS with Verkin and falling into a river
(Also hell yeah, get it Carl)
Watching Van Helsing (2004) and it seems I remembered correctly, the plot is to be bisexual and have fun
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southwestadventures · 4 years ago
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