#verin theylass
mumblingtealeaves · 4 years
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back at it again with Verin Thelyss love.
im love one mysterious Kryn NPC, please i need more HCs of him, indulge me
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explorerspack · 4 years
1, 15 and 17 for Bird, Elodie, or Cerise
oh gay rights i’m gonna give them one each
1. Describe what your character would be if they were the exact opposite of what they are now. This can mean personality, class, alignment, whatever.
elodie would definitely be some sort of martial melee class--i truly can’t remember the last time she did a melee attack or a weapon attack. and her whole deal is Caring About Things and Caring About People and holding onto hope at all costs, to the point where she could be called naive or inexperienced by someone who doesn’t Get It, so her opposite would definitely be more of a loner, someone who’s burnt out, someone who’s apathetic and you know what as i’m typing this out i’m realizing I’m just describing Percy--
15. What aesthetic do you think your character would fit best? This can mean anything from decade of choice to clothing style to [insert word]-core.
this question is funky bc my brain is bad at aesthetics, however i DO know that cerise deserves to have several piercings and normal, non-traumatic tattoos, and wear a leather jacket or a denim one with tons of patches on it. also cuffed jeans and either converse or combat boots. 
17. Who is your favorite NPC? Least favorite? What about your character’s favorite and least favorite? Explain why!
OKAY so my favorite xhorhas NPC is probably Kal, i just. i care about him So Much. have since that time we Sent to him and he responded by coughing out a Draconian fighting song to show us he was still alive. he gets my “younger sibling of a pc” emotions AND my wizard emotions AND my divine soul sorcerer emotions after his brush with death there. feel very bad that i fully got him killed, 
I don’t...know if I have a least favorite Xhorhas NPC? Other than the villains, I mean, but that’s boring, obviously i don’t like them. However I need to flesh out the NPCs from Bird’s hometown now that it’s relevant, i guess and so i’ll say that my least favorite is whoever was in charge of starting the whole “we need to get this werewolf out of our village” thing (which. whoever this is isn’t bird’s least favorite which is. :pensive:)
Bird’s favorite NPC is Verin Theylass, I think, she has a lot of respect for him. was helpful for me justifying her working with Xhorhas in the early game and continues to be helpful in terms of feeling like we’ve got someone in our corner. 
Her least favorite is that wizard guy who’s friends with Tatyan’s family slkdjf. Bird doesn’t have a lot of respect for academics/politicians/anyone who isn’t out Doing Things, and we know out of character that that guy was planning on going to try to rescue Kal but Bird doesn’t know that and she thinks if he’s gonna act all superior and condescending to our party he should have simply rescued Tatyan’s brother himself! 
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mumblingtealeaves · 4 years
So I havent really looked into Verin alot and the discord im in were talkinng about him and OMG I am now obsessed. Im now doing a deep dive into tumblrlr but may I offer some sketches
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I've been screaming about them since yesterday
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