sparkie96 · 4 years
20. One look is worth a thousand words (VergiLeon)
(Spoilers for a future fic >_o)
“Vergil?” A smooth and silky voice called to him. 
Had it not been for the Omega standing before them at the top of the Qliphoth, Vergil would have killed Dante and probably severely wounded Nero. But, considering the Alpha was now too entranced with the brunette that had haunted his dreams and memories for all these years, Vergil couldn’t find the strength to move. 
Leon, the beautiful Omega who had captured his heart and had given birth to their son, was alive even after all these years. For some reason, Vergil had convinced himself that Mundus had been still alive and found Leon or demons had gone after his beloved. Or perhaps, the world had gone to hell...but on the inside...he knew his Little Mouse. Leon didn’t go down that easily. He was a fighter, with an extraordinary will for survival. 
And boy, did his Little Mouse age beautifully. 
Gone was the naivety from his eyes, as well as the baby face he once had. Round features had smoothed and thinned out, Leon now having sharper features and a slimmer face. Leon was still quite thin, but now he was more filled out muscle wise. Not too big...but lean. Those eyes hadn’t lost their depth, still as blue as Vergil remembered. Though he could tell Leon had had his fair share of experiences over the years, those eyes held stories that the Alpha would love to hear. 
That one look on Leon’s face was worth a thousand words...words neither of them could quite get out. 
Turning away from his quarry, Vergil approached the Omega, “Little Mouse…” His throat had been tight, feeling something he hadn’t felt in a very long time bubbling just under the surface. 
Leon’s eyes were wide in surprise, as though unable to process that Vergil was in fact standing before, and now approaching him. Leon had been too shocked to move, letting Vergil approach him. Once he was within reach, Vergil got closer to Leon, looking at his face. He reached up and touched his cheek, brushing his hair out of his face, staring into those beautiful blue orbs.
“You still look beautiful.” He commented quietly, his voice barely a whisper. 
Leon leaned into the palm, unknowingly exposing his neck. Vergil’s eyes widened in slight jealousy at what he had seen.
Leon was mated. 
Noticing that Vergil was staring, Leon glanced down at his neck, pulling his jacket up to cover the mark. His other hand settled on Vergil’s arm, looking up at the man with an apologetic smile. Vergil didn’t know if his eyes were playing tricks on him, or he was hopelessly in love...but he swore he saw tears in Leon’s eyes. 
"It's been a long time, Vergil." The Omega whispered, "But you're still a handsome devil."
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guettaes · 5 years
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Leon also became a demon hunter, and Vergil goes.
@MarcosRCRE twitter
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neshampoo · 5 years
Ms. Kennedy : LEON ! Your boyfriend is in the phone !
Leon : Which one  mom? 
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sparkie96 · 4 years
Mafia au! + exes trope + "You didn't know, did you?" Prompt = Vergil × Leon
Leon spit out the blood in his mouth onto the floor, smiling up at the hooded man with bloodied teeth, “That all you got, Big Boy?” He asked with a chuckle. 
He didn’t know how long he had been here, but he did have an idea about one thing: that he might not make it out of here alive. Not this time. He supposed it was only fair, considering he was sent to kill the leader of the only man who could make his boss nervous, though Leon wasn’t sure what the leader’s name was. Derek Simmons wouldn’t tell him, but he informed Leon that he would recognize him when he saw him. 
Though, Leon had a feeling he wouldn’t even get to see his target. He would probably eat lead before that. It was a shame, Vergil would be upset if Leon missed their dinner date tonight. It had been such a long time since the last time they both had a night off from work. 
The big man beating him had been cut-off by a voice, said voice distorted by a voice-changer as it told the enforcer that Leon had had enough and told the big man to back off. The enforcer growled, but did as he was told, Leon looking over at the person who called off the brute. Blue eyes widened in shock at the man standing before him. 
“...Vergil?!” Leon gasped, “What the hell are you doing here?” 
Vergil looked down at the brunette, gently cupping Leon’s chin before turning it upward so they could meet eyes, “I work here...I own this gang.” 
Leon blinked as his eyes grew impossibly larger, “You’re the leader of the Street Devils?!” 
Vergil nodded, “And you’re the assassin sent by Derek Simmons.” He mused, “But...lucky for you, I’m here and we have a dinner reservation waiting.” 
Leon’s brows furrowed in confusion as Vergil ordered the guards watching Leon to free the assassin. He reassures them that Leon isn’t a threat. That Leon is the husband Vergil was talking about. The men questioned their boss of course, worried for Vergil’s safety, but Vergil waved them off as he took Leon’s arm in his own, leading him out of the interrogation room. Leon looked behind him, realizing that the room was actually an empty freezer...and after taking in his surroundings, he realized that he was in the restaurant Vergil made the reservations at for their Anniversary. 
The restaurant Vergil evidently owned. 
“You didn’t know,” Vergil began, both of them ascending the stairs to the restaurant above, “did you?” 
Leon shook his head, “No...I didn’t.” He whispered, hanging his head, “...Why didn’t you tell me?” 
Vergil sighed, “I wanted to...but I didn’t want you to get wrapped up in all of this.” 
Leon chuckled darkly as Vergil led him to the “Private Party Room”, “Little too late for that, isn’t it?” 
“Not necessarily,” Vergil said, pulling out a chair for Leon, “I can help you get out of your contract. I do have sources.” 
“I know.” Leon said, sitting in the seat as Vergil pushed him in, “You always wanted the best for me...but I can’t leave.” 
“Because of Ms. Birkin?” Vergil asked as he went around to the other side, shrugging off his coat and putting it on the back of his chair before sitting down himself, “I’ll handle it.” 
A waitress came over and filled their glasses with champagne, informing Vergil that the appetizers would be out momentarily. Vergil thanked the woman as he swirled his champagne in his glass before taking a sip, sending her away. Leon picked up his own glass and took a sip, hissing at the burning feeling. 
“He’ll kill me, y’know.” Leon said, “If I don’t check-in, Sherry will be killed and then he’ll be after me.” 
“Which is why, from this night on, you no longer exist.” Vergil explained, “There is a reason Simmons sent you to kill me...and why his other assassins have failed.” 
Leon looked up at him with a smile, “Because you’re not an easy man to kill apparently. You control this side of town and everyone respects you, but they don’t know what you really look like.” 
Vergil chuckled, “He knows what I look like...that’s why he sent you.” He leaned forward, looking into his husband’s eyes, “He was hoping that you would weaken me and then kill me...but I know you and you know you would never be able to bring yourself to do it.” 
Leon nodded, “I could never hurt you. I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself.” 
“Then I suppose we should finally reach out to Detective Redfield then, hm?” Vergil asked.
“He on your payroll too?” 
Vergil shook his head, raising his glass to Leon, “No. He’s too good a man to bribe...but he hates Simmons more than he hates me. I’ll have his Coroner's Office start working on the paperwork and the death certificate. Then, I’ll send out a report about Sherry’s kidnapping.” 
Leon raised a brow, “And then what?” 
“Then we’ll go on that vacation.” Vergil said as Leon clinked his glass against his, “And we’ll finally get a proper honeymoon.” 
“You hiring?” Leon asked, “Cause I’m not gonna let you pay for everything on your own.” 
Vergil hummed, “We’ll see. Besides, I’ve seen your work...and I’m even more in love with you than I was before.” 
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sparkie96 · 4 years
“Break the Chains” Preview
(Summary: Vergil originally came to Spain looking for something to strengthen himself after his defeat at the hands of Dante and after his liberation from Mundus. He ends up finding more than he originally intended to. 
Leon manages to get Ashley back home, but had failed to save himself from Saddler. Good thing Vergil shows up while he’s being humiliated. Rated M for Suggestive Themes, Violence, and Language.)
The sky was the same color gray it had been all morning, making it difficult to determine what time of the day it was. The road had been long and unforgiving, and Vergil hoped he would find what he was looking for when he got to the area. The demons and their weapons that he could use for his own use...or at least help him defeat his own brother, now that the threat of Mundus was no longer. 
But Dante? Defeat after defeat, time after time...it was becoming taxing. He couldn't beat him and no matter how he tried to avoid him, he couldn't shake him. Soon, Vergil would need to figure out either a new way to beat Dante...or perhaps, choose a different path entirely.
Most likely the latter if he continued on like this. 
But, here he was, traversing the backwater hellhole of Spain's lesser known areas in search of what? He really didn't know what it was yet. The Alpha was tired and he hoped he could find whatever it was he had been sent out here to find. He hoped it wasn't just a fool's dream or empty rumors. 
As he had gotten closer, he could hear laughter and music, but it wasn't like the other dozens of times he had heard either. No, the laughter was not like that of happiness...or perhaps it was but at the expense of another person's happiness or well being. Like how Mundus used to laugh when watching Vergil suffer. That sadistic type of laugh that made one's spine ice over in fear...or made one's heart light with rage. It was an evil sound.
And Vergil was plenty familiar with evil. 
He continued his trek into the village, wearing his hood lower over his eyes just in case. He had been away from the human world for a very long time, and there was no telling what these beastly creatures were like now. The ones he had encountered when he went through another nearby village hadn’t been very friendly, at least not by human standards. And he was pretty sure that humans' heads were not supposed to explode into thrashing tentacles nor were they supposed to have such deep crimson eyes. 
As he entered the town square, he noticed that there had been a small crowd, gathered around what he could not see, but he could see a sort of platform. On said platform, seated in a red throne was a man, wearing purple robes with a staff of some sort. The staff was clearly not normal, tentacles protruding from it and flailing freely about. The man in question didn't look normal either, gold orbs focused on something down below as his head sat propped in his hand. The leader, if Vergil had to guess. Why else would he be sitting higher than everyone else and seated in such a gaudy throne? 
Speaking of everyone else, the crowd laughed and mocked whatever was in the center of them. Some threw rotten fruit and vegetables, others threw coins. This made the white-haired man even more confused. Vergil managed to push through the crowd, head kept low as he made his way to the middle and then the front. He seemingly was able to blend in with them, letting him pass with ease. Once he got to the front, he wasn’t sure what he had been seeing, but he felt very disgusted. 
In the center of the circle was a petite blond male in very odd garb. Had it not been for the demeaning words in Spanish or the way the men holding him down while the one beat him and shoved him down, shoving his face down into the dirt, Vergil would have assumed the blonde to be one of the crowd and made for entertainment. It was obvious that the blond was supposed to be entertainment, but he wasn’t enjoying it and he was clearly not one of them. Dull looking eyes flickered from blue to red back to blue, staring ahead and clawing at the ground, as if doing so would get him out of this situation. 
“Still so stubborn, American.” The leader laughed, “Just submit...enjoy yourself. You know you want to. You have no reason to fight anymore.” 
Vergil looked to “The American”, feeling...something as their eyes met. It was like the blond knew that Vergil was not like the others, and Vergil wasn’t sure what to think. He shook his head slowly as the human looked at him. He felt that pang of...pain? Fear? The laughter and sounds rang in his ears, he could hear his mother’s voice in the distance, calling out and yelling his name...hearing her screams. The humans or whatever they were twisted into demonic looking creatures, leering down at him. 
He clenched his eyes shut and swallowed back another breath, trying to push back the horrifying memories. He had felt weak...he couldn’t save his mother. He met the human’s eyes and he didn’t know if it was in his head or not, but he swore the blond begged him for help, a hand weakly outstretched toward him. 
“VERGIL!” Eva had screamed, his mother’s eyes flashing before his own as he heard her blood curdling screams. 
He hadn’t even been thinking when he took out his sword, his usually calm composure melting away as he tore off the ratted cloak he had been wearing over top of his usual outfit before he began cutting down the humanoid creatures around him. He couldn’t hear the screams as he cut them down, in fact, it didn’t even sound like they were screaming at all. More so hollering in anger, even as the Yamato sliced them down. 
It made killing them that much more satisfying. 
“Get up.” Vergil commanded, grasping the blond’s arm and hauling him to his feet. 
The half-demon looked away at the blond’s current state of undress, taking off his trench coat and wrapping it around the human’s shoulders, instructing the younger to button it up. Vergil cut down more of the insane villagers. The cult leader stood above them, laughing and asking Vergil who he was and what he thought he was doing here. And why was he so intent on ruining his fun punishment of the “American Agent”. 
“You don’t even know who this man is, do you?” Saddler asked, “Leon here ruined my plans, killed my men, and let the President’s daughter flee...him and his collaborators.” 
Vergil leveled his sword at the man, watching him cautiously while standing protectively in front of this “Leon”. He growled low at the remaining villagers and their leader, settling on the pus colored gaze of the man before him. He didn’t know why...but he felt this strong need to protect the human behind him. Whether it was because he was reminded of his failure to protect his mother...or his failure to fight back against Mundus. 
And the bastard before him wasn’t helping that anger. 
He had been on autopilot when he killed this man and the remaining villagers, turning to the human before him. Leon hadn’t moved an inch, still too paralyzed with either fear or shock...maybe both. The blond looked up at him, his irises now a red color, like the others. Except this man wasn’t attacking him. His eyes seemed to fade from red to blue, Vergil cupping his chin and looking into his eyes. 
“You’re not like the others.” Vergil stated, “But you have whatever they have.” 
Leon looked up at him, nodding his head, “They infected me with the Plaga.”
Vergil hummed, “Good...I need it.” 
Leon narrowed his eyes at the man, raising a brow, “...what?” 
“The “Plaga” as you put it...I need it.” Vergil elaborated, “It made that man stronger...so I believe it could do the same for me.” 
The human was quiet for a moment, before bursting out into a fit of laughter in an almost hysteric manner. Vergil raised a brow, looking down at the younger with interest and mild annoyance. He had just saved Leon’s life...and the blond was laughing at him. Leon cleared his throat as he settled down, apologizing for laughing, but clarifying that the parasite wasn’t exactly an “energy booster”. More of something that took over and killed whatever consciousness that was left in their mind. 
“It takes over…” Leon recalled, “It makes you feel like shit...and then it takes over until there’s nothing left.” 
Vergil listened intently, “I would still like to examine it...if you don’t mind.” 
Leon took another deep breath, but then looked up at the man skeptically, “Who are you?” 
“You’ll find out when I get that parasite.” 
“...yeah...not gonna happen…” Leon replied, “It’s kind of attached to my spinal cord…” 
Now it was Vergil’s turn to raise a brow as Leon explained to the best of his ability about how the parasite attached itself to the spine of its host after it hatched. Leon also showed him the pills he took to suppress the growth of the parasite. Even after his capture, he had been able to take them and resist the parasite and Saddler’s influence over him through it. 
“Except it looks like I’m stuck with it.” Leon sighed, “Considering he destroyed the machine and the only way to get this damn thing out of me...and I’ve only got a few of these pills left.” 
Vergil looked the human over, stroking his chin as he did so, an idea coming to mind, “I think I can help in a way that we both can get what we want.” 
“How so?” Leon asked. 
Vergil proposed Leon coming back with him to his realm. He may or may not have had means to get the parasite out of him, feeling pity for the younger after all that had happened to him. He didn’t want the human to suffer anymore than necessary. When Leon questioned him about his intentions, and why the man had helped him, Vergil admitted that he understood what it felt like to be humiliated by the enemy. To be a slave to the will of another. And he wanted to help Leon “break the chains”. 
“I helped you, you help me.” Vergil said, using his sword and cutting a hole in the dimensions, “Do we have a deal, Mr…?” 
Leon held out a hand, giving a small smile, “Leon Kennedy.” 
Vergil looked down at the offered hand and then back up at the blonde, accepting it, “Vergil.” 
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sparkie96 · 5 years
Love this awesome piece by the lovely @chalkolates 💙🖤💙🖤💙🖤 Thank you so much for the awesome commission! 💕
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sparkie96 · 4 years
Good news: Leon and Sherry don’t immediately get picked up by the US Government post Raccoon City and shortly after their departure with Claire.
Bad News: They’re taken by demons in disguise who work for Mundus...though it’s not totally bad because they’re “gifted” to Nelo Angelo. The demon knight takes pity on them because he is reminded of what had happened to his mother. When Nelo hears of what the two had endured, he respects them both and even grew to love Leon and care for Sherry as if she were his own pup.
Rated M for off-screen sexy times, language, and gore. Canon Typical stuff.
(Ao3 Version)
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sparkie96 · 4 years
Being filled or Bukkake?
How about filled with a child and anger? Possible future project. VergilLeon/NeloLeon
(Summary: Good news: Leon and Sherry don’t immediately get picked up by the US Government post Raccoon City and shortly after their departure with Claire. 
Bad News: They’re taken by demons in disguise who work for Mundus...though it’s not totally bad because they’re “gifted” to Nelo Angelo. The demon knight takes pity on them because he is reminded of what had happened to his mother. When Nelo hears of what the two had endured, he respects them both and even grew to love Leon and care for Sherry as if she were his own pup.)
Rated M for off-screen sexy times, language, and gore. Canon Typical stuff. 
Leon shifted uncomfortably, wearing the attire of this “realm” as that crazy creature looking thing put it. The supposed “King” of the “Underworld” and all that jazz. Leon found all of this to be insane and he was quietly wondering if he and Sherry had been taken by some angry failed Umbrella experiments. But these things did things that even “viruses” couldn’t do. At least...he didn’t think they could, he did see some crazy shit in Raccoon City. 
And then there was this Nelo Angelo guy who looked pretty normal underneath the helmet and armor, at least, as normal as one could look when they had gray skin, black veins and red orbs and snow white hair. At least he was human looking, and Leon had wondered if he had once been a prisoner like them. From the few times he had taken the Omega, Leon didn’t end up infected with anything and he smelled like a normal Alpha. 
Though, there was a hint of a scent that was a bit off, but not rancid like Mundus or the other whatever the fuck they were. Leon often wondered what Nelo had done to deserve the constant mocking and insults from Mundus. The Demon King often called Nelo “half-breed” or “abomination” along with mocking his mother’s death and his father’s dishonor. It had been after one particularly violent dinner that Nelo had Leon and Sherry eat in his quarters from then on, the knight eating with them, but never saying a word. 
Come to think of it, Leon had never heard the Alpha say much of anything, even during sex. It had been mostly growls and grunts then. The only time Leon had heard his voice was when the knight told them where everything was in his humble abode. And even then, it was mostly one word sentences in a quiet, almost strained voice. 
Leon laid on the bed with Sherry, the little girl reading a book she had procured from Nelo’s collection of books. She wore a simple blue night gown as she cuddled up to the Omega, both of them unable to sleep due to nightmares. Leon pulled at the clothes he wore, feeling a bit cold. He wore a simple white buttoned down shirt and soft black pants. He wasn’t sure if they were supposed to be sleep clothes or lounge wear here, but he wore them because they were the comfiest things he could find. Nelo hadn’t come home yet either from whatever he had been tasked to do. 
Sherry was a smart girl but she struggled a bit with the complex reading, asking Leon to help her with some words and what they meant. The story itself read much like a fairytale. This one told a tale of a human woman named Eva falling for a demon knight named Sparda. Leon listened and occasionally helped read, finding himself very invested in the story as well. Two people, or well, a demon and a human, who had fallen in love, so much so, the demon gave up his power and position to be with her, sealing off the Gates of Hell so their family could be safe. He had done some other things, but Leon had no idea what they were, but he assumed it was all very honorable. 
“Oh no, I read ahead by accident!” Sherry exclaimed suddenly, “I don’t know if I want to read anymore…” 
“Why?” Leon asked curiously, “What happens?” 
Sherry swallowed down a breath before pointing to the part she had read ahead to. Leon looked down at it, feeling a little disappointed, “Oh no...he disappears?” 
Sherry nodded, “Uh huh...what about Eva? And their sons?” 
Leon tried to maintain a bit of optimism, saying that they could keep reading and see if he maybe came back to be with them. Sherry nodded, hoping that he did because she would be very disappointed if he didn’t. 
“He doesn’t.” A voice by the door said. 
Leon and Sherry looked up, seeing Nelo standing there with his helmet under his arm, “Oh, sorry, we didn’t hear you.” Leon apologized, about to get up to help the elder out of his armor but Nelo held up a hand, telling Leon to lie back down, so that he could take care of his own armor.
“Oh…” Sherry deflated at the news, “He doesn’t?” 
“No.” Nelo replied with a shake of his head, setting the armor on it’s rack, standing before them in black slacks, “Sadly, he doesn’t…” 
“Spoiler Alert.” Leon sighed, about to close the book, but Sherry protested, “He doesn’t come back, Sherry Berry.” 
“But I want to know what happens to his family!” 
“No, you don’t.” Nelo said, “Trust me...especially since the story is based on a true story.” 
Leon and Sherry looked up at the man with twin looks that were a mix of confusion and shock. Nelo sat on the side of the end of the bed, gently taking the book from Leon’s hands, closing it and looking at the cover sadly. He ran his clawed hand over the symbol on the cover, giving it a longing look before setting it down on the bed next to him. 
He turned to Leon and Sherry, both still watching him curiously,  “Have you two eaten dinner yet?” He asked nonchalantly, changing the subject. 
Leon nodded, still in awe at the sound of the Alpha’s voice, “Yes, but I can prepare you dinner if you want, even though it’s late.” 
“No, thank you.” Nelo simply replied, “I shall make something for myself. You two try to get some sleep.” 
Leon and Sherry watched as the Alpha stood once more, taking the book with him. Waiting for the door to shut behind Nelo, Sherry looked up at Leon, asking him if he thought the story had been real. He merely shrugged, saying that it wasn’t entirely impossible to believe, considering all that they had seen and experienced. Sherry then asked what might have happened to the family, the little girl obviously looking a bit distressed. 
“...I’m not sure.” Leon replied, gently brushing gold locks out of her eyes, “...But we can make-up a happy ending for them.” 
Sherry smiled and nodded as Leon tried to recall where they had left off before making up the ending for the little family. One where the father came back and saved his wife and children from some bad demons. The little girl listened intently, seemingly a bit more at ease with their ending, blue eyes fluttering closed as she laid her head on his chest. After Leon had said that they lived happily ever after, and once Sherry had drifted off to sleep, the Omega carefully carried the little girl to her own room. After tucking her in, he gently kissed her forehead before quietly exiting her room. The door slowly closed behind him with a soft click. 
Leon looked from the intricately detailed door to the living room area where Nelo now sat. The tall being now sitting on the couch, watching the now lit fireplace before him. Leon decided to not go back to their shared room, deciding to sit with him instead. As he approached, he noticed the room didn’t smell of food, but Leon could faintly smell the scent of tea. Jasmine? Green Tea? Maybe a mix of both? 
As he sat beside the man, he could smell the flowery fragrance, seeing the porcelain teacup between his hands, “You’re having jasmine tea for dinner?” 
Nelo hummed, not turning his attention away from the burning embers in the fireplace, listening to the crackling sound, “I’m not hungry…” 
Leon gave him a sympathetic look, unable to read the expression on the Alpha’s features, “Are you okay?” 
Nelo stared ahead for a moment longer before slowly turning his head and looking at Leon, blood red orbs staring into his own, “Do I look okay to you?” 
The Omega studied his features, looking at the black veins that stood so prominent under the gray skin, running like inky rivers of black through bare fields of ash and smoke. The red eyes reminded Leon of blood, and suddenly the Omega found himself seeing flashes of teeth rip through flesh, the same blood red smeared across said teeth, rotten flesh and tattered clothes. He then saw flashes of the pools of blood and the spatters that splashed across the walls and windows of the RPD’s Waiting Room, staining and clashing against the blue of the wallpaper and the tiled floor. All he could hear were the growls and snarls of the hideous undead, the screeching and roaring of monsters. 
Leon turned his eyes away from Nelo, gasping as his breathing picked up. He clenched his eyes shut as he tried to regain his composure, pushing the traumatic memories to the back of his mind before he could suffer another panic attack. Nelo scoffed beside him, and Leon could see the man shake his head out of the corner of his eye.
“Thought so.” Nelo merely said, turning to stare at the fireplace again, sipping at his tea before settling the cup back on the saucer, “You can’t even look at me now...I haven’t been okay in a long time.” 
“No…” Leon whispered with shaken breaths, “It’s not...you, specifically.” 
Nelo raised a brow, looking back at the Omega. Leon looked at Nelo, trying to focus on the man’s eyes without losing it again. The Omega was definitely shaken up, but he pushed the fear back down, explaining that it wasn’t Nelo exactly. It was Leon’s own fucked up brain, his screwed up memories and even more terrifying nightmares. That’s why he and Sherry were still awake when the Alpha had returned. 
“We’re still not over what happened in Raccoon…” Leon admitted, swallowing the lump in his throat, “All that blood...all those monsters. Christ, even Sherry’s own father tried to kill her, for fuck’s sake. It’s like, who the fuck would do this? Why? Normal people like you and me turned into...these fucking things out of a horror movie...and for what? Some military contract? Money? Why?!” 
Nelo listened intently, haven’t not heard Leon’s tale before this. He had been curious when Mundus mentioned that Sherry and Leon were “Extraordinary Creatures”, saying that they had “earned the honor” of not being made food or breeding mules. Hence why they had been “gifted” to Nelo, but the Alpha himself often wondered what made them so special...until now. 
These monsters...were they demons? Or made into beastly creatures by demons? Sherry smelled tainted, not like any human he had ever encountered, but she never changed or acted strangely. Nelo didn’t sense danger when around her, so there was no way she was a demon. And Leon smelt like a normal human Omega...though, Leon’s scent now smells slightly off. Not like a heat...but there was something else. Something new. 
Leon went into the whole process of how he and Sherry had been found by Mundus’s men, who had been looking for something but had found Leon and Sherry instead. They had disguised themselves as normal looking humans, wearing military gear and Leon explained that he and Sherry thought they were the rescue team. He thought they were there looking to help any survivors. 
“And then there was this flash of light and then we were...here…” Leon noticed that Nelo was sniffing at his hair and then moving to smell around his face and neck, “Are you even listening? What are you doing?” 
“I heard you.” Nelo admitted, setting the teacup down on the coffee table in front of them before grabbing Leon by the leg and pulling, the Omega falling backward onto the couch cushions, “You smell off.” 
“What?” Leon asked in confusion, Nelo climbing on top of him, drawing a sound of protest as Nelo unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it open, “Hey!” 
“You weren't planted with anything, were you?” Nelo asked, hands settling on the Omega’s chest, glowing a dark blue as he continued to smell the younger, “Mundus didn’t stick anything inside of you or the girl?” 
Leon furrowed his brows up at the Alpha, “No. I wouldn’t even let him or his assholes near Sherry.” 
Nelo kept “frisking” the younger, his hand glowing as he scanned it over Leon’s form. Not only did the human smell weird, but the Alpha sensed a demonic energy inside of Leon, so he had been a bit paranoid that Mundus had done something to the human to spite him. His hand stopped at Leon’s stomach, or rather the area where his womb was, the glow turning from dark blue to a color Nelo hadn’t seen since…
...His palm was now glowing a bright baby blue color, and Nelo felt a sense of familiarity. A sense of peace…like when he was a child. He laid his head against the Omega’s womb, his hand touching Leon’s stomach. If Dante couldn’t succeed in defeating Mundus and falling to the demon king...then there was still hope inside of the Omega.
Leon looked down at the elder, noticing that there were tears in his eyes before the Alpha shut them, “Nelo?” 
Nelo looked up at him, lying in Leon’s lap, “You carry the last hope for your world should my brother fall to Mundus.” 
At the younger’s even more confused and shocked expression, Nelo explained that the story Leon and Sherry had read had indeed been a true story...a story about Nelo’s own family. He told Leon the full story, how his father, Sparda, had been the greatest warrior in all of the underworld. He was the most powerful demon knight who had led Mundus’s army and had been the demon’s right hand man. He helped Mundus win many battles in the underworld before Mundus looked to move on to the human world. 
But Sparda soon realized that what Mundus had been doing was wrong. He wanted to save humanity...so he did. He had defeated Mundus and sealed off the Gates of Hell across the world. He had done this for thousands of years, defeating any demons who threatened the Earth or threatened to open the Gates. He defended humanity and acted as their savior. 
“And then, in the twentieth century…” Nelo began, drifting off as he thought of his mother, feeling a wave of guilt wash over him.
“He met your mother, Eva.” Leon realized, recalling the story he and Sherry read, “And she gave birth to you and your brother...which twin are you?” 
Nelo called forth a sword with what little strength he had left, the once mighty katana looking quite worn and fragile.
“...Vergil…” Leon recalled, looking over the katana, remembering the description of the swords given to each twin, “That’s the…? Is that the one Mundus is looking for? Wouldn’t he have just read that book to find out what happened to it?” 
The demon knight shook his head, “The book came from a forbidden archive in a city in the human world. A city called Fortuna.” Nelo explained, “It’s also where they had been keeping my sword for safekeeping...until I found out what they had been trying to do with it.” 
“What were they doing with it?” Leon asked, “What does it do? Why is Mundus looking for it?” 
Nelo explained that the sword is imbued with demonic energy, it’s so powerful that it could cut through anything, it could even cut open gateways between realms and worlds. It had been one of the swords that sealed off one of the Gates in Fortuna. It had been forged by his father, and was as strong as the user wielding it. 
The Alpha gave it a sad look, “Unfortunately, due to my own callousness...I am no longer worthy of its power...and the Yamato is weak in my possession.” 
Nelo continued on, saying that he had opened one of the gates in order to procure his father’s power from Hell, nearly destroying the human world while he was at it. He hoped to make himself stronger...but in doing so he had failed and fell into the netherworld, encountering Mundus at the same time. Sadly, he had failed at that too, and now he was Mundus’s servant and knight. 
Leon looked at him in horror, “You...you did what?!” He asked, pulling himself out from under the Alpha, backpedalling to the otherside of the couch, “You’re one of the bad guys then?” 
“You don’t understand,” Nelo said, shaking his head, sitting back on his knees and looking up at the Omega, “I had to. I needed to become stronger...without strength…” 
“Bullshit!” Leon exclaimed, standing before the man and feeling a sense of betrayal, “People could have died!” 
“Humanity is weak.” Nelo insisted, “Not all of it, but a lot of humanity is weak. Frail, helpless, fragile. It can end in an instant. Humans give in to temptation, greed, anger...they kill one another for frivolous things and reasons, oblivious to the true evil that lies beneath them.” 
“Not all of us!” Leon hollered, pointing an accusatory finger at the Alpha, “Some of us have morals and give a shit about others. That’s the reason I joined the force! To serve and protect the people! Yeah, there’s a bunch of bad apples who want to fuck everyone over for their own selfish reasons, I’ve seen it first hand! I’ve fucking fought through it! But you know what? It’s up to us to stop those people! To be better than them! Not become them!” 
Leon was red in the face now, “And demons like your father saw that! He helped the humans! Despite the assholes, he helped humanity! He loved your mother and he loved you and your brother! And now you’re spitting in their faces!” 
The Omega was now pacing in front of the coffee table, anger radiating off of the younger in waves, reminding Nelo of an angry Lion in a cage, seconds from pouncing, “You don’t have to have all this power to be strong! That’s not strength! Strength comes from within! It’s the ability to get knocked down, get back up, dust yourself off and keep going! I didn’t inject myself with any of those fucking viruses to make myself “stronger”! I kept fighting and kept going! I had to for Claire and Sherry’s sake!” 
Now it was Nelo’s turn to be stunned silent, looking up at the human before him. As much as he wanted to strike the Omega down for speaking to him in such a manner, he found he didn’t have it in him. He couldn’t. On one hand, a part of him was angry, the demon inside wanting to know what right the human had to speak to him in such a manner. On the other hand, what little remained of his humanity respected Leon’s courage and outspoken nature, silently agreeing with him. 
He had never encountered a human that didn’t immediately kiss his ass or bow to him in fear. Or encourage his behavior because of his father’s name or in hopes of tasting the power he had or was trying to acquire… 
...he could see why Mundus hadn’t killed Leon. Mundus preyed on fear...but Leon didn’t seem like one who was easily scared. He obviously was never one to beg for his life either. Nelo stood, going toward the still ranting Omega whom he had only admired for his physical attributes and sweetness, but now also admired for his fire and strength. The Omega who was now carrying his child and would lead them down a path to a better life...a path he himself could no longer follow. 
He would get them and Sherry out of here. When he would inevitably be sent after his brother in the human world, he would leave them somewhere safe. Or he would find a way to get them to safety sooner. 
“...and I will be damned if I let you do anything to Sherry or...mmph!” Leon was cut-off by lips capturing his own for a searing kiss. 
A muffled protest left the Omega, pulling away for a moment, “Oh no you don’t! You’re not gonna change my mind...HEY!” Leon exclaimed, the Alpha lifting him up and carrying him over his shoulder, picking up the Yamato on the way to the bedroom, “HEY! PUT ME DOWN! WE ARE NOT DONE HERE!” 
“You are going to rest,” Nelo said, “And then tomorrow, you and I will discuss your means of escape. Your friend is still on her way to Europe to find her brother, yes?” 
Leon stopped struggling, looking at the back of the man’s head, “Claire? Yeah. Why? You better not…wait, escape?” 
“I’ll help her or her brother. Whomever I find first.” Nelo informed the Omega, bumping the bedroom door open with the toe of his boot, “And then I will make arrangements with them to guarantee yours, Sherry’s and the child within you’s safety. You’ll keep and hide the Yamato and carry our child in exchange for me helping you.” 
He set Leon down on the bed, blue eyes looking up in shock at Nelo, “Wait...there’s a baby inside of me?!” 
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guettaes · 5 years
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"I still love you being a monster, Vergil. "
@sparkie96 i really liked the reader and i will continue to wait for the next part and i will wait for the rest as well with the old ones. because you can come up with very good stories.
and i will do more with vergil x leon and Chris x leon drawings just have to design.^^
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sparkie96 · 5 years
"How Vergil Met Leon" Preview Two
"What do we have here?" Vergil said aloud, "A human still alive in this hellish place? I'm surprised the monsters haven't eaten you up...though, they almost did." 
Leon continued to just look up at the man, still utterly confused as to who this man was. Or rather...what he was, considering he just up and lifted a heavy ass shelf with one arm and tossed it as though it weighed nothing. Or cut Trenchie in two with just a sword when Leon couldn't even put the bastard down with bullets and shells. Though, the Omega couldn't really complain at the moment. The man did just save his life. 
He also noted that the man was very tall and had snow white hair neatly slicked back. He wore strange attire, a long blue coat with gold and lighter blue accents and embroidery. Underneath that, he wore a deep blue vest that overlapped and pants with boots, fingerless gloves on his hands. He looked more dressed for a costume contest than an outbreak. Piercing blue orbs bored into his own. 
The older man raised a brow, "It's not very polite to stare. Don't tell me the noisy little mouse has suddenly gone quiet?" 
Leon gulped down a breath, suddenly glaring up at the man, not very fond of the pet name, "I'm not a little mouse. And you are…?" 
Vergil chuckled at that, "You scurry about like one...as for my name, I don't have to tell you." 
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sparkie96 · 5 years
"Deal With a Devil: How Leon Met Vergil" preview
“Gotta keep moving.” The Omega panted, “Need to get to the clock tower…” 
He had the piece for the clock tower in hand, wondering who the hell stored a key component for the jail cells below in a god damn clock tower. Probably the Chief, considering Ada said that Ben had been telling the truth about Chief Irons and his corruption. The Omega wondered if the man had been working with the bastards behind this whole mess. For all he knew, Chief Irons had helped with the downfall of the RPD.
Leon didn’t have time to worry or think about that right now. 
He made it to the bottom of the stairs to the tower, throwing open the door and making his way up, hoping Trenchie wouldn’t be able to fit through this corridor. His hopes were correct, Trenchie tried to squeeze himself through the small door, but had been unable to get through. Gigantic arms swung at the Omega, but thankfully Leon was way out of his reach. Finally, he would be able to catch a break...and maybe his breath. 
After his curt break, Leon made his way up the stairs that led to the top of the belltower, cog in hand as he approached the console. He opened the glass, putting the cog in place right where it needed to go. After closing the glass cover, he activated the bell and took a step back. He watched as the bell rocked from side to side, chiming loudly. The giant bell simultaneously pushed against a pile of wood and paint cans, a tool box sitting on the edge of the platform. The bell knocked the pile loose, sending all of it tumbling down on to the floor below. 
Leon took another step back as the tool box landed before him, the Omega tensing up and instinctively looking around. He hoped the commotion didn’t attract anymore zombies or monsters to the RPD. The building was already infested, he didn’t need more flooding in at the sound of a dinner bell. 
He knelt down next to the toolbox, unclasping the lock and opening it, revealing the part he needed for the cells in the lower levels. His relief was short-lived when he remembered all the monsters waiting for him just downstairs...including Trenchie. A groan of annoyance left him, tucking the part into one of his uniform pouches before pulling out his Matilda and slowly making his way back down the steps and back into the RPD. He wondered where the hell Ada had run off to and if Claire was alright. He genuinely hoped she was okay, hoping she had found her older brother.  
He just hoped that they could all make it out of here in one piece.
His sword sliced through another corpse, the former human’s upper half falling to one side while the lower half fell to the other side. Vergil sneered in disgust and annoyance as he looked at the pile of now dead corpses lying around him. He wondered what annoyance had caused this troublesome situation. Most likely a group of pathetic humans playing with things they had zero business playing with. 
Sheathing the Yamato, Vergil made his way toward the building with “RPD” in big letters on the front. He had come to this quaint little town under the assumption that there was something here to help with Mundus’s plans...something Vergil had to get ahold of before the demon king could. While Vergil still had his sanity. He felt ill, something that shouldn’t have been possible due to his special abilities and demon half...but maybe that was the problem; he was half-demon, half-human. Mundus could easily control him, whether it was through his demon half, or corrupt him through his human half. 
Whatever the case, maybe there was something here that could help him fight whatever Mundus had infected him with. Or maybe one of these humans could help him. They had been capable of afflicting their own with some sort of plague, perhaps one of them knew witchcraft...or had some elixirs that could help him. Because he didn’t think he had the energy to cross dimensions to see a witch doctor at the moment, so these humans were his only option until he could regain his strength. 
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sparkie96 · 5 years
Vergil x Leon 👀
Werewolf × Hunter (I can see Leon being a werewolf meeting devil hunter Vergil and vice versa, but Vergil being a demon Leon mistakes for a vampire)
Mermaid × Fisherman (Could work for both but Vergil as a Siren that was originally thinking of drowning Leon at first but was like "Oh, no, He's hot!")
Witch × Familiar (Either/or tbh)
Barista × Coffee Addict (Leon being sly and flirtatious, Vergil grumbling but coming back anyway.)
Professor × TA (Either/or. Vergil being a history / occult teacher 😍)
Knight × Prince (Works for both, Leon the knight and Vergil: King of the Underworld or Leon, a Prince and Vergil, his knight)
Teacher × Single Parent (...Y'all already know I love #Dadgil with adorable Nero whose favorite teacher is Mr. Kennedy. Vergil bribes Nero to misbehave so Vergil and converse with Nero's teacher)
Writer × Editor (How about I raise you a sort of flower shop au? Where DMC has a funeral home attached to make extra cash (Vergil's idea) and Leon, a customer who works for the government and arranges funerals for the fallen agents.) (Same planned with a Dante x Chris fic 😉)
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sparkie96 · 5 years
And what do I get out of this little arrangement, Little Mouse?" Vergil asked, using a bit of his demon voice for emphasis.
He could smell hesitation on the Omega's form, but was very much impressed that he couldn't smell even the faintest amount of fear.
"Take your pick." Was Leon's brazen response, saying it just above a whisper, "I want to help any survivors get out of here alive and I want to save this city. Whatever it takes. Even if it means making a deal with you and giving up something in the process."   
Vergil pulled back and looked into Leon's eyes, the innocence and naivety melted away and only determination, confidence, and courage remaining. The Omega knew what he wanted and he knew the cost of getting it. 
"Very well," Vergil replied, "I accept your deal. I'll decide later what I want from you...once we make it through this." 
(Happy Early Valentine's Day)
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sparkie96 · 5 years
“The Devil and the Agent” Chapter Three Preview
A flash of a blue glow. Eyes that burned like furious blue flames, gray, almost rock-like armor. The smell of brimstone…a creature growling his name as it invaded his space.
“There was...something else there.” Leon admitted, “It wasn’t like any BOW that I had seen...the closest thing I can compare it to is…” 
Before Leon could finish, the lights began flickering. Leon and Chris looked upward, watching the fluorescent lights flicker before some eventually blew out, exploding into a firework of sparks, glass and plastic. Some sparks landed on the file, the paper catching fire as the photos and reports began to be eaten away by the flames. Leon’s eyes widened in shock and horror, the flames blue in appearance. 
They heard a roar of thunder, looking out the window and watching as the sky darkened, lightning flashing and rain pouring. A burst of wind blew out the window, more glass adding to the mess in the room. The strong wind picked up the remains of the burning papers, sweeping them out the window. 
“Shit!” Chris cursed, trying to snatch one of the papers out of the air in vain. 
Leon was frozen in his seat, wondering how any of this was possible. It had been sunny all morning, and there had been no call for thunderstorms. And the lights and blue flames had been too much of a coincidence. 
Chris looked to him, about to ask what the hell was going on until he was interrupted by screams from the other side of the one-way mirror. They heard a monstrous roar, the lights flickering on the other side, both men watching as a monstrous beast with a blue glow tore the agents on the other side apart. 
“That...That thing!” Leon pointed out, “That’s the beast that killed the Senator and his men!”
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sparkie96 · 5 years
A new chapter of “The Devil and the Agent” has been uploaded. 
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sparkie96 · 5 years
Vergil thought his only love was power. But when he sees an unknown human leaving Devil May Cry, he wants to find out what's so special about this mere human.
He never intended to fall in love with him.
Rated for themes. Mind the tags.
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