#vergessenes Selbst verloren in den Flammen .. <if verse>
sercphs · 7 months
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⠀⠀⠀⠀Oh yeah, she does get edgy.
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sercphs · 2 years
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@melodicbreeze​ asked:
“Please don’t deny me the chance to help my people.”
“Your people?”
        Metallic hands clench, and teeth grit - those words stirred up a deep ire within her. A chance to help his people?
        After all of the neglect he had shown them, taking a little nap while Mondstadt went to hell? And now he’s asking for a chance to help them?!
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        No part of her wanted to face him when he spoke, but the quiet anger deep inside the built up wasn’t something she could hide. That burning passion that had welled up inside, exacerbated by the Will of Shamash that now burned at the back of her mind. The influences of those that guided her - the Kaslana who taught her more about Shamash, and her cruel mentor...
“What right do you have... To call them your people?!”
As anger wells within her voice, she turns to face him - hands clenched in angry fists, teeth bared as she glares him down.
“You’re nothing! You’ve done nothing but abandon them in times of need! You let tyranny set in repeatedly! You’ve only failed!”
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        A step forward, a finger pointed at him as the temperature slowly rises around her, the telltale sign of one of the great changes she’d experienced.
“You don’t have the right to call them your people anymore, Barbatos!”
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sercphs · 2 years
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@ancientforged asked:
"That core you have, it doesn't belong to you." It wasn't a question, but a statement filled with an edge of fury. Kiana knew that honkai signature too well, it should belong to Mei, not to Fischl.
"What happened? How did you get it? What did you do to her?'' The temperature in air got higher and higher with each word, until flanes began to crackle around the ground Kiana was standing on.
"Tell me already!"
"Shut up."
⠀⠀⠀⠀Her gaze matches up with Kiana, unflinching before the heat that rose in the area. The young woman, the prodigal child of the New World Serpent, furrowed her brow at Kiana's anger.
⠀⠀⠀⠀With a wave of her hand, she drew out the Cleaver of- Oh, that's the Might of An-Utu. Between the acquired Herrscher Core and Kevin, they'd disabled the gene lock and released the weapon to it's full power. Or rather as full as it's power could get, under the conditions before them.
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"Mei couldn't see why this had to be done. She stood in the way."
⠀⠀⠀⠀A gaze of brilliant green, once such a kind and friendly gaze, now consumed by quiet anger and poison. Mei wasn't dead, but she wasn't ever going to be a danger again.
"If you stand in my way too, I'll do what I must."
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sercphs · 2 years
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sercphs · 2 years
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@oraijin asked:
pinches her cheek, smiling so casually while doing it. (hsr / milf mei LMAO ♥ )
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The pinch takes her by surprise, before she slightly waves a hand to shoo away Mei's. There's no malice behind it though, as instead she's got a softer smile.
"Mom, cut that out - we're only just seeing each other again, the doting can wait just a bit longer."
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sercphs · 2 years
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@raigore​ asked:
‘ are you afraid ? ‘
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        Of course she was afraid. How could she not be afraid?
“...One shan’t be afraid, before even the most perilous of trials.”
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sercphs · 2 years
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tags ;;
das Selbst am wahrsten .. ic
das Selbst durch die Linse .. ooc
das Selbst auf Leinwand gezeichnet .. visage
das Selbst im Buch geschrieben .. headcanons
liebste Mutter von einer Welt so weit .. mei
Liebster Freund aus längst vergangenen Zeiten .. venti
vergessenes Selbst verloren in den Flammen .. if verse
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sercphs · 2 years
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@trailblazer-march-7th asked:
"Hi~ Did you miss me?" A familiar voice of a pink haired elf, although that voice sounded a bit more... Younger, around the blonde person's age.
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If the other would turn to face the direction of where the voice originated, they could see a pink haired girl, not all that much different in terms of height compared to the other. She does however have pink hair, blue eyes with a pink gradient hue on the upper part of the iris.
⠀⠀⠀⠀Green gaze rests on the new arrival, staring at her with scrutinizing focus. Did she know this person?
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⠀⠀⠀⠀Mechanical arms cross, and there's a heavy sigh that escapes her. She had no idea why this person referred to it as 'missing' her, when in fact she simply had no idea who this was. Not Elysia, at the very least - just someone with similar colors on her palette.
"Who are you?"
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sercphs · 2 years
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@flaemscion​ asked:
“ you're not doing this alone. “
"..And you act like you’re going to try and help me?”
        A metallic hand is waved dismissively toward the other, the once bright and cheerful girl who spoke of her excitement to know Kiana nowhere to be seen. Whoever stood before her now, though bearing the same name and face, seemed to have lost that spark of hope.
        That spark that was replaced by something else, something dark.
“I don’t need sympathy. Don’t even pretend like you’re going to support the path that I’ve chosen to walk.”
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        Her eye closes, thinking about the name Kiana bore - Kiana of House Kaslana, the same name that man had. There were similarities she could feel between the two of them, but Kiana...
        Wasn’t nearly as willing to do what needed to be done.
“Pretending like those four years never happened won’t accomplish anything. I know it’s been a while, but there’s no benefit to acting like either of us are the same as we were before.”
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