redsunns · 3 years
*taps mic* does this thing still work
hello friends! i just wanted to say that i’ve officially moved haneul to this blog here and will be moving threads with him over there! don’t be alarmed if you get activity from that blog, it’s just me--- same idiot with a keyboard, different url~
@ghostvibin, @intergalacticxmisfits, @nouvelis
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redsunns · 3 years
Already behind schedule for the day, he sets aside the PDA, already having to scratch off his detour trip to Hongdae and pushing the thought away to refocus here. The two mull over the same chapter for the third time. Biomimetics had never been a strong subject of his and continuing to fail at keeping her attention starts rubbing a sore spot. Regardless, he conceals the slight irritation to bring up the next example model. “Oka—.”
Not even a full word out, his student butts in. The question swings double-edged, both his suspicions and interest piquing at the general statement. Propping a curious brow, he thinks to entertain for the moment, but decides to shut the conversation down so they can at least trudge through this part. First, he opens his mouth. Then, he closes his mouth. Oh, this better be good. Internal screaming reverberates at the back of his throat, as his mind wanders to curses better left unsaid. Wearing his teacher’s facade, he nods in extended patience, ignoring the cookie gesture altogether. His eyes sparkle at the genuine thought of a scientific theory. Law of matter?
He follows along, until she utters magic into his ears. Quickly, he sits straight from his chair to list out possible venues of explanation for her curiosity. “Ahem! Well, modern medicine and surgery can do so already,” hinting at transplants and similar operations. Swallowing down, he pauses to gather more concise thoughts, adding philosophy, “I suppose spiritually, one can give life to another. Religion and prayer. Hope and optimism. Good faith…” Holding his ramble down, he continues with a direct answer to her inquiry, “Though I am by no means an expert in the field of magic,” assuming this is all hypothetical as even he plays with a form of glamor, “Fiction and fantasy have many ‘healers’ that can achieve such a feat. Mind control, perhaps. Absorption… or even, necromancy.” Before exposing the nerd that he is, he halts to let her process the information.
Yoo realizes that their topic of interest no longer resides in their textbook session, so he close the encyclopedia, encouraging her to speak her mind as he finally takes a cookie, “Tell me, is there more to this question than just the Law of Conservation?”
                euna watches with wide eyes--- carefully, of course, to see if she’s tricked her all-knowing tutor into thinking this is probably just casual conversation or a passing thought. and it is! the thought just happens to pass her mind every other second of the day! but she decides that he seems convinced enough (enough to at least entertain her thoughts and questions), and that settles her. she sinks back into chair and shrugs. a man of science will obviously answer with science but---
                “do you think that?” she hums, “do you think magic is the same as fiction?” it’s a question directed at him, of course. but also to the air, to the universe, to the entities that be. if her existence is outside the realm of reality then perhaps her morality isn’t anything to worry about. how could she worry over whether she’s good or evil if she isn’t real? barely waiting for an answer, euna presses further: she slides her notebook closer, rips out a piece of paper, and starts doodling. 
                “i just think... if taking a life is bad...” she writes a neat murder = bad :( at the top of the page--- “is taking a life to save another bad too? d’you think that energy transfers to the person who lives--- that badness?” her pen moves to the middle of the page, where she scribbles living = bad? and holds it up for yoo to see--- as if the sheet helps illustrate her line of thinking any better than her words do (to be fair, it helps her, which probably means something too). “hypothetically, obviously.”
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redsunns · 3 years
growing up, seojung has never gotten used to the idea of someone worrying about him. only the fewest instances of barely-there warmth from the one who’s meant to love without conditions, so fleeting that he wondered if he’d imagined it all in his head. but haneul was always there, the boy with warm eyes and warmer hands, the boy who felt like a burst of light in a darkened room. “there’s no need to worry about me.” he assures with a gentle smile as his hand rummages through haneul’s hair playfully, even though the tired bags under his eyes claim otherwise. “or did you sign a contract to babysit me that i didn’t know about?” no matter how tough his days might be, talking with haneul always makes it easier, somehow. sometimes he forgets about it and wants to run from the world instead — what a terrible friend he makes. “what did you do for your day-off? i’ll try to join in on the fun next time.”
                let the record show that haneul is not impressed by seojung’s jokes, thank you, but also let the record show that all he really has to show for it is a light frown. because--- because of course haneul worried about him! haneul cares because seojung is worth caring for! and haneul’s love is not a burden! “i wanted to go to the aquarium,” he grumbles, all types of grumpy and unashamed to let seojung know it while they’re in some pseudo-privacy. he’s careful though-- ghosting his brush over seojung’s lips. “there’s a cool deep sea exhibit and i wanted to see it... but someone wouldn’t text me back.” like a meanie, naturally. “did you have ramen last night? i can see the sodium in your cheeks.”
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redsunns · 3 years
on this episode of “lynn forgets she exists for 328472839847 years straight”:
i may or may not be in the process of giving little hannie his own blog because i love him and i have many ideas for him and if you’re interested in keepin up with my disaster moon child, let me know and i’ll give you the url once it’s finished :)
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redsunns · 3 years
+ @gongyoohoo, x
                somewhere in euna’s mind, she knows good money is being spent on these tutoring sessions. she knows because jaein told her so--- told her that the cost of private tutoring is irrelevant if it means that euna can keep up with her studies. and she’s grateful. she tries her best and works as hard as she can--- it’s just that death has held much more of her than she’d like to admit. her mind wanders frequently, and she finds it hard to focus on any given text in front of her.
                so it might not be too much of a surprise when her gaze drifts from her textbook in front of her (biomimiciry is the science of applying nature inspired designs to---) to the plate of cookies she’s brought, to her tutor. “can i ask you something?” she figures that the not-school-related footnote to her question is obvious because she’s pretty sure she can hear the no hanging in the air, so she quickly adds, “it’s been on my mind for a while,” as if it’ll help convince her very patient tutor to at least hear her out. it helps that she’s truthful, maybe, and she figures that if her very smart tutor can’t give her an answer, then there may not be one at all. “so-- i-- just hear me out first, ‘kay?---” she scooches the cookies closer to him. a peace offering. “---i’ve been thinking about the law of matter? nothing can be created or destroyed, y’know? just altered? well--- magic wor--- i’ve heard magic works the same way? so... do you think it’s possible to take a life from someone and transfer it to another person?”
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redsunns · 3 years
+ @intergalacticxmisfits​, x
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                haneul works with his hands everyday. absolutely. but he’s sitting in a sea of loose screws and wooden something-or-others, his head hurts, his back hurts, he’s pretty sure he has a splinter between his fingers, and--- “my friend,” he whines, “my sweet cherub, lovely, sunshine, rainbow, happysprinklewonderfulamazing friend---” his body his the floor with a loud thump and clatter of hardware, both hands raised in surrender. “show mercy. i’m a mere artist, not a carpenter. you can do without a table or somethin’ for like... forever, right? right?”
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redsunns · 3 years
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Oh boy, this girl looked unpleasant in that sort of way in which a person doesn’t tell you they hate you, but you just know. Soohyun almost instantly straightened himself up and checked if his clothes were all but pristine before he even thought of trying to talk to her. He nodded at her accurate description of his current life. “Yes, I do. A lot of issues, actually.” He replied, already impressed that she seemed to know what she was doing. “I’m uh… sorry about the uh… smell? of my aura?” He wasn’t quite sure whether she meant it or was just using the term metaphorically but he decided to just be first and foremost very respectful. This girl though… she was even worse and he could hardly keep up with her as she spoke. “Uh… I don’t need anyone killed and I really hope this is the one that you wouldn’t do but if it’s not, please don’t tell me, okay? I would like to not have to think about that.” He was feeling a mild panic setting in with how direct the girl was being. “I uh… I think I own a haunted house and I don’t know what to do about it.”
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                if hyo didn’t know better, she’d probably think this kid was scared of her or something. and that’s kind of funny if she thinks about it--- someone scared of her? of jo hyori? of the woman who sits and reads cards, holds women’s palms and tells them their lover will come back to them someday? silly. absolutely fuckin’ bonkers. it’s fortunate, then, that she does know better--- knows it’s her honesty and straightforward attitude that’s intimidating. but it’s better this way, isn’t it? better to be honest than not? “you came to a place like this---” she lifts a hand and waves around them--- “and didn’t expect murder to be on the table?” to his credit, he did come to a place called the cozy coven. but still. still. she alone has enough ill-intent to take down a nation. “a haunted house, huh?” who you gonna call? hyori, apparently--- “ghosts can’t hurt you. spirits can’t hurt you. they’re pretty annoying, but you can live with them if you wanted. demons, though...” with an exasperated sigh, hyo lifts the sunglasses from her nose and sets them on the counter beside her. and with full seriousness--- void of any of her previous dickishness--- she asks, “so have they hurt you?”
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redsunns · 3 years
So, lemme get this straight, there are people for whom regular social interaction is… easy? // to haneul c':
status: accepting!
"well..." haneul pauses from his tattoo doodle. he figures, yeah, there has to be someone out there, and shrugs. but he doesn't know; he's not one of those people. socialization is a learned trait for him, and if not for his peculiar upbringing, he might not have practiced as much as he did. "probably? s'like... i dunno, second nature to them probably?" he quirks a brow up at vesper-- a wicked little grin breaking soon after. "why? you trying to chat someone up? like a daaaate? a crush? hmmm?"
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redsunns · 3 years
hi friends i forgot i existed for a second there but i’m back at it!!
pls give a like for a starter or send me a pun for some plotting!!!
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redsunns · 3 years
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“ — but you’ve never liked coffee.” it is too amusing to see haneul in such a state. is this what happens whenever he finds himself in a bed that’s not his? no wonder his romances never last long — not that seojung knows of, anyway, but he refuses to believe his best friend hides such important things from him. then again, who’s seojung to judge? life under the limelight means he’s loved by everyone and no one at all. he reckons it’s inevitable and he’s always been terrible in relationships. he watches as hanuel looks around in panic, before the question comes to him. “take whatever’s in my closet. the jeans are right there.” he points at the first drawer, “you can find comfier ones in the drawer under it. in case the jeans don’t fit.” he readjust the pillows under him so he can lay in a more comfortable position. “and i’ve got a new coffee machine. i think it’s still in the kitchen, i haven’t unpacked it yet— don’t ask.” drunken nights and online shopping are never a good combination, now that he no longer survives on next to no nothing in his bank account. 
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                “i do now.” haneul doesn’t quite mean to be snippy, it’s just that he can’t figure out why seojung’s so casual with him. he figures it could be a few reasons: one, nothing happened last night except haneul got embarrassingly drunk. two, something did happen last night and seojung also doesn’t remember. or three, something happened last night and it just wasn’t... good. and, truthfully, haneul wouldn’t be surprised with any of those reasons. he’s sure he doesn’t know all of seojung’s flings, but he knows enough to think that maybe he doesn’t measure up. and that’s probably what’s making him snippy at this casualty, hangover aside. his body moves on autopilot to the aforementioned comfy pants, mumbling a confused, “why wouldn’t jeans fit?” to himself as he pulls out a pair. he fumbles as he slides them on-- body all jello--- and just--- “if something happened last night, you’d tell me, right?”
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redsunns · 3 years
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“now it’s going to be your fault if we get caught. you’re making too much noise.” he says as if he wasn’t the reason for the squeal. still, he teases her and clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth. when she mentions that her sister knows that they’re there, he shakes his head. “why don’t you believe in us? that’s disappointing.” he furrows his eyebrows, a bit childish if one may ask, leaning back in his chair while his eyes scan the menu. “i kind of want to share something if you’re down, though. it would be weird if we didn’t order anything at all. then it would be more suspicious.” he huffs. “you know, that’s a really bold assumption to think of me. sometimes i wake up and i don’t even think of you until i see my messages.” it was true. gunwoo could be a house hermit sometimes. this was one of those days he had come outside. “yes. feel bad for me so that you stop staring at your sister like a maniac and your brain is full of me instead. we are here to… to what is it called.. i don’t know the word, but it is not freakishly stalk. feel bad because the feelings were spicy. my taste buds are not bitches. thank you.” 
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                “my faul--- i’ll kill you.” hyo flashes her middle finger across the table in warning--- only kind of serious (unless gunwoo really has a death wish today, which she could also be serious about too). “it’s not that i don’t believe in us,” she begins, taking his hand in hers dramatically as she clutches her eart with her free hand, “’cause you ‘n me, right, we’re like... peanut butter and jelly. sun and moon. cookie dough and ice cream. greater than the powers that be. however.” dropping his hand, hyo motions to her sister across the way. “twin shit hits different. just trust me.” that’s kind of why she’s here, actually. twin shit hits different, and there was no way she was having any peace of mind knowing her sister was on a date with someone she didn’t approve of. but gunwoo is (annoyingly) right, and she gives a heavy sigh as she nods over the menu. it’d be weird if they didn’t get anything--- definitely fall into the freaky stalker category. and while her eyes do wander straight over to the desserts, she quirks an eyebrow up at gunwoo. “are you hungry hungry, or do you want something to munch on? you’ve eaten already, haven’t you? mister spicy feelings?”
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redsunns · 3 years
Sorry I didn’t text you back, I wasn’t in the mood to exist. from sj 💀💀💀
status: accepting!
this isn't a new behavior from seojung--- the whole not texting back thing. it's not even a new behavior for haneul either since they're both busy working and trying to be a functioning human being when the demand calls for it, as it often does. but this is seojung, his seojung, and the whole not texting back thing has still caused haneul to tug the man away at the nearest opportunity for the sake of saving his lip tint. haneul even tries not to pout while he rummages for his brushes, and nods. "i figured," he says, heart heavy and oddly sullen--- reminding himself again that his isn't new. but still. "i was just... i dunno. had the day off. was worried about you, s'all."
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redsunns · 3 years
hi friends i forgot i existed for a second there but i’m back at it!!
pls give a like for a starter or send me a pun for some plotting!!!
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redsunns · 3 years
adult  themes / language tw.    customize  as  you  need / wish !
I watched a large ant and a small ant fight over a piece of poison bait today. Truly no winners there.
You ever finish your day and realize your shirts been backward the whole time…? Yeah. Me too.
So, lemme get this straight, there are people for whom regular social interaction is… easy?
Ex’s be like, “I’m over you,” then go date a knock off version of you.
How old were you when the guitar hero crowd booed at you for trying your best?
I forgive myself for the way I let people treat me when i didn’t know any better.
There’s always gonna be someone that doesn’t like you, don’t let It bother you.
What is procrastination, if not relaxation persevering?
Sorry I didn’t text you back, I wasn’t in the mood to exist.
Just saw a raccoon pop its head out of a storm drain like Pennywise and it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.
That awkward moment when someone calls you sweetie.
Dreams do come true if you believe, but you have to make your move.
Sometimes waiting for the weekend is better than the weekend itself.
A sign you are a grown up is when you realize, school is actually more fun than work.
Don’t fall in love. It’s bad.
3 words 8 letters, “I got food.”
That awkward moment when you get mad at someone, slam the door, then you realize you forgot something, so you have to go back.
Admit it. You love the songs that describe exactly what you are feeling.
I really don’t care about the party. I only came for free food.
I stay up late every night, regret it in the morning, and the next day I do it all over again.
Never apologize for saying what you feel. That’s like saying sorry for being real.
Is it possible to party alone?
Imagine if it was possible to find out everyone who secretly had a crush on you.
Beauty gets the attention but personality gets the heart.
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redsunns · 3 years
haneul and hyo are true social chameleons like they can fit into the nicest of nice places and schmooze their way around any crowd while also being able to do keg stands at any given house party without blinking an eye
meanwhile euna is a social orchid who needs to have very specific conditions to feel comfortable. she’s far too clumsy to be in a fancy environment while also too cautious to be too causal comfortably. she’d really be out here knowing that everyone’s talking shit and still trying to have a good time and smile through it anyway and that’s why we stan and protecc kyo euna
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redsunns · 3 years
connections: friends! lovers! ~almost lovers~! a shop regular! roommates! neighbors! anybody! plot: haneul’s mafia family holds formal events very frequently and he’s asked for some company this time. and it’s cool, you know, because haneul’s been telling everyone they’re dating and his guest..........Has Not, and being caught in a lie by your mafia family is Not Great
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                “heyhihellocanitalktoyoureallyquickthanks---” true, haneul is two glasses of champagne in (three, if the one he spilt on his suit while trying to avoid a pair of nosy aunties counts), and his emotions might be a little heightened because of said two glasses, but it’s not without reason. he thinks he’s very valid when he’s swooping in to snag his date by the arm and drag them to the bathroom for privacy. and he thinks he’s equally as valid when he (gently!) pushes them inside and locks the door behind them (to avoid suspicion!). his eyes are wild when he whips around--- “why did auntie somin ask me if she could set you up with her daughter when we’re together?”
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redsunns · 3 years
connections: friends! lovers! ~almost lovers~! a shop regular! roommates! neighbors! anybody! plot: hyo is 1000000% convinced there is a secret being hidden from her because ~the universe says so~ with: jo hyori
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                “you whore.” for the record, this isn’t how hyori normally greets anybody (except maybe her boss), but she means business today. with hurried stomps and tarot cards in her hands, she stops just in front of them-- brow raised. “i consulted my cards this morning, you jerk. you know what they told me? you know what the universe told me?” the moon tarot card is held up then, followed by the judgement card--- both obscenely close to their face-- “you’re hiding something! from me, imagine! what’s it? you gotta family or something? you got a kid? you stole all my snacks? what the fuck are you hiding from me?”
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