#☾. a. haneul.
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mconlight · 2 months ago
unfortunately……………i miss haneul………………. and will be altering some things around…………………….
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daengtokki · 1 year ago
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆
Kim Seungmin/female reader
requested by hydratedhydro!
wc: 1k
rating: fluff (Seungmin wants to have your babies)
Seungmin ran off and left you to fend for yourself at this birthday party. It’s only been a five minutes, but still—all you can do now is sit awkwardly and wait for him to return.
It’s a little crowded. You’re not sure if that’s good or bad: more people means less attention directed toward you. Less people, well, they might notice you sitting here.
You don’t even really know anyone here. Everyone you do know well enough is with Seungmin right now.
A few moments later, you relax. You see him appear across the room, but he’s not breaking away. In fact, he and IN all together seem perfectly comfortable with the conversation they’ve kicked up. Or they were pulled into.
You narrow your eyes at him and hope he can feel it, but he doesn’t even glance your way.
You don’t pay attention at first. It’s an unfamiliar voice, and why would anyone be talking to you anyway?
“May we sit here?”
Now you break free of your trance and look to your left. You don’t recognize her, but a young woman is standing over you. Her face is sweet and her arms are very, very full.
“Yes, of course. I’m sorry.”
You stupidly set your bag and phone on the seat next to you, so you snatch it up and make her more space.
“I saw you come in with Seungmin, are you two good friends?”
Your face heats up and you hesitate for a brief moment, “yes, we are good friends.”
“I knew him when he was just a kid. He’s grown up so much.”
You’re listening to her, but your attention is on the baby she’s carrying now. She’s young, just a few months old. Her eyes are open and searching the space in front of her.
“This is Haneul.” Her mother says and moves the blanket from around her face. “This is her first time at a party, but I’m not sure how she likes it yet.
“She seems content.”
“You don’t look like you’re having much fun. Where did your date run off to?”
Seungmin has his back to you. He hasn’t forgotten you’re sitting back there alone, but the conversation they’ve gotten into has been difficult to get out of.
He turns his head and scans the room, casually, until his eyes land on you. He’s relieved to see you speaking to someone else besides him. The entire night has been spent worrying about whether or not you’ll have any fun at all. He knows you prefer being alone with him.
For a moment, he turns away, but IN has been staring along with you, and he hasn’t stopped.
“Does she like babies?” He smiles and nudges Seungmin.
“I’m not sure…,” he looks your way, and right at that moment, the little one is carefully handed off to you. “We haven’t talked about it.” He feels a little drop in his stomach. Seungmin wants kids, but having them anytime soon is not really in his plan.
The sight of you is giving him second thoughts, though.
IN giggles, “I think she does.”
You stand with her when she starts to fuss, and that does the trick. Haneul likes to be walked around, like most babies do, so you do a few laps back and forth near your seat, just until she settles again.
You’ve visited the daycare floor a few times at work. Very rarely. You like it up there, though. You’re making a mental note to visit more often.
When you glance in the direction of Seungmin, you see him watching you. He smiles, but doesn’t move. You smile and try to pull him back with your eyes, but it doesn’t work. He’s looks back at his group every so often, because they keep pulling him back in, but you’re pretty sure you have most of his attention now. He just doesn’t want to be rude.
IN is leaning to talk to him, nudging him a little further away each time. You appreciate it, and you’ll have to remember to thank him for that.
He still can’t get away, but he hopes you know that he’s trying.
When the conversation finally seems to slow down, and IN successfully pushes him an awkward distance away, Seungmin excuses himself. And just when he turns to face you again, you’re handing the baby back to her mother.
It takes a moment, though, because you’re still talking to her—your finger is clenched in her tiny hand. You’re not ready to give her up yet, but you know you have to.
Seungmin sees her let go when he’s halfway to you. You can tell he’s pouting a little as he gets closer and closer.
For a moment you just stand there and look at each other.
“You missed the baby,” you reach to touch his wrist, and he grabs your hand.
“I saw you, though.” Seungmin leans forward and places a kiss on your forehead. “That was good enough.”
“She was very cute.”
“As cute as our babies?” He pulls you close to say it softly, but he’s still not sure if the sweet moment with the baby was just you being friendly. Maybe that was too much.
He says it like it’s the most normal, casual comment of the night. You know he likes and wants kids, he just doesn’t know that you know about that part of him. But you have ways of finding out. What catches you off guard is that, yes, he wants them with you. It might be the most serious thing he’s ever said to you, regarding your relationship. He doesn’t open up very much.
“No, not that cute.” You wonder if he notices how shaky your voice is now.
Mhmm his lips move softly across your ear. “So, you do—?”
“Yeah, if that’s what you want…someday.”
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danilcc · 9 months ago
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o apartamento F2 da torre AURORA não está mais vago. quem se mudou para lá foi DANIEL LEE MONTEIRO, que tem VINTE E QUATRO anos e, aparentemente, trabalha como MÚSICO E ESTUDANTE DE MÚSICA (CURSO PROFISSIONALIZANTE). estão dizendo que se parece muito com JEON JUNGKOOK, mas é bobagem. não esqueça de dar as boas vindas!
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1 de junho, sol em gêmeos, lua em virgem. panssexual, namorando (dois).​ línguas faladas: coreano, inglês e português (tem um pouco de sotaque) // língua de sinais coreana. membro de uma família católica tradicional. aparência: um pouco punk, jaquetas de couro ou jeans surrado, calça jeans sempre envelhecidas (as vezes usa couro), strass e fivela ainda é moda pra ele, botas e tênis all star. cabelos longos, preto, ondulado, corte mullet. tem dois piercings no lábio, um na sobrancelha e vários furos na orelha. tem o braço direito fechado em tatuagens, do ombro a ponta dos dedos. mora no complexo a 6 anos.
Daniel nasceu de vida ganha, vindo de uma família rica e vivendo em um dos melhores lugares para se viver no Brasil (isso de acordo com algumas revistas, não sou eu dizendo), o menino sofreu aquilo que toda criança rica e herdeira sofre, as pressões familiares natural do único filho da maior herdeira do patrimônio da família, teve uma educação regrada e foi controlado pelos desejos de sua avó sem qualquer direito de escolha, mesmo assim, era um garoto livre. Até os seus dez anos, viveu o que queria viver, aprendeu o que queria aprender e decidiu muitas coisas de sua vida por conta própria. Porém, a separação de seus pais foi feita através de acordos, um deles era o fato de que, depois dos dez anos, Daniel estudaria em escolas sul-coreanas e seguiria a sua vida profissional no país de origem de seu pai, passando a viver com ele. Foi aí que tudo mudou, Daniel deixou a família e, junto com ela, toda a infância e alegria que ele tinha, pois ao colocar os pés na casa de seu pai, tudo se transformou em um verdadeiro inferno. Daniel era um filho odiado, logo conheceu tudo aquilo que nunca experimentou sendo o membro querido da família Lee Monteiro. Foi assim que Daniel chegou no complexo de Haneul, estrangeiro, não foi difícil conseguir o aluguel e tinha dinheiro em sua conta o suficiente para viver o início daquela nova vida. Abriu mão de suas regalias, logo o dinheiro que só crescia na sua conta, se tornou esquecido junto com todo o seu passado que foi colocado em uma caixa, escondido para que nunca mais corresse o risco de voltar, sendo assim o seu verdadeiro recomeço.
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biografia completa abaixo
Antes de entender a história de Daniel, é preciso entender como é a família dele. O famoso império Choson é dominado pela família Lee Monteiro, uma das famílias mais ricas do Brasil que é fruto de mais uma família imigrante em fuga de um período cheio de violência e morte. A família Lee fugiu da Coreia durante a década de 50, onde acontecia uma guerra sangrenta e dolorosa, não se sabe ao certo como eles chegaram em Florianópolis, mas tudo começou ali. Desde a primeira geração dessa família em terras brasileiras, o domínio foi sempre das mulheres, o nome Lee se tornou presente em todas as gerações seguintes e não havia nenhuma linhagem mais coreana do que a deles, essa família sofreu muito como qualquer outro imigrante em um país que não é dele, mas foi na beira do desespero que decidiram vender comida caseira coreana, os passos iniciais que levaram a maior franquia de comida coreana existente no país.
Choson é uma marca coreana-brasileira que cresceu tanto, que acabou tornando a família Lee uma das mais ricas do país, mas essa proporção toda só foi possível quando um único nome não coreano entrou para a família, Monteiro, o único que partiu de um homem que fez parte daquele círculo familiar e acabou tornando aquele laço ainda mais forte. Os Lee Monteiro cresceu em uma rapidez quase imediata e logo estavam fazendo parte das listas mais relevantes do país, mas também foi a brecha necessária para que certas tradições voltassem. E a principal delas era o desejo de manter a linhagem coreana ainda mais firme entre eles, não se importam de ver membros da família partirem pra Coreia e ficarem ainda mais longe, pois uma característica forte naquela família era o fato de ser muito família, moravam em casas grandes para que todos ficassem juntos, almoços e jantares eram barulhentos demais, não havia primos distantes que, de fato, fossem distantes, todos se conheciam e sabiam da vida um do outro, por isso que essa tradição retornando não foi muito bem recebida.
A última a adotar essa tradição foi Sofia, ela não queria ser empresária, então decidiu estudar gastronomia na Coreia e foi aí que o inferno em sua vida se tornou real, conheceu o seu futuro marido e a paixão foi instantânea, voltou para o Brasil já casada e grávida, na esperança de manter um casamento dos sonhos e atendendo todos os desejos de sua mãe, Sofia quebrou uma longa linhagem de filhos homens, mas voltou a alimentar o domínio feminino dos Lee Monteiro, mas a razão de seu filho carregar apenas o seu sobrenome vinha do fato de ter tido um péssimo casamento e que não durou muito, a separação foi inevitável e aí começamos a ver a história de Daniel.
De infância tranquila, Daniel nasceu de vida ganha, vindo de uma família rica e vivendo em um dos melhores lugares para se viver no Brasil (isso de acordo com algumas revistas, não sou eu dizendo), o menino sofreu aquilo que toda criança rica e herdeira sofre, as pressões familiares natural do único filho da maior herdeira do patrimônio da família, teve uma educação regrada e foi controlado pelos desejos de sua avó sem qualquer direito de escolha, mesmo assim, era um garoto livre. Até os seus dez anos, viveu o que queria viver, aprendeu o que queria aprender e decidiu muitas coisas de sua vida por conta própria, era visto como um rebelde por parte de sua avó, pois ele escolheu não seguir os caminhos da família e se tornou músico muito cedo, igual a história de muitos músicos da atualidade, Daniel criou um canal de música ainda criança e, autodidata, não demorou para aprender a tocar instrumentos e a cantar, ao contrário do que era esperado, sua avó simplesmente se apaixonou por sua voz e passou a apoiá-lo em suas decisões, pagando tudo o que o dinheiro poderia pagar para ele se tornar um fenômeno da música com pouca idade.
( trigger warning: menção a violência contra criança e drogas )
Porém, a separação de seus pais foi feita através de acordos, um deles era o fato de que, depois dos dez anos, Daniel estudaria em escolas sul-coreanas e seguiria a sua vida profissional no país de origem de seu pai, passando a viver com ele. Foi aí que tudo mudou, Daniel deixou a família e, junto com ela, toda a infância e alegria que ele tinha, pois ao colocar os pés na casa de seu pai, tudo se transformou em um verdadeiro inferno. Daniel era um filho odiado, logo conheceu tudo aquilo que nunca experimentou sendo o membro querido da família Lee Monteiro. Seu pai era um homem cruel e monstruoso, uma imagem que nunca lhe foi passado pela mãe, descobrindo que até violência doméstica fez parte da relação mal sucedida, o homem era igual rico e importante, um nome seguro das consequências que seus atos poderiam causar, bastava pagar e tudo ficava bem. Por essa razão, Daniel foi vítima de violência, chegando a ser drogado pelo homem para “lhe dar um pouco de paz”, e aos catorze anos Daniel estava viciado e se tornou um garoto problema como consequência das infelicidades que lhe foram dadas, seu pai lhe privou de tudo, de ter contato com os seus amigos, com a sua família, deixando-o ilhado naquele pequeno inferno diário todos os dias, fazendo com que o único caminho conhecido por ele fosse o fundo do poço.
Era muito jovem, mas já carregava a imagem do filho problemático pela a alta sociedade, as poucas aparições dele era com o rapaz em uma imagem deprimente de droga, bebida e uma aparência horrenda para alguém tão rico, o que despertou um sinal de alerta de sua mãe que precisou lutar muito para conseguir, finalmente, autorização judicial para uma visita, ter contato com o próprio filho e, quem sabe, tentar tirá-lo das mãos de seu ex-marido. O grande problema é que, quando finalmente conseguiu encontra-lo, foi obrigada a ver o seu filho de dezesseis anos beirar a morte em uma overdose traumática, não se sabe como ela conseguiu salvar a vida de seu filho, só se sabe que Daniel despertou em uma clínica de reabilitação e ali ele ficou até completar os seus dezoito anos, foi também o momento da grande virada de chave e a decisão de se afastar daquela instabilidade que a sua família poderia lhe proporcionar, as lembranças de tudo o que viveu com o seu pai fazia com que ele entendesse o porquê de ter cedido as doses pesadas de drogas que ele lhe dava, remédios que viviam naquele círculo familiar com muita facilidade, a sua madrasta sendo viciada em calmantes e seu pai sendo viciado em drogas injetáveis, se lembrou muito bem que no dia que chegou tão perto da morte foi porque ele tinha apanhado muito e queria ser feliz por alguns segundos, por isso que pediu um pouco daquilo que seu pai usava, porque queria entender o que aquilo tinha de tão bom para que o homem a amasse mais do que ele e foi assim que acabou quase morrendo na frente de sua mãe.
( fim do tw )
O que se sabe sobre tratamentos relacionados a vícios, seja qual for, envolve não só a rede de apoio que Daniel nunca teve, mas também as tentações que vivem ao seu redor, além daquela apadrinhagem que é necessário para entender o que acontecia. Não foi fácil, o garoto não conseguiu se livrar do seu pequeno inferno de imediato, foi numa dessas que conheceu o seu anjo da guarda e, consequentemente, o motivo de seu enorme furacão de dor e sofrimento, por isso que, ao sair da clínica com os seus dezoito anos, decidiu não voltar para o berço de ouro e muito menos para o centro daquela tempestade que poderia lhe ser fatal.
Foi assim que Daniel chegou no complexo de Haneul, estrangeiro, não foi difícil conseguir o aluguel e tinha dinheiro em sua conta o suficiente para viver o início daquela nova vida. Começou um sofá velho no canto da sala, depois veio um colchão mais confortável por cima de um amontoado de papelão, para logo ter uma geladeira, microondas e ocupar os armários com comida, entre outras evoluções de quem estava começando a vida sozinho. Abriu mão de suas regalias, logo o dinheiro que só crescia na sua conta, se tornou esquecido junto com todo o seu passado que foi colocado em uma caixa, escondido para que nunca mais corresse o risco de voltar, sendo assim o seu verdadeiro recomeço. Foi a música que fez ele se estabelecer, mesmo que meio incerto, fazendo pequenos shows em bares e voltando a ter acesso em suas redes sociais, conseguiu um dinheiro legal para viver bem por tempo suficiente para, finalmente, dizer que era independente por completo.
Hoje Daniel trabalha em um emprego fixo, não é bem o seu sonho sendo realizado, já que gostaria mesmo de ser um músico bem estabelecido, mas ganhava um salário mensal e tinha horário para entrar e sair, o que era muito importante para ele naquele momento, voltou a frequentar a terapia e continuar com o tratamento de reabilitação que não tinha acabado ainda, vivendo cada dia como se fosse o último, procura fugir de seus antigos vícios de todas as formas possíveis, sendo mais regrado em sua vida. Também está se dedicando um pouco mais aos estudos, mantendo o curso profissionalizante de música e se tornando um aluno exemplar, coisa que ele nunca foi na vida dele, nem mesmo na infância perfeita em que vivia. Daniel agora tem um futuro bem seguro, tem chances de se tornar uma pessoa verdadeiramente feliz e recuperada de todo o caos que viveu durante toda a sua vida.
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wndrlnds · 1 year ago
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☼☾ ( rowoon , twenty eight , he/him , cis male ) - have you seen HAJOON KWANG?  we’ve heard through the grapevine that they’re RESILIENT but also DISPIRITED. when you think of them , you think of THE FRUITLESS ASHES OF A ONCE BLAZING FIRE, SPITTING BLOOD ON THE GROUND AFTER A PUNCH TO THE FACE & LYING AWAKE AT NIGHT WITH NOTHING BUT YOUR THOUGHTS TO KEEP YOU COMPANY.
&&      STATISTICS      /      BIOGRAPHY      /     CONNECTIONSㅤ.
born to an unknown mother and a well decorated, high ranking military official and castle guard of the joseon army.
quite literally born & bred to become part of the joseon army.
spent all of his younger years, into his young adult life, undergoing rigorous training under his father's watch.
lowkey just wanted to make his father proud ??? but his old man was kind've cold, never said he was proud ( or even that he loved him... )
his father died around a year ago in some unimportant little battle, he was old and couldn't fight like he used to so he got got.
hajoon wasn't there, but blames himself for not being able to protect him anyways.
ever since his father's death, he's felt kind've lost ??? his life's purpose was to do what his father told him, to make the man proud, and it was left unfulfilled. and now he just isn't sure what his purpose is anymore...
still a strong and worthy fighter though. a good soldier, sitting as taehyung's second in command and spending any spare time babysitting haneul ( it's literally his job, okay ? )
not exactly trying to find himself or doing soul searching, but he's just a little ... astray. he'll work on it ( no he won't )
( basically what is stated above but here it is anyways... ) hajoon's father was a well decorated and high ranking military official and castle guard for as long as hajoon's been alive. he was brought up around the joseon army, quite literally born and bred to do what he's doing now. however, since his father died around a year ago, he's been struggling a lot with purpose.
that's about it on hajoon for now !! feel free to ask me any questions you might have as i'll probably have an answer. also, reach out, react to my d*sc*rd plot call or like this if you'd like to plot !! thanks for reading, again ♡
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asraxfile · 6 days ago
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❱ 𝗁𝗍𝗍𝗉:˚♡𝖪𝖨𝖲𝖲 𝖮𝖥 𝖫𝖨𝖥𝖤 𝗆𝖺𝗌𝗍𝖾𝗋𝗅𝗂𝗌𝗍 !! ˚ˑؘ 🍥 ·˚
⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☾ Julie ☽∘∙⊱⋅•⋅
⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☾ Natty ☽∘∙⊱⋅•⋅
⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☾ Belle ☽∘∙⊱⋅•⋅
⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☾ Haneul ☽∘∙⊱⋅•⋅
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thegirlwiththewriting · 5 months ago
☾ ⋆・゚Call me Haneul☾⋆・゚
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˖ . ݁𝜗𝜚. ݁₊
Official Girls Girl
Stay and many other kpop groups Stan
This blog is a safe space for everyone, talk to me, vent to me, tell me what makes you happy, it doesn‘t matter what, I am not a judger <3
In love with writing, music, and natures givings like the moon and the ocean
The girl with the writing
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
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chanranghaeys · 5 months ago
안녕! 👋
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⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆ haneul ⋆ 199x ⋆ she/her ⋆ writing acct for svt! ⋆ 🦌���🐸🍊🐻‍❄️🦦 bias line ⋆。˚ ☽ ˚。⋆
⋆˙⟡ networks: the diamond life network; mansae network ⟡˙⋆
⋆.˚⟡ ࣪ ˖ masterlist ⋆.˚⟡ ࣪ ˖ scroll through all my work! ⋆.˚⟡ ࣪ ˖ inbox is open for requests, additions to tag list, thoughts and feedback, or just to say hi hehe (◠‿◠ ღ) ⋆.˚⟡ ࣪ ˖
more about me and my writing guidelines under the cut ᵕ̈
more about me:
southeast asian
libra ☼ taurus ☾ cancer ↑
enfp - t
full-time nonprofit girlie, part-time crafter of delulu worlds here on tumblr
entry point to kpop: bts in dec 2021 (still love them! i can't wait for them to return huhu)
other groups i follow: bts, kiss of life, le sserafim, newjeans, meovv i find it hard to stan boy groups bc they're all literally younger than me atp and i can't
what i write:
fanfics for k-pop group seventeen and its members
fluff, angst, nsfw, borderline smut but not rly bc I'll let the better spicy authors do this 👏
scenarios, imagines, headcanons
long fics possible
series within a universe definitely possible
what i don't write:
hardcore smut, violence, assault, furry stuff, bdsm, and...
...any other topics i am not comfortable and/or am capable of writing
what requests i accept:
svt fics!
headcanons, imagines, and prompts (this will help me practice my writing too hehe)
for other groups...i am open to it and am willing to try but unless i know them as thoroughly as i know svt, my writing may be a hit or miss
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mconlight · 4 months ago
"You look lost."
[ for haneul, from xuān bǐngjí ! also hi c: ]
status: accepting~
haneul knows how this looks, okay? he knows he looks quite silly— bloody knee peeking through the hole in his slacks, three-wheeled skateboard laying beside him on the sidewalk where he sits, missing wheel in one hand and popsicle in the other. haneul's not the kind of guy to skateboard, but he thought, perhaps, he could be. haneul could be a lot of things if he tried, right?
he chuckles, because he's not right but he's not wrong either. "i'm just resting," he explains with a small wave of his wheel-hand. no worries; nothing to see here. "i lost a wheel over there—" he points down the sidewalk at the offending brick that sent him flying— "then i got sad, got an ice cream, and i've been here since." haneul lives here now, actually. he can set up a camp right beside the offset brick in the sidewalk where he lost his pride— use it as a pillow to cry on late at night.
"you don't have a screwdriver on you, do you?"
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tewwor-a · 3 years ago
* & INSPO .
love the concept of eun finding haneul’s inn not out of urgency — there’s nothing dire about him strolling around — but rather him being led there to find…. a boyfriend. LIKE he literally walks in all confused, hears haneul greet him, looks up and oh…. oh no.. he’s hot….
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redsunns · 3 years ago
+ @intergalacticxmisfits​, x
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                haneul works with his hands everyday. absolutely. but he’s sitting in a sea of loose screws and wooden something-or-others, his head hurts, his back hurts, he’s pretty sure he has a splinter between his fingers, and--- “my friend,” he whines, “my sweet cherub, lovely, sunshine, rainbow, happysprinklewonderfulamazing friend---” his body his the floor with a loud thump and clatter of hardware, both hands raised in surrender. “show mercy. i’m a mere artist, not a carpenter. you can do without a table or somethin’ for like... forever, right? right?”
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fallin-flcwer · 4 years ago
An Unhelpful Guide to the Kang Family
Hello hello hello it is me again! Under the read below is an unhelpful guide to Haneul’s family, since they (along with Jiwon’s family) are probably the most developed, bearing all three generations in mind. 
First Gen - (Haneul’s Parents)
Kang Eun Ae (강 은애) - 45 - Gemini
- The eldest of two daughters - the second one being Jiwon’s mother, Inhye - A fashion designer as well as the owner of multiple Korean makeup lines and perfumes - She had always been successful, but after getting more connections through her brother-in-law’s influence, her name skyrocketed even further  - Very indulgent in her success, and does everything in her power to maintain the reputation she’s built for her and her children - Has a mentor-like relationship with her kids now that they’re all adults and have their own things going for them
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Jung Hwan (정 환) - 48 - Pisces
- Haneul, Tyullib and Deiji’s father - A Korean history teacher. He spent most of his life in Jeju Island, but moved to Incheon for a job at a high school and ended up meeting Eunae - Doesn’t have any famous connections linked to his name aside from being the father of Eunae’s children - Even though he was present for most of his kids’ childhood, him and Eunae were only together for three years  - He’s a very private person and didn’t want any aspect of his life in the public eye, which was the main contributor leading to him and Eunae splitting up  - Respected the fact that his children liked Incheon and wanted to stay with Eunae, and went back to Jeju Island alone - Is now married to another woman and has a three year old daughter, but Eunae has promised to do all she can to keep them out of the public eye - Keeps in touch with his children, including Jangmi, but hasn’t seen them in person in over 8 years
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•     •     •
Second Gen
Kang Jang Mi (강 장미) - 26 - Cancer
- The result of a drunk hookup Eunae had as a teenager. Her father pretty much disappeared as soon as Eunae told him that she was pregnant - Eunae and Hwan always claimed her as their eldest daughter. Jangmi and the other kids knew otherwise but never spoke up about it because she may as well have been - Was initially branded as the sweetheart of the family by the Korean public, but when her real father came out and spoke up (for clout) they took Eunae and Hwan’s secret out on Jangmi - Eunae ended up publicly admitting that Jangmi wasn’t Hwan’s child, but the damage had already been done. The public had started treating her like an outsider, boycotting her fashion line just days after its launch. - Four years later, her fashion line never really took off - While she loves her family, and they’ve never treated her differently, Jangmi has accepted the fact that she’ll never be as successful as her siblings solely because of her parent’s scandal
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Kang Tyul Lib (강 틸립) - 25 - Sagittarius
- The social butterfly of the family - Can be caught gossiping anywhere and everywhere. At home, at the shops, at a public event, at a private event. you name it - Has casual hookups with both boys and girls, but has managed to keep them all under covers - Growing up, her and Jangmi were always pit against each other, but once the Jangmi situation broke out Tyullib came out on top. While she knew how things unfolded for Jangmi wasn’t fair she never did anything to defend her, and continued to bask in her own success - Very nosy, especially with Haneul. Mostly because she wants to know which idols are single and if he has any of their numbers - Expected to follow her mother’s footpath, studying both fashion design and cosmetic science in one of South Korea’s most prestigious universities
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Kang Ha Neul (강 하늘) - 23 - Capricorn
- The only male (between his and Jiwon’s family) in this generation - Since Eunae’s businesses are targeted towards women Haneul had the free pass to do whatever he wanted growing up, unlike his sisters who were expected to get into fashion design or cosmetics - Ended up wanting to become an idol, and got accepted into Pledis, debuting as a member of Seventeen after three years of training - Still seen as a public figure associated with his mother, and usually attends fashion events alongside Tyullib as a representative of their mother if she can’t make it - Like Jiwon, I think how he is when being associated with his family is very different to how he’s perceived as an idol and a person in general - Comes off as very silent and mysterious but still very gentleman-like
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Kang Dei Ji (강 데이지) - 18 - Virgo
- The baby of the Moon-Kang family in this generation - The public claimed her as the family sweetheart straight after Jangmi’s reputation fell apart - The closest to Haneul out of all of the sisters. Often goes to him for comfort or advice, and he’s often protective of her - Has a very strong eye for fashion design in her high school years, her school work often being compared to the standards of Tyullib and their mother’s designs - While she was offered a spot in Liberty for fashion, she turned it down in order to pursue a career in STEM, which caught everyone off-guard - While they aren’t close, she idolises Jiwon in the sense that she’s a woman in a very male-dominated work field
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Random fact about this generation:
- While Eunae and her sister both love flowers, they are both allergic to them, something none of their children ever inherited. All of Eunae’s daughters are named after types of flowers - Jangmi meaning rose, Tyullib meaning tulip, and Deiji meaning daisy. 
•     •     •
3rd Gen (Haneul’s Children)
Kang Deok Su (강 덕수) - 27 - Aries
- A mess. Has absolutely no filter whatsoever, but he’s funny - Being the oldest in his family clearly doesn’t mean shit to him LMAO - Continuously goes viral for talking about things idols should never talk about in livestreams. e.g. man tiddies, dick piercings, losing his virginity, etc. - The fact that he is so open, though, is what people love about him - Still has a charitable side, turning his big tiddie committee meme into a movement to support breast cancer
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Kang Yo Han (강 요한) - 19 - Aquarius
- The closest to Haneul personality wise, but still not by a lot - Mature and gentleman-like; sort of a heartthrob without realising - Unintentionally the most intimidating of the Kang brothers. The fact that he’s so quiet and serious compared to his brothers’ bold and outgoing personalities, makes him come off as more cold and somewhat scary - Usually has to apologise to people on behalf of his brothers if his father isn’t there to - While he does have a chaotic side, it only ever shows either when he’s drunk or with both of his brothers because he feels outnumbered LMAO - The most diverse brother talent wise. Like Deoksu and Jihoon, he is highly skilled in rapping, music production, dance and sport - but he also secretly took part in musical theatre when they were kids, gaining additional talents in singing and acting.
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Kang Ji Hoon (강 지훈) - 18 - Leo
- While Deoksu deliberately says/does stupid things, it comes naturally for Jihoon - The most outgoing out of his brothers. He finds it hard to spend long periods of time indoors - Says and does a lot of things without thinking - Him and San = recipe for disaster - Easily the least intimidating son personality wise - Clumsy, but it’s somehow turned into his charm point - Only ever 100% serious when it comes to his work as an idol
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Random fact about this generation: Despite the contrast of the boys’ appearances and personalities in comparison to their father’s, their chaotic nature, deep voices, small eyes, and resting bitch faces are what identify them as Haneul’s children. In addition, there’s always memes going around the kpop stan community about how tf they’re related to Haneul.
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tewwor-aaa · 3 years ago
opossums also have a low enough body temp where it's incredibly rare for them to contract rabies. also? they're kind of immune to snake venom. oh, also, idk if it's a fact but apparently if the color of a chicken's ear is the typically the same as the color of it's egg tag drop
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all-about-kyu · 3 years ago
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𑁍 ➼ fluff ⏃ ➼ smut  ᨒ ➼ suggestive ☾ ➼ angst ✹ ➼ humor 🜸 ➼ smau 
Here are all the Cashmere Lop Bunny!Jaemin fics within the Neo Hybridverse!! They are listed in chronological order!!
Hybridverse Masterlist
ꕤ ❀ ⚘ ᪥ ❈ ✿ ꕤ ❀ ⚘ ᪥ ❈ ✿ ꕤ ❀ ⚘ ᪥ ❈ ✿ ꕤ ❀ ⚘ ᪥ ❈
➼ The Roommate Situation 𑁍☾ ⤷ He needs a place to live and you need a roommate to help pay the rent. Originally you didn’t want him as your roommate, now you can't live without him.
➼ Ears ⏃ ⤷ Trying to convince Jaemin to let you brush his ears
➼ Flowers 𑁍 ⤷ Going on a date to a flower field to take pictures
➼ Try Again 𑁍☾ ⤷ Jaemin is upset about something but it’s much bigger than you realized
➼ Finally 𑁍 ⤷ Finally after years of trying your family starts to grow
➼ Timing ☾ ⤷ You were so close, but some things aren’t meant to be.
➼ Smiles & Baby Steps 𑁍 ⤷ Miyoung is a year old now, and every day she shines like a ray of sun in your life.
➼ Double Rainbow 𑁍 ☾ ⤷ After a harsh storm, there's always a rainbow.
➼ Play Date 𑁍 ⤷ Jaemin tells Jeno to bring his son, Haneul, over to play with his daughter, Miyoung
➼ Vitamin 𑁍 ⤷ Miyoung is up late sick and Jaemin takes care of her. He wakes up not feeling so great though.
➼ Dessert 𑁍 ⤷ Miyoung pouts and Jaemin is willing to do anything for his little girl
➼ Stormy Nights 𑁍 ⤷ The three kids are scared of the storm outside but Jaemin knows a little cuddling will help them rest.
ꕤ ❀ ⚘ ᪥ ❈ ✿ ꕤ ❀ ⚘ ᪥ ❈ ✿ ꕤ ❀ ⚘ ᪥ ❈ ✿ ꕤ ❀ ⚘ ᪥ ❈
COPYRIGHT STARLITMARK 2023© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED — reposting/modifying any fic or piece of original writing posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations are not permitted. 
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okayhaneul · 3 years ago
☾✰ ⊹ @chiheons​ 、
     “ i need a fucking drink. ” haneul announced in a low tone. normally, he stayed away from drinking in recent years, knowing what a complete trainwreck alcohol had made him in his youth. but with the stress of work and the complications with his personal life, a night out felt deserved. it wasn’t like he was going to make it a habit again. he just needed to escape and forget for a bit. chiheon was the only option to join him; han wouldn’t dare be in a drunk vulnerable state in anyone else’s presence other than his hyung. he was the only one ever privy to something under than the stoic haneul that he presented to the world. running his fingers through his unruly black hair, the man set his gaze on the other, lips pursed into a thoughtful frown. “ wanna join me ? ”
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mconlight · 2 months ago
❛  don't bully me, i'll cry. ❜
[ from ān jīnyuè to haneul ! ]
status: accepting~
haneul's not, like, a saint or anything, but he's nice enough. you know, when he wants to be. "o...kay..." he says slowly. he's testing out the waters— eyeing their outfit up and down and up again. the bullying is on the tip if his tongue (you look like a birthday party hire-per-hour princess handing out supermarket pizza), but! haneul's nice! haneul's a nice boy! haneul's a good man! so he swallows those words back down his throat and takes a long drag of his cigarette— definitely for the nicotine. not because it's taking him this long to find something nice to say.
"you're very... rainbow-friendly."
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tewwor-a · 3 years ago
* & INSPO .
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ok but this is literally hanuel’s inn oiwhgaoiwhgagiwahwg. tellin’ yall. there’s sm opportunity to just have the weirdest modge podge of characters in this dang inn
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