#verge of meltdown dave
badlydrawndave · 11 months
Uh...I think bro stabbed rose and now she's dying...
i dont care i dont care i TOLD HER IM NOT FUCKING INVOLVED
i told her she wouldnt like the roof
and this is completely her fucking fault
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tallmantall · 4 months
James Donaldson on Mental Health - How Can We Help Kids With Transitions?
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With the right support, children can learn to change gears without whining and tantrums Photo by olia danilevich on Pexels.com Writer: Katherine Martinelli Clinical Experts: Dave Anderson, PhD , Michael Rosenthal, PhD , Matthew H. Rouse, PhD What You'll Learn - How can parents help kids who have trouble with transitions? - What tools can make transitions easier for kids? - Quick Read - Full Article Many children whine, stall or throw tantrums when it’s time for a transition. But there are ways parents can help kids make transitions without acting out. These strategies are particularly helpful for kids with ADHD, anxiety, autism or?sensory processing issues.  One basic strategy is creating routines for daily transitions. Routines for things like getting ready for school, starting homework, and bedtime can be helpful for kids of all ages.   Previews and countdowns can also make a big difference. Every morning, give them a preview of the day. Then before each transition, let them know when it will happen and what they will need to do. For example, you could say, “In 20 minutes, it will be time to finish breakfast and head to school.” Then repeat yourself in 10 minutes and again in 5 minutes.   You could also give each transition its own soundtrack. This works really well for younger kids.?There’s a reason that the “clean up” song can be heard in preschools across the country! Some kids may also benefit from visual cues, like a chart with pictures that show what happens at each transition.   When helping kids with transitions, getting their attention is important. You can try making eye contact, sitting next to them, putting your hand on their shoulder or even asking them to repeat back what you said.   When your child does well with a transition, praise them! You can also give them a small reward like a sticker, a snack or a point toward a new toy. Once they can transition easily, you can phase out the rewards. When they don’t do as well, it’s usually best to pay your child less attention and focus on the times that do go well. #James Donaldson notes:Welcome to the “next chapter” of my life… being a voice and an advocate for #mentalhealthawarenessandsuicideprevention, especially pertaining to our younger generation of students and student-athletes.Getting men to speak up and reach out for help and assistance is one of my passions. Us men need to not suffer in silence or drown our sorrows in alcohol, hang out at bars and strip joints, or get involved with drug use.Having gone through a recent bout of #depression and #suicidalthoughts myself, I realize now, that I can make a huge difference in the lives of so many by sharing my story, and by sharing various resources I come across as I work in this space.  #http://bit.ly/JamesMentalHealthArticleFind out more about the work I do on my 501c3 non-profit foundationwebsite www.yourgiftoflife.org Order your copy of James Donaldson's latest book,#CelebratingYourGiftofLife: From The Verge of Suicide to a Life of Purpose and Joy www.celebratingyourgiftoflife.com Link for 40 Habits Signupbit.ly/40HabitsofMentalHealth If you'd like to follow and receive my daily blog in to your inbox, just click on it with Follow It. Here's the link https://follow.it/james-donaldson-s-standing-above-the-crowd-s-blog-a-view-from-above-on-things-that-make-the-world-go-round?action=followPub Many children struggle with transitions, which are common triggers for behaviors that range from annoying (whining, stalling) to upsetting (tantrums and meltdowns). There are many ways parents and teachers can help kids have an easier time with transitions — and be able to behave better—but  it may take a little experimentation to find out what clicks with each particular child. These tools are useful  to help kids of all stripes with transitions. But for kids with ADHD, anxiety, autism, or sensory processing, this kind of scaffolding is particularly crucial and can make the difference between a good day and a bad one. Over a period of time it can help pave the way for success. Create routines: If a child “doesn’t want to transition because they like consistency and routine and structure,” says Michael Rosenthal, PhD, a clinical neuropsychologist, “then start by building in consistency and routine and structure into the transition process itself.” For transitions that will happen every day, like turning off the phone to go to bed, consistent routines can have big payoff. A bedtime routine, for example, might seem like something for babies, but having a predictable structure in place can be reassuring and helpful even for older kids (and adults!). Preview and count down: Along with routines, previewing and countdowns are key. In the morning you might lay out what the day is going to look like. Dr. Rosenthal suggests doing a role-play in which you practice moving from activity to activity to “engage them in the process.” Then before each transition, give a timeframe and description of what will happen along with countdowns (in 20 minutes, then 10, then 5 it will be time to finish breakfast and head to school). This is “allows them to emotionally get ready for an event,” explains Dr. Rosenthal. Give it a sound track: For younger kids in particular, songs can be especially effective tools to help implement routines and ease transitions. The “clean up” song can be heard in preschools throughout the country for good reason, but there are countless other songs to be found (and made up!) to suit a variety of situations from tying shoes to brushing teeth. Visual cues: Other kids may benefit from visual cues. Being able to point to a chart with drawings about what to expect from a particular transition or the steps involved can help some people immensely. These are common in lower grade classrooms but could be easily adapted at home. Get their attention: For kids with ADHD in particular, says Matthew Rouse, PhD, a clinical psychologist, it’s important to make a connection with the child to ensure that you have their attention and that the information is sinking in. This could mean eye contact, sitting next to them, a hand on their shoulder, or asking them to repeat back what you have said. Simply yelling at them from the other side of the room and assuming it’s gotten through won’t work and will only lead to frustration on both sides. Use rewards: Rouse points out that rewards can be an effective tool for all kinds of kids and issues. These can be things like stickers, snacks, or a point system that leads to tangible rewards. Schools and parents alike can implement reward systems, and once the kid gets into the habit of seamlessly transitioning you might be able to phase it out. Implement appropriate consequences: If a transition is not going well, David Anderson, PhD, a clinical psychologist at the Child Mind Institute, recommends paying less attention to it rather than escalating the situation. “Ignore it as long as they’re at least making an effort to make the transition or approximating the transition,” he says. “If they’re really egregiously misbehaving then use an appropriate consequence for that behavior that makes the child understand that behavior is off limits.” Praise good transitioning: Finally, Dr. Rouse urges parents to recognize when things go well. “For all the times it’s gone wrong,” he says, “there have probably been a lot more times when it’s gone right. Don’t lose those opportunities to be really enthusiastic and say this was so great, it went so smoothly, I really liked how you handed over the iPad right away and started brushing your teeth, and now we have more time to read.” Be specific in your praise, and follow up with a reward when appropriate. With the right support, children can learn to change gears without whining and tantrums. Photo by olia danilevich on Pexels.com Read the full article
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now-its-3am · 3 years
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lakeview.task3 // character playlist // patrick jacobs
my head hurts – little hurt
patrick is a soft little soul, often on the verge of a meltdown. his anxiety will oftentimes make his head hurt.
lethargy – bastille
david was patrick’s hero. one of his very closest friends. most of what he’s learned about life and how to treat it, he got from dave.
messy (extended version) – twin xl
patrick has spiraled greatly since david passed away and right now – it just feels like one big mess.
good as it gets – little hurt
maybe the mess his life is right now is as good as it gets?
without me (paquerette) – with confidence
no matter how much clara hurt him the day she left, patrick will always have a soft spot for her.
anxiety – blackbear, frnd
patrick’s an anxious little nugget. especially when catches feelings.
ease – troye sivan
his parent’s home was always patrick’s safe space. however, since david passed away, he hasn’t been able to step foot in the house. all he wants is to find that things that keeps his anxieties at bay now that his family for the first time in his life are unable to.
bad guy – billie eilish
honestly just a song pat would vibe with. he definitely knows all the words to it.
sorry mom – the band camino
when david passed away, patrick said some things he wishes he’d never said to his parents. he’s also realizing that he never gave daniel the attention he deserves, and feels like the worst big brother in the world right now.
survivin’ – bastille
pat’s honestly just tryna make it ‘til tomorrow right now.
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mrrightandmrbubble · 7 years
Hope you're doing well! Any facts you wanna share? (Only if you want to!!)
I’m on the verge of a meltdown but a distraction in the form of Foo is as good as anything
Dave never had a godfather growing up, so when Jordyn was pregnant and they decided not to appoint godparents, Dave commented that he’d never had a godfather, so he asked his friend, saxophonist Dave Koz, if he’d be his godfather. This is the same musician who will appear on C&G
Nate is writing a second Lieutenant album 
Soundgarden were booked to play CalJam before Chris Cornell’s suicide
The band made a bit of a booboo at the Tibetan Freedom Concert in ‘97 by hitting the stage and announcing themselves as the Freedom Fighters - the name given to the right-ring rebel groups who committed over 1k terrorist attacks in Nicaragua
Although the band has a lot of security, they also don’t like having anyone on their staff who is imposing or gets in the faces of fans
Once on an Aussie tour, Dave and Taylor went to Oxford Street (Sydney’s LGBTQ district) and bought tank tops bearing close-ups of shirtless dudes
‘Arrows’ was written about Virginia 
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jenmedsbookreviews · 6 years
Been up to much this week? No? Me neither.
Actually, I tell a lie. This weekend I celebrated my birthday. Not a particularly special one. 43. Neither here nor there really, just a number. Could be worse. I’m the baby of the family. I could be my sisters’ ages  … 
Oh yes. And I bought a bookcase. Just a small one although I bought to larger ones as well. I just need to assemble them. I did a quick job of putting the shorter one together on Wednesday night/Thursday morning while suffering a bout of insomnia so at least not all my reference books are upstairs in the office near to my desk. Also got to mount my two prints on the top temporarily, so it may be half empty but looks pretty.
Not that it will be half empty for long because I have more books. More books than you can shake a stick at. Well, you could shake a stick at them but I don’t really know why you would want to … Why? Well because I went to Harrogate this weekend, and the Theakston’s Crime Writing Festival. This is my second year and what a difference the weather makes let me tell you. Blue skies (the occasional bit of cloud and some minor rain showers) but nothing like last years torrential downpours. It made it a completely different festival for me. Really different.
Now if we are Facebook friends or you follow me on Twitter, you may have seen I was in the verge of a mini meltdown mid week about attending. Despite being in this blogging game for two years now, I still feel like a newbie, a fraud and someone who shouldn’t really be here. I know I attend a lot of festivals and launches etc, and I may appear confident and all that but all I can say is that I am a bloody good actress. I hate group situations. I always feel as though I am being judged. On everything. I cannot make small talk. I have no idea what to say. The idea of approaching someone, even someone I have met (vaguely or in real life) and saying hi petrifies me as I think they do not want to see me and are going to be just thinking WTF are you bothering me for.
I am an insular person in real life. This being online, being public, is not something I do naturally. If you saw me at home, and my family can attest to this, I am more likely to be found on my own ignoring the whole world than I am arranging meet ups and the like. I push myself to go to them because I know I need to change and I need to be more confident in this area. Also most of them are either more intimate with smaller crowds, or more driven by panels where you are simply a face in a small dark room, or, in the case of the book launches, it’s all about the authors. I may talk to a few folk (and I typically only go where I will know at least one other person) or I don’t. Went to the Orion tour the other week and it was only because Sam Eades took pity on me and introduced me to another blogger that I spoke to anyone all evening.
I am not shy in talking about my nerves – my lack of confidence – I published a long post about last years Crimefest and how I couldn’t face even going down to the bar to meet people I’d arranged to meet. Well, Harrogate is like Crimefest’s bar on steroids. the ultimate in social gatherings for the Crime (book) loving community. Everyone knows everyone, they are all in their groups chatting and you feel stupid and awkward in approaching them and saying hi, even if they have told you to do so if you see them and even if you know them already. Well I feel awkward and stupid … I am sure I am not alone but most folk make it look easy. I just usually stand and stare at people and probably look like a psycho ready to commit some kind of weird stalking/murdering spree. Quite possibly not far wrong but that’s an entirely different story …
But … this year I have said sod it. Well, a little bit at least. I have had my moments of itchiness (I have scratches in places you would not believe and are never, ever, going to see), my moments of refusing to go and say hello even though I know I should do, and my moments of just needing to watch the world go by. My nails are bitten beyond the quick, the skin around them raw and ragged where I have chewed them to pieces and I am now typing this post with my knuckles as the rest of my fingers are ruined. But I have also been brave. taking a leaf out of the lovely Jill Doyle’s book and acknowledging life is just too short. Like me.
I said hi to Jenny Blackhurst like I promised after several failed attempts to do so previously. I said hello to Sarah Hilary, mostly in passing, but it’s a start as I’d normally have just snuck on by with perhaps a nod of the head or one of my trademark weird stares from afar. I had a chat with the lovely Mel McGrath who shares my pain at social groupings and we were joined by Ann Cleeves. Ann Cleeves! I even managed to speak to her without making a complete arse of myself or exploding so that was nice.
More embarrassingly I talked about knocking myself out with my boobs and using the phrase titty lip in a review (don’t ask) with Mark Billingham … Yes I am a truly classy lady.
And I did pictures. Not a lot admittedly but still. Pictures. With me in. That I instigated. Here is the proof.
Yes. Me. With people. Going from top left, Mel McGrath, Ann Cleeves. Rachel Abbott, Lee Child, James Oswald and Will Dean. I like how Lee Child doesn’t bend down for the picture and I can pass this off as him being really tall rather than my lack of height. Will, bless him, really can’t make it more obvious lol.
It’s okay. I really am that short.
So yes, alcohol was consumed. All that did though was stop me from sleeping so if there are typos in this post that is why. I’m tired (not drunk) and will probably suffer for the rest of the week from late nights and post festival hangover syndrome. Its a real thing! (It also helped me survive the embarrassment of having Happy Birthday sung to me in the tent but that’s something I will never get over …) But I would like to say thank you to the lovely folk at Harrogate who were so kind and welcoming and who made a point of saying hi to me. I may not have photographic evidence but there were so many great moments and great bloggers, authors and, most importantly, friends to share the weekend with, that it made it all that little bit easier. So a big shout out to Mandie (because she bought me cake and she’s my sister and I have to), Vicki Goldman, Katherine Sunderland, Joy Kluver, Jacob Collins, Abbie Osborne, Jill Doyle, Susan Hampson, Joanne Robertson, Kate Moloney, Tracy Fenton, Mary Picken, Emma Welton, Janet, Jacky, Susan, Darren, Kim, Noelle, Sharon, Kate E, Anne, Sarah, Alexina, Claire, Steph, Liz, Ellen and all the other fab folk I have forgotten (too many to mention.)
It was also great to see all the fab authors, especially the lovely Mel McGrath, Libby Carpenter, Sam Carrington, Caroline England, Jack Steele, Jane Isaacs, Bernie Steadman, Tom Bale, Will Dean, James Oswald (who rather kindly stood and talked Coos even though he probably thought we were mad), Louise Mangos, Malcolm Hollingdrake, Jenny Blackhurst, Amer Anwar, Amanda Robson, Felicia Yap, Marnie Riches, Chris Whitaker, Patricia Gibney, Mel Sherratt, Caroline Mitchell, Graham Minett, Alison Belsham, Graham Smith, Jackie Baldwin, Louise Beech, Dave Sivers, Susi Holliday, Steph Broadribb, Karen Sullivan, Sarah Hilary, Sam Eades, and not forgetting Rachel Abbott. So lovely to finally meet her and to hear about my namesake in her next book. I am going to love reading the next Tom Douglas book. It will be a hoot.
That probably makes it sound like I did far more partying and interacting than I really did but Harrogate is one of those kinds of weekends where you see everyone and no one and still come away exhausted. It is mentally draining for someone who doesn’t like crowds, people, human interaction, but it is still heartwarming. Give me a few weeks and I’ll hopefully be back to normal (whatever that is) but as I have Bute noir in two weeks and Bloody Scotland a few weeks after that, I’m going to need to get my game face on again pretty quickly.
So … that was my nerves in a nutshell (coconut shell). More on the festival and the books in part two …
  Rewind, recap: Weekly update w/e 22/07/18 – Part 1 Been up to much this week? No? Me neither. Actually, I tell a lie. This weekend I celebrated my birthday.
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kayawagner · 7 years
Wreck Age: Post-Collapse Tabletop Skirmish game (2nd edition)
Publisher: Hyacinth Games
This is a PDF version of the Wreck Age rulebook
The 132 page Wreck Age rule book gives you everything that you need to get started playing.   
Welcome to The Resurgence. Welcome to the Wreck Age.
Wreck Age is a dystopian, post-Exodus adventure game, where struggling communities vie for resources on a post-collapse Earth. 
In the 23rd century, the Earth verged on total annihilation. Rapid climate shifts, caused by centuries of industrial pollution and nuclear waste, had brought the planet to the brink of an ecological meltdown. Countless reparative efforts had failed; each solution was too little and far too late. Left with no alternative, world leaders collaborated on a last-ditch effort to save humankind: the Exodus. It was a bold plan involving several waves of evacuations, with the end goal of colonizing new planets. The Exodus promised survival for everyone. It was an escape from a decaying planet.
It was hope.
It was a lie.
The brilliant, the rich, and the powerful gathered their families, their valuables, and their resources for the first wave. They left Earth in a flotilla of arks, scientific vessels, and seed ships. Within a few days, however, it became clear that there would be no second wave. Hope mutated into rage as the ill-fated masses realized they had been left behind to rot. Governments fell apart and economies crumbled; the world collapsed into anarchy.
As society collapsed, so too did the Earth itself. The oceans rose, natural disasters ravaged the coasts, and chemical rain scorched the arable land. Countless species vanished, either slaughtered outright or dying en masse, unable to adapt to the perilous new environment. As catastrophes crashed down one after another in a crescendo of failure, humanity itself came dangerously close to extinction.
Since the Exodus, uncounted generations have eked out a harrowing, threadbare existence with what little remained. Now a new world is emerging from the ashes. Every storm eventually passes; every desolate winter eventually melts into a fragile spring. Yet the scars of suffering and chaos remain. Recovery will be slow and painful. Few grand cities remain, and even fewer great leaders. There is no centralized structure. The powerful fight over the scraps of the old world, while the weak struggle just to make it through another day.
The Wreck Age rule book contains:
Gorgeous full color artwork.
• Everything you need to get started (except dice and miniatures) - with rules for campaign play, and a variety of encounters that you can jump right into.
• Quick character generation - using Archetypes and a simple system called Resource Units to both create and advance your Characters, you can get your group scavenging The Wilds in a matter of minutes.
• History and background information - explore the Merikan Wilds to their fullest. From the Washed Coast to the Glades, from the skeletal towers of Man Hadden to the colorful and chaotic sprawl of Esperanza, the fledgling towns and crumbling cities make up the character of the world.
• Campaign rules - allowing you to develop your crew into hard-shelled heroes (or villains) of The Wilds.
• Community Creation and Structures - build your own community, quite literally. Playable Structures interact with characters on the tabletop, allowing you to expand your campaigns in directions never before seen in a tabletop miniature game.
• 8 playable factions - and if you decide to go faction-less, and set off on your own, you can do that too!
• Wreck Age also has a line of 28mm scale miniatures, terrain, RPG adventures, and short stories set in the universe.
Quick character generation - using Archetypes and a simple system called Resource Units to both create and advance your Characters,you can get your group scavenging The Wilds in a matter of minutes.
4 Training levels to choose from, from mass amounts of Green Characters, to Trained, Veteran, or even Elite members of your crew. Build the type of force that you desire, led by your Player Character.
More than 30 Archetypes to allow you to create: Caravaneers, Soldiers, Doctors, Mechanics, Wastrels, Miners, Merchants, Scavengers, many more! We even added some extras in the back of the book, since we wanted to cram so many in!
Utilize a host of companions, from pack animals, to mindless automatons, to attack boars packed with explosive rigs!
50 total traits and feats to flesh out and customize your characters, giving them plenty of room to grow and advance.
 Each Archetype brings something new to the Wreck Age roleplaying game:
Scriveners, are the warrior scribes of the technology obsessed Reclaimers.
Outriders, are the eyes and ears of a Staker community. They are post-collapse rangers with an aptitude for survival. 
Administrators, wield a variety of advanced medical technology, often to harvest the body parts of their "patients". 
Locusts, are the un-tested warriors of the Drifter tribes, descending upon their enemy in a seemingly endless swarm. 
Wagon Bosses lead their caravans across The Wilds, searching out salvage and trade wherever they can find it. 
Campaign rules - allowing you to explore the Merikan Wilds to their fullest. From the Washed Coast to the Glades, from the skeletal towers of Man Hadden to the colorful and chaotic sprawl of Esperanza, the towns and cities that make up the small pockets of humanity make up the character of the world. 
9 playable factions - and if you decide to go faction-less, and set off on your own, you can do that too!
Drifters are nomadic warbands descended from criminal gangs that had been freed during the Exodus and subsequent collapse. They value strength and live by a strict hierarchical code of violence and plunder. They believe that anything and everything should be earned through force, and that the world is theirs for the taking.
Almost immediately after the Exodus, the resilient, the far-sighted, the idealistic, and the indolent banded together to form the closest approximation of long-term stability they could imagine. Those that still remain are known as Staker communities, the modest and hopeful amidst a world of cruel opportunism.
The Reclaimers are the world's foremost authority on scavenging. The e-wastes of North America and the rest of the world hold a veritable trove of disjointed information and oddly situated technology. With single-minded zealotry, they aim to collect and to re-assemble the pieces of this grand technological mystery, to learn about the mistakes of the past, and how technology might someday lead the diligent back toward humanity's rightful place.
During the Exodus, a ship carrying specialized medical personnel crash-landed before exiting atmosphere. The carnage was horrific, but the ill-fated flight had been loaded with skilled experts in the field of life-longevity and advanced medicine. To extend their lives, they needed a supply of organs, and soon set out in small bands in order to carve, quite literally, a place for themselves in the harsh environment of Merika. Some of these hapless few are rumored to exist to this day... and are known as Stitchers.
The ARHK are a conglomerate of corporate entities that skipped the Exodus under the ominous notion that it would be better to reign on Earth's shell, than serve on other planets.
The Church of Fun are unapologetic hedonists who spread mayhem and callous merriment - a riot fueled by mind-bending chemicals. Tomorrow does not exist. There is only now.
Unicephalon: is a secretive society that keeps close watch on the remains of planet Earth. Once a mega-corp, Unicephalon stood by and watched as billions perished. Now, from secret locations, they send agents back into the world to shape events in accordance with their secret directives.
No Ghosts are a part of the Fringes, and are cast-outs from Drifter tribes. They find solace where they can, and often sell their services as wasteland mercenaries. rom Drifter tribes. They find solace where they can, and often sell their services as wasteland mercenaries. 
Wreck Age comes complete with rules for campaign play, as well as a variety of encounters that you can jump right into.
Wreck Age also has a line of 28mm scale miniatures, terrain, RPG adventures, and short stories set in the Wreck Age universe. 
Wreck Age is now available at DriveThruRPG.com!
Wreck Age is a dystopian sci-fi world akin to Mad Max meets Blade Runner meets The Road. Inspired in part by; Tank Girl, Omega Man, 12 Monkeys, Book of Eli, Escape from New York, Dune by Frank Herbert, The Suns of Scorpio by Alan Burt Akers, A Canticle for Leibowitz by Walter M. Miller, the Stand by Steven King, The Native Tongue trilogy by Suzette Haden Elgin, The Walking Dead by Robert Kirkman, The World Without Us by Alan Weisman, and the Book of Dave by Will Self. 
We publish under a Creative Commons license to to reach and involve a wider audience; to not only grow our gaming community, but give back to it as well.  
Price: $12.50 Wreck Age: Post-Collapse Tabletop Skirmish game (2nd edition) published first on https://supergalaxyrom.tumblr.com
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psythonband-blog · 7 years
The Moshville Times: Review “...Outputs”
http://www.moshville.co.uk/reviews/album-review/2016/12/review-psython-outputs/ Samuel L. Jackson might want to reconsider his hatred for snakes because Psython’s debut album Outputs is a thrash masterpiece. Municipal Waste, Lost Society, D.R.I., Suicidal Tendencies… If you enjoy hazardous vocals, fast-paced drumming and riveting riffs then look no further because Thrashmas has come early. This Sheffield based five-piece are one to hammer down to all year round. Let me start off by saying I’m digging their album art; I can’t help but sense steampunk vibes. Cards on the table, I delved into their first full-length track (it’s preceded by a brief intro) “Careless Whispers” unsure of what to expect as I was apprehensive about listening to their sampler first – I’m not entirely sure why. Being someone who favours thrash as much as hardcore punk, I was in my element. I feel as though this hidden gem sounds like the unborn spawn of Tony Foresta and Samy Elbanna. It’s packed with high-powered aggression and a true masculine sound from start to finish so it’s right up my alley! Picture this: you’re at a gig, the pit has begun to form (no snakes were harmed), you’ve had a few beers and you can feel pure adrenaline coursing through your veins during the lead up to the chaos that is about to unravel. You might as well join forces with CM Punk because the edge is strong with this one! It’s extremely rare that an album grabs my attention without enduring a mild temptation to skip mindlessly between songs until I find one that I like. It’s diabolical to say the least but the consistent diversity of styles, rhythms and normal to abnormal vocal range kept me on my toes. “Dave 1.1” is the embodiment of enthrallment, it’s the shortest track on the album but it’s not for the faint-hearted, the sound is heavy and harsh! Next up is “Blunt”, it sounds as though it belongs in amongst a Cannabis Corpse album but sweet mother of Mary Jane I’ve already been headbanging along to this consecutively. If you love perfectly strummed riffs and find yourself consistently tapping your fingers and carelessly head bopping away, you’ll go crazy for this obscurity… I certainly did! “GBQ” on the other hand is raw, explosive and sharp. These boys certainly don’t hold back with this number; it probably won’t fit everyone’s preference but it was refreshing for me to witness what I would deem as their wilder side, especially this early on. “Trust In Us”, the second shortest track on the album, is an exemplar of this. Straightaway you’re greeted with a sudden burst of intensity which is orchestrated both vocally and instrumentally throughout; it sounds as though it should be featured in an MMORPG of some sort. “DNA” left me with a Chelsea Grin (not literally!) plastered over my face, it’s rhythmic, demonstrates elements of hard rock and the shredding is heaven sent – I feel as though dads who favour music from the 80s era would enjoy this track because it’s extremely versatile! “Serpentes” caught me off guard, at one point I was convinced I had my doom playlist on Spotify accidently playing. I don’t deem that as being a bad thing, perhaps I’m slightly biased since it could be argued that the song stands out like a sore thumb in amongst the rest of the tracks with its dark and atmospheric vibe but the high-pitched screams and melodic drumming pattern make for an insightful track and it was one that I happen to be fond of. “Opposition” brings us straight back to the dynamic and nonchalant vibe we are familiar with. At this point I was pleasantly surprised with what I had heard and was on the verge of having my own metaphorical “Meltdown” since the punk roots are prevalent in this featured track and I go crazy for it. “Fatality” is everything that you would expect, it might even be speedier than Sonic the Hedgehog, I guess time will tell. The album is brought to a halt with “gRAPEfruit” which is exquisite and represents thrash in all of its glory – you won’t be needing energy drinks to get a boost, just lie back and crank up the volume! Rating: 8.5/10
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badlydrawndave · 11 months
Uh, Dave? I hate to interrupt the festivities, but Rose is trying to fight Bro on the roof.
i dont care
i dont WANT to care
and i will NOT care
i told her im not fucking dealing with this
she can do whatever she FUCKING PLEASES
just dont get me involved i swear to gog
no matter what, i will not fucking care
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tallmantall · 4 months
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silviajburke · 8 years
Now Comes the “Trump Slump”
This post Now Comes the “Trump Slump” appeared first on Daily Reckoning.
[Ed. note: With 40 years of experience both in Washington and on Wall Street, David knows exactly what Trump is up against — and that people are out to get him.
It’s still not too late, but time’s running out. In his latest book, Trumped!, David explains how Trump needs to “make 10 great deals” to take back America from the swamp critters. Only then can American democracy be restored.
You can get a copy of Trumped! FREE. We urge you to act before March 15 — when the national debt ceiling comes back into force, all of the GOP’s divisions will be laid bare and the fireworks are set to explode. Click here to claim your copy.]
If we had to mark it on a calendar… we’d venture that today’s the day Wall Street started to realize the Trump economic agenda is much like Gertrude Stein’s description of Oakland: “There is no there there.”
Before the market open, Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin went on CNBC and pledged the Trump administration’s commitment to getting tax reform done before Congress heads back home for its late-summer break. “We want to get this done by the August recess,” he said. “We’ve been working closely with the leadership in the House and the Senate, and we’re looking at a combined plan.”
Sounds great! What are the details, sir?
Sorry, no dice. “Look, as I’ve said before, we’re primarily focused on a middle-income tax cut and simplification for business.”
No numbers, no discussion of what rules might be axed. Just more of the same feel-good pablum.
The August timeline isn’t something Mnuchin just pulled out of his posterior because it sounded good.
He knows too well that Wall Street has constructed a fantasy in its collective mind about the Trump administration as a “Morning in America” rerun of the Reagan administration.
Reagan was inaugurated on Jan. 20, 1981; the Kemp-Roth tax cut passed both houses of Congress by Aug. 4.
That was a significant feat on its own. But the Trump administration has set the bar far higher… because the White House and Congress have agreed that Obamacare reform is supposed to get done before the tax bill.
If Mnuchin had said something, anything, specific… the major U.S. stock indexes would be screaming still higher into record territory today.
Indeed, they’re all in the red as we write, the Dow off a tenth of a percent at 20,752. The small-cap Russell 2000 is off more than 1% at 1,388; that’s the sound of traders hitting the “sell” button as they realize the next catalyst for growth in small stocks won’t be coming from a tax cut.
“It won’t be long until the impending collapse of the post-election Trump-O-Mania frenzy in the stock market,” says our David Stockman.
David’s been saying since early December that the Trump agenda is doomed and Wall Street’s expectations will be dashed. He says so with the authority that comes from being “present at the creation” of the Reagan tax cut in 1981 — when he was White House budget director.
We forgot all about it till today… but if you look on YouTube for “A Day With President Reagan,” you’ll find an NBC News special from Feb. 13, 1981; MSNBC reran it late the night of Reagan’s funeral in 2004. Midway through, there’s a four-minute section with David drawing detailed strokes of a budget plan for Reagan’s Cabinet, in office barely three weeks.
It’s striking to watch now… because it reminds us we’ve seen nothing approaching those specifics coming from Team Trump. Heck, it wasn’t till seven days ago that the Senate confirmed the current budget director, Mick Mulvaney. “There is not a snowball’s chance in the hot place that the frail GOP majorities on Capitol Hill will pass a giant Reaganesque tax cut financed with red ink,” says David now. “Washington is at a fiscal dead end with a $20 trillion public debt already in place and $30 trillion baked into the cake by the middle of the next decade. And that’s under existing policy, before even a single dime of the Trump tax cuts or infrastructure stimulus is added to the equation. “The ranks of tea party Republicans and Freedom Caucus fiscal conservatives simply will not walk the plank for a 10-year budget resolution that would result in a Greek-style public debt at 140% of projected GDP…
1981: A man with a plan [NBC News screengrab]
“Without a FY 2018 budget resolution, there will be no ‘reconciliation instructions’ on tax reform. Without the latter, the Senate will become a 60-vote, filibuster-driven killing field for tax reform.”
That’s serious enough… but in addition, “the Trump White House is already on the verge of a terminal political crisis,” David declares.
“After the travel ban fiasco, the Flynn resignation imbroglio, the massive anti-Trump leaks coming from the bowels of a hostile national security establishment and the renewed media campaign to re-litigate the 2016 elections over the Russian meddling canard, the incipient Trump administration is already mortally wounded.
“The ruling elites are determined to take The Donald down, and whether they succeed or not, it is extremely probable that Washington will grind to a halt — Watergate-era style — by early spring. There will be no giant tax cut, but there will be a news flash at some point soon crystalizing that very fact.
“Then the meltdown will begin, and the stock market will be bidless because all the robo-machines will be selling the news of breakdown, dysfunction, fracture and crisis in the Imperial City, not Donald Trump’s ‘hopium’ tweets.”
Best regards,
Dave Gonigam for The 5 Min. Forecast
The post Now Comes the “Trump Slump” appeared first on Daily Reckoning.
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badlydrawndave · 11 months
dude we have a perfectly good idea of why you should help and how badly it fucks you up to fail rose. davesprite. hes got like 37 different traumas about that shit man. imagine that shit on top of the shit you got rn? and what you only get like, 2-5 extra traumas from Going Roofmode? thats like a 35-32 trauma difference
shut the fuck up
damage is still damage
no matter what
im not gonna be fuckin okay
and i tried to warn rose
of how she would fuckin regret the shit
and what did she do? she fucking did it anyways
i didnt fail her
she failed herself
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badlydrawndave · 1 year
okay so we've established that Karkat is pretty but how pretty on a scale of one to ten
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i didnt fucking say that dude
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badlydrawndave · 1 year
you could join jade in the woofapocalypse!
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listen jade is my best friend but im not joining ANY of these im sorry
gog i am so fucking frustrated
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