#verbatim this was a convo I had with a kid today
minnow-doodle-doo · 2 years
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All bats are incredibly petty, you should know this by now Clark
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arisatominakos · 8 months
tw death mention, tw suicide--
i learned late last night that one of my siblings passed away but explain to me that today my step mother has the fucking audacity to call me up, not to be like sorry for ur loss or anything, but to just LIE that my dad didnt know how his daughter died( we had a whole hour convo earlier today and discussed it like he knows but like he learned his fucking kid died today u feel like hes processing n probs doesnt wanna talk about it ) and then demand to know how and when i fucking have to basically verbatim say ' ____ she killed herself. ' my stepmother literally just oh ' ok but how with pills or like ' bITCH MY FATHER IS IN THE ROOM COUGHING UNCOMFORTABLY I JUST LOST MY SIBLING TOO LIKE CAN I FUCKIN FOR REALS HELP U
i could fuckin never like i do not like this woman in any capacity but i could never do that if i found out she had a loss i would rush to give her only condolences, like ask her if she needs something like you know a decent person ??????????????????? i got none of that just demands about what happened as if like im not involved DIRECTLY ima delete this in a bit but christ almighty fuck
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inutargaryen · 5 years
Until We Meet Again
Rating: T+
Ship: InuKag
Summary: Based on this piece. Some souls are meant to meet for the rest of eternity.
He wasn’t sure when the spontaneity in his life had been replaced for routine, but he knew it happened more frequently. At 8 am he woke up for physical therapy, at 12 lunch, 2 pm bingo, and so on. Woven in between were the various pills administered to him by an aide not much older than his daughter.
His physical therapist complimented him frequently. While his body might belong to an aging man, his spirit surely did not. It pained the young girl to see him struggle to stand after a session, but, when she would reach her hand out for assistance he would shoot daggers with eyes. His sharp tongue had grown quieter with age, however, his stubbornness would persist until death.
In his youth, he was a man of determination. He arrived in the States post-war with a dollar and a dream. What he found was prejudice. Not even that could deter him. He solved disagreements in back alleys, fixed cars, cleaned dishes, delivered takeout. He once chased a car down on his bike for cutting him off, or that was his favorite version of the story to tell his kids at least.
He no longer created adventurous stories. He sat in his room and watched American television, he longed for home, his wife, his kids.
None of the kids could handle the responsibility of eldercare on their own. Ai had recently been diagnosed with breast cancer, Eiji had his second divorce, and Nobu had eight children. It was evident he couldn’t live alone anymore. He burnt part of his apartment down from falling asleep with the stove on. Then he forgot to take his medicine and ended up in the hospital for three weeks.
So is the woe of aging. 
The nurses left warning signs outside his door.
“ Mr. Taisho is NOT happy today.” In smaller letters there lay special instructions depending on how he reacted, no jello cups please, or his personal favorite, no stupid questions.
What he hated most about the assisted living facility was that is smelled like death. Every room with a soul that had gone off to its next adventure. Or those that were still alive smelt like they were already dead. It was not just depressing, it was downright disgusting.
To increase morale they hosted a party every Friday to encourage the residents to meet. Mr. Taisho suspected that they just wanted them to live longer so they could rip every last dime from their retirement funds. His aide had taken a liking to him, suggested he attend, he always refused.
This Friday was different from any other.
He hadn’t really cared all that much for women anymore, nothing south of his belly button functioned too well and he had three knee surgeries. Even if it weren’t for that, his wife had died long ago and so did his desire.
Then he saw her.
She arrived on a Wednesday. He knew this because she was getting a walkthrough of facility as he headed sat outside the physical therapy room. She did not dress like she was preparing for a funeral, but instead, still carried herself as he imagined she did in her youth. Her dress was far shorter than he had ever seen in the facility, but still modest, he could see her bony knee sticking out. As she passed him she smelt of honey and lavender. Her voice was pleasant, soft and raspy, as if she had only ever smoked a few cigarettes in her lifetime. More importantly, she was the only other Japanese person in the facility.
His aide was surprised to see him dressed when she knocked on the door. He had been here for exactly two years and had not went to any event where he couldn’t illegally gamble.
His aide doted on him. She smoothed out the wrinkles from his shirt like a mother would a child. From her lips fell words like groovy and other slang from this decade he didn’t quite understand. She extended her arm out to him for balance.
He let out something between a scoff and sigh, waving off her arm. He could use the help walking but he wouldn’t see the mystery woman with any signs of weakness.
They walked down the hall together. Close enough in proximity for her to catch him if he fell, but enough to give him his independence. When they reached the door he stopped for a second, staring as if a portal to another world might exist on the other end.
“ Are you scared, Mr. Taisho?” She asked playfully.
He analyzed all parts of the room, his eyes searching for her everywhere. Something close to a frown tugged on his lips as he failed to identify her.
“ Come on now!” The aide pleaded with
“ I’m going back to my ro-“ he finished as soon as he began. As he turned to look behind him and there she was the definition of beauty. Her hair gathered together in a bun that revealed her delicate neck. He had only glanced at her outfit for a second before returning to her face and then her scent. That scent intoxicated him to the point he was without words.
What he didn’t realize is that everyone else could notice him staring at her. Mr. Taisho did not have countenance that coincided with flattery. He looked like the nurses had referred to him in secret, a mean old man.
“Hasn’t anyone taught you not to stare? “
Her voice awakened something deep in his soul. He could feel something pulsing deep inside of him.
He blinked a few times while he pondered a sarcastic comeback. He watched as she continue walking with an airy step.
“ I ain’t looking at you.”
His aide shook her head placing both hands on his back to softly nudge him inside. He gave in reluctantly, now, sulking very close to the entrance so he could escape at any moment.
He watched her subtly as she moved around the room. People were drawn to her like bugs to honey, her pool of warmth and sweetness was worthy a terrain to die in. Her smile radiated, called to him, but he tried his best to ignore it. When her eyes darted to meet his he looked away, pretending to be interested in the tray of jello.
He imagined how he would have approached her in his youth. Not likely that it would go much differently. He exuded confidence in everything, that is, except for love. Perhaps she would have approached him then. Her with rosy youthful cheeks and him with an icy glare waiting to be thawed by her glance.
Mr. Taisho was handsome in his youth in a way that only clean-cut women searching for a wild escape were drawn to. He looked as if his life had been unkind to him. But there was a certain charm in a face that looked like it had actually lived. Skin that had been burned by the sun too many times. His black tresses drawn in a ponytail that collected down to his back. Proof that he had not cared for societal norms. His hazel eyes that mimicked the yellow of the sun in the light.
Now, his eyes were replaced with a gray film from the cataracts. His long hair had been chopped long ago, the maintenance far too much for his aging body. The color of snow that was a clue to everyone that he had few years to claim his life on this earth.
He was pulled out of subconscious thought by her smooth voice. She talked about many things at once. He pretended to ignore her as she spoke about music, about her time as a dancer, about her children. He lifted his head up as he was met by silence.
“ I was listening. “
Then she quizzed him on all that she said. A hand on her hip as if she was to scold him. Something that resembled a smile crept on his face as he repeated her conversation verbatim. New York City Ballerina, taught at Julliard, kids too busy so they shoved her in here.
She looked pleased and extended her hand out to him, propositioning him. At first he refused scowled at her. Looked at his feet as if they have been put on wrong. But she insisted, her hand pulling on to his with force. There he was, trapped in her pool of honey as she moved him to the dance floor.
♪ Haven't felt like this, my dear. Since I can't remember when. It's been a long, long time. ♪
They twirled in silence to the ballad. The older woman rested her cheek on his chest as they moved together in unison.
♪ You'll never know how many dreams I've dreamed about you. Or just how empty they all seemed without you. ♪
His soul awakened to her tender touch. Unbeknownst to him, it had awakened hers as well.
what took you so long?
you weren’t easy to find this time.
i thought you’d never come.
i always do, don’t i?
i thought our story had ended.
that will never happen, kagome.
how much time do we have left?
not much, not much.
inuyasha, you feel warmer.
you are mine.
has this lifetime been kind?
doesn’t matter.
the songs almost over.
you smell like heaven.
will you find me next time?
always, always.
His aide peaked at them throughout the night with caution. Not for them, but for the fear of Mr. Taisho catching her staring. Her eyes darted with playful happiness as he watched him gather jello cups for them, as he listened to her talk, as what might have been a smile broke slowly on his face. She had become so entranced by his softness that she had forgotten that he could see her.
“ What are ya’ looking at! “ He gaped at her angrily. The woman beside him tapped his shoulder lightly, before smiling in the direction of the aide.
The aide pretended to be scared to appease Mr. Taisho. Softly she smiled to herself, her hands collected over her chest where she felt the familiar pulse.
Her soul spoke out to no one in particular.
one hundred lifetimes, reborn the same.
The aide is sango bc she will spend her lifetime as Inuyasha’s BROTP. All italics/ no capitalization are convos of the soul. The current body/ mind has no idea.This is a small part of a larger piece that expands on the piece that’s linked!
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