roseblooms · 5 years
voted !! i loved your entry. do you remember any of the phrases in Chichewa?
thank you so much my sweet! i dooo:
muli bwanji? ( how are you? )
ndiri bwino, kaya inu? ( i am fine, and you? )
zikomo ( thank you )
dzina lanu ndani? ( what is your name? )
ndalama zingati? ( how much? )
tionana mamawa ( see you in the morning ) my fave to say
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lucoile · 7 years
stolen roleplay plot psa
let me just start by saying this: people can plug their ears and yell and scream, but that doesn’t change the fact that they actively and consciously stole something from someone. to elaborate on my point, @veraviva stole the idea for my slytherin small group mumu roleplay, after being interested in joining it the second round of accepting members. proof is under the cut.
@senmitsuji and i started up our mumu back at the beginning of february. you can read the original post here. after a few months, we decided to open it back up to let in new members. veraviva was one of the people to like the post and even messaged me about it. you can see the post here and here’s a screenshot of what she sent me. a few days later i sent her a message inviting her into the roleplay, telling her what information she had to send me and she never replied. as you can see in both of the posts i linked, the taken characters list also included the tags where all of our starts and plot drops were which, it really isn’t that difficult to glean what the plot is from all of that information. including the post she liked.
i received a message from a member last night linking me the post she made asking for people to join her small group slytherin roleplay with.......the same exact plot. literally the only difference about the plot is the fact that it revolves around a romantic ship between the characters. you can read the plot here in this post. now, another member initially found it and showed the group chat on skype so the fact that all of my members found the plots shockingly similar is telling. both groups revolve around slytherins immediately after the second war in trio era and only slytherin characters are playable. while there are some slytherin only roleplays out there ( one of which @senmitsuji made, about slytherins during the first war called where we fall ), but vera was interested in our roleplay and obviously wanted to be apart of it. 
i sent her a message kindly asking her to change the plot of her roleplay or take the post down. she responded to my messages with excuses and was frankly, very rude. you can read our messages here. i’ll go ahead and lay out each of her arguments and why they’re faulty at best. 
1.) it’s a polyship roleplay. you still took the basic plot of our roleplay and attempted to pass it off as your own. even the way the information is worded is similar to our post and the message i sent you with our information. next.
2.) it has gryffindor characters. interesting then that the post you made had  the word slytherin in bold and the only place you can see that you have gryffindor characters is a sidenote on the application. their information is no where else to be seen.
3.) it’s a 3x3. i don’t care how many people you let into your roleplay. you still took the plot, which is the entire point. the fact that it’s a 3x3 is also missing from both the posts.
4.) it’s not an original idea. a roleplay focusing just on slytherin’s isn’t. however, an entire roleplay revolving around slytherin’s post second war and the effects it had on them? our idea. 
5.) i didn’t open the roleplay to the public. but......you did? you literally made an an advertisement and a little application so people could apply? that’s literally opening your roleplay to the public?
her immediately making a roleplay based on the same exact plot as ours with only a few minor changes after being interested in ours is within itself shady. her acting as if she’s never seen the roleplay before and has no idea what i’m talking about is within itself shady. not to mention the fact that her little post she made trying to play victim after i told her i was going public misgendered me. even though she was following me before and my pronouns are there in my description for the entire world to see? and then when i pointed it out to her, she didn’t even apologize she literally said “your url is ashley moore i was going off that” like........................................i dont expect everyone to know the model ashley moore but how about a “sorry” at the very least? also hate to break it to you, but names don’t correlate with gender?
take from this post what you will, but at the end of the day the facts are there.
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abernathywrites · 7 years
slurred words - adri x eli
“Oh, I love him,” Adriana cooed with a warm, fond little smile on her lips. “He’s very tall, and that’s important. Very tall,” she repeated, nodding her head sagely. “I may be small, but Elias is tall for everyone,” the woman insisted. “And he’s beautiful,” she gushed with a bright smile, her chin resting in her hands. “Eternally beautiful--there has yet to be a time or place in the past, present, or future that would not look at him and agree!” 
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thcmorrigan · 7 years
wisteriawrites replied to your post: you are all so exhausting. i just want to reblog...
dude same literally i just woke up and im already tired
veraviva replied to your post: you are all so exhausting. i just want to reblog... 
Amen preach hallelujah
i’m with u, babies ..... it’s too much ..... please let me have peace for one day ..... i got more important shit 2 be dealing with 
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invieres · 8 years
for alba: purpuram, opalus, and aeris
Thank you so much for asking! 
is it better to be feared or to be loved?
If she’d been asked that question a few months ago, maybe even an hour ago, her answer would have been totally different. Loved, because then there’s hope for forgiveness. There’s hope that people will see you with such fondness in their hearts that they can ignore the darkness of your actions. Can hesitate to even imagine you would commit such deeds against them. Traitor. Except that’s not fair on them, so the answer should be feared. The answer should be feared because it’s easier on them then, that they know exactly the kind of person you are and can at least expect it when you behave so cruelly toward them. They can see it coming. And maybe you can too. Maybe you can hit the brakes, turn around and pick another path. Or maybe it wouldn’t matter at all because you wouldn’t be the type of person who feels the weight of their expectations and chooses to deny them. You wouldn’t be the type of person to even recognise their opinions with any consideration. It wouldn’t matter to you. So maybe she would prefer to be feared, because she sure as hell can’t love herself right now, so why should they? Try again in an hour. 
what was/is your favorite fairy tale?
The Elves and the Shoemaker. I really want to claim it as something incredibly enchanting, full of romance and adventure.. but it’s honestly a story about an elderly shoemaker and his wife. There’s mystery to it, for they can’t tell who their saviour is, who it is that’s helping them when they need it most. There’s kindness too, in more than just the actions of the elves. The shoemaker and his wife give all that they can to try to compensate the elves, try to show their appreciation, even after they see the strange little creatures who have taken root in their home. I can’t entirely relate to the story, because I’ve never been in a position so desperate as theirs, in terms of material goods and poverty. Yet I really agree with the sentiment, the mutual benefit of being there for other people when they need you. We all need a helping hand now and again, and maybe we shouldn’t be so hesitant and suspicious when it comes from someone unfamiliar. We could all do with believing there’s genuine kindness in this world, that not everyone has nefarious intent behind their actions. 
what’s your favorite book?
I am loathe to admit it, but until a few weeks ago it had been an absolute age since I’d read anything recreationally. When I was a child I could devour books in a few hours, and I’d often do just that. I’d really love to get back to that, but there just isn’t the time, what with catching up on some missed term time. No books from my past are truly striking a chord right now, but I’m sure that’s my fault more than theirs. They deserve credit I’m just not capable of remembering right now. So it really falls to the most recent book I’ve read, with brilliance I can actually attest to. That would be The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern. In saying I should have given a better answer, I’d be doing such an intriguing and captivating book a disservice, so I’ll simply say that the pages are intoxicating with both atmosphere and wonder. 
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richardsikens · 7 years
🌹 vera 🌹 please and thank you thank you!! 🌹
no worries!!! thank U!!!!
name aesthetic: headbands, rose gold, shiny rings, riding on carousels, sets of colour pencils, carnations, loose curls, scarves, swaying in the wind, overflowing book shelves, chrome nails
url: i,,,, don’t get it but i’m Dumb so . /10icon: 10/10 it’s so prettydesktop theme: 7/10 mobile theme: 9/10posts: 7/10overall: 7/10following: no but ily / now / of course! / forever and always compliment: i luv ur icon and ur header for ur mobile theme sm!!!!
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lolacism · 8 years
veraviva replied to your photoset “The story of a girl who had to cut her hair & take photographic proof...”
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nocalhq-blog · 8 years
♡ MUSE L ♡ DEIDRE MARSHALL is a 24 year old CISFEMALE who currently lives in Sacramento, California. Word on the street is that they’re ELOQUENT but I’ve heard they can also be INCONSISTENT. I suppose that’s what’s earned them the reputation as THE GOSSIP but you won’t know until you meet them! You’ll know it’s them because SHE is a dead ringer for BLAKE LIVELY. ( vera / 20 / est / she/her )
ACCEPTED! Blake Lively and MUSE L are now taken! I think Blake is a perfect FC for this muse! The Gossip has so much potential and we can’t to see you and Deidre on the dash! Thank you for applying, Vera! Please check out our checklist and send in your account within 24 hours! 
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thefoxwrites · 7 years
veraviva replied to your photoset “CASEY VARGAS: RIPEN What you don’t know now, one day you’ll learn...”
you are so talented ily
wickedelicacy replied to your photoset  “CASEY VARGAS: RIPEN   What you don’t know now, one day you’ll learn...”
so pretty
I have legit been smiling about these two messages all day I feel loved & supported in this chili’s tonight
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shookwrites · 7 years
When you get this, please respond with five things that make you happy. Then send to the last ten people in your notifications anonymously. (or not).
    sleeping without having a set time to wake up, brazilian food, 90210, sabrina carpenter, and my family ( my friends are my family ).
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remuslupyn · 7 years
veraviva answered your question “i’ve basically been having an existential crisis since my break up...”
this is me right now oh god i feel you. lets chill and do safe crazy shit together in agony
right like i’m not trying to do anything stupid but i need the adrenaline high of like roller coaster type safe stuff to like get me to stop thinking for five seconds oh my god
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frvddiemercury · 7 years
i have watched the show, and if you want people to be nicer, perhaps you should try the same. i came to you respectfully, but thanks for also bashing my opinion. cool bruh
sorry ?? that literally wasnt what i meant to do at all ?? i really do apologise ?? i didn’t.. i’m just really confused and the anon really upset me, because i wasn’t meaning to harm anyone or offend anyone in any way at all ?? like i really do apologise, i didn’t want to bash your opinion. i was just trying to respectfully put across my side by saying that all i did was reblog a gifset of the actor and i by no means condone the character he was playing or what he did - i appreciate that maybe by saying ‘i love him’ etc wasn’t good wording, but i genuinely just meant it as in i love alexander, i love his acting and i love the way he portrayed the role - that didn’t mean i loved the role he was portraying or anything. i tried to respond respectfully ?? i didn’t think i said anything to offend you and if i did i really am sorry !! i don’t wanna upset you or start anything because genuinely it makes me so ?? panicked ?? like i really am sorry - if you wanna im me so i can explain privately what i meant thats cool, but i need to try and put across my point on my blog because otherwise i’m gonna get a shit ton of hate. i’m sorry for the way i worded things, i don’t agree that the anon should’ve been so awful as to call me ‘sick’ but you do agree and you’re allowed your opinion on that, but it upset me and i apologised for my wording on the matter - literally all i intended to do was rb a gifset of an actor i liked.. like thats it. i apologise if i offended you or anyone else with that and ?? i’m sorry you feel that i’m being rude in my response to your message or bashing your opinion. i appreciate you’ve been through a relationship similar and you might’ve taken that as i was glorifying the abusive character, i wasn’t, i was just admiring the actor. i’m sorry if i upset you - that wasn’t my intention either.
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pebbleswrites · 8 years
✨ teagan to harper (bc i still luv them sm)
send me ✨ for the aesthetics / feelings my muse relates to yours  |  status: accepting
a bottle of veuve clicquot shared upon silk sheets at three a.m. – both of you have lecture early the next day, but neither plans on going. heated glances across packed ballrooms ; neither allows eyes to linger too long, for fear of being caught. clandestine whispers as he drags you to a secluded corner, the party still buzzing away on the other side of the wall. the buzz of your phone at the most inconvenient of times – i want you, i need you, now – you don’t answer, but you slip on your louboutins & pad out the door to meet him regardless. 
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swansonwritings · 7 years
📝 This is a talented writer award. Send this to your favorite writers to show them that you appreciate their work!
JWOEJFOIEWJF this is so sweet, thank you so much!!!!
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queerrps · 7 years
📝 This is a talented writer award. Send this to your favorite writers to show them that you appreciate their work!
omg ily mom
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musepirations · 8 years
oh did you not get my app for muse b? :/
❞ HI BOO !! i’m so very sorry but i’m afraid i didn’t get it ?? apparently tumblr has been eating quite a few messages last night and i don’t even know what’s wrong ?? i’m so, so sorry dear !! Xoxo
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