intelwon · 4 years
" i love your bedhead. it looks very chipper. i don't think nargles hide in there. " [ tosses luna at neville ]
he’s still working to flatten the cow lick that’s been his constant irritation this morning, going so far as to use that hair potion hermione uses. yet, it persists and he’s slowly starting to give up. he hopes a good shower will right it, but for now classes call and he’ll just have to deal with the embarrassment. 
“ thuh-thank you luna...? ” he’s not sure if he should be thankful for that... what are nargles again? 
“ d-do they avoid unkempt hair, is that it? ”
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savagc · 4 years
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@veracicus​ sent:  
Soft footsteps padded forward, peering curiously over at Luna before a bright smile curled around her face as she rushed forward, clutching onto the flower crowns she had made for the other a n d Raven.
the movement in her peripheral brought her eyes to adria’s approach and she smiled seeing what rested within her grasp. adria bore treasures in the shape of flowered crowns and she watched her come in to her side where luna was able to wrap her arms around her, able to press her lips down to her curls. “so this is what you’ve been up to.” she muses with a smile, knowing that adria must have had fun in the greenery with all of the potted flower bushes and plants growing nearly every shade of color. “you make beautiful things.”
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redemptioninterlude · 4 years
" i love you. " [ sirius ]
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i love you, skins edition meme + @veracicus​ // sirius
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Playing hard to get seems to be their style. The run, the chase, the wanting, and the NEVER REALLY SAYING, even if it’s always been there at the tips of their tongues. Maybe they feel the denial’s what makes the taste, ever sweeter, but the reality is that they both have their own sense of pride and reputation to uphold. Perhaps that ego was what left them all the poorer, but she knew at the least what it did to her, how she held on fiercely to the idea of not being the one that caves first, for whatever stubbornness that exists within her. The same that feeds him, the boy that’s always caught, too many eyes, who she doesn’t feel any fire to compete, for, she only wants what’s hers, and hers alone.
They kiss, and make up, they sleep together like it’s a natural extension of their friendship, the kind that they never SPEAK ABOUT, and dismiss as casually as they fall together. No feelings means, nobody’s getting hurt, but playing with fire just seems like the kind of dare that they went in for, double, dared, fatality. Her fingers looped hasty about the leather of his belt as he kisses her like a starved man, their laughter that always, inevitably, breaks through interrupting them in the act. How every part of her feels flushed with the rush, how this isn’t the impossible closeness that she craves as he pulls her by her hips, feels bruises there that mark her his for the night.
                             Only for the night.
Until he’s sputtering, breathless, looking at her with dark eyes that reflect the moon, and she’s caught slipping, staring just a little bit too long when the words tumble out, almost as if by accident, the sort of LOSING GAME that they’ve been trying to dodge this whole time. And at first she wants to say, you’re joking me, right? Because he’s fucking Sirius Black and she’s bloody Marlene McKinnon, and they don’t do love, they just don’t - they screw and get screwed and flip each other off and try to get the last word in, but love, love’s not meant to be apart of this, even as she’s choking on the words as they come, all the things that once went unsaid, spilling like a confession. 
“You already know I love you.” and she almost has to throw it in, just for a saving grace, a hail mary to the wind. “You daft idiot. Come here.” and she kisses him, again, again, that warmth making her feel, brand fucking new, arms wrapping about his neck with a tenderness she didn’t know that she could possess. 
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suspectedalways · 4 years
my opinion on;   @veracicus
character in general: okay so you have so many muses on here I can’t even begin with just one of them, so i’m just gonna do a general little thing.   i adore them, okay?   arg is especially sassy and fun to write with.  you’ve got good old cissa on there, as well as luna - who, you capture beautifully.   there’s so many i haven’t even gotten to write with but have looked at and adored from afar.  
how they play them: beautifully!   you put so much care into them, and it really shines through with your portrayals.  
the mun: honestly sammie is a sweetheart.  always sending me random stuff here and there, whether it be the beauty that is john murphy or a bunch of drarry / draco things.  it’s always a joy to talk with you.  
do i;
follow them: duuuuuh. 
rp with them: yup! 
want to rp with them: double yes. 
ship their character with mine: hhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm  we’ll see. 
what is my;
overall opinion:   sammie is a sweetheart and honestly i love all your muses.   you do a great job and bringing out their little quirks and all, and are always just so - positive, and we need more people like that tbh. 
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty.
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𝐒𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐎𝐖 .     innocence, big dreamer, waking up too early, walking home, being afraid of meeting new people, slim hands, always cold, reading a book under a tree, the smell of the forest, missing your home
𝐄𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐄 .     independent, caring too much for others, sharp looks, walking through the city late at night, the tallest and most spectacular building, iron, being single and okay in a world that tells you that being single is bad
𝐒𝐖𝐈𝐅𝐓 .    falling in love easily and heavily, traveler, the infinity of the bluest sky, storms, broken smiles, forgetting people who used to be your beloved ones, feeling out of place, mistrusting people, a fleeting romance
𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐖 .   feeling as if you have seen so much and as if you know a lot, prejudging, tight hugs that leave you breathless, a grey sky, serenity, intelligence, being left behind, chains, smoke, the pride of someone wise
𝐃𝐎𝐕𝐄 .     petals, jealousy, being tired of living with the same old faces, whispered secrets, marble, sundresses, white clothes, the first sunset of winter, pride in who you are, learning to get over someone
𝐒𝐄𝐀𝐆𝐔𝐋𝐋 .   family, golden light, the sea murmuring in your ear, summer afternoons, caramel ice cream, collecting seashells and other things and calling them treasures, living breezy and carefree, swimming in the sunlight
𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐘 .     artistic, getting excited easily, dancing and singing while you are alone, looking at your friends having fun, no phone, being afraid of judgment, spring, a meaningful gift, the first ray of sunlight
tagged by: @sinisteraugurey​
tagging: @brightestxwitchx​ @serpent-tongued-lie​ @itswasteland​ @veracicus​
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youthblamed-a · 4 years
Hello! Your muse is a+ !! I can't wait to see more on the dash !! And I hope you have a fantastic day!
ahhhhhh wtf thank you for taking the time to send this it’s so sweet !! im 👀 at the threads of urs i’ve been seeing on the dash, i hope you have a good day also 😌
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pyrrhicmessiah · 4 years
@veracicus​ said: “ a moment alone in the shade. ” from dean // Hamilton Quotes meme
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They sat in the shade of a tree by the Black Lake, charcoal coating both their hands as they worked on their respective sketches. She sat with her back against the tree, knees propping her sketchpad up like an easel as she worked. A playful smile stretched across her face as Dean spoke, first she looked up and out across the water in amusement and then over to him. It was true, their friends had all become otherwise occupied, leaving the two of them content to continue their work in a comfortable silence. She wasn’t even sure how much time had passed, it could have been minutes or hours. There weren’t any classes on the weekend, so she tended to lose track of time a little easier. “ Excellent observation, ” she said, reaching up to tuck her hair behind her ear as the wind tried to blow it in her face. Some of the charcoal on her fingers left a smudge on her cheek, but she didn’t notice. “ Have we been here a long time, you think? ” She only asked because she was suddenly conscious of how numb her butt had become from sitting the same way for so long. 
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lionveincd · 4 years
“Boundaries don’t keep other people out; they fence you in.” [ luna lovegood ]
Cormac’s eyes flicked to the girl for a minute. She was strange, this one. He didn’t really know how to be a dick to her. It felt wrong, despite the fact that she was weird as hell. “If you say so, Luna, but I think boundaries are important. You need them between yourself an other people.” He shrugged easily, not giving her much more than that as they boarded the train to school. She wasn’t someone he spent a lot of time speaking to, and he didn’t really know how to make small talk with her.
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atmyhiraeth · 4 years
@veracicus really just came online today like “let’s take Argyle and use him to  MURDER Britt with feels” 
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krashaa · 4 years
@veracicus​ said:  "That's why i believe in them, and i believe in you!" 
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aspen was staring up at adria when she heard her speak, honey eyes then looking back into the water. “nomi says i can’t have one.” she says with a deep breath before she was looking up at adria. “i want to be a turtle when i grows up.”
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friikdreina-blog · 6 years
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“I don’t know how those letters got out but all five of them got out,” Tani admits before looking at Iggy’s letter. “One of them was to my sister’s ex- I never told her about that and she can’t now. I have no idea what I’m supposed to do.”
@veracicus // to all the boys starter
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herbaelogist · 4 years
" she had a marvelous time ruining everything!" Dean abt their 5th year with umbridge
folklore sentences | accepting | for @veracicus‘s Dean!!
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                 “She was terrible,” Neville mumbled in response while he frowned, fingers instinctively reaching to caress the back of his other hand.  Though no scars remained, at one point a message had been scrawled painfully into his skin with one of her magic pens.  “Once I got in trouble for not talking enough. You’d think she’d want you to keep quiet.  Nothin’ I did was right.”
          He’ll fall silent for a while, recalling the mess that followed after her removal from Hogwarts.  She returned to the Ministry and took up a job “interrogating” Muggle-born witches and wizards— Code for torturing them, no doubt.  She was just as bad as Voldemort and his followers to Neville.  He was not known to hold grudges, but he was glad that Umbridge had been put away in Azkaban. He hoped the Dementors terrorized her daily.
                “D’You think we could write her in Azkaban?” He suddenly asks Dean, as the thought had popped into his head that very moment.  Neville hurriedly continues to clarify what he means.  “Not— Not to ask how she’s doing or anything. Maybe ask her how the Dementors are doing instead.  How are the constant storms and cold weather?  What does Dementor breath smell like?” His lips will lift into a smile; He’s proud of his little jest!
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redemptioninterlude · 4 years
" you alright? Do you want to dance? [ sirius ]
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i love you, skins edition meme + @veracicus​ // sirius
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Sandy shores, the water’s cold, no summer heat left to soak into their flesh as they crowd about the fire. It’s almost over, isn’t it, and they’ve a ride to catch back, a charming muggle bus, according to Emmeline, and from there, they’ll MAKE OFF for Peter’s place for a temporary stop over, before departing to their various homes. Then given a week, and they’ll be back on the road, or that tracks, rather, as they sped back towards building a future, dreaming of a beautiful tomorrow. And while dorm room parties could be enough to melt your face on any given school night, it’ll never quite taste the same as these, the feeling of fire against your skin, smoke in your hair, and cigarettes left piling within the sand.
Someone’s got a boombox, and Lily’s picked the tunes - James has had a little too much, already passed out against a lawn chair that they’ve salvaged along with the camper van that they’ve dragged out to this place, that fits, far more within than it appears on the outside. Remus is FLIRTING SWEETLY with Dorcas, which has Marlene in stitches, even as she finishing the vodka that they bought at a gas station on the way out, palm slipping against the neck of it before it slides out from her grasp, and she turns to find Sirius, staring at her steady, as if he’s got a question just there on the tip of his tongue.
A grin flashes, brilliant, a hand held out to take his own. “And here I thought you didn’t DANCE, you just liked to strip to your skivvies on a dare to run through the hallways through the night.” a laugh bubbles up from the back of her throat, pulling him with her out into the darker night, arms up in the air. Addicted to the feeling, but better yet, loving the memory that they’re making together as she helps him find the rhythm, even as they’re losing time.
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suspectedalways · 4 years
When Argyle sees Draco he feels a sense of understanding for one another's situations. A twing of protection and the urge to lash out at those thinking about going against the other. He feels a sense of brotherhood through families shared and expectations having to be met. In early years a sense of comfort and some laughter, in later years there is worry for the other. [ from argyle ]
Describe how your Muse feels when they look at my Muse.
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savagc · 4 years
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@veracicus​ sent:  [ braid ] for your muse to braid mine’s hair [ papa yde ]
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yde sat down beside her, her fingers entangled with yarn that she was trying to bring order to. trying and failing for over an hour now it seemed. progress was being made, slowly..albeit, but made nonetheless. she felt his hands slip into her curls and turned her head slightly to meet his eyes at the contact, a soft smile touching her lips. “trying to tame the untamable.” she murmurs, looking back to her work with untangling the yarn. 
“seems to be what i’m trying to do today as well.” she finished sorting out the dyed blue yarn from the berry stained red and then started to wrap the blue around a small wooden spool. “you know if you had hair i would be able to return the favor.” saying this...luna beamed a little more widely.
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gonpleiga · 4 years
@veracicus​ sent "In his own country, Death can be kind... " ( always accepting ) 
she’s still vaguely nauseous, stomach acid sour and burning on the back of her tongue. the snap in the back of her mind when the connection to the city of light had been severed still ricocheted down her spine, her body vibrating with the reverberation of opening her eyes up in polis. 
even settling the chaos and bloodshed in the wake of skaikru’s siege on their heda, on ontari, hadn’t settled the ring in her bones. she she had thought perhaps egil might understand, that his presence might bring about something like grounding, but instead she finds her brow furrowing as he speaks.
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“ ---------- is that something they taught you in floukru, then? “ she asks, her tongue razor sharp. “ did you learn about the kindness of death out on your ships? ”
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