#vera the wisp
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sapphanimates · 5 months ago
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had a very busy day, so here's some alacrity stuff i finished in class!
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vodka-and-ocs · 6 months ago
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swamp time (part 3)
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pupsmailbox · 1 year ago
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NAMES︰ abbie. adelaide. adorablesse. adorablette. aerlyn. alena. alexis. alice. amaia. amaya. andrea. angeline. ankou. annabelle. annie. antoinette. anxiette. anxious. apricot. asaka. ash. asha. aspen. atticus. ava. avel. babette. babydoll. bambi. bambina. bambino. bashfelle. bashful. beau. bellamy. belle. bells. bernadette. blu. blue. bluesse. bluette. blushe. blushesse. blushette. boo. bram. bronach. bronagh. brone. button. buttons. cadel. candace. carmilla. carrie. catherine. cessair. charlie. charlott. charlotte. chelsea. chia. chica. chirella. chirelle. chiwa. chuckie. claeg. coffin. colere. commedia. constance. coquette. cordelia. corelle. corette. corsette. cypress. dahlia. dalia. damon. darling. dawn. dearesse. dearest. dearette. dearie. deidre. demure. desdemona. devin. devon. doilie. doily. doll. dollaintye. dollawie. dollerie. dollesse. dollette. dolleyed. dollie. dolline. dollita. dolly. dolores. dottie. drea. dread. drusilla. dáinn. eeria. eldritche. elissar. eliza. elle. elodie. eloise. emerence. emily. essie. esther. evangela. evangeline. evelyn. eveyln. faith. frill. frillette. genevieve. genoveva. gia. gladys. glorie. glory. gorey. gorie. gracelyn. gregory. gretta. gwen. gwenivive. haldor. haunt. hiccup. hyde. iraia. iresse. irette. itishree. jabez. janelle. janet. jannet. jinx. josie. julie. juniper. juno. kailey. kanani. kewpie. kiva. krak. lace. lacesse. lacette. lacey. lacie. lain. laintess. lakka. lalki. lavender. lea. lefu. letta. letum. libitina. lilac. lillith. lilly. lily. loaela. lola. lolah. loletta. lolita. lolite. lolla. lottie. lovelace. luci. lucius. lulu. lute. lyla. lys. madison. mahina. mandy. mannie. manon. many. mara. maria. marianette. marie. marion. marionette. marionne. marotte. marrionette. marrow. mary. maryjane. marzana. maveth. meek. melanie. melodie. melody. merripen. miel. minuette. mold. moldie. moldy. molly. moonie. moore. morana. morgana. morgue. mors. mort. mot. muriel. murmur. muse. nadine. nadzen. nancy. nanea. nanelle. nanette. nappi. naz. negan. nekane. nelly. nemesis. nettie. nicodème. niegan. nimbus. nina. nuri. olive. oliver. olivia. omega. panchaali. parner. pinkesse. pinkette. pinkie. pinky. pinocchio. pippin. poe. poppet. poppette. poppy. porce. porcelain. porcelynn. prantika. pulau. punthali. pupetta. puppet. puppetear. puppetesse. puppetette. puppette. puppyte. putala. quinn. ravanche. raven. realiteer. rebel. ribbon. ribbonne. riley. rion. robert. rose. rubella. ruby. sacrifette. salem. sasha. satin. scarlet. sebastian. sew. sewine. shivani. shiver. sidney. smierc. smiley. smilie. softesse. softette. softie. solikha. spirit. sprout. statuette. stitches. strings. sweeheart. sweetheart. sweetie. sweetiebelle. sweetine. sychar. teacup. tearie. teddy. tempest. thalia. than. thana. theodora. thorn. trembelle. trista. ultima. ulysses. vanessa. vera. viola. visage. whisp. whisper. willow. winston. wisp. wispera. wrathes. zizi.
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PRONOUNS︰ adorable/adorable. ae/aer. angel/angel. anger/anger. antique/antique. app/apparition. bell/bell. berry/berry. berserk/berserk. bjd/bjd. bla/black. blank/blank. bliding/bliding. blue/blue. blush/blush. bug/bug. button/button. cake/cake. car/carcasse. cheer/cheer. cloth/cloth. coffin/coffin. control/control. coo/croon. cor/cor. cor/corrupt. core/core. corpse/corpse. coy/coy. crack/cracked. cracked/cracked. cre/creepy. creep/creepy. cu/curse. cu/cute. curse/curse. cute/cute. da/dark. de4/de4d. de/dear. de/demure. dea/dead. dead/dead. dead/death. dear/dear. death/death. decay/decay. delica/delicate. delicate/delicate. demon/demon. despair/despair. dirt/dirty. do/doll. doll/doll. doll/dolly. dolly/dolly. dread/dread. dress/dressup. dress/up. d♡ll/d♡ll. eer/eeerie. elegant/elegant. en/energy. end/end. evil/evil. eye/eye. fabric/fabric. fae/fae. fi/figure. fig/figure. figurine/figurine. flower/flower. fragile/fragile. frail/frail. friendly/friendly. frill/frill. fury/fury. gho/ghost. glass/glass. glo/gloomy. gore/gore. grave/grave. grief/grief. grim/grimm. grime/grime. gru/grudge. ha/haunt. happy/happy. haun/haunt. hx/hxm. h♡/h♡m. it/it. joint/joint. joint/jointed. joy/joy. ke/ker. kew/kewpie. kill/kill. kor/kor. kor/korrupt. la/lace. lace/lace. lae/lace. lo/love. lo/loved. lolita/lolita. love/love. mad/mad. mae/mae. mari/marionette. marionette/marionette. me/meek. mi/mier. mim/mimic. model/model. morbid/morbid. mu/mutter. mur/murmur. nap/nap. null/null. ny/nym. patch/patch. phan/phantom. pink/pink. pitter/patter. plastic/plastic. play/play. play/playtime. play/time. plush/plush. plush/plushie. por/porcelain. porce/porcelain. porcel/porcelain. porcela/porcelain. porcelain/porcelain. pose/pose. pose/posed. possess/possessed. pup/puppet. puppet/puppet. rea/reality. rest/rest. reven/revenge. rib/ribbon. ribbon/ribbon. rot/rot. scare/scare. scary/scary. seem/seem. sew/sew. sew/sewn. shi/shift. shi/shiver. shx/hxr. sh♡/h♡r. sie/sier. silk/silk. slee/sleep. sleep/sleep. smile/smile. snap/snapped. sneak/sneak. soft/soft. sou/soul. spi/spider. spi/spirit. spo/spook. spook/spook. sta/stalk. sta/stare. statue/statue. sti/string. stitch/stitch. string/string. sweet/heart. sweet/sweet. sweet/sweetdolls sweetie/sweetie. ta/tap. te/teer. tea/teatime. teeth/teeth. thre/thread. thread/thread. thxy/thxm. th♡y/th♡m. ti/timid. to/toy. toy/toy. toy/toytime. trick/trick. un/canny. unca/uncanny. ve/ver. vey/vem. vi/vr. vintage/vintage. vomit/vomit. wan/wander. watch/watch. whi/whisper. white/white. wilt/wilt. wood/wood. wrath/wrath. yarn/yarn. zzz/zzz. ♡/♡. ⚰��� . 🍨 . 🛌 . 🛏️ . 🥀 . 🧸 .
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timeslugarts · 1 year ago
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A little Vera history, this is a little bit about how she got the fire wisps that float around her.
Also meet Jack, I am a simple girl don’t judge me.
Also I drew this too quickly.
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inn0cencestrained · 5 months ago
GUARDIAN : facing down a threat, sender pushes receiver back with an arm, moving to stand in front of them and protecting them with their own body. (( vera ready to fight for her mama irulan (ง•̀.•́)ง ))
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"Vera I'm not asking you- I am telling. So long as you are under this House you will-"
Irulan stops, the faint roars of heighlingers coming off in the distance. No one was to arrive on Lankiveil today, especially not in the numbers that it sounded like. Had Feyd forgot to mention something to her? No. No, no she was Empress and she knew just as much as he did...this was unexpected. This was.....wrong.
".....Vera, do not go out that door....come to me now."
Before Irulan even had time to fully understand, a gasp wisped into her lungs as the first sign of soldiers came into view over the horizon. "We're under attack." Quickly she turns from the window, grabbing her daughter's hand as she begins pulling her down the hallway- just as the doors are kicked in. Before Irulan could even process it, Vera had grabbed her, throwing her behind her as she brandished her blade given to her by Feyd- much to Irulan's disdain. Her heart thunders in her chest as the opposing guards began for them, eyes looking around and waiting for her moment to use her voice to protect them- before her daughter would have to swing the blade and risk her life.
When another door is kicked down, Irulan turns, a rush of relief filling her when she saw the Sardaukar begin to run to them, pushing them back and before the soldiers filling the House. A call is given to Irulan and Vera, beckoning them to run to it, and Irulan's hand grips Vera's and pulls her behind.
They're ushered out the back, towards an awaiting Heighliner coming in the distance, and finally Irulan turns back to Vera, gripping her shoulders and shakes her. "Don't you ever do that again! Do you understand me? You don't ever put your life before mine! Ever! So help me, if you ever try that again I will put you on your knees- do you hear me?!" Tears well up in emerald eyes before Irulan pulls her into her arms. "Damn you....don't you dare....don't you dare do that again." She holds her for a moment longer before sniffing and pulling back. "C'mon...we have to go. I'm sure your father is waiting on the heighliner."
She turns her head to the nearest guard as they begin running towards the hovercraft, asking if the Emperor was already on board. No. It makes her blood run cold but before Irulan could spit another word out an explosion is detonating in the distance, near the spaceport....where Feyd had been.
"Feyd?" Irulan whimpers, stopping dead in her tracks as she only watched the flames rise higher and higher. "Feyd?" Steps are began in that direction, letting out a loud wail as a guard is quick to get behind her and wrap his arm around her waist to keep her from running towards her husband. "No! No!!" The Empress thrashes in the guard's arms, screaming for Feyd. It's only when she catches a glimpse of Vera doing the same does she still. Her daughter...their daughter. She had to get out of here- Feyd would never forgive her if Vera got hurt, nor would Irulan forgive herself Being a mother had to triumph over being a wife.
"Vera!" Irulan runs to her once she's settled back on the snow, cupping her face. "....We've got to go....we've got to go...." Once again Vera is pulled behind her and two guards, where they're practically thrown on the Heighliner and within seconds they're up in the air...flying away from the destruction.
"Don't look," Irulan whispers as arms wrap around Vera. ".....Just don't look...."
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venominmypizza · 1 year ago
Here's some artists I associate with my characters
Mat - kavinsky/HEALTH
Vera - wisp/you love her
Metano - IAMX
Spider - mr. Kitty/Trevor something
J-man - TWRP
Sion Kit - death grips/gorillaz
I have a part 2 planned for when I'll introduce the other characters!!
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theizzifromosaka · 2 years ago
Monster Prom
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Monster Prom is a series of lighthearted, lightly crude dating sims where your player character of choice attempts to romance one of several popular monsters at Spooky Academy. All characters featured are adults of their species.
I only played the first two games, and at the time of writing this have not invested much in the second title. These games operate on something akin to the Rule of Cool, it can be hard to tell what can be taken at face value, which is to say they have a pretty loose canon.
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Miranda Vanderblit
Miranda is a legged mermaid who comes from Royalty, an obvious homage to The Little Mermaid. Miranda is spoiled to a comical degree, it’s stated on several instances that she considers herself above eating food and has servants who do that for her.
I've already spoken about mermaids in my previous reviews so I'll address a common design element pop culture mermaids often have, and Miranda here is no exception: Fin ears. I am of the opinion that they're kinda dumb but they're not a deal breaker for me.
Miranda kinda disappoints me with her design's simplicity. She's victim to what I previously referred to as the "just paint 'em blue" fallacy, and in my opinion she's an especially tragic example. Besides the previously mentioned fin ears and what are likely representative of gills on her neck, her design isn't very fish-y. In my opinion this could have been remedied with the inclusion of a tail, maybe a dorsal fin, a scaly pattern, or even something as simple as webbing between her fingers.
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Polly Geist
Polly is a ghost, a real party animal and a heavy abuser of drugs and alcohol. A consistent detail is that drugs don't actually affect her much so in order to become intoxicated she has to possess someone, get them intoxicated, and as a result get herself intoxicated. She also tells a different story every time she talks about how she died.
Ghosts are very likely the most believed in mythical being in the world, with several cultures across the world having some equivalent that all end up being categorized in the west as "ghosts". Honestly it's kinda cheating. Based off her name and her outgoing nature it's safe to say Polly is specifically supposed to be a Poltergeist, a spirit of German origin that's often blamed for unexplained rattling noises and falling objects, and in that way they're similar to Gremlins. Pop culture poltergeists often levitate and throw several objects at once, including large pieces of furniture.
Polly's got a pretty basic design too, but in my opinion it works well. The cloudy wisp her ponytail forms is reminiscent of the tail ghosts are often depicted with (does anyone know why? I can't find a solid answer) and the shade of blue that her entire body sans her sclera sort of suggest she's akin to a projection. Of course I also have to mention her MASSIVE thigh gap, a feature which I find myself hung up on. Overall good, was originally my favorite but other designs grew on me.
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Vera Oberlin
Vera is a money-oriented Gorgon with little sympathy for others. She’s always scheming ways to get rich(er) quick, and most scenarios with her involve helping her get away with some scam or fraud.
The three Gorgons of Greek Mythology were the sisters Stheno, Euryale and of course the famous Medusa. While the first two were immortal, Medusa was famously slain by the hero Perseus via decapitation. The most consistent feature of the Gorgons is their head of hair made of living snakes, which Vera here of course has.
Vera is a simple design that even more than Miranda really relies on the fact that she's green, but given the only real defining visual trait of a Gorgon is their head of snakes makes this understandable. I myself at one point considered making a Gorgon OC but pretty quickly found myself constrained by the lack of flexibility. It might be early to call it but I don't think Gorgons make for very good Monster Girls.
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Zoe, formerly known as Z’Gord, Ruler of the Dark Realms, is a Lovecraft-inspired Betentacled Deity who loves writing erotic fiction about the other students at Spooky High, and her favorite fictional ships. Her worshipers often follow her around and unintentionally bother her.
H. P. Lovecraft was an influential horror author who really made Cosmic Horror a thing. I'm not too familiar with his work so I can't really comment but his influence, similar to some of his creatures (I would assume), are inescapable.
Zoe's such a refreshing break from the characters so far. She's asymmetrical, she's got mouths on her limbs and eyeballs poking out everywhere except where you would expect. I'm not sure what eye I'm supposed to look at, and I genuinely love that. As delightful as I find her appearance her personality is a bit of a mixed bag for me, she's occasionally overbearing but can also be a lot of fun, and is also one of those characters that spouts Pop Culture references, which I kinda have to be in the mood for.
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Vicky Schmidt
Vicky is one of the selectable player characters, a reanimated corpse who has the same vague personality as the other player characters.
She's classified on the wiki as a "Frankenstein's Monster" Frankenstein was the REAL monster which, if I may, if she wasn't made by Victor then she can't be one of his monsters.
Her design is honestly way too similar to Frankie Stein for me to come up with very much to say about her without feeling like I'm repeating myself. Her choice in clothing is much more mundane than what Frankie might wear, and I'm not sure why, but Vicky appeals to me a lot more.
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Amira Rashid
Amira is another playable character, a Fire Djinn who once again has the same horndog personality as the other player characters.
Oh boy. Djinn. Why'd they have to go and make her a Djinn? Couldn't they have called her a Fire Elemental? Alright, so Djinn are really old, they're most commonly associated with Islamic beliefs but they actually predate Islam. They're powerful beings that are in many ways comparable to demons, however they're not inherently evil. Their power is respected and feared, and there are many parts of the world where belief in their existence is common. Most Americans might be more familiar with the concept of a wish granting Genie, which is basically like a translation of the concept. Honestly I'm barely scratching the surface, there's a lot to talk about with Djinn and no offense but I don't think Amira here deserves half this review to focus on her.
Amira's a really basic design, she's just a normal human whose head is on fire. Her design doesn't really have to stand out since she'll only really be seen on the Character Select Screen and during Endings. If you're curious, I believe the elemental Djinn thing comes from Tabletop RPG's.
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Dahlia Aquino
Dahlia is a side character in the first game, promoted to main love interest in the second one. She’s a demon, rival of main love interest Damien LaVey. She’s very muscular.
I'm surprised it's taken me this long to talk about Demons. The wide spread of Christianity and their frequent use in pop culture means that most people already have some familarity with the general idea of demons, but basically they're agents of evil, and are pretty poorly defined. Demonology is its whole own thing with some pretty crazy demon descriptions out there, but most media just goes for the standard horned imp look. I feel compelled to mention that during the spread of the Catholic Church's influence a common tactic they would employ to convert people is to classify pagan deities as Demons, and informing them they've been worshiping a false idol.
Dahlia is very muscular, and very tall. 'Nuff said.
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The Coven (Joy, Hope and Faith)
The Coven are a Coven of witches, who despite on many occasions insisting they are individuals mostly act as a unit, at least in the first game. Joy, the leader of the Coven, gets upgraded to main love interest in the sequel and as a result gets a lot more characterization.
Witches have a few different origins, all of them kinda unfortunate. Basically, think of the term Witch as being synonymous with "someone from a non-Catholic religious group", or sometimes quite simply "woman I don't like", and that should give you a pretty good idea about the history of Witches, and put into context the Witch Resurgence we've been seeing recently. While thankfully none of these three resemble the unfortunate antisemitic caricature associated with Witches, I still feel it's worth a mention. Witches are a real thing, kinda, and as such labeling them as Monsters is probably problematic. The Coven being unpopular among the student body is potentially a reference to how they don't belong, I suppose.
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Aaravi Mishra (The Slayer)
Despite only being half monster I gotta say Aaravi might be my favorite character in the first game. She gets upgraded to main character in the second game, now sharing a body with a Sentient Curse named Hex. She seems to have chilled out a lot in the second game, which I’m honestly disappointing by. In the first game it’s not immediately apparent if she’s even a student, as she’s mostly seen running around trying to kill the students. Fortunately for them, she’s terrible at it, but it doesn’t stop her from trying.
The Slayer is only half monster, and we never even learn what the other half is. Despite this her bravado is so ridiculously endearing to me I still consider her my favorite character. Kinda weird saying that my favorite character in this game with Monster Girls up the wazoo is the most human one, but that's the reality I live in.
Nobody tell Tumblr I posted this without permission, I just wanted to share this fun voice line
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Violet Portobello
It’s hard to talk about Violet without also mentioning her boyfriend Tate. The two are inseparable, as doing so would likely kill one or both of them at this stage. The two are often seen rubbing their literally toxic relationship in everyone’s faces. Poor Tate is very likely an unwilling participant of this relationship, and he doesn’t seem to have much autonomy.
I know we're not supposed to like this one but if you've seen my OCs then you know what I'm about, and I gotta be true to myself. Violet is cute and fun, not cute enough for me to envy Tate at all of course but enough to say that I appreciate her inclusion in the game.
The Boys
I'm actually gonna do it this time, I'll talk briefly about the main male love interests. They stand on equal footing with the girls in this title, and are subject to the same level of fanservice.
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Scott Howl
Scott is a jock, a real himbo and a self-proclaimed Good Boy. He's a werewolf with a simple lifestyle and many doglike properties.
Scott's got a pretty average design for a werewolf. Big, hairy and wild-looking. I'm not sure if the implication is that he's always partially transformed given his tail but he follows the classic trope of not remembering what he did while transformed.
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Liam de Lioncourt
Liam is a vampire, a hipster and a contrarian. He hates things that are popular and sees himself as the ultimate authority when it comes to good tastes.
Liam's one of those characters whose appeals I don't really get. Like I can understand being a fan of an unlikable douche, but I'm more the kind of guy that laughs when said douche takes a pratfall.
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Damien LaVey
Damien loves destruction, arson and generally anything he thinks is cool. He's a demon prince, and unlike Vera he is not afraid to get his hands dirty just because he's royalty.
Damien's design resembles one of those depictions of Satan where he has horns, a long thin tail ending in a spade and often seen holding a pitchfork. It's a fun take on the design that really imbues it with "rebellious youth" energy.
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Calculester Hewlett-Packard
Voiced by Jacksepticeye, Calculester is an automaton made from a school computer and given life via a magical floppy disk. He's naïve and mostly just wants to make friends, often having to be tricked into immoral actions.
What a fun design. A '90s style computer monitor mounted on a robotic body that matches its aesthetic, with ribbon cables and what might be copper tubes poking out in places. Also have to mention his last name, that's funny.
I have unfortunately not had the pleasure of playing this game with friends but regardless this game's humor and charming characters made me a fan of it. Its cryptic, occasionally frustrating systems have to be mentioned but they're only really a problem if you start trying to hunt endings, not helped by incomplete documentation on the events meaning that no walkthrough is totally complete. this game's got a LOT of dialogue.
Monster Girl fans might have a lot of fun getting to know this cast of characters, but superficial fans might get bored after having seen a few of the endings. Monster Boy fans have just as much to gain from playing this, which is rare. Most media picks one or the other to appeal to.
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pvrkacciosan · 1 month ago
The Heart of the Lioness: ☽⋆37⋆☾
Tent of Torture and Torment
The Heart of the Lioness Masterlist
Previous Part
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The world surroundings had become dull. To every sense she honed, blurry at the edges of her vision, weak against her nose, quiet to her ears. 
But the sense of touch, the sensation of feeling. The Lioness knew with absolute certainty that the pain in her chest was the the result of her fracturing heart, too weak to beat on its own. Drowning in the suffering it had been forced to endure.
As the group around her planned, corelating a strategy to get Aelin, Fenrys and Vera out Brielle sat letting those senses dull her to every wisp of air that blew against her skin. The healing raw flesh around her wrist stinging as the airs kiss skimmed across the surface. It was a subdued pain to that which had burst through her when the chains were broken, snapped by the hands that had held her.
Gavriel now watched her carefully, his tawny eyes narrowed in concern. It had not been pity she wanted, not when their mission was not yet complete. 
As the unbound power thrummed under her skin Brielle was reminded of the fact, she had yet to free her mate, spy and her Queen from the clutch's of the male that had tried to break her and had won by killing off one of the few people she held most dear.
The sting of Isaiah's death made the pounding behind her eyes increase to a blinding intensity. He was dead, irrevocably gone from this world. How was she to tell Bronwyn? The female would known by now, would have sensed it through their mating bond. 
Would she? Would Brielle feel it if Fenrys had perished?
It had been the only thought that had consumed her as the rest of their group slept, waiting to enact their plan the next day. Even as Teyra laid awake on the bed rolls, Brielle had refused to pass word to the female. Couldn't bring herself to see the judgement she might face on the expression her friend might cast her way.
With no sleep she had risen from the ground, muscles aching with protest as she moved to stand with Rowan.
"I go in with you." Even the sound of her own voice was so... foreign. Broken in a way it had never been, she had never heard what it was like after the Golden Death for she had simply not spoken.
As she turned to glance at the male who had become a brother in every sense of the word, his stare unwavering as he met her own gaze. Nodding once with no verbal protest, as though he looked to her and saw what he too felt.  
The rising all consuming panic that swelled heavy in her chest at the mere thought of what might happen to their mates. What would have been done already, what might happen if they fail to get them out. The ruining they themselves would go through if they arrived at Cairn's tent only to find it empty.
"She killed Connall." Rowan stayed silent as he watched her talk, "He stabbed himself in the heart." Brielle had to swallow around the lump in her throat as her eyes burned, "Maeve had us all watch as he died on those tiles, had me watched as he confessed he had always loved me, had me watch as Fenrys tried to crawl to him as he lay dying." 
Looking out the camp to ignore the way Rowan's expression softened, "I remember Cairn laughing, the same way he always did, the same sound that wretches my mind apart in my sleep. He laughed the same as he beat us all in that cell, laughed when he whipped me through the streets. Laughed that same way when I left him with Isaiah." She choked on her breath.
A hand wrapped into her own, turning to meet Rowan's stare once more she gently pulled her hand free. Undeserving of that small comfort, "No matter what happens today. Cairn dies."
Without waiting to see if Rowan acknowledges her vow Brielle turned, walking back to the gathering of their belongings, to arm herself for the inevitable bloodshed. 
Brielle hadn't spoken again, to anyone. Not until they all separated to take their positions. Without complaint or comment the group had allowed her to pass and follow Rowan to the southern entrance of the camp, to where he planned to reign down hell on the patrolling guards. An act he had been preparing to take on alone, but now?
Now, Prince Rowan Whitethorn would be joined by her, The Lioness of Doranelle, the Seductress of the North and above all else a vengeful fae Female who had enough of letting weak males take advantage of her loved one.
Armed with no more than a set of twin blades, and her well of restless power Brielle prowled beside the prince. A predator posed to kill. A lions hunt planned for every outcome of their prey.
They waited in the cover of the tree line, the canopy shading them from the view of the patrolling guards stationed at the entrance. Brielle observed their relaxed statures, noted which would be easier to take out first. Those of them that paid more attention to their surrounding, they would be the ones more likely to spot them, she trained her eyes on them longer then the others.
The curl of Rowan's wind wrapped past them, masking their scents as they waited for the patrols to rotate. The plan; get into the centre of the camp where Brielle knew Cairn's tent was standing, and send out a wave of power for Gavriel and Lorcan to sense, Teyra with them. Corbin had been tasked with guarding Elide, the pair hidden out in the woods behind the trios position outside the east gate of the camp.
"Rowan." Brielle crouched lower, noting the lethal stillness that ebbed its ways into Rowan's very muscles as he stayed observing the warriors manning the entrance.
The low tilt of his head in her direction was the only note she could take that indicated he listened to her now, "I don't know what we will find in that tent. Cairn was bad before but what he did-" the memory of seeing Vera chained to the cell wall, her body a hollow of what it had once been. Aelin and her intricate confinement..
He slowly turned to face her, a hand flexing against his own thigh, Brielle's own fingers twitched to reach and grasp it, to comfort that pained expression marring his features. 
"I know what we will find won't be pleasant. The only reason I didn't break before... Was because of Fenrys. He knew what I wanted to do, could probably see it" 
"He had always been good at reading you." Rowan turned back to the entrance, his hand reaching out to take her own, squeezing once before dropping her hand. 
He didn't need words to display he heard what she was trying to convey, The possibilities of what they might come across could be endless, they both needed to be prepared for what state they might find their mates in, for better or worse.
As Rowan turned to address her once more, Movement caught her attention at the entrance, The guard rotation was happening. Tightening her hold on one of the blades, poised beside her thigh Brielle watched as Rowan downed each new guard with half a thought, stealing the air from their lungs.
Following in a steady motion as he rose, stepping out from the cover of the trees the yelling began as Rowan ripped the oxygen from the new guards screaming the alarm, the warriors on post paling at the sight of the two fae that now raced for them.
Their panicked yells dying as the breath was once more ripped from them by Rowan who shattered their flickering shields with half a thought.
"You punch a hole, I'll follow through." Brielle called out to Rowan as he pulls the hatchet from his side and a long knife in the other hand from somewhere off his leg. He didn't answer as he shattered straight through the first line of warriors streaming in from all around them.
It felt good to let her power flow free now, wrapping it around the joint of her wrist to flick essence of it in every direction, hitting warrior after warrior. 
Unlike Rowan she merely downed each soldier, pulling on their nerves and panic to stifle their consciousness. 
Watching as Rowan surged forward, truly punching a hole through the groups of warriors, the one he didn't face turned to spot the Lioness as she followed closely behind picking off those Rowan missed. The lancing whip of her power striking them, 
It was amazement they watched with, having been trained by both Rowan and Brielle but many had never faced  the Prince or the Lioness, had heard stories of the duo working with one another. To witness the chaos now was a wonder to witness, a wonder which many warriors turned to flee from once they realised it would not be a fight they would walk away from.
As Brielle spung blocking a blow from a sword, she shot a spear of her power into the males chest knocking him back into the dirt. A sudden jolt of pain had her slowing, her feet molding to the spot as her weapons grew heavy, 
A pressure from every edge of her body growing with each second, pain lancing through the hollow of her bones. Surveying her body Brielle scanned, no blood. No wound. No lodged weapon, but still the pain hit her in another wave, stronger this time. 
There wasn't rational thought or feeling as the pain crippled her, Brielle leant forward the tip of the blades digging into the ground to stay upright even as her frame bowed over the hilt. The ache growing stronger through the bond strung around her soul. It had to be coming from Fenrys. 
It speared into her chest, making her legs shake as she saw Rowan disappear ahead. Her weight grew to be too much as she collapsed, the blades falling from her grasp beside her.
The flurry of movement swelled at the edges of her vision, warriors spying her weakness as Brielle lay exposed leaning into her blades for support. But none dared to step forward.
The pain increased, a pulse that knocked the rhythm of her own heart off beat. Brielle knew she needed to get back up, needed to get up to Fenrys.
Extending what strength still lingered in her Brielle forced it into her hands, securing hold around the hilts. Every line of sinew in her muscles trembled with the exertion. Fighting through the pain.
"Commander Brielle?" Emmie Whitethorn. The voice pierced through the sound of fighting warriors all hounding down on Rowan, he would be half way to Cairn's tent now-
 Emmie dropped to her level, those pine green speckles in her eyes flaring with concern at the sight of Brielle before her, the marring bruises and scent of lingering blood clung from her hair and skin, Cairn's unsee torment wept into her flesh.
The Whitethorn gaped in shock or fear at the rage she met on Brielle's expression, hardened from the agony rippling down through her mating bond.
Allowing the icy rage to cage itself around her heart, Brielle rose, Legs holding steady against the tremors that shook through the bones. Emmie was silent, unafraid to face the wisps of power that riled under Brielle's control, snapping out in lashes of feral exhilaration, as though the power was not just an extension of her, but something more, something older. 
Emmie had been so focused on not turning her attention from that very unworldly and untamed power that she didn't see the male at her back, A snarl ripping from him as he drew back an arrow, but the Lioness did.
Brielle allowed for a gentle leash of her power to protectively wrap itself around Emmie, curling around her waist beckoning as Brielle whispered soft commands, 
As Emmie folded forwards, the embrace of the Lioness's power excelling the speed of her movement, Brielle set her undisrupted attention on the male, her gaze zeroing on his weapon still held to strike.
Allowing her unrivaled power to swell, Brielle molded and shaped it, guiding the magic into a structured arrow of her own, Movement seized, soldiers halting themselves as the air around them swam in a pool of slowed seconds, watching her position herself in a stance even Rowan Whitethorn himself couldn't critique. Drawing it back as she would in a bow Brielle aimed and released, not yielding even a second to mercy or remorse.
The male registered its approach a second too late and as the arrow slammed to home in his chest he couldn't so much as twitch before the molded power imploded, releasing the pressured construction of the Lioness's magic.
The gathering of soldiers in the camp watched as the power burst in every direction, watched the males body contorts in pain as the power leaked into his skin, His thrashing struggle to claw it out his flesh morphing into a dance of terror.
His screams of chest staggering alarm silenced those still fighting. Most, if not all had outright stopped to witness the scene unraveling before them, bearing witness as Brielle's power began its streak of chaos across the lines of his body. 
Manipulating every cell inside him until the skin began to warp and bubble, a swelling that contorted in his face first, his eyes drooped down sinking into the frame of his skull, then his mouth began to limps at the edges, frantic panicked hands trying to hold his features in place as though they have begun melting from off his face.
As the skin covering his hand deforms like liquid the crowd realise with a pulsing wave of trepidation that his skin is melting, muscles across his body dissolve and bone now lay exposed from under the liquifying flesh. The male sways as his screaming pierces the camp air, a hollow sound that has every spine straightening at the wrongness it instils. Until that power wraps its teeth around his throat and his screaming snaps to a stop, an audible sound of its own making.
The crowd of soldier watched now as the flesh was detached from his bones.
This was a display of the power one female possessed, this continent had forgotten once before what Vallen had done to her, had conveniently forgotten that she had caused the Golden Death with the same power that now melted flesh from the inside out.
Those watching could recall as they watched the blood pour from whatever blood vessels remained, and as the thump of his remains collapsing echoed through the air and time around them they were forced to remember what they had all chosen to forget.
This would be a reminder. A warning. That was a threat in its own right as they turned to follow that warning to the female standing at the epicentre of the chaos. Their attention shifting up from the pile that had once been a fighting fae male warriors. 
Brielle ignored them all, securing the blades in her hold she turns to face the rising Emmie Whitethorn, her own face ashen as the scent of blood hit her. Those pine green speckles in her eyes flashing with an indecipherable recognition of the power before her, yielding to a pull drawing to respect the power she had witnessed, to bow to such a formidable and powerful creature.
 It was instinct. One as fae, they couldn't eradicate, it was in their blood as a species, to bow before power. It was the reason many were drawn to this continent, why many bowed to Maeve.
The silence encasing them now would carry Brielle's words, reinforcing strength into her voice to address the mass of warriors rooted to their spots in the surrounding camps. The pain ringing through the bond dulling to an ache that she tried not to think of it, there would only be so many reasons as to why it weakened now. 
"You are being spared on this day" She held for a beat, steeling her voice to project further to reach and be heard by any who stood listening, "By the orders of Her Majesty Queen Aelin Galathynius."
The truth of it rattled through every souls in the crowd, their voices murmuring to one another at the mention of the young Queen, connecting dots to the display a few days before, the flag of House Galathynius hung high for all to see in the city streets.
Brielle smirked before turning to Emmie, raising a hand to clasp the side of the females jaw, allowed herself to hold the contact long enough for the crowd to still and see the affection.
Whispering softly, Brielle observed Emmie closely, "Run"
For the fear that gripped tight in her chest Brielle forced herself to turn away to not witness what expression might have overtook Emmie's expression. Gathering her swords and tucking them in tight. With a resounding waves of her power purring to life around her, a shield to guard her fracturing heart.
The groups of warriors began partitioning as she moved through them towards where she knew Cairn's tent would be, surrounded by no other, perhaps these warriors now saw the trajectory of her path, Would they let her walk that path? To rid the world of such a male.
It would not matter, but not one warriors stopped her, despite knowing what she sought to do in that tent, the tent where she as going to inflict more than just torture and torment.
For whatever had happened in those moment where Brielle had let her power reign free, reminding those who had grown used to the comfort of ignorance, Rowan had returned to the camp, followed closely by the body of a golden Lion.
Gavriel and Rowan both stilled at the sight of her stalking, a predator that didn't wait for them before she reached the tent, a single bloodied hand ripping back the edge of the entrance flap.
Perhaps it might have been smarter to steady her heart before rushing into a situation she might not be wholly prepared for, but as Brielle laid eyes on her mate, his body twisted in agony as the wolf writhed-
There was a soft whimper, distinctly female. Vera. The Lioness couldn't draw her attention from where Fenrys laid, but there was a gentle shuffle, movement from the corner of the tent a frail body cowered low under a metal table.
But she couldn't bring herself to look at Vera now, to let her friend view the rage she knew had take over every inch of her body. Wouldn't turn that on her, 
Instead she sent a soft relish of her power, it brushed through the air, encasing The Sorceress in its sweet touch, a gentle brush to note her presence, to swell her muscles with strength for the escape that she was to endure.
But at the scent of her mates blood all that snapped back, power retreating back to its master, to protect her as an ache jackhammered itself into her ribs, the blood marring the white of Fenrys fur.
"Heal him." There was a soothing, almost feral brush to the cool wind that flowed in behind Rowan his command spurring Gavriel into a flash of light, dropping beside Fenrys a second later.
Brielle tried to swallow that panic, 
It clawed and ripped through her
A knife striking her heart, 
If the pain streaming down their bond had stopped did that mean-
Gavriel shoved his power into action, the warm glow of that meticulous healing magic, a stark contract to the destruction of her own, 
Allowing her power to engulf her senses, wrapping around the mating bond to simply hold on. To somehow keep Fenrys from drifting further away, all of Brielle perception lay alive in noting every hint that was her mate.
Too the dull pulse of his heart, to the steadying exhalation of his breath, each stable out take soothing that rapid blinding drumming of her own pulse, thrumming wildly in her skull. 
The Lionesses attention drifted warily from her mate to search for the male she knew was laid mere meters away. The cause of such pain. Rowan followed her stare a second later, to where Cairn lay motionless. A gash had been torn from his temple, predicably the blow that may have rendered him unconscious.
As Brielle settled her full undivided attention on him she noted the glances Rowan and Gavriel shared. 
"Heal him." Rowan marked how Gavriel eyes him warily when he pointed at Cairn's lifeless body, and as Gavriel began to rise from beside her mate Brielle moved. Halting the continuation of her brothers movements "No." Her word were nothing beyond a nearly silent whisper. 
She faced her brothers, "Get Fenrys and Vera out of here." She couldn't allow for her gaze to linger more as she began to prowl to where Cairn lay, standing above him now she didn't wait to see if Gavriel had obeyed her request as she spoke softly, too soft for what Cairn deserved. "Allow me."
The clank of metal and whimper from Vera as she crawled out from under the shelter of the table, she moved for Gavriel, the males extended hand prying the iron shackles bounded around her wrists, discarding them without a thought.
There was a soft shuffle near the entrance of the tent, the presence of her family leaving before Brielle was joined by a male, Rowan taking position at her side, carefully surveying the tools laid out on velvet wraps beside him.
The sight of Cairn's meshed up face shot sparks of pride through her, Fenrys had shredded the male into ribbons, the flesh on his shoulder gushing blood by the second. It was pure satisfaction that almost made her not heal him. Almost.
It was the promise of gratification that let her heal him, only enough for Rowan to drag the male from his limp position on the ground. The pair working silently in unspoken agreement as Rowan dropped Cairn's body onto the surface of that table, Brielle pausing for a moment of contemplation before she crouched to collect Vera's shackles and chains.  A fitting addition for what was too come.
Brielle stared at the shackles, a rendering memory of them clasping the joint of her own wrist, Vera's and Aelin's. Silently she held a pair out to Rowan, the male noted them with a hint of amusement before he gently took them and got to work securing them around the males ankles. Brielle copying his movement with Cairn's wrist. 
By the time Cairn was secured down, a sharpened scalpel in Rowan's grasp, he turned to nod at Brielle once.
As Rowan wrapped his own icy power around the ends of the tent, blocking out all sound, Brielle focused on flowing her own into the cells within Cairn. Travelling fast it reached for the nerve ending, jolting them enough to stir him from his unconscious state.
Cairn's eye lids lifted slowly at first, until he spied the company that he was surrounded by inside the refuge of his tent. 
His first panicked jolt against the chain wrought a pulse of delight through Brielle's heart. She would relish in this, his panic and fear, the alarm he would feel at the mind games. Fear in itself was a torturous weapon, once she intend to use. Brielle didn't particularly care for the details of what Rowan intended with that knife he beheld, only cared about how she could prolong the suffering Cairn was destined to endure.
Cairn's eye bulged in fear as they both moved once more in tandem, in that silently communicated synchronisation. His attention darting between them, the palpable fear inhibiting his ability to identify which of them was the bigger threat.
Brielle observed carefully, waiting for Cairn's attention to avert to Rowan approaching slowly from the bottom of the table, methodically tapping the edge of the knife against the surface. In that split second where he perceived Rowan as the bigger threat Brielle stepped to the side of the table where she would be hidden from the males view.
The music of Cairn's laboured pants of breath perforated the silent aura of the tent, once he realised he had lost sight of the Lioness, craning his neck back against the hard surface of the table in a desperate attempt to bring Brielle back into his sight. Unknowing, he led himself into her trap, for Brielle waited for Cairn to angle his head just right-
Snapping her hands around either side of his head, she held firm as he thrashed upon the contact. Smiling down at him once before she began threading her magic into his skull.
Slow, and at a leisurely pace that would only succeed in spiking his fear, the distinct scent of urine stung her nose, a sharp indication her action had that desired affect.
"Now Cairn," He jerked his head when she gently toyed a finger into a curl of his hair, her eyes flitting to Rowan excitedly before slowly lowering her gaze to the male whimpering in her hold, "I hope you're not afraid of the dark"
Clamping the leash of her power around the electrical signals she could feel thrumming along his optic nerves, Blocking the passage of all visual information to his brain. Cairn's breathing stuttering as she blinded him. 
So when Rowan finally raised that sharp sharp knife, Cairn never saw it coming. 
Never saw the blade as it lower closer to his exposed body, never saw it coming as Rowan twisted it into flesh and blood, his scream of agony threw spittle from his lips as he trashed against the chains that continued to hold firm.
Unable to see each time as Rowan prepared to inflict that hurt, slicing that too sharp blade and began peeling Cairn's flesh.  Skinning the male alive.
A steady stream of Brielle's power flowed through their victim now, maintaining the flow of his system to keep his heart beating. To keep him alive long enough to endure the full extent of his punishment.
To keep him breathing and conscious so Cairn would feel every second, and he did, Rowan assault growing elongated as he turned back to that velvet wrap, each tool meticulously placed in the order of his session. The sight of the whip at the corner of the tent spurring his anger into a near living entity. A reminder of Aelin's promise, she would skin anyone who raised a whip to her. Casting his stare over the red exposed layers of peeled back skin covering every open section of Cairn's body, Rowan Whitethorn couldn't help but  smiled in delight.
Brielle lowered to rest her elbow onto the table, chin against her hand. Leaning to whisper to Cairn,"How does it feel?" Drawling slowly as she watched Rowan pluck up a pair of crooked plyers, the metal warped from the force of its previous wielders grip. 
Cairn breathed heavily from the back of his throat, vacant eyes wide as he tried wildly to blink past her power, to somehow bring back his sense of sight. 
Moving to his other ear Brielle leaned closer, ignoring her own revulsion and focused solely on her own thrill, the instinctual need for the hunt. The excitement that spurred through her stomach as Cairn flinched away from her, actually flinched the chains rattled against the table as Rowan turned his attention to the nails on the males hand, the evidence of his own victims blood still a dark residue under the edges.
"To be... powerless-" She flicked her tongue across the point of her canines, body shaking with the need to hurt him. To destroy the male so thoroughly the gods themselves would fear her reckoning. 
Cairn's body went rigid as Rowan squeezed the plyers to pinch hold of his first nail, 
Rowan's wind was a feral snap, drawing Brielle's attention to him, she continued to hold Whitethorns stare as she whisper to Cairn once more. "This is for Aelin."
In one swift movement, Rowan ripped Cairn's nail from off the end of his finger, ripped it so thoroughly Brielle felt Cairn's bones rattle through to the metacarpals in his hand. The vibration wrenching a scream from him, a symphony that sung his anguish across the space surrounding them. 
"This is for Fenrys." Rowan ripped off the next one, as Brielle smiles, gently swirled a hand into the side of Cairn's head, a mocking display of comfort.
"And Vera." A third nail was discarded as Cairn sobbed, the veins in his neck throbbing angrily at the angle he twisted, in an attempt to ease the suffering shocking through him in waves, amplified by the touch of Brielle's power, each signal flowing though his nerves being intensified like electricity.
Once every socket at the end of his fingers were empty and bloodies, the names of all those suffered at those very hands uttered into his ear, a reminder that he had reaped what he had sowed. As Rowan rose, dropping his tool onto the velvet Brielle took that as her que, silently lifting herself up.
Cairn's chest stuttering up and down rapidly in panic as her presence moved across the space in the tent, Her attention honing onto the laid out selection. 
But instead her eyes skipped to where Rowan's hatchet hung from his hip, Her hand twitched in its direction before she moved, stopping beside her brother she wordlessly began unstrapping it. Rowan observed the nature of her calculated movements carefully, spied her attention as it drifted to Cairn's hands, the weight of his weapon being plucked from its place at his side.
When Brielle met his stare this time the Prince nodded, Taking position Rowan held down Cairn's hands, on an open expanse of the table. These hands he now held above the wrist had been the destruction, the cause of the inflicted suffering of both their mates, It was a crime to leave the hands untouched.
Once more, leaving little time for remorse or thought Brielle swung the hatchet down. Fast and powerful it struck through bone. Severing the hand from his wrist. The power within her could have easily cleaved the join free, but the weight of the weapon rested easily in her hold and the spray of blood satisfied that primal urge hounding sharply within her chest.
The pair ignore the males howls of agony as they shifted for the second hand, Cairn's thrashing growing violent as he noted their next intention. The bones connecting his hand to his body was hacked off in that mirrored movement. 
Silently Brielle watched, delighting in the sight as Cairn pulled his arms free of the chains, only to bring them up to his face, but as her powers held firm his breathing rasped still unable to see past her influence.
Extending the handle of the hatchet, Rowan firmly took it back, repositioning it against his side as Brielle finally took hold of her final instrument. 
A dagger. That had once sat perched in a concealed sheath on Cairn's side. 
Plucking it off the velvet and twirling it between her fingers Brielle circled back to the male against the table, a predator closing in for the killing blow, to bring around the end of a hunt.
Drawing back every linger crackle of her power, she watched positioned above Cairn as his attention darted around, able to see once more he searched for where Rowan stood at the foot of the table. 
Perception of who was the biggest threat was his first mistake. 
Brielle allowed the feral flare of her power to encompass her, drawing both males attentions to her,  Cairn bucked into his remaining restraints as he caught sight of the weapon she held in her grasp. His muscles trembling as the glistening liquid coating the blade dripped from the point.
"This is for Isaiah." Then The Lioness slit the poison covered blade across his throat.
. . .
Taglist: @dreamiezpsycho@lunaralaraspace@mis-lil-red@mali22@the-fae-are-taking-over
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rainof5 · 10 months ago
My time has come
Manpower: confirmed blond (Ward x.5)
Cuff is not blond, at least in Ward ("I could see wisps of black hair escaping. It was rare to see hair that fine and that black" (Ward 10.10))
Monokeros is not blond ("a woman with black hair and a few tattoos was leaning against the side of a building, camouflaged" (Ward 8.4)
To add:
Voltrage is "pale, with paler, drier hair than he’d had in his first life" (Ward 9.i)
Reconciliation is blond (Ward 9.x)
Rain's uncle has "graying blond hair" (Ward 4.b)
Lachlan is blond (Ward 4.b)
Jay is blond (Ward 5.d)
If you're counting silver/white hair, Mama Mathers has "bleached silver" hair (Ward 4.c)
Valefor has "white-dyed hair" (Ward 4.c)
Scapegoat is blond (Ward 8.y)
Vince Crowley has "long bleached hair with dark roots" (Ward 6.8), unsure if you want to count that or not
Nailbiter and Colt both have bleached hair (Ward 11.b and 5.2 respectively)
Moose is blond (Ward interlude 1)
Foggy Idea has "Einstein hair dyed gray" (Ward 11.1)
Lionwing is "strawberry blonde" (Ward 11.3)
Dino and Enyo are "Silver haired" (Ward 12.z)
Anita Vera has "white hair" (Ward 9.x)
Director Armstrong has white hair (Ward 5.6)
Presley dyes her hair to be "gray-white" (Ward x.4)
blonde wildbow characters:
lisa wilbourn (Tattletale)
victoria dallon (Glory Girl/Antares)
carol dallon (Brandish)
sarah pelham (Lady Photon)
Neil Pelham (Manpower)? (Presumed, i'm not a geneticist but both his kids have blonde hair and i think that's recessive)
crystal pelham (Laserdream)
eric pelham (Shielder)
Dean Stansfield (Gallant)
Mike ? (Lightstar)
Missy Biron (Vista)
Elle ? (Labyrinth)
Riley Grace Davis (Bonesaw)? (it's never said if her hair is naturally blonde or she made it blonde to look more like America's Sweetheart)
Paige Mcabee (Canary)? (feathers are yellow, hair is technically unknown)
Ashley Stillons (Damsel of Distress)
Noelle Meinhardt (Echidna)
Marissa Newland (Sundancer)
Greg Veder (The Worst)
Oliver (Oliver)
Ava (Cuff)
Kurt Wynn (Harbinger/Number Man)
Jeanne Wynn/Brown (Citrine)
Sam (Prism)
Rain O'Fire Fraizer (Precipice)
Ashley Stillons II (Swansong)
Ashley Stillons III (Damsel of Distress)
Ryan (Cradle)
Colt (Colt)
Blake Thorburn
Rose Thorburn Jr.
Rose Thorburn Sr.
Paul, James, Roxanne, Peter Thorburn
Sandra, Penelope, Joanna, Lea, Chloe, Lola Duchamp
I didn't read twig
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sapphanimates · 1 year ago
Tumblr media
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plush-rabbit · 3 years ago
Phantom Pains - Dabi
Request: Okay this is the same person asking about the mr.compress phantom pain CHSJXKC. But could you also do one for dabi where his significant other always treating his burn scars with ointment or aloe vera to help soothe the pain for him. He knows it’s useless since he’ll end up damaging his body the next day, but know you’re trying your best to help him feel soothed even for a little bit makes him feel something. He doesn’t want to admit it but it makes him appreciate you since he knows you don’t have to do it
A/N: Ive been really itching to write for Dabi lately and I’m not sure why
His skin burns, a stinging sensation that threatens with each passing day to lose the feeling of touch. It is akin to something like burning your fingertips along a flame, the pain is sharp, fixated on just that small section, and the rest of you feel fine, but the pain is so intense it’s all that you can focus on. It burns and it ruins him. Dabi hates it when you touch him. He has no real issue with his appearance, but even then, he knows that he’s know longer a child, that any shred of innocence has been lost and bridges have been burned. With every use of his quirk, the burns spread across him, creeping up his chest and wrapping around him in a perverted hug. He doesn’t hate his appearance, but he doesn’t want you to touch him. No matter how bad you can claim yourself to be, you’ll never be as tarnished as him.
It takes a lot for him to allow you to touch him, and even then, it’s only for so little that you can’t register how his skin feels under you. You’ve thought about touching him when he’s asleep, to caress his soft face and hold him in your hands, but even when you near him, with your hands cupped, it feels to awful- guilt and a dirty feeling starts to creep and you don’t want that to be your true, first touch. Every so often, he leans beside you, the scent of smoke nothing but wisps of something woodsy, and his hand is outstretched to hold yours. His body will tense, the feeling of you touching him and tracing along his staples making him want to aquarium away but he can’t bring himself to show that type of emotion and vulnerability to you.
There’s a knock at your door and when you open it, he stands there, looking at you with sad eyes. He’s come to you on his own, and he doesn’t tell you that he’s hurt, that he’s in pain and his skin feels as if it’s going to fall apart, but it’s easy enough to tell that he is in pain. He’s too tired, emotionally and physically exhausted to brush off your hand that gingerly cups his face and he can feel your fingertips rub a part of his skin that has started to scab over. His scar is spreading, and he’s allowing it to happen, welcoming it with manic excitement and joy. It’s the first time that he’s ever let you see him like this. So defeated, and quiet. You welcome him into your home and he knows that you’ll complain that he didn’t take his shoes off at the door, but he’ll get to that later. He’ll suffer your consequences eventually.
He isn’t usually so emotional- at least not like this- but he’s just tired. He can feel the joints in his body catch and click, he can smell himself, the burning flesh, the dirt and grime that sticks to him. He’s just tired. He has these soft, blue eyes that you hardly get to see. They’re usually filled with a passion, an intensity that makes you almost scared of him and what exactly he’s thinking when he stares at the wall for a bit too long. You bring him into the bathroom, and he chooses to sit on the edge of the bathtub, staring down at the floor, at the pale blue carpet under his feet that has been soiled with dried mud. You stand in front of him, your slippers at the edge of his vision and when he looks up at you, you’re smiling softly, and an assortment of items are on the sink counter.
Your hands flutter over him, removing his shirt, letting the fabric fall onto the floor of the bathtub, and he’s in front of you shirtless, and there’s a bit of shame in his eyes at having let you touch him like this. He’s been alone for so long, he could have done it for another year or two. A wet cloth is dabbed over his skin, and you make small talk with him, telling him about your day- how your neighbor mentioned there might be rain tomorrow, how you have to start saving money to go and buy groceries. It’s the little things that make this all feel so much more domestic than it really is. A part of him wants that with you- the wishful thinking of a child that would have married you in the playground, but instead, he’s at the edge of the bathtub without anything important to tell you. You’re gentle as you dot against his skin that you’re like a phantom over him. Each press, each dab and dotting, is soothed over with your cool breath. He can feel each movement, so delicate against his textured skin, so genuine and caring over his scars and staples.
Torture. That’s what this all is. Some sort of sick torture that will always follow him until he’s either ash or six feet under. It’s his own curse. He’s nothing but a wishful thought, a late night thought of what could have been. He is nothing more than just him at this moment. And yet, you’re here. Ruining it all. You’re brushing away the dirt and not even making some snarky comment about the dirt on the sole of his shoes and how awful he smells. Like a corpse that refuses to die. He’s rotten from inside and out and you really believe that you can fix all of that. All of him. He doesn’t even realize that he’s holding your arm until you call his name, and tell him that you need your arm. He finally breathes and lets your arm go, knitting his own hands together.
Time and time again, he’s told you to stop caring for him- to stop wasting your money on things for him, but you never listen. He’ll just burn all over again and he can feel it, and you can see how it’s spreading, how his purple tinted skin reaches to his more sun kissed one. Yet, as loving as you are, you’re just as stubborn. You refuse to stop, to ever quit taking care of him for even a moment. Every cruel word is met with a slight tap on his nose, and you tell him that he’d do the same for you, but he never answers that. He would- if the roles were reversed, he’s sure he would have. He would have nursed you back to health and kept you close to him, wanting so desperately to clip your wings but being unable to. He’s sure that is how you feel too. That you want to keep him with you, out of harm’s way, and safe in your arms and he’s sorry that he can never promise you that, but he’s here and getting to be safe for one more night is more than enough for the two of you.
Even in darkness, he’s sure that he could find his way through your home without a struggle. He’s counted the number of steps when he’s been here alone, when you offered him sanctuary and let him sleep on the couch with leftovers in the fridge. He knows that every room in your home is stocked with supplies for him- and partially you when you accidentally burn yourself. You choose things that you know he’ll like. He’s creeped behind you to watch as you researched items over items, reading reviews and reviews and saving the website or adding the item to your cart. He’s infected every part of your life in the same way that you’ve held and healed him. The both of you seem to agree that the soothing aloe vera is the best for him, but the texture is odd, slimy even. Even so, the ointment leaves him feeling heavy and when he’s laid on your bed with your hands massaging his, the last thing he wants to feel is heavy.
As much as he hates it- being so undeniably dependent and obsessed with you- he also craves it. He loves the feeling of your hands on his. How you always hold him without him even trying to signal to you that that is all what he needs. He lays in your bed, and he looks at you through half lidded eyes and a ghost of a smile on his face that threatens to reveal itself as you play with his hands, massaging at his fingers and tracing the lines and scars on his hands. You never seem to make eye contact with him during these moments and he’s come to realize that it’s because of how vulnerable that is to you. How you care for him is something he’s unable to face, you sitting on the same bed is something that makes you so distant, looking at him like he’s a dream, like a puff of air will make him float away from you. He’s looking at you and he’ll slowly curl his hand to fit it nicely into yours.
Of course, he doesn’t hate any of it, but he wishes he could live without it. You’re easy to be around. He knows what you want, how the tiniest bit of vulnerability will make you kiss the tip of his nose, how you’ll always cover him with a blanket when you get up to make breakfast. It’s easy around you. He knows you and while you might not know everything about him, you know Dabi, and that’s just him. It’s rare for him not to come to you in the dead of night, when you’re so tired and your hair is messy. It’s so rare to not have you hold his hand, that when he’s sleeping alone and in the odd stage between consciousness and unconsciousness, he swears he can feel your hand, and the soft press of your lips against his nose. He brings you to lay with him, his arms curling over your body and head buried into the soft curve of your neck where he can feel your heart pulse against his cheek and your own hands so carefully smoothing over his untarnished skin, and in the smallest voice, you ask to touch all of him, and he nods, unable to trust his own voice in that single moment. To be offered the sweetest thing is the true punishment of his entire existence.
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i've been thinking about a sagau x monster prom crossover for DAYS
usually my brainworms give up by now but nooooooo
it's just nonstop so i'm gonna share some of it with you in hopes that it'll either go away or at least give someone some amusement
the main premise is god!reader being a member of the cast, not one of the main prospects but they show up a lot (or they are one of the options but, y'know, like the most difficult route bc the requirements need like a perfect run to meet & even then it's treated as a one off thing (you're devoted to your people/protecting this poor soul from them))
the entire cult was isekai'd and the others can make appearances, but you tend to try and avoid intervention bc you know this is a game and you don't know if it also counts as yours (either way you're pretty set as teyvat's god and you don't think they're willing to share, gotta protect the world, the coven would be proud)
i see the cast seeing you as kinda boring in the 'doesn't resort to violence, murder, or drugs and actually gives a damn about the less fortunate????' but also that puts you closer to the 'must protect' category with blobbert and scott
zoe is the only one who actually knows that you're mx god of gods and the two of you vibe on being more ancient and powerful than everyone else while usually being depicted as the more normal or harmless than the rest (aside from particular moments, like Zoe lashing out, but those are triggered by an outside source)
please feel free to troll the fuck out of leonard and maybe kill and revive him a few times can't be arrested if he's not dead
i feel like your secret ending would revolve around finding a way back home and like maybe creating a way to go back and forth so you can still spend time with the pc bc you gotta give them that satisfying ending (or maybe they come with idk it won't last)
fucking love imagining the various possible scenes where people find out you're not as harmless as you seem, maybe a full run of that could be a second secret ending
honestly really like the idea of god reader meeting damien's dads for some reason??? but like damien's my fave and i love him and his dads and their relationship so it's not surprising
the two of you can totally complain about your cults (yours is an "organized religion"? ok whatever) together and how over the top they can be, but you definitely count yourself lucky that yours is so much better (though i suppose they do get better in one of zoe's secret endings, you'd probably cameo there)
calculester would love you, finally one of his friends has a fucking MORAL COMPASS (the coven too)
let loose sometimes tho, you gotta keep up with the shenanigans
PLEASE punch the interdimensional prince in the face
also it'd be so cool to hang with valerie and you're not monster enough for the slayer to go after you so you and aaravi can hang too!
omg talking video game stuff with aaravi she'd be so interested in the artifacts and weapons from teyvat
you can hear the narrator btw & sometimes discuss with him how much you can do without messing up the game's progression (letting you build up a whole ass unofficial empire w/ your group behind the scenes, the advice on how to keep out of vera's sights and away from any in-game powers (the only real threats, let's be honest here) is op)
any time anyone says anything like "but that's impossible" you can just pipe in like "since when does logic apply to spooky high? just ask [player name]"
yes you say player name there :)
just it's so fun???
i'll leave most of it to your imagination but you could totally give cameos to your faves! like half the genshin cast (ok that's an exaggeration but shhh) can transform, just like, kffjsdjgkslk wisp venti or birb xiao chilling on your shoulder??? carrying around a fox yae??? idk how canon it is but ik a lot of people on here like talking about a smaller dragon zhongli and like just keep him on your shoulders it's perfect
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hungryhorsey2 · 2 years ago
For the ask meme: all the prime numbers, or all the numbers in the fibonacci sequence, your choice
i dont wanna write out all eleven prime numbers, so fibonacci sequence it is. 1. Last game you finished Monster Prom! played with my wife yesterday! Vera rejected me bc i was TOO POOR
2. Game(s) you’re currently playing Apex Legends (always) and Cult of The Lamb!! Cult of The Lamb is SO fucking fun. im on the last area now and im excited
3. 1-3 games you’ve played in the past 12 months that you really enjoyed does Apex count? does it count???? ive been consistently playing it for a long time now and i enjoy it so sdfjgnsdfg. other than that, Cult of The Lamb and Stray! kitty kitty kitty
5. Game(s) coming out that you’re looking forward to SILKSONG!!!!!!!! TEAM CHERRY PLEASE I BEG OF YOU WE NEED OUR LITTLE GUYS
8. A series you haven’t played but are interested in trying Shovel Knight! it looks very fun and its a classic, so its on my wishlist!
13. Quick, name the first song from a game that comes to mind hornet theme from hollow knight..... on marimba!!!!
21. A boss that was disappointing Horn Beetle/Hornbug from Ori and the Will of the Wisps.
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[ID: A drawing of a beetle-like creature from Ori and the Will of the Wisps. It is dark teal coloured, with a big horn with protrusions on it growing downwards on it's head. It's back looks like a shell or a collection of rocks, with spikes growing in between. It has a yellow-ish underbelly, as well as a pair of under-wings in the back. End ID] i defeated him even in a blind panic, and it really wasnt much of a boss fight.
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floralfloyd · 3 years ago
Sentimental Journey
This is a little something I wrote for @mercurygray 's Blind Dates Event. It really gave me the chance to play around with an idea for an OC I've had in my head for a while now. I hope you all like it and I hope to write more for and about Ellis in the future! Enjoy!
The atmosphere was set with smoke as a big brass band played everything from Glenn Miller to Vera Lynn. It was a wonder on just how much cigarettes it took to create the screen that cloaked the dance hall, some wisps curling as they left the lips of its creator's others swirled before creating one big blanket in the air.
Forest Green shoes tapped along with the beat, she had always loved ‘Tampico’, its upbeat tempo and fun lyrics were always something to make people smile, especially in the desperate times of war. As a dainty hand grasped the glass of sherry that lay almost forgotten in front of her, Ellis couldn't help but imagine June Christy singing along.
Every Friday night, Ellis White caught the 18:30 bus from Aldbourne to nearby Swindon. She loved the dance hall, it was frequent for the brunette before war broke out to go dancing with her lover but after he had been shipped out to fight in Dunkirk, Ellis sent him a dear John letter. The young Land Girl's heart had been broken the moment she had found out he had been seeing others behind her back.
Tonight was busier than usual, the hall tightly packed like a tin of Sardines. The American's had arrived in all their triumph, fighting fit and ready to join the war. Her tiny village became overrun as men were billeted with locals, including her own though, she couldn't deny it was nice to have some company each evening at dinner.
Local girls had clung themselves to the arms of any GI that so much as asked them to dance, local boys since long forgotten.
The frosted glass raised to her Ruby red lips gave all but a sip of the liquid before she had realized it was empty. Standing, she pushed her way through the crowd toward the bar at the back. Her small stature made it harder for her to be seen but only made the girl more determined to get past.
Hiking herself onto the barstool, Ellis swung her legs around so she could face the bar. The skirt of her apple green dress swished as she did so. It was a contrast to her dirt-covered overalls and Wellington boots she wore day in, day out when working in the fields.
"A half measure of sherry, please Michael" she spoke to the barman as he stood before her. Ellis had been so many times that she knew the staff all by first names.
Her attention turned to the band as they started playing Doris Day's 'Sentimental Journey', a slower song than the one they played before. Ellis had always loved the song, it was sweet but whenever it came on, she was forever left to listen not dance.
A tap on her shoulder brought her from her thoughts. Stood before her was the most breath-taking man she had ever seen, brown eyes that held both an intriguing glint and cheeky mirth, framed by floppy brown hair that was just dying for hands to be run through.
No. Stop it, Ellis. She thought as she shook herself from her thoughts before she raised a perfectly manicured eyebrow at the soldier before her, urging him to speak.
"What's a pretty bird like you doing all alone in a joint like this?" The man before her asked as he spoke a little louder so he could be heard over the music.
Bird? Last she checked she didn't have wings. These Yanks certainly had a way with words.
"You sure do know how to charm a girl, soldier. I just happen to be without a dance partner, so I thought I'd enjoy some quality alcohol and the music that comes with" Her voice was soft, like cotton candy but with an added rasp from the years of smoking cigarettes.
It seemed her words had definitely been what the doe-eyed GI was wanting to hear as he offered Ellis his khaki-clad arm and sweet smile.
"Well, we wouldn't want such a pretty gal to miss out on one of the best dances of the night. Would you do me the honor of joining me on the dance floor?"
She couldn't deny, he was smooth, very smooth, not just with his words but with the way he would flirt. Her cheeks were sure to be the same color as her lips and with a nod, she was being pulled towards the wooden dance floor.
"May I get the name of the Fred Astaire who has just swept me off my feet?" Ellis asked as swayed gently to the song, letting herself be lead to the beat, her crystal eyes never leaving the deep brown eyes of her suitor.
She was suddenly dipped towards the floor, her grasp tightly on the jacket of the smirking man above her.
"George, George Luz" his voice matched her previous softness before he placed a soft kiss upon her rosy lips.
Pairing: George Luz x Ellis White (OFC)
Word Count: 833 Words
Notes: A little drabble introducing Ellis to the world. If anyone would like to be added to my Band of Brothers writing taglist, let me know. Also, my requests are open for business.
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gendieanonsideblog · 3 years ago
 - genderaloe / genderaloevera !! [ gehn - der - ah - loh /  gehn - der - ah - loh - veh - rah ] what is it ??  - a gender related to the aloe vera , aloe vera related products , healing , medicine , freshness , and feeling soothing !! - can be used as an add on [ genderaloe loveic , genderaloe showerselfcaric ] ,  by itself , or however the being wants it to be used by  - who can use ?? : anyone can !! etymology :  - [ gender - from the english word gender ]  - [ aloe - from the arabic word alloeh meaning shining bitter substance ]  - [ vera - from the latin word meaning true ] 
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 - flag id : [ a five even striped flag with an aloe vera in a multishade blue pot with wisp looking symbols on it , the aloe vera itself have light green dots as its spikes ,, the flag colors are : light malacite green , the next three stripes are from an actual aloe vera different shades of it , and bright sky blue ] end id
the simple flag with no symbol !!
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 - color meanings :  green : healing , soothing , genders outside binary the next three stripes have been color picked from an actual aloe vera blue : medicine , calmness , freshness  - req by no one , flag / term by me  - aloegender coined here !!  my dni and boundaries :O
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whump-tr0pes · 4 years ago
Honor Bound 5 - 9
This is a series. Start here, continued from here.
This is a sequel to Honor Bound, Honor Bound 2, Honor Bound 3, Honor Bound 4, and the prequel Vera.
Content warning: past torture, chronic pain, jealousy, bad self-esteem, past implied noncon of a minor, discussion of polyamory, discussion of sex, implied future spice 
As Sam carried their bowl into the kitchen after dinner, Edrissa met their eyes with a shy smile. They stacked their bowl by the sink as Vera rolled up her sleeves and turned on the hot water. Isaac and Gavin began to pile the cooking pans by the sink, Gavin’s eyes a little red-rimmed, and Isaac watching Gavin as they moved around the kitchen. Finn and Ellis had decided to eat dinner in Burmingham after they’d spent all day fixing up their house. Tori kissed Vera gently on the cheek and stood to the side of the sink, ready to dry dishes as Vera handed them to her. 
Zachariah hovered at Sam’s shoulder, an anxious, near-constant presence since he’d called Edrissa ‘sweetheart’ that afternoon. He wrung his hands, glancing every now and then at the sink where Vera was now scrubbing each dish, rinsing it, and passing it to Tori to dry.
Almost without thinking, Sam gently placed their hand on Zachariah’s arm.
Edrissa’s gaze flicked to Sam’s hand, and back to their face. Her clear blue eyes darkened, just a little. Faded. Her smile was still there, as gorgeous as ever, but the corners of her mouth fell slightly as Sam watched. They wet their lips to speak.
“Want to go for a walk?” Edrissa said first. Her gaze flicked to Zachariah. “Um… just… just you and me.” She smiled wider, but it seemed forced, that sadness still tightening in her eyes.
Sam’s mouth went dry, and they swallowed. “Yeah,” they rasped. They glanced at Zachariah and squeezed his arm.
Zachariah’s eyes went slightly wide, and he glanced around at the others.
“They won’t bite,” Sam said gently, and smiled at him. They stepped away and followed Edrissa to the back of the house, and out into the warm night.
The sun was still up, shining over the lake, not even behind the trees yet. Sam blinked and tilted their head back, breathing in deep the clean air, the smell of the grass and sand and trees. They felt the wind play through their hair, felt Edrissa’s warm fingers clasp through theirs as they walked through the overgrown yard and out the back gate to the beach. The grass was patchy, giving way to sand that shifted under Sam’s bare feet.
The moon hadn’t risen yet. It was almost the full moon – Edrissa kept track of things like that, the moon, the seasons, the time when the herbs in the garden sprouted and bloomed. She had a little journal Gray had given her where she drew plants and charts of the starts, patterns for clothes, sketches of Nata where he sat in the sunny windowsills. It occurred to Sam that the last time they saw Edrissa scribbling in her little book, she’d been close to the end of it. Sam had seen a shop in Crayton that sold pretty things like Edrissa seemed to like: notebooks, pens, tiny jars of colorful ink that they’d seen her staring at when they went into town. They were unbelievably expensive, all of it either taken off luxury syndicate shipments or purchased from black market dealers – who knew there was a black market for fountain pens? – but if Sam started volunteering with the refugees and saving the credits Daniel Schiester gave them…
Maybe I should get her a new notebook, they thought to themself. Maybe she’d like the one with the pink flowers on the cover. Or… she seemed to like the leather ones, too. Maybe I could get one for her birthday. When was that again? I think it was—
“We missed your birthday,” Sam whispered.
Edrissa blinked and looked at them. “What?” The sun shone on her hair, making it seem like liquid gold.
Sam reached out and tucked a lock behind her ear. “Y-your birthday,” they said softly. “It’s in May, isn’t it? We… we missed it.”
Edrissa shrugged and looked at the sand shifting under her feet as she walked. She turned slightly and they both began to walk along the shore of the lake. “It was May fifth. You were, um… s-south,” she murmured.
Sam stopped where they stood. “Oh.”
Edrissa stopped beside them and squeezed their hand. “It’s okay,” she said gently. “Gray celebrated with me. We went into town and went to that restaurant that makes the cheese they light on fire. Then we went to Ms. Clancy’s nursery and Gray let me pick out any herb I wanted.” Edrissa glanced back at the house. “I picked the lemon balm. It’s loving the cool weather. That’s what I made the tea from.”
Sam turned to fully face Edrissa. She had a proud little smile on her face, and a sparkle in her eyes that she always got when she talked about her beautiful things. The breeze made wisps of her hair float around her face, and her lips were curved up into a smile that made Sam want to lean forward and kiss her.
Without a word, they cradled her face and brushed their lips against hers.
Edrissa sighed and pulled Sam close, her fingers winding into their shirt. She trembled as Sam carefully pulled their right arm out of its sling and wound it around her waist, holding her close. Their right shoulder was sore, but there was no flash of pain, no bolt of agony through the wound. Edrissa ghosted her tongue over Sam’s lower lip and they whimpered softly. They didn’t meet her tongue with theirs, though, because Edrissa didn’t like that.
But Edrissa liked kissing Sam, and Sam loved that.
Edrissa pulled slightly away, breaking the kiss but keeping her forehead pressed against Sam’s. She shivered in the breeze and blew out a slow breath as she held Sam.
“Edrissa?” Sam said softly. They gently pulled their hands away and let them fall to their sides. Their right arm twinged, and chewed the inside of their cheek as they held back their groan of pain. Their gaze moved over her face. Her fingers tightened in Sam’s shirt and she bit her lip like she was holding back tears.
Sam’s eyebrows drew together. Their stomach dipped. “Edrissa?” They licked their lips. “What’s the matter?”
Edrissa finally released Sam and wiped her eyes. She sniffed. “Um… I was just thinking… um…” She shrugged jerkily. “I’ve been, um… w-watching, um, you. And Zachariah.”
Sam’s eyebrows shot up, and they pushed down the stir of warmth in their chest. “Y-yeah?”
“Yeah,” Edrissa said. She cleared her throat. “And you, um… you seem to, um, do really well together. You look, um, good.”
Sam ventured a smile. “So do you, Edrissa,” they said gently.
Edrissa waved the comment away. “He’s… he’s big, and, um, and strong, and he’s really nice.”
“Yeah, he is.” Sam reached out and squeezed Edrissa’s hand. The sling hung empty around their neck.
“And… he seems to like, um, you.” Edrissa shrugged again. She wrapped her free arm around her waist and looked at the ground.
Sam’s heart skipped a beat. “You think so?” they croaked, and glanced back towards the house, shining white-yellow in the sun.
“He’d be really good for you, Sam,” Edrissa said, and Sam was confused to hear a hint of sadness – of dismay – in her voice. “He’s good, and kind, and he’ll protect you. And he’d probably be okay with… he’d… probably…” Edrissa released Sam’s hand and wrapped her other arm around her waist, squeezing herself tight. Tears glittered in her eyes.
Sam’s eyebrows pulled together, and they tilted their head as they looked at Edrissa – their beautiful girlfriend, their sweet Edrissa, gorgeous and talented and special. They chewed their lip. “Edrissa… I don’t…”
“What I mean to say is,” Edrissa said, tight-lipped, “Is that… I think you two should go together.”
Sam watched Edrissa carefully. “Okay…”
“Because… I would understand if…” Edrissa blinked and two tears ran down her cheeks. Edrissa swiped them away and stared at the ground again. “You deserve… everything, Sam,” she rasped. “You deserve someone who’s strong, and not broken, someone who can, um… h-have sex. I don’t know if I’ll… ever want to. I don’t know if I can.”
Sam reached out to her. “Edrissa, I—”
She pulled away from their grasp. “He’s good for you, Sam,” she whimpered, her voice trembling. “You’re good together. And I mean… he’s… he’s gorgeous… and so considerate, and he’d… he’d… treat you s-so well…”
Sam’s heart pounded in their chest. “Edrissa, are you… b-breaking up with me?” Their chest ached. Their skin felt too tight, their lungs not quite able to expand.
“N-no!” Edrissa cried, and grabbed Sam’s hand. “No, I… I want to be with you, I just… I want you to be… happy. And Zachariah can make you happy.”
“You make me happy, too,” Sam whimpered. Their mind reeled, grasping for an answer, a reason why Edrissa would do this. “And… you like him too, right?”
Edrissa blinked. “Well… yeah, I mean… he’s… he’s wonderful. I like his arms, and his voice, and his lips, and how he always wants to help me in the kitchen, and… and…” She blushed a furious crimson.
Sam drew in a deep breath, trying to calm their pounding heart, trying to soothe the ache in their chest. “So… if you like him… and I like him…”
“He’ll choose you,” Edrissa whispered. “I know he’ll choose you. You’re…” Edrissa’s gaze flicked up to Sam and back. “You’re… He’d have to be crazy not to choose you.”
Sam looked at Edrissa for a long moment, searching her face with their gaze, swallowing against the lump in their throat. “Um… Edrissa, we could just… be with him… together?”
Edrissa blinked and raised her gaze to Sam’s. “We could… what?”
Sam shrugged. “I mean… you don’t have to? But… if you like him, and I like him, and he seems to like both of us…”
“You think so?” Edrissa breathed. Her eyes shone with painful-looking hope.
Sam suddenly thought back to Edrissa clambering up onto Zachariah’s back, holding the baking sheet aloft like a shield – and of how Zachariah’s hands had gently curved around her legs, how he’d been so careful as he dodged Sam’s handful of whipped cream, how he’d kept her safe, even from that innocent attack.
“Yeah,” Sam said with a nod. “I think so.”
Edrissa swallowed hard. “Is that… something people do… a lot?” she murmured. “I thought… I don’t know, I’ve never seen that before. My parents were married only to each other, and my boyfriend and I were only with each other, and my o-owner only ever had—” She cut herself off with a gasp and looked back down at her feet, sinking into the soft sand.
“I just know it’s something people do,” Sam said gently. “And we don’t have to if you don’t want to. But… Edrissa…” They stepped forward and cupped Edrissa’s face, tilting her head back so they could see her eyes. “I would, um… really, really like that. If we could all… be together. And… please know that…” They leaned forward and gently kissed Edrissa’s cheek. She drew in a short, quick breath. “I like you. A lot. And just because you’ve been through… what you’ve been through…” They kissed her other cheek, and she whimpered softly. “…doesn’t mean I don’t want to be with you. I told you.” They gently pressed their lips to hers. “I don’t need to have sex, if you don’t want to have it. You’re my… my girlfriend.” They smiled at the shiver of her breath against their lips as they said it. “And you told me what you wanted when we started this, and I told you that’s what I wanted, too.”
“Oh,” Edrissa murmured. She pulled Sam close and laid her head on their shoulder. “So… did you want to talk to him… tonight?”
Sam’s stomach flipped at the idea of pulling Zachariah close, kissing him, as Edrissa touched him, too, as he touched them both, together. Their mouth went dry. “Um, yeah,” they croaked. They laughed softly. “Yeah. Tonight. Sounds good.”
They turned back towards the house. Sam slung their left arm over Edrissa’s shoulders. She laced her fingers through theirs, and wound her arm around their waist. They laughed as they bumped hips, stumbling over the sand, as they made their way back to the house.
Continued here
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