#ventus (nameless bard)
decarabiandivorce · 8 months
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Always a leader never a child
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cashewally-sarcastic · 9 months
Ventus, who has spent days on the streets of Old Mondstadt listening to the voices of the people. Who has silently watched as parents take care of their young. Watch kids escort their aunts to the stores. The wind around him is so cold
He plays his lyre. Its the only thing he has on him. He would rather die than say where he acquired it, and at the end of the day its his lyre.
Ventus closes his eyes. For the breifedt moment he couldn't hear the deafening gales around him. He is in the eye of the hurricane. What song is he even playing? He switched from one track to the other minutes ago and was now improvising a solo.
The families are still talking to each other.
At the end of the day, he is just background music
Then one day a creature bumps into him. Radiating the same warmth as a prayer and eyes akin to his god's. Was it a spy? Was it a child? Was it a puppet?
Wearily, he asks for a name. Smiling as he tells the sprite how he wishes to make ballads of the little thing. It flutters around him, occassionally stumbling in mid air like its drunk. It gives out a little squeak as it gestures to itself.
Ventus tries to mimic that chime, but his mouth can't hit the same notes. The sprite speaks more and more, yet Vrntus can't understand a thing. He just smiles and nods as he subconsciously plays his lyre.
Before he knows it, he can feel the chill of night. Or at least what he thinks it night. The elders of the city tell what night is supposed to be, but the winds had carried away those voices a long time ago.
Tales of an object called the moon. How it would shift as the weeks go by. How it could disappear and be reborn once anew- surrounded by her starry sisters.
He hated it.
He hates how cold it is. How dark it is. How every candle and life is snuffed by the wind.
Yet the creature is still hear, making a nest on his lap.
Its warm.
Letting go of his lyre for just a breif moment, he runs his fingers down the cloak of the sprite. Soft yet smooth. Was this what a bird felt like?
Tomorrow would be another day. Tomorrow he could try to pronounce his ... freind's name better. Tomorrow he could do so much.
Despite the being being on his lap, he felt a warmth in his chest. Something he has never felt before. Something that made him think of protecting this creature.
Ventus rests his eyes as he carries his first friend, unware he would do this everynight til the day he died
*cheers and applause amid tears and sobs*
MAN that was NOT was I was thinking about sad wise but FUCK that hurts
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yuesya · 5 months
Sweet notes of music drift into the nighttime air, the song of a lyre accompanied by the clear notes of a young voice.
Ventus smiles broadly, fingers plucking the strings of his own lyre in harmony to his friend’s song.
The life of a bard is not a particularly affluent one. But luckily for them, Ventus has made many friends in all walks of life within the walls of Mondstadt… including talented craftsmen who happened to be highly skilled with woodwork. They had only been all too happy to indulge Ventus’ unusual request of making a miniature-sized lyre for his miniature-sized friend.
“How was that, Ventus? How did I do this time?” A white blur zips towards him, eagerly spinning around him a few times before stopping to hover directly in front of his face. Beneath the white hood, it’s difficult to make out distinct features, or even a face at all, but the small wind spirit’s buoyant enthusiasm is clear to identify from his voice alone.
Ventus smiles and praises, “That was great! You’re getting a lot better with the lyre now, Little Breeze.”
“Yay!” The nameless wind spirit cheers, with a small tinkling laughter that’s filled with genuine delight. He twirls in the air with a small somersault and–
–lands on an open palm.
Ventus blinks. Then, jumps with a startled yelp, because he had not noticed anyone else standing right next to him this entire time–!
The young wind spirit laughs, bouncing excitedly on the newcomer’s hand. “Did you like my music?”
“… It was passable,” is the young girl’s response.
Ventus roams the streets of Mondstadt every day, and he knows all its residents. Yet he can say with complete confidence that this young girl who’d appeared out of nowhere next to him is not someone whom he recognizes at all.
Her hair is long, white. Smooth and silken, in a way that Ventus hasn’t even seen in noble-blooded daughters before. Likewise, her skin is pale and smooth –unblemished and flawless in the way that a person might suspect of a statue, rather than another living human being.
But despite the physical perfections, she’s only clad in a simple white chiton. There is a thin girdle that encircles her waist, and looks to be entwined of coarse wooden fibers.
The juxtaposition is a little… startling.
“Just ‘passable?’” The tiny wind spirit that still stands upon the strange girl’s palm freezes for a moment, then draws himself upright with a loud ‘hmph.’ “But Ventus said my song was great! And he’s the best bard in all of Mondstadt, so there!”
“Well, I wouldn’t say best bard,” Ventus laughs sheepishly, then puts on a friendly smile towards their unexpected guest. “Are you new to Mondstadt, perhaps? A rare visitor! Shall I sing a small song of welcome for the lovely young lady, perhaps?”
The girl doesn’t even deign to glance in his direction, which. Ouch. That’s actually kind of–
“Unnecessary. Your music is stifled.”
Ventus freezes.
… A thick barrier of fierce, impenetrable winds surrounds the city of Mondstadt and its nearby territories. Stifled is the right word for it –how could he not be, being caged like this under the aegis of an uncaring god?
For all that Decarabian had been the one to protect the earliest generations of Mondstadt’s people and help them raise their city from the ground, their patron god had eventually chosen to retire to the recesses of their high tower after the barriers were raised, and none had seen them since… save for the few chosen among the God of Storms’ knights, who continued to serve the deity faithfully throughout the generations. Blindly.
“But your music…” the white-haired girl lifts her hand, studying the little wind spirit that cocks his head towards her. “… you are… happy. Exceedingly so. Why?”
“Well, what’s there to not be happy about?” The young spirit responds. “I’m with my friend, and he’s teaching me how to play wonderful music! We’ll be playing together in the tavern with all of our other friends, too! There’s going to be yummy food and drinks!”
The excitable wind spirit does another little flip again.
“How long have you tarried here?”
The little wind spirit freezes mid-flip, dangling awkwardly in the air. “… Eh? I-I don’t understand what you’re–”
“You should know this,” the girl says, and her next words dismiss any possibility of her being a mundane traveler for Ventus. “You are only a fragment of the wind, a momentary breeze. The rustling of leaves in the morning light… which is how you slipped through the barrier. But no wind is meant to be bound to a single place.”
“B-But I have friends here,” the little wind spirit stomps his feet. “I like listening to Ventus’ music. I like playing tag with Gunnhildr. I want to stay here! … Please?”
The girl tilts her head. “Even if it means your sense of self will disappear entirely, if you insist on forcibly maintaining this form instead of returning to the Thousand Winds?”
Ventus’ mouth drops open.
“I won’t be myself anymore, if I return to the winds,” the little spirit answers. “I… want to spend time doing the things I like, with the people I like, in the place that I like. Is that so wrong?”
The girl is silent.
Ventus tries to say something, anything. Why didn’t you tell me about this? Is there anything that I can do to help? How could you hide something like this from all of us, foolish little breeze?
But nothing comes out from his mouth. Ventus discovers that his voice has been silenced without his knowing–
And in front of him, a small breeze picks up around the strange girl and the young wind spirit that hovers in front of her.
For a single moment in the silence of the night, only the stars and wind remain.
“… Nameless spirit. One who is but a mere wisp of the Thousand Winds. Who has cast his gaze upon this land and its people, and wishes to linger,” the girl says. But there’s a certain cadence to these words, a certain intonation that causes each syllable to echo in Ventus’ head.
Every note overlaps upon each other again and again, rising into a terrifying crescendo–
“Upon the authority of–” 
The girl’s voice disappears entirely. 
… No, it doesn’t disappear. Ventus is still cognizant of her voice, but for some reason he just can’t hear. But the moment passes swiftly before he has a chance to think too deeply on it, and– 
Suddenly, all pressure disappears from his mind.
Blessed calm.
Ventus gasps, staring into the ground, hunched over and kneeling. What–?
“–I bestow upon you the name, ‘Barbatos,’” the girl says quietly. “… Rise. I permit you to cease your endless wandering, and henceforth grant you a place to belong.”
There is a blinding flash of light that encapsulates the wind spirit. It’s–
Music, song, laughter–
Run, drift, fly–
With a sharp gasp as he startles back into the world of wakefulness, Ventus immediately bolts upright in his… bed…?
No. No, he remembers going out to meet his little friend last night. Playing music together. Then, there was that strange girl who appeared and did something to the wind spirit. It didn’t seem like she had any malicious intent, but…
… just who was she? Surely there was someone who would know; her appearance was quite distinctive. Long white hair, coupled with eyes that were–
… were…
(What did her eyes look like again? Ventus can’t remember. Ventus has excellent memory, and he can’t remember.)
“You’re awake!”
It is with great relief that Ventus takes in the sight of his little friend… or rather, not so little anymore. The little wind spirit appears to have grown slightly in height. More noticeably, though, there are now a pair of feathery white wings that sprout from his back, fluttering in the air.
“Ba– … err, um. Cecilia! Cecilia said that you were a little sensitive to her power, which was why you passed out, but you should be fine after a good night’s sleep.” The wind spirit turns a playful somersault in the air and plops down atop Ventus’ stomach, causing him to let out a slight ‘oof.’
Then, the words register. “Cecilia?”
“Um… yeah!” A shifty response, accompanied by nervously-fluttering wings. Ventus gives his little friend a look.
“… Did you just make up a name for her on the spot?”
“Her hair is pretty! Like the cecilias you showed me!”
Ventus opens his mouth, then closes it distractedly. “I suppose that’s true…”
“Isn’t it?” Eagerly, the little wind spirit leans forward. “And thanks to her, I don’t have to worry about disappearing anytime soon! And I have a name now, too –Barbatos!”
“… Do you know who she is, really?” Although the girl hadn’t been particularly friendly or talkative… despite everything, she’d helped the little wind spirit –Barbatos– of her own volition even though there hadn’t been any reason for her to. 
The power she’d shown… was she a wind spirit, too? Surely a strong spirit, at the very least. Decarabian had slain so many gods that even now, none dared to linger anywhere close to Mondstadt’s borders. So the very thought of the girl potentially being a god in disguise was a laughable one, but…
If they could get her help, then… perhaps, they would stand a better chance at resisting and overturning Decarabian’s tyranny.
“The winds cherish her,” Barbatos responds, which lends credence to the growing theory of the mysterious girl being another wind spirit. “And… I think she needs friends.”
Ventus hums.
“Well, I think we could help with that.”
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anemoarchonhoe · 3 years
Reminder to write a short drabble about the Nameless Bard
Snuu mimimimi, snuu mimimimi~ zzzzz~
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uwasari · 4 years
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the  boy  will  always  be  known  as  the  boy.  mainly  because  he  wasn’t  given  any  name  in  the  story  or  was  mentioned  but  he  is  without  a  name.  he  was  a  ‘  nameless  child  ’  who  wished  for  freedom,  to  feel  the  wind  and  see  the  sky.  maybe  he  had  a  name  once  upon  a  time,  but  in  war  and  battle,  names  mean  nothing.  instead  of  names,  friends,  comrades  and  titles  too  its  place.
that  being  said,  he  won’t  mind  being  given  a  name.  he  will  take  it,  only  to  make  it  easier  for  people  to  refer  to  him.  the  only  name  he  won’t  take  is  ‘  venti  ’,  the  wind  spirit’s  new  identity.  he  would  never  name  the  name  of  a  friend.
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decarabiandivorce · 7 months
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"You." Her voice broke the silence. He turned his head and tried not to stare. It was the girl from the tower. His wispy friend hid behind him as his other companions reached for their weapons. Lady Amos's voice, while as quiet as the last time they had met, sounded a bit rougher; as if she had been performing a soliloquy without pause. She continued, her hands shaking, "You are seeking to rebel against him. To free yourselves from this dream."
"We are and we will."
"..." she turned her head toward the tower behind her. The stones older than even she stared back. A million thoughts must be racing through her mind, yet she must let her arrow fly. "Then." She swallowed the guilt in her chest, "I shall help."
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decarabiandivorce · 4 months
Chapters: 4/4 Fandom: 原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Venti (Genshin Impact) & Venti's Friend (Genshin Impact: Carmen Dei) Characters: Venti (Genshin Impact), Venti's Friend (Genshin Impact: Carmen Dei), Decarabian (Genshin Impact) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Ghosts, Hurt/Comfort, Major Character Undeath, Dead Venti's Friend (Genshin Impact: Carmen Dei), Venti's Friend (Genshin Impact: Carmen Dei) is Called Ventus, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Friendship, This was originally going to be just a oneshot but it... got out of hand
The city was finally free from its storm god, but at the cost of a leader who sung them tales of hope and vigor. As the city moves on, a bard walks among them unseen and unheard. They say damnation is other people, but really? Was being able to live worth it if he had to deal with this tyrant?
“I don’t like this either, Bard.” “Shut up Decarabian.”
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decarabiandivorce · 8 months
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"We will see the dawn, no matter what."
As the citizens of Mondstadt look towards a new day, their eyes still linger on their leader's dust flowing into the wind. Now it was just them. Them and the winged twin of their leader. A parody of the sharp bard, for this one stumbles as they walk. This one can hardly hold a pen. This one's voice is completely unlike their beloved leader.  It is the voice of a godkiller, and while the years may dull their suspicion, that will be then and this is now. For now, all the citizen know is that their leader is dead, no matter what side they were fighting on yesterday.
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decarabiandivorce · 7 months
AU where deca just. adopts nb. he uses his ultimate power and authority to prevent the rebellion entirely by taking in nb as his son and making sure he has well more than enough to live his life safely. he would either be a horrible parent or actually fairly decent at parenting
💀 oh its all over for NB
Everything is going to be trivialized to "oh teenager rebellion!" And he wpuld not be taken seriously. He would go beyond just loathing Decarabian. Hatred.
He is now put in a position of Power and now has access to a whole bunch of tools for war, but has lost the one thing he needed. His reputation.
Ironic for the one wearing the 3 petal flower, he has spent weeks fulfilling quests, requests, and bounties. His rebellion would never be able to trust him. "He's been lying to us? He was Decarabian's son? Have we just been pawns in a teenager's tantrums!"
You know how long it took for him to win the favors of so many clans? All of that is down the drain. It doesn't matter if Deca is the best dad in the world, he has ruined all of NB's plans. Bad Ending for our bard 😔
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decarabiandivorce · 7 months
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Happy divorce to these two
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decarabiandivorce · 7 months
ghost au wip
‘Guide me home, my friend.’ Ventus thought as he waded through light and darkness. Before he knew it, he could feel the wind again. Ventus was back at the tower, lying in the dirt he died in. It all looked so different. So vibrant. Yet the more he looked the more he spotted the cracks. The roof of the bakery had collapsed. Weeds were growing here that weren’t there before. Light blue flowers blossomed right next to it, giving off the same smell Magnolia had. What was the word? Mint? Was this mint? Ventus steadied himself, wobbling at he slowly stood. As he walks, he makes note of his surroundings more. The sky entranced him. He had never seen such a shade of blue before. It reminded him of the tips of his wisp’s wings. Was it because he was part of the wind that he had such a pallet? He couldn’t help but find that poetic. That despite yearning for the sky, he had a piece of him with him all along. And those white shapes up there. Those are clouds, aren’t they? He stands there until he realizes that his neck is sore. Bending to the ground, he gently cusp the mint’s leaves, his chest panging as it passes through him. Oh right. He was dead. Intangible to the world, and hopefully not invisible. “I could still see myself,” he muttered, “So that means that I must be visible under some conditions. I just need to find the conditions out and loop around them.” It could take years for this endeavor to bear fruit. Yet he couldn’t find any sadness in him. There was only this ambition in his chest- an oath that would be fulfilled no matter what. He will be heard. Eventually, he will master this set of skills and play them like the strings of his lyre. He will do it.
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decarabiandivorce · 7 months
Amos: If Deca had a little kissy on the cheek i think every problem would be solved
Ventus: Yeah sure go for it.
Ventus: So how did it go
Amos: We may need to use counterplan number 4 on the eastern tower
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cashewally-sarcastic · 4 months
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Love Nameless Bard so much. Ventus is such a silly little guy! :D :D :D
This venti screenshot is going to be fried into my retinas
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cashewally-sarcastic · 8 months
Do you think that ventus ever held venti thinking during rough moments of his life. The bard wants to sing and stomp his feat in rage at everything. He wants to be heard. He wants to grt out. But he cant. Its so so so cold in the city of the storm and with that chill brings death. He needs to rebel. He needs to. Its his only option. If he dosen't then he will be nothing. Nameless and forgotten. Another soul that 'lived' in the city of the moon.
But this tiny wisp is warm. Its wings are so soft. Eyes the color of what he imagines the sky to be. If the sunset could be red and dawn could be pink, he would love to see a splash of green judt like his friend. His friend. His dearest friend. The only one he has left.
Fuck man you're sending emotions at 2:47 am EST
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cashewally-sarcastic · 8 months
Nameless bard uses every name under the sun for his given name. He's called himsel Himmel, Carmen, Ventus, ect. Sometimes its for the bit other times its to evade soilders. They ask him what his last name is (for identification) and he shouts back he's an orphan. Venti once asked what name he should use for his friend and NB just replied "Call me anything!" If he was modern au he would change his url, username, pfp, and pronouns about once a week send post
Funny as hell, this is canon to me unless it’s proved otherwise
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cashewally-sarcastic · 7 months
Oh bestie! i have been testing out name ideas for the rebel leaders • Red Headed Warrior’s name is Robert Ragnvindr, based on a robin (haha dark knight joke), it being a red bird, and the alliteration. So red robin over here is the redheaded warrior •Venerare Lawrence is a person •Gunnhildr’s Leader’s name is Magnolia, based on the yellow bird the Magnolia Warbler and it’s also the name of a flower :) • Ventus (as you know) is nameless bard. Unknown last name ... (an Imunlaukr bastard </3)
Oo I love the bird theme! Very fitting for the rebel crew <3
Ventus being an Imunlaukr bastard would not only be interesting in general but also really funny and would line up with the short lifespan they all have
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