#vent hood installation
Top-Quality Kitchen Exhaust Hood Installation by Red Eagle Fire Protection
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Red Eagle Fire Protection offers top-quality kitchen exhaust hood installation. Keep your kitchen safe, efficient, and compliant with our expert services. Contact us for a free consultation!
Red Eagle Fire Protection Agoura Hills Agoura Hills, CA (747) 326-2084 https://redeaglerestfirehood.com/agoura-hills-ca/
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Red Eagle Fire Protection LA: Expert Kitchen Hood Installation Services!
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When it comes to ensuring a safe and efficient kitchen environment, professional hood installation is crucial. At Red Eagle Fire Protection LA, we specialize in top-quality hood installation in Los Angeles, offering services that cover both kitchen hood installation and range hood installation. Our experienced technicians are dedicated to providing seamless installation that enhances your kitchen’s ventilation and safety. With Red Eagle Fire Protection LA, you can trust that every detail will be handled with precision and care, ensuring optimal performance and compliance with safety standards. Don't compromise on your kitchen’s safety and efficiency. Contact Red Eagle Fire Protection LA today for expert hood installation in Los Angeles. Call us now to schedule your installation and upgrade your kitchen’s ventilation system!
Red Eagle Fire Protection LA
Los Angeles, CA (213)698-3893
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business4u · 3 months
Rooftop Grease Containment
Protect your property with our rooftop grease containment services in Frisco TX. We implement effective containment solutions to prevent grease buildup and ensure roof safety. Trust our expertise for comprehensive protection and compliance with safety standards.
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ghost-bxrd · 1 month
Another AoM interaction
Red Hood : looking around a room
RobinTim:looking for something?
Red Hood: yep
Nightwing: is it MockingJay?
Red Hood: no , i know exactly where he is.
Nightwing: (sarcastically) right...your just looking around a room for no reason.
Red Hood: (ignoring him)
MockingJay:( yells through a hole in the wall right next to RobinTim) Did you know theres room in the walls?
Red Hood: see, i know exactly where he is .
MockingJay: Hey boss.
Meanwhile the goons
Goon ,Scared out of mind(referring to MockingJay): Hes in the walls....HES IN THE GODDAMN WALLS!!
Lmao I can totally see the goons being all smug about “Hood proofing” their base of operations, because ain’t no way that hulking mass of a crime lord is gonna fit through the small vents in this place or get around the installed lasers.
And then there’s Mockingjay, who pirated one too many horror movies when Jason wasn’t looking and said “hey, boss, I’ve got an idea!” 😭🤣😭🤣
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bomberqueen17 · 9 months
where tf did i leave off
girl (nonspecific, just used here as an interjection, i know there are several of you reading this) i know it's been a lot and like shit got so hectic i updated that i had a backsplash and then nothing but listen i've been unpacking stuff into my
which is fully operational and move-in ready it's just missing the door to one cabinet and a bunch of little pieces of trim and whatnot but
i will give you the scoop once i can figure out where i left off in the updates.
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Image description: Picking up where we left off, here's the north wall looking east from the kitchen door, this time with the spacers removed from between the white tiles. The countertop is still covered with cardboard. You can see the underside of the cabinets a bit. The outlet has no faceplate on it.
Max mixed up a batch of grout and set to grouting the tiles, now that the adhesive or mortar or whatever had cured overnight. Jim, meanwhile, installed the dishwasher to be ready for the plumber, and installed the vent hood.
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[image description: Two men are facing away from the camera, lifting a stainless steel vent hood up to hook it onto the screws it mounts to in a tiled wall.]
He also used a sheet of paper to cut out a template so he could cut the odd-sized piece of trim wood to cover the bay windowsill. "I got a whole roll of paper," he said, "but I only got one piece of wood." "Measure once, cut three times," Max interjected.
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[Image description: Two men in a kitchen. The one on the left is standing on a stepstool to smear gray grout over the white tiled wall. On the right, the other man is bent over the countertop, with the offcuts of brown kraft paper curling away as he trims it with a utility knife.]
Finally the plumber rolled in-- Kyle, who'd been here before. He'd said he'd come Monday, but on Thursday when Jim called to confirm, he said he could push it up and come Friday instead. Which was huge, because it meant a working stove and working sink and working dishwasher and really, working kitchen, really really.
Jim bartered for a part from him, to hook the stove up-- he had one of Kyle's tools, left behind on an earlier job. Kyle was like ha I don't actually need it back I bought a replacement BUT i will give you the nipple you need anyway. (Yes! It was a nipple. That's a pipe fitting thing and I get a gold star for not giggling.)
So while Kyle was in the basement, hooking up my dryer and repairing my laundry sink (I had arranged to pay him separately for that, as neither thing were part of the kitchen job, and he figured he'd do those first so his boss would have a chance to send an invoice so I could pay him before he left, much easier all around), Jim and Max installed the stove and got it painstakingly leveled.
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[Image description: a stove is pulled out somewhat from the surrounding counter. To the left a man is kneeling next to it; the other man stands to the right, leaning over to peer at a bubble level.]
They did a really thorough job on this, which involved pulling out that lower drawer so Jim could reach under to the rear adjustable feet with a wrench to fine-tune the position once the stove was shoved into place.
"Aw," I said, "now I gotta find the owner's manual to find out how to set the clock on this stove again," and Max wordlessly tilted his head, looked at the control panel, unerringly punched the button with a picture of a clock on it, and said "what time is it?" so I told him, he punched it in. "Kids," Jim laughed, and I said "so good with technology." Finished, Max hit the clock button again, and erased his work. "Oops," he said, repeated the process, and this time hit the "Start/OK" button at the end, which worked and actually entered the time.
Then the real excitement began, because Kyle finished mucking around in the basement and came up and put together the sink. Max, having now attached all of my cabinet door and drawer handles, had now mostly run out of work to do by then so he leaned on things and watched kyle work, which was also what I was doing, LOL.
But the moment of excitement came very soon.
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[image description: two men standing by a kitchen counter. On the left, Kyle the plumber is staring down into the sink as the water runs. On the right, Max is leaning on the counter next to the stove, watching.]
No leaks! Hooked up! So exciting. He then ran a quick cycle on the dishwasher to make sure it didn't leak either, and lo and behold it did not.
Meanwhile Max lit the stove and ran it until the air was out of the line.
Literally, now we're cooking with gas.
So, everyone was done and wrapped up before 3pm on Friday afternoon, and they all left in high spirits. Jim will be back to put on the final cabinet door (they made it wrong! the custom cabinet people fucked up my door! I never knew because Jim had already sent it back) and all the crown molding, and a couple of other little details. He might come Monday but if the pieces aren't ready for him then he won't come until they are. In the meantime, I can use the kitchen to my heart's desire.
He gave me back my house key, since we were moving back into the house over the weekend, so I'd be present.
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[image description: a kitchen! an actual kitchen, with grayish-blue cabinets, a white tiled wall, a dishwasher and a stove, a vent hood over the stove, and a hideous yellow flowered folding stool pulled up to the counter to be a makeshift chair. The knife block is on the counter, and the Instant Pot is sitting by the sink, and various other items are strewn around the counters. The floor is mottled gray and has a geometric blue and white mat in front of the sink.]
The first thing I did was put all my grungy old unwashable dishwares into the dishwasher to see if it melted them, hence my post on this topic. (Update: Nothing so far has actually gotten ruined! Amazing.)
But the second thing was that we went back over to dude's mom's to retrieve our cat. <3 <3 <3 and then i got to sleep in my own bed with my beloved cat.
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pareidoliaonthemove · 8 months
Febwhump- DAY 5: rope burns , with Gordon
Ohhh, Gordon was not happy with the idea of being tied up! This one gave me no end of trouble in a good way)! Hope it hits the spot! [wanders off to deal with other prompts ...]
Summary: The best-laid plans of fish and men oft' times go awry.
Gordon Tracy writhed. He twisted, wiggled, and convulsed.
Gordon Tracy seethed.
It wasn’t fair! His brothers were all off on rescues and he was ...
In more ways than one.
Firstly, he was trapped on this Island. Okay, that really was nothing new – unless it was for a rescue, he rarely left Tracy Island, but that was by choice. Now … now he was trapped. Trapped by his injuries, still not sufficiently healed for him to comfortably fly out to the mainland as a passenger, let alone as a pilot. So unless his family had the time – and flight hours – to take him, he was stuck here. And with the Hood and the Chaos Crew out and causing mayhem, that was less likely than Parker forgiving him for the bell.
Secondly, he was trapped on dry land. Even though he was now starting physio, and despite water-based physio being the most low-impact option, his various cuts and scratches, and surgical incisions were not yet healed enough – “They would be if you could have sat still, Gordon. You were impatient, and now you’re paying the price.” – for him to be allowed to risk water exposure. Blah, blah, bacteria, blah, blah, infection, blah, blah, weakened immune system, blah, blah, blah, No, Gordon! You can’t go swimming!
Which brought him to this situation. It was received Tracy Wisdom that a dry Fish was a frustrated Fish. And a frustrated Fish vented that frustration with pranks.
And what a prank! A veritable oldie, but goodie – as Grandma often reminded them, “there’s many a fine tune played on an old fiddle”, and Gordon had happily anticipated the merry jig Scott would dance as he succumbed to Gordon’s cunning.
It was simple, the old net in the sand trick. Easy to set up, and not too strenuous, so the Virgil and Grandma in his mind could stop their frowning and toe-tapping and shuffle back to their imaginary infirmary to roll bandages. Bury net under thin layer of sand, rig draw rope around the edges to pulley (already conveniently installed) in the trees, attach to counterweight (also already conveniently set up), set up trip wire across centre of net, and attach to support structure holding up counterweight. Wait for Scott to stumble into it on his morning run. Enjoy the chaos.
Except it hadn’t quite gone to plan.
Scott hadn’t been able to go on his morning run for the last week, and a Scott that couldn’t run was every bit as bad as a Scott that couldn’t fly. Simply put, he was getting on Gordon’s nerves (almost as much as being trapped), and Gordon’s nerves had quite enough to do, thank you, what with relaying to his brain in precise and pedantic detail exactly what part of his body was currently in pain at any given time, and exactly how much that pain hurt. Down to the last micro-ouch.
So that was the equation. Frustration + pain + Scott + anticipation = the call outs this morning being the final straw. Scott, Virgil and Alan had scattered across the globe on three separate missions, Kayo was off with Lady Penelope and Parker trying to anticipate (and head off) the Chaos Crew’s next attack, John had roped Grandma in to assist with dispatch duties, and Brains was locked up in his lab working on the mystery project that had been occupying him since they had recovered Braman.
And Gordon was trapped. Trapped and helpless, and frustrated, and couldn’t stand to stay in the villa one second longer, and had hobbled off to make his escape, down to the beach and across the sand.
Right into his own trap.
So here he was, thirdly, trapped in a suspended, swinging cargo net of his own contrivance. Helpless, and stuck, and alone, and in pain.
There would be no rescue until his brothers came back and noticed him missing. Which might be a while. He couldn’t call for help, because he had stupidly left his communicator in the lounge as he stormed out in a huff.
Gordon wiggled, trying to stretch out, to find a more comfortable position to wait out his captivity, but it soon became apparent that he had underestimated the appropriate size of the net required to contain an adult.
Note to self: obtain bigger net before he tries this on Scott again.
He quickly lost track of the time. Luckily, this position remained shaded from direct sunlight, first by the trees, then by the cliff face alongside the path; so sunburn wasn’t a danger. However, it was still hot, and he quickly became thirsty. Luckily he had brought his large water bottle with him, and even more luckily he hadn’t dropped it when the net had scooped him up, so he could hold off dehydration for a time.
The biggest problem was his position, cramped up into a ball at the bottom of the net, unable to flex his body enough to fully shift into a more comfortable position. And as he slid, and slumped, and wiggled, and twisted the thin nylon rubbed against his body, wearing through the thin medically approved garments he was wearing, light and soft and airy, and not at all up to protecting his skin from the abrasion of the ropes.
Gordon winced, as the breeze swung him gently, he twisted his arm around to examine the source of the irritation, and grimaced. The rub had quickly developed rope burn. He was never going to live this down.
And Scott was never going to let him out of the infirmary.
Sighing, Gordon settled back again, hoping it wouldn’t be too much longer before his brothers got home.
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self-loving-vampire · 2 months
hello local older sister! your recommendations finally convinced me to buy mary skelter 2 on steam but I'm on vacation and can't play it till next week :((( thank you for listening to my vent
i already know to play the second one first, but is there anything else I need to know about going in? uncensored patches or anything like that?
thank you :)
There is an uncensor patch you can get from the publisher's website if I recall. It wasn't difficult to install and what it does is enable the washing minigame.
Other than that:
Save often, and ideally in different slots. This is true with most RPGs in general but in this one specifically it's possible to get cornered by wandering bosses and wiped out very quickly if you're not careful.
Gretel and Snow White are extremely overpowered to the extent that they nearly trivialize the game by applying stacking buffs to the jail roulette (to the point where you can easily get multiple free full heals and party-wide level-ups, among other things). Finding and equipping mysterious pieces really helps with this.
Gretel and Snow White can also unlock a useful ability that lets them use items in battle. That's normally a privilege reserved for Otsuu and Jack but helps a lot in fights that involve a lot of healing/status effects.
Generally the delay of [chant] spells makes them not worth using. It's generally best to use a weaker ability that goes off immediately.
While Jack can purify the party to prevent blood skelter (prevention is vastly preferably to cure) you can also manage it to a good extent by making good use of the lick mechanics. Some characters in particular are extremely useful to lick, and licking increases the jail's lust (which gives you roulette spins).
Additionally you want to figure out and hit elemental weaknesses often, not just for the bonus damage but to gain even more roulette spins. Can't emphasize enough how completely broken the stacking roulette buffs get. I'm pretty sure a big part of why game 3 splits the party the way it does is precisely so you can't break the game this hard again.
Otsuu's out-of-combat ability has the obvious use of filling in gaps, but if you get creative with it you may find several other uses. For example, if placed behind doors it can prevent nightmares from coming through, and it can also be used to manipulate movement in slippery floor puzzles.
Guns are really overpowered and greatly boost the damage of several characters that can use them. Kaguya and Sleepy are obvious choices.
Meanwhile, the "jack of all trades" characters like Rapunzel and Red Riding Hood are unfortunately on the less useful side since the game's balance is honestly a bit fucked up. They're not hopeless or anything but the way combat calculations and encounters in general work means they're going to be hitting for noticeably less than other characters given the same levels/gear.
If someone goes into blood skelter you're often better off either using Jack to cure that immediately or trying to end the fight immediately with your strongest attacks rather than using the embrace mechanic, assuming the afflicted party member doesn't just wipe the party or self-destruct. It's kind of a shame that the game's balance is as off as it is because embrace is a really cool mechanic that could have made for some very dramatic moments.
Fortunately it's pretty hard to miss story/character scenes. Just make sure to buy everyone enough gifts to max out their affection and check their scenes while at the base.
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riflebrass · 10 months
Yesterday when I was making the fries I was kinda worried because small amounts of oil were flying out of my pan and making a big mess on the stovetop. I was worried about it getting all over the burner and starting a fire.
Today while cleaning up the kitchen I found that at some point my maintenance guy installed an automatic fire extinguisher under the vent hood. This is really neat. It has a little fuse. If a fire gets big enough the flames light a fuse setting off a firecracker inside immediately dumping dry chem powder straight down onto the fire to smother the flames.
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Fast and Reliable Hood Repair in Agoura Hills – Trust Red Eagle Fire Protection Agoura Hills!
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For fast and reliable kitchen hood repair in Agoura Hills, look no further than Red Eagle Fire Protection Agoura Hills! We specialize in ensuring your kitchen remains safe and efficient with prompt and expert hood repair services. Our team of skilled technicians is dedicated to addressing any issues promptly, from cleaning filters to diagnosing mechanical problems. Trust Red Eagle Fire Protection Agoura Hills to keep your kitchen environment free from smoke and odors, enhancing both safety and convenience. With our commitment to excellence, we ensure your kitchen hood operates at peak performance, providing peace of mind for your home or business.
Red Eagle Fire Protection Agoura Hills Agoura Hills, CA (747)326-2084 https://redeaglerestfirehood.com/agoura-hills-ca/
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Trust Red Eagle Fire Protection LA for Top-Notch Hood Installation!
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Ensuring your commercial kitchen is equipped with a high-quality, professionally installed hood system is crucial for maintaining a safe and efficient environment. Our team of certified experts at Red Eagle Fire Protection LA specializes in installing state-of-the-art hood systems that effectively remove smoke, grease, and odors, enhancing air quality and reducing fire risks. We pride ourselves on our meticulous attention to detail and adherence to all safety and code requirements, providing you with a seamless installation experience. Don't compromise on safety and performance—invest in the best for your kitchen. Contact Red Eagle Fire Protection LA today to schedule your hood installation and experience unparalleled service and quality. Call us now to get started!
Red Eagle Fire Protection Los Angeles, CA (213)698-3893 https://redeaglerestfirehood.com/
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business4u · 4 months
A Comprehensive Guide for Filter Replacement Services
Are you a homeowner or business owner in Plano, Texas, concerned about the quality of your indoor air? One of the simplest yet most effective ways to improve indoor air quality is by regularly replacing your air filters. In Plano, TX, residents and businesses can benefit from professional Filter Replacement Services in Plano TX to ensure their HVAC systems run efficiently and their indoor air remains clean and healthy.
Importance of Filter Replacement
Improved Air Quality: Air filters play a crucial role in trapping dust, pollen, pet dander, and other airborne particles, preventing them from circulating throughout your home or business. Regular filter replacement ensures that your indoor air remains clean and free of pollutants, promoting a healthier living or working environment.
Optimal HVAC Performance: Dirty or clogged air filters can restrict airflow and force your HVAC system to work harder to maintain the desired temperature. This not only increases energy consumption but also puts unnecessary strain on your system, leading to premature wear and potential breakdowns. Regular filter replacement helps your HVAC system operate more efficiently, reducing energy costs and extending its lifespan.
Allergy and Asthma Relief: Clean air filters can significantly reduce indoor allergens, such as dust mites, mold spores, and pollen, providing relief for allergy and asthma sufferers. By removing these airborne particles, filter replacement services help create a healthier indoor environment where occupants can breathe more easily and comfortably.
Preventive Maintenance: Regular filter replacement is a form of preventive maintenance that can help identify potential issues with your HVAC system before they escalate into costly repairs. By monitoring the condition of your filters during replacement services, HVAC technicians can detect any signs of wear or damage and address them promptly, ensuring the continued reliability and efficiency of your system, read more: Hinge Kit Install Service in Fort Worth TX
Benefits of Professional Filter Replacement Services in Plano, TX
Expertise and Experience: Professional filter replacement services in Plano, TX, employ trained technicians with extensive experience in HVAC systems. They understand the importance of proper filter selection and installation, ensuring that you receive the right filters for your specific system and needs.
Quality Products: Professional filter replacement services use high-quality air filters that are designed to effectively capture airborne contaminants and improve indoor air quality. They can recommend the most suitable filters for your HVAC system based on factors such as filter size, MERV rating, and filtration efficiency.
Convenient Scheduling: Filter replacement services in Plano, TX, offer convenient scheduling options to accommodate your busy lifestyle or business hours. Whether you prefer regular maintenance appointments or need an emergency filter replacement, professional technicians can work with you to find a time that suits your schedule.
Comprehensive Maintenance: In addition to filter replacement, professional HVAC technicians can perform a thorough inspection of your system during service visits. They can check for any signs of wear or damage, clean critical components, and make recommendations for additional maintenance or repairs as needed, ensuring the continued performance and efficiency of your HVAC system.
How to Get Started
Ready to breathe cleaner air and ensure the optimal performance of your HVAC system with professional filter replacement services in Plano, TX? Here's how to get started:
Research: Take the time to research reputable HVAC companies offering filter replacement services in the Plano area. Look for companies with positive reviews, certifications, and a commitment to customer satisfaction.
Schedule a Service Appointment: Contact a few HVAC companies to schedule a service appointment for filter replacement. During the appointment, discuss your filter needs, indoor air quality concerns, and any other issues you may be experiencing with your HVAC system.
Regular Maintenance Plan: Consider signing up for a regular maintenance plan with your chosen HVAC company to ensure ongoing filter replacement and system maintenance. A maintenance plan can help you stay on top of your HVAC system's needs and prevent potential problems before they arise.
Investing in professional filter replacement services is a simple yet effective way to improve indoor air quality, enhance HVAC performance, and ensure the comfort and well-being of occupants in your home or business in Plano, TX. With expert service and quality products, you can breathe easier knowing that your HVAC system is in good hands. Schedule your filter replacement service today and enjoy cleaner, healthier air year-round.
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Going to pick up my mom from the hospital in a few hours. So I'm, in the meantime, printing her a cool thingy to surprise her and cheer her up. She always LOVES my 3D printing, and she was so sad when I stopped, but I stopped because I didn't want the fumes to affect her condition at all. I've, since she's last been home from the hospital, gotten and installed fans, vents, and a fume hood, all directing the fumes outside the house. So I can safely print whatever I'd like and not worry anymore!! :)
Note: this picture is of the original author's piece. Mine will look similar, I just have nothing really to show yet since the print will take about 6 hours, and it's only been about 15 minutes.
Note 2: My mom fell in love with this series when it first came out and before anyone knew the truth about the horrible author, and my mom still is very much a fan, but under no circumstances does she support Just Kidding R0wl!ng in any capacity. She has myself, a gay trans son, and loves me dearly and defends me with all her being, goes to pride parades with me, and we even planned to set up a booth and sell my art and books at pride this year until everything went downhill with her health. Because my mom has very few series she enjoys, and this is one of them, I am supporting her as she supports me. I understand how important a series can be to your life, and I know how much this one means to her. So, I found this free print, and got it for nothing, and am printing it out at no cost to anyone. I wouldn't dare fork a cent over to that damn author (who, frankly, is a disgrace to real authors like myself imo), but I will do whatever it takes to make my mom happy, especially during these extremely trying times.
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pinkiepiebones · 1 year
I installed a new hood vent for the stove, I think I've earned some anonymous love letters 🥺
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canadablower · 1 year
Ventilation by Exhaust Fans
An exhaust fan is a mechanical ventilation device that helps to draw out stale and impure air from your home and bring in fresh air, thereby improving the quality of indoor air. Exhaust fans are typically ducted to the exteriors of your house, through which bad indoor air can effectively be removed from your living space.
Exhaust fans are classified into various types, mainly depending on the type of mount and the location where you need to install the fans. The different types are:
Ceiling Mounted Exhaust Fans: As the name suggests, ceiling exhaust fans are those which are installed in the ceiling. Such fans expel stale air from your home upwards through the roof. The fan is connected to ducting, which is exhausted outside the home via an external vent, like a roof cap or soffit exhaust vent.
Inline Exhaust Fans: Unlike ceiling exhaust fans that are installed directly into the ceiling, inline exhaust fans are typically mounted in-between ducting, hence the name inline fan. For instance, if you wanted to ventilate an area that did not have clearance or space for a ceiling mount fan, you would make use of inline exhaust fans to ventilate such areas. The exhaust fan would be placed in between the ductwork and the stale air would travel through the ducts and ultimately be expelled from your home. Since inline fans are not mounted directly to the ceiling, they are very quiet. When installing an inline fan, to reduce noise, we recommend using an insulated flex duct that is at least eight feet long from the intake port on the ceiling to the inline fan. Inline exhaust fans are ideal for exhausting areas or rooms where you cannot, or do not wish to install the exhaust fan directly. Since these types of exhaust fans are mounted in remote areas, they are also referred to as remote mounted exhaust fans. Inline exhaust fans can either be single-port (exhausting from a single area) or multi-port (exhausting from multiple areas).
Wall Mounted Exhaust Fans: These exhaust fans are installed on walls. Since they are installed on exterior walls of the home and not on interior walls, the stale air has a direct route to the outside of your home and thus no duct work is required in installing these exhaust fans.
Combination Exhaust Fans: Exhaust fans are also available as combination units. You have the choice of a fan-light combination where the exhaust fan provides illumination as well, or heat-fan-light combination wherein you get a heater, light and ventilating fan all in a single device.
Exterior Remote Mounted Exhaust Fans: While most other exhaust fans are installed inside your home and push stale air out, exterior remote mounted fans are installed outside your home and pull out stale indoor air instead of pushing it out. The main benefit of these exhaust fans is that regardless of however noisy they are, most of the noise remains outside your home.
Kitchen Range Exhaust Fans: These fans are mounted inside the range hood over your kitchen stove. Such fans not only help to rid your kitchen of stale air but also help to expel bad odors and reduce moisture levels in your cooking area.
These several types of exhaust fans can be used for complete ventilation of your bilding including intermittent local ventilation for baths, kitchens, dryer rooms; continuous whole building ventilation, and for exhausting hard-to-air spaces such as crawl spaces, attics, and basements.
Canada Blower exhaust fans are very effective at ventilating your home and other living spaces. Without proper ventilation, the air inside your home can get filled with harmful contaminants and disease causing pathogens.
Pollutants such as pesticides, harmful gases, smoke, pet dander, lead, asbestos, dust mites, paint fumes, grease etc get released into indoor air due to daily activities such as cooking, smoking, burning fuel, bathing, renovating etc. In addition to these pollutants, activities such as bathing, cooking, and washing also release excess moisture in the air and make indoor air extremely humid. If not ventilated adequately, these added pollutants and increased moisture levels can decrease the quality of indoor air greatly, thereby leading to various problems such as:
Health problems including asthma, allergies, nose bleeds, skin rashes, headaches, nausea, and other breathing disorders. In fact, according to the Environmental Protection Agency, a large percentage of the over 20 million annual asthma cases in the US alone can be attributed to bad indoor air quality.
Split, warped and rotted furniture due to excess humidity.
Cracked and peeling paint on the walls.
Formation of fungus, mold spores, and mildew, which in turn lead to severe health problems.
Thus, by using exhaust fans to ventilate your building efficiently and completely, thereby improving indoor air quality, you can avoid of all these problems ventilating.com fanblower.com highpressureblower.net industrialblowerfan.com industrialfanblower.net industrialfanblower.com pressureblower.net northernindustrialsupplycompany.com industrialpressureblower.com tenderall.com chicagoblowercanada.com cbblower.com buffaloblower.com buffalofan.com nis-co.com canadianblower.com olegsystems.com canadablower.com abbblower.com acmefan.net industrialblower.net fansandblowers.net americanblower.net barryfan.com cincinnatifan.net canadafans.com barryfan.net.
When sizing a Canada Blower exhaust fan that does not open directly to the outside but is ducted, it is important to ensure that the exhaust fan has the capability to move stale air throughout the duct and ultimately to the outside. Here, we first need to understand what static pressure and equivalent duct length is.
Inside every duct, there is a constant pressure being exerted at any point from all directions. When an exhaust fan moves air through the duct, the air counters resistance from this pressure which is known as static pressure. Thus, an exhaust fan has to have the ability to overcome the static pressure in a duct so as to effectively duct stale air to the outside of your home. This can be done by calculating the equivalent duct length of any duct.
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rydariot · 2 years
A younger reploid had been gawking at the former Hunter since before Vile was cut from the unit. The blue reploid was a street racer, scratches near his maintenance panels, and proof of black-market maintenance. The expensive chrome adorning his joints and vents were in direct opposition to the shady marks on his body. Vile was, at the very least, curious about him.
So, one day, he received intel from the racer. Found out his story, that he used to be an actor - figures he'd never escape the theatrical types - and ditched the brighter side of society for the infamous Maverick Street Racing Syndicate. It wasn't entirely Maverick run, but welcomed them like any other reploid.
He was a valuable source of intel, that's all.
Soon enough, Vile learned his name- Ryda. They got along well, and on a day with low Maverick activity, the blue reploid made an odd offer.
"Want to go drinking?"
Vile scoffed at the offer. "Why?" He asked. "We can't tell the difference. Can't get drunk."
"I can."
Purple looked at blue. "What? You're shitting me, Ryda."
Turns out, this strange source of intel had an alcohol sensor mod. He offered to pay for the installation for Vile, and after a good nanosecond of contemplation, he took the offer. After the quick installation, Ryda offered to treat Vile to what he called a "Bourbon slick," a mixture of bourbon and motor oil, and they went from intel partners to drinking buddies.
Months passed, and Vile became more... unhinged. Visits to bars with Ryda turned into the blue reploid drinking a seltzer while the hunter picked drunken fights. He seemed to rave more about his job, about how stupid "the fight" was.
And then, his life collapsed.
Ryda was in the middle of a race, lights trailing, tires skidding through turns. He chose to take a cheap shortcut- a narrow alley with no inhabitants- to gain some head in the race. The reddish light at the opening of the alley grew as he drove closer, closer....
Purple and gold crashed into his hood, and Ryda yelled in surprise.
A red pinpoint shone through the darkness, and his core faltered for a moment.
The bulkier bot lifted himself up. His movements seemed uncanny, *off.* He had his shoulder gun equipped, and soot dusted the barrel.
"Vile! Hey!" Ryda slammed his door, eyes wide, panicking. "Vile, what's- are you okay?"
"...They cut me."
Silence tore through the air. Sirens and MH radios wailed in the distance
"From... from the unit?"
Vile stood silent.
"...Why? You're not Maverick. You're- you're their best-"
Ryda blinked. "No, what? Did... did you... are you..."
Pieces slowly began to fall together for the racer. The slow descent into anger. His odd movement. That... that strange pinprick of red from the pitch of his helmet.
He stepped closer to Ryda, who stood still.
"It's infectious."
"It isn't airborne, but by touch. If you never want to see me again, that's up to you. I won't stop-"
Metal touched metal. Viles hands hovered as he was *hugged.* His servos heated up as he realized he had never been embraced.
He also realized that through the fog of the virus, one thing didn't make him angry.
Well, one person.
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List of Improvements to Duplex
There had been no maintenance in the front or backyard. The backyard had numerous bushes and trees. We took out all but one tree. We leveled the ground. The backyard grass is from seed. One tree was taken out of the front yard. The front yard grass is also from seed. Flowers were put in (there were none before). 
Poured concrete walkway from the front entrance of 122, around the back, to the washer and dryer room on the other side. It’s been painted red.
Small fences on each side. Anchored in concrete. There’s also two gates, one on each side. 
An insulated maintenance building with lights was built for maintenance equipment on a concrete slab next to the walkway. It also has gutters, so that there will be no runoff to the neighbors. 
New front doors with leaded glass for both units 118 and 122. 
New back doors for both units. 
New locks were put in for both units. 
On all four corners and in the middle of the building’s east and west sides, two-lamp movement-activated fixtures have been hardwired in. 
New front door light fixtures were installed for each unit. 
An attic fan that automatically turns on at 90 degrees. 
A hose and a hose holder for both units.
Ceiling fans into both bathrooms that turn on with lights. 
New fast-flow toilets for both units.
Major plumbing work on unit 118 before tiling the floor and wall. 
A sliding door to the bathtub on unit 118. 
New mirrors for wall and medicine cabinet and new light fixtures for each, in the unit 118 bathroom. 
A new sink, cabinet and water fixture to unit 118 bathroom. 
Wainscotting, wallpaper and crown molding to the unit 118 bathroom.
Totally repainted unit 118. The closets, drawers, walls, ceiling, trim and everything else.
New floors throughout unit 118. Stone in bathroom, matching stone in kitchen, on counter and below sink in cabinet, wood in living room area and closets. 
New wood flooring in the large room and closet for unit 118. 
Crown molding in the large room for unit 118.
All new venetian blinds for unit 118. 
A brand new stove, stove cover, and refrigerator from Lowes. 
A new fan and multiple new lights to the kitchen in unit 118. 
New wall furnaces, which replaced the floor units for both units 118 & 122. 
A new air conditioner in unit 118. 
Resurfaced, restained and surfaced the original oak hardwood floor in unit 122. 
A stone floor, wainscotting, wallpaper, crown molding and a new mirror to the bathroom of unit 122. 
New light fixtures to unit 122. 
A new commode to unit 122. 
Repainted every room in unit 122. 
New fire and carbon monoxide detectors in both units. 
New kitchen flooring and new counters that match the floor. 
A new air vent/range hood in the kitchen of both units.
Both a new front door and a new back door. 
Repainted the entire unit.
Painted all walkways red, for both units 118 and 122. 
All trim was painted black for both units 118 and 122. 
Repainted the entire washer and dryer room. 
There is a heat pump for the bedroom of unit 122.
There is room in the back for more units or garages. It also has an alley in the back for ingress and egress.
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