hydor-coining · 3 months
could wei request a term for a median system that feels like a venn diagram in that each facet is a circle on the diagram and the conciousness can be in any point on the venn diagram?
name doesn't matter and wei don't need a flag (though feel free to make one if you want)
Venn(d)ian / Venn System
Vennian, or venndian or Venn System, is a term for a median system that feel like, functions like or is best represented as or by a Venn Diagram due to each facet/alter/headmate/part/etc. being its own circle with the consciousness falling in any point on the diagram.
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Term and flags coined by Exe B.C. of SOA on 28 June 2024. Requested by birdiestbugbuddy.
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