liamhirano · 4 years
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liam has known vida long enough that sharing a room feels like sharing a room with a cousin or something and he’s glad she was down with the idea, since he can easily admit he’ll miss her next year at gallagher. “hey, so, should we lay sound ground rules? for you, more than for me,” he says with a grin, because she’s the one with a whole boyfriend. “do you think he’s gonna come over here more often or you’re gonna go there or it’s even? have you compared our hotels online yet? ours is really nice, though, can’t front.” / @venividavici​
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scottrileys · 4 years
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another fourth year with the potential of knowing what the fuck was going on: vida torres. luckily their conversation from the party went swimmingly well, so he feels like they’re on a level where he can approach her with these things. “ knock knock, ” he announces and waltzes into room. with a quick wave, he greets vida as he says, “ buenos dias, linda. do you have time for a quick chat? ”
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graysonberkshire · 5 years
He’s not sure why he did the survey, aside from the fact that Kass is involved in the party planning, and probably wouldn’t let him end up with someone who secretly hates him. And he would rather meet someone this way, slim as the chances are, than be threatened with another blind date. He’s surprised that Vida was the outcome, though not in a bad way. She seems much more opinionated and outspoken than he’s ever been, so he’s not sure how they...matched.. “I know Valentine’s Day is a commercial holiday and I’m speaking in a fake accent, which sort of just...adds to the falsity of the night, but I’m vowing now not to be too awful as a date you didn’t choose.” Feels like he’s just digging himself into a hole with that one. / @venividavici​
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emmettblack · 3 years
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He’s home alone when he gets the call. Vida’s out running errands as Emmett waits for her, watching TV with Bart and Gilly resting beside him. He doesn’t answer the first call, the screen showing his uncle's name. It’s probably nothing he thinks to himself until the second call. From his father. Something is wrong and they need him.
He answers but doesn’t get the chance to say anything. His father’s words stopped him from doing so. The phone call lasts for only thirty seconds before his father hangs up, leaving Emmett to just sit there with a tight jaw and expressionless eyes. Even with his two cats meowing and trying to get his attention, he doesn’t hear a single thing. All he can hear is his father’s words.
“We need you, Ji-Hun. It’s time for you to leave.”
tw: death (ish), violence, kashia’s bullshit
Emmett and Vida do live peacefully together! Okay, they do have their ups and downs every once in a while but they’re strong and continue dating. He’s happy, they’re both happy.
Unfortunately Polo dies in December of 2021. Emmett is heartbroken and doesn’t get another fish afterwards. No one can replace his favorite fishboy.
Treats Bart and Gilly as his actual children, probably loves them more than he loves Vida ( which is saying a lot ).
Three years into being a spy and Emmett finds himself no longer loving the job as much. It’s nice and all but it doesn’t… feel right. The only person to know of this is his grandfather who visits alongside Emmett’s grandmother. The two go out for lunch to talk about life and Emmett reveals this to the older man. His grandfather asks him the question “ are you sure this is what you want to do? “ Emmett is unable to answer him, his grandfather doesn’t push him. They move on from the topic and it’s never brought up again.
If you don’t think Emmett is considering proposing to Vida then you’re dead wrong! It’s on his mind but he just doesn’t have the courage to ask her. He’s waiting for the perfect moment to ask her, he just doesn’t know when.
So that phone call? Yeah, he gets it on August 24th, 2027. After that his entire vibe is just off. He doesn’t tell Vida about it, he can’t even though he wants to. Everything within him wants to tell her but he can’t do that.
It takes him a month to get everything ready. He puts in his two weeks notice with MI6 and asks them to keep it a secret. He doesn’t pack any clothes, leaves behind all electronics and cards as he disappears when Vida isn’t home. He has to cover all of his tracks so that no one is able to track him, mainly his girlfriend. His family gives him a new phone with a new number, a plane ticket, and a new identity. Emmett Blackthorne is gone.
BEFORE YOU CONTINUE READING!!!! This part of Emmett’s life will be roleplayed ( idk where aigaojgao ) so it might not be exactly like this rip. But either way, here’s a basic summary of what I want to happen. So please enjoy!!
He moves to South Korea and goes by a new name Yoon Woo-Jin. His parents suggested that he goes by his Korean name and mother’s maiden name, Cho Ji-Hun. However, he goes against it only because he knew that Vida would find him like that. He gets a place to himself and immediately starts working.
His mission? To help an old family friend destroy a new gang from the inside out. While new, the group is stronger than others and growing at a rapid rate. Said gang has been starting problems, doing everything in their power to take control of everyone within their vicinity. Emmett is to not only take down this gang by creating a rapport with them but to put the group into their place. Remind them to stay in their lanes and not to disrespect those older than them.
It’s not too bad, the mission. The worst part is the lack of communication. He’s not allowed to reach out to any of his friends, only his parents, his mother’s family, and those within the gang. He knows Vida’s number better than he knows his own. Almost texts and calls her throughout his entire stay. Drunk him can’t be trusted, he legit almost called her to confess everything. Stops himself every single time.
On Vida’s end, she’s going crazy. Ever since his disappearance, she’s been trying to find him. From asking around at work, reaching out to their friends, and even his family. The Blackthornes say nothing despite knowing where he is. No matter what she does or tries to look for, she can’t find him. For six months, she tries to find him, using every single one of her resources until there’s nothing left. It’s when she comes to a stop still that someone does reach out to her, Sunbin Blackthorne. Emmett’s mother.
During those six months, Emmett has risen in his ranks. He makes himself a useful and valuable asset. He poses as a dedicated member who will do anything for the leader, a man without a family, that’s Yoon Woo-Jin. The complete opposite of the family originated and fun loving Emmett Blackthorne. This new persona is quiet, keeps to himself, and does what he’s told. The leader likes that a lot about him, Woo-Jin is the man for him.
The only problem with him climbing the ranks so quickly is that people grow suspicious of him. They try to look into him, they watch him closely, and follow him wherever he goes. Emmett is forced to be even more careful and cautious of what he does and where he goes. Besides, at this rate, the gang will be destroyed within a few more months. He just has to hold off until then.
But not everything goes like he wants it to when Vida Torres arrives. He gets back to his apartment after a fight with another group where he sees her. Still as beautiful as ever, even as she glares at him with red eyes. He doesn’t give her a chance to talk before he pulls her in for a hug. He cries, she cries, they go inside his apartment. Unknown to the two are the peering eyes that watch the pair walk into the apartment.
Comes to find out that it was his mother who told Vida everything, the older woman giving in because she felt bad. To be left out of the loop about your partner’s whereabouts and mission, it was unfair and she didn’t deserve that. Apologies and a lot of yelling later, he tells her everything. “Just a month or two and I’ll be done. I’ll go back to you, I promise,” is what he tells her as he holds onto her tight. He only needed one more month and he’ll be fine.
Word about him having a girl got out, the other members teasing him about it. He can take petty and dumb teasing but he does not tolerate disgusting comments about the love of his life. One guy tries it, another member at the same ranking as Emmett. He doesn’t appreciate it, he attacks the guy. The two come out of the fight with bruises, a busted lip, and a black eye on the other guy. To the gang, Woo-Jin is always calm and doesn’t bother listening to any of them. Yet here he is, attacking one of them because of something they said about his girl. It’s called he’s in love you fuckers! This doesn’t go well, the other guy is pissed and he’s holding a grudge. Remember him everyone.
As for Emmett and Vida, well, he doesn’t tell her to leave. Honestly, he loves her company. Nor does he tell her to be careful, she’s a spy. If anyone tries to come for her, she’ll take care of them. He takes Vida to meet his mother’s side of the family. The Cho’s own a small restaurant, it’s really cute and homey. They’re a bunch of civilians who aren’t aware of the Blackthorne's true profession but they do know that the family is rich. It’s nice, the two feel normal being with them.
Unknown to the couple, the man that Emmett attacked is known as Lee Sang-Woo is already planning his revenge. He’s not a fan of this newbie climbing the rankings so quickly. Instead of attacking Emmett directly, he tries to find out who he is. By that, he wants to know where he came from and if he’s actually loyal to the group. Ends up finding a trace to the man that Emmett is really working for. Nam Do-Hun, the leader of a well established mafia with ties in the political world in South Korea and minor influences in the entertainment business. The Nam family are a group that had issues with this gang constantly entering their terrority. Using Emmett to destroy them from the inside is just a lot easier and cleaner to do than having them all killed.
But because of this small trace, it gets bad for Emmett and now Vida who’s staying with him. Instead of attacking the two, Sang-Woo and the gang leader set up a plan. The plan is to give Emmett a reason to contact the Nam family and have them meet him somewhere. Probably has him escort or watch over the gang leader. He falls for the bait because he’s been waiting for this moment.
The Nam family arrives but waiting for them is the gang. Big bad, a fight breaks out. Emmett, who is usually a king when fighting, is getting JUMPED by the gang leadr and Sang-Woo. But guess who comes to his rescue? You guessed it, the love of his life Vida <3. They’re literally kicking ass together because they’re SOULMATES.
During the middle of this big ol’ fight, Emmett sees Vida just kicking ass and he just blurts how much he loves her. And asks her to marry him. While people are fighting around them. While gunshots are being fired. She says yes. They kiss, they then go back to fighting.
The mission successfully ends but with casualties. Many were injured, some to the point where they were to be hospitalized. But either way, Emmett’s mission to destroy said gang comes to an end and he’s able to return home with Vida.
They get married :) It’s really cute, they’re both so happy, everyone is happy for them.
Emmett stops being a spy and goes down the route of assassination. Years later he becomes the new Blackthorne head. He loves it here <3
Him and Vida have a lot kids! Most are children that they adopt, idk how many pls ask strud. The torthorne kids get to decide on if they want to become spies, assassins, or just civilians.
Very happy with his wife and children. Simply refuses to die and leave them behind so he works extra hard during each mission ( sometimes he comes back a mess but who cares <3 He’s alive )
Dies of old age <3
I love my son.
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noahwxrd · 3 years
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“I am on the verge of crying happy tears at the fact that you’re here! Do you know how much I missed you? Gallagher is simply not the same without you,” she states with a grin. “Tell me, do you approve of my dress?” She takes a quick twirl. Vida’s opinion always matters!
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hqgalpal · 3 years
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When he opened his eyes, he was met with a stranger standing above him and the sun that acted as their halo. At first, he believed that he was dreaming as he blinked several times, his vision slowly becoming more clear as the seconds went by. One minute he was dancing with his frat brothers, strobe lights that lit up the house and alcohol that made the room spin. Next thing he knew, he was laying on what felt like grass and somewhere on campus. Great. As his vision cleared, Emmett realized one thing about the individual: they were beautiful. Everything about them screamed ethereal and out of this world. “An angel,” he said out loud, truly believing that he kept that to himself. But that doesn’t stop there as he slowly pushed himself up from the ground. “Am I dead?” 
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ofaylin · 3 years
starter for @venividavici​
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– “VIDA! I NEED TO YOU TO COME WITH ME RIGHT NOW, it’s an emergency, ” aylin says, pure PANIC on her features when she runs to grab vida’s hand in the middle of the ballroom and tug her away from whoever she was talking to. “ the emergency is that i missed you so much and we need to catch up right away or i will DIE. i hope you know cpr. ” she takes the moment to pull her old roommate into a hug, holding her at arms length before she adds : “ oh, and i LOVE your shoes, by the way. hi. ” 
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hudsonisms · 3 years
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       “ OH WOW, VIDA, ”   he smiles at the sight of the girl, a pleasant surprise.   “ didn’t you graduate ?   i wasn’t expecting to see you here. ”   maybe it should be weirder to see the fourth year last year that had been assigned to protect him from this place, but hudson’s just happy to see a familiar face.   “ how are you ? ”    @venividavici​​
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venividavici · 4 years
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The 𝓖𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓪𝓰𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓐𝓬𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓶𝔂 𝓕𝓸𝓻 𝓔𝔁𝓬𝓮𝓹𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓪𝓵 𝓨𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓰 𝓟𝓮𝓸𝓹𝓵𝓮 ’s
                                Graduating Class of 2020
LOUIS REDGRAVE:  Advanced Encryption and Research & Development ➞ FBI, Washington, D.C., USA
ALEC HILL:  Threat Elimination and Protection & Enforcement ➞ Secret Service, Washington, D.C., USA
DIMITRI ORLOV:  Covert Operations ➞ Heartfield Enterprises, Washington, D.C., USA
EMMETT BLACKTHORNE:  Driver’s Ed and Seduction & Flirtation ➞ MI6, London, England
VIDA TORRES:  Advanced Encryption and Seduction & Flirtation ➞ MI6, London, England
GRAYSON BERKSHIRE:  Weapons Training and Covert Operations ➞ NSA, Maryland, USA
                           Congratulations, graduates!
@redgrve @alecxhill @dimitriorlov @emmettblack @venividavici @graysonberkshire
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vohras · 3 years
closed starter for @venividavici​
“Cool hair,” Kat commented. “One blond to another.” Vida was the third person that they noticed who stuck their head in a vat of bleach. There were more unnatural blondes in the crowd, probably, but, eh, the buzzword was noticed. Color Kat intrigued by what they’ve seen, no harm in finding out if they had more in common. “I haven’t seen you around before. Are you new?”
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gallagherhqs · 3 years
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delilahsfm · 4 years
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           “ VIDA ! “   as soon as she enters the bar, the other girl is met with a gracious hug from delilah, as well as a kiss on both cheeks.   “ you came !   you’re so pretty, did you know that ?   i’m excited for us to be FRIENDS this summer, “   the brunette grins, squeezing her arms lightly.   “ drink ? “   //  @venividavici​
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oofluc · 4 years
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GAY BAR ADVENTURES WITH GROUP SIXTEEN FEATURING: @cyrusdiaz, @venividavici, @nazfarhi, @delilahsfm, @specdracers !! 
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escarras · 4 years
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featuring soren avery ( @soreavs ), maxine brandt ( @brandtmax ) and honorable vida torres mention ( @venividavici ).
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emmettblack · 4 years
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“Daily reminder that I love you and that I’ll never leave you.” 
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rowanendsley · 5 years
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gallagher goes greek - 25/?
vida torres as tyche 
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