*living la dolce vida
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AYLIN KALELI / GALLAGHER nature ain't a fruit machine, she's gotta keep her credits clean. good things come to those who wait, but i ain't in a patient phase.
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ofaylin · 4 years ago
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“  c’mon ,  that’s  a  hundred  percent  the  same  thing .  ”  he  laughs ,  maybe  he’s  just  finding  a  joy  in  arguing  with  her  about  things  that  don’t  matter .  it  feels  almost  juvenile ,  like  them  a  year  ago  as  opposed  to  now ,  knowing  everything  that  they  do .  it’s  a  bit  hard ,  though ,  because  it  just  reminds  him  of  how  easy  things  could  be .  he’ll  just  have  to  remind  himself  that  they  broke  up  for  a  reason .  “  alright ,  maybe  they  do .  but  i  always  know  it’s  a  trick  and  could  choose  not  to  fall  for  it  if  i  really  wanted .  ”  but  she’s  always  so  HAPPY  when  she’s  winning ,  when  she  gets  to  have  that  advantage ,  and  he  likes  giving  her  it .  “  okay ,  i’ll  agree  to  not  challenge  you  so  long  as  you  don’t  challenge  me .  i  have  tricks ,  too ,  you  know ?  ”  he  doesn’t ,  not  one ,  but  he  can’t  say  that  even  if  he  knows  she  knows  it ,  too .  the  laughter  that  leaves  seb’s  lips  is  one  of  mischief ,  for  one ,  being  caught ,  and  two ,  continuing  anyway .  her  face  is  just  so  funny ,  he  can’t  not .  “  i’m  just  stating  facts ,  nothing  malicious .  if  you  wanna  get  pissed  off  at  that . .  that’s  not  my  fault .  ”  lifts  his  palms  in  a  slight  shrug ,  hoping  the  nonchalance  pisses  her  off  more .   “  yeah ,  it  was  so  close .  maybe  even  closer  than  that .  ”  he  nods  to  her  fingers  before  he  sighs  .  “  and  you  still  couldn’t  beat  me .  next  year  you  gotta  step  your  game  up ,  kaleli ,  i’m  not  messing  about .  ”
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– “IT’S NOT, IT’S NOT AT ALL!” SHE ARGUES IMMEDIATELY, looking at him with incredulity as if she’s shocked that he’s daring to challenge her again, “ because it’s NOT part of your charm, it’s just something that your charm helps you with, it’s totally different. whatever. this right now is not part of your charm, by the way. this is the embarrassing yourself part. ” she has to bite her lip in order to hide her smile, because there’s no REAL fight behind her argument right now, just arguing for the sake of it and...she’s strangely just really happy that they can talk like this after everything, and she hadn’t even realized that she was so scared that it was all lost. she hadn’t realized a lot of things. “ see, but that’s part of the trick. you don’t want to, ” aylin teases, eyes flashing. she’s pretty sure that she’s got him there ! “ i can’t make any promises. besides, i’ve yet to see any of these tricks, i’m not sure i even believe you. ” aylin glares at seb as he laughs again, crossing her arms over her chest. “ yeah, if facts have suddenly become subjective, ” she huffs, though she can’t help the way her jaw drops when he dares to push the narrative again, still testing her. she raises her chin to meet his eyes. “ next year, it’s going to be so far apart that this conversation won’t even be on my RADAR. i’m not worried about that. ” 
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ofaylin · 4 years ago
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he's  made  her  laugh ,   and  for  that  he  knows  he  said  the  right  thing ,   made  the  right  choice  in  just  continuing  the  attempt  of  being  civil .   he  still  feels  like  he  has  so  much  to  ask  her ,  tell  her  about  and  explain  —  but  it's  conversations  like  that  which  risk conversations  like  this  even  being  possible ,  and  he'd  much  rather  them  be  possible .  “  i  think  we  both  know  i'll  always  embarrass  myself ,  it's  part  of  the  charm .  "  he  can't  actually  say  it  with  a  straight  face ,  but  it's  kind  of  true .  maybe  it’s  just  because  he’s  so  good  at  it . "  i  never  said  you  weren't  but  i  don't  think  you're  toughness  would  work  against  me  —  and  i  know  a  lot  of  your  tricks ,  aylin ,  so  fighting  dirty  might  not  work  either .  "  seb  laughs ,  he  doesn't  know  if  it's  the  alcohol ,  the  weed ,  the  conversation  or  just  her ,  but  he's  having  a  great  time .  obviously  he  also  doesn't  expect  her  to  stab  him .  ”  i  didn't  think  i  could .  “  seb says ,  since  he  thinks  if  it  is  that ,  it's  fine  because ,  mood .   "  an  a's  pretty  decent ,  well  done .  "  seb  congratulates ,  though  maybe  a  little  smugly  because  they  share  the  feat .  "  but  if  i  didn’t  beat  you  on  that  test  you  would  have  beaten  me .  ”  he  adds ,  stirring  the  pot  yet  again .
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– LAUGHTER’S ALWAYS COME EASY AROUND HIM, and she thinks he’s probably the best person she’s ever known at pulling it out of her. maybe that’s why it’s so easy to be civil now, because seb has always, when he wants to, been able to make her smile. still, she knows there’s a thin line and either of them could CHOOSE to turn the tables at any moment like they have mny times before. right now, she wants to stay right here – it’s the last night before the summer, after all. “ is it ? i don’t know if i’d say that, ” she narrows her eyes playfully at him, “ i think the charm just HELPS cover your ass, really. ” never mind that she’s paid him a bit of a compliment, even if it’s disguised as an insult. “ what ?! i feel like my tricks usually WORK on you, that’s the thing ! ” though maybe only because he’s let them. “ anyway, you don’t know ALL of my tricks, so it’s just for the best that you didn’t challenge me. ” she isn’t going to stab him, not with all these people around anyway. “ are you trying to piss me off ? ” her jaw drops before she outright accuses, “ you’re trying to piss me off ! and you’re right, i WOULD have beaten you ! it was this close, ” she holds two fingers up in a tiny pinching motion. 
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ofaylin · 4 years ago
It’s unspoken law when Trinity gets drunk she has to hit the bathroom every twenty minutes. Not to piss, but to check the mirror and make sure she still looks good (she still looks good). She runs her tongue against her teeth (lipstick check) and cups her boobs with her hands (tittie check) and doesn’t recognize Aylin is even there at first because she too is modeling in the mirror. Aylin gives her first impression when she speaks, Trinity turning and not even bothering to hide the once over she gives everyone. But Trinity’s made half her girl friends in a bathroom, grinning. She knows Aylin. “Oh my god, stop! Not really though, keep going.” Can’t take a compliment to save her life. “Yeah girl, it’s hard being the only two people at Gallagher with any style. You always look hot at these things.” Since she’s obviously noticed. 
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– AYLIN KNOWS OF TRINITY, doesn’t know her PERSONALLY, but she knows that she’s martina’s cousin and that she had a thing with levi, because she used to read the gossip blog before it got shut down #freestacy. “ i KNOW, it’s a bit exhausting holding down the fort like this, but...someone has to do it, right ? ” aylin grins, winking at the other girl before turning back to the mirror with her lipstick. she looks good as hell and she knows it, and she’s flattered that trinity has noticed her BEFORE, not that she blames her – it’s true ! total heart eyes though, because it’s a great compliment. “ back at you, obviously. you wore that little purple skirt to the spring festival, right ? obsessed. ” 
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ofaylin · 4 years ago
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it’s  easier  if  they  do  continue  to  just  not  be  exes  right  now ,  to  pretend  he  is  fine  with  once  again  seeing  julian  on  her  arm  and  act  like  he’s  not  bothered  by  this  space  between  them ,  like  he  would  rather  talk  about  food  hall  life  hacks  than  to  know  about  her  day  or  how  she  is .  though  on  the  topic  of  being  in  love  with  her ,  he  doesn’t  know  whether  teasing  her  here  is  comfortable  or  just  ingenuine ,  whether  it’s  best  to  just  smile  and  nod .  “  i  don’t  think  i’ll  have  an  issue ,  to  be  honest .  ”  seb  decides  on  instead ,  though  being  cocky  wasn’t  in  the  plan  tonight .  “  they  do  the  meatless  ones ,  i  don’t  know  if  they’re  good ,  though .  ”  but  he’d  think  so  since  the  chefs  are  still  decent .  “  —  but  alright ,  i’ll  flirt  with  ivan  and  get  meatballs  on  greek  day .  ”   if  nothing  but  to  prove  to  her  he  could ,  and  he  will  cling  to  the  idea  of  keeping  her  updated  on  these  little  escapades .  “  i  guess  i’m  just  interested  to  know  what  you’d  do . .   do  you  think  you  could  make  me  leave ?  ”  and  he  means  that  purely  physical ,  so  there’s  a  soft  chuckle  leaving  his  lips  because  aylin  does  not  have  the  strength ,   though  seb  would  probably  make  her  think  she  does  and  leave  willingly .  his  grin  will  only  grow  at  her  reaction .  “  what  ?  didn’t  think  i  could  ?  ”  and  perhaps  seb  didn’t ,  either .  he’s  assuming  everyone  just  had  a  very  bad  week  and  it  had  nothing  to  do  with  the  hours  of  studying  he  put  in ,  but  it  feels  kind  of  good ,  he  likes  it .  and  as  she’ll  step  closer  his  gaze  will  follow  her ,  almost  nervous  for  just  a  second .  “  a .  ”  he’ll  let  hang  for  a  second .  “  —  i  don’t  expect  to  beat  you  overall ,  though .  ”  and  while  he  had  a  good  start  to  the  year ,  that  second  semester  start  fucked  him  slightly ,  or  at  least  from  the  a+ .   
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– THERE’S SOMETHING BOTH SWEET AND SAD ABOUT SMALL TALK LIKE THIS. maybe it’s because she knows what it’s like to be more intimate with him, to tell him everything she’s feeling and thinking instead of keeping it on the surface level where it’s SAFE. and though aylin is the kind of girl that says she enjoys safe, wants things to be EASY, she’s also the kind of girl that’s easily bored, and being with seb...well, it was certainly exciting. safe is entirely new territory for them. she’ll toy with the temptation to ruin it, but only for a moment. “ wow, alright ! ” she laughs at his cocky response, “ i guess we’ll just see about that then. hope you don’t embarrass yourself, seb. ” she teases him, but she kind of hopes that he will report back. “ what ? ” her lips purse, scrunching her features together, “ of course i could ! ” aylin takes off her jacket so that she can flex, hopefully displaying muscle, “ i’m tougher than i LOOK. just because my arms don’t account for half my body weight like SOME people doesn’t mean i can’t...do some damage. and if all fails, i fight dirty. ” the knife she keeps on her is bedazzled, naturally. not that she’s going to stab him...probably. his wide smile causes her to pause, jaw going slack in indignation. “ it’s...not that, ” she protests, because it’s not that she didn’t think seb was smart, she just...thought she was smarter. “ also an a, ” she admits, without the plus, and perhaps it’s the fact that they’ve tied that gets her to drop her walls for a moment : “ it was a hard semester, so. managed to save it from a b, though. at least you didn’t beat me. ” 
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ofaylin · 4 years ago
starter for @trinibarra​
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– AYLIN FLUFFS HER HAIR IN THE BATHROOM MIRROR and does a couple poses because she’s drunk and she always has to model in the bathroom mirror for a bit when she’s vibing like that. only then does she realize there’s someone next to her. they’re in a similar color palette : red dress, red jacket. that already makes aylin feel competitive before she’s even looked up at her face ( aylin often starts a first impression with people’s shoes. ) “ i SWEAR it’s not just because we have the same vibe, but i really love your outfit, ” she comments, voice way too loud and clearly drunk, “ some people showed up looking sooo boring, but you look really hot. ” 
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ofaylin · 4 years ago
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Aylin’s so cute he might actually die because of it, and he does nothing for a moment except look at her — the way he always does — before he takes her hand and presses a kiss to the raised index finger. “I don’t want to find out. I’d be a colossal moron if I piss you off.” He’d actually hate himself for it. He keeps her close to him, arms firm around her as he slowly move to the music played. He lets out a chuckle at her words. “It’s a neat wardrobe,” he defends only lightly, but it’s no use. Aylin’s always been outspoken when it comes to his clothing style. “Hmm, maybe.” His tone is subtly playful. It’s not the first time he lets her pick his outfit for an event, but he’s still getting used to wearing something so outside his comfort zone. “Because I want to know.”
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– AYLIN MAKES A FACE AT HIM WHEN HE LIFTS HER FINGER, kissing the top of it. she narrows her eyes, “ i’m intimidating you, stop that. ” she waves her hand dismissively, but his expression shows that he’s not going to take her seriously. “ but at least you’re RIGHT about that ! thank you for taking my advice, ” she’ll take that as a win, validated in her suggestion – and, let’s face, aylin pretty much KNOWS that she has julian wrapped around her finger and she loves it. she’s actually quiet for a moment, pausing only to roll her eyes at his wardrobe comment – she doesn’t think it warrants a response – caught up in the music and the ease that comes from dancing with him. he’s good at it, and under the lights of gallagher’s ballroom, she feels almost like a princess. “ okay, then you’d better remember, too. later i’ll test you. ” 
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ofaylin · 4 years ago
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Noah laughs. Both of them are lightweights and aren’t heavy drinkers, though the latter does change when it comes to parties. “Are we on a mission to find the best drink tonight?” She grins. Bad idea, Noah. “Like, something with a dramatic pose! Like models do in magazines, you know.”
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– “MAYBE WE SHOULD BE!” AYLIN AGREES EXCITEDLY. “ if caden doesn’t sweep you away before the night is halfway over, ” she adds, because there is a habit of that, it kind of feels like the honeymoon phase is never-ending for those two. “ oh. noah, i pose like that all the time. ” the only thing keeping her from the runway is her stature ! 
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ofaylin · 4 years ago
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“Mm, missed your calling maybe,” she remarks, a smile in her eyes as well as on her lips. “Well, I would say it sucks that the odds of you getting Noah as a roommate again are pretty slim, but I’m honestly happier I got to have both of you at the same time, so I can’t be that sorry,” Vida admits with a shrug in return, followed by a jovial wink. “You know as well as I do that that kind of thing is a decision you have to come to on your own,” she tells her, shaking her head, then creases her brow, holding up both her hands in front of her, but she’s really just showing off her nails. “What, what— what is it?”
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– “PROBABLY,” AYLIN AGREES, “ though there’s always TIME, vida, i’m still young ! ” she protests. aylin is only twenty years old, after all, and she still likes to think she holds the world in the palm in her hand, that she could become anyone. “ it’s true, the memories are so good that i can’t be too angry, ” she agrees, “ though preferably all three of my roommates for next year just don’t come back and then i get my own room. ” that would be the BEST scenario, as aylin is not great at sharing. aylin presses her lips together, but doesn’t continue to comment. “ ooh, i love this color ! ” momentarily distracted by her nails, “ but nope, nothing, just checking something. ” 
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ofaylin · 4 years ago
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“Which one’s dating Noah?” Martina asked, still on the couple. The smile that absently grew on her lips was sweet, but not for the reasons Aylin may have expected. “Oh, yeah, I came with one of my fave cousins, Trinity. She’s —” Martina’s trance broke to look towards the bar, bouncing from head to head. “That’s her, in the red trench. We’re more like sisters, and we, um, made a pact for tonight. No boys allowed.” Haha. “What about you, Queen B? Did you bring someone?” Martina knew so little about Aylin’s love life, and that needed to change immediately. Her attention ricocheted from Aylin to the couple, who appeared sealed in a bubble that suspended Aylin and Martina’s intense stares weightless, as they didn’t notice the two girls staring. “Oh my god, I feel like they could? Like one of them def wants to kiss, but they both look kinda shy, I don’t know if….” Martina started. A gasp pulled air in her mouth as the couple’s sways slowed, leaning in for a lip-lock. “Oh my god!” Her clutch on Aylin’s arm tightened, a squeal held captive behind her pressed lips. “They’re kissing!” she stage-whispered, jumping up and down on her heels. “I’m gonna cry!”
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– “CADEN’S DATING NOAH, levi’s dating...skylar ? ” aylin made that up, but she wonders if the rumor will take. sometimes she just says stuff. “ ohhh, wow, ” aylin glances across the room at trinity with martina’s direction, “ she looks hot, i’m obsessed with her coat. ” she does have to stare a LITTLE bit at trinity, because how can you not ? aylin’s gonna follow her on instagram. “ do those ever work ? every time i try to make a ‘no boys’ pact, i end up in a bigger mess than i started with, ” she thinks out loud, basically writing the plot. “ but yeah, i’m with julian ! he’s over there in that sexy white blazer, ” aylin points out, basically complimenting herself because she picked it. she’s a little less chatty about her love life than she used to be, mainly because of the way a lot of people reacted to the seb situation. “ oh my god ! ” hand claps over her mouth when she gasps, looking back from the couple toward martina, “ i can’t believe we just saw that. ” 
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ofaylin · 4 years ago
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“  alright ,  first  thing  i’m  doing  next  year  is  flirting  with  ivan .  ”   he  tells  her  like  she’s  just  solved  all  his  problems  with  such  a  tip  but  his  smile  will  give  away  his  subtle  sarcasm ,  if  it  even  is . .   maybe  he  will  actually  flirt  with  ivan .  but  he’ll  extinguish  the  barely - there -  anymore  joint ,  stubbing  it  against  the  railing  on  his  own  side ,  folding  his  arms  across  his  chest  before  he  focusses  back  to  her .  “  —  did  you  know  that  if  it’s  italy  day , and  you  tell  luisa  you  like  her  meatballs ,  she’ll  give  you  extra  meatballs  ?  ”  that  was  true ,  one  of  those  myths  that  ended  up  working  out .  it’s  the  only  thing  of  relevance  he  can  throw  back  to  her ,  because  just  acknowledging  it  isn’t  enough  when  he  doesn’t  just  simply  want  to  speak  to  her  but  to  have  an  actual  conversation ,  even  if  it’s  about  ivan  and  luisa  from  the  dining  hall  or  wherever .   “  who  said  we  were  doing  turns  ?  ”  seb  questions ,  a  playful  little  arch  of  his  left  brow .  part  of  him  thinks  he  can  keep  it  light ,  fun ,  make  her  laugh  and  then  it’s  impossible  for  her  to  end  up  storming  off  with  tears  in  her  eyes .   but  they’ve  always  been  in  a  cycle ,  and  it  always  started  with  fun .  but  when  aylin  smiles ,  seb  does ,  too .  if  it’s  dangerous  territory ,  he’s  purposely  ignored  all  the  warning  signs .  “  it  should  be .  ”  seb  chuckles  as  she’ll  sigh ,  a  soft  nod  in  her  direction  as  she  continues  and  he  doesn’t  even  think  before  it’s  rolling  off  his  tongue ,  a  mischievous  grin  on  his  lips  already .   “ —  like  me  beating  your  score  on  that  quiz  ?  ”  a  genuine  laugh .  he’s  so  dead .  
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– IT’S SUCH LIGHTHEARTED, SIMPLE CONVERSATION. if you didn’t know either of them, viewed them from a distance without any notion of the history between them...you could very well believe they were friends, casual acquaintances, or even just two people, meeting for the first time. there’s nothing particular standout about it except for all the history behind them and everything that remains under the surface. “ good, you’ll have to let me know how it goes...if it doesn’t work, i guess i’ll just have to assume that he’s in love with me ! ” she sighs dramatically. “ well, i can’t eat the meatballs, ” she doesn’t eat pork, “ but that sounds weak ! only on italy day ? if you can score italian on greek day, then we’ll talk. ” it means a lot to her that they’re able to be like this, though – like they don’t hate each other, because she never has, never will. “ oh, trust me, you want to do turns. you don’t want me to have to get competitive over anything, even the terrace, ” she warns, once again, the conversation is light and her tone is playful, easily reminded how good he is at making her laugh. her gaze lingers on his smile, and though it seems like normal conversation, it’s anything but, and her expression softens momentarily. that’s probably why he’s managed to catch her off-guard for a second, straightening her posture at his statement. “ what ?! ” her jaw drops, eyes narrowing immediately, “ the best score on that quiz was YOU ? ” she looks genuinely enraged, like he’s lit a sudden fire behind her eyes and the wind blows back her hair at just the right time. here’s that competitive streak she mentioned. she steps forward as if a good look up and down can assess why his paper had a smiley face drawn in the corner and hers didn’t. “ wait...what was your overall grade in the class ? ” 
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ofaylin · 4 years ago
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“I’ll admit I’m somewhat curious to see what a scary Aylin looks like, because I think it’s just as cute,” he teases, tugging her even closer and pressing his forehead to hers as he gives her a dimpled smile before he gives her another twirl. He’s definitely not going to do it, because why would he piss her off? All he wants to do all the time is see her as happy as she is right now, bright smile and bright eyes! Honestly, he can’t take his eyes off of her. “Thank you. It’s not something I’d usually wear.” And she knows very well how basic his style is. But he did get out of his comfort zone with this jacket. He keeps her close, arms firm around her especially given she’s wearing those heels (not surprising but Julian can’t imagine they’re comfortable!) and she’s been drinking. “I don’t know it.” No one is surprised.
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– “WELL, PISS ME OFF AND FIND OUT!” SHE DECLARES EMPHATICALLY, her index finger raised in his direction. it’s a CHALLENGE, but he’d be an idiot for taking it. he’s doing a pretty good job of the opposite anyway, beaming at her like that and being an excellent dancer. she spins in her heels and falls back against his chest, arms draped over his shoulders. “ yes, because you have a boring wardrobe, ” she remarks, “ but it’s good to get out of your comfort zone a little, right ? ” aylin teases, fingertips playing the the collar as she looks up at him. “ i knew you wouldn’t. so, i think it’s funny that you asked. ” 
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ofaylin · 4 years ago
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“You hardly look miserable, angel,” Vida grins, and she is glad to see that despite everything she’s heard, Aylin still looks lively and vibrant and perfect as ever. She follows Aylin’s line of sight to catch Julian and nods in return. “I gotta say, I did sort of see it leaning this way, but hey, he looks pretty good,” she says with a wink back to her friend, and then her smile grows softer. “What’s most important is that you’re happy. I know things have been really messy for you this last year, Aylin, but if you’re happy, that’s all that matters. Who gives a damn what got you there?”
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– “WELL, I’M A GREAT ACTRESS,” AYLIN SAYS, “ and they’re no longer my roommates in twenty-four hours, so i’m just manifesting a better situation next year, although my standards are VERY high as a result of you ! ” she points this out playfully as if it’s vida’s fault, which it sort of is. “ well, you should’ve told me, before i spent half the year feeling confused. but...i’m doing well now, yes, ”  or maybe she’s just adjusted to the new normal. loss and trauma sort of does that to a person. “ how about you ? wait. hold up your hands, ” she’s got to check and make sure emmett hasn’t proposed without telling her. 
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ofaylin · 4 years ago
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“  for  the  last  time  . .  NO ,  i  don’t  know  the  single  ladies  dance .  ”
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�� “OKAY, THAT’S WHAT I’M SAYING. then i’ll SHOW you, ” aylin says, one hand on her hip. “ put your legs apart and then stand like this, ” she says, putting her other hand up, bent at the elbow and the wrist...you know what i mean. she looks at him indicatively with her eyebrows raised in a way that says ‘come on!’
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ofaylin · 4 years ago
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“I can’t blame you, I think they’re the best cocktails tonight.” She didn’t try a lot of other stuff. She’s lowkey fixated on them because they’re so good! “We’re both perfect for the photo booth, it won’t know what’s coming,” she jokes and gets in, tugging Aylin behind her as she laughs. “We need a dramatic photo among the bunch.”
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– “I CAN’T AGREE WITH YOU WITHOUT TRYING THEM ALL SO...” a mischievous smile on her lips, “ i’ll get back to you ! ” she doesn’t mean that. or does she ? either way, she’s a lightweight with a reputation for getting carried away at these things. “ what do you mean, a dramatic photo ? ” sounds like all of aylin’s photos. 
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ofaylin · 4 years ago
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“ oh shit– ” he quickly runs outside, drying his hands on his pants. “ that could’ve been real bad and no, i’ve been looking for you. outside of the bathroom. ”
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ofaylin · 4 years ago
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Aylin should know better than to cry emergency after the year Vida’s heard about, but Vida should in turn know better than to expect an actual emergency from Aylin when her voice is that high. Still, it’s in her nature now to be on higher alert until the younger girl finally drops the act. “God, please never change,” Vida laughs, squeezing her tight back, nostalgic for her dramatics. Wonder where she learned it from! “Yes, yes, absolutely, hello, you can totally borrow the shoes— okay, come on, tell me everything! Actually, cut to the chase real quick, who’s the date tonight?” she asks with a waggling brow.
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– “I TRY NOT TO,” SHE SAYS, though she thinks she’s changed a lot this year, jury’s out on whether it’s been for the better or for the worse ! “ god, i miss sharing closets. none of my roommates this year have any fashion sense, that’s been the worst part, i’ve been MISERABLE, ” aylin whines, because it’s been her worst year for roommates yet. “ hmm, okay, you may or may not have seen this coming...i can’t remember what was going on last time we talked, but ! it’s julian, over there in the white blazer. ” 
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ofaylin · 4 years ago
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“Well, now I’m your sidekick! We need villain names, but I can’t think of anything at the top of my head, this needs serious thinking,” she claims and puts her empty glass on the counter next to Aylin’s before she lets her tug her towards the booth. She reaches to fix Aylin’s hair a bit. “Now it’s perfect! How’s mine?” She gives her best friend a quick and dramatic pose.
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– “I THINK I’VE HAD TOO MANY OF THESE PINK THINGS TO THINK of a good villain name, ” aylin giggles, setting her glass down beside noah’s. aylin pouts because she wanted – or expected – noah to tell her that her hair was perfect, but alas. doesn’t mean she can’t pay it forward. “ YOU look perfect ! though maybe don’t pose like that in the picture. ” 
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