#velma reboot
eamo2004 · 2 years
Scooby Doo is definitely gonna show up in the Velma show eventually, and there are two ways I think they will execute it.
He will show up in an episode where Norville Shaggy gets him as a puppy and he'll just be a regular fucking dog.
Seeing as the show is this 'adult' take on Scooby Doo, he'll show up as some kind of hallucination, my money is on him showing up in an acid trip or something. And in a 'quirky spin on the classic character', rather than him being regular silly Scooby, he'll be this highly intelligent spirit Guru who talks all philosophically and metaphysically. Then when the cast come out of the hallucination, they'll make some self aware joke about seeing a talking dog and how that's so crazy and wouldn't ever be real.
If these ideas come true, I won't be surprised, but I will be dissapointed.
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pxper-cranes · 2 years
Guys we need to go on the offensive with this scooby doo rewrite stuff. literally every person on this hellsite has proven they could come up with a better scooby doo reboot (you are all literally so genius and talented, shoutouts to all the redesigners and rewriters out there, keep it up!) But I think we should really just Goncharov the hell out of it. just create the apex of scooby doo and pass it off as our own creation
honestly this could be our solution for many problems to come too
Forsake reality, Undergo Goncharovification
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hah-studios · 1 year
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Scenes of the Witch's Ghost plot but in my Monster Mysteries reboot!
First meeting the Hex Girls (who if you're new or don't remember are vampires) much to Daphne the vampire slayer's dismay.
Velma x Ben for five minutes before he lets his ancestor's magic corrupt him both morally and physically
Thorn being the hero of the day
Wrapping up by making new friends and getting a new book.
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spaceistheplaceart · 1 year
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i'm a million years late to the trend but here's a scooby reboot anyway :)
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writebackatya · 2 years
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Kate Micucci playing a reboot version of a character who is also a lesbian, you just love to see it
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angrymac · 2 years
Beyond all of the flaws that viewers and critics have already commented on, Velma just isn’t funny. The jokes don’t land, and probably 90% of the jokes are niche insults to very specific groups of people. I watched both episodes all of the way through, and I only laughed once (at the way Glenn Howerton says “Bathies!”).
I’d say that at its core, this show doesn’t work because the writers and creators very clearly resent Scooby Doo, and probably all animation. IP only works if the person making the IP has a respect and love for the original.
SBTB is a great example, because even though it was a parody and satire that heavily critiqued, teased, and called out the original show, there was an underlying love there. The show gave Slater and Jessie another shot at love while also having them grow individually in their respective arcs. Kelly decided to go to med school. Zack confronted his flaws and changed to support Mac. Screech got a beautiful tribute. And Lisa, although she deserved more screen time, was shown to be successful and living well.
Fans are smart. We pay attention to the little details and catch onto the nuances. We can tell if the people making the IP resent and disregard the original material, if they ever even watched it at all. And Velma is about as subtle as a chainsaw to the head.
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pockethep · 2 years
The way a college centered Scooby Doo show could’ve worked but they executed it in the worst way possible. Every American ever is born a Scooby Doo fan, it’s just science. So for the show to just viscerally not understand the characters to a degree that is confusing makes no sense. Fred, for instance, I’d know for being the most golden retriever good boy in existence. Making him any flavor of mean, rude, misogynistic, is such a disservice. Making all of the characters mean aside from a little sass goes against the mystery gang. This is where I think shows like The Harley Quinn Show succeed where Velma failed. The Harley Quinn Show understood its characters but emphasized some of the characters most known traits to a comical degree. Still they managed to fundamentally keep the characters base the same. Batman, for instance, is still the caped crusader but his brooding is upped for comedic effect.
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imtryingandtired · 2 years
Since I’ve been seeing a lot of Scooby doo rewrites and redesigns for the mystery gang since Velma came out, I have my own idea.
Velma and the Dinkley family have been known to have a connection to the paranormal, often causing problems with the community that they tend to move around a lot. Being in her junior year of high school, Velma isn’t all too keen about another fresh start in her newest home of Coolsville as she rarely has time to make any connections with her peers and make friends before she has to leave them behind once more.
Despite her families paranormal curse, Velma has a great interest in the macabre and mystery, deciding that she’ll create a name for herself through starting a mystery solving club.
During her first day, she ends up meeting three people that catch her interest:
Daphne Blake, the schools student body president, head of the cheer team and fashion expert. Generally viewed as popular with her peers and feels the need to keep up the appearance of being always put together despite the stress weighing her down in making her school proud along side meeting her families high expectations for her. While she generally is interested in fashion and cheer, she has a fondness for crime novels and detective series.
Fred Jones, son of the towns mayor, football captain and resident prom king. While a popular kid due to his Captain status, he often is rumored to be spoiled/entitled, being handed everything he’s gotten all of his life. Despite this, he works hard to prove to people that he isn’t what the rumors make him out to be. Outside of football, he has a great interest in trap making and creating machinery of all sorts, having a workshop for himself in his home garage.
Norville ‘Shaggy’ Rogers, the schools resident food lover and blogger, having his own channel dedicated to different food he’s tried. He’s often a chill and laid back person, which is a stark contrast to his more strict parents who don’t approve of his lifestyle. While not a fan of horror as a whole, he does find cheesy paranormal shows and movies entertaining as they helped him deal with his anxieties alongside Scooby, his family dog that became his closest and only friend growing up.
The mystery club started by Velma is what draws them to each other, slowly but surely getting to know each other better. Eventually they begin looking into cases reported around the town, solving small mysteries that slowly grow to reveal something more sinister about the town.
Things take a turn after Velma returns home to find her home a wreck, realizing her parents had all but disappeared.
The gang begin investigating her family’s disappearance, things only beginning to unravel for the town as more things are revealed.
That’s all so far, comment below if you’d like more!
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hasaniwalker · 2 years
I can’t get over this video
*Spoiler warning for this clip, so watch it first
Velma on HBO MAX is a show with many faults and seems to actively hate itself and the source material. But if the season finale ended like this. If it had the twist of this video, I would honestly forgive all its flaws, as wild as they are, and highly recommend it as one of the best shows on streaming.  
This idea opens up so many avenues to explore while connecting all the Scooby-Doo shows and films in a clever way that puts the show into adult horror, a genre the Velma Show really wanted to be.  Why are the characters so different personality wise? Why do they hate themselves? Why are they all so unlikable? The answer this video gives is that it’s all falling apart on itself. There’s a brewing conscious that wants out and Scooby is trying to desperately keep it buried.  
For me, this makes the changes to Velma interesting and almost make sense.  Why is Velma so self absorbed and no longer the smart one of the group? Because she keeps figuring out Scooby is the odd one out and in this version Scoob changed her in hopes that she wouldn’t break the reality.  Why is everyone so hateful? To keep them distracted from the shattered reality. Why is Scooby not in the show? He felt that if he introduced himself later on, maybe it would help ease everyone into his presence. Perhaps if he tried being a regular dog and everything else was outlandish, he could blend in.  But by this time the minds of the characters were already too shattered. It can no longer be contained and the sight of him is now enough to flood Velma with all the times they’ve been reset.
I also love what this says about the constant stream of reboots.  Ideas are rarely allowed to grow. Characters get 3 films or a few seasons and then things are set up from the start.  This poses an idea of what happens when these realities are never allowed to progress and keep getting reset, minds erased. It’s a world begging for MatPat to make a video about. Imagine going through all the Scooby doo shows and films, even games, looking for what’s different. What’s been changed or taken out and why? How did the change in that film, show and game benefit Scooby that time. What was in that reality that he felt he could fix to make the reality stay?
There are also so many possibilities of how this would continue.  Velma season 2 would be a new style completely as Scooby tries to reset things again. It’s perhaps more crude or more detailed and things are missing.  It’s akin to Doki Doki on the second playthrough.  You could also bring in old cast members and live action actors to play memories and other realities. This is a nightmarish multiverse.  And we watch as the gang tries to figure how to reclaim their minds and escape this Eldrich horror who loves them so much. This ultimate fan who will not let them go.
I’m seriously jealous I didn’t think of this! I want to see more and It’s so unfortunate the Velma show didn’t take this turn. To give us a season’s worth of unlikable characters only to end on this note that says so much on reboots, fans, and the relationship companies have with their IP.
It’s brilliant and I had to share this.
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watching scavengers reign and I have to ask is hbomax just wholly 100% committed to fumbling the bag or what because this is yet another excellent yet prematurely cancelled piece of media
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the-irreverend · 1 year
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It's funny how both Clone High and Velma are both "self-aware" adult animation shows on HBO Max that have an unlikable main character, and yet the former manages to be infinitely smarter and funnier than the latter.
You wanna know why? Because even though Abe is insufferable, the creators of Clone High KNOW that Abe is insufferable, meaning that they don't make any attempt to downplay, excuse, and/or justify said insufferability...
...much unlike the creators of Velma.
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hah-studios · 10 months
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Was thinking about glados lines.
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ohdeedraws · 1 year
Bit late to the trend but since the Velma show butchered the scooby gang so badly, I've seen people sharing their ideas for a scooby doo rewrite and I wanted to share an idea for a reboot I've been working on for a while now.
The story would take place in Coolsville, a small town famous for the high number of disappearances every year and the rumors of monsters, a witches curse and other paranormal activities. It's also famous for its renowned Personal Dectecives, Mystery Inc.
The gang would be older in this, probably in their 40s. They have grown up in Coolsville and become local celebrities. Aside from Mystery Solving, they have their own lives and families.
Daphne became the writer of an immensly popular series of mystery books detailing the gangs adventures throughout the years (I'd imagine these to be episodes of the past shows, eg. 'What a Night for a Knight' from Where Are You, 'Camp comeoniwannascareya' etc., because yes, they're canon in this reboot). She married a famous fashion designer (but during the events of the story they're going through a divorce because she has finally come to terms that she is a lesbian). She has three kids.
Fred coaches the local highschool football team when he's not inventing new traps or catching monsters. He married a woman who works as the main news presenter on the local channel and he loves her dearly, more than his traps. Together they have two children.
Velma's main focus is Mystery Inc. But on the side she runs the local book shop, the main supplier of Daphne's books. She was married to an English Professor who works at the University a few hours outside of town, but they realised they weren't right for eachother and got divorced. They had one child together.
Shaggy runs a cooking/food review blog where reviews food from all over the world and shares his own recipes and tutorials, all with his trusted dog Scooby by his side of course. He's a single parent of one, and no one talks about his wife because, quite honestly, no one knows who she is.
The Gang are still close, like family, even after all this time. But the show wouldn't focus on them, it would focus on their eldest kids.
Let's meet them!
Grey Matthews-Blake is the richest kid in Coolsville. He's often seen wearing his father's newest line of clothes and his signature designer green sunglasses (that he even wears inside). He's known to be quite dramatic, sarcastic, and generally uninterested in anything to do with his mother and her job.
Wren Dinkley is often told that it's hard to believe they're the Velma Dinkley's child. Whether it's when their preforming their heart out on the stage during whatever production the local theatre group are putting on, or failing science, Wren doesn't let it get them down. They're headstrong, passionate, and totally comfortable with themselves...'totally'.
Cassia Jones is the nicest girl in town. She's captain of Coolsville Field Hocky Team, Head of the debate team and Student Body President. She's bubbly, hard working and determined to live up to the Jones legacy and make her father proud.
Billie Rogers doesn't care what her dad and dog tell her, she knows the supernatural rumors in town are real. And she's going to be the first person to prove it. She's talkative, outgoing, and very knowledgeable in the paranormal - much to her dad's dismay.
Despite their parents relationships, the kids aren't that close. The town's folk expect them to be just like their parents and that couldnt be farther from the truth. But they do have one thing in common with the Original Gang, their mystery solving talent. Unfortunately, for some unknown reason (*wink* plot *wink*) their parents are strongly against them following in their footsteps.
But things come to head one day when Mystery Inc disappear, and the local police turn up useless in the investigation.
Now its up to the kids, Billie, Wren, Grey and Cassia to band together to take up the jobs left in Mystery Inc's absence and find their parents. But in doing so they'll discover that their quaint small town is not all that it's seems and have to unearth a witches spellbook, an old grudge and an ancient evil that many have tried to escape but no one has defeated.
Ft. Side Characters such as The Suspects aka Jinx and Mozz McKnight (daughter and son of Thorn from the Hex Girls!), RJ Herring (Son of Red Herring), and other callbacks from all of scooby doo lore!
This is just the bare bones explanation, I'll go deeper into each character in their own posts and introductions. But this is my own little passion project. I've been obsessed with scooby doo since forever and I've always wanted to make my own iteration :)
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elzifelzi · 2 years
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Lemme prefice this by saying this isn't a criticism of the actual shows themselves(cuz both these shows are actually real good and enjoyable when u don't have a bitch in ur ear telling u otherwise)
Like i genuinely have enjoyed what I've seen of both of these shows
But like I'd be lying if I said i didn't hate how they looked and i don't even mean the entire artstyle i just mean the faces
I personally hate when eyes are legit just drawn as circles or ovals or when the nose just bulges out .I also hateeeeeeee when the actual characters head is a decent size but they characters faces are just cramed into one small area at the top so it looks like they have giant Chins.
Like I'd love these shows so much more if not for these very specific artstyle changes
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pxper-cranes · 2 years
Meddling Kids Redesigns
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It took a while, but I finally finished all four designs of the main gang. There are still some tings I would change if I were to redesign them again, just by seeing all the other ones on tumblr.
I'll do some headcannons here, and maybe draw them again with plot ideas for a fictionalised series I would make with them.
Fist of all, they would start out as high schoolers, then go into univertity after. either way they would all be adults when the film starts
None of these guys are cishet or neurotypical sorry slays but you cant tell me otherwise
Thirdly, these guys are FRIENDS. they CARE about each other. some have been besties for years others were hard and fast ride or dies but they all really care for one another
They would initially start out unmasking people in monster costumes, but there would definitely be an overarching plot that is defiantly supernatural. by midway through season two, the monsters of the week would be real more often than not, and the gang has to turn to more spooky ways of dealing with them
Aight so
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This man HAS to be nice, and reasonably stupid. He was a himbo Blueprint and we must make sure he stays that way
I want to make him into theatre tech and stuff, which he uses to debunk the monsters and point out all the techniques in the 80s horror movies he likes to watch with the gang.
I'd also say he was a prolific camper and scoutgoer as a child, and intends to work as a camp counsellor once he graduates for a little while
because of this hes pretty much a survival expert and gets pretty intense whenever they find themselves in the woods.
while he is strange himself he still is a leader for the group, and plans a lot of their moves on cases.
He and Daphne start the show dating and they are madly in love with each other, and are the bestest of friends. Fred is the more puttogether in the group though, and regularly has to stop daphne from comitting crimes like breaking and entering or simply trying to beat the monster over the head with a bat
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This version of Daphen would just be a pretty unhinged girlboss. she is the part of the gang who is just itching for a fight half the time, so shes been designated team muscle.
Her family is extremely rich, and while they don't really like her pastimes of going out and solving mysteries, but those funds are the thing keeping the gang going, and funding their trips, as well as bail when they get caught investigating some abandoned house or something.
She is really into fashion, specifically 70s style clothes, and spends a lot of time at home making her own clothes and things for others.
alongside that she is really into journalism, so much so that she practically runs the school newsletter when in high school, and runs it through her brilliant people skills. she intends to go to university to do a media and communications degree.
but shes also regularly unhinged and the fisrt one in the gang who would get into a brawl with a monster if given the chance. shes like a black belt in karate at least, and can definitely ride a motorbike.
I think she would encourage Fred's traps in their cases but if she was left alone she would just use a crowbar to solve her problems.
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This Velma is a todal dork. she is such a nerd its funny, bun in a way ehre the audience laughs with her. let her talk endlessly about her academic interests and cut back to everyone else dumbfounded.
Also my version of Velma isn't mean in any way. While she can be dry, witty or packed with smart comebacks, she is rarely intentionally cruel.
She doesn't believe in the supernatural at the beginning of the series, but she desperately wants to believe in everything. Cryptids, monsters, aliens etc (She was one of the kids that cried when they made Pluto not a planet anymore)
because of her eagerness to investigate she is practically uncarable, and more interested in anything spooky than she is frightful, which could be used for some good gags, especially since she never realises that she is ever out of her element
Velma brings out the nerdier side of all her friends too. she gets Fred talking about traps and survival skills, Daphne on about fashion and law, and Shaggy talking about food and films.
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Scooby doo is Shaggy's assistance dog, and that's how he is allowed to go wherever the gang does.
I've got some lore ideas about how he talks and stuff, which is basically the same as mystery inc plus some inspiration from the Magnus Archives but I'll probably talk about it another time.
I was thinking it might be funny if he talked kinda like puppycat from Bee and Puppycat, but that's just a thought, all I'm going to say is that's not a normal dog.
Shaggy also comes from a wealthier family but nowhere near as rich as Daphne. His parents really tried to shelter him as a kid after something happened in his childhood (IDK what but it was spooky) and ever since he's craved the independence that he gets with the gang
He has been friends with everyone the longest. I assume he went to a summer camp with Fred when they were little, met Velma at some kind of convention and lived close to Daphne.
He has tons of random skills and knowledge about pretty much anything. hes a trivia god and there could e a running gag that he went to a bunch of summer camps too, but for weird and niche things. he's also the kind to binge read wikipedia articles at 3am
I think we would be really into films, specifically horror and pulp films from the 70s - 90s. He probably has an interesting relationship with horror, scaring easily but still doing it for the thrill.
He also implores that in their mysteries, pointing out a bunch of the technical clues with Fred. He probably really likes mystery solving because it gives him that reassurance and control when they finally unmask them. I'm sure he starts to crack a little once they start going up against real monsters.
Hes also a really good cook and makes great playlists.
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