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thebeautifulbook · 8 months ago
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The Geneva Bible, presented by the printer, Christopher Barker, to Queen Elizabeth on New Year's Day, 1584.
It was described at the time as 'covered with crymson vellat alouer embradered wythe venys golde and seade perle'. The donor received 11 1/8 ounces of gilt plate for his gift.
1560 edition
Held by The Bodleian Library.
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valkyriehymns · 7 months ago
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"  i  didn't  want  to  become  head  of  my  household  before  my  30th  year,  but  we  all  have  to  answer  to  fate  eventually,  your  grace.  "
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" i don't want to marry some lord i know nothing about. i want to choose my own path, to live my own life." / @valkyriehymns
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nabeelvellat · 8 years ago
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Loneliness adds beauty to life. It puts a special burn on sunsets and makes night air smell better. #lonely ................................... #loneliness #instaboy ................................ #instamood #instamood ...........................#instagood #sky #sunset #evening #night #ksa #taif #mallu #malluboy #indian #nabeel_vellat #nabeel #vellat #punnakkad
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kathrynhoward · 3 years ago
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The Douce Bible in the Bodleian Library has been described by [Cyril] Davenport as “the most decorative and in many ways the finest of all the remaining books of the time of Elizabeth”. It is impossible to disagree with him
The book is relatively large (17 x 12 inches) and is richly embroidered in gold and silver thread and wire, with seed pearls, on crimson velvet. This bible was offered by the printer, Christopher Barker, to the Queen as a New Year gift, 1583-1584; it is described in the New year gifts as “a large Byble in Englysshe covered with crymson vellat alover embrodered with venys gold & seade pearle”. The gift was accepted and the published received eleven ounces of gilt plate in return. 
Elizabethan Embroidery, George Wingfield Digby
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mary-tudor · 3 years ago
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“New Year's Gift Roll, 1557. 
This records gifts exchanged between Queen Mary I and her Court on New Year's Day, 1 Jan 1557 (3 & 4 Philip and Mary). 
Signed by the Queen in four places at the head and foot of each side of the roll ('Marye the quene'), and once (on the recto) by Richard Wilbraham, Master of the Jewel House.
The verso contains a list of gifts presented to the Queen by members of her court, the givers being arranged in groups according to their rank and station. The gifts have a great range, headed by that from the Queen's sister, the Lady Elizabeth, 'the fore parte of a kyrtell and a peire of Sleves of cloth of Silver richly embroidered all over with Venice Silver and rayzed with silver and blake silke'.
 Other gifts include clothes, handkerchiefs, plate and glassware, jewellery, books (including a prayer book), religious objects, swans and capons, and fruit. Mrs Levyna Terling gave a small picture of the Trinity and Henry Mynkes's wife pomengranates, oranges and lemons 'and a table with the kings picture in it'.
Avis Byllyard gave small marchpains, oranges and a basket of Frennch pippins. Sir Henry Nevell gave a lute in a case covered with black silk and gold, and two little round black 'tables', one of the Emperor Charles V and King Philip, the other of the King of Boehmia and his wife. 
Sir John Mason gave 'a mappe of England stayned upon cloth of silver in a frame of wodde Having a drawing cover painted with the King and Quenes Armes And a booke of Spanishe covered with blake vellat'. 
'Sabostian', schoolmaster of St Paul's, gave 'a booke of Ditiies written'.On the recto is a corresponding list of gifts presented by the Queen, all of gilt plate, with a note of the weight of plate distributed to each, arranged in groups as on the verso.
At the foot are recorded wedding, christening and other presents made by the Queen, 8 Feb 1556-10 Feb 1557. 
Such gifts include a mitre and crozier to Cardinal Pole and a gilt salt given to a woman of Bury for healing the eye of 'Jane the foole'.
When John Nichols edited the manuscript for Illustrations of the Manners and Expenses of Antient Times in England (1797), the manuscript was in the hands of William Herrick, who as direct descendant had inherited the roll from Sir William Herrick [Heyrick] of Beaumanor, Leicestershire (bap. 1562, d. 1653), moneylender and royal official, who was principal jeweller to King James I, Queen Anna and the Prince of Wales, 1603-1625.”
Link: http://www.bl.uk/manuscripts/FullDisplay.aspx?index=70&ref=Add_MS_62525
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black-flag-preacher · 5 years ago
Tuatto meijän (the Lord's prayer in livvi-karelian)
Tuatto meijän taivahalline!
Olgah pyhänny Sinun nimi.
Tulgah sinun valdu.
Roikkah sinun tahto
kui taivahas, mugai mual.
Anna meile tänäpäi
meijän jogapäiväne leiby.
Prosti meile meijän vellat,
kui myö prostimmo niile,
ket ollah meile vellas.
Älä vie meidy muanitukseh,
a piästä meidy pahas.
Sinunhäi on valdu, vägi da kunnivo
ilmazen ijän. Amin'!
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possessivesuffix · 7 years ago
Lord’s Prayer in eleven Finnic varieties, 1870
An interesting language sample I found last fall, from Kieletär 2, 1872, 19–23.
First published in Das Gebet des Herrn in den Sprachen Russlands (St. Petersburg, 1870), collecting a wider sample yet of languages of the Russian Empire: 108 total. This was however a small-issue book, perhaps even a unique piece?, assembled as a birthday gift for one adjutant-general Georg vor Meyendorf, who we can gather was interested on the side in languages and in Christianity. It seems that at least some of the people working for the book kept their notes for later use. I wonder if any of the other language samples have been published anywhere?
These are from long before the development of the current written standards for Karelian / Veps / Livonian (and Votic still doesn’t really have one). Estonian was still written in two standards, one based on the dialect of Tallinn (also the basis of current standard Estonian), the other based on the dialect of Tartu — or Tarto, as the city is called in the local dialect.
Standard Finnish was omitted, since these were printed in a Finnish journal after all. For completeness I’ve added the Finnish translations from 1776 (which was still in use in 1870) and 1992 at the end.
Most of the differences between the different dialects of the same language seem to be simply due to word choice. E.g.
‘kingdom’ in Karelian: Livvi tsarstvu (a direct loan from Russian царство ‘tsardom’), Tver Karelian kuningahuš (a native derivation, equivalent to Finnish kuninkuus ‘kingship’)
‘forever’ in Veps: Ischaira igäks (translative case of igä ‘age, long time’), Šoutjärv’ igan kaiken (genitive construction ‘of all age’), Ladv igaze (inessive case).
There are a few genuine morphological and phonological isoglosses in there too, but most would take a bit more digging to notice. We do have one in the secod example above: igä in Ischaira, with vowel harmony, but iga in the other two Veps varieties.
1. Olonets Karelian (Livvi)
Taatto meijän, kudai olet taivahil, pühitäh nimi sinun. Tuloov tsarstvu sinun, liennööv valdu sinun, kui taivahal muga i maal. Leibü meijän jogapäiväine anna meile nügöi. I jätä meile vellat meijän kui i müö jätämmö velganiekoile meijän. I älä saata meidü maanihuoh, a päästä meidü pahas. Sinun on tsarstvu i vägi i kiitos igäh.
2. Tver Karelian
Tuato miiän, kumbane olet taivahaša, hüvitiätšekäh šiun nimi; tulgah šiun kuningahuš, olgah šiun vällä kuin taivahaša niin i muala; hengen pideiksi leibiä anna meilä aino; i jätä meilä miiän velat, kuin i müö jättälemä miiän velganiekoila; i älä šuata meidä vaivah, a piäššä meidä pahašta; šiun on kuningahuš i vägi i kaunehuš ijin igäh.
3. Votic (The symbol t̮ stands for the affricate /č/. lit̮i ‘near’ for example is cognate to Estonian ligi, Finnish liki.)
Isä meďee, kumpa õlet taivaiza; pühättü õlkoo nimes sinuu; lit̮i-tulkoo sinuu valtas; õlkoo sinuu tahtos nii maaza kui taivaiza; anna meile tänänne meďee õkapäivädnee leipäni; ja anna meile meďee vëlkani anteehsi kui i möö anteehsi annamma meďee vëlgaliisile; ja älä saata meitä manituhseese; a päässä meitä pahassa; kui sinuu on valta ja võima ja slaava, ikää kõike.
4. Veps (dialect of “Ischaira”, which I cannot seem to locate on a map, but this appears to be from the northern dialect as well)
Tat meiden, kudam taivhil! i svätikahaze nimi sinun. Tulkaha tsarstv sinun, ťehkahaze vald sinun i mal kut taivhal. Leib meiden joga-päivaline anda meile ńetsile päivale. I jäta meile velgad meiden, kut i mö jätamai velgnikoile itšemoi. I ala anda meit hubale, no kaitše meit pahas-pai, sikš miše sinun om tsarstv i vägi i kuulund igäks.
5. Northern Veps (dialect of Šoutjärv’ / Шёлтозеро)
Taat meiďe, kudam oled taivhal! sädkahaze puhthaks nimi sinun. Tulgha tsarstv sinun; olkha vald sinun i mal kut taivhas. Leib meiďe kaikutšeks päivaks anda meile ťänambäi. I ṕästa meile velgad meiďe kut i mö ṕästam velghiišile meiďe. Ala anda meid smuutta; a ṕästa meid luukvas. Ibo sinun om tsarstv i vägi i kuulund igan kaiken.
6. Northern Veps (dialect of Ladv / Ладва)
Tattoi meiden, kudam oled taivhal; puhtas nimi sinun. Varastamai tsarstvad sinun; da linnob vald sinun i mal kut taivhal. Leib meiden nasušnii anda meile ťänambäišel päival. I jätä meile völgad meiden, kut i mö jätämei völgnikoile meiden. I ala anda meid iskušaha; a ṕästa meid pahas. Sidamed mi sinun om tsarstv i slav igaze.
7. Northern Estonian (Tallinn standard)
Meie iza, kes sa oled taevas, pühitsetud saagu sinu nimi, sinu riig tulgu, sinu tahtmine sündigu kui taevas nenda kaa maa peal; meie igapäevane leib anna meile tänapäev; ja anna andeks meile meie võlad, kui kaa meie andeks anname oma võlglastele; ja ära saada meid mitte kiuzatuze sisse, vaid peasta meid ära kuŕjast; sest sinu päralt on riik, ja vägi ja au igaveste.
8. Southern Estonian (Tarto standard)
Meije Essa taivan, pühhendetus sago sinno nimmi. Sinno riik tulgo. Sinno tahtminne sündko, kui taivan, nida ka ma pääl. Meije päivalikko leiba anna meile täämba. Nink anna meile andis meije süda, nida kui ka meije andis anname ommile süüdlaisile. Nink ärra saatko meid kiusatusse sisse; enge pästa meid ärra kurjast: Sest sinno perralt om riik, nink väggi, nink auvustus iggavetsel ajal.
9. Southern Estonian (Võro dialect)
Meie ezä taivah, pühendetus saago sino nimi, sino riik tulgu, sino tahtmine sündügu kui taivah niida kaa maa pääl; meie päivälik leib anna meille täämbä; ja anna meile ańdis meie süüd, niida kui kaa meie ańdis anname omle süudlaizile; ja ärä saada meid kiuzatuze sisse, eṅge päästä meid ärä kuŕjast; sest sino perält om riik ja auv igavetseö ajal.
10. Eastern Livonian (not the long-extinct Salaca Livonian on the mainland, but the eastern dialect of Courland Livonian)
Mäd touvõ iza, püvstõd soogõ sin nim; sin voolikšõmi las tulgõ mäd juurõ; sin toomi las suguug moo päälõ nei iiš kui touvõs. Mäd pävviz tuoitõg aanda mädõn tämpõ. Un lask jara mädõn mäd süüd nei ku meeg eńtš süülistõn naant süüd jara laskuum. Un äla laskõ sina meidi eńtš juustõ jara saddõ; pästa meidi amaast äb jõvast. Sinnõn jo um se voolikšõmi un se joud un se ouv bäs lopaandõkst.
11. Western Livonian
Mäd iza, kis sa vuod touvis! püvaatõd las saag sin nim. Las tulgõ sin vaalikštöks, sin meeľ las suguug kui touvis nei ka maa pääl. Mäd jega-pävvist leibõ aanda mädõn tämpõ. Un jeta mädõn mäd vüülgad, kui ka meig jetaam ummõ vüülgalistõn. Un äla vii meidi ḱertaamiz sizõl, aga pästa meidi jera siest kureest, jo sinnõn säädõb se vaalikštõks un se joud un se ouv iggõks.
12. Older Finnish (1776)
Isä meidän, joka olet taivaissa! Pyhitetty olkoon sinun nimes. Lähestyköön sinun valtakuntas. Olkoon sinun tahtos niin maassa kuin taivaassa. Anna meille tänäpäivänä meidän jokapäiväinen leipämme. Ja anna meille meidän velkamme anteeksi, niinkuin mekin anteeksi annamme meidän velvollistemme. Ja älä johdata meitä kiusaukseen. Mutta päästä meitä pahasta. Sillä sinun on valtakunta, ja voima, ja kunnia, ijankaikkisesti.
13. Modern Finnish
Isä meidän, joka olet taivaissa. Pyhitetty olkoon sinun nimesi. Tulkoon sinun valtakuntasi. Tapahtukoon sinun tahtosi, myös maan päällä niin kuin taivaassa. Anna meille tänä päivänä meidän jokapäiväinen leipämme. Ja anna meille meidän syntimme anteeksi, niin kuin mekin anteeksi annamme niille, jotka ovat meitä vastaan rikkoneet. Äläkä saata meitä kiusaukseen, vaan päästä meidät pahasta. Sillä sinun on valtakunta ja voima ja kunnia iankaikkisesti.
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zawanshin · 7 years ago
I got anime’d
This bullshit happened at Vanguard locals today. I was playing Beast Deity and my opponent was playing Angel Feather. We’re both at 5 damage, I have a full field and 9 cards in hand, he has 2 rearguards and 0 cards in hand.
My opponent has Black Shiver Gavrail as his vanguard,  Nurse of Broken Heart in the front right and something in the back left. With no cards in hand he fucking draws  Black Call, Nakir and uses it to stride into  Black Seraph, Vellator Terminal. Gavrails skill activates and he gets a Million Ray Pegasus in his top left. He attacks with his rearguards and I guard both. He attacks with  Vellator Terminal and her fucking GB 8 goes off giving his front row 10k more power and then he does a quintuple rescue so Broken Heart goes off giving herself and the vanguard another 10k power AND he damage checks a stand and a critical so Broken Heart stands.
I now know what a card game antagonist feels like, to be so close to victory and losing to some plot armor bullshit
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personal-reporter · 5 years ago
Carla Iacono. Re-Velation al Battistero di Velate
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Il Battistero di Velate scenario e quinta di una mostra della fotografa genovese Carla Iacono. Sarà inaugurata venerdì 30 agosto verso le 18.30 a Varese, presso il Battistero di Velate, la mostra Re-velation, esposizione di venti scatti della fotografa genovese Carla Iacono, a cura di Carla Tocchetti e Clelia Belgrado, sul delicato tema del velo e del femminile che lo indossa, per una riflessione sulla pluralità di significati attribuibili a questo simbolo evocativo presente in molte culture che oggi si ritrova a essere al centro di dibattiti sociali, politici e religiosi. “In Europa per esempio”, dice la Iacono “il velo delle musulmane immigrate è da molti considerato simbolo di attacco ai principi di secolarità e uguaglianza, ed è al centro di dibattiti mediatici che lo presentano come velo della discordia.  D’altro canto, dinanzi alle leggi che lo vietano, molte donne immigrate si appellano ai diritti e alle libertà di espressione per poterlo indossare. In particolare per le donne migranti spesso rispecchia l’esigenza di rimanere legate al proprio paese e alle proprie famiglie rappresentandone la cultura di provenienza. Il velo è quindi portatore di nuovi significati e modi di esprimersi, legati alle questioni della cittadinanza, alla rivendicazione culturale, alla ricerca di nuovi modelli spirituali.”. Mentre Clelia Belgrado, curatrice e titolare dell’agenzia Vision QuesT 4rossom racconta che “In Re-velation il velo è elemento conduttore declinato in diversi modi, con richiami a differenti culture: principalmente hijab, ma anche velo cattolico, ebraico o foulard dell’Europa dell’Est” Da un punto di vista formale le composizioni ricordano i dipinti classici, con una contaminazione simbolica tra cultura Orientale e Occidentale, infatti richiamano l’iconografia del ritratto occidentale ma spesso il soggetto indossa veli e accessori orientali. I ritratti sono tutti interpretati dalla figlia dell’artista e le figure sono fotografate su uno sfondo scuro che a volte si fonde con gli abiti, e spesso la luce laterale fa emergere la figura, rivelando i contorni del viso e i dettagli dei veli e rafforzando così esteticamente e simbolicamente il concetto di rivelazione. “Ospitare a Velate questa mostra, inaugurandola nei giorni in cui nel borgo si riunisce per l’annuale Festa della Comunità, è un omaggio anche al nome originario del Sacro Monte, che fu trascritto come Monte di Vellate per la prima volta nel 922, nella più antica pergamena pervenuta” dice Carla Tocchetti, che gestisce la programmazione culturale nella seicentesca chiesa dell’antico borgo. “Anche se l’origine latina del nome da ”vellatum”, nascosto, non è l’attribuzione prevalente, il nostro immaginario corre al ‘400 quando alcune donne definite “salvatiche” si rifugiavano sul monte, nelle grotte e nei boschi, a condurre vita eremitica e di preghiera, anticipando il celebre nucleo che alla fine del secolo prese i voti e il velo, appunto, diventando monache romite Ambrosiane ad Nemus.” Carla Iacono vive a Genova, utilizzando vari media artistici nel suo lavoro, come fotografia, collage e installazione, incentrato sui temi del corpo e della metamorfosi, analizza principalmente il delicato periodo dell’adolescenza visto come straordinario momento di crescita in cui si colloca lo sforzo per raggiungere la propria identità. Negli ultimi lavori affronta l’argomento della strumentalizzazione delle differenze culturali, con riflessioni sulle difficoltà di dialogo che sempre più spesso generano drammatici eventi. Affascinata dalle contaminazioni tra immagini e testi, ha pubblicato vari libri illustrati con fotografie e collage, spesso in numerosi cataloghi di esposizioni in Italia e all’estero, presenti in collezioni pubbliche e private, come il Musinf (Museo d’Arte Moderna dell’Informazione e della Fotografia) di Senigallia e il Museo Nazionale del Cinema di Torino. Tra le mostre recenti le personali Sguardi attraverso nell’ambito del Pontremoli Foto Festival 2018 e Re-velation, in tour in vari musei italiani come il Museo Diocesano di Genova, il Museo Diocesano Tridentino di Trento, il Museo del Duomo di Fidenza e il Museo Diocesano di Catania. La mostra resterà aperta a ingresso libero fino al 22 settembre, dal venerdì alla domenica dalle 15.30 alle 18.30 e il sabato e la domenica anche la mattina dalle 10.30 alle 12.30. Read the full article
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cardfighterculture · 8 years ago
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Black Seraph, Vellator Terminal [G-FC04/003 (GR)]
[Stride]-Stride Step-[Choose one or more cards with the sum of their grades being 3 or greater from your hand, and discard them] Stride this card on your (VC) from face down. Rescue-[AUTO](VC) Generation Break 8:When this unit attacks a vanguard, all units in your front row get [Power]+2000 for each card in your damage zone until end of turn. Choose up to five cards from your damage zone, heal them, choose one of your vanguards, and for each damage healed with this effect, deal one damage. (Perform a damage check. Triggers will also activate)
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ourlovingarchery-blog · 6 years ago
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nabeelvellat · 8 years ago
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Selfie time.....😜😜😜😜😜😜😜 #selfie #selfietime #instagram #instamood ............ ..... #instastyle #instaselfie .............. #picoftheday ..............,,, #pictureoftheday ................. #photo #photooftheday #saudiarabia #ksa . .......... #jeddah ................. #holyday #offduty #mallu #malluboy #malayalee #indian #kl10 #nabeel_vellat #nabeel #vellat #punnakkad (at Falestine Street)
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vsplusonline · 5 years ago
Microsoft introduces Back2Business Solution Boxes for small and medium businesses in India
New Post has been published on https://apzweb.com/microsoft-introduces-back2business-solution-boxes-for-small-and-medium-businesses-in-india/
Microsoft introduces Back2Business Solution Boxes for small and medium businesses in India
NEW DELHI: Microsoft has announced the launch of the Back2Business Solution Boxes for helping Indian small and medium businesses (SMBs) maintain business continuity and embark on their cloud adoption journeys. Curated for specific scenarios in different organization sizes, they bring together offerings across Azure and Modern Workplace.
“Small and medium enterprises are an integral part of the Indian economy. We’ve witnessed their resilience and entrepreneurial energy in action as we build the new normal in these difficult times. In our efforts to support these businesses operate today without constraints and be future-ready with the best-in-class technological platform and solutions, the Back2Business Solution Boxes offer speed in deployment and usage and flexibility with pay-as-you-go pricing, along with our commitment to privacy and security,” Harish Vellat, Senior Director, Small and Mid-Corporate Business, Microsoft India said in a statement.
Indian SMBs are facing multiple challenges in running their operations seamlessly during the current crisis, including access to remote working solutions in a secure and scalable environment, disaster recovery and advanced security with device management and threat protection. To provide support in keeping businesses running through any outages and reducing on-premise infrastructure management costs, these offerings are tailored to boost employee productivity and improve customer engagement.
Besides catering to near-term challenges through Covid-19 offerings around Windows Virtual Desktop and Microsoft Teams, there are solution packages designed to accelerate the cloud adoption journeys of SMBs. These are curated to help ramp up legacy systems, migrate workloads to Azure or modernize apps and websites. Standard yet easy to customize according to requirements of customers, the solution boxes come in four variants.
Starter: Designed for small organizations that require remote working and collaboration solutions in a secure environment. Booster: Made for mid-sized businesses that need both online and desktop applications, customer management, backup service and a secure disaster recovery strategy. Modern Business: Crafted for SMB customers who require a simple security foundation along with their productivity suite. Advanced: Meant for SMBs that need advanced security capabilities, cost reduction and better infrastructure management.
Microsoft partners have the additional flexibility of customising the boxed packages with their own value offerings for migration and deployment.
Together with its partners, Microsoft is looking to help the small and medium business community in India navigate the current challenges and scale up their operations seamlessly.
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nabeelvellat · 8 years ago
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Waiting for 🍲🍜🍝🥘🍧🍡🍛🍕🍖🌭🥞🥓🥖🍞🍟🍗🥘🍪🍩🍿heat 🌞 #picoftheday #pictureoftheday #instagram #instagood #sun #travel #travelphotography #traveler #photography #photooftheday #nikon #mallu #malluboy #mallukid #malayalee #kerala #karnataka #andra #trip #indian #india #nabhan #vellat #punnakkad #nabhan_vellat (at Malappuram)
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nabeelvellat · 7 years ago
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Office time
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nabeelvellat · 8 years ago
Some memories are unforgettable, remaining ever vivid and heartwarming
nabeel vellat punnakkad
nabeel vellat punnakkad
nabeel vellat punnakkad
nabeel vellat punnakkad
nabeel vellat punnakkad
nabeel vellat punnakkad
nabeel vellat punnakkad
nabeel vellat punnakkad
nabeel vellat punnakkad
nabeel vellat punnakkad
nabeel vellat punnakkad
nabeel vellat punnakkad
nabeel vellat punnakkad
nabeel vellat punnakkad
nabeel vellat punnakkad
nabeel vellat punnakkad
nabeel vellat punnakkad
nabeel vellat punnakkad
friendly match with friends – jeddah – ksa – #nabeel #vellat #punnakkad Some memories are unforgettable, remaining ever vivid and heartwarming
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