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propertyforsale2 · 2 years ago
Sobha Velachery In Chennai- Luxury, Location, And Convenience
Sobha Limited presents its brand new residential development Sobha Velacher located in Chennai.
This is a luxury apartment sprawled across wide acres of land area that provides the option of residential apartments and luxury private units both enclosed within this unit development area.
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The project is designed based on the luxury theme hence larger part of the development area has reserved space for facilities and is utilized as open space. The project has the best amount of wide-open space b/w the units.
Sobha Apartments in Velachery is designed with all the necessary facilities to make you feel at home. Though amenities are nothing new to the projects in Chennai, the extra mile gives amazing lifestyle add-ons that will reinvent your life.
The project has a garden area and a dedicated parking space in the exterior part, Living Room, and a Bedroom with a bathroom in the interior part.
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Multiple Clubhouses are dedicated to luxury apartments and the villa is present close to the respective blocks. Swimming Pool, Skating Rink, Mini-Golf Course. Amphitheatre, are major amenities among the huge list of amenities available in this luxury project. The residential project has apartments inclusive of 2BHK, 3BHK, and residential apartments.
The serene ambiance of the Sobha Velachery in Chennai and the community is apt for anyone who desires a tranquil lifestyle.
People will be able to experience the highest conceivable standard of living if they invest in the luxury apartments that are being established in the most respected property. The residents have access to a wide range of conveniences, allowing them to spend their time in a highly entertaining and pleasurable way.
The inhabitants of this location have access to a highly refreshing view of nature as a result of the location they live, and the fact that they are enclosed by verdant landscapes gives them a sense of really remarkable coziness.
For More Info -
Visit Here - Sobha Velachery
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mewwile · 8 years ago
made a writeup for coco’s(corona) backstory and general lore fluff that i ended up kinda liking, so i put it under a cut. its a very clinical rundown of an event that happened.
Velach was a bustling port town, a center of trade situated on the delta where many rivers met the sea. Prior to the queen's death and for many decades, Velach had been the leading merchant haven for miles around- It offered an ideal location for the neighboring city-states and the distant lands across the sea to meet and conduct business. Notably, though the royal line was almost purely chirons, the actual racial makeup of the city was more varied than commonly seen in chiron-led cities- Likely due to the position of being a bustling trade town.
Royal lineage in the kingdom was very strictly traced- All of the bloodline contained an innate gift for magic and usually found themselves pursuing predominantly healing magic. There had been many years of peace and economic growth, with only minor border conflicts that were usually resolved fairly quickly, which created an environment of complacency that led to Queen Rosica eventually taking the throne. Accounts from castle servants who served during Rosica's childhood (with her sister Lora) described the girl as very meek and helpful, almost unable to speak harshly of anyone. Lora, frustrated with her position as 'spare', had commonly been the more rebellious and wild of the two when they were young, having no fondness for her fawned-upon and overly accomodating sister. This dynamic is believed to have contributed greatly to the eventual assassination of Rosica.
For the first 10 years of her reign, Queen Rosica was met with few troubles save for a slight dissatisfaction at her position on the nation's need for self defense- Though the nobles often urged her to keep the borders tightly controlled and to respond harshly to small inter-kingdom conflicts, she held fast to the conviction that Velach had no place for a significant army nor a strong weaponised presence. The public's opinion of her remained mostly positive throughout her reign- Rosica was known to often interact with the common man and assist in healing any who were harmed in service of the throne. Lora, meanwhile, having left the castle as soon as her age allowed, married General Weyland of the royal army. Rumors and speculation posited that Lora had concocted plans to usurp her sister long before the assassination, considering her decision to marry a notable military officer and thus be in close contact with the disenfranchised army presence whom Rosica had deemed unnecessary. Such claims were never confirmed, but Lora was noted to conduct trips to the many provinces where border conflicts often erupted and the local nobles were more receptive to the more radical views of the younger royal sister.
Queen Rosica, during the 5th year of her reign, ended up falling in love with and marrying a traveling desert chiron scholar named Tiras. Considering the many heirs and nobles of neighboring nations were pursuing her hand in marriage, this act was seen as an affront and there was a brief increase in border conflicts, most of which were settled through trade agreements over the following years. Two years later, during the 7th year of her reign, she gave birth to the young princess Corona. Despite urging from her staff, Rosica again defied normal tradition and refused to have a second or third child, instead focusing on raising Corona. The princess was granted much freedom in her education, being allowed to choose what she wished to pursue, which was notable only in that she chose not to nurture her innate magical abilities in any way. This was a stark contrast to almost every previous Velach monarch, who were taught healing and damaging spells equally as a requirement of ascending to the throne- another exception granted by Rosica's loose approach to her station.
In (insert year here durr, 21st year of rosica's reign), Lora made her move against her sister. Lora gained intelligence by means of an unknown palace worker that revealed a habit of Queen Rosica's to take late night walks throughout the castle, often requesting her personal retinue hang back as she was known to have been irritated at the lack of personal time her position put upon her. With this intel, Lora hired an accomplished assassin from the ifreeti kingdom who was able to infiltrate the castle unnoticed- ambushing Queen Rosica in an empty room and successfully killing her. Though Rosica was said to have screamed and a scuffle broke out, her personal guards were too far to make it in time to see the assassin. Attempts at a resurrection were made almost immediately, but after several accomplished clerics tried to bring back the Queen, it became apparent that the assassin had used an enchanted weapon to capture Rosica's spirit, this making her unrevivable.
The kingdom fell into mourning, and shortly thereafter Corona was crowned the new queen as she had just turned 14- the acceptable age at which a princess could become ruler. Though some hoped Tiras would step up to ruling, the king consort denied any appeals and cited Velach tradition that only those possessing of royal blood and the magical affinity of the ruling family were allowed to govern. Queen Corona's reign was shortlived but eventful. Lora did not give up on her quest for the throne, it is believed she pursued many unsuccessful endeavors to likewise assassinate the new monarch. Most notably there was an attempt at a local festival which Corona made a speech in. Luckily Tiras was standing by and, having been a very successful wizard, killed the assassin before any harm could come to the queen. Due to the repeated assassination attempts and the knowledge of her mother's death, Corona's reign had her focus on internal affairs and intelligence within the kingdom. Many of the castle staff had been hired specifically for their ability as spies- a much more cautious and mistrustful approach than her late mother. Keeping track on the nobles was her primary objective, and locating the source of the attacks against herself and presumably her mother was often the driving motivator behind Corona's actions. Noting the chance to sieze some portion of power, the noble houses of Velach immediately set about appealing to Corona with their sons, often plaguing the queen with requests that she host more functions and quickly choose a husband to secure the royal lineage.
The pressure of the nobles and the queen's plans to locate the source of the treasonous element in the kingdom created the perfect environment for the ambitious Sisean Empire across the sea to make a move to capture the trading hub. The emporer of Sisea, Lorathe, was known for his insatiable powerlust and his habit of leading his army in conquering most the notable neighboring cities. Reports show he had been seeking a foothold across the sea for quite a while- even before Queen Rosica took the throne. The chaos of the late queen's death had been the opportunity he had been waiting for, and a fleet was prepared almost immediately.
Having spent almost no time communicating with her distant contacts, Queen Corona was caught unawares when almost a year into her rule she recieved word that a fleet of warships was seen enroute to Velach. Chaos erupted in the castle as Corona with Tiras as her advisor began gathering the meager army of Velach to the capital city and preparing the aged battleships for a conflict. With only two days to prepare, Velach was easily overrun by the Sisean fleet despite their battleships' best efforts at fending them off. Led by Emporer Lorathe himself, the army surrounded the castle and gathered Corona, Tiras, and the staff of the castle into the throne room.
Lorathe confronted Corona and offered a deal- If she could best him in magical combat, he would allow her to live and be a figurehead in her kingdom. The queen's reign had been short enough that intel of her lack in magical abilites had not had time to reach across the sea, and the magical acumen of her predecessors was assumed of her. Lorathe was noted to be an accomplished battlemage and often required such duels of conquered kingdoms, believing his opponents were most entertaining when they fought with their lives on the line. Having no magical training whatsoever, Corona was unable to duel. However, her father Tiras stepped forward and offered himself as a substitute in the duel- a condition which was accepted by Emporer Lorathe.
According to the few surviving staff who escaped, the duel was hard fought and Tiras showed a remarkable expertise with teleportation. Unfortunately, Emporer Lorathe was skilled enough that eventually he was able to catch Tiras unawares with an enchanted sword strike, killing him. Having lost the duel, Corona's life was also forfeit, but during the scuffle, the castle staff who were with the queen had concocted a plan. As soon as the king consort fell in battle, the staff began to attack the soldiers around them and flee enmasse, using bright light cantrips to create a distraction enough for many to escape into the castle at large and spread out to various routes. The staff had split off into pairs of taller races and chirons, thus making it difficult to track the queen from afar. During the escape, Corona was disguised and swapped into a two-chiron pair, which was one of the few who managed to exit the castle. Her escort was a court musician hired for her spying abilities and thus was able to escape the city with Corona safely.
In the aftermath of the coup, Emporer Lorathe ordered for the musician and Corona to be searched for in the entirety of the kingdom, but was unsuccessful in locating them and after a few months gave up the search. Now a part of the Sisean empire, Velach's economy changed overnight. Most trade ships belonging to the local merchants were siezed for transporting supplies from across the sea, and almost all resources of the kingdom went straight to the army. Lora, General Weyland, and many of the noble houses were killed or exiled from the country so as to better control the minor provinces, and a mandatory draft for any able citizens above puberty was instated, leaving most of the farming and crafting jobs to the young or old. Emperor Lorathe did not remain long in the kingdom, opting instead to accompany the newly enlarged army in conquering the nearby city of Farin. Conflicts across the sea in his homeland prompted a return after that, taking with him the large army and leaving Velach economically crippled. In the proceeding decade, Velach's trade has suffered immensely and nearby cities and villages have felt the consequences, some being abandoned outright. The majority of the farms in the kingdom send their crops overseas to support Emperor Lorathe's growing armies, and the capital city itself has been suffering a food shortage and a lack of able workers for most jobs. 3 significant attempts at rebellion were made, but the captain who was stationed as temporary leader of the kingdom was able to overturn all resistance with ease. Current estimations lead many to believe Velach will be unable to sustain itself in a few short years, and many have fled the city to escape the growing poverty. Queen Corona, though she was able to leave the kingdom safely, was not heard of in the 11 years since the coup, and is assumed dead.
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hplaptopworld · 3 years ago
Welcome to HP Showroom in Velacherry. Best HP laptops at best price. From an authorized HP dealer. Get an HP laptop with instant delivery. And easy EMI options.
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444names · 3 years ago
the entire list of celtic deities from wikipedia
Abele Abius Ackers Actelied Adancelly Adene Aedamas Aerstes Afand Agressed Aiand Aidigia Aidiver Aings Airsi Aloginus Amainaing Amerachass Angela Anistrud Anson Aponos Apors Appeo Araid Arann Arevatralm Arianol Arlachars Arthwydd Artridd Artuted Arudea Arunn's Asgeid Asters Atedancus Ationdes Aviter Awalec Awyddnos Aífer Aínear Balan Balig Baluxona Banda Bansonus Bearaft Beatols Becno Bedaness Beiders Beiri Beliss Beliver Beluns Bergy Beted Biroyen Bitorld Bitortecon Boaduibal Boanan Boartio Bodhosunn Borkey Borly Boversever Braund Briaeongus Briang Brieniu Bripped Brisand Brius Brivost Bropheme Brógan Béfiorcete Béfirs Cagius Calugus Camhaban Carat Carch Cares Catiffigar Cautermor Cavire Cemon Cermageius Cesonna Chole Ciesso Citorthom Clits Cneliven Cohuidia Conabcán Consorebon Corketiae Cormale Corrinus Cothey Cottel Couolg Covas Craft Creigal Crens Crentel Cronainos Cropatuter Cyclíder Cymrusever Damelluch Datrius Deans Deatouguae Deian Deidfranwn Denus Dessisteda Dinach Diourk Disky Distes Dobritea Doeta Donus Dooddeixus Dormae Dorturban Drulatis Duild Dylancus Eaereba Ectermand Eidgeiana Ellen Eltaher Ensicar Eopleant Epand Epanne Ernos Erous Ethenn Eucatio Euhecus Euhen Extatius Eógamhnes Femedb Fering Fernmae Festers Ficamay Ficus Finna Fiosprona Fliverban Floquadb Fluchere Fomon Forbers Forian Forketius Formum Forria Forrudea Forthem Franna Fualtia Fuligh Furbed Furom Gainnundic Galis Galklovin Gallill Galts Galue Gamermaris Gamona Gaundag Gcary Glannus Glatic Gobal Gobit Godergura Goinvs Goven Graculte Grean Gráir Gwydadhbh Habann Hamana Haren Heand Hemes Heming Herst Herwo Hethers Hiands Hicast Hicuiles Hodde Honla Huelatus Huill Iacheallae Ianceda Icarudig Idicusen Ilabire Imuits Ingfativa Ingus Itaeromand Itisia Itorevenn Iunus Jupigeo Kinflown Knomana Langus Lannán Larpedians Latiag Launid's Leardes Learrígal Leguach Lertall Lested Leuch Leurobal Lisambild Litedine Lived Llints Lluge Loris Lossitch Lotes Luello Lugaboth Luganan Lunius Macienzy Macos Maerignalm Magand Magico Magrarally Maince Maind Maing Mairnona Mallŷr Malus Marared Marna Marnu Marthergra Mathus Maugaes Mawyda Mbriverit Medialuent Merana Midianat Minge Mionna Miter Mocio Mosterach Mosterian Mosunus Mosus Mothe Mothenzy Mothreae Moughtaí Muirtric Munused Mythag Mythos Mórry Nalthres Niaen Nicobal Nicon Nidiand Nikinn Ninus Niuna Nobrea Nymrumvia Nîmenus Nógan Ofatic Offires Oldlaech Onnly Onude Orcelgiae Orvoreit Otallitse Parta Pativelg Peess Permastess Plech Pomaina Posat Pricto Probiterm Proth Pwydia Pyria Pyrid Quathread Reessing Ricall Ricul Rivius Rogels Rololisín Ropall Rosuca Rower Ruidia Sabrius Saintaran Sanicitzed Sanon Saunus Savads Savate Saximiange Saxonint Scelvelt Sechtavis Seiacháed Sennia Seque Sequenos Sianos Sinon Slawyder Smels Smermance Smilts Soman Somant Somapus Sonnomona Sorry Soted Soverall Spates Spene Sperwylli Spona Sqnnonanwn Stolwcharn Sucummond Suenters Sules Swized Swydeessic Takey Tantis Tavingla Tedechries Telve Tepalla Terian Tericted Terthalest Thdearming Theatived Thnagdaina Thunts Tonuacus Torigic Traletele Tranamor Trawen Trist Trits Trius Trobant Trona Trotivis Tugalle Tures Tutiant Ullath Undmor Undobra Velach Veltiona Veniumand Vensuch Verackes Vernelus Viapagrana Visneaus Vonorius Vospen Walts Waratehe Wargy Wather Wendayr Wenudiaen Werriu Werwo Whafanius Whiskuae Whomange Whosgus Willer Winharpus Witepos Wizaricle Womae Wormain Yound Zeurbre Áetii Éitain Éreir Ériaetain Éridd Étale Étaver
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castielgeralt · 3 years ago
“Representar verdadeiramente significa estar certo, ser lógico, coerente, pensar, lutar, sentir e agir em uníssono com o papel.”
- Marcos Velach
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mahamayak · 3 years ago
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herbalhealthcare-me · 5 years ago
Siddha Medicine& Treatment for PCOS Chennai | Herbal Health Care
PCOS – Polycystic ovarian syndrome A varied secretion of high male hormones like Androgen less secretion of female hormones like Estrogen and progesterone are the major cause of polycystic ovarian syndrome. This syndrome usually identified by inflammation in the ovary due to liquid like deposition in it. This imbalanced hormone secretion also affects with sudden weight gain, psychologically stressed condition, Anger, Pimples, growth of hair in jaw line and face, etc. this syndrome sometimes leads to problems in carrying a child.Herbal Health Care uses natural herbs like Neem, Jeera, turmeric, etc., along with Yoga, Varmam, Diet control, etc., to completely cure patients affected with PCOS.https://herbalhealthcarechennai.com/services/pcos-polycystic-ovarian-syndrome/
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marathistars · 8 years ago
Many a times we’ve seen an actor marrying another actor, but Zee Yuva’s Love Lagna Locha fame actress Akshaya Gurav recently got married to cinematographer Bhushan Wani. Akshaya was previously seen in serials like Manasicha Chitrakaar Toh, Mehndichya Panavar & Ithe Velach Mahatvachi. Bhushan Wani who works as a Director of Photography has shot many important ad films & short films.
It’s good to see that now Marathi audiences too are welcoming married actor/actress unlike in the past when staying single used to be an essential thing for popular actors & actresses. Before becoming an actress Akshaya completed her education from Welingkar Institute of Management & later started working as a freelance actress & model. Her performances in different one act plays made her famous as an actress to reckon with.
Her co-actresses from Love Lagna Locha Ruchita Jadhav & Siddhi Karkhanis surprised Akshaya when they attended the ‘Haldi’ ceremony of her wedding. We wish both Akshaya & Bhushan lots of happiness & good fortune in their personal & professional lives.
Akshaya Gurav Marriage – Wedding Photos
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Actress Akshaya Gurav Gets Married to Cinematographer Bhushan Wani! Many a times we’ve seen an actor marrying another actor, but Zee Yuva’s Love Lagna Locha fame actress Akshaya Gurav recently got married to cinematographer Bhushan Wani.
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castielgeralt · 3 years ago
Jogo de Cena: A literatura dramática é rica em gêneros e estilos. Agora é hora de subir no palco e experimentar algumas cenas e mostrar que você está pronto(a) para atuar. Abaixo, alguns trechos de importantes peças de teatro para você montar.
— Marcos Velach
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mahamayak · 3 years ago
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