#vegeta x reader angst
Drownin' in Poison
I am finally getting around to starting (and hopefully completing) this fic idea! I'm not really sure if it will go anywhere, but I am still really excited to make this idea a reality. I hope everyone enjoys it! This is based on the song Poison from Hazbin Hotel, and the story takes place after Vegeta comes back from Earth. Gifs are not mine!
Summary: Vegeta is informed by Frieza that he needs to relax more, and what better way to do so then with entertainment from one of Frieza's personal performers. Vegeta is reluctant but cannot say no, and he is mortified to see that the performer is a Saiyan like him. Will he choose to save them from their fate, or will he drown with them?
Warnings: sexual and suggestive comments from Frieza and his men, racist comments from Frieza, nonconsensual physical contact and choking, cursing, reader is wearing revealing clothing, mentions of injuries during a flashback, if I miss anything please let me know!!!
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Vegeta was pissed. No, that was an understatement; he was absolutely infuriated. Vegeta had been working under Frieza's tyrannical fist for a long time now, so why in the hell would he interrupt a training session for a "lovely chat" as it was phrased by Frieza's dispatched henchman. Oh how he wished to see Frieza begging for his life as he made that wretched alien pay for his cockiness. Still, Vegeta was not a fool, and he knew that he would have to wait if he wanted to catch Frieza off guard.
Vegeta slammed the doors to Frieza's council room open, his lips raised in a snarl. "You've got a lot of nerve calling me in here while I was training, Frieza. I can not fulfill your orders properly if I become weaker than those you send me to destroy!"
Frieza, who was talking to Zarbon about the Frieza force's next mission, shooed the green-haired warrior away. Zarbon did not hesitate to follow his commander's wave, but not before shoulder checking Vegeta on his way out. The shove did not phase Vegeta as much as Zarbon wished. "Oh Vegeta, you know better than to use such a tone with me," Frieza quipped as he approached him, his pace smooth and calculated. "Even for a filthy monkey, you are quite strong, and I would not have kept you alive otherwise."
Vegeta's face was void of any emotions, and yet his eye slightly twitched at Frieza's remark despite hearing it quite often. "Why have you summoned me here, Frieza?"
Frieza's dark lips stretched into a wicked smile, his eyes glittering with joy and a hint of something else that Vegeta could have swore was eagerness, like a child who knew a secret but refused to reveal the whole truth. "I believe that you need a well-deserved break, Vegeta. You have done so much for my empire, and I want to repay you for your dedication to me."
Vegeta could feel his hair stand on end under his armor, his instincts flagging at Frieza's offer. If he still had his tail, Vegeta knew it would be puffed up and twitching with alarm. All Vegeta could do right now was clench his fist as he stood taller. "That is not necessary. You accepted me into your ranks when my planet was destroyed. That is repayment enough."
"But you need to loosen up is the problem. You are so uptight and it disgusts me. Luckily, you have earned an invitation to an exclusive party for the top elite." Frieza's chest rumbled with a high pitched giggle as his crimson eyes locked with Vegeta's. "I have no doubt that you will enjoy the show."
Vegeta pulled at the collar of his azure button up shirt as his dress shoes tapped on the metal floor. Frieza's servant left the shirt for him along with a suit jacket and dress pants the color of the onyx cosmos that he had explored for Frieza's conquests. The instructions to the club were tucked into the suit jacket, and based on the coordinates, the club was not meant to be found easily.
Curse Frieza and his damn orders, Vegeta thought as he realized just how uncomfortable and warm the outfit made him feel. His armor would have been perfectly fine to wear. Then again, Frieza must be hiding something if he wanted Vegeta to wear something that he felt was idiotic trash.
The hallway became darker and darker until the final curve led to two wooden doors guarded by none other than Zarbon and Dodoria, the magenta light from above almost creating halos above their heads. Vegeta scoffed as he stopped before them. "My, my, don't you two idiots make quite the pair. Are all the other qualified guards injured if Frieza had to resort to you?" Vegeta raised an eyebrow as the other two glared at him.
"Shut it, Vegeta," Dodoria barked. "You should feel honored to be stepping foot into this club. Where's your invitation?"
Vegeta rolled his eyes. "Are you blind?! It's right here!" Vegeta shoved the piece of paper into Dodoria's chest, not even waiting for him to check it before shoving past the guards and entering the room. Vegeta could feel his breath catch in his throat at the sight of the room, his face flushing from anger and confusion. The whole club was decorated in white marble floors and purple wood stained walls, amethyst stones etched into the tables and the bar's counter top. Several of Frieza's top men were here, each one being served by various alien races that Frieza had conquered. It was the outfits that caught Vegeta off guard. Each worker had on tight outfits made from different styles and fabrics, but all of them were either a shade of purple or white to match Frieza.
To make matters worse, the tyrant in question had his own throne center stage to what Vegeta assumed was a performance area. The throne itself was a deep indigo with swirls of white stone dancing along the sides, and there were tables surrounding the throne for Frieza's favorite soldiers. Vegeta couldn't help but notice there was only one spot left.
"Ah there's the filthy monkey now~! We saved a special spot for you, Vegeta..." Frieza smirked as he swirled the wine in his glass cup, his dark fingernails tracing the edge as he took in Vegeta's rigid walk as he found his seat. "Not what you expected, hmm? I told you I would find a way to help you relax, and you better enjoy yourself. That is an order."
"Yes, Frieza." Vegeta mumbled as he took a few drinks from whatever the soldiers' had brought him. Damn rancid beer, Vegeta lamented to himself as he wiped his lips. Even with the loud music thumping throughout the club, Vegeta tried to address Frieza. "With all due respect, Frieza, I do not understand your motives for inviting me to this club. Places like this are not meant for high classes warriors like me."
Frieza laughed so hard that some of his wine spilled onto one of the soldiers below him, but he was too pleased with himself to notice. "You'll eat those words, Vegeta. I have a special guest that will make this place feel like home!"
Home? Now that made Vegeta nearly spit out his drink. What in the hell did he mean by home?
I'm not above a love to cash in
The music from the speakers faded until there was nothing but the eager energy from the crowd and a single lilac spotlight shining down onto the stage. An announcer stepped out onto the stage, a wide yet fake smile stretched across their face. "Good evening, everyone! Welcome to another show at the Violet Underground! Tonight, we have one of the club's top performers here for your entertainment. Without further ado, here is none other than Y/N!"
The person that stepped through the curtain and took the place of the announcer was clad in a tight purple outfit, a white heart decorating the opening near their chest and matching thigh high pearl boots that echoed through the room with each step they took. Their eyes and lips were expertly done up with purple and white makeup, making their dark eyes glimmer in the light despite the performer's discomfort with the makeup. It is true that they were beautiful, Vegeta could not deny that, but there was one part of their appearance that had Vegeta gripped with fear. It was their brown tail that swished as they walked that automatically revealed that this performer named Y/N was a Saiyan just like him. While Vegeta gritted his teeth and wondered how it was possible for another Saiyan to survive the desolation of their planet, Frieza's soldiers and the others in the crowd were already spewing flirtatious comments towards Y/N.
Another lover underneath those flashin' lights, Another one of those ruthless nights, yeah, yeah, yeah
As the tempo of the song started to pick up, Y/N's body moved to the rhythm with expert precision. Vegeta could not help but become mesmerized by the sway of their hips and tail, the way their Saiyan muscles flexed with each bend and step, but at the same time, Vegeta could still feel the anger building in the pit of his stomach. Vegeta could barely hear his own thoughts over the loud music and shouts from the crowd. How the hell did a powerful Saiyan warrior become a performer for such a beastly crowd?
I shoulda guessed that this would happen
Y/N was wondering the same thing. They did not ever see themselves performing in a skin tight outfit in front of soldiers that would storm the stage if not for Frieza keeping them at bay. This was not the job that they were promised. Before every performance as Y/N put on the outfit that matched Frieza's colors, the memories of their first meeting always flashed through their mind.
"You must be the filthy monkey that my men captured trying to flee from the rest. Still, you do appear to be quite strong."
Y/N kneeled before Frieza, who was lounging in his throne as the tip of his tail flicked lazily side to side. They were bloody and beaten, the cuffs digging into their wrists, and yet they couldn't help the growl that escaped from their throat. "When I get out of these cuffs, I will kill you myself! Just like the weaklings before me!"
Frieza tilted his head as he smiled and let out a sinister laugh. "My, my, you are quite a feisty one. My men have told me about the fight that you put up, and I believe that you would be the ideal candidate for a new fighting squad I'm creating."
Y/N's face relaxed slightly at the comment, but they remained hesitant at first. "What is this fighting squad you speak of?"
I shoulda known it when I looked in your red-hot eyes, Spewin' all your red-hot lies, yeah, yeah, yeah
"It's called D.A.N.C.E., and only the strongest warriors have learned to master it." Frieza had to take a sip of his wine to keep from laughing at his own deviousness. He knew that the younger Saiyans would always pounce at the chance to fight without knowing all the details, but to fall for something like this was astoundingly foolish. He slowly rose from his seat and walked to stand inches in front of Y/N. He bent at the waist so he could stare down at them. "So, do we have a deal, Monkey?"
What's the worst part of this hell? I can only blame myself
Not knowing any better, Y/N had eagerly accepted the deal that would allow them to keep fighting, and more importantly to keep living long enough to kill Frieza and make him pay for what he has done. Their eagerness and lack of questioning led them to here, where D.A.N.C.E. meant dancing for soldiers and doing whatever it took to keep them and Frieza entertained. At first the news made Y/N sick, and yet they knew that if they did not perform they would be killed, and so they did whatever Frieza ordered.
Vegeta let his eyes flicker over to Frieza who was sitting beside him, trying his best to not launch himself out of his seat and punch the pale alien in the jaw. He could tell that Frieza was enjoying the performance, despite his hatred towards the Saiyan race. Frieza's tail swayed back and forth in the same pattern as Y/N's hips, his blood-colored eyes appearing darker as he took in their figure. Vegeta even caught him liking his lips as he took another sip of his wine. The other soldiers were no better as they shouted and whistled, some of them even shifting in their seats as they resisted the urge to move and disobey Frieza. Y/N knew all of this was happening, and yet they appeared unbothered by it all. In fact, they were somehow relishing in the behaviors around them.
'Cause I know you're poison, You're feeding me poison
Addicted to this feelin', I can't help but swallow, Up your Poison, I made my choice, and
Y/N had accepted their mistake long ago, otherwise it would have torn their spirit apart. The only way to win this game was to play the role that was expected of them, or what Frieza expected from them. Whether that meant flirting with the Lord or his underlings, practicing new performances and moves until their muscles ached, or wearing these awful outfits that made their skin crawl: all of it worked as steps towards ending Frieza's reign. Y/N realized that if this was going to work they had to pretend like they were enjoying themselves.
Every night I'm living like there's no tomorrow
The beat of the song dropped, and along with it Y/N's body dropped to the floor of the stage as they seductively crawled towards Frieza. Y/N could feel a shiver as the cold stage clawed at their skin, but this new move was worth it as Frieza's eyes widened along with his smile, his tail flicking faster in a more predatory way. Frieza had never done anything to Y/N, but they were not naive to ignore the strength and power he had. All it would take is one word and they would be done for. As the soldiers became more rowdy and vulgar, Y/N tried to focus on only Lord Frieza, knowing that he would enjoy the attention. How could they have been diminished to such humiliation?
Frieza leaned over to speak to Vegeta, his voice reaching a higher pitch so he could be heard over the song. "Even though they may be a monkey like you, Vegeta, I would not hesitate to take them in this room right here and now. No one would stop me, either."
Oh-Oh, Oh-Oh, Anyway you want me, baby, That's the way you got me
I'll be yours, My story's gonna end with me dead from your poison
Someone new caught Y/N's attention. They had never noticed this soldier at Frieza's club before, and he seemed like he was hating every second of this act. Y/N swiftly moved back to a standing position as they swished their hips and moved to the opposite side of the stage while the song moved on to the second verse. They were curious to get a better look at this new patron, and there was something else that drew Y/N to them. Why did that dark hair look so familiar?
Then it hit them. Y/N recognized the man as none other than Vegeta, the Prince of all Saiyans. Y/N thought that all of the royalty from Planet Vegeta were dead, or at least that is what Frieza had told them. Y/N could find themselves smiling at Vegeta instinctually as the happiness of finding familiarity in one's own people returned to them. Despite the smile, Vegeta could barely look at Y/N, and any time he did look it seemed laced with infuriation. Was he mad at them for ditching their Saiyan heritage and fighting spirit? That was far from the case, and Y/N could feel this man's anger seep into her own movements. Y/N leapt down from the stage and strutted with purpose across the room, thinking about ways to prove this arrogant prince wrong.
I got so good at bein' untrue, I got so good at tellin' you what you wanna hear
Y/N had never left the comfort of the stage before, and it became harder to ignore the comments that were being thrown her way. "Why don't you come over here, doll?", and "I bet that Saiyan stamina would be great in the bedroom" were just a few of the comments that Y/N heard. They pushed the comments away and made it their mission to catch Vegeta's attention.
I disassociate, disappear, yeah, yeah, yeah
The dark-haired man noticed Y/N approaching, and they made sure to swish their tail more obviously for him. He was handsome, and Y/N made a risky move by running their hand along his jaw as they passed him. Vegeta curled defensively into the other side of his seat, but he could feel the warmth creeping up his neck at the attention. Y/N could tell that he had him in the palm of their hand now, so they gracefully stepped up onto Vegeta's table and grabbed his drink from him. Y/N smirked as they drank what little bit of the alcohol was left, shocking Vegeta and spurring on the others at the table.
So far beyond difficult, To resist another gulp
Y/N felt the moves come more freely to them as they danced on the table and never broke eye contact with Vegeta. This was a move that could cost them their life, and Y/N could feel the daggers that Frieza was staring into them. Y/N did not dare to look at Frieza yet, and instead they twirled around and showed off their tail with pride. Vegeta, on the other hand, could only sit back and watch. He wanted nothing more than to leave, but that would mean committing treason against Frieza and risking both of their lives. How could a performer, someone who threw away their self-respect so quickly, cause Vegeta's heart to skip a beat?
Yeah I know it's poison, You're feedin' me poison
I'm chokin' from the taste and I can't help but swallow, Up your poison, I made my choice, and
Y/N decided to spare a glance towards Frieza, and while they could tell that he was pissed, he also seemed amused. Was he getting off on the fact that two Saiyans were before him, predicting that they may team up in the future to escape? Y/N felt that deep down they should play it safe and return to the stage, but they were sick of being confined to a fake performance that was not who they were. They were a warrior, and they were going to show it through their rebellion. Y/N grabbed another bottle from the table, not even stopping as they took a drink and maintained eye contact with Vegeta. They knew they shouldn't be drinking while performing, but at the same time, they stopped caring about the logistics after the first sip.
Every night I'm wasted like there's no tomorrow
Vegeta, upon realizing what Y/N was doing, made the choice to have a little fun of his own. If Frieza wanted him to loosen up, or lose his cool due to the Saiyan performing for him now, then he would follow the orders to a T. Vegeta smirked as he leaned back in his seat, resting his arms behind his head and playing into the role that Y/N wanted him to set. Y/N watched Vegeta closely, seeing what else he would do. Vegeta raised his hand and made a slow twirling motion, and Y/N eagerly followed the signal to spin for him as their purple suit shimmered in the stage lighting. For once in the entire time that Y/N had been stuck on this planet, they finally felt proud of the performance they were giving. It felt natural.
Oh-oh, oh-oh, anyway you want me, baby, That's the way you got me
I'll be yours, My story's gonna end with me dead from your poison
The song reached its final cord, and Y/N struck a lasting pose as they remained on the table. Soldiers and servers alike clapped for them, but it was Vegeta's claps that felt like the best praise. Y/N smiled at him, a genuine smile not stitched with forced flirtations, and their tail happily moved from side to side. Vegeta offered his hand to help Y/N down from the table, and just before Y/N could reach out to him, something jerked them off balance.
Frieza had wrapped his tail around Y/N's waist, the pearl colored appendage coiling around their body like a python ready to squeeze the life from it's prey. Frieza lifted Y/N up with ease as they gripped his tail for fear of being dropped. Vegeta shot out of his chair as it clashed to the floor, the other soldiers pulling out their weapons and pointing them at the new hostile target. Frieza placed Y/N in his lap, his tail moving higher up their chest to curve around their throat and giving a light squeeze. Vegeta could tell that Y/N was not comfortable with Frieza's advances, but if he moved, he would be killed without hesitation.
Poison, I'm drownin' in poison
I'm filling up my glass but it's always hollow
Frieza tilted his head to peer down at Vegeta, loving how angry he looked at the thought of him stealing one of his own. Frieza's eyes narrowed as he chuckled and tightened the grip of his tail, causing Y/N to let out a gasp. "Easy now, Vegeta. A monkey like you should remember his place, and this monkey belongs to me~," Frieza turned back toward Y/N and licked a stripe across their cheek, the contact causing Y/N's nose to crinkle in disgust as they jerked their head the other way.
"If they are your property, then why do you waste their potential?! Why not put their skills to a better use?" Vegeta shouting at Frieza in front of the others could have been a death sentence, but the twinge of a feeling deep in his gut told him to protect his own. Afterall, Y/N did have the build of the Saiyan warriors he used to train.
Frieza perked up at Vegeta's outburst. He let his tail relax as it unwove from Y/N's body, but he kept a strong hand placed tightly on their waist. Y/N winced at the contact and knew it would leave bruises the next day. "Well, Vegeta, what better use could they have than this?"
Full of poison, I'm sick of the poison
Vegeta relaxed at Frieza's willingness to listen, something that he did not do often. "Let me train them for you so they can become another warrior for your ranks," Vegeta offered. Frieza waved his hand, and the other soldiers lowered their guns. Vegeta took that as a sign to continue. "You lost a lot of great soldiers on the last mission, and I have no doubt that Y/N here could do the work of all those soldiers if not more under my guidance." Vegeta swallowed as he quickly glanced at Y/N, whose eyes were pleading to be set free.
Frieza shrugged. "The idea has potential, but we will speak more on this tomorrow. For now, have a few more drinks and enjoy yourself. You'll know my decision when we meet again."
Y/N's head hung low, their eyes watering as they tried to blink the false hope away. They looked up at Vegeta one last time as he went to leave, and the look in his eyes seemed more certain than their own. If Vegeta is as strong as Y/N remembered, maybe he could set them free, or they would both die by Frieza's hand.
Wish I had somethin' to live for tomorrow
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dessertpanda · 7 months
Goku x Vegetas Daughter
"Y/N" Trunks called out into the forest where his elder sister was busy training. "You sure she's here Trunks?" Goten asked also in search of his sister figure "KAHMEHAMEHAAA" there was a yell off in the distance and a large blast followed "FOUND HER" both boys perked up at the sound. They where quick to take off into the air following the destruction that was left behind. "Okay that was awesome, but you have to make sure you use you hips more when you send it" The boys landed next to her and Goten's father. "Ah dad, what are you guys doing?" Goten asked with Goku standing there with his hands on Y/N's hips showing her the movement he wanted her to do. "Oh Goten, Trunks Hey guys" Goku smiled brightly and released Y/N hips. "I was showing Y/N how to get more power behind her Kahmehamha" Y/N stood straight and looked up at Goku. "Thanks for the training session, Dad refuses to help me with my form" She said bowing in thanks. "It's not a problem at all, always a pleasure when it's just the two of us" Goku brought her into a side hug, his arm slung over her shoulder.  "Oh yeah, Mom said the feast is ready, she said we're just waiting on you Goku" Trunks remembering as to why they where there. "OH YEAH, I'm starving, come on Y/N we better not keep them waiting" Goku was already in the air the two youngsters following suit. "Oh um a-actually, Mom said she doesn't want to see Y/N right now" Trunks frowned as he told his sister what their mother had said "WHAT but Y/N had a full day of training and she's hungryyyyy" Goku wined at the information. "Dad maybe it's best if we leave her, m-mom not happy you've been spending so much time with her either" Goten said. He was trying to keep his farther out of the dog house. "but, Y/N, are you?" Goku was so sad, Him and Y/N where like best friends, they battled, hangout, and even took the boys training together all the time "Oh it's okay Goku, go eat I'm sure you're hungry. Plus I'm um mm Fasting thats right, a cleanse" She lied, she knew he would offer to stay or bring her food but that would only get him in trouble with his Wife. "You sure, I could" "No no go enjoy, I'll be here like always" she smiled and ushered them to leave. "Well okay, I guess we better go then" and with that the boys took off heading towards Collapse corp.  "Dad you have to stop running off with Y/N" Goten complained " Yeah Goku, Mrs.ChiChi thinks you're cheating with my sister" Trunks complainant as he circled to the other side of Goten. "WHAT, that's insane, sure Y/N is sweet and really pretty and a great fighter but I love ChiChi, it's just nice having someone to hang with that can match my energy" Goku confessed while looking back "She makes me feel normal, you know?" He look back forward. "I get it dad we love Y/N too but nobody else does" Goten felt so sad whenever discussing her. "But i just don't understand, She kind, smart, powerful, and just perfect" Trunks defended his sister. "I agree Trunks, there has to be more to her and Vegeta's history then what we have been told" Goku face changed to one of determination "and I think we need to find out" "Yeah, lets do it" the boys where more than excited to find out why their beloved sister was hated so much. "I thinks we've been left out of the loop and I want in" Goku said "ALRIGHT OPERATION UNCOVER IS A GO" Trunks cheered before they began their decent to the ground. 
"GOKU WERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?" Goku was already saddened by his wife's voice. "AHAH ChiChi hey, I've just been training with Y/N" Goku said a light sweat forming. "WHAT HAVE I SAID ABOUT THAT BITCH" Chichi ignited with straight furry. "She's a whore who just wants in your pants" she glared at Goku, If only looks could kill. "HEY, DON'T SAY THAT ABOUT MY SISTER" Trunks desperately wanted to defend his sister but he was never allowed to. "TRUNKS" Bulma holler walking in with Vegeta "What have I said about calling that THING you sister" Vegeta scolded him. "I,- DAD SHE'S YOUR KID" Trunks was almost in tears "He's right Mr.Vegeta" Goten intervened "Goten, shush" ChiChi was quick to silence him. The boys always argurded about Y/N especially Trunks, He loved her deeply but today a new voice intervened.  "You know Vegeta, I've always wondered how Y/N came to be" Goku pushed the conversation on. "I've already told ya, She was a Fling back when I was working with Frieza" "Right but that doesn't explain why you hate her" Gohan was now involved. He had always been fawn of the girl, but his mother had forbidden him from talking with her as they grew up. "I never asked for her, she nothing but a burden that is utterly useless to me" Vegeta set the cup he was holding down. "Plus she's far to weak to actually be my child" he had a smug look on his face. "Naw I don't think so Vegeta, She's really strong. I've seen it myself" Goku was determined to defend her as much as he could "ARE YOU CALLING ME A LIAR KAKAROT?" Now Vegeta was enraged. So Bulma stepped in "Now boys please, Goku you know we don't accept Y/N because she is nothing but a danger, and Vegeta said her mother was rather hot headed meaning she could explode at any minute" "But Vegeta's hot headed, why is Y/N any different?" Gohan asked. He has never truly accepted their reasons but he had always respected them being thats how he was raised. "BECAUSE Y/N'S MOTHER WAS EXTREMELY DANGEROUS" Bulma yelled in anger her veins showing and pulsing. "Damn Bulma cool your tits" Goku was surprised by her sudden outburst. "Kakarot just drop it" Vegeta warned. "No" for once Goku was taking his stand. Y/N is very dear to him and He wants to know why they should hate her. "GOKU" ChiChi was surprised by her husbands serious tone. "Kakarot" "Y/N is very dear to me, she's one of my best friends and both her and I deserve an explanation as to why she's hated" Goku was stern with his voice "So do they because they love her" He said pointing to Trunks and Goten. "Kakarot" Vegeta interrupted in a much softer tone. "ARE YOU CHEATING ON CHICHI?" Bulma threw out a rather large accusation "WHAT" "I KNEW IT GOKU, YOU'RE ALWAYS OFF WITH HER" Tears where running down her face it's like the women could cry on command. "TELL ME DO YOU FUCK HER? HUH YOUR BEST FRIENDS KID? DISGUSTING MAN, SHE'S LIKE A CHILD!!" Chichi was balling and hyperventilating. She was angry one second and now shes this. Goku was so confused "WHY WOULD YOU ASSUME THAT?" then it clicked,  Goku was suddenly very aware of what was going on. Bulma and ChiChi were hiding something and they created a scene to cover it up pinning him as the villain. "THAT'S NOT FAIR, ACCUSING ME OF SOMETHING LIKE THAT!" Goku tried to defend himself but as he looked at his friends for support, all eyes where on him with nothing but hate. "I think, I thinks you've done enough damage" 18 said coming to hold ChiChi.
"What, I-I didn't do" Goku was cut off by a swift punch from Krillin. "Goku, I thought you where better than that". The emotion that Goku felt was so unreal, How could they not even let him defend himself, and even worse think so little of Y/N. "Fine, I'll leave, But don't come calling for me to save you" Goku hovered above the ground doing one last look through the group. He saw a distraught Vegeta, as is he was regretting something. He didn't stick around to listen tho, a quiet goodbye and with that Goku left, flying back to the only comfort he was guaranteed to always have . Y/N. "DAD/GOKU WAIT" the young boys got ready to follow before they where intercepted by their mothers. ChiChi held Goten close crying about how she was betrayed and heart broken and how she needed comfort from her son, her child who she knew loved her. "M-Mom let go, HOW COULD YOU DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT" the sudden energy spike from Goten surprised her and she released. She was expecting him to listen like he always did but he retaliated.  " Y/N is very kind and Dad loves you, H-how could you" Goten had tears in his eyes now, "Come on Trunks let's go" Goten pulled Trunks out of Bulma's grasp. "Trunks you leave, you'll be in deep shit" Vegeta threatened. Trunks looked at his parents right in the eyes and said, "Makes sure it's so deep I'm at the same level as you" They then took off to the sky in pursuit of Goku. 
As Goku landed in the forest, he was quick to start his search. "Y/N" He yelled. He walked aimlessly for a good minute till "You won't find her like that" a voice spoke from behind him "Boys!?" He was surprised to see both Trunks and Goten. "You boys should go home, They hate me, no need for them to hate you too" Goku had a look of utter defeat, like his whole world just came crashing down. Which is kinda did in a sense, Lost his Wife, Home, his friends and all because their was a damn secret that 'had' to be kept. "Dad, w-what happened back their wasn't your fault for once, t-that was just scary" Goten admitted beneath his breath. "Yeah Goku, that wasn't right" For the first time in forever Goku felt like crying. He was genuinely heartbroken. Sure he married ChiChi because she tricked him at first but he came to tolerate her enough to considerate love and he loves their two wonderful kids. Then his best friend that he grew up with, was the one that accused Him of being the cheater. She's known him the longest and to think she thought so little of him "Trunks, d-do you know where Y/N is, I really need her" Goku was so defeated that he was admittedly asking for help, he was on the verge of begging for it. "Y-yeah" Trunks began to lead them. It genuinely scared the boys to see Goku, the worlds savior like that, hollow almost life less. He was stripped of almost all his will to fight, he even left without eating. "She has a house she built, it's huge too" Trunks was almost bragging about it. Making an attempt to brighten the mood "But you need to have a secret code to find it" he walked right up to the mountain wall and began to feel around.
"Trunks?" "FOUND IT" Trunks interrupted Goten. "Dear the gods" he began. "My family is not always my blood," Trunks took a breath "bless the all father, This mask has seen life through death, this is a honor" as he finished the wall began to shake, splitting in the middle and forming into the shape of a door. "Come on, there's not long till it closes" Trunks rushed the other two in after him. "TRUNKS IS THAT YOU?" Y/N voice came from somewhere within the house. "YEAH AND GOTEN AND GOKU" He hollered informing his sis of the extra guests " Ah Goku, Goten, I just finished Dinner" Y/N had came from the stairway down the hall. She was dressed for bed in her Bowser P.J pants and a black tank-top. "Welcome, I could sense you guys, sorry I just got out the shower" She apologized while trying to dry her dripping hair. "Ah it's no problem Y/N, just glad you could have us" Goku smile was back but it wasn't as bright as it usually was. Y/N was quick to notice, and seeing his slight red eyes told her everything she needed to know. "Hey boys, why don't you go set up the guest room, I'm assuming your staying the night?" Y/N knew the answer but she just want confirmation. "Yep, is that okay?" Goten asked while Trunks was already up the stairs. Y/N bent down to Goten height, "Of course baby, go help Trunks tho, sleep over" she did little jazz hands to emphasize her excitement. "THANKS Y/N, I LOVE YOU" Goten was quick to hug her then sprint up the stair in tow of Trunks. Y/N smiled but it faded as she adjusted her view onto the man who had settled in on the couch. "Goku, you okay?" Y/N was caution, this was new territory for her. "Have you ever fucked up so bad that your life fell apart?" Goku voice was nothing more than a whimper. Goku cursing surprised her slightly. "You know I'm a fuck up" Y/N sat next to Goku, opening her arms for him. He was quick to fall into them. "Y/N, tell me, why are you hated?" "I-uh, I really shouldn't say m-my farther will be mad" Y/N had made a promise to keep their history private. Even though he hated her, she still respected him. "Y/N, I-I lost everything..." Goku took a shaky breath in.  Wide eyed Y/n ran her finger through his spiky hair. "Goku, what happened?" her whispered voice sent a calming chill down his spine. "ChiChi and Bulma accused me of cheating with you, and then everyone turned against me. my friends, my wife, my best friend, everyone" Goku finished with a hiccup. He adjusted so he was now laying on her lap "But, why, you do so much for them" She felt tears, did this really happen and why would they turn so fast? "They where mad I was with you, then they stared saying bad things about you, a-and I wanted to defend you but then I asked what happened in your past, that's when it all went down hill" small tears striped down her face. 'did he really risk everything for me?' she thought to herself. She felt horrid, she would hate to lose Goku but if it was his happiness or hers "Goku, I'm not worth your happy life, just apologize and then promise to never see me again, that should fix it" She wanted him to be happy, the people who love her where always suffering because of her. She didn't want that. "Goku you have a wonderful family, wife, friends, if they don't want anything to do with me then leave me, I'm not worth all your happiness" Y/N grew up being told she was worthless, she didn't want Goku to waste his life on her. "You know Y/N thats really selfish of you" He was now staring right at her, feeling her tears drip onto his cheeks fusing with his own, "My life is amazing because you're in it, You're my best friend Y/N, life without you this wouldn't be as fun" He smiled up at her, a real smile. "Oh Goku, you are my best friend too, and I" She was interrupted by the pitter patter of feet running down the stairs. "Y/N, WE FINISHED" Trunks yelled, in search of her, " Yeah can we eat now?" Goten asked finding them sitting on the couch.
"Oh, I'm guessing you told her?" Goten asked seeing both of them crying, he was scared but he did what he felt was right, however "D-Dad, where are we going to live?" Goten had come to that realization while setting up the bed, He didn't want to go back home and he knew they where searching for them. "Umm I'm not sure yet buddy but we'll figure it out" Goku only hoped to calm his poor son who was trapped in the middle of this whole mess. "What do you mean figure it out? The answer seem pretty clear to me" Y/N said removing Goku from her lap and standing to comfort the boy. "Here obviously, I have enough room as long as Trunks is okay with bunking?" She looked over at her brother for approval. "HELL YEAH, I GET AN ACTUAL SIBLING" Trunk would be more than happy to share, especially with Goten. "Goku, you can take my bed tonight since the other room isn't ready yet" Y/N picked both Trunks and Goten up and made her way to the kitchen "No no I'll take the couch, really" Goku was not usually one to give up a good sleep but at the moment he felt like he should. "Goku, my wonderful monkey alien, you have had a long night, please take the bed and rest up" She set the boys down and began to plate their dinner. "Y/N you are to good to us, also I thought you where fasting?" Goku only now realized that she had made a feast. "I uh  Iliedbecuaseiknewyouwouldinsiteonstayingwithme" She said really fast, Goku only being able to catch lie. "really, Y/N?" He had a fake pout. "Oh shush, eat up and then go shower and off to bed" She set the plates on the table and allowed the boy to got to work. "THANKS FOR THE FOOD" they said before digging in.
"Y/N, the waters getting cold" Goten complained from the tub he was sitting in. "That means baths over boys, time to get out" Y/N unplugged the drain and set two towel for the boy on the toilet sink. "okay, dry up, P.J's on then we'll hang and then bed. Deal?" She question while heading out the door. "DEAL" both yelled as the door shut behind her. "Okay boys bathed, me bathed, now to check in on Goku" she made her way towards her bedroom which was currently the temporary home for the hero. "GOKU" she knocked on the door, waiting for a response. "Yeah, come on in" once she got her reply she enterned, and found the man snuggled up in her bed, tucked in nice and cozy. "I see you're comfy" she laughed a little. "Very," he said with a smile " alright get some sleep, I'm gonna put the boys to bed, if you need me I'll be on the couch" She left him quietly and shut the door behind her.
Not to long after that the boys where tucked in their bunks and sound asleep. Y/N settled herself on the couch with a blanket and pillow, slowly drifting into sleep. Being tired from the training and emotional stress. That is until heavy foot steps echoed. Y/N could only guess who's steps those could be, not even asking question she called out to him. "Goku, everything okay?" She look towards the hall to see the man rubbing his eyes, standing only in sweatpants. The site made Y/N blush slightly but she quickly got rid of it after looking at his face. "Hey um, c-can you sleep next to me?" He sounded almost scared. "I-it's weird not feeling energy next to me a-and yeah" He sounded so shy but Y/n didn't hesitate, in all honestly she had always loved Goku but she didn't want to fuck up his wonderful relationship, so she kept all emotions at bay. "you sure?" she was willing of course, however not wanting to take advantage of him in anyway. "Yeah, that would help" He grabbed her hand and began to walk with her back up to the bedroom. As they passed the many room, a soft but shaken voice rang through the silence, "Y-Y/N?" Both looked back to see Goten holding the hand of Trunks who was half asleep peeking out from behind a door. " I uh I kinda had a nightmare, c-can we sleep with you guys?" He whispered cautious of the half asleep boy beside him.  "Oh Goten come on not bud, you're to old for this" Goku knew ChiChi would always comfort Goten, allowing him to sleep with them. But he did not want to cause anymore trouble than he already was. "Oh Hush Goku, Of course Goten my bed is big enough for the 4 of us" Y/N was quick to pick both boys up and carry them to the bedroom with Goku in close tow. As they all cuddled down together, for the first time all day, Goten and Goku felt comfort and safety. "Good night boys sweet dreams" Y/N gave each a kiss on their head. "Good night Y/N, we love you" Goten said slowly drifting to sleep.  "Y/N, thank you for everything" Goku said bringing her closer "Of course Goku" "I love you Y/N" He said also drifting. "I-good night Goku" Y/N knew she couldn't say it back because she would not mean it in the same way he did. 
After that night the boys moved in with Y/N. ChiChi and Goku got divorce a few months later after trying to work things out. With Y/N'S help Goku won custody over Goten, which he was thankful for but it was messy.  They agreeded that Goten was free to visit when ever he wanted, which was very little. Bulma was still mad at Trunks so Vegeta allowed him to stay with Y/N already annoyed with Bulmas increase in bitchy attitude. Some things went back to normal, Goku and Vegeta began to train together again, making sure to avoid Bulma. But other than that everything changed. Everyone basically Blacklisted Goku, Goten, and Trunks. ChiChi and Bulma continue to spread lies about Y/N and Goku's affairs. However The 4 accused where living rather peacefully, Y/N was going to college, taking some advice from Gohan and started studying Law, she also took on a part time job to help with food and everything. Goten and Trunks mostly stayed home and were doing online school. Even Goku got a part time job, he worked at a meat factory, perfect for him with all the heavy lifting and 'punching bag' as he had called the hanging meat. He was happy that he got to pick the job he wanted. However, all the peacefulness went out the door when an invitation was deliver to Goku by Gohan to a certain women's birthday part. (TO BE CONTIUNED)
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galaxychaos78 · 2 years
chaos speaks: idk what this exactly is, but its vegeta related so enjoy this. slight angst
"Don't you understand that I'm doing this for YOU?!"
Your fingers gripped the doorknob as your boyfriend's voice rang out in your shared room. You turn, eyes casted downwards as you couldn't force yourself to look at him, even with his wounds patched up.
"Don't you understand that you are the one thing in this life worth fighting for?...Worth dying for?" You can't stop the lone tear that falls and lean into his touch as he wipes it away with his thumb. His voice is soft, almost pleading. He wants you to understand and dear god you do. You understand that he would go to war for you, would leave mass destruction in his wake. Would give no mercy if it meant keeping you safe.
Because you would do the exact same for him. Prince Vegeta, your Vegeta. The Vegeta who skims his finger over your knuckles as a silent plea to go home when Bulma's parties become too much. The Vegeta who spends an extra 5 minutes in bed with you before he goes off to train, even though he always grumbled that it'll make him late for his training sessions with Goku. The same Vegeta who whispers his love for you against your skin in the early hours of the morning after a nightmare.
The same Vegeta who stands before you now, eyes glossy with tears. You reach to cup his hand in yours and let out a trembling breath.
"I don't want you to die for me.."
"Then let me live for you...Let me be the one to take your pain as my own." He takes your hand and places it on his chest. His heart beats rapidly and you clutch his shirt. "Let me wear these wounds with pride my love...these wounds show my absolute loyalty to you and only you."
For the moment, he is alive and you are grateful.
For the moment, you are alive and he is grateful.
Outside the sun shines, but in this room it rains. The tears of both you and your lover fall free and in his embrace, you kiss.
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softlymellow · 2 years
stay with me -- F.G
pairing: Future Gohan x reader (Dragon Ball Z)
word count: 541
warnings: angst ;(
summary: Reader cries to Gohan and begs for him to stay with her.
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“Gohan…” You whispered, your mouth resting against his bicep. 
“Mhm?” He hummed. Even in the night, the only thing that lit his room was the moon, yet his eyes still glimmered and shone as they fell upon you. 
Your head rested against his shoulder as you both sat on his bed, both of your backs against the wall and facing the window. 
“Please don’t leave me.” Mumbling quietly, you began to fidget with the hem of your shirt. 
Gohan’s eyebrows furrowed as he watched you bite your lips and the way you avoided his gaze. 
“What do you mean, Y/n?” You have had these talks before with Gohan but watching you say raw words such as those created a different atmosphere that Gohan wasn’t used to. 
You couldn’t bring yourself to say anymore, even just the thought of Gohan leaving you alone brought you to tears. The rest of the Z fighters were gone, it was just Gohan, Trunks and you. You had lost your little brother to the androids but Gohan was there for you at your lowest. You needed him with you. You wanted him to live. 
“Promise me, Gohan. Promise me that you’ll stay.”
“Y/n, I’m not going anywhere.” He said, moving the one arm he still had to gently caress your hair. 
“I don’t care Gohan if the androids still exist, I just don’t want you to die.” You finally felt tears rolling down your face as you felt yourself release a burden you and Gohan didn’t know you were carrying. 
“I just want you, me, Trunks, Bulma and Chi Chi to be okay. That’s all I want, Gohan.” You gripped his shirt, a sob made its way through you, tears splattering down onto your clothes and onto Gohan's bed. 
“Hey, hey, Y/n.” He frantically began to wipe the tears from your face. Gohan then closed his arm around your head so that you were pulled into his chest. He kissed your head as your cries were stifled by his figure, his lips remaining on your head for a few seconds. 
“I’m right here, shhh.” Gohan was unsure what to say. His father never taught him this, taught him how to lie about something that could be unpreventable. He wants to promise to you, he wants to just as badly as you want him to. But he can’t. He can’t because he knows he’s not strong enough to defeat the androids on his own. So all Gohan could do is rock you slowly until you fell asleep. 
“I love you, Y/n. You matter so much to me and I’ll protect you till the end.” Gohan took his arm away from you so that he could gently place his fingers under your chin, bringing your lips towards his as you softly kiss. 
And for a moment, you could forget about all of your worries. For a moment the androids didn’t exist. For a moment it was just you and Gohan, against all odds, against the world. 
Inching away from Gohan so that your lips just ghost over each other, you whisper back to him, “I love you too.”
a/n: i really really want to write a big dbz fanfic series either consisting of future gohan, gohan or trunks sooo pleaseee if you have any ideas or suggestions hmu in my dms so i can start to get smthing going !!
i also want to write more dbz cuz im going thru a phase so request please hehe
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z0-ne · 2 years
Can I request a dragon ball super x female reader, where the reader has a older brother that's actually a human, but he's strong too, her brother got into a fight with a very strong oppent, the dragon ball fighters were also the ones fighting the oppent along with her older brother but they were all losing and her brother was badly injuries, so the reader is a powerful full blood sayian, And she defeats the oppent in literally Les sthan 5 minutes 👁️👄👁️
Like not even Beerus could win this fight😭
The reader would do anything to protect her brother🥹
Yes! Thank you for the request! I hope this is okay! Possible Trigger Warnings: mentions of blood, curs!ng, and mentions of abandonment. Also not sure how old you wanted the reader so I made her around Gohans age during the mystic transformation, I a hope thats ok!
This whole fight ended up being one giant mistake the minute the opponet stepped out of that strange ship.
Their strange scaley skin colored a pale blue that made it look like they were already dead, and those cold white eyes that didn't give much life to it's already undead apperence.
"Give me...My future bride."
It pointed one of its long, scaley, ungroomed finger through the whole group, and directly at you who hid behind your older brother so you didn't have to see it.
That things voice was gruff , scratchy and some how high pitched at the same time. It's whole face looked like a huge chunk was bitten out of it and it was thrown into some acid after.
You gagged a little and gripped onto your older brothers arm. Despite being a Saiyan, you were more human like then your brother would've thought you'd be.
For example, you weren't much of a fighter, and your power level seemed pretty low no matter what method they used to read it so he ended up being able to raise you normally.
You knew the people he fought with and forbid you from fighting and training, but you've never actually had to fight.
Up until now at least.
"No way! Who are you anyway!"
You heard your brother yell at the beast as he clenched his fist and stomped forward. Shoving you backwards behind the closest person to him which was Vegeta at the time.
It seemed like it was instintive, but he put an arm infront of you when the creature stepped towards you all, and you tried to go out to grab your brother.
Unbeknowest to you, he sensed something you didn't.
"Give her to me...Now!!"
The sudden energy shift and rise of power that nearly knocked you all off your feet was enough to make them power up and rush to fight whatever that thing was.
It started with Yamcha, Tien, and Krillin. First Tien and Yamcha rushed him from each side, but before they even made contact they were both knocked to different sides of the area without it even touching them.
Then Krillin came from the front and would've landed a hit if the creature didn't step back and hit him in the stomach with a KI blast, sending him far back and right into the house.
They came back but it was pointless.
That monster could take them down in seconds, and leave them bloodied and hurt to the point where Yamcha couldn't get up again.
After seeing that you tried to step up before Piccolo and your brother went in but Vegeta gripped onto the side of your left arm and pushed you further back.
"What are you doing?! Let me help!" "Don't be a fool. You may be a Saiyan but this is out of your leauge." "He's gonna-" "You've never trained a day in your life. All you'll do is give him an opprtunity to take you and leave or serve as a distraction."
It seemed like he was upset about it, but everytime he talked he sounded upset so you couldn't really tell. However he did make sense.
You'd only get in the way if you fought right now.
"So shut up, and sit tight or run away."
That did it for you.
You took a deep breath and closed your eyes as Piccolo and your brother attacked him next, and by the sounds of it they might be holding up slightly longer than you thought they would.
"Get outta here you creep!"
You heard your brother yell as the sound of fist colliding with skin and bones, then a loud explosion sound came and then there sounded like some cursing before you felt Vegeta's grip loosen on your arm.
Then he and Goku took off to fight next you assumed after you fell off your feet due to the sudden heavy blow of wind.
They better have went to fight after that.
You opened your eyes to see that they weren't even on the ground anymore. Actually you didn't see them around at all, even when you looked up at the sky.
It was easy to feel the earth shaking as they fought, but you only saw the sky and clouds above.
Your brother was somehow right beside you now and was shoving you closer to the front door of your house despite the fight going on behind you.
Stopping him by pushing yourself in the oppisite direction, you protested against his pushing, and while it didn't do much to stop him it did slow him down.
"Wait! What about Goku and Vege-" "Don't worry about it! They've got it but you need to go!"
Usually you'd try to listen to him, but when you saw Vegeta falling out the sky at more than one hundred miles per hour and slam into the ground only to leave a giant crater in the ground beneath him.
He sat up and wiped the blood coming from his mouth and the thick line of blood that dripped from his forehead and into his left eye. It stained his once white gloves a crimson red.
"They've got it, huh?!"
You snapped back only to have him glare at you and keep trying to shove you inside the house, but you placed your arms at the sides of the door to stop him.
This was something you couldn't just sit out on and ignore.
Honestly you'd rather risk your chances getting hurt in the fight rather than see them all get pummbled by this strange creature.
"Look just-" Ignoring him completely, you turned to Beerus, the cat that just stood there with his hands behind his back. He wasn't even busy he was just letting this happen!
"And you! Why don't you handle this!"
"I don't feel like it." "Oh I'm sure you'd feel like it if he blew up a pudding cup!" "Will you let that g-"
Beerus was intturpted when another fighter came flying down and two more got up.
Your brother was knocked on his butt when Goku came crashing down a little too close to you guys. It must've been sudden, because he didn't seem like he could stop himself from hitting the ground and creating another crater.
This caused you to loose your footing, and you ended up falling in the crater and rolling a little before you could manage to stop yourself.
"Damnit, I'm not just gonna stand by and watch this!" "No! (Name)!" You ignored your brother and charged straight for the strange creature, and as you flew at it you pulled your fist back to get ready to hit it square in the face.
Unfortunantly it was fast, and caught your fist. You were lucky Vegeta and your brother stepped in and made it just in time before that thing could process that you basically just ran right into it's trap.
It slung you back when Vegeta made contact and your brother blasted it a few feet further away from you.
"Damnit! I Told you to stay put!" "And look at where that's getting us now!" "Don't Sass me child!" "I'm seventeen!"
Through the arguing, neither of you could hear your brother warning you guys about the Ki blast coming towards you until it was too late and you were moving Vegeta out the way.
You were hit, and it was strong enough to send you all the way back into the crater goku had made.
"Woah, Hold on I've got you-"
Lucky for you, Goku was there amd he got a chance to catch you before you made contact with the ground. There was a burning sensation and you could feel your skin cook underneath the radiation of the blast.
It ended up hurting a lot more than you would've liked for it to, but you put on a brave face.
"Thank yo-" "No!! My wife...Don't touch!!! Don't steal..Its Mine!!" You couldn't even finish your sentence before you had to stand on your feet and was pulled into goku so you weren't blown away again.
That aura was something you could feel from a mile away. It's power was absoluetly overwhelming, and at that point you felt like you could do nothing about it whatsoever.
"Wait! It's not like that, I'm married and they're way too young!" Goku tried to make the situation a little less stressful by calming the creature down by letting you go and putting his hands by his head.
That thing wasn't listening at all though. Actually it just got more upset, and even starting lashing out on the fighters. It was like the puddng incident all over again.
"All right this is getting out of hand, I guess I'll have to step in."
You snapped your head over to beerus, only to have the last thing you see is him right infront of you with his finger pointed at your forehead before you passed out.
___________________ It felt like it had been some time before you woke up, the sun set, and the fighters were down.
All still alive, but bloodied and pummbled into their own craters. Some shared and others seperate.
You could see only a few of their injuries considering your vision was still blurry, but the blood and rubble scattered along the once clean ground infront of your now destroyed home.
Turning your head at the sound of a rock falling, you could see it was absouletly broken to pieces. Everything in it was gone, and if you didn't live in it you wouldn't have known what it was before this.
Looking a little closer, you could see a purple claw hidden under rubble and twitching slightly.
Fear seaped through your body and reached your core as your skin went cold and you could feel your hands shaking underneath you, hardly holding you up.
'Wait- Where's (Brother's name) ?'
You thought to yourself as you frantically started to search around for him, but it wasn't until you climbed out the crater and looked to your far right that you were able to see where he was.
The creature, stood ontop of him, stomping down on his screaming body, causing him to let out large clumps of blood with every bone- chilling shriek.
There was a puddle of crimson under his chin and covering the little rocks that were littered around him.
"No..Stop..." You begged, a pathetic whimper in your voice as you lifted yourself out the crater and onto your knees.
The creature didn't stop, almost as if it didn't hear you or didn't seem to care at all about your begging or the fact that you were right within it's range.
"Please...you'll kill him.." Maybe you were hoping it would hear you if you got louder, but speaking nicely didn't seem to work for it at all.
The creature stopped to look at you, but went right back to what he was doing before you spoke up a little louder. It was like he didn't care, and he was just doing this to hurt your brother.
"I..Said Stop!"
You didn't know where it came from, or why it happened now out of all times but there was a certain surge of power course through your body.
It crushed the ground beneath you as you bawled up your fist and could feel something heating up from the pits of your stomach as you watched your brother go limp.
That thing stared at you, with it's foot on your brothers back. All it took was one last stomp to set you completely off and let out a scream so intense and loud that youk new it would leave your throat sore later.
From that point you blacked out, and the next five to ten minutes went by while you weren't even completely aware as to what you were doing.
While the others were being healed by Dende who was brought down by whis, you were making quick work of that odd looking creature.
"Oh my, it seems like your little plan worked." "Yes, shame I had to hurt my already sore back for this project of theirs though."
Just as the last person, which was yamcha was healed, the others were already up and watching with wide eyes.
They didn't know where this sudden power came drom and beerus saying what he said helped clear absolutely nothing up, so they were all left in the dust.
After they watched you knock that creature around for a good eight minutes, they then saw you send a blast straight to its face, sending it's head right off it's shoulders and into the sky.
You powered down right after it's body it the ground, and just as you went back to normal you fell out the sky as well.
"(Name)!" Your brother called out as he flew towards you, and luckily caught you before you could touch the ground.
It still left the others in complete shock, and they ended up turning to ask him a bunch of questions. Your brother being included in the ones who asked about what you were. "They're out cold- Beerus! What did whis mean by 'Your little plan'? What aren't you telling us about them!?"
"What the hell just happend!?" Whis put his hand up, and shushed everyone else around for the sake of explaining just what and who you really were. After all there was nothing known about you other than your brother found you in front of his house in a very odd fruit basket.
"Well, I'm sure everyone is familiar with zeno. Correct? " "This is one of their more..pure creations if you will. You could blame Lord Beerus for their Saiyan blood, he mentioned the race and eventually they were bored enough to create a perfect warrior." "Perfectly calm, up until provoked. See their brotherly figure was originally Zeno, but the thought of raising a child seemed less then amusing so they sent them off to earth. Where they were found by (Brother's Name)." "A fighter meant to deal with things they just didn't feel like dealing with, meaning their power goes beyond my power as far as i've been told. " "So what did we just see?"
Tilting his hand over to your unconsious body, whis continued with a smile on his face.
"You just saw, pure, developed, saiyan rage. Strongest there is, just as planned!"
"Wait- My sisters not just some experiment!"
Your brother yelled out, not wanting to believe all the hard work he put into raising you was all just for some sort of test, you were still a sentient being even if you weren't human.
Whis only chuckled and waved him off despite how serious your brother was about what whis was saying about you.
"Actually your whole life was! I've been watching closely and you've been more than sucessful!" "Now that they've unlocked their little gift, I suppose that means that their training should start soon. This way they'll hopefully match their given power by thirty or at twenty seven." "Oh- That'll be some time with this one. I hope they won't miss you all too much."
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actuallysaiyan · 6 months
Drabbles day 20: Waterfall
pairings: Vegeta x Fem!Reader warnings: fluff, slight angst
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He’s feeling moody, but you wonder if there’s ever really a time he doesn’t feel moody. Still, you decide to follow the Prince of all Saiyans, just to spot where he goes whenever he wants to be alone. You think you’re being clever by trying to hide your ki, but he’s smarter than that. He knows that you’re following him.
You both arrive at this beautiful cliffside tucked away in the jungle. The rush of the waterfall fills your ears as you land nearby. You look around at all the fauna and flora. A few birds cry out as you and Vegeta arrive, and this makes you laugh. Vegeta turns around and he’s got a playful smirk on his face.
“So, you wanted to see where I go when I want to be alone, hm?” he asks you, his eyes alight with something you’ve never seen before.
You smile shyly, “Yes.”
He takes your hand, and you feel just how soft his gloves are. You give it a gentle and comforting squeeze before you two fly to the top of the waterfall.
“Let me be alone with you,”
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stinkybuttwipes · 11 months
Lie. Part 2
Context: You and piccolo have known eachother since the World martial arts tournaments when he was still evil. You guys had grown to feel and love for eachother when he was first training Gohan and got together after the fall of Namek. you guys have now been married for 2 years and fight together, Always..But piccolo has kept a secret from you.
Piccolo x Gn! Saiyan!Reader (Sneak Peak)
Warnings: small Angst to fluff. Making up, comfort, sweet, reader is vegetas sibling,Post Super Hero
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You manage to find Bulma after the kind lady worker lets you inside.
Bulma is working on what looks to be a hover motorcycle.
“Bulma?” You say softly Bulma jumps and turns around, “Oh (name)!” She stands up and dusts off her hands on her yellow pants, “You didn’t let me know you were coming over? Something come up?”.
You put down your bag near the door of her lab, “Well it’s a bit of a long story..” you twiddle with your fingers “I kinda lashed out at piccolo and I feel terrible about it and I’m scared he might hate me now.” You continue to explain everything to her as you try not to cry.
Bulma chuckles and goes to hug you, “I understand that feeling” she lets go and crosses her arms “Hell, Im married to your brother who’s a stubborn guy who’ll yell at me for small things or mistakes I make and he always ends up apologizing” she giggles and puts her hand on your shoulder “You saiyan’s are just more protective and harsher but it’s something that you can’t help, I’m sure he’ll forgive you if you apologize even if it’s not your strong suit” She smiles at you reassuringly.
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pleasantspark · 3 months
Oh Mary, Contrary How Does Your Garden Grow? Vegeta x Hanaki! Reader
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You had felt desire and love from Vegeta for years, and stood back to allow Bulma to take him. Unfortunately, this leads to dire consequences in the form of small Dahlia Petals.
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Warnings: Major Character Death, Pining, Angst
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You were hurting. 
You don't remember how long you've felt this way for him, but it had to be when he first arrived on Earth. You've been tagging along with the Z-Fighters since you were a kid. This led to you being welcomed into the group effortlessly. While you were just a human. And weren't pretty nor rich like Bulma you were very kind and understanding. 
Then, Vegeta arrived. 
His presence made you feel like you were on cloud nine. You could be yourself around him. Bulma however; gauged your attraction very well, and when brought up you'd deny feeling that way. 
You regretted not acting on those feelings. 
This led to Bulma and Vegeta going out and while you tried to be happy for them both you couldn't help but hurt, and your insides felt like they were twisting. Rapidly changing. 
Then, it got worse. 
Bulma announced that she was pregnant with Trunks. You tried to remain happy as you want to be supportive of your friend. But you... You couldn't. You declined the offer to attend the baby shower. 
It was a good thing you didn't attend. 
You were... sick... something was not okay...
While Bulma was suffering from pregnancy related ailments. 
You were suffering from your own ailments. You began to isolate yourself from everyone. You would also gradually distance yourself from Bulma and Vegeta. 
People suspected something was wrong, you reassured them, nothing was wrong. You just needed time. By the time Trunks was born you cut both Vegeta and Bulma out of your life. You couldn't stand this pain any longer. And something told you, this was going to kill you. 
During the Androids attacking. You finally made an appearance, everyone was happy to see you, but for some reason. You didn't look like yourself. Your once vibrant (Skin Color) has turned pale, your shining (Eye Color) eyes became dull and lifeless, and to top it all off, vines with Dahlia's littered your body. There was cause for concern when these vines extended near your eyes. 
You'd tell them your fine. 
They didn't believe you. You couldn't do anything without your body wanting to give out. To give up on you. When Cell attacked, you wanted to throw yourself at him to get rid of the searing pain in your lungs. 
"What a miserable creature." He would sneer, and you'd take it. It was true, you were miserable. You wanted him to put you out of your misery. You coughed up more petals, and blood. Your vision became hazier... more... Distant. 
You could hear Gohan, Goku and... Vegeta? Calling for you. But their voices seemed so far away. 
He was devastated. 
There was nothing left for him to do, once the Cell Games concluded, he demanded to get you help. Instead of the Hospital, he took you to Dr. Briefs who informed Vegeta that you were gone. There was simply nothing he could do to save you. 
Goku reassured him he could revive you with the Dragon Balls, but Vegeta knew, he knew that you were gone and no wish will bring you back.
Bulma was unhappy. 
She knew of your feelings and blamed herself for the death of you for a LONG time. She should've been more pushy. She should've gotten you to confess to Vegeta. This led her to being heartbroken. 
Piccolo was confused. 
For a while, he spent time with you. You'd always felt happy that Bulma and Vegeta were together, but your look betrayed your feelings. It pains him to know he could've asked you further on your feelings. But chose to stay a bystander. 
Goku was conflicted. 
He knew you were struggling. And wanted to help out, he was one of the very few people who stuck around to check on you. The one to try and cheer you up when you were down. But now, now, you are gone. 
And lastly, Vegeta was... He was Disappointed in himself. 
He spent the last few months noticing the changes in you, while you slowly drifted away from him and Bulma. But didn't know why or even notice. Bulma told him everything, from your feelings for him, to how selfless you were. 
This was all his fault. 
He spent his whole life with a woman he liked. 
It undeniably caused the death of someone who he perceived to be average. 
It's all his fault. 
Bulma's Sad. 
Goku's Sad. 
Piccolo's Sad. 
Gohan is even sad. 
What was he going to do? He should move on, but no amount of moving on will ever fix what he's done. 
And he's paying for it.
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shuukichan · 2 years
Goku x Vegeta Fic Recs
I've been spoiled with Sherlock, Good Omens, and Star Trek fic recs on this site. But after reigniting ye old flame for the particular paring of Goku x Vegeta, I've found a scarcity of fic recs (on Tumblr at least), so I thought I'd add my 2 cents on the off chance anyone might find this helpful. Fic summaries in italics are from the author and I’ve added some comments of my own to most of them. So here goes - the fic rec list no one asked for!
The Boys in Space
Contamination by @cosmicmewtwo (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 14/14 | Words: 63,045): Hands-down the best DBZ fic I've read. A breathtaking piece of sci-fic horror with all the sophistication of a novel, combined with a profound understanding of Goku and Vegeta and the ability to render them perfectly in character. @cosmicmewtwo gives them a depth and a magnetic passion that keeps me revisiting and re-reading this amazing fic.
High Tide by cosmicmewtwo (Rating: Teen and Up | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 3,270): A touching companion piece to Contamination.
Let’s Jam by @vakaara (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 5,613): Goku and Vegeta get separated from the Galactic Patrol, and crash land on an alien planet. They have plenty of time to get a little closer. For such a short fic, this one is saturated in rich description that immerses the reader in the crush of an alien city, the scents and tastes, the subtle feelings blooming sensually between our two heroes. Hits all the right notes perfectly.
Properties of Darkness by cosmicmewtwo (Rating: Mature | Chapters: 5/? | Words: 10,366) Vegeta pressures Goku into teaching him how to use Instant Transmission, but the technique comes at a sinister price. In true Lovecraftian style, this fic explores the horror of the unknowable and incomprehensible. What exactly happens when you rip at the seams of reality to jump across space? And what's lurking in the in-between?
Vegetasei AUs
Strange New World, That Has Such Creatures In It by GoblinCatKC (Rating: Teen and Up | Chapters: 10/10 | Words: 59,354): An imaginative fic full of world-building. Vegeta's wish to restore Vegetasei reveals the Saiyan homeworld as a misunderstood and divinely-chosen planet, as well as the surprisingly sinister role of the Kais in its downfall. Several religious allegorical references might be familiar to fans of CS Lewis or Tolkien, but (as a review of the fic puts it) the author uses allegory "without going all 'Pilgrim’s Progress' on us."
Irrevocable by akaparalian (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 8/8 | Words: 39,961): Traditionally, the rulers of Vegetasei determine their consorts by way of a tournament and when can Goku stay away from a tournament? Our clueless hero enters for a good fight and wins an outraged Prince. Goku’s ignorance as to the intricacies of his own people’s royal customs and etiquette make for a hard road for them both, but a good slow burn for the reader!
22 Years, 5 Months, 20 Days by zuzallove (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 19,026): Kakarot is Vegeta's assigned sparring partner when they are 4 and 6 years-old. Vegeta absolutely hates him. But as the years go by, Bardock's brat seems to be the only one who can hold Vegeta's attention for more than a minute. He hates him, but he can't live without him. Only two problems with that: there's a war on, and Vegeta has to mate whomever his father picks out for him.
Burn to Ash by cosmicmewtwo (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 2,476): Hours before his wedding, Prince Vegeta receives an unexpected visitor. Beautiful passion and excruciating angst.
Full Moon by Vakaara (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 7/7 | Words: 18,046): Goku’s tail is back, but he’s not sure he’s happy about it - especially now that he knows what he could become at the full moon. This fic complicates Goku as a character by seriously considering the emotional impact of killing his grandfather, exploring his fear and panic as he tries to accept his Oozaru form as an adult. Vegeta helps him through the process of embracing his Saiyan nature, which leads to another kind of embrace between the two.
Budoven by GoblinCatKC (Rating: Mature | Chapters: 5/5 | Words: 15,524): Vegeta's past comes back to haunt him every day-memories of a lost culture, vulnerabilities he can't shake, a royal bearing crushed under cruelty. Now his past returns in the form of old enemies that destroy worlds, not a single warrior but an entire swarm. An insightful treatment of Vegeta’s past trauma, Goku’s understanding and love of this scarred man, an understanding none of the Z warriors share. Masterfully written with nothing overly maudlin, and bracketed by a gripping battle for Earth, it remains one of my favorite multi-chapter fics.
Feel You In My Bones by @teamdamon (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 9/9 | Words: 62,042): What starts as a fun romp with some great humor and steamy scenes, develops into a fic that explores so much - sexual dynamics, family dynamics, poly dynamics, etc. Vegeta's got one convoluted inner emotional life, Chi-Chi is relatable and understanding, Bulma is hilariously vulgar and loving, and Goku discovers a piece of himself he never knew he needed.
Remote Possibility by Vakaara (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 12,011): After Goku and Vegeta’s first battle, Vegeta’s pod is accidentally called back to Earth. When Goku learns about Frieza from Vegeta, they need to decide what to do next. As usual, Vakaara’s characterizations are spot-on in this AU - Vegeta’s dread of Frieza, Goku’s bottomless optimism, and the magnetic pull between the two Saiyans as they learn to train together against the common threat.
Under My Skin by Vakaara (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 11/11 | Words: 20,162): After eight years dead, Goku returns to Earth for one day at the Tenkaichi Budokai tournament. He left unfinished business between himself and Vegeta when he died. Vegeta isn’t happy about it. The bulk of this truly excellent fic explores the fallout with their families after Buu, the aftereffects of fusion, and how they make sense of it all in the end.
as if i could ever by MsFluorescent (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 7,784): Like many stories,  sparring leads to something more physically pleasurable between our two Saiyans. But Goku suddenly cuts things off. Something is crushing our hero’s irrepressible spirit, and even our stoic Vegeta can’t stand by and let that go on.
Standing in Reverence by orphan_account (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words | Words: 5,033): The fusion during the fight with Buu broke down some walls between Goku and Vegeta; Goku tears the rest down in an unprecedented gesture of apology and fidelity to his prince.
Aegis by orphan_account (Rating: Mature | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 3,154): While relaxing after a long day of sparring and hunting, Vegeta remembered the day he finally saw past the mask Goku held up to the world. A rare and satisfying vignette of Vegeta studying, understanding, and taking care of Goku.
Take Care by orphan_account (Rating: Mature | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 2,051): Goku knew when Vegeta wasn’t okay, and he knew what to do when that happened. In the early stages of their relationship, Goku studies his mate like he’s prepping for a fight, and it pays off for them both.
Kuvusa by orphan_account (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 7,967): This is in my top 5 for off-the-charts hotness, but with a fair dose of tenderness from Vegeta that is written in a wholly believable way for his character. I'm a sucker for the "heat" trope, but this fic is special in its convincing incorporation of the concept into Saiayn biology.
Side Effects by cosmicmewtwo (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 4,779): Vegeta accidentally exposes himself to a strange chemical in Bulma's lab. And really hopes he can expose himself again!
Blame It On Moonlight by gutterbunnyx for Dulcinea (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 2/2 | Words: 5,589): The super moon makes Goku go into heat. Vegeta helps out in his own way. Veggie gets all dominant and Bulma and Chi-Chi are fans.
Toxic by orphan_account (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 7,353) It’s a love-potion-as-revenge/aphrodisiac fic, where poor naïve Goku gets tricked into drinking it. So, not really a “heat” fic but a lot of similar elements (multiple-orgasms, self-lubrication, Vegeta-tenderly-taking-care-of-Goku).
In the Time Chamber
Inside by @schlopreceptacle (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 3,301): Vegeta teaches Goku a little something new about male anatomy in the Time Chamber. Kakavege Week Prompt #22: Teacher’s Pet. They’re only a few months into their stay in the chamber and already Goku’s asking if it’s weird to like another man. Vegeta shows him how fun it can be.
New Ways of Dealing With Idiots by dragonspell (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 3,734): The first time that Vegeta crawls into Kakarot’s bed, it is in sheer self-defense. (Or Vegeta resorts to desperate measures to gain some peace and shut Goku up in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.) Goku is taken by surprise, but Vegeta’s method works well - so well that he may do it again. ;)
Training on Beerus’ Planet
Left Hook by cosmicmewtwo (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 7,176): Goku and Vegeta attempt to put Whis's suggestions into practice, but their training does not go as expected. Vegeta is wound tighter than any backrub could loosen, but Goku tries anyway! Some massage, a frank conversation, and a panicked punch still leads to some explicitly rated results.
You Need To Relax by Yammy_kooki (@eggdoodles) (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 7,59): Vegeta can't relax. Goku has a way to help. Another case of Whis “helping” move things along between these two by providing a very special kind of relaxation aid, as only a crafty angel could!
Curiosity by @tristaml (No rating | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 6,203): Goku learns Vegeta's been with men and he's curious to know what that's like.
One-shots and PWP
Worthy by TristaML (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 2,547): Goku and Vegeta roleplay for the night. Written in a script-like style which detracts nothing from this hot gem.
mistake.jpeg by cosmicmewtwo (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 2/2 | Words: 7,110): Vegeta embarrasses himself over text message. You might imagine our ragey prince going incandescent over his blunder, but Chapter 2 will surprise you.
Simple Needs by cosmicmewtwo (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 5,173): While sparring with Vegeta, Goku has an unexpected reaction (or: Great, Now We Gotta Kinkshame Goku) Sometimes, wires get crossed and pain and defeat get mixed up with other kinds of pleasure. One of the more imaginative uses of ki-rings I’ve had the pleasure to read.
Plain White T by schlopreceptacle (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 1,950): Kakavege Week Prompt #35 - Costume: Casual Wear. Hilariously sexy. Poor Bulma puts up with so much.
Wild by schlopreceptacle (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 3,660): Vegeta sees something wild inside Goku and decides to give him what he craves. Graphic sex, violence and some BDSM themes. Kakavege Week Prompt #15: Uke Goku. “If we go down this road, Kakarot, then things may never be the same.”
Untamed by schlopreceptacle (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 2,628): Follow up to “Wild.” Kakarot comes back to Vegeta for more. Explicit sexual content including bondage, spanking, blood. Kakavege Week Day 3: Bondage
Fight with Denial by schlopreceptacle (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 4,244): Vegeta never was satisfied with his fight with Kakarot that led to unleashing Majin Buu. So now that there are no more distractions, he has the perfect opportunity for a rematch. Kakavege Week Day 2: Hostility. This one reminds me of a few fan comics (Kabu’s Skyworld and Nakamori’s Fair in Love) where Vegeta’s rage and hatred are transformed during a fight. Bloodied and in the dirt, the two fighters finally, explosively, passionately connect after so much wasted animosity and denial.
Red Cheeks by @zennagreenwitch (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 4,210): Goku returns from Yardrat and tries to interact with Vegeta, but Vegeta doesn't seem to want anything to do with him. And what's up with that shirt? For Kakavege Week 12 Prompt Day 5: Embarrassed For once, Chichi knows what her Goku needs and makes sure he goes for it! Goku’s got a bit of internalized homophobia, but it’s no match for Chichi’s and Vegeta’s patience in this fun little fic.
By Accident by zennagreenwitch (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 2/2 | Words: 9,346): Phantom tail pains wake Vegeta up in the middle of the night. Set after the Buu saga. Kakavege Week 12 Prompt Day 4: Underwear Series: Part 4 of Kakavege Week 12. Due Goku’s private, yet poorly-worded wish, Vegeta and all the half-Saiyan children are surprised to wake up with regenerated tails! After a bit of panic, Vegeta takes the situation in hand and explains what tail movements and scents communicate. Little does Goku realize what his tail betrays to his long-time friend and rival.
Training by MadamBiscuit (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 4,839): Vegeta's been having strange dreams lately involving his long-time rival, Goku. When Goku shows up for an impromptu training session, Vegeta tries to turn him down, but it isn't a fight that Goku wants . . . he wants to learn how to kiss properly!? Goku is super clueless and Vegeta has convinced himself this must be a dream. Silly hot PWP!
Signals by TristaML (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 2,938): PWP Vegeta/Goku. The wives have passed and Goku didn’t realize that anyone else knew that he liked Vegeta until adult Goten and Trunks pointed it out
The Proposition by GoldenMama (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 10,154 ): The Saiyans have their tails back, and Bulma’s questions are relentless. She asks the boys to enlighten her (for the sake of science, of course). Will they satisfy more than just her thirst for knowledge? A perfect blend of Saiyan possessiveness and a willingness to share. Vegeta is his smoldering self, but get ready for a more adult Goku than you might be used to!
Pace Is the Trick by GoldenMama (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/2 | Words: 4,082): Sequel to The /Proposition. It's Vegeta's turn to be the center of attention. Even when the Prince of All Saiyans is the bottom, he will always be on top.
Three's Company by herpb4uderp (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 6,295): Goku and Vegeta turn an interruption into an invitation. On top of an expertly hot fic, what I love about this one is how the author explores the magnetic bond that Goku and Vegeta share – a bond that draws Broly towards them but one that will only ever be uniquely their own.
Dizzying Descent by gutterbunnyx (Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 1/1 | Words: 3,819): Day 1 for Bottom Goku Week 2022 - Fantasy! Goku fantasizes about Broly... And Vegeta is also there. ;) And then suddenly the fantasy materializes! Sloppy sexy fun.
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dreadsuitsamus · 1 year
Not Meant To Be | Vegeta x Reader |
author's note: this was another instance of a story being unfinished but also mostly done, so i quickly finished it up. i based this off of the song Not Meant To Be by Theory of a Deadman, and there are bits of my personal struggle of dealing with a breakup and all in all, the relationship depicted is sadly very much like my irl one that ended. the sad truth is that sometimes people are not meant to be together, despite all of the love and sacrifices made in the relationship. it's a very hard lesson to learn and if you have ever experienced it, just know i love you so much and you are strong 🩷 also you're a real one if you ever had a breakup/tough conversation in the car. those pics of kanye and kim crying in the car hit so hard
pairing: vegeta x fem!reader
warnings: angst, breaking up
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The clatter of the various silverware on plates in the restaurant is louder than the conversation between you and Vegeta, though it's not exactly a feat of decibels when the talking has boiled down to absolutely nothing. His jaw is tight and you feel the twist of an unintentional scowl on your lips, the dinner on your plates just about gone with what's left of it having grown as cold as your shoulders.
Vegeta waves a short, two-fingered salute as your waiter sets down another table's drinks, quickly and quietly asking for the bill. You're unable to stop the roll of your eyes from the contempt deep within, though as the days and weeks continue to come, the feelings aren't buried as well as they once were. Vegeta takes note, huffing and clenching his fists tightly. "What now?" He grits out, his own negative feelings less hidden as the days go on, and that's with his nasty temper giving way to his frustrations most of the time.
"You're awfully eager to leave. Haven't even finished your food." Your tone is as bitter as the cranberry juice mixed in your beverage; there's always a lack of love, these days.
"I've lost my appetite." Vegeta leans back into his seat, staring pointedly at anywhere that isn't your angry face. You've started forgetting how he looks— except for when he's arguing with you, with those angry eyes and the vein that pokes out from his temple being his most prominent features.
You snort. "Yes, because the Saiyan man that trained all day long with little to eat has actually lost his appetite. You think I'm an idiot."
"I think you're plucking my nerves." Vegeta growls.
"Why did you even bother coming out with me if you were going to act like this?"
"Why did you want me to come out this badly if you were just going to nitpick everything I do?"
"I wanted to spend some time with you, but now I remember why that's a stupid idea. You'd rather be training than spending any kind of quality time with me."
"I am not having this argument again, much less in public, woman."
You snort and cross your arms. He won't have the discussion at home, either. It's like an old, worn record now. You're mad, he doesn't really seem to care. There's never a solution nor compromise, there's hardly ever any apologies these days either. Festering hatred is about all that's left between you and your boyfriend— it's a far cry from the initial happiness of partnership you'd experienced a couple years prior. "Whatever."
The bill is settled quickly, though you've already started for the car before Vegeta can get his credit card back. The sun lingers in the sky, holding onto the last bits of daylight it can give before the inevitability of nightfall dawns. Vegeta's hands are stuffed into his pockets, brow drawn together tightly as he takes his time walking to the car. A cold feeling spreads through your chest at the look on his face: it's not angry.
He slides into the driver's seat, not a word passing through his lips, not even a single glance spared in your direction as he stares straight through the windshield, hands resting atop the steering wheel. Anxiety clacks against your ribs, bouncing off and knocking your insides around, sending that icy inkling deep into the pit of your stomach.
"Vegeta?" You're surprised at the softness of your voice; and Vegeta seems to be as well. He turns his head so slightly, dark eyes capturing yours for a fleeting second before he looks back at the sun as it edges to the horizon.
"I have been conflicted for some time now." He admits quietly. "And I think now I've finally come to realize that I can't give you the things you need."
"And what is it that you think I need?"
"A man who loves you more than anything. That can and will prioritize you over even his greatest dreams." Vegeta murmurs. "Should I pursue this relationship as hard as you want, I would sooner lose myself and my pride as a Saiyan."
"It doesn't feel like a relationship when you're hardly around." You murmur, eyes searing as they cut away to the idly watch the people as they come and go from the restaurant doors. "I need reassurance, Vegeta. I've been done wrong too many times in the past to just… Be able to trust that when you're gone, you aren't staying gone. I love you. But I'm weary of you and your motives as the days go by."
"My 'motives'?"
"Was a warrior like you ever really after love? Or were you just getting kicked out of Bulma's place and need a place to go?"
Vegeta's teeth gnash together. "And here you go again."
"No, there you go again! Time and time again I have a concern and I don't tell you about it to be an annoyance. I tell you so you can know what's on my mind and remedy it how you see fit; but you don't care to ease my mind. You just make it worse, like you don't care or that you want to be malicious."
"Of course I don't want to hurt you— Do you hear yourself?? Do you even understand the things you ask me when you get like this? You think I've done this song and dance for so long and never so much as said a single word about wanting to leave because I secretly dislike you, or hate you even? I have loved you, and you have only ever questioned it. I won't be doubted any longer and made out to be some freeloader!" Vegeta snaps, and he's still careful with his rage as he smacks his hands against the steering wheel.
"Why is it so hard for you to just reassure me?!" The tears, oh how they burn your sensitive eyes— Do either of you deserve this conversation?
"Why is it so hard for you to trust me?!"
"I do—"
"No you do not." Vegeta looks directly into your eyes, and he's harboring his own unshed tears. "You always say that, but then we run right back around and end up in this same conversation, time. And time. Again."
Your chest heaves at how calm he is, at how right he is. He's never been able to really convince you, has he? Is he untrustworthy, or are you merely too broken to trust? "I love you."
"And I you." Vegeta murmurs, looking away as his eyes can no longer fight the sting of tears and they finally fall. "But this isn't working for either of us. I cannot continue to not be good enough for you."
"It's not that you're not good enough." You can't even raise your voice above a hoarse whisper now, and the napkins in the glove compartment aren't proving to be very good at wiping your messy face.
"I don't feel good enough for you. My own lover, the one I trust more than anyone else on this damned planet, doesn't trust me. No matter what I do, you're always mad. It's exhausting to live like this, and it makes me not want to come home to you. I don't want to come home. All my life I've been without one, and we made one together. And I've loved it!" His tears fall harder and your heart breaks entirely at what you've done to him.
Neither of you can particularly speak through your sobs, and together you cry at the crumbling kingdom. And thank God it's dark out now, because this restaurant is known to be on the romantic side and to see a couple in the car crying their damn eyes out would surely turn away a patron or two. Sniffling and wiping at his eyes, Vegeta pulls himself together just enough to carry on for the both of you. He's always had to be the strong one— you can't imagine the weight on his shoulders.
You can hardly believe the weight you feel lifting off of yours when he puts the car in drive, and his lips are light as a feather on your knuckles the following week when he puts the last box of his things into the truck. Tears prick your eyes and your chest is heavy, but for the first time in such a long time…
Your mind is clear as he walks away.
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lady-eris · 1 year
Rules! + masterlist
Hi there! it's your local writer Lady-Eris, I hope everything is going alright for you : ) this is my first time doing rules. Requests are OPEN as there's hardly any there (hence why i've been going slow with requests, but i'm thinking that might be why no one is submitting anything)
I will do
Female canon x female reader
male x male reader
male x female reader (and vice versa)
male/female x GN reader
angst, fluff, yanderes, platonic work (where neither are dating, or in love but friends and/or family or have family bonds) i love taking villains
I also love doing family found content, and child readers (As long as they aren't romantic to the child)
Match ups
(if you're unsure feel free to ask!)
-self harm or suicide
-rape, and or dubcon or sexual assault
i won't write x ocs unless you're either a super close friend, or it's a matchup
manga only characters (may possibly change)
Maybe pile (don't know yet)
Dragon Ball
Chilled headcanon
Gamma twins with sick reader
Gamma twins/Dr Hedo headcanons
fighting over food with Beerus
Goku/Vegeta/Android 17/Trunks/Gohan with Mitsuri reader
Zarbon thinking about reader in a meeting
Cell and Cooler Headcanons
Android 17 headcanons
Angst: Twins with dying/dead reader
Yandere cell
Platonic Cold family
Jujutsu kaisen
Geto is kicked out the bed by his daughters
Choso and Todo with sister reader
MANGA SPOILERS reaction to Sukuna taking over Megumi
Mama Itadori reader
Sukuna takes over the reader (Yuji, Gojo and Megumi)
Hakari and Kirara watching you dance (Short, an Imagine)
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Attack on titan
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Monkie kid
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Fairy tail
Nothing yet
The legend of Korra
Nothing yet
Jojo bizarre adventure
Nothing yet
One punch man
Nothing yet
Demon slayer
Nothing yet
Kotaro lives alone
Nothing yet
One piece
Nothing yet
More fandoms to be added
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whaledenwtf · 1 year
Dragon Ball Masterlist
If (or when) I write Dragon Ball Fanfiction, it will be here.
═════════════════ ⋆⋆⋆★⋆⋆⋆ ═════════════════
♡ - Female Reader, usually smut ♡ - Gender Neutral Reader, usually safe for work ♡ - Male Reader, none written yet ✩ - Smut ⟡ - Fluff ☀︎ - Angst
Vegeta Steak and Eggs ♡✩⟡☀︎
Other Characters will be added~
In Queue
⚝ - Not Started ➡ - Started
Vegeta x Saiyan!Reader
0 notes
teenandbeyond · 2 years
ѕταяτє∂: 7/26//22
ℓαѕτ υρ∂ατє∂: 7/2//24
τοταℓ ωοяκѕ: 69 (HAh, I'm so immature)
Recently Added: TMNT x Chubby. Autistic Reader, Senku x Fem. Reader Headcanons, Tiny. Yautja x Reader Drabble, King Cold x Reader Drabble, Beerus x M. God of Life Reader Pt.2, Gohan x Student. Fem Reader, Frieza Fam x DrUnk. Human Reader, Gojo x Sub. Fem Demon Reader, Midoriya Imagine, BNHA Boys x Chubby. Autistic Reader, Beerus x Fem. Reader Drabble, Piccolo x Fem. Reader Drabble, Groot x Quiet. Reader Drabble, Xenomorph x Dark. Reader, Levi x Fem. Shy Short Reader HCs, Shota Aizawa x Black. Fem Reader, Shoto. T x Fem. Black Ex Villain Reader Pt 1 & 2, Hanta Sero x Reader, Shoto. T x Dom. Fem Reader, Future Trunks x S/O Reader, Frieza x Fem. Pregnant Reader, Loki x M. Magician Reader
Note: Lol ran outta links on my first Master list! Here's the link to my 1st Masterlist!
☆*: .。. .。.:*☆☆*: .。. .。.:*☆
Oneshots and Headcanons
Oneshots and headcanons
Yamcha x Anxious. Reader (REQUESTED)
Yamcha x Reader (REQUESTED)
Gohan Son
Headcanons, Oneshots, and multi-shots
Gohan x Shy. Reader (REQUESTED)
Gohan x Baby.Reader (REQUESTED)
Gohan x Baby. Reader [Pt. 2] (REQUESTED)
Gohan x Baby Reader [Halloween Special] (REQUESTED)
Gohan x Baby. Reader [Pt. 4] (REQUESTED)
Gohan x Fem. Student Reader (REQUESTED)
Goten Son
Oneshots and Headcanons
Son Goten x Fem. Actress Reader (REQUESTED)
Oneshots and Headcanons
Piccolo x Reader (REQUESTED)
Piccolo x Fem. Saiyan Reader (REQUESTED)
Piccolo x Shy. Reader Headcanons (REQUESTED)
Piccolo x Fem. Reader Drabble (REQUESTED)
Oneshots and Headcanons
Frieza x Fem. Reader Headcanons (REQUESTED)
Frieza x Fem. Pregnant Reader (REQUESTED)
Frieza x Arcosian Reader (REQUESTED)
Frieza Family x Reader Angst Hc's (REQUESTED)
Frieza Fam x DrUnk. Human Reader (REQUESTED)
Oneshots and headcanons
Jealous. Vegeta x Reader (REQUESTED)
Future Trunks
Oneshots and headcanons
Trunks x Fem. Saiyan Reader (REQUESTED)
Future Trunks x Reader Headcanons (REQUESTED)
Future Trunks x S/O Reader (REQUESTED)
Trunks Imagine (REQUESTED)
Oneshots and headcanons
Goku x Baby. Reader (REQUESTED)
Jealous. Goku x Reader (REQUESTED)
King Cold
King Cold x Reader (REQUESTED)
Oneshots and headcanons
Frieza Fam x DrUnk. Human Reader (REQUESTED)
Oneshots and Headcanons
Beerus x M. God of Life Reader Pt.2 (REQUESTED)
Beerus x Goddess of Creation. Reader (REQUESTED)
Beerus x Fem. Reader Drabble (REQUESTED)
Teenaged Mutant Ninja Turtles
Oneshots and Headcanons
TMNT x Chubby. Autistic Reader (REQUESTED)
Raphael (Raph)
Oneshots and headcanons
Raphael x Fem. Reader Angst (REQUESTED)
Raphael x Fem. Broadway Reader (REQUESTED)
Raphael x Fem. Tired Reader (REQUESTED)
Raphael x Reader (REQUESTED)
Donatello (Donnie/Don)
Oneshots and Headcanons
Donatello x Bubbly. Reader (REQUESTED)
BNHA Boys x Chubby. Autistic Reader (REQUESTED)
Oneshots and headcanons
Shoto Todoroki
Oneshots, Multi-shots, and Headcanons
Shoto. T x Fem. Black Ex Villain Reader
Limes/ Lemons (Yellow's not working? :( )
Shoto. T x Fem. Black Ex Villain Reader [2]
Shoto. T x Dom . Fem Reader (REQUESTED)
Katsuki Bakugo
Katsuki Bakugo x S/O Reader
Bakugo x Injured. Reader (REQUESTED)
Izuku Midoriya
Midoriya Imagine (REQUESTED)
Shota Aizawa
Oneshots and headcanons
Shota Aizawa x Black. Fem. Reader
Hanta Sero
One shots and headcanons
Hanta Sero x Reader (REQUESTED)
Oneshots and headcanons
Uryu Ishida
Uryu Ishida x Fem. Artist Reader (REQUESTED)
Sosuke Aizen
Sosuke Aizen x Queen. Reader (REQUESTED)
Dr. Stone
Senku Ishigami
Oneshots and Headcanons
Senku x Fem. Tattooed Reader (REQUESTED)
Senku x Fem. Tattooed Reader Pt.2 (REQUESTED)
Senku x Fem. Crush Reader (REQUESTED)
Senku x Fem. Reader Drabble (REQUESTED)
Senkux Fem. Reader Headcanons (REQUESTED)
Senku x Fem. Reader (REQUESTED)
Senku x Fem. Best Friend Reader (REQUESTED)
Attack on Titan
Levi Ackerman
Levi x Reader (Prompt Drabble/Sexual Themes) (REQUESTED)
Oneshots, Headcanons, and multi-shots
Levi Ackerman x M. Reader [Pt.3]
Levi x Fem. Shy Short Reader HCs (REQUESTED)
Levi Ackerman x Dom. Fem Reader
Predator (Yautja)/Alien (Xenomorph) Franchise
Yautja (Predator)
Predator x Female Reader Pt.3 (REQUESTED)
Yautja x Dark. Reader (REQUESTED)
Predator x Reader (REQUESTED)
Xenomorph (Alien)
Xenomorph x Dark. Reader (REQUESTED)
Tiny. Yautja x Reader (REQUESTED)
One Piece
Eustass Kid
Oneshots, Headcanons, and multi-shots
Eustass Kid x Fem. Reader [Pt.2] (REQUESTED)
Jujutsu Kaisen
Satoru Gojo
Gojo x Dom. Fem Demon Reader (REQUESTED)
Gojo x Sub. Fem Demon Reader
Groot x Quiet. Reader Drabble (REQUESTED)
Loki Laufeyson
Lime/Lemons (Yellow isn't working so orange means the same)
Loki x M. Magician Reader
300 notes · View notes
softlymellow · 1 year
dbz imagines requests
hey guys i really want to write some dbz imagines as in x reader so if anyone wants to request anything lmk!!! no nsfw tho LOLL and only guys OMG AND more specifically dbgt would be cool
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carnal-lnstinct · 2 years
Tumblr media
- I’m only writing requests for the listed characters below at this time. - I will write for adult versions of the characters by default. - I am only accepting a maximum of 4 requests at a time. Do not send a request if all four slots are filled.
✧✧ Characters Available For Request: ✧✧
Goku • Vegeta • Raditz • Broly (DBS) • Gogeta / Vegito • Bardock • Gohan • Trunks • Goten • Gotenks
Toji Fushiguro • Kento Nanami • Satoru Gojo
✧✧ Accepted Request Types: ✧✧
Character x Black Female / AFAB Reader
Character x Ambiguous Female / AFAB Reader
Character x Chubby Female / AFAB Reader
AUs / Canon Divergent Plots
Writing Prompts
✧✧ Accepted Request Themes: ✧✧
Fluff / Domestic Fluff
Established Relationships
Platonic Relationships
Friends with benefits
Slice of Life
Obsessive/Yandere love
Smut* / NSFW*
Threesomes* / OT3
Hurt / Comfort
Dub-Con / Non-Con*
***Depending on the prompt or nature of the request, these are subjective and may or may not be accepted.
✧✧ Will Not Take Requests Regarding: ✧✧
Dark Red series
Daddy Kink, DD/LG
Underaged characters in mature/18+ situations.
Requests from minors, you shouldn’t be on this blog.
Scat, vomit, piss
Extreme Gore
Mental disorders
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May I request a fluffy Vegeta x Reader where reader spoils bf/husband Vegeta in tiny ways just because she loves him? (Maybe a little angst too if needed because of being a prince and all? Only if you vibe with it) Like maybe makes his favorite dessert just cause or buys something that he looked interested in weeks before because does so much for y/n? (just a few ideas to clarify?) Thank you so much! 💙❤🌹😊
Heavy is the Head (Vegeta Fluff Request)
The sun creeped into the window of Y/N’s apartment. She sighed and shifted, reaching out beside her. Once, twice, three times, her hand patted out beside her, feeling her sheets for a body. When she didn’t find it, Y/N frowned and sat up, looking at the cold space beside her. Scoffing, Y/N rolled out of bed, shivering as her feet hit the cool carpet below her. Y/N shuffled to her kitchen; used pans were still left out, and a plate of food was sitting on the counter. Next to it, a note rested, crumpled and slightly torn from haste.
Training for most of the day. Don’t wait up.
Y/N sighed and set Vegeta’s note down. She stretched, rolling her neck. Y/N took up the plate gingerly, munching on cold toast as she wandered through the house.
Vegeta slammed the door behind him. His chest heaved up and down; dust puffed off his body and scattered on the floor around him. He reached up and wiped a hand over his brow, flicking sweat and blood off of his hand. Vegeta slouched against the door, grinding his teeth, not noticing Y/N tiptoeing toward him.
Vegeta looked up, his eyes searching Y/N’s face.
“What is it?” he asked.
“Nothing,” Y/N said. “You just seemed tired. Did training go alright?”
Vegeta shrugged. He stood tall and walked past Y/N, brushing past her as he went.
“It was fine. I’m going to clean myself up.”
Y/N frowned as she watched Vegeta retreat into the bathroom. She crossed her arms and frowned. Sighing, Y/N made her way to the kitchen.
As Y/N settled into her kitchen, Vegeta scrubbed himself in the shower. He grimaced as his hands grazed his scrapes and cuts. The water beneath him swirled into red, then light pink, and Vegeta sighed as finally the water ran clear. Screwing the tap shut, Vegeta wrapped himself in a towel and waded out of the bathroom.
As his body dried, Vegeta sniffed the air. Ham sizzled and the smell of bread wafted from the kitchen.
“What’s all this,” Vegeta rumbled as he walked into the kitchen. Y/N gave him a small smile.
“You’re not hungry?” Y/N asked. She got up and crept toward him, and Y/N smiled again as she kissed him on the cheek.
“I set out some clothes straight out the dryer on the bed for you. You should put them on while they’re still warm,” Y/N said. “I’ll make a plate for you when you’re dressed.”
Vegeta eyed Y/N cautiously.
“Are you ill?”
Y/N snorted.
“No. You’ve just seemed stressed lately. I’m being nice. Now, go get dressed.”
Y/N shooed Vegeta along, and Vegeta slowly turned on his heel head to his room. While he went and dressed himself, Y/N hummed to herself at the stove. She took two plates and piled them high with food, and she set them down just in time to see Vegeta dressed in a shirt and sweatpants.
“Here you go! Sit down before everything gets cold!” Y/N said.
Slowly, Vegeta sat down to his food. Y/N sat down next to him and helped herself to the meal.
After a while, Y/N frowned. She looked up to find Vegeta poking at his food.
“Not hungry, babe?” Y/N asked.
“I appreciate your effort, but not really,” he sniffed. “I’m more tired than anything.”
Y/N nodded and finished her last bite of food. She rose and placed her hand out, waving it slightly in front of Vegeta’s face.
“C’mon, babe. Let’s head to bed for a nap.”
Vegeta looked at Y/N’s hand before smiling and standing. He crossed the table quickly; Vegeta didn’t hesitate to scoop Y/N up in his arms while she snorted. The pair walked to the bedroom, with Y/N wiggling in Vegeta’s grasp. Y/N giggled as Vegeta plopped her down on the bed. He scoffed at her laughs but allowed himself a smile nevertheless as he slid in beside her.
Y/N sighed in content as she curled up next to Vegeta. Relishing in his warmth, Y/N allowed herself to edge closer to Vegeta’s back. She snaked her arms around him, sighing again. One of Y/N’s hands reached up to stroke through Vegeta’s scalp, and Y/N could have sworn she heard him purr.
“Must you insist on clinging to me, woman?” Vegeta asked. Y/N smirked – there was no bite in his tone, and Y/N could hear sleep ebbing into his tone. Y/N continued to finger through Vegeta’s hair, occasionally reaching down to kiss at his forehead. Soon, Vegeta’s breathing slowed. Y/N smiled as he snored, and soon, she followed suit.
Enjoy my work? Consider supporting me on kofi: https://ko-fi.com/whoopsieintheuniverse
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