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doro-tattoo · 3 years ago
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Kolo . So, apparently, there's a Croatian diaspora in Indonesia. And then, you know, some of them found me here. Totally normal. Katya wanted to finally mark this part of her heritage and chose Kolo. The wheel. The mystery of fate, according to medieval interpretations of this symbol.  . The tradition of tattooing in Croatian Dalmatia (but largely in today's Bosnia and Herzegovina) is said to originate from the time of Ottoman expansion on the territory. They were amulets tattooed predominantly on young girls by female elders in ritual settings on holy days. The purpose was protection from Ottoman kidnaping and enslavement. The tattoos were an ethnic identifier and a reminder of Christian faith, for the wearer and for the kidnapper. . The motives, however, mostly consist of organic and natural symbols and some of the crosses used are not recognised as Christian. There���s reasons to believe the practice was appropriated from the older tattoo traditions of Illyrian tribes who used to inhabit the area.  . The ritual tattooing became a thing of fashion and some of us can still find our grandma's hands and faces adorned with ink. The fashion has skipped a generation but Millenials and Zoomers are reclaiming the tradition and marking their heritage. . I had previously created a little highlight with a bit of info on this tradition but I’d love to do proper research and create an extensive resource on the topic. This will obviously take time and effort so I still need to figure out the logistics but I’m excited to dive deeper into it. I will be sharing some info on how you can support this project in the near future.  . Hvala Katya, an honour to be entrusted with this marking. 💜🙏☸️
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therubygore · 4 years ago
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Sifting through my phone for pics I never posted and found this spinal scar coverup I did at my @blackrivertattoosd guest spot in October 2019. 🦚 I would LOVE to do more delftware style pieces! Now booking Winter/Spring in Toronto⁣ 🇨🇦 For inquries, follow the booking link in my bio ♥️ #peacocktattoo #delftware #veganink #vegantattooartist #vegantattoostudio #vegan #botanicaltattoo⁣ #botanicaltattoostoronto #flowertattoo #floraltattoo #naturetattoo #torontovegan #vegantoronto #illustrativetattoo #customtattoo #lineworktattoo #finelinetattoo #qttr #ontariotattoos #torontotattoo #torontotattoos #torontotattooartist #torontotattooshop #torontotattooartists #torontoink #torontoinknews #kingstontattoos #hamiltontattoo #guelphtattoos (at Parkdale) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKwieH6hmkr/?igshid=14vnlxfwt9ug6
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captainmimitabu · 6 years ago
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Hail there, almighty Broccoli 🥦🤟🏻 Finally this little veggie found a new home ❤️ #mimitabu #vegan #veggie #vegantattoos #vegantattooartist #vegantattoostudio #leipzigtattoo #tattooleipzig #leipzigtattooartist #ttt #tttism #tattoo #broccoli #broccolitattoo #blxckink #blackwork #blackworkerssubmission #blacktattooart #blckttt #linework #lineworkers #art #artwork #illustration #drawing #graphictattoo (hier: Atelier Amor&Psyche) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqX30a0nsov/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1jyjwwixa3bxe
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inkblotcollective · 5 years ago
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A super bomb piece, from our new friend Eric @tattoo.artisan he knows what he's doing to book an appointment call is our email us at [email protected] 🙏🏽 thanks for looking! . . . . . . . . . . . . @prilaga #tattoosofinstagram #seattleartist #tattoos #colortattoos #tattoosnob #tattooersofinstagram #seattlewa #watercolor #radtattoos #watercolortattoo #tattooerslifestyle #prilaga #inkblotcollective #purpleglide #vegantattoostudio #tatlife #eyetattoos #washingtonstatetattoo #tattoomagazine (at Inkblot Collective: Tattoo and Gallery) https://www.instagram.com/p/CB9atdeAB6H/?igshid=ftzvl6v0p5jk
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sanmantattoo · 5 years ago
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Llévate tu sueño grabado en la piel para toda la vida y una experiencia excelente en trato, dedicación, diseño, calidad e higiene. Vegan 100% y con la mejor formación y experiencia en cualquier estilo!! • CITAS & INFO 📥 DM Facebook SanMan Tattoo Parlor 📍 Paseo de las Delicias, 40 (Madrid) 📲 (+34) 911.102.526 • #sanmantattoo #tatuajemadrid #madridtattoo #tatuajesmadrid #geometrictattoo #finelinetattoo #tatuadoresmadrid #tattoos #tatuajes #losmejorestatuadores #vegantattoostudio #madridink #coverupexpert #vegantattoomadrid #vegantattoos #madridtattooshops #madridtattoostudio #tattooartistmadrid #tattooartist #tattooshop #tattooshopmadrid #sanmantattooparlor (en SanMan Tattoo Parlor) https://www.instagram.com/p/B785xMgCxAv/?igshid=79pwiryld1ax
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underwoodtattoos · 7 years ago
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More pieces available at reduced prices. A.K.A Flash baby!! Email to book in and leave a deposit. #tattoo #tattooflash #halloween #vgnink #vegantattoostudio #vetastudios #customtattoos #glossop #highpeak #oldschool #traditionaltattoo #newtraditionaltattoo #neotradeu #blackandgrey #colourtattoos #fusionink (at Underwood Tattoos)
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gristletattoo · 7 years ago
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By guest @michael_ferrera. Contact directly for an appointment. #blackwork #abstract #guestartist #brooklyn #vegantattoo #vegan #vegantattoostudio #williamsburg #bushwick #gristletattoo (at Gristle Tattoo+Art Gallery)
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kochimaru-blog · 5 years ago
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Miles de mis compañeros tiburones mueren al año por la pesca furtiva, incluso especies protegidas, nos cortan las aletas para vender en el mercado asiático.Si detectas esta actividad de algún manera documentala como puedas y recurre a las autoridades locales de tu entidad, también puedes recurrir a conapesca y profepa para informarte. . . . . . . . #tiburones #nocomasanimales #amor #animals #allforlove #Govegan #vegano  #veganpower #vegan🌱 #veganismo #vegantattoos #vegantattoostudio  #veganlove #instavegan #mundovegano #animales #AnimalSave #KochiElVegan #veganmind https://www.instagram.com/p/B22knc0hHeO/?igshid=f5hvf7ekes4d
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doro-tattoo · 3 years ago
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Rough textures and spontaneous lines created in the dark last night, now taking smoother shapes in the day. Fino, finoo! . . . #handpokedtattoo #handpokedtattoolove #handpokedtattoos #stickandpoketattoo #stickandpoketattoos⠀⠀ #stickandpoke⠀⠀ #handpokedtattooamsterdam⠀⠀ #vegantattoo #vegantattooartist #vegantattooer #vegantattoos #vegantattooers #vegantattoostudio #vegantattooart #vegantattooamsterdam⠀ #whiteinktattoo #whiteinktattooamsterdam#handpokedtattoo #handpokedtattoolove #handpokedtattoos #stickandpoketattoo #stickandpoketattoos⠀⠀ #stickandpoke ⠀⠀ #handpokedtattooamsterdam⠀⠀ #vegantattoo #vegantattooartist #vegantattooer #vegantattoos #vegantattooers #vegantattoostudio #vegantattooart #vegantattooamsterdam⠀ #whiteinktattoo #whiteinktattooamsterdam #ritualtattoo #healertattoo (at Amsterdam, Netherlands) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ca7kMbZM9iT/?utm_medium=tumblr
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therubygore · 4 years ago
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That’s some pig! 🐷 A cute little vegan tribute that I had so much fun making, thanks so much Kim! Now booking Fall in Toronto⁣ 🇨🇦 For injuries, follow the link in my bio or email [email protected] 💌 
Healed with the best 🐍 @secondskintac • Made with the best @cheyenne_tattooequipment @eikondevice @stencilanchored @zensaskin @tatsoul⁣ @allegoryink #veganink #vegantattooartist #vegantattoostudio #vegan #vegantattoo #illustrativetattoo #customtattoo #lineworktattoo #finelinetattoo #qttr #scarcoveruptattoo #ontariotattoos #torontotattoo #torontotattoos #torontotattooartist #torontotattooshop #torontotattooartists #torontoink #torontoinknews #toronto #kingstontattoos #hamiltontattoo #ottawatattoo #londontattoo https://www.therubygore.com (at Toronto, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHWS9-TBh69/?igshid=1wuvp37w31ko8
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neromorens · 6 years ago
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A sweet one. Meerkat for C.
Booking or info: [email protected] or:  www.neromorens.com/contact
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captainmimitabu · 7 years ago
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Hippie-Girl 🌻 #leipzigtattoo #tattooleipzig #leipzigtattooartist #atelieramorpsyche #blacktattooart #blackwork #blackworktattoo #blackworkerssubmission #wildflowers #wildflowertattoo #meadow #lineworktattoo #tt #ttt #tttism #tttismpublishing #tattoolife #inkedgirls #inked #tatted #instaart #contemporytattooing #contemporyart #inkedartmagazine #inkstinctsubmission #tattookulturemagazine #magicmoontattoosupply #mimitabu #vegantattooartist #vegantattoostudio 🌱 #nature #naturlove #germantattooers (hier: Atelier Amor&Psyche)
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tkovisual · 7 years ago
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Tattooed a long dog with no legs today! . . . #snaketattoo #rosetattoo #inkstinctsubmission #vetastudios #tkotattoos #reverencetattoo #melbourne #richmond #melbournetattooist #tattoo #minimal #eztattoo #letters #blackink #blackandgrey #lines #cute #traditionalkings #inkjecta #vegantattoostudios #TAOT #besttradtattoos #traditionalclub (at Richmond, Victoria, Australia)
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inkblotcollective · 5 years ago
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We have changed our hours for the year based on the feedback from our clients and we are now open Thursday instead of Tuesday! We updated all of our information online so if you forget, it's all current! Thanks for helping us serve our community better. ♥️ . . . . . . . . #veteranowned #womanownedbusiness #safespace #weloveourclients #vegantattoostudio #smallbusiness #tattoolife #monroewa #inkblotcollectivetattooandgallery #inkblotcollective (at Inkblot Collective: Tattoo and Gallery) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8sqKAegFa0/?igshid=97asxpeyqaf0
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sanmantattoo · 6 years ago
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¿Qué tattoo desde hace tiempo tienes en mente?🤔 ¡Cuéntanoslo y lo hacemos realidad! Realizamos tu proyecto de tatuaje con todo el proceso creativo necesario para la creación de diseños únicos y de calidad. Con la mejor tecnología y las técnicas más avanzadas y todos los productos 💯% veganos! • CITAS & INFO 📥 DM Facebook SanMan Tattoo Parlor 📍 Paseo de las Delicias, 40 (Madrid) 📲 (+34) 911.102.526 • #sanmantattoo #tatuajemadrid #madridtattoo #tatuajesmadrid #geometrictattoo #finelinetattoo #tatuadoresmadrid #tattoos #tatuajes #losmejorestatuadores #vegantattoostudio #madridink #coverupexpert #vegantattoomadrid #vegantattoos #madridtattooshops #madridtattoostudio #tattooartistmadrid #tattooartist #tattooshop #tattooshopmadrid #sanmantattooparlor (en SanMan Tattoo Parlor) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0GpbJhlb11/?igshid=1b0ofdsrqogka
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underwoodtattoos · 7 years ago
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Small moon mandala on the lovely Katrina from today. By Mim Theyer. 🖖 Happy Halloween. Be safe. #moontattoo #mandala #smalltattoos #ink #girlswithink #vgnink #vegantattoos #vegantattoostudio #crueltyfreetattooing #tattoomagazine #tattoosnob #cutetattoos #glossop #highpeak #derbyshire #colourtattooing #customink (at Underwood Tattoos)
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