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harrietfaithart · 6 years ago
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When the #vegan selection is so #awesome you just naturally start with two items! #Almoncreamcinnamonroll #cajunshrimpandcheesebrioche #absolutely #noanimalswereharmed #noanimalswereharmedinthemakingofthismeal #locallysourced #itsallvegan so #noworries Oh and the #coffee was #perfect @breadsonoak #veganneworleans #veganartist #veganlife #delicious #divine #delectable (at Oak Street NOLA) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw7e2VbD-UM/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ugua6pmc4j2x
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chefmauro · 5 years ago
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Magnesio Supremo. Every morning a teaspoon in hot water, sometimes even in the evening if you have done intense sports. #veganyes #vegannewyork #chicagovegan #losangelesvegan #vegansandiego #veganatlanta #veganorlando #veganmiami #veganontario #veganmontreal #veganvancouver #vegandallas #veganneworleans #veganhouston #vegandenver #vegandetroit #vegantoronto #veganottawa #veganportland #vegansanfrancisco #vegankansascity #veganphiladelphia #veganusa #vegancharleston #vegansavannah #veganaugusta #veganjackson #veganmemphis #magnesium #magnésio (at Vegan Yes) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCvOXkIJBDI/?igshid=wgbeobcd36rg
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poetponyofmidgard · 6 years ago
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The vegan bratwurst was awesome! 🌭 #datdog #vegan #veganwerewolf #nola #nolafood #guinnesssausage #neworleans #bratwurst #sauerkraut #movingday #loyola #wolfpack #guinness #fries #hotdog #eats #hotdogsofinstagram #smokedapple #sagedog @datdogus @tonialoria @eryn_loria @jpflorane @flameprincessriley @louisianaeatsnola @nolafoodiegram @louisianacookin @vegan @veganneworleans https://www.instagram.com/p/B1MxDG6pSps/?igshid=fjfa496h6h2b
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samosasforbreakfast · 10 years ago
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Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. I was away on a trip recently - so updating with the food I ate while away! This is the Fruit Compote crepe with shredded coconut from The Crepe Cart in New Orleans, located inside the French Market! So delicious! They have a gluten free and vegan batter they use for a few different varieties of crepes. Definitely check them out while in NOLA! #vegan #thecrepecart #nola #visitnola #vegancrepe #whatveganseat #vegansweets #brunch #veganbrunch #neworleans #glutenfree #veganandglutenfree #veganneworleans #travel #crepes #veganfoodporn
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