#vefore covid
i just love train journeys so much. in that moment, there is nothing more important than those moments you spend with all these strangers. these people you have never met, and the only thing joining you is the fact that all of you are going from one place to another place at the same time. in that lapse of time, your path crosses with these strangers and even in those infinitesimal moments you share a connection quite unusual and one that is only present between travellers. you might never meet these people again and you might forget them the moment you get off that train and these memories may never come back again, and all you can do is desperately hoard that feeling with no name
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glassphinix · 4 months
i hate you work i hate you waking up early i hate you coffee i hate you drinking caffeine to wake up early to go to work
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that-cheer-up-anon · 2 years
Well, it's the first time I've been properly sick in quite a while! Took my first RAT test and I messed the first one up, but luckily my housemate bought 2 and it came back negative. I didn't think it was Covid but it never hurts to be cautious.
I feel bad bc I missed work last Friday bc of my shoulder and I missed today bc I'm sick and may have to miss out tomorrow and Friday, but I really need the money.
I'm planning on moving out and living w my boyfriend within the next month and need all the money I can get.
Also sorry I haven't really made any life posts lately but uhhhh HEY GOT A BOYFRIEND!
Been officially together since April and it's been very nice! Currently doing long distance (he lives in another state) but he's moving to me next month, so not gonna have to do it for much longer. Just gotta hold on!
Also my lil sis got married! I don't like the guy but he better prove me wrong and treat her well. Or else. She comes back to Australia this Thursday and she's been in Philippines for over a month, so it'll be nice to have her back.
Also went to a pride games night on Saturday and it was really fun! Played Princess Tofu, Coup, Love Letter, Exploding Kittens, and I skipped out on Werewolf. Slept over at my friend's place and it was really nice getting to catch up w my friend and get to know his husband!
My friend and I played Mario Kart 8 on switch (he beat me each time lol) and we watched the first episode of Heartstopper together before he went to bed. I stayed up and binged the rest of the show. VERY CUTE AND CORNY. I also binge read the webcomic today and am all up to date now lol.
OH! ALSO! WATCHED EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE ALL AT ONCE W MY BOYFRIEND AND DUUUUUUUUUDE!!!!! SOOOOOOO GOOD!!! A lot of it connected w me and I cried. Defs a fave movie of mine.
Oh also have had a messed up shoulder for over a week now reaching 2 weeks bc of work. I've really strained some deep muscles in my right shoulder. The best I can do is offload weight on that arm, stretch, and try to massage it, but it hasn't gotten better.
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pepprs · 4 years
ive made this post like 3 different times but. the crushingly depressing fact that i couldve made it out of here. the fact that if I’d been brave enough or strong enough or smart enough or whatever it is i need to be to do it i couldve made it out into the big world vefore this hit. and i could’ve lived my own way and chosen my own path. but i took my time cuz ofc i didn’t know covid was coming and now im straight up abt to be trapped in this fucking house for the REST OF MY LIFE bc there’s no way in hell the covid vaccine is actually going to work and there’s even less of a way in hell im ever going to be allowed to go back to campus or see my friends or meet someone and fall in love and move out someday or interact w anyone outside of my family ever again regardless of how this ends.. speechless utterly speechless
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kajimotomiya · 4 years
My mom has been in retirement since Decemver. Since then she has been incredibly unbearable during this time. Since the stay at home order, all she does is stay in her PC. She takes whatever she gets on Facebook or YouTube about COVID and turns it against me. Meanwhile she only has to go out when she needs to but I’m out 6 days every two weeks for 12+ hours including travel time in front of every known person in downtown Jersey City.
Not so much of a how are you doing and are you okay. The only time she asked was if I wanted to quit my job. The job that is now paying me $12 an hour, my highest paying job, at the height of the situation. I’m putting myself out there as an essential worker and she’s giving me this shit about how a 30 year old teacher died of COVID.
She makes fun of me for staying in isolation vefore the isolation order was put In effdct. I can’t even hug my family anymore. She keeps a distance from my in my own household. The only time I need familial love after a week of hell work and I feel like a goddamn outcast in my own home.
Not to mention that after uploading my cover last night, I suffered anxiety attacks before bed over whether or not it was good enough or if people are liking it enough. That I ended up with nightmares of my family teling my im not worth it, I’ll never amount to anything, and that I don’t deserve anything nice. It was super upsetting to wake up to and I wanted to cry so hard. I actually want to go back to work now because I don’t want to be home anymore.
What’s the point of having rest and relaxation if I’m not even welcomed in the one place I need it?
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