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gently placed on top of her head
( 🐇 ) THE VEENAN BLINKS as the parchment is placed 'pon her head ; leading her to wake up just the littlest bit more. ears twitch apart as she reaches up to see what it was. oh ! the little game . . interesting to see that he had gotten FOUR bingo's -- though unsurprising with how THEY WORKED TOGETHER.
< THANK YOU FOR indulging in this, beloved. > she smiles, leaning forward to gently BONK HER FOREHEAD against his in a show of affection.
#etherealguard#{ the fact he got FOUR is wild }#OUT OF CHARACTER ( MEME REPLIES )ㅤ ㅤ ( ㅤ 🐇ㅤ )— ㅤ thanks for being grand uwu#( HSR V )ㅤ ㅤ ( ㅤ 🐇ㅤ ) ㅤ ㅤ — ㅤ DON'T WANNA LIVE AS AN UNTOLD STORY. WE'RE TRAILBLAZING THROUGHOUT THE STARS.
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see uus töö
lükkan edasi sest kardan. kardan et
ei saa hakkama
pean palju tegema
olen pinges
ägedamad töökaaslased
rohkem seotud
saan suhelda ja õppida
olla ärkvel
parem palk
tuleviku vaatav, mitte paigal istuv ja muid asju teha laskev.
ja kui ei õnnestu, ei saa hakkama, olen pinges - kõigele on lahendus. ju. saab puhata, muid asju teha, ära tulla, ettevõtlust teha. vajalik tõuge edasi. kallis oled! Ma veenan sind, sest ma ujun, et hoolimata hirmust ja pingest võiks see olla samm edasi. hea samm. ikkagi. kus mujal sa saaks selleks nõnda? ma ei teagi :D vbei saakski. davai. teeme ära
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Academy Spirk.
Aos & Tos Star Trek.
Among the Clouds by museaway on archiveofourown. Rated Mature. Summary: Spock's own bonding with T'Pring had been decided by his parents based on mental compatibility. It was logical. Desiring to be with Jim was not.
Ad Astra Per Aspera by lah_mrh on livejournal. Rated PG-13. Summary: As he begins his second year at Starfleet Academy, Spock has all but given up on finding acceptance from his fellow students, convincing himself he's better off alone. First-year cadet Jim Kirk makes it his mission to change that, and ends up succeeding in ways neither of them thought possible.
Professor Spock by IvanW on archiveofourown. Rated Mature. Summary: Cadet Kirk and Professor Spock meet and it started on Halloween.
From the Beginning by Linsky on archiveofourown. Rated Explicit. Summary: Spock is drawn to Kirk from the first time he sees him at the Academy.
Notes on Tarsus IV by kirk_to_enterpise_15 on archiveofourown. Rated Not Rated. Summary: Spock finds out about Jim's time on Tarsus...in the classroom.
Interspecies Ethics - Tarsus IV by MermAight on archiveofourown. Rated Teen. Summary: Big, black holographic letters before a plain white wall. A name seared into his memory like a fresh burn scar that itched, stung and roared when touched, followed by the most bullshitty question he had ever heard, in neat, 20 % transparent letters:TARSUS IV - Were Kodos' actions defendable?
Universal Constants by stormfirej on archiveofourown. Rated General Audiences. Summary: Jim thinks his first week in Starfleet has gotten off to a great start. He only accidentally broke into a Vulcan's room and spent the night there. Whatever. It's chill. They're friends, now, anyway. At least, they're getting there.Between this, his projects and his tests, Jim's stressed and pulled tight, but sometimes? Sometimes his friends are all he needs. That, and copious amounts of alcohol.
A Beautiful(ly Illogical) Mind by waldorph on archiveofourown. Rated Explicit. Summary: Jim never takes up Pike's dare to do better. Close-canon movie AU, with touches of Good Will Hunting. (Also known as the story where Jim solves Professor Spock’s math prolbem. Pain in the ass to find so ENJOY.)
Empathy by RubyHair on fanfiction. Rated Mature. Summary: Jim is 1/2 Veenan, an Empath & telekinetic. K/S starts at the academy & goes beyond, eventual MPREG in a way that makes biological sense. Based on challange from KS archive. Story is AU but will incorporate both movies.
Rebellious by IndelibleSpock on archiveofourown. Rated Teen. Summary: Kirk learns a little something about one of his girlfriends.
Gotcha! by Aelimir on archiveofourown. Rated General Audiences. Summary: A prankster cadet steals Spock's important datapad and agrees to give it back only if Spock goes on two dates with Jim, the Starfleet playboy. However, after spending time with Jim, Spock finds the arrangement to be not what he expected.
Objective Data by walkandtalk on archiveofourown. Rated Not Rated. Summary: A young Vulcan decides to find a mate for his guardian, Spock. After careful calculations, Cadet Kirk is obviously the superior choice.
Ad Astra Per Aspera by dogpoet on archiveofourown. Rated Mature. Summary: There are things James Kirk has never told anyone.
Persian Earl Grey And Stars by belgianjournalists on archiveofourown. Rated General Audiences. Summary: Spock just wanted a cup of black tea to start his morning, as he always did. A young stranger behind the counter whose smile shone brightly was not what he had expected, nor what he needed at 5:03, before the sun itself had charged its rays for the day. The Vulcan stood at the door for five point six seconds before the golden stranger uttered the familiar ‘How may I help you’. It was, however, slightly too loud for a grumpy alien with senses more sensitive than a human’s at 5:04.The stranger had spoken five words and done nothing but be bright and smiling and for some reason, this pissed Spock off. No one was allowed to be this way during this time of the day.
It's Over by IvanW on archiveofourown. Rated General Audiences. Summary: Spock breaks up with Jim
Cadet Kirk by IvanW on archiveofourown. Rated Mature. Summary: Spock is notified Cadet Kirk needs help from an abusive boyfriend.
t’hy’la by Itar94 on archiveofourown. Rated Teen. Summary: Jim and Spock meet at the Academy as cadets, and history unfolds. A story of first meetings, tentative friendships, and findings of self. (Spans through the Academy Era and onward.)
Familiar, So Familiar by Gyptian on archiveofourown. Rated Mature. Summary: Five ways in which Spock recognised Kirk in another universe, and one way he didn't. Or the one where I-Chaya is a daemon, because Spock is secretly a gentle soul with claws and big teeth.
Atlas by Angel Baby1 on fanfiction. Rated Mature. Summary: Between what was and what will be stands James Tiberius Kirk, in all his fractured patchwork glory. Because saving the Federation was only the beginning. Eventual K/S
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Olen alati näinud palju detailseid unenägusid, mida üsna tihti ka nii hästi mäletan, et vahel reaalsusega segamini ajan. Sellega seoses olen vahel mõelnud, et huvitav, kui oluline on unenägude kirja panemine ja nende uurimine? Kas unenäod tahavad mulle midagi öelda või on need lihtsalt minu segamini pööratud detailidega minevikupildid? Olgu, kuidas on - nad on põnevad. Hakkasin asja veidi uurima ja leidsin end taas Valgusesaare kodulehelt, kus tutvustatakse mulle Robert Mossi raamatut nimega “Teadlik unenägemine”. Leian lõigu: “Võta oma unenägudega alati midagi ette. Esimene samm on päeviku pidamine. Ka partneriga unenägude jagamine on vaimustav kodune meelelahutus, mis aitab kinni pidada unenägude püüdmise ja nendega töötamise tõotusest.” (Loe täpsemalt edasi siit) Seda ma usun. Just seetõttu teen ma siia oma esimese sissekande. Kõndisin just oma vanavanemate maja tagant ette hoovi. Minu mäletamist mööda oli tegemist suvega, sest lund ei olnud. Otsisin sõpru, sest tundsin end kuidagi üksikuna. Nägin järsku, et kaks sõbrannat (kellega me varem olime lähedased, kuid nüüdseks oluliselt kaugenenud) olid maa all suures liivaurus ja jõid Laua Viina. Keegi seisis mu kõrval. Mitme meetri laiusesesse pimedasse liivaurgu viis imepisike, umbes-täpselt õlgade laiune täiuslikult ümmargune auk. Ma kartsin sisse minna, kuid nii mu kõrval seisev tundmatu isik kui ka ma ise jõudsime veendumuseni, et ma pean ikkagi sisse minema, kui ma tahan nende sõbranna olla. Ja ma läksin. Ma püüdsin lõbutseda, kuid ma sattusin paanikasse, sest kogu see urumajandus ei näinud mulle sugugi turvaline. Paanikahoos hakkasingi sealt kohe välja ronima. Väljas seisev inimene tõmbas mind kätest, sest mu puusad ei mahtunud enam august läbi. Ühel hetkel tundsin, kuidas maa värises ja midagi varises kokku. Vaatasime üksteist suurte silmadega, kuid õnneks oli urusõbrannadega kõik korras. Sain sealt välja ja sain oma turvatunde tagasi, kuid samas vaevas mind kahetsus, et ma sõbrannadega koos lõbutseda ei saa. FIN. Mida see unenägu mulle öelda tahtis? Praegu juhtus midagi veidrat, kusjuures. Just praegu ütles üks mu sõbrannadest mulle midagi sellist, mis mulle haiget tegi. Ja ma leidsin end jälle mõttelt, et ma olen end nii... valede(?) inimestega ümbritsenud. Ei saaks öelda, et nad on päris valed. Ütleks pigem, et nad ehk ei ole päris minu inimesed. Kuid kes siis on minu inimene? Kas ma olen äkki ise vale? Kas ma püüan luua sõprussuhteid inimestega isegi siis, kui ma tean, et nad on valed, kuid ma kardan lihtsalt nii väga üksindust, et ma veenan ennast, et nad pole seda? KAS SEE ONGI SEE?
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I saw how cruel humanity could be...
You're here, because I was unable to protect you; and for that I am truly very sorry. As King Lyrion, ruled I saw how cruel humanity could be. Now the capitol has been attacked and I can't bear the suffering of those who were killed in the siege. So, I have poured my essence into this blade, my soul, my life, everything; it is me. Veros, I made my choices in life but I never gave you the chance to make yours. I hope that one day you can forgive me for abandoning you at such a young age. I hope that one day our people will find peace in this world. And I hope, that with me by your side you will finally have the chance to make your own choices in life. I will always love you. Be brave my son.
Your Mother,
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headcanon hours. for the first twenty years of dahlia’s life she often only really communicated with her mother and a few sisters of her tribe due to her lack of vocal communication skills. she and her mother along with some of her sisters developed a subsect of veenan sign language which, while incorporating the main sign language used by the veena is altogether different. dahlia knows veenan sign but is a bit rusty due to using coerthan sign 95% of the time lmfao. doman sign she’s still getting the hang of ( looks at koharu ) and is a work in progress.
#{ looks @ aries for making me think about it }#( HEADCANONS )ㅤ ㅤ ( ㅤ 🐇ㅤ )ㅤ ㅤ — ㅤ JUST VIERA THINGS.#OUT OF CHARACTER ㅤ ㅤ ( ㅤ 🐇ㅤ ) ㅤ ㅤ — ㅤ ㅤ clown honks at the dash. its milays
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