#vecna x wonka
kawaiidoodles95-blog · 9 months
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You, Vecna, and Vecna staring at Willy’s long fine legs 🦵🏻
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kawaiidoodles95-blog · 8 months
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Lucas hosted a tea party with his friends Allen, Henry, and Willy!
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kawaiidoodles95-blog · 9 months
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The main cast for TSSC! This setup for the explanations is heavily inspired by @sm-baby ‘s Carnival AU explanations. Enjoy
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kawaiidoodles95-blog · 6 months
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One last dance
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kawaiidoodles95-blog · 8 months
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Starry night 🌌
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kawaiidoodles95-blog · 8 months
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Wow. I made Willy Wonka as a TADC actor.
He’s a wooden puppet.
Lord help me….
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kawaiidoodles95-blog · 8 months
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Your honor, I am obsessed with Willy and Vecna together.
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kawaiidoodles95-blog · 8 months
The Stranger Stampy Circus: Chapter 7
The sixth chapter of a long series I am making!
NOTICE: This is 11+! Throughout this story, there will be light mentions of blood, death, war, darker humor, and violence. While nothing here is explicit, if this bothers you in any way, keep on moving. Trust me. I won't be mad.
AN: I am making this not only on here but on google docs. This is a crossover between Stranger Things, Stampy's Lovely World, The Amazing Digital Circus, and Wonka. Each chapter will have a name of one of the characters (or main POV's I refer to them as,) and whoever's name is on the chapter title is the person narrating the chapter.
Anyways, enjoy TSSC!
Chapter 7: Willy
I assume I passed out, because I woke up some time later, on a couch. The guy who saved me was sitting there, next to me, looming over. “Erm… hi again,” I waved. “Hey. Are you alright? You just fell asleep in my arms, so I had to carry you back here,” the guy asked. “Yeah,” I smiled, “where am I?” He looked around, then grinned. “Welcome to the Upside Down, more specifically, this is my castle! My name is Lord Vecna, but you can just call me Vecna,” He exclaimed.
“I got saved by ROYALTY?” I thought.
Suddenly, an orange cat and a brown haired girl walked past. “Hey Vecna, did you pick someone up while you were out?” the orange cat teased. “NO! I just saved this person, Stampy. Second, HE IS A BOY!” Vecna yelled. “Vecna, everyone knows you are Bi. Your closet is made out of the clearest glass possible,” the girl added. “SHUT UP, POMNI! YOU BOTH GO UPSTAIRS!” Vecna commanded. “Fine, DAD, whatever,” Stampy grinned, as the two ran upstairs giggling. “Anyways, thank you for saving me,” I smiled. “No problem. I mean to ask… how did you get stuck in that chocolate tank anyway?” Vecna asked. 
“Well, it was at night when I was asleep. Something came into my window and dragged me out of my room. Since it was dark and it was ink black, I couldn’t see what took me. All I could see were glitchy glowing spots. It took me into the downstairs of the chocolate chapel thing, turned on the chocolate release, and the entire room started slowly flooding with chocolate. I couldn’t get a good look at him before he left,” I explained.
“Good lord,” Vecna frowned, “That’s terrible.” I sighed. “It is, but luckily it’s gone for now.”
Vecna led me to my room, and it was MASSIVE. It had a king size bed with curtains all around. A giant closet and dresser was next to it. On the ceiling was an ornate chandelier made with real diamond. On the back wall was a beautiful bathroom, an indoor garden with peculiar plants, a desk, and a strange contraption that washed clothes automatically. “Wow! This is gorgeous and ornate! This is like heaven compared to the room I was in,” I smiled as I flew onto the plush mattress of the bed that did NOT break. “What was your previous room like?” Vecna asked. “It was a closet. A bucket that served as a toilet, a dirt faucet that mud came out of, and a broken bed that I barely fitted in. And believe me, I am small,” I giggled. “Yikes, that’s rough,” Vecna said. “It was,” I responded, “but at least I am now here…”
“Willy? WILLY?” I heard someone say.
“What’s wrong?” I asked, opening my eyes. “Oh thank god you were only asleep. You scared me again,” Vecna sighed. “Sorry, I sleep heavily,” I lightly smiled. “No, no it’s fine, I just-” Vecna started. He shook his head. “Nevermind.”
I headed downstairs for lunch. There were amazing “subs” (as I came to find out they were called,) all perfectly in rows on the giant table. When I sat at the table, I put a jar of chocolates on it. “If you guys want, you can have some chocolate. Except for you, Stampy,” I smiled. “I know,” he laughed. “Oh, yes! I forgot to introduce the new member of our party. This is Willy… what’s his last name… Wonka?” Vecna said, introducing me to the group of 9 people. They all waved at me and smiled. Immediately, we all dug into the delicious warm sandwiches.
“Finally,” I thought, “Some actual freaking food.”
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kawaiidoodles95-blog · 8 months
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Y’all I drew Willy in a miniskirt and I don’t regret a thing.
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kawaiidoodles95-blog · 9 months
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Willy was covered in chocolate, and Henry loves eating chocolate. So…
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kawaiidoodles95-blog · 9 months
The Stranger Stampy Circus: Chapter 6
The sixth chapter of a long series I am making!
NOTICE: This is 11+! Throughout this story, there will be light mentions of blood, death, war, darker humor, and violence. While nothing here is explicit, if this bothers you in any way, keep on moving. Trust me. I won't be mad.
AN: I am making this not only on here but on google docs. This is a crossover between Stranger Things, Stampy's Lovely World, The Amazing Digital Circus, and Wonka. Each chapter will have a name of one of the characters (or main POV's I refer to them as,) and whoever's name is on the chapter title is the person narrating the chapter.
Anyways, enjoy TSSC!
Chapter 6: Vecna
After dinner, everyone went to bed… except for me. How could someone die such a horrible death? I mean, I have experienced some horrific deaths, but how did that specifically happen? I know it’s video game logic, however, this is different. The person is actually dead.
“I mean, what if I got stuck there? Good god, I am horrified just THINKING about it!” I cried in my mind
“Erm, sir..?”
“What if one of my citizens got stuck there, and we didn’t know?! I can’t sleep!” I kept thinking.
I snapped out of my thoughts, and frantically looked around. “WHO THE HECK SAID THAT?” I screamed, grabbing a knife from the table and standing up. I kept looking around, but couldn’t see who it was. I finally looked down, and there it was. A small orange man with green hair stood in front of me. “Who the fudge are you?” I frowned. “I am Lofty, and I need your help,” The small man said. “Man, your voice is much lower than I expected…” I muttered. “Anyways, what do you need?” He gave me this look that said he meant no funny business. “So you know that portal room you have?”
“So which portal do you need?” I asked. “Type in the word ‘Wonka.’ Don’t ask questions about the name, got it?” Lofty asked. “Alright,” I shrugged. I typed in the word, and a brown portal opened. It looked like chocolate swirls. I, though, couldn’t savor the look for long, because I just got sucked in.
Just like what I  have heard the other’s experiences were, I woke up shortly after.
My face felt fuzzy, so I just touched it. “OH WOW, I BECAME MY HUMAN FORM AGAIN!” I grinned. I leaped onto my feet as I also realized I was now wearing 1800’s clothes. “I feel so victorian! I am a Victorian boy!” I screamed to the heavens while bouncing around like an idiot. “AHEM. We don’t have much time to waste, my good sir. He could die,” Lofty interrupted. “OH. OK,” I said. Scrambling back onto my feet, I caught up to him on the rescue mission
“So who are we saving anyway?” I asked, walking into the chocolate chapel or whatever the heck Lofty called it. “We are saving a boy named Willy,” he responded. He proceeded to grab a rock off the ground. “What will you be using that for? You’re gonna be breaking some stuff, aren’t you,” I sighed. “Yep. I will be breaking some skulls just in case,” he said, picking up more rocks. I just glared at him.
After he was done picking up rocks for what felt like 3 minutes, he looked at me. “You break into the downstairs and deactivate the chocolate mechanism,” he instructed. “Look, why don’t I just use a rock to break that glass right there?” I asked. Lofty looked past me, and shrugged. “Sure, but that’s the easy route. Why not a challenge?” I ripped a rock out of his hand, and pummeled it into the glass. “Hopefully that didn’t kill anyone,” I smiled. Suddenly, I saw a hand stick out of the broken glass dome. I ran over to see what it was.
I helped the boy out of the tank. He looked to be at MOST four years younger than me. He had fuzzy brown hair, light brown eyes, a baggy ripped blue shirt, and some tan pants. “H-hi…” he murmured. I quickly grabbed him because he looked like he was going to faint. He was covered in chocolate, which I struggled not to lick off, because that would just be really weird and uncomfortable. So I sadly didn’t. “Thanks… I am Willy.” He smiled slightly at me, and I smiled back a bit. “Come on, let’s get you home,” I said.
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kawaiidoodles95-blog · 9 months
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…just to put this out there, I drew this, and I don’t regret anything 👌
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kawaiidoodles95-blog · 9 months
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kawaiidoodles95-blog · 9 months
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Willy just thinks he’s leading Vecna into the factory in a proper way.
Vecna thinks otherwise.
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kawaiidoodles95-blog · 8 months
The Stranger Stampy Circus: Chapter 9
The ninth chapter of a long series I am making!
NOTICE: This is 11+! Throughout this story, there will be light mentions of blood, death, war, darker humor, and violence. While nothing here is explicit, if this bothers you in any way, keep on moving. Also, there is a kidnapping in this. Trust me. I won't be mad.
AN: I am making this not only on here but on google docs. This is a crossover between Stranger Things, Stampy's Lovely World, The Amazing Digital Circus, and Wonka. Each chapter will have a name of one of the characters (or main POV's I refer to them as,) and whoever's name is on the chapter title is the person narrating the chapter.
Anyways, enjoy TSSC!
Chapter 9: Vecna. 
As Pomni finished, a blood-curdling scream came from upstairs. “What the heck was that?! Pomni, Caine, stay here,” I instructed. Pomni and Caine looked at each other as I bolted inside and ran up the stairs. “Oh shoot,” I murmured to myself, “did someone hurt themselves?” However, when I ran past Willy’s room, I heard glass shattering and a “HELP ME” coming from inside.
“Hello..?” I said, opening the door. Glass was all over the floor, the entire room was discombobulated and glitching. And weirdest of all? There were some of Willy’s most powerful chocolates scattered across the floor; the Draining Pecans. “Holy heck, Hit the Target kidnapped Willy,” I said. “HTT must’ve broken through the window, then Willy tried resisting using the candies, but it wasn’t enough. I NEED TO CALL A LOCKDOWN.”
I ran upstairs into the control tower, and sent out the announcement.
As I said that, a bunch of people outside just shuffled into buildings, and from where I was, it just looked like colorful mushes filling tiny ant holes. Then, there it was. The monster that had Willy tied in a bag. “Go’tcha,” I muttered to myself. The creature turned around and looked directly at me, as if it was asking to die.
What a fool was I. Thinking it would just stand there, I took my time setting up the canon. However, when I got to the control panel to fire it..
“SHOOT!” I screamed
The monster was gone! It just… vanished. “NONONONO!!!” I was panicking. How did I do this? I flew downstairs, almost tripping multiple times. When I got to the dinner table, I pressed the emergency meeting button under the table.
Soon enough, everyone came down. “So, Vecna, what is going on? I was just asleep, and then this loud beeping noise came on,” Jax said, rubbing his head. “Yeah!” Everyone at the table exclaimed. “Guys, this is serious,” I said. “Willy could be in danger!” Everybody looked at each other. “This is a life or death situation,” I continued. “So what do we do?” Pomni asked. “Do you think I know? That’s why I called the meeting; to get ideas!” I responded, slamming my face into the table. “What if a few of us head out to look for him?” Stampy suggested. I looked up, and smiled. “Good idea. Two people can come with me, while the rest watch over the town,” I explained. Stampy and Pomni raised their hands. “We can go,” Pomni volunteered. “Good, good,” I sighed in relief. “The rest of you; I am counting on you guys. Everybody else nodded. “Well what are we waiting for? Let’s get ready!” Stampy exclaimed
“Willy, dear friend, I am sorry for not protecting you. I love you.” I thought. I was grabbing materials for the trip, when I saw something. Another powerful candy of Willy’s; the explosive truffle bomb. “This is the only one. Let’s hope this works,” I whispered to myself, putting the candy in my pocket.
“I’m ready, Stampy and Pomni!” I called them.
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kawaiidoodles95-blog · 8 months
The Stranger Stampy Circus: Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
The (basically) first half of a long series I am making!
NOTICE: This is 11+! Throughout this story, there will be light mentions of blood, death, war, darker humor, and violence. While nothing here is explicit, if this bothers you in any way, keep on moving. Also, chapter 4 has a semi-explicit death. Trust me. I won't be mad.
AN: I am making this not only on here but on google docs. This is a crossover between Stranger Things, Stampy's Lovely World, The Amazing Digital Circus, and Wonka. Each chapter will have a name of one of the characters (or main POV's I refer to them as,) and whoever's name is on the chapter title is the person narrating the chapter.
Anyways, enjoy TSSC!
Chapter 1: Stampy
“So, Stampy, where are we going exactly?” My friend William Beaver asked. “Not quite sure, truthfully. I guess we are just going to have to find a place to settle down,” I shrugged. Hello, my name is Stampy! I was the owner of Lovely World, until my nemesis took over it. I am bringing my dogs and helpers with me to somewhere new to settle down. “Stampy, there is a beautiful place in the mountains around 4 miles from here,” Polly said, looking at the GPS. “That’s perfect,” I said, “We will have some leverage.”
We continued walking, until my dog Barnaby stopped. He sniffed around the ground a bit. “Boy, what are you doing?” I asked, kneeling down. Barnaby proceeded to start digging up the dirt. “I think he found something,” Fizzy examined. “You think? I think it’s pretty dang obvious,” Polly frowned. Barnaby stopped digging, and started barking at the hole. “What is my silly dog doing?” I murmured. A portal suddenly then erupted from the ground, and we all leaped backwards.
I blinked a few times, dirt in my eyes from the sudden eruption. The portal neither looked like a Nether or End portal. It was Bright red with gray gravel surrounding it. It was in the shape of a circle. Red lightning flashed from it, and ash started coming out. “WHAT DID YOU DO???” William cried at Barnaby. I reached my hand out to touch the portal. “Uhm, Stamps, I wouldn’t touch that if I were you,” Polly said. Suddenly, a vine came out and wrapped around my wrist, and dragged me into the portal. I started screaming, and when I looked behind me, my friends were not too far behind.
I woke up shortly after. “Guys..?” I called out for them. I had a loud cough, and what came out was ash… the same ash from the portal. When I looked around, everything was dark cyan. The ‘trees’ were all dead, bare as bone. There was no grass on the ground. 
“Stampy? Is that you?”
I flung around and looked behind me. Right there was my nemesis’s coworker Veevadash. “YOU- You built this portal didn’t you? To trap me?” I asked. I held up my sword. “N-no… Stampy, I am just as confused as you are,” Veeva frowned. “Well then how did you find me and get here?” I murmured. “I followed you. I left Hit the Target to join you guys,” Veeva explained. “You promise,” I asked. She nodded her head, and I slowly put my sword away. Suddenly, William, Polly, and Fizzy came running to me with the dogs. 
“Stampy! Are you alright? What’s Veeva doing here?” My helpers asked. “I don’t know. But she promised me she wasn’t working with Hit the Target, and that she randomly ended up here too because she wanted to join us,” I explained, still skeptical. “Alright…” Polly frowned. I held out my hand for a handshake, and Veeva surprisingly took it. 
“Ok, so now what?” William asked. “We befriended your arch nemesis’s spy, so already we have plans to die.” I shrugged, then glanced at Fizzy, who was crying. “Fizzy, what is wrong?” I asked. “I WANT COOKIES! I HAVEN’T HAD ONE IN HOURS AND I AM LOSING IT!” He screamed. “That sounds like an addiction,” Veeva commented. “I just shook my head and laughed. “Polly, do you have any ideas, because we are striking out. “Well, I suggest we start looking for an exit before we-” she started.
“And who might you be?”
Chapter 2: Vecna
I looked at the five strange people in front of me. One was an orange cat with green eyes, white boots, and a diamond sword. Next to him on his right was a reindeer with pink overalls and blood red eyes. Next to them was I guess the most normal of the group, a human girl with black hair and an outfit that I think might be inspired off of imperial Chinese clothing. To the orange cat’s left was a beaver with diamond clothes and an elephant who had golden pants. 
“Damn,” I said, “You guys must be rich.” The orange cat shook their head. “No. By the way, my name is Stampy,” he said. “I am Polly,” said the reindeer. The human just gave a good confused look at me and said, “Vee…va?” I think she was confused because I look human… except for the fact that I am covered with vines and have a giant flipping claw. “My name is William,” added the Beaver. “I…am…Fizzy,” the elephant cried, choking on tears in between words. 
“What’s wrong with that one?” I asked Stampy, pointing at the Elephant. “He has an addiction to cookies, and he has been deprived of them for hours,” Stampy explained to me. “I can tell. Anyways, I am Vecna, and welcome to the Upside Down. I rule this place,” I explained. “What kind of stupid name is that?” Veeva asked. “Which name? My kingdom or my name,” I asked back. “Uhm, both,” she said. “Trust me, Ma’am, I agree. But some D&D obsessed teenagers called it that, and now my script says I have to call it that,” I frowned. 
“So… what is this place?” Fizzy asked. “And are there cookies here?” 
I sighed. “No, Fizzy, there aren’t cookies. “Then what use are you to me?!” He cried. “Would you like to be alive?” I asked him. He nodded quickly and then shut up. 
Oh boy, I thought, I was in for a treat.
I led them inside of my castle, and showed them around. “While you stay here, guys, just… don’t touch anything,” I explained. They all quietly nodded in agreement. “Good. Anyhow, I hope you enjoy your stay, you will be here for a while,” I said. I smacked a wall, and a hidden door opened up. I heard a few “oooh”’s and “ahhh”’s coming from the group. “Thanks for the rooms,” Stampy said while looking at the beds. I just shrugged. “No problem I guess.”
That night, I went up to my best friend, Moriss. “New guests?” He asked. “Yeah, new guests,” I said. “We keep getting those. We first had the Squishmallows, and now we have these furries-” Moriss started. “They aren’t furries… I don’t think, but they sure are freaks of nature if I do say so myself,” I said. “Henry, do you realize what you look like?” He responded. “Right. I shouldn’t be so judgmental. I guess we should all be accepting, it’s why I made the Upside Down a town in the first place,” I smiled, looking out the window.
The next morning, I heard the LOUDEST screaming coming from Stampy’s room. I raced downstairs, burst the door open, and ran inside. “Uhm, what’s going on?” I asked. “We are having a pillow fight,” Fizzy grinned. “WHY IN GOD’S NAME WERE YOU SCREAMING?” I cried. “Don’t blame us,” Veeva said, “Fizzy was mostly screaming. We kept telling him to stop, but he wouldn’t.” I just shook my head in disbelief. “You guys are insane,” I frowned. I just walked back upstairs to sleep just a bit more.
This was gonna be a long day.
Chapter 3:Pomni
Today was the last day in the office before Christmas break. We were celebrating with hot cocoa, cookies, and a gift exchange. My coworkers are Jasper, Rianna, “Zoob,” Gaipha, Kayon, and Cain, who is also my boyfriend. “I GO FIRST!” Jasper called out. “No, Jasper, our boss Cain decides who goes first,” Rianna sighed. “Oh c’mon Raggedy Ann, he’s too busy with Pomni sleeping on his shoulder,” Jasper grinned. At that moment, I woke up. 
“Huh? What? I was sleeping?” I asked. “Like a rock,” Zoob added. Everyone giggled a bit. “Ah, my dear, why don’t you open your present first?” Cain smiled. He went to the tree, and picked up a present, handing it to me. I quickly scrambled to open it, and what was…
“A red button?”
Jasper raised his hand. “Erm… I was your secret santa, but I didn’t give you that. “Are you sure?” Gaipha asked. “That sounds like something you’d buy.” I was examining the red button with awe. It was a long thin tube, the size of a pointer finger. The button had lightning and clouds inside of it, and it was strangely menacing.
“Jasper, if you didn’t get me this, then HOW did it end up here?” I asked. “Not sure, Pomni. I think you should press the button, anyway. What’s the worst that could happen?” Jasper grinned. “I mean, there are a lot of terrible things that could happen,” Kayon commented, “A nuclear explosion, setting off asteroids, abstrac- you know what, I am not going to say it.” I nodded my head. Cain looked at me, then the button, then back at my eyes. “Well, it’s your choice.”
“You can press the button if you want. Or you can leave it. It’s your secret santa.” I held my breath. “I’m gonna do it,” I said, and I pressed the button.
And that was the last I felt or saw before I woke up.
“Pomni, POMNI!” Cain called, shaking my elbow. “What!? Where are we?” I asked as I jolted upwards, looking in all directions. Next to me were Rianna and Jasper, who seemed to have been transported too.
But none of my other co-workers were there.
“Where are the others..?” Rianna mumbled as she rubbed her head. “Not sure,” I responded. She pulled her trusty butcher knife out of her pocket. “Whoa, dollface! Slow down! We don’t want to scare whoever lives in the area,” Jasper said sarcastically. “Jasper, nobody lives here. This is a barren, blue, dead, wasteland of a place,” I frowned. “Truth be told, I am not sure this is safe to breathe in,” Cain added, “It’s filled with giant chunks of ash, we could suffocate if we breathe this stuff in.” Jasper rolled his eyes. “Thanks for the confidence, I definitely feel confidence-d.”
After looking around for a little while, we stumbled upon a massive chapel. “Good heavens, that’s gorgeous,” Rianna breathed.
“It is, isn’t it?”
My friends and I screamed and jumped together. A weird vine man stared at us with a sleepy orange cat on his shoulders. The man had menacing black, circular eyes. The orange cat had his eyes half-open, as he was trying to stay awake. He had green eyes, purplish gray boots, and a diamond sword. “Nice to meet you,” The man smiled, holding out his vine-covered claw, “I am Vecna.”
“So you are here to help us?” I asked politely. “Yep! You aren’t my first visitors. I will show you around.”
Chapter 4: Hit The Target.
“So, this is where Stampy left me to die?”
I looked around the strangely colorful ‘outside,’ with a circus tent in the distance. I walked on the obviously game textured grass, and looked around. On my right were some small mountains. On my left was a lake with a sign that said “DROWN IN THE DIGITAL LAKE -Caine <3.” I snarled. “Don’t mind if I do. Won’t be the first time I do. I just… need to find an exit. Then I can get my revenge.” I looked around. Shrugging, I just continued walking to the circus.
The circus was also empty. Just a colorful menagerie. A lot of shapes, blocks, and slides scattered around. “What the h-” I said, but something spread across my mouth. “D(CENCOR) it! I CAN’T EVEN SWEAR WITHOUT THIS THING ON MY MOUTH MAKING IT ‘CHILD FRIENDLY!’” Suddenly, I felt a splash of pressure on my eyes. It felt like something was pushing against it, wanting to come out.
“AUGHH! I WANT TO LEAVE!” I screamed, my voice echoing against the walls. The pressure was only getting worse, and I shut my eyes out of instinct. I proceeded to run blindly into a wall. I finally had the ability to talk, but then… I was censored from what I wanted to say. 
I walked around the giant room, through what felt like endless halls, just trying to find some way to leave. It felt like an eternity. There was a hallway with what I assume were living quarters, because they had images of strange people on them. Though, some of the faces were crossed out. “This place is giving me the creeps…” I murmured. I found a set of keys conveniently on the floor, and opened one of the crossed out face’s doors.
In the room, there were distorted pictures of the character with red paint saying “EXIT” all over it. I screamed and ran out of the room, tears starting to form in my eyes. For once I felt… fear. It was odd. “I JUST WANT TO LEAVE!” I yelled to the heavens. “WHY CAN’T I!?” The pressure is so bad, my eyes felt as if they were going to burst. The vision around my peripherals started dimming with weird glitchy splotches. I then collapsed on the floor, and felt as if my body was breaking.
I crawled over and barely stood up to look into the closest mirror I could find, and screamed once more. The right half of my face was turning black and glitching. Black gooey deer antlers emerged from my head, and I fell backwards on the floor. “WAS THIS WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN PLANNING THIS WHOLE TIME, STAMPY? TO LET ME DIE ALONE IN A DIGITAL PURGATORY FOREVER?” I barely choked out. I closed my eyes, and held my breath. I watched as my entire vision went black, and all I felt was breaking away.
“Goodbye, world. I will come back one day, though. Cross my heart and hope to… die…”
Chapter 5: Stampy
(A day later)
I looked at Pomni, then at the rest of the group. Now we have a whole lot of people; Me, Vecna, Fizzy, Polly, William, Veeva, Pomni, Caine, Ragatha, and Jasper. “Pomni, my dear, what was that ping for?” Caine asked. “Apparently someone abstracted,” Pomni muttered. “I feel like I missed something, what’s abstracting?” Vecna asked, shaking his head. “Well… it’s the process of dying in our video game. The longing and want to leave drives people to the brink of madness, causing them to become this glitchy distorted form,” Ragatha explained. “Holy moly! That’s a bad way to go,” I frowned, my ears lowering and my tail between my legs. 
“Did ANY of you bring cookies? I am gonna commit mass murder and overthrow the U.S government if you don’t give me one RIGHT NOW,” Fizzy threatened. “Holy shoot, Fizzy! NO! We did not bring cookies, and you are NOT overthrowing the government,” Jasper snapped. “Since when did you care about the government, authority, and it being overthrown?” Pomni teased. “Guys, guys. SHUT THE HECK UP. Who did this abstracting thing?” Vecna asked. Pomni looked at her watch which I assume gives notifications about the game. It was red and blue; the same colors of her skirt. It had a very shiny finish. Looking closely, every one of her colleagues had the same kind of watch.
“Apparently the one who abstracted was a guy on the Digital Circus server by the name of Hit the Target,” Pomni said. My pupils shrunk, and I realized what I did. I banished HTT (his initials) somewhere, but I didn’t know where. But now I do. Whatever this “Digital Circus” world was… it killed him. “He… died? But he’s already dead,” Veeva mentioned. “Stampy killed him once.” I looked at her. “But I resurrected him,” I said, giving a counterpoint. “So what? He’s a green zombie, he still can’t die!” Veeva explained. “But this is a video game,” Vecna said, “video game logic isn’t the same as real life logic.” I nodded, remembering all of my times in MINECRAFT when I almost died.
Everyone was eagerly talking while the dinner was passed around. There was a big, juicy chicken. Everyone dug into that, while Vecna, the head of the table, took bites out of his food that no human ate. I stared at everyone, eating. Though I wasn’t hungry. I still felt guilt for HTT’s death despite all the pain he caused. He killed my dogs, kidnapped me and my helpers, almost blew up my lovely world… I don’t know. I just felt bad.
Chapter 6: Vecna
After dinner, everyone went to bed… except for me. How could someone die such a horrible death? I mean, I have experienced some horrific deaths, but how did that specifically happen? I know it’s video game logic, however, this is different. This person is actually dead.
“I mean, what if I got stuck there? Good god, I am horrified just THINKING about it!” I cried in my mind
“Erm, sir..?”
“What if one of my citizens got stuck there, and we didn’t know?! I can’t sleep!” I kept thinking.
I snapped out of my thoughts, and frantically looked around. “WHO THE HECK SAID THAT?” I screamed, grabbing a knife from the table and standing up. I kept looking around, but couldn’t see who it was. I finally looked down, and there it was. A small orange man with green hair stood in front of me. “Who the fudge are you?” I frowned. “I am Lofty, and I need your help,” The small man said. “Man, your voice is much lower than I expected…” I muttered. “Anyways, what do you need?” He gave me this look that said he meant no funny business. “So you know that portal room you have?”
“So which portal do you need?” I asked. “Type in the word ‘Wonka.’ Don’t ask questions about the name, got it?” Lofty asked. “Alright,” I shrugged. I typed in the word, and a brown portal opened. It looked like chocolate swirls. I, though, couldn’t savor the look for long, because I was suddenly sucked in. Just like what I  have heard the other’s experiences were, I woke up shortly after.
My face felt fuzzy, so I reached out to touch it. “OH WOW, I BECAME MY HUMAN FORM AGAIN!” I grinned. I leaped onto my feet, as I also realized I was now wearing 1800’s clothes. “I feel so victorian! I am a Victorian boy!” I screamed to the heavens while bouncing around like an idiot. “AHEM. We don’t have much time to waste, my good sir. He could die,” Lofty interrupted. “OH. OK,” I said. Scrambling back onto my feet, I caught up to him on the rescue mission
“So who are we saving anyway?” I asked, walking into the chocolate chapel or whatever the heck Lofty called it. “We are saving a boy named Willy,” he responded. He proceeded to grab a rock off the ground. “What will you be using that for? You’re gonna be breaking some stuff, aren’t you,” I sighed. “Yep. I will be breaking some skulls just in case,” he said, picking up more rocks. I just glared at him.
After he was done picking up rocks for what felt like 3 minutes, he looked at me. “You break into the downstairs and deactivate the chocolate mechanism,” he instructed. “Look, why don’t I just use a rock to break that glass right there?” I asked. Lofty looked past me, and shrugged. “Sure, but that’s the easy route. Why not a challenge?” I ripped a rock out of his hand, and pummeled it into the glass. “Hopefully that didn’t kill anyone,” I smiled. Suddenly, I saw a hand stick out of the broken glass dome. I ran over to see what it was.
I helped the boy out of the tank. He looked to be at MOST four years younger than me. He had fuzzy brown hair, light brown eyes, a baggy ripped blue shirt, and some tan pants. “H-hi…” he murmured. I quickly grabbed him because he looked like he was going to faint. He was covered in chocolate, which I struggled not to lick off, because that would just be really weird and uncomfortable. So I sadly didn’t. “Thanks… I am Willy.” He smiled slightly at me, and I smiled back a bit. “Come on, let’s get you home,” I said.
Chapter 7: Willy
I assume I passed out, because I woke up some time later, on a couch. The guy who saved me was sitting there, next to me, looming over. “Erm… hi again,” I waved. “Hey. Are you alright? You just fell asleep in my arms, so I had to carry you back here,” the guy asked. “Yeah,” I smiled, “where am I?” He looked around, then grinned. “Welcome to the Upside Down, more specifically, this is my castle! My name is Lord Vecna, but you can just call me Vecna,” He exclaimed.
“I got saved by ROYALTY?” I thought.
Suddenly, an orange cat and a brown haired girl walked past. “Hey Vecna, did you pick someone up while you were out?” the orange cat teased. “NO! I just saved this person, Stampy. Second, HE IS A BOY!” Vecna yelled. “Vecna, everyone knows you are Bi. Your closet is made out of the clearest glass possible,” the girl added. “SHUT UP, POMNI! YOU BOTH GO UPSTAIRS!” Vecna commanded. “Fine, DAD, whatever,” Stampy grinned, as the two ran upstairs giggling. “Anyways, thank you for saving me,” I smiled. “No problem. I mean to ask… how did you get stuck in that chocolate tank anyway?” Vecna asked. 
“Well, it was at night when I was asleep. Something came into my window and dragged me out of my room. Since it was dark and it was ink black, I couldn’t see what took me. All I could see were glitchy glowing spots. It took me into the downstairs of the chocolate chapel thing, turned on the chocolate release, and the entire room started slowly flooding with chocolate. I couldn’t get a good look at him before he left,” I explained.
“Good lord,” Vecna frowned, “That’s terrible.” I sighed. “It is, but luckily it’s gone for now.”
Vecna led me to my room, and it was MASSIVE. It had a king size bed with curtains all around. A giant closet and dresser was next to it. On the ceiling was an ornate chandelier made with real diamond. On the back wall was a beautiful bathroom, an indoor garden with peculiar plants, a desk, and a strange contraption that washed clothes automatically. “Wow! This is gorgeous and ornate! This is like heaven compared to the room I was in,” I smiled as I flew onto the plush mattress of the bed that did NOT break. 
     “What was your previous room like?” Vecna asked. “It was a closet. A bucket that served as a toilet, a dirt faucet that mud came out of, and a broken bed that I barely fitted in. And believe me, I am small,” I giggled. “Yikes, that’s rough,” Vecna said. “It was,” I responded, “but at least I am now here…”
“Willy? WILLY?” I heard someone say.
“What’s wrong?” I asked, opening my eyes. “Oh thank god you were only asleep. You scared me again,” Vecna sighed. “Sorry, I sleep heavily,” I lightly smiled. “No, no it’s fine, I just-” Vecna started. He shook his head. “Nevermind.”
I headed downstairs for lunch. There were amazing “subs” (as I came to find out they were called,) all perfectly in rows on the giant table. When I sat at the table, I put a jar of chocolates on it. “If you guys want, you can have some chocolate. Except for you, Stampy,” I smiled. “I know,” he laughed. “Oh, yes! I forgot to introduce the new member of our party. This is Willy… what’s his last name… Wonka?” Vecna said, introducing me to the group of 9 people. They all waved at me and smiled. Immediately, we all dug into the delicious warm sandwiches.
“Finally,” I thought, “Some actual freaking food.”
That's all for now! I hope you enjoyed so far.
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