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soapdispensersalesman · 6 months ago
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Utrecht, August 2024
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paardencoach · 2 years ago
vlucht of vecht
Mijn coachee bevindt zich al een tijdje in een situatie waarin zij zich niet veilig voelt, zelfs niet in haar eigen huis. Het maakt dat ze altijd alert is, zeg maar altijd “aan staat”. Dat is vermoeiend, maakt dat ze zich opgejaagd voelt en niet vrij om zichzelf te zijn. Haar vraag is wat ze kan doen om dit te veranderen.
We staan in een hoekje van de paddock, een nieuw hoekje. Ik had sterk het gevoel dat we hier aan de slag moesten. Het is een wat kleiner plekje, meer beschut en alle paarden kunnen zich ermee bemoeien als ze willen. Ik heb een vaag idee wat we gaan doen en heb alleen wat pionnen meegenomen. En ik vraag of coachee wil vertellen.
Er komt veel naar boven: de onveiligheid, onzekerheid, het gevoel altijd alert te moeten zijn, op haar tenen te moeten lopen, altijd het verkeerde te doen of te zeggen, niet weten wat ze moet doen als ze zich aangevallen voelt, dan het instinctief reageren, het verdriet, hoe heftig het allemaal is en hoe het haar uitput. En terwijl ze vertelt, komt Tinky aangelopen. We zien dat ook Tinky alert is: ze heeft haar nek en hoofd ver naar voren gestoken, oortjes naar voren gekeerd. En dan, terwijl coachee kijkt en vertelt, laat ze haar hoofd wat zakken, gaan haar oortjes terug richting normale stand. Terwijl we naar haar kijken, buigt ze haar hoofd, eet gras aan de rand, onder het draadje waar stroom op staat. We zien hoe haar manen de draad aanraken, maar ze reageert niet, blijft ontspannen, blijft gras eten. Coachee begrijpt het: dat wil zij ook wel! Tinky draait zich om en loopt langzaam weg.
Ik vraag of ze een pion wil neerzetten om de plek te markeren waar ze nu staat in dit proces en de plek waar ze graag wil zijn. Ze zet ze neer en bij de tweede pion zegt ze dat die eigenlijk niet ver genoeg kan staan! Maar tijdens het proces, komt ze toch wat dichterbij. Ze vertelt over de pionnen, wat ze voelt, denkt en komt tot de conclusie dat dit de eerste stap is in haar proces om zich sterk en onverstoorbaar te voelen, net zoals Tinky. En ze voelt dat dat moment misschien toch minder ver is dan ze eerst dacht.
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Op mijn vraag of ze van nu naar daar wil lopen - voelend en ervarend, loopt ze rustig en bedachtzaam. En als ze voelt dat ze even moet stilstaan, doet ze dat. Ik markeer de plek. Op mijn vraag waarom ze daar stopte, zie ik haar denken en voelen en dan krijgt ze een inzicht: Zij is niet de enige die in deze situatie zit … 
Ze voelt dat het voor nu voldoende is.
Bovenstaande beschrijving is met toestemming van coachee. Persoonlijke elementen zijn zoveel mogelijk weggelaten uit privacyoverwegingen zonder de essentie van de sessie aan te tasten.
Voor meer informatie, kijk op mijn website www.loriaux-efficiency.nl
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bazedjunkiii · 5 months ago
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get locked!
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bauerntanz · 5 months ago
Ab heute: Das Internationale Fest der Puppen (21)
#Lingen: Ab heute bis zum nächsten Donnerstag: Das Internationale Fest der #Puppen (21. Auflage)
Zum 21. Mal veranstaltet das Theaterpädagogische Zentrum Lingen (TPZ) das Internationale Fest der Puppen in Lingen und umzu. Längst ist es eines der traditionsreichsten und größten internationalen Festivals für Figurentheater in Deutschland. Hochkarätige Künstler*innen präsentieren zeitgemäßes Theater der Dinge, das sich zwischen traditionellem Figurenspiel, experimentellem Objekt- und…
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eigenwoorden · 11 months ago
Al wat ik wil is een beetje liefde
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kinnamvns · 2 years ago
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coovieilledentelle · 3 months ago
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Le château de Nijenrode a été construit vers 1260 par le chevalier Gerard Splinter van Ruwiel. L'emplacement du château était bien choisi : un endroit stratégique sur la partie la plus étroite de la rive de la rivière Vecht. La rivière Vecht faisait partie de la route commerciale reliant la ville marchande d'Utrecht à la mer du Sud néerlandaise.
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artpictural · 5 months ago
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Frida Kahlo photographiée par Carl Van Vechte, 19 mars 1932.
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cavarage · 3 months ago
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Chimei Museum, Taiwan : Winter Landscape, Frans de Momper (1603 - 1660) / Ferry Boat with Cattle on the River Vecht near Nijenrode, Salomon van Ruysdael (1600/1603-1670) / An Extensive Landscape with Travelers before a Windmill, Jan Brueghel the Younger (1601-1678)
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historicalbookimages · 3 months ago
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🐟 De zegepraalende Vecht: . T'Amsteldam: By de Wed: 1719.
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bazedjunkiii · 1 year ago
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get locked for a proper foundation mix!
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citrus-moonlight · 2 months ago
Instagram grid moodboard
Thank you so much for the tag @eupheme this was so so much fun, yours were so pretty, Jess! 💌
I made one for my Bringin' Home the Rain / Salvation is a Deep Dark Well series. I loved looking for things that felt like reader would share (and was also not upset to look for photos of the Klaue undercut). 😏
I loved the timing of this since I've been in the thick of working on Chapter 4, which is currently at 8K and I'm not even finished the first draft, haha (insert scared hamster emoji). And I am planning to share a little bit later today for WIP Wednesday!
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Here are a couple of little Easter eggs I included!
top left square is Bâlea Lake in Romania, where reader goes for a hike in Chapter 1 of SIADDW
middle square is the Vecht River in Utrecht, where our two idiots meet 🥰
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bauerntanz · 5 months ago
Straßenkulturfest "Nordhorn staunt + lacht"
#Straßenkulturfest "#Nordhorn staunt + lacht" an diesem Wochenende auf der Vechteinsel und dem Neumarkt. Ab heute 15 Uhr.
33. Internationales Straßenkulturfest “Nordhorn staunt + lacht” Freitag 30. Aug. bis Sonntag, 01.09. 2024 Im Zirkuszelt auf dem Neumarkt: Fr 15.00 Uhr (Karten 5,50 Euro) und Fr/Sa  jeweils 20 Uhr (Restkarten ? Euro) Auf der Vechteinsel umsonst und draußen Samstag und Sonntag jeweils von 13 Uhr – 18 Uhr  An diesem letzten, etwas erweiterten Augustwochenende heißt es bei der 33. Ausgabe des…
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usmsgutterson · 2 years ago
Hi ^^ I love your writing sm and I’d like to request a Jesper x reader !! The reader is very quiet and anxious but can come off as cold or rude to others. They joined the Dregs after Kaz bought their indenture from the head of a fighting ring that reader was forced into, similar to Inej’s situation with the menagerie. Reader is an excellent fighter and skilled squaller, using their gift to manipulate the air around arrows they shoot so they are much quicker and precise. I don’t mind what gender the reader is or if this is written as headcanons or a oneshot, anything will be perfect <3 Also sorry if this is too specific, just let me know if it is and I can revise :^) thank you !! - 👾
Vecht Amfitheater- J.F x gn! Reader
Okay! Thank you so much for sending this in! I've been missing writing for Jesper because it feels like I haven't been writing for him a ton lately so getting the chance to again was a blast!
Also, there's a bit of Dutch language in this because Dutch is what Kerch language is based on, and the translations for the two Dutch words I used might be wrong so I apologize in advance!
Fic type- this is like, fluff kind of? fluff with angsty undertones
Warnings- mentions of and allusions to trafficking (the reader describes being taken and trafficked to Ketterdam, though it's very brief and not descriptive)
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Jesper had seen you the first night you’d found yourself in the Slat, your indenture owned by the Dregs and paid off by Kaz. You were quiet, aloof, sitting at a table in the back corner and looking from person to person as though you were sizing up an opponent. 
Jesper had asked Kaz your name, and that was that. You were Y/N L/N, and Jesper decided that was all the information he needed to gleam from Kaz. He could get the rest from you, and he would, provided that patience was something he was willing to practice. 
As it turned out, he was, and that was to his benefit. Over the next six months, he noticed things about you. Your skilled way of fighting--you were the best fighter that Jesper had ever seen. It was almost as though you were able to predict every movement your opponent was going to make before they made it, and in turn, have them beaten before they could even register that you’d won. 
He watched you train, too, saw your ability with your arrows in action, noticed that you always made every single shot you took. He noticed that your arrows moved toward your target quicker and with a more precise nature than he’d ever seen any archer get their arrows to fly. 
Then, he noticed that you also aimed differently to how most archers he’d seen did it. Archers he’d seen tended to aim with all of their fingers around the bowstring. 
You aimed with your thumb and your first, leaving your middle, ring, and pinky fingers open. The aiming technique wasn’t the best but somehow, you were the best archer that Jesper Fahey had ever encountered.
“You can stop watching me now,” you said one morning, when Jesper had been watching you shoot for what must’ve been an hour, maybe two. It was the early morning, and you were in the countryside of Ravka for a job. You’d set up a shooting range in the backyard of the place you were staying, one of many estates owned by the Lantsov family. “You have questions. Ask them.” 
“How do you shoot so terribly and still get every shot?” Jesper asked. “Even when we’re on field jobs. Your aim is the most precise aim I’ve ever seen, and yet you don’t even aim or hold your weapon in the traditional way.” 
“I aim well enough,” you said. “Being a squaller is why my aim might be a little off. I could still summon the wind to ensure that my shots are precise if I did it like you’ve seen before, but having my middle, ring, and pinky fingers open makes it easier.”
“You’re a squaller?” Jesper asked. 
You laughed. “I’ve never really kept it a secret, but I don’t use my abilities outside of shooting anymore. Reminds me too much of the Vecht Amfitheater,” it was Kerch for the Fight Amphitheater, and quite possibly the most basic name for a fighting ring Jesper had ever heard. 
You’d always been quiet, aloof and a lot of the time, even people in the Dregs called you cold, rude, senseless, broken, damaged. If it was because of your time in the ring, then suddenly, your nature made a lot of sense. 
“You worked there?”
“By force,” you said. “I was jumped while heading back to the Little Palace from an outing with my class in Ravka at sixteen. Worked there for two years before Kaz found me, and six months later, here I am. Skilled but broken, as the gossips of the Dregs say.” 
Jesper shrugged. “Happens to the best of us,” he said. “The broken part. Not the whole trafficking and all the trauma that comes with it--”
“Fahey?” You asked, grin fighting its way onto your face despite your best judgement.
“Quit while you’re ahead,” you said, grin on your face. Jesper felt his heart light itself up and damn near take flight out of his chest, a grin coming to his face as he nodded.
“Yeah,” he said. “Was planning to.”
You shook your head as you turned back around and Jesper went back to watching you shoot.
He observed that you held the bowstring with your thumb and first finger, pulled back and curled your middle, ring, and pinky finger toward your palm during the split second before you released the bowstring and the wind you summoned by curling your fingers sent your arrow flying. 
It was then that Jesper Fahey realized he was falling in love with you, and he wouldn’t’ve changed that for the world. 
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oldsardens · 9 months ago
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Abraham Rutgers the Elder - Skaters on the Vecht in winter, with a slanting tree in the foreground
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