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before she learned to properly sort her emotions, inhyeon had learned the subtle and delicate weight of a gun in her hands. she had been quite small for her age, a head lower than her peers and at 10 years old she would grow hardly any bigger before settling at her small height. yet the feeling of the gun in her hand had caused her heart to race furiously in her ears until the symphony of it had drowned out even the instructors words. garnet eyes had been glued to the delicate and deadly piece of metal without knowing it would soon become an extension of her arm. the soft, pliable girl that had gone into that academy against her will and with the death of her parents still fresh in her mind and wet in her tears had grown into a calculating, dangerous woman. guns no longer frightened her, rather they became tools necessary to carve her own future. still, she had never forgotten the first taste of death at the hands of a barrel and had committed the feeling of it to memory so that every time she pulled the trigger thereafter would be loaded with the knowledge that she had the intent to kill. yet there are only memories that she keeps to herself; never a thing she had spoken in front of her companion as they worked side by side to set up the sleeky ebony sniper rifle in the correct position. it was an easy task, one that hardly needed two of them but she took every opportunity it was to spend time with the younger boy. he had grown close to her heart, stirring the emotions within until she had practically adopted him into her family tree. she was sure her parents wouldn’t mind, it was severely lacking any living members as it was. yet whenever she got to spend time with him on a job, it was never a boring affair. such as now when slender fingers hesitate for a moment, stopping all together as she sets up the tripod and casts a glance to him with quizzical eyes. “what happened?” she asks for clarification though she had certainly heard him before. she was merely curious to hear him say it again, wondering if it was an accident.
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the gala, dotted by a sea of nameless faces. the usual practiced smile that squirms at her corners, subtle crescents pulling across her features accompanying the slight nod that works through on rotation. almost too practiced by now that it seems natural. she takes a glass of champagne upon the tray the waiter’s tray, glass fiddling betwixt her fingers as hues narrow on the golden colour that peers through the glass. carmine dress hanging from her shoulders, wrapping tightly against her frame as her hair falls over her shoulders, obstructing the intricate detailing of lace against her back.
within her peripheral, she catches the glimpse of a familiar silhouette, she turns to see her troublesome brother accompanied by another figure. amusement lacing at her features, countenance lighting up with slight surprise, slight bemusement moving across her lips as they tug upwardly into a subtle smirk. she’s quick to let her heels swiftly glide against the tiling of the venue, the gentle clicks that echo from each step pacing closer to her brother. it’s a rarity to see him ever brining anyone along with him to an event, let alone to let them accompany him at such a high profile gathering. intrigue plaguing her reverie.
a hand coming to rest on his shoulder, “alucard.” she coos, her tone is gentle lacing with a sense of teasing fun. “who was that i just saw you with?” taking the glass to her lips, taking a short sip, “new boy toy, hm?” it’s only natural she would think that way, considering her brother’s history.
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@vcxxangel : &when boredom strikes, they come to play
there’s just something deeply morbid about two grown men who are so bored out of their minds that they find the slightest bit of entertainment in watching the life drain out of someone’s eyes.
it started with a text. something like: hey what are you doing, and then a nothing, im so fucking bored that i could go for a bloodbath right about now. call it their homicidal tendencies, or whatever you wanna fucking to label it as. but the next thing you know, it’s the smell of blood in asphalt, mixed with the leftover rain from the day before and the sounds of someone's last breath against the bustling busy streets. no, they’re not two big idiots who are killing someone in broad daylight in front of everyone to see. they’re two big idiots who are killing a few someones in the back alleyway of some abandoned buildings, away from prying eyes. they’ve got a reputation to uphold. they can’t just be killin’ people left and right and getting caught by the fuzz.
now, kristopher wasn’t usually the type to join in on a massacre, usually just orders some of his men to do the hit. but today is a special day. today, he’s accompanying angel. how can he ever turn down an invitation to get blood on his hands?
“i’m fuckin’ tellin ya,” kristopher starts, “i really did see these two bitches the other day get popped in the head by their pimp for not making enough money that night.”
this is something casual for them. so casual that they’re having a conversation mid killing. kristopher has one hand on this dude’s neck while his right knee rests on the guy’s stomach, leaning in his full weight to keep him down.
“i’d never shoot you in the face if i was pimpin’ you out on the corners,” he laughs, fully joking. “mostly because i know you’d be racking up bundles of cash.” the demon all the while is using his free fist to land a couple of punches. it leaves the man beneath him with a dislocated jaw and a broken nose.
“you’re fucking kidding,” he spits out, hand reaching for the knife strapped to his ankle beneath his pants. why he chose to wear a fucking suit to a brawl is beyond anyone. gotta look sharp all day and every day because you never know what kind of lemons life will throw at ya, is the stupid motto he goes by. “you got blood on my white cuffs, dipshit!,” he gripes, taking the said knife and plunging it into the dude’s jugular. blood sputters everywhere, and to his annoyance, some on him. the guy is coughing, and coughing, and coughing up so much blood it makes kristopher laugh. “just how much blood do you have left to spare?” he pulls his knife out, wiping it clean on the man’s bloodied shirt, “anyways, like i was saying, i got bored so i chased down that pimp and devoured his soul.” finally he gets up, dusting off his clothes. “shoulda seen the look on his face. it was priceless.”
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Brotherly Love //@vcdragan
When it came to family, Alucard had always been the closest to his mother. Growing up, his siblings meant the world to him. He had been especially close to his younger brother. He remembered running around the Jeup house, playing hide and seek or teaching the youngest Jeup how to ride a bike. He had been his protector. He would have never let anyone hurt him, no matter if it was with words or physical violence. But things had changed.
Now, Alucard rarely set foot in the Jeup house unless he absolutely needed to. His relationships with his siblings have become strained and he has grown to despise his younger brother. He knew that his mother had been hurt by the affair but she never took it out on Dragan. He was innocent throughout the whole situation. He didn’t know why he’d agreed to meet his brother. Their conversations had become nothing but biting words and looks of disdain.
Alucard leaned back in his chair and ran a hand through his onyx tresses. “Why am I here, Dragan?” He asked, eyes narrowed at his younger brother. “I have much better things that I could be doing.” His phone buzzed on top of the table and he picked it up. “Speaking of better things to do.” He smirked and shot back a text to the pretty blonde he’d met yesterday. “Make it quick, please.” He said to the youngest Jeup.
it wasn’t his fault that he was the product of an affair, nor was it his fault that he was born. he didn’t ask for this life, nor did he ask to be in this position that was given to him. his older brother that was now before him, this was suppose to be his job but now the older had succumb to a lifestyle that was more embarrassing than disappointing. he didn’t hate his older brother, in fact dragan had a certain fondness for all of his siblings. he could remember a time when alucard was close to him, but since his mother had died things changed drastically for his older brother. the male grew distant between them, severing the bond that they once had.
dragan felt a since of jealousy, for the older male had gotten to know his mother before she died whereas he never met his mother nor knew what she looked like. dragan has expressed his frustration towards his older brother may of times they would meet but it was always met with the same sob story that he began to grow tired of. now he was face to face with the male once again and he was acting the same as he’s before since his mother died.
“ why do you think you’re here, alucard? ” he retorted back, not exactly liking the question that was being asked to him. “ your whore can wait, we need to talk about this act that you’re pulling. it needs to stop, the position i am in is where you’re suppose to be at. nice that you’re living your life, but family is important too. everyone of us is pulling our weight and yours and it’s unfair. i understand that you’re sad or whatever but you have to get over it. it’s been years since she’s been gone. ”
#vcxxangel#&. ( threads. )#dragan && alucard 01#&. ( t. brotherly love )#// hope this is okay and sorry its late !
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the chaos of cosmic dust; @vcxxangel
blue had long since grown accustom to his new place in alucard’s apartment. he was finally officially moved in and while it was strange not living with ashton any longer being close to the elder sated the need to see his friend, now boyfriend, every day. besides, while the fox and his ghoul companion found a special place in his heart as his other pieces, the vampire was his eternal lover no matter how the dice rolled between the quartet.
the elf made use of his day off, working on a gown for kiyomi, impromptu dying his hair and finally finishing all his unpacking. once he’d found a stopping place on the garment, in the fleeting light of the setting sun, he made his way to take a quick shower in the grand bathroom before setting comfortably on the couch clad in a pair of his new fendi underwear, thanks to his rich lover, and one of the ghouls shirts.
it was the fumbling through the doorway, again, caught his attention. standing to his feet he decided to open the door, knowing well that no one nefarious could get passed the many of night blood lackies that stood on all corners of the building. (though he still grabbed the metal bat next to the shoe rack before hand) as he pulled open the door he was met with the battered and bruised aforementioned lover.
“alucard. seriously?” he said hardly fazed. “what happened to you this time?”
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*Note the task below is pertaining to the event that was posted here! Please like once you have read as these tasks will be this weeks activity. Activity check’s will be held on Sunday an hour before acceptances.
Task #004: Agdoeg’s very own Halloween town.
Hello, hello so this event technically has two/three tasks. The first one you’re already aware:
A. Create a mood/aesthetic board in relation to your muse attending one or more of the events. Since this is a Halloween event, we want you to prepare your muses costumes in these boards!
B. Have at least two threads/ or one thread and one self para pertaining to the event, this can be planning an outfit or actually attending.
For the third task these are for the ones who liked the post for random pairing. *note: If you are apart of the random pairing you only have to do the moodboard and this task will count as your first thread, and then we would like for you to write a small para as the ‘flashback’ to/about your secret submitted during acceptances, if you submitted one, if you did not, you still need to have at least two threads or a self para with this thread.
Everyone flocked to attended the Haunts & Horror, the legends of the first witch ringing in their ears as the story comes up again. The sound of Drew Berrymore’s screams coming from the big screen as those who cuddle with their lovers and families watch from their cars. The screen begins to glitch and static, and suddenly it goes black. Gasps of confusion and horror, the staff scrambling to get the picture back moving, only to be snuffed by a distorted visual, a masked figured stationed at a desk like a reporter replaced the slasher film, their voice changed by a device embedded into their mask.
“Good evening people of Agdoeg,” the garbled voice began, “we are a community of people who are concerned with the terrible state our city has fallen into. We have tried to be nice, we have tried fight the fight justice-ly, but it is time for us, to drop to the level of those of you who actually run our city. There are few of you here, that we have information on. Information that no one else in this city would know about you. Your darkest secrets right here,” the figure goes to grab a flash drive waving it to taunt the audience. “I could, simply plug this into my computer, hit a button and have this information broadcasted across this screen. And I’m sure you’re thinking,” he stopped his story to set the flash drive into view without holding it, “this is merely just a Halloween prank, maybe the attraction added a new interactive feature and you guys are simply the guinea pigs and you’re half right. You are the guinea pigs, but this is no joke. Don’t believe me, I’ll leave you with this riddle before I give your tasks: ���One of you is a foreigner, two of you are cops, one of those is dirty, three of you are murderers, and the others are props.’ “
“It is simple really, you have two hours, find the hidden item, they’re all related to you in their own special way, somewhere in the city. If you refuse, we’ll reveal your dirty laundry, if you fail, we will reveal it, this city has been basked in your darkness for too long, and it takes another monster, to find one in the dark.”
The screen quickly goes blank, though a translucent symbol in the shape of a ghost is displayed just for a moment and then, the movie begins to play like nothing happened. This time, a timer sits in the right hand corner, ticking away, second by second. This could be all an elaborate joke right? But what of yours will be revealed if it isn’t? Will you take the chance?
The following muses are paired below for this thread, you may go about finding the item assigned however you would like and though the timer in the event says 2 hours you do have until Sunday, October 31st like the rest of the tasks!
Pairings and items: note each hint pertains to a location on our locations list.
@vcxxangel x @ashtonxvc - the bullet to a winchester rifle.
hint: bodies buried beneath the surface, cold and rotting wood, the sound of laughter in the distance, your sins gone for good.
@vcblue x @rxignvc - a white converse sneaker/a blood spattered golden watch.
hint: the regal and the benevloent. elite and then the poor, where they walk under red lights, a woman’s face to your delight.
@vctyndrids x @vcabsinthe - a burnt black bible/photo of a sonogram
hint: money, medicine and screams, though underneath it all is not what it seems.
@vc-hmj x @xhaisevc - a vial of blood/the mask of kitsune mid bite.
hint: blood territory they say, poles, booze and fun. though when their leader is done with you, what is left would be none.
@vcbriar x @vcldavid - a melted doll head
hint: lush green grass and a stage for the ages, death and destruction for the settlement in their pages, for here has become a place of comfort, though it’s history a distorted image of death.
@shinwoovc x @vc-csb - bloody hand cuffs/a lotus flower
hint: dank and dark, leather all around, the howling of a wolf the only sound.
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manicured digits, tapping against the ligneous surface of the office desk. feeling the subtle vibration of her fingernails, scratching gently against the varnishing. heel digging into the rug that acted as a centre piece within the open room, as a chandelier hung overhead. golden arms spread, adorned by small globes incandescing across fallen jewels that dangled alluring above the carmine rug. expensive taste, it runs in the family.
although, sypha dislikes meddling in her brother’s business and all of his romantic dalliances that accompany whatever phase he’s experiencing, she wants to make it known that he was to not let a mere passing control the rest of his life. legs crossed, as she leaned up at the edge of the desk, awaiting for his arrival. she has grown tired of seeing her brother laze around with those who he sees no value upon second glances, tired of seeing him waste his life away, tired of seeing him... being tired. tired life. tired of mourning. tired of being tired. bitten down lips as the gentle tapping of her digits pause amidst the door swinging open. hands moving to rest in her lap as she adjusts her posture, shifting back onto the desk beneath her weight as her heel moves to an angle.
“you’re late.” her head tilting back, though her tone was not scolding. she greets him a gentle smile, corners tugging slightly. she never wants her brother to feel as though she’s asserting herself onto him, to never feel as though she’s using her position as the eldest to survey him. though, it’s been increasingly hard to avoid being so when all he does is vex every vein in her body. “so— how was your talk with dragan?” the youngest has informed her of their recent talk, albeit the conversation was kept confidential, as she doesn’t want to pry.
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Making wishes without stars
date: october 3rd location: alucard jeup’s apartment time: sometime around 7pm KST with: @vcxxangel
It wasn’t until his thirteenth birthday that Blue actually learned what birthdays were. An old detective had taken him for breakfast and then out for ice cream, he’d bought the elf a new backpack and had even treated him to dinner with his own family in celebration. He could vividly remember asking at the table, seated with the officer, his wife and two teens, what exactly this was all for. The old, burly man would laugh and place his hand on Blue’s shoulder and smile, the rest of his family chuckling along;
‘Well they told us, that you may have been born around this day based off some of the tests we had to do. So we’re celebrating,’
His wife would continue with a loving smile on her beautiful face, shoveling more food onto his already empty dinner plate, placing the seconds in front of him,
‘It’s called a birthday silly, have you never heard of one?’
Blue recalled shaking his head, with a shy but ashamed smile, knowing well how far behind he was on the world. He expected ridicule but was only met with warm chuckling in response.
‘It’s just a day to celebrate that you lived another year exactly. Everyone brings you presents and you have cake or cupcakes, and you usually get to pick everything or do what ever you want on that day, because in your family or life, your day and your day only.’
He kept thinking about that day, as he lingered around Alucard’s apartment, cooking and baking, and setting up a little sign that caused a frenzy of glitter on the base of his floor to ceiling windows, it crudely read ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALLY,’ but the elf was happy with it.
The younger had gone as far to make two separate meals, an option for himself and a quite raw and blood filled version of the ribeye with chimichuri for them both, even ordered Alucard’s favorite red wine (much to the expense of his bank account).
All that was left was for his vamperic lover to return for the surprise, even if Blue was left in just a tee and boxers, much too busy through the day to do much more than shower. When he heard the lock turn on the door he ran full speed for the expensive wood, stopping in front of it before he could nudge it open.
“Close your eyes, close your eyes, please! Please! Please” He exclaimed holding door closed with his backside, his pleas mixed with a flurry of giggles.
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Please make sure you’re following everyone !
@vcabsinthe @vcbeautifultrauma @vcldavid @vcxxangel @vcblue @vciseul @xhaisevc @shinwoovc @vcnagarr @vc-hmj @ashtonxvc
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“Tom Ford tuxedos for no reason, All Saints for my angel, Alexander Wang too,” w/ @vcxxangel
Event: The Red Moon Gala hosted by Minki and Alexander Jeon Date: Wednesday, August 25th Time: 9:00pm KST - 1:00am KST Dress Code: Formal Theme: Under the Blood Moon (dark fall and vampy colors.)
These aren’t Gucci store loaners, an angel linked arms with a serpent, black tar oozes over white wings, let me show you a few things.
- Blue decided on a Gucci cross tie blazer in white and matching slacks, not minding that he would stand out in a room full of reds and jewel tones. He paired it with white Chelsea boots and even decided to curl his hair a bit, not on purpose, completely opposite of his high profile date, Alucard Jeup. He isn’t sure if he’s going to attend any of the other events outside of the picnic and gala though his mind is lingering on the fun carnival times. He finds the Agdoeg traditions adorable but this is his first time attending, and being able to afford (see being a literal chaebol heirs plus one) to go to the Red Moon Gala.
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A different way to spend the night w/ @vcxxangel
The elf mulled over his look in the mirror, he was only clad in his slacks and a tank for the moment being, not wanting to get his hair products on the sleek jacket he’d gotten from their store. Tiny fingers turned and twisted ringlet curls in his head, the pale blue looking like ocean waves in the fleeting light of the day. He was a bit nervous, he and Angel had only been seeing each other for a little bit and he hadn’t been really immersed into his world yet, and vice versa. The vampire had told him he could possibly run into his sister and the rest of his family during this event, and it made him nervous.
He’d spent hours on the smoky red look, even added little red jewels to his cheeks beneath his eyes, and a vampy tint to his lips. It’d been awhile since he’d gone all out for an outing, fashion was his entire life and he’d rarely got to express that in a high class or high fashion way, sticking mostly to work and casual outfits.
With a gentle sigh he figured he couldn’t toy with his looks much more, there was nothing left to enhance. He strolled over to his small closet, picking a pair of white boots to match his ensemble, settling at his vanity to slip them on before making his way back to the mirror, picking up the matching jacket and shrugging it on, wrapping it around his thin frame and tying it, allowing the belt to hang a bit. He felt good, and the nervousness was now settled into how his lover would feel about the whole ordeal, outfit and all. He spent the last two weeks dodging the elder’s question about what he was going to wear wanting to surprise him.
Blue waited a moment before texting Alucard, snapping a few posed photos of himself to post on his fashion account later, then finally typing out a sweet message to tell him he was ready.
‘Can’t wait to see you, ready when you are!”
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Hello everyone! So instead of an “official” activity check given my weekend off and Admin Jeonghan’s new job, bellow is the list of everyone you should be following! If you are not on this follow list, you have been kicked for activity (you have 24hrs to reclaim your muse/fc). If your name has an asterisk (*), your hiatus has ended and you have a week to show your activity. With that being said, from this day forward, Activity Checks will be Fridays at 8PM CT, with the same Activity management system that is listed in our rules!
@vcbriar *
@vc-csb *
@vciseul *
If anyone was left off as a mistake please message the main! (note that this is sans anyone just recently accepted and bios have not been posted)
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“Can’t I just do something nice for the love of my life?” His grin was usually hiding the evil the brewed inside of him but when it can to Blue. It was just the look of pure happiness. “I set this up a while ago. You work so hard and you accept me, flaws and all. So, I want to do something for you. So, I planned the whole day, for us.” Grabbing his hand, he led him out to the sleek Aston Martin. “I thought of recreating our first date.” He joked. “But we’ve got a lifetime for that.” He opened the door and ushered Blue inside before closing the door.
“I had Ashton pack your bag and I bought a couple things for you too. We will be gone for three days. It’s already cleared with your job so don’t worry.” Pulling off, he headed to where they’d be boarding the Jeup private jet. The drive wasn’t far, only about fifteen minutes. He pulled up next to the landing strip and opened the door for Blue. “Surprise.” He smiled, helping him out as one of the workers grabbed their bags. “You deserve so much and I want to give you the world. But for now, I’ll give you Jeju Island as a start.”
“Good afternoon Mr. Jeup. We have the refreshments waiting for you and Mr. Blue. Please enjoy your flight.” Alucard in thanks and led Blue into the jet. There was an array of sweets and a bottle of champagne waiting for them as they entered the jet. “I know that I fucked up recently and lavish shit like this doesn’t make up for it but I want to treat you like royalty. You love me back for some crazy reason and I am so thankful to be loved by you. So, these next few days, I just want to pamper you. Can I do that?”
“I mean you can, but you don’t just show up at my job.” He said with a laugh, pulling his name tag off of the tan sweater vest he wore, going to toss it into the vintage Harry Potter Satchel on his shoulder being careful where he placed it to remember it for his next shift. Easily he slotted his fingers into spaces between Angel’s digits, his cheeks hot with a happy flush.
“You think we’re going to be together for that long hm?” Blue slightly teased him, though even in their first couple months of dating, he was sure they both felt the same, a part of him wanted Alucard to say it out loud, over and over, again and again.
The elf furrowed his brows, “three days? Baby I work on Mo-, let me guess, my shift magically got taken by another employee at the request of my boss.” He rolled his eyes comically, slipping into his seat in the Aston. Crystalline eyes flicked over the scenery as they passed it, a bit of giddiness in his body as he mulled over what exactly the elder had planned for them both.
As they pulled up to the runway, Blue’s head snapped in the vampire’s direction in shock. “A jet? You’re joking? Every day you literally prove that your a mafia head’s son, I don’t know how I didn’t even put two and two together before.” He almost scoffed at himself, stepping out of the vehicle, bowing at the staff around them with shy waves.
“Fucked up is an understatement, and while its going to take more than just this to make me trust you completely again…I’m grateful, really baby.” On his tossed again he leaned up to kiss him, a bright smile slipping across his lips, reaching his eyes in pure joy.
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“This may be very forward of me but I’d love to take you out, if you’re single. I’m Alucard.”
The elf went on with writing out a card with the sizes of the jeans and jean types he’d tried on as he changed behind the gold lined curtains. His stomach was doing flips, quite the unusual encounter that someone actually attractive decides to hit on you at work. He found himself fixing his hair and adjusting his clothing and jewelry, in preparation of his returned.
Stark, onyx fabric floated out of its rectangular prison, out stepped the vampire in the new pants his eyes trailing up and down his frame in delight. Handsome was an understatement he supposed, something about the store royalty brought on a different visual representation. He was soft and manly all at the same time. He wasn’t very tall, they were practically the same height, not that it mattered at all. His deep black strands pushed just slightly out of his face was stylish and Blue could tell he wasn’t much older than him.
“Ah yes, they look good. May I suggest the matching jacket in the collection? I promise I’m not trying to upsell you I think you’d look good in it. Not-not in a weird way, but like in a, the outfit will look good way. I-I can get someone to show it to you...”
Blue blinked for a moment before nodding, “I- yeah I’ve only been here for a week.”
He gave him a nod, trying hide his smile allowing him a path to the register. Per the usual he went back to his chore of folding just outside his station, the elf had already forgotten the encounter (see: absolutely did not), when his peace was disturbed by a low drawl once again.
“I am...single but, are you sure, you literally can actually afford to shop here,” he joked, before reaching out his hand for the pursuer's phone.
Can’t Take My Eyes Off Of You /@vcblue
Shopping had become something of a hobby for Alucard. It had gotten to the point that certain stores began to greet him by name. Gucci was one of those stores. He was dressed in all black, as per usual. He nodded at the familiar employee as he sifted through the racks of clothing. Maybe he should get new shoes. He ignored the eyes on him as he strutted over to the shoes. He saw a pair of slides with his name on them and found a pair in his size. That’s when he caught his eye.
At first, he’d only registered a light shade of blue in his peripheral. It wasn’t until he’d fully turned that he saw the man attached to the hair. He was ethereal. Soft features paired with a small frame. Just his type. But there was something else that had him stuck in his spot. There was something about him that he’d never seen in anyone else. This man was fucking perfect. Alucard wasn’t the shy type but he felt nerves as he grabbed two pairs of pants in his size and walked over to the boy working the dressing rooms.
“Can I try these on?“ he asked, finally getting a close up view of the man almost too beautiful to be real. he glanced at his name tagged and smiled. “Blue? That’s cute. It’s very fitting.“ He glanced over him again but it wasn’t in an ‘I’m eye fucking you’ way. He was just in awe that there was someone on this Earth that actually looked like this. “You’re beautiful.” He blurted out without thinking.
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1…2…3 | @vctaewon @vcblue
It was rare that Alucard didn’t take someone home after he’d set his sights on them. And he was now looking at a man that he’d crossed paths with once before. The other was heading out just as he was going to make his approach. So, he knew he had to make sure that he didn’t miss out twice. He never struck out twice. He slid into the seat next to the mystery man and smiled. “I hope you’re not on your way out the door this time. Can I buy you a drink?” He asked, sipping at his own Glendronach on the rocks.
“I’m way past the attempts to not sound sleazy, so, I’m just gonna say that you are far too attractive to be sitting here alone. Do you mind if I keep you company, tonight?” His eyes were inviting but held a glint of mischief. They always did. Alucard had a way of pulling people in and giving them a false sense of safety. His voice was velvety smooth and laced with sex. Most people knew Alucard as the heir to the Jeup empire. The trust fund kid who turned down his position so that he could continue his heathen ways. And they were all right, for the most part.
His name was plastered across tabloids along with his “New Blue haired Plaything of the moment”. He hated that they dragged Blue into his slander. But they also had no idea that Blue was here to stay. He was positive that he’d marry that man one day. No question about it. But that wouldn’t stop him from having fun. He was in a relationship but Blue accepted that he still dated and slept with others outside of their relationship. But nobody would ever hold a flame to Blue.
“So, what do you say? Want to have some fun?”
The sight of a lone incubus was unusual to say the least. Perched at the bar, bottle of Sapporo in hand, Atticus had made the choice to linger and make small talk with the bartender, not seeking. Contrary to popular belief and a majority of evidence, he didn’t exist to fuck, and could just be in a bar to enjoy the atmosphere. He just happened to be at this bar as he expected to be playing tonight. No one told him that had been cancelled.
When the bartender gave a flash of recognition directed over Atticus’s shoulder, he only had a split second of warning before the stool next to him was occupied. He knew who Alucard was, hard not to in this city, and he remembered the last time they crossed paths. The pretty thing that had been on his lap all night ended up leaving with the Jeup when Atticus had stepped out to take a phone call. So finding himself on the other end of that raw magnetism was an interesting turn of events.
He finished his bottle with a quick swig and pushed the empty away from him. “Was just thinking about leaving actually,” the lighting turned his eyes into a jet black as they finally glanced over to look at Alucard for the first time since the other sat down, “No one had caught my eye.” It was a taunt, something to place down and see if the other tripped. He wasn’t going to just fall into bed with a Jeup for the bragging rights, that was too easy.
“I’ll take that drink while you work on your pitch,” Atticus got the bartender’s attention and held up his finger before pointing to Alucard, “Looking for a bit more than just fun tonight.”
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