#vash being silly and milly feeding into that energy is such a wonderful dynamic
orcelito · 1 year
another ITNL excerpt bc im enjoying how ive been writing vash
Before Vash could reply, Meryl butted in, "Excuse me, but who are you? What business do you have with him?"  Laughing yet again, the man replied, "The name's Seth, little lady, and this," he jostled Vash's shoulder, "is my primary on-site guard for this trip."  Meryl stared up at Vash with the most unimpressed look he'd ever seen from her.  Vash huffed a laugh. "Oh, don't look at me like that. This got us on for free, you know."  Milly clapped in excitement. "Oh, that makes so much sense! Ma'am, do you think we could be guards, too?"  Meryl sighed heavily. "We're insurance agents, Milly, not guards." She pointed up at Vash. "And you're not a guard either, for that matter. What makes you think you're worthy of that station?"  Vash rolled his eyes. "Oh, I don't know, maybe the fact that I'm the best shot on this planet? That makes for pretty good guard material!" Milly gasped in delight. "Are you really?"  Meryl countered, "There's no way he could prove that claim." "That's what you think." Vash turned back to Seth with a smile. "Anyways, where do you want me? I've got some ideas, but I figured you would know best." 
Smiling knowingly, Seth replied, "To be honest, I think you'd be best sticking with the passengers. We've already got a rock solid artillery team for shootin' away bandits. What we don't got is an on the scene powerhouse like you. So," he patted Vash's shoulder again, "I'm counting on you, Vash!" Oh, that worked perfectly for what he needed, actually. Vash had been a little worried that he'd be stuck in another part of the ship. Like this, he knew he was much more likely to encounter Kaite like last time.  Vash nodded sharply and gave a joking salute. "Sir, yes, sir!"  Seth laughed again. With one final pat, he shared, "I'll leave you to it, then. Talk to any of the other staff if you need me."  And then he was heading off, whistling a cheery tune as he went.  After a moment, Milly asked, "So, where to now? I've never been on one of these before, so I'm very excited!"  Vash grinned back at her. "Well… We'll go where all the other passengers go." Pointing forcefully down the hall, he loudly announced, "To the cabins!"  Milly clapped as she let out an amazed oooh!  To the side, Meryl just sighed and muttered, "I'm surrounded by idiots." 
you can very much see the 98 influence in the scenes of this chapter lskjdflsdfj we just really needed some silly vash up in here
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