#various indie artists I love
sword-dad-fukuzawa · 2 months
one of these days I’ll figure out how to take a picture of my entire wall because it’s basically the length of my studio and it’s papered with my hyperfixations. I call it the Virginity Wall and it is going to SUCK ASS to pack when I move out in a couple months
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cavegirlpoems · 4 months
The Two D&Ds
I am going to make two statements:
I despise D&D, and consider it a parasitic drain on ttrpgs as an artform.
I love D&D and my fascination with it continually inspires me to create art using it.
These two statements might seem to be at odds, but in fact there is no conflict when one considers that the term 'D&D' is being used to refer to two completely different things. I hate one of those things and like the other. So let's unpack that. Firstly, there's D&D-as-a-lifestyle-brand. D&D as presented by critical role, by memes about horny bards and wholesome gay tiefling found families, and by the wider hasbro-sanctioned fandom. Where the actual design and mechanics of the game are a vague suggestion that exists homeopathically in the same vicinity as what you're doing. But really, you're inventing blorbos, collecting pretty dice, and speculating on events in an actual-play on twitch; the rules in that very pretty rulebook are an afterthought to the fandom.
Then there's D&D-as-a-family-of-ttrpg-mechanics. This covers the various editions of Dungeons & Dragons - from the white-box OD&D to 5th edition and everything in between - as well as various retroclones, hacks and spin-offs such as the OSR, Pathfinder, etc. This isn't defined as a cultural space; it's a set of game mechanics and design principles shared across the text of various games. And there's a lot of variation with the specifics, but like The Blues, if you know the basic structure it all makes sense.
The two D&Ds have very little to do with each other.
When indie people like myself criticise D&D, we are usually criticising the first one. We're generally outsiders to that fandom-space who are unhappy with the way that fandom encroches on, and ultimately stiffles, everything else in ttrpgs as an artistic medium. We tend also to dislike the very shallow interest in that fandom of the things we care about in ttrpgs - game design, gameplay, theory, criticism, etc.
Here's the thing. I am, personally, immensely critical of D&D-as-lifestyle-brand. I detest it, honestly. It strikes me as a corporate exploitation of the wider medium in pursuit of an easy profit, at the expense of catering to the lowest common denominator. Like invasive kudzu, it chokes out all ecological diversity in the art-form. Its a homogenising influence, and in my experience pretty anti-intillectual.
Because, at risk of sounding like a pseud, I consider ttrpg design to be an art-form that merits serious effort, discussion and appreciation.
However. D&D-as-a-set-of-games I actually quite like. I find myself fascinated by the way so many games take apart the starting framework of a given edition of D&D - like your 12-bar-blues structure - and adapt it and riff on it and fuse it with other genres. I find it interesting to track the way whole movements and genres mutate out from that starting position. Hell, I do that myself, a lot. A lot of my design work takes the very early editions of D&D as a starting point, gets into a groove, and riffs on it until it's seemingly unrecognisable.
To me, a work like Mork Borg is D&D (the second definition). It is, however, totally unrelated and unrecognisable to D&D (the first definition).
So I will talk about "D&D as the containment game for shit players" and I mean it, because I'm talking about type-1. And I'll do that while designing a paleolithic OSR game, because that's type-2. And by and large, all that happens when both those things intersect is people get upset.
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No One Here Is Alone
Elks Chapter 2 Version 2.0
Pairing: Jackson Joel Miller x Female Reader Chapter Rating: T. (Nothing explicit for the first few chapters.) Chapter Summary: The man you've had a crush on since he showed up to Jackson just so happens to be your favorite student's caretaker.. and he just saw you do a brutal face plant in front of his home. Chapter Warnings: soft jackson joel, rumors still spread in the apocalypse, 2000's indie rock, interrupted sweet moment, cats in windows, there was only one umbrella, romance, Joel Miller making dinner, thigh paint, knee pillow Words: 4,500 Header courtesy of @saradika-graphics
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Masterlist Playlist
*** “Radio Cure” by Wilco. 
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It's Monday evening, and you're standing nervously in front of Joel’s house, clutching your messenger bag brimming with art supplies. You take a deep breath to steady yourself, before giving the door three quick knocks.
Joel opens the door with a warm smile. “Hi, come on in.”
“Hey,” you reply, trying to keep your smile under control.
"Let me show you the room."
Joel leads you into his home to a makeshift studio just off the living room filled with various wood workings, half carved animals, shelves of tools, and a long work table. You'd never expect it, but Joel is an artist.
You love the space, it's so open and warm. Lived in and utilized, you're happy places like this can still exist in other people's homes. 
Your eyes fall on a couple of old guitars leaning against a wall.
“You play?” You ask, nodding towards them.
“Been playing almost my whole life. You?”
“Same, my guitar broke a few weeks ago,” you say with a hint of sadness. “There’s a big hole in the side now.”
“That’s rough. Your stereo and your guitar?”
“Afraid so. It’s very quiet in my home.”
“Those guitars are broken over there, but I just haven’t gotten around to fixing ‘em, I’m sure I could easily repair one for you.” 
“Joel, you— that’s very nice,” you say, touched but hesitant. “I wouldn’t ask you to do that for me.”
“No, s’okay, I like fixing things,” he insists with a reassuring smile. 
“Wish I could fix things,” you say with a nervous chuckle. “By the time I would be done, it’d be a pile of sawdust.”
A huff of air releases out of Joel’s mouth, his smile makes a dimple you’ve never noticed before appear. God, he’s gorgeous. “You’re funny. I can see why Ellie likes you.”
Heat creeps up your chest and settles into your cheeks. “So, Where would you like me to draw the mural?” you ask, using your question as a way to cut through the nervousness inside you. 
“Was thinking over on this wall with the window. I can see it from my chair in the living room.” 
You turn to examine the large, empty wall. You’re not sure if the cream hue is the original paint color or colored that way from age. It’s a perfect canvas.
“Good choice.” you say. “Do you want the whole wall?”
“The whole wall.”
“Just bluebells?” you clarify.
“Just bluebells.”
You pull the pencil from the chest pocket of your overalls, gently pressing it against the wall to sketch out the first bluebell. You can feel his eyes on you, his large body crowding the space behind you. You try to focus on your drawing, blocking out the sound of his breathing and the heat of his closeness.
Joel clears his throat. “I’ll just be in the kitchen making dinner. Did ya’ eat?”
“No,” you reply, glancing back at him. “But I can eat after I’m done here.”
“Have more than enough here for another person and Ellie’s at Dina’s tonight. You like pasta?”
“Of course I do,” you say with a smile. “I’d starve if I didn’t. Shelf stable.”
Joel chuckles, “I’ll be in the kitchen cooking. Just holler if you need anything. Help yourself to any of the supplies I have here.” You nod as Joel turns and strides down the hall.
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“What a beautiful face, I have found in this place, That is circling all ‘round the sun, What a beautiful dream...”
The hairs on the back of your neck prickle as the music starts, breaking the hush that had settled in the room while you quietly sketched. For the past hour, the only sounds were Joel’s movements in the kitchen and the soft scratch of your pencil against the wall. Now, Joel is playing the mixed CD you had left there. Despite being all alone in his studio, you can’t help but grin. You tuck your pencil behind your ear and head to the kitchen to find Joel draining a pot of cooked pasta. 
You try not to stare at the way his biceps stretch the sleeves of his shirt or the way the steam floats into the air swirling around him, creating an almost dreamlike scene of domestic bliss.
“Neutral Milk Hotel,” you say from the doorway, rubbing your daisy pendant hanging against your neck.
“S’a pretty good song.” Joel replies, his gaze shifting from the pot to your pendant. 
“Thanks for putting it on, I missed hearing music.”
“When’d your player break?” Joel’s asks, his eyes still focused on your daisy pendant. 
“A little over a week ago. I lived without a stereo for close to fifteen years, all through my twenties in the QZ. My CD’s sat in a crate next to my bed all those years. I got used to them existing almost like photographs, circular snapshots of memories… silent and incapable of their original use,” you say, your voice trailing off as you remember.  “When I got here and walked into my house the first thing I saw was the small boombox on the shelf, I almost passed out when Maria told me it worked. It had to be repaired a few times and Gordon kept warning me that it wasn’t built to last. Took it to him the day after it broke for good and he let me know nothing could be done. I felt like I lost a limb.” 
“M’sorry,” Joel says as he begins to dish the pasta and sauce into two bowls.
“Thanks, I still have other things to fill up my time so it’s not as bad as I’m making it seem. I know it’s a luxury and I know I can live without it. It’s just… the noise kept me company, you know?” 
“I do,” Joel says, setting the bowls on the table, his eyes still locked on you. 
He watches you intently, as if he’s captivated by your presence. You’d be doing the same if you weren’t so nervous about him noticing. You sense Joel doesn’t care if you notice him watching.
You sit at his table, the orange glow of the sunset filters through the window, casting a soft light over everything. Coffee rings cover Joel’s wooden table top, a sign he probably never cleans up his mug until after he’s home in the evening. The smell of tomatoes, garlic, and onion from the bowl of pasta in front of you tantalizes you.
“This looks delicious,” you say, picking up your fork.
“Sauce was made by Maria, she takes pity on my kitchen skills and makes sure Ellie and I are well fed.” 
“She’s great,” you say through a bite. “So is Tommy.”
He nods in agreement. 
You both settle into a shared silence as you eat. 
A slow and haunting song begins to play, Joel looks up from his meal. “This is my favorite song on your CD.
“Cheer up, honey I hope you can,
There is something wrong with me,
My mind is filled with silvery stars”
“‘Radio Cure’ by Wilco.” you say, recognizing the song. “One of my favorite bands. My only CD of theirs is so scratched it no longer works… this is the only song I have now.” 
You lean back, closing your eyes, getting lost in the music, mouthing the lyrics silently. 
“S’beautiful,” Joel says softly as you open your eyes and find him watching you again. “...The song’s beautiful.”
Your heart skips a beat at the tenderness in his voice. So soft and deep, you wonder if he talks to anybody else this gently. 
“If you like it, keep my CD,” you offer. “You’ll get more use out of it than I will now.” 
“I’ll borrow it until you get a new CD player,” Joel says as he stands. “You’re welcome to come over and listen anytime. You can bring your other CD’s over if you want.”
“Really? I appreciate that,” your voice lifts with excitement.
“Glad to help.”
“I”m going to get back to drawing before it gets any darker,” you say, handing him your empty bowl. “I really enjoyed dinner, thank you.”
“Course,” he nods, taking the bowl from your hand and depositing it into the soapy water.
You return to the woodworking room, pick up your pencil, and continue delicately sketching flowers on his wall.
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“It really, really, really could happen, Yes, it really, really, really could happen If the days they seem to fall through you Well, just let them go”
You hum along to your favorite Blur song, the eighth track on your CD.
“Did you want another light in here?” Joel’s deep voice startles you. You jump and turn to see him leaning against the doorway; you don’t know how long he’s been there. “S’getting dark in here.”
“Y-yeah, that would be great. I just want to finish up the first outline tonight.” 
Joel nods and heads over to the large cabinet in the corner, retrieving a work light as you turn back to your work. 
“This’ll help,” he says, grunting slightly as he bends over and plugs it in. “It’s lookin’ really nice so far.”
“Thanks,” you reply, still sketching. I love the process of beginning a large piece like this. It makes me so excited to think what it’ll look like when it’s all finished. Breaking it down into small steps, then seeing it all come together.”
“No wonder Ellie’s always so excited about art, when you put it all that way.” 
You nod without looking back at him, choosing to focus on your sketch.
“Just going to be in the living room reading my book. Lemme know if I can help,” he offers.
You hear him settle into his chair with a sigh. The chair he can sit in and look at your mural, the chair he can sit in and watch you work. Your insides twist as you feel like you’re being watched by him–you like it. 
You round each small petal making every flower perfect for Joel’s eyes.
Sometimes you hear a page turn in between tracks, sometimes you hear a sniff or a throat clear, you actually wish there wasn’t any music so you could only hear Joel.
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“Okay,” you step back from the wall shaking out and stretching your overused hand and stretching your tired fingers. 
“Finished for the night?” Joel asks as he stands and walks into the room, eyes landing on the wall. “It’s really beautiful,” he says as he stares at your preliminary sketch.
“Thanks, there’s still a lot that has to be done, but I’m really happy with how it’s looking so far.” You back up to stand next to him. “When do you want me to come back?”
“I’ll be out on Patrol with Tommy until Wednesday night, Thursday work?”
“Thursday’s good. Same time?”
“Same time,” he confirms with a nod. “I’ll make dinner again.”
“You really don’t have to,” you reply, bending down to grab your bag.
“S’okay, I want to.” 
“Okay,” you say, stifling a yawn and blinking your tired eyes. 
Joel notices and grins slightly watching you. “Getting late for you, huh?” 
“Yeah, close to my bedtime,” you admit. 
He follows you to his door. “G’night,” he says, holding the door open. “See you Thursday.”
“Good luck on patrol,” you walk out the door and glance back at him, offering a small smile. “Good night.”
You feel Joel’s quiet, watchful gaze follow you as you leave his yard.  
Once you get home, you don’t bother changing out of your shirt when you crawl into bed. It smells like Joel’s home.
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“Hey lady,” your friend Helen greets as she leans against the doorway of your classroom, interrupting your paper grading. 
You look up and give her a smile. “What’s up?”
“Thirsty Thursday at the Bison tomorrow, you in?” 
“Oh,” you pause, putting your pen down. “I can’t, I’m painting something for Joel Miller at his house.” 
Her eyebrows rise. “Joel Miller, Joel Miller?” 
“Yeah…” you nod.
She steps into your room, crossing her arms and smirks. “So, the rumors are true?”
“Rumors?” you ask.
“Grace said she saw you leaving his place late Monday night. Apparently, Joel stood and watched you walk home the whole way.”
You roll your eyes. “God this place is small, isn’t it?”
Helen laughs, her expression softening as she moves closer. “He nice to you?” Her protective side always shows when it comes to you. 
“I wouldn’t be doing this for him if he wasn’t.”
She nods. “Atta girl, I’ll leave you to it,” she knocks on your desk before leaving.
You’ve heard all of the rumors about Tommy Miller’s scary older brother. You’ve listened intently as people regaled tales of his violent past and whispered stories of his brutality. You heard the hush amongst the crowd whenever he’d walk into a room when he and Ellie first showed up. He’s supposedly a monster, and yet all you see are deep, soft brown eyes that crinkle at the corners when he smiles at you.
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Thursday, you find yourself at Joel’s wearing your overalls again. Today, though, you’ve layered an oversized flannel for warmth, shielding yourself and your box of paints beneath an umbrella from the pouring rain. Before you can knock, Joel opens the door.
“Come in,” he says, grabbing your umbrella. “Was lookin’ for you so you didn’t get stuck in the rain.”
“Thanks, it’s awful out,” you reply, stepping inside and shrugging off your flannel. “How was patrol?” 
“Same as usual,” he says, taking your jacket and hanging it up on the hook over his coat.
“Well, that’s a good thing,” you say heading into his woodworking room and place your paints on the floor.
“That your book?” Joel nods to the faded black leather portfolio with tattered corners covered in faded stickers. 
“Yeah, I brought it over.”
“Haven’t seen something like that in years. Can I look at ‘em?”
“Go ahead,” you say smiling and handing it over to him. “Find something to play. It’s your stereo. Don’t tell me what you pick–I want to be surprised.” 
You love hearing the soft, familiar thud of the pages as Joel flips through it.
“Don’t recognize most of these names,” he murmurs.
“What kind of music do you like?” you ask as you unroll your brush holder, picking out what you’ll need.
“Rock, country… a little bit of blues.”
“Country? Really? How typical Texas of you.”
He chuckles. “Good country. Real country. Johnny Cash, Merle Haggard, ’n the like.”
“I stand corrected, Texas.”
He grunts in amusement while you begin laying out your paints on the countertop, carefully choosing your colors. 
“Found something,” Joel says.
“Can’t wait to hear what you pick,” you respond, pulling your palette out of your bag as he leaves the room. 
A bluesy rock guitar intro with a steady drumbeat begins to play as you mix emerald and olive tones together.
“Haven’t heard this one in over 20 years,” Joel says, re-entering the room. “Liked The Rolling Stones.” 
You kneel down on the floor to begin painting green stems. You move your brush and body slowly and smoothly, rising up to finish each stem tip. You feel Joel’s steady and attentive gaze follow you. 
“Never thought I’d see somebody paint like this again,” he says from the doorway.
“It’s my favorite thing to do,” your focus unwavering from the wall. 
“Can tell,” the gentleness of his voice causes your skin to prickle. “M’excited to see how it’ll look when it’s done.”
“Me too.”
You hear Joel take a deep breath and his footsteps shift. “I’m gonna go finish cleanin’ my guns,” he says with an exhale. “I’ll be in the dining room if you need anything.”
“Thanks,” you say, twisting your torso to look back at him with a smile. A large dollop of green paint falls from the paintbrush in your hand, plopping onto your exposed thigh. 
Joel’s eyes immediately drop to the spot, widening as you grab your paint stained rag and wipe the paint off. He clears his throat, his cheeks blush a subtle shade of red. “Uh, right. I’ll be in the dining room,” he repeats, turning quickly to stride away.
His hurried footsteps fade as they move into the next room. A small smile tugs at your lips and a rush of excitement blooms within you. 
You dip your brush back into the paint again, steadying your breath, and begin painting a new stem.
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"S'pretty nasty out there, d’ya want that work light again? Sky’s turnin’ real dark,” Joel asks, interrupting your focus. 
“Yes, thank you,” you answer as your focus is still on the delicate petal you’re painting.
You hear Joel shuffle behind you to pull the light out, the same small grunt as earlier this week leaves his mouth when he bends over to plug it in. The light buzzes on, flooding the room and your painting with a bright white hue.
“You been kneeling on the floor like that for long?” he asks, concern lacing his voice. 
“Yep, it’s not so bad while down here,” you reply, still focused on your brushstrokes.
“Ya’ still have the hurt knees and you’re kneeling on the damn hardwood floor,” he mumbles under his breath as he leaves the room. 
You’ve gotten used to people not being concerned about such simple things like your personal comfort, Joel’s worry for you makes you feel a foreign feeling. 
He returns and holds a pillow out for you. “Here, grabbed ya’ this.”
“Oh, I’m okay, really,” you protest, “I don’t want to accidentally get paint on it.” 
“Don’t care, take it,” he insists.
You hesitate for a second before taking the pillow and slipping it underneath your already aching knees.
“Feels much better, thank you,” you say as you wiggle back and forth on the softness. 
A long sigh escapes his lips, grabbing your attention. You glance up and meet his eyes– his hazel flecks glow in the light supplied by the work lamp. He sticks his tongue out to wet his supple lips, your eyes move to watch. He reaches a hand out, his thumb rests against your cheek, his fingers cradle your chin. 
Your breath hitches, lips parting as you inhale deeply, a chill takes over your whole body. The music from the stereo muffles. All that exists now in this moment is Joel’s touch. 
“Thank you again, for doin’ this for me,” he says, his voice low and tender. “Been thinkin’ ‘bout how nice it’s gonna be to look over and see this once it’s finished… reminding me of home.”
“O-of course Texas,” you stammer, your eyes still lingering on his mouth. 
“Mm,” he grunts, his head dipping with a slight nod. 
“L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L–” The music stutters.
“Shit, I forgot this song always does that,” you say as Joel’s hand retreats from your cheek. 
“I got it,” he says, quickly striding out of the room. 
“You just have to skip to the next track and it should work!” you call after him as your skin still tingles from where his hand had been moments ago silently cursing your scratched CD.  
The track changes, the interruption long gone, just like Joel’s touch. You return to painting, calming your body and emotions in the aftermath. You exhale slowly, trying to calm the flutter of nerves in your chest, grounding yourself back into the rhythm of painting. You don’t hear from him until well after the CD finishes and the house falls silent.
“Dinner’s ready,” he says, rapping his knuckles gently on the doorway, snapping you out of your trance. “You got a lot done—s’lookin’ real good.”
You glance over your shoulder at him, surprised by how much time has passed. The shared moment between you now feels long gone and distant.
“Thanks,” you say standing up and stretching, placing your paintbrush in the jar of water.
“Just come to the kitchen when you’re all done in here.” 
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“Hope you like turkey and barley soup,” Joel says as you enter the kitchen. 
“Any soup makes me happy,” you reply with a smile.
“Good,” he places a bowl in front of you. “This one I actually made, Maria didn’t hafta take pity on me for this meal.”
It looks delicious and smells incredible. Joel’s taken the time to set the table tonight, a tattered cloth napkin folded neatly beneath a soup spoon, a glass of water to the side, you notice the coffee stains have been wiped up. 
You take a bite, the warm soup slides down your throat, perfect for a chilly rainy evening, it’s good. “Joel, this is… really, really delicious.”
His eyes soften. “I’m glad you like it, haven’t cooked for anybody ‘cept Ellie in years.” 
“You did boil me spaghetti earlier this week, remember?” you tease.
“Hmph,” he chuckles, “right.” 
The two of you eat in comfortable silence, your spoons against the bowls are the only sound. You should be nervous in this situation but the way Joel handles himself in front of you, as if he’s perfectly comfortable with you in his home makes your nerves settle.
You place your spoon down and sit back in your chair. “What was your favorite food before …everything?”
He thinks for a moment. “Don’t really know, maybe tamales? My mom used to make them every year for the holidays. I could eat six of them in one sitting.” 
“I loved tamales, too. God, I miss Mexican restaurants. You know, I just remembered margaritas. I used to always see people drink them when we’d get Mexican and I always thought that looked so cool. I never got to try one.” 
He watches you with that familiar expression, as if he could listen to you talk for hours, nodding along with a small smile. “What was your favorite food?” he asks.
“Fettuccine Alfredo, one hundred percent. My mom used to make it for me every year for my birthday. If we went to an Italian restaurant, it’s what I’d always order, definitely Fettuccine Alfredo.”
“Never had it, always just stuck to pouring a jar of Ragu over spaghetti or a frozen lasagna,” he says, a small grin on his face. 
“I miss those too. Anc cheese. I miss being able to have cheese whenever I wanted so much. The stuff we have now just isn’t the same.”
“Mm,” Joel nods, “kinda like the ice cream we have. Not the same, but good enough.”
“Isn’t that the motto of these times?” you say with a smirk. “‘Not the same but good enough.’”
“S’a good one,” Joel pauses, “you’re funny.”
“Thanks,” you murmur, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear feeling Joel’s eyes follow your movements as he gets up. 
You rise as well, grabbing your bowl to follow Joel over to the sink. He reaches for it, his fingers brushing against yours as he takes it from your hand. “I’ve got it,” he says, placing the dishes into the sink. “You seem to be almost finished in there.”
“Yeah, I think I only have a couple more hours of work left,” you say stretching your back. 
“Don’t want to keep you any longer tonight, know you got work tomorrow and know it’s a lot bein’ down on the floor like that for as long you were.” 
“Yeah, they’re aching,” you admit with a shy smile. “When do you want me to come and finish it?”
“Tomorrow at the same time, if you want.” 
“That works, might be a little late though–Fridays are always busy with the end of the school week.” 
“Course, take your time. I’ll be here.”
“Is it okay if I leave my things in the room? If not, that’s okay too I can take them ho–” 
“S’fine,” he interrupts gently, he places his hand against your back. “Don’t mind at all. I’ll walk you home, s’getting late and it’s still rainin’ pretty bad.” 
You protest. “No, I’ll be okay, I’ve walked through much worse.” 
“Don’t care.” he cuts you off as he grabs your flannel from the hook. “I’m walking you home, it’s pourin’.”
He holds your flannel open for you and offers a small nod. You step forward and slip your arms through the sleeves, the closeness sends goosebumps across your skin.
“Course,” Joel breathes out as you step away and grab your backpack.
“You really don’t have to—“
“Now, stop telling me I don’t have to,” he says, mild frustration tinging his voice as he shrugs on his jacket. “I want to.”
He opens the door and motions you to go ahead of him before grabbing your umbrella. 
“Don’t you have one as well?” you ask.
“Never got one. S’a nasty storm today, I think it’s going to be just as bad tomorrow.” 
You step out, the rain falls in a steady stream. “It’s good for the crops and the water reserves at least,” you shrug as Joel holds the umbrella above you. 
As you walk down the road, you notice the rain pelting Joel, his head and shoulders already damp as he holds the umbrella over you.
“There’s enough room for both of us under here, there’s no sense in you getting soaked,” you say, stepping closer to him.
He murmurs something under his breath–it sounds like “Y’sweet,” but the rain drowns out the sound. You almost think you imagined it. He adjusts the umbrella, moving it so that both of you are shielded from the rain.
The two of you walk towards your home, your bodies occasionally tapping against each other as Joel huddles over you. You wish you could slow down, elongate your time next to him, stay under the shelter of the umbrella and his body.
“That’s me, right there,” you say nodding towards your front door. 
“Y’got a cat?” Joel asks when he sees your cat Penny sitting on your windowsill backlit by your lamp.
“Yeah, two of them. You like cats?”
“Even if I did, couldn’t have ‘em. Allergic.”
“That’s a shame,” you reply with a shrug.
“Hm,” he grunts with a subtle smile.
Escaping the rain underneath the safety of the awning of your front porch, Joel closes your umbrella and hands it back to you as you tap your wet boots against your frayed welcome mat.
“Well, thanks for walking me home, I’ll see you tomorrow?” You say as you rest your back against your front door.
“Yeah,” Joel says, his eyes holding your attention for a moment longer than expected. “See you tomorrow.”
He turns and leaves your little yard, turning back around at your fencepost to give you a nod before continuing down the road in the dark rain. Joel Miller just walked you home.
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sunburnacoustic · 4 months
According to his new book, Serj Tankian from System of a Down almost signed Muse to his own record label back in 2003. He'd been a fan of theirs since the OOS days, having shared festival bills with Muse in Europe, and he really loved Absolution when it came out and noticed that Maverick hadn't even released it in the US, and wanted to try and buy Muse out from Maverick's control. Maverick asked for half a million dollars to transfer Muse (which is something I fucking HATE about labels and deals: they refuse to release your work and also won't let you leave, and this is still happening), which Serj couldn't cough up on his own, so he tried to convince Sony, who signed SOAD, to sign Muse instead. Sony hemmed and hawed and said they wanted to wait to hear Muse's next release before squaring up the money, but by the next year, all of Maverick's artist had been bought out by various record labels, including Warner Bros. proper, who picked up Muse and finally released Absolution, a year late in the US (2004, which I realised later is why you see some sources list its release date as 2004. The US release date). Interestingly enough to me, Maverick was a Warner subsidiary to begin with.
Serj regrets losing out on signing Muse, not so much from a financial standpoint, but because they were a cool band he liked, but I wonder how things may have panned out for Muse had they stayed indie for another few years? I imagine Warner worked out quite well for them: they sold out their first US tour in a long time in the autumn of 2004, headlined Glastonbury, were invited to play a Live 8 show, and of course, when Black Holes and Revelations came out in 2006 (Sony's loss), they exploded all over the alternative 'mainstream'. It doesn't seem like they've had much, if any, creative interference from Warner either, except maybe them suggesting the greatest hits thing that instigated Muse writing Will Of The People instead. Overall, fairly harmonious.
Things turned out alright for them!
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fairytale-poll · 3 months
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Alice (2009) is based off Alice in Wonderland; The Path (2009) is based off Little Red Riding Hood.
Propaganda Under the Cut:
Alice (2009):
It had an all star cast (kathy bates and tim curry are in it!) And it had a fun aesthetic for the lands of oz, with the hearts castle being a casino. There are several plot twists about character alliances. Andrew leepott's Hatter is a complete sweetheart and we love him. Also the main pairing have good chemistry. The whole thing is uploaded to youtube (in like 240p but w/e) and its only about the length of a movie total so its definitely worth a watch. Its an all time fave for me.
An imaginatively wild, steam punk ride where an evil empire built on the exploitation of emotion-filled instant gratification is challenged by our motley crue of rebels lead by Alice, who helps bring down the whole house of cards with her bravery, friendship, loyalty and love.
The Path (2009):
An artistic and abstract story about six sisters at various stages of life who travel through the woods to their grandmother's house. They are told that they must stick to the path to be safe from the wolf, but if the player truly does stay on the path, of course, no growth or story occurs. Each girl has their own wolf, representing a truth she must face or a danger she must endure in order to grow up and learn her lesson. And Grandmother's house is strange and abstract as well. I adore these sorts of indie games so much.
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justanotherfanartist · 6 months
taps mic. ahem.
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help a student write a dumb rvb research paper? pretty please?? for funsies???
This is exactly what it sounds like.
My current final of the year for my language composition class is a massive synthesis + argumentative research paper on any topic of our choosing, and Roosterteeth + RVB has too much messy junk going on that I’m knee-deep invested in mentally at this point to pass up the opportunity to write about it.
And yknow, I see a ton of media analysis posts coming out of the fandom all the time and I’ve always loved seeing it and reading into it and sharing ideas and whatnot and this feels like my way of doing that too.
Essentially what I’m reaching out for is for you guys to help me crowdsource resources and share your ideas with me to include in my term paper*.
things that would be wizard cool of you to send me are:
any interviews or behind the scenes with the cast and creators you happen to know of
your own analysis or hot takes of the characters or the show as a whole
what the show has meant to you
any clips of old Roosterteeth expos
for the older fans, a rough idea of what the release timeline looked like for the episodes and what the buildup and fan reaction was for each one
any commentary or hot takes on how the fandom has changed since you joined/that you know of
what Roosterteeth did wrong (writing wise and irl)
what Roosterteeth did right (writing wise and irl)
tropes within the show you noticed whether originated by the show or not
tropes within the fandom, things like similar portrayals or bad/good takes on characters or face canons that span artists
literally anything you can give me, media, commentary, or opinion wise
(not to say I can’t find things on my own, I already have, but this is also about varying opinions and the general outlook of the fandom as a whole and measuring the broader impact of a show like RvB and it would be incredibly cool of you to help me out even with just crumbs of character opinions)
The idea is to get evidence together from clips, personal anecdotes, and opinions so I can present an accurate read on the fandom, especially when it comes to fan interpretation of RVB vs Roosterteeth’s intentions for the show (and behavior as a company) and explore what the show was supposed to be, what it literally is, how people see it, what its impact has been, and a general overview of the it’s legacy and lifespan, that sort of thing.
My thesis is most likely going to end up something in the ballpark of “How Roosterteeth exemplifies the Franchisation of Indie Media” or “Why RvB is one of the most complicated/misunderstood/divisive shows in modern media” or “How Fandoms interpret and recontextualize media”
I’m going to guess that I likely won’t be able to post the finished paper up online without a solid buffer window to avoid the two mortifying scenarios that are (a) being accused of creative plagiarism and (b) having to tell my instructor that the tumblr account with a 100% match to my course final is, in fact, my tumblr account, are two things I desperately want to avoid.
However if I can, simply for the sake of contributing to the fandom and creating something for us to all contribute to and discuss and crediting various peoples’ help and input would be ideal and, if at all possible, that would be the end goal.
so yeah. if you’re up for it I’d love for you to dm me your thoughts or (more conveniently for the both of us) fill out this Google form down here!
*im not gonna, like, repost your detailed character analysis as my own or something. I’m just trying to find some good quotes, general opinions, and ideas from the fandom so that I can accurately represent them and do our little corner of the internet Justice. And also because the audience of a work is a massive factor in media analysis lmfao. and also to create a community sourced Fun Thing™️ we can all look at and bite the corners off of instead of watching Roosterteeth crash and burn in the backgroun
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enbysiriusblack · 2 months
modern marauders music tastes
sirius: i think he'd still be into 70s rock/punk but would listen to some modern alt (queen, t.rex, bon jovi, buzzcocks, bowie, led zeppelin, metallica, dead kennedys, big joanie, the struts, royal sugar)
remus: his music taste is a combo of his parent's cds, so that'd be 80s/90s music, plus music his friends like (tito puente, sade, björk, buena vista social club, pupo, umberto tozzi, bowie, queen, kendrick lamar, childish gambino)
james: mostly listens to modern pop/rap music and finds music to listen to through spotify recs (bruno mars, kendrick lamar, karan aujla, sabrina carpenter, clairo, childish gambino, macklemore, lil nas x, chappell roan, conan gray)
peter: listens to a lot of local indie bands but does also like some popular music (two door cinema club, noahfinnce, declan mckenna, kasabian, green day, alex g, billie eillish, finneas, cavetown, sir chloe)
lily: mostly listens to pop but also loves r&b, generally listens to music from 90s onwards (SZA, raleigh ritchie, chappell roan, beyoncé, britney spears, aaliyah, victoria monét, spice girls, steve lacy, destiny's child)
mary: her music taste is almost exclusively modern pop/kpop (LISA, rihanna, aespa, le sserafim, sabrina carpenter, STAYC, weekly, (G)I-DLE, newjeans, charli xcx)
marlene: she mostly listens to lesbian/queer rock and grunge from various times (the runaways, big joanie, destroy boys, lesbian bed death, hole, tracy chapman, against me, alanis morissette, miley cyrus (now), fiona apple)
emmeline: despite getting mary into kpop her fav genre is indie pop/rock (boygenius, RIO, the last dinner party, maya hawke, IU, billie eillish, chappell roan, girl in red, ethel cain)
dorcas: mostly listens to pop punk and 90's grunge (green day, SATE, the offspring, jimmy eat world, sinéad o'connor, WILLOW, weezer, tracy chapman, the cranberries, pixies)
regulus: like his canon era self, he is still completely ignorant to modern music and only really listens to classical compositions with the exception of one modern artist (hozier)
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hey y'all!
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you can call me Mouse! i'm a nerdy, artsy-craftsy, music-loving, socially awkward, incredibly enthusiastic GEEK.
i love chatting with people and making new friends, always feel free to shoot me an ask/dm :)
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about me
☼ she/her pronouns are great! ☼ i'm a minor ☼ lesbian (or something like that) ☼ i'm a dancer! (ballet, pointe, modern, jazz, tap, and hip-hop) ☼ i play the piano, flute, and ukulele, and i'm learning trumpet ☼ i love hugs and physical touch ☼ i use a ton of pet names-lmk what you're comfortable with! ☼ pisces sun/moon, scorpio rising ☼ infp-t 2w3 (explanations linked, if you're curious) ☼ one (1) beach completed, on my way to becoming an Official Certified Ken (credit: my very dear @green-binder) ☼ i tend to forget things-please don't take anything i do/don't do personally! chances are it just slipped my mind. ☼ i love interacting with people, but i do sometimes burn out. sometimes i just don't have the energy to reply to something or continue a conversation, please don't take it personally!
not rlly doing chain mail atm, sorry!
i've got a funky lil tma sideblog @consumedbywhatlovesme if you're interested, hyperfixation still going STRONG 💪
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things i love...
☼ cavetown!! ☼ the magnus archives ☼ coraline ☼ hozier ☼ plants/gardening ☼ ancient greek mythology and culture ☼ microbiology ☼ slime molds! ☼ mushrooms and other fungi ☼ stranger things ☼ pjo ☼ cats! ☼ good omens ☼ baking ☼ crochet/knitting ☼ long bike rides ☼ sketching and painting ☼ rainy days
... and people i love!
@15millionfireflies, @bleep-bloop-boo, @brains-out-rn, @ch3rry-t0mat0, @currently-becoming-potatoes, @dormienscattus,
@fairyycoffin, @forever-bi-panic, @galaxys-universe, @green-binder, @hugallurfriends,
@i-eat-so-much-grass, @joespookyregardinghappenenings, @margaret-the-duck, @marisolebio, @mossy-stormcloud,
@remithegayshoebill, @sad-girl-shit11, @sagaofa-dying-star, @scatteredraysofhope,
@small-giggle, @that-dam-heartstopper-fan, @the-chaotic-snek, @theladyofpaintedstars, @thestrawberryapologist,
@totheidiot, @trans-lobotomy, @urlocalsadkid-l, @wistfulenchantress, @yelenapines
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comfort books...
☼ a psalm for the wild built, a prayer for the crown-shy, coraline, the electric kingdom, the song of achilles, truly devious, a wrinkle in time, inward, heartstopper, the secret garden, severance, they
... movies, tv, and podcasts...
☼ coraline, the magnus archives, heartstopper, spirited away, stranger things, good omens, various concert films, over the garden wall
... and foods
☼ hot cocoa, peach tea, lemon cookies, asparagus, fresh sourdough, grapefruit, chocolate chip cookie dough, berries of any kind
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currently listening to
favorite artists
☼ cavetown, hozier, lizzy mcalpine, luz, wallows, girl in red, taylor swift, mother mother, billie eilish, david kushner, madilyn mei, coin, tv girl, fuvk, gregory alan isakov, mxmtoon, boygenius (+ solo work), hayd, maya hawke, pomme, the paper kites, novo amor
songs i try to live by
☼ talk to you (cavetown) ☼ hug all ur friends (cavetown) ☼ carry you (novo amor) ☼ words (gregory alan isakov) ☼ pancakes for dinner (lizzy mcalpine) ☼ let light be light (lizzy mcalpine) ☼ cold (novo amor) ☼ crooked the road (mon rovia)
please send me music recs!! i usually listen to indie pop, indie folk, and indie rock/modern rock, but i'm always happy to listen to something new :)
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moodboard by my darling @wistfulenchantress <33
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congrats on making it all the way to the end haha!!
have a beautiful day/night sweetheart, love ya :)
(dividers by @/saradika-graphics, their stuff is absolutely gorgeous)
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astriiformes · 2 months
Okay, fun question time. One of the various multimedia elements of the LotR Road Trip AU story is that I am planning on making playlists for each member of the Fellowship, the idea being that they're supposed to be snapshots into everyone's music libraries for when they have the aux cord in the car.
My music taste is pretty all over the place, which helps with a project like this, but I can't claim it's as broad as I would like when trying to represent the music tastes of nine different people. So I would love to solicit some ideas from people--genres, artists, even specific songs. You name it.
Here's generally the vibes I've been curating so far, though I'm not entirely married to all of them:
Frodo -- Indie, acoustic, folk? Probably some instrumentals. Chill beats to carry a cursed artifact to.
Sam -- Generally pretty upbeat. For sure some really traditional folk influences but also like. Folk rock. Should be an extremely feel-good playlist.
Merry -- Nerd music, to put it simply. Folk and filk, as well as some of the found-filk folks out there like Hank Green, probably.
Pippin -- Pop music! He's here to have a good time. Would especially love some input from the Gen Z crowd here since my pop knowledge is a little dated for the youngest member of the Fellowship. What Chappell Roan song would be his favorite.
Boromir -- He is puzzling me. I am keeping in mind that he should have some like. Elder millennial vibes. Currently have Green Day, etc on there but I'm trying to decide if that works.
Aragorn -- Dad rock, plus some modern rock. Think about your dad's road trip playlist (I know mine has several) and you're getting the right picture.
Legolas -- Pop and some indie/acoustic songs. Also a little musical theater. I'll be honest I'm making his eclectic on purpose. Definitely a little cheesy, aro/ace jams encouraged.
Gimli -- Metal, industrial, classical. There is no bigger Trans-Siberian Orchestra fan. Possibly also some labor songs, though I'm thinking more like metal/rock covers.
Gandalf -- Prog rock and other wizard music. I am doing something very dumb and silly and putting classic rock songs with meta references to LotR on his (ex: Led Zeppelin's Misty Mountain Hop), but other suggestions are good too.
Please feel free to totally contradict some of these vibes though. Ideally some of these playlists with be a little more all over the place than I would usually lean towards, since the idea is to represent someone's music taste, not make a true character playlist.
So! Help me out here. What do you all think each Fellowship member would listen to?
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canonsinthehead · 2 months
so hows the night life in the villages? which is the best and worse? 😸😸
Glad you asked... there are few topics ni the answer ill go deeper in another post but i hope yall get the picture...
Naruto Headcanons - Ranking Nightlife in Different Villages (from best to worse)
1- Kumogakure (THE Party City)
Obviously Kumo takes the first place for its unmatched nightlife culture. It is alive at night and very welcoming of foreigners, some people make a whole trip to Kumo just to party.
There are sooooo many nightclubs of different types. Hip hop, Pop or Western etc. Kumo is known for being the only nation to have stripclubs. other countries, always claim to be more conservative in that area. it ties into the more liberal/accepting expression of sexuality (especially from women).
everything is intertwined when you look up the country's music history. Many famous artists strated in nightclubs.
The city lives at night, many sports clubs are operating during dark hours and inviting the night owls to join in. Along this, you can take all types of classes/courses taking place at night if clubbing is not your cup of tea.
Kumo is so diverse, there is a district/area or stores/businesses for all types of preferences, interests or way of life. Are you LGBT, plus size, disabled, a salary man, vegan, emo, a sneaker head or whatever it is, you will find a place for taste.
it has become a challenge some residents (and tourists), to make a 6PM to 6AM Challlenge. where it consist of staying awake and indulging in the nightlife until sunrise. it was popularized by an episode of Killer Bee's Showtime where they came up with the concept and has became a legit tourist attraction since theres so much to do
2- Konohagakure (6 to 9 Heaven)
In Konoha, a lot of people have a 9-5 schedule so big part of the village nightlife is centered around "after work" activities. When you go out on weekdays, you will mostly encounter employees trying to unwind after a long workday
regardless there are so many activities to do after the sunset. the most popular are karaoke, hot springs and street food stands.
Konoha's foundation being a mountain, there are many hidden spots hidden in its complex foundation. when look over it, you can observe spots of hundred of spotlights all over the city because small goups loves to meetup in various places and just chill together
the largest cinemas are located in Konoha. it one of the few places where you can go watch movies from other nations to the exceptions of Kiri for their heavy censorships laws and Suna for being in a different language.
Cabaret clubs are huge in Konoha.
you can find many 24/7 ramen shops and Internet Cafes
The comedy scene in Konoha is big. off course it doesnt match Kumo's but Konoha produced many well known comedians. All the "Comedy Open mic nights" are to die for.
Konoha scored high also for being a welcoming nation and embraces tourist/foreigners with open minds.
3- Iwagakure (Rock 'n' Roll)
if you are looking for a good music concert to attend. especially for rock and indie music.
it scored lower because many of those locations (to party) and the culture surrounding them are sometimes hard to find
mixed with the nightlife, Iwa has a strong adult entertainment industry. There are countless soaplands and burlesque show, again only if you can find them
(Honorable Mention) 3.5 - Modern Kirigakure (Work in Progress)
On the way to become like Konoha (along with their own sauce) but is not there yet
outside of the capital, they still operate like the previous system like the rest of the country of water.
4- Sunagakure (Organized Events)
The nightlife of Suna is more made of organized events where mass of people attent. The largest venues happen on Fridays since there are a lage diversity of shecdules among the population but everthing stops from Friday night to Sunday morning.
A typical night activity is enjoying tea, there are hundreds of tea stands across the country, sometimes even in the middle of nowhere for travelers during their long journey in the desert. they along serve flavourful whiskeys and tasty snacks. It is the #1 socializing spot.
The food is to die for. The culinary scene of Suna is unmatched, with all the ingredients natives to the regions it gives unique meal you cant find anywhere else. there are many restaurants of all types open until the early hours of the morning.
Live performing is a very prevelant part of Suna's nightlife,
A lot of night activities are meant to be enjoyed in large numbers especially among families since many of them are large.
the problem is that Suna is really weary of tourists/foreigners, so accessing certain areas, restaurants or pubs may be denied because they require invitations. That would limit your acess to tea houses and restaurants in the main city/touristic areas where the inflation is crazzzzyyyyyyy for outsiders. Also the language barrier doesnt help...
the best deal would be to be invited among someone's familiy and celebrate with them, it's just as good as going out
5- Old Kirigakure (Dangerous Territories ahead...)
It is advised for regular citizen (especiall women and children) to stay inside as soon as the sun sets. They say the freaks come out at night, all criminals and gang members come out after nightfall. they occupate various pubs and bars. The city is dual face because it is literraly re-birthed at night for a whole different aura to plague the city at night.
most illegal activities take place at night.
there are a lot of brothels operating under criminal leadership. along with illegal/dubious boxing matches and fight clubs where gambling happens.
Gambling is no joke, it is a serious widespread practice where you can witness (and participate with) players with dices on street corners.
At all time, territories are clearly separated, either by criminal affiliations, ethnicities or caste levels. cross it and will likely pay it with your life.
as a foreigner, if you fit the physical attributes of the local men, you could go unnoticed for some time but it adviced not to even try since you may be cooked when people ask for your paperwork to enter certain spaces. also even if you make and get "accepted", the wrong gesture, word could lead to a misunderstanding and escalate into violence
Kirigakure is male centered society. 90% of the people outside at night are male. many levels of society caters to them hence why a lot of adult males without criminal affialition have no problem going out at night to drink their souls away.
you can witness public intercourse
going on the previous point, there is a deep (but hidden) male LGBT culture running in Kiri. many of them are affiliated with various gangs or crimelords like Gato. Some would suggest that homosexuality is lowkey normalized among gangs (do the homie) but it will never be confirmed. So if you know where to look, are determined (crazy) enough, and looking for a hookup with a tattoed muscular dude with a questionable (dead) body count, then go ahead.
Ironically, the gigolo scene industry is as large as female adult entertainment/prostitution in Kiri. they are not going to tell you that most of them are gang members who fell from grace/punished for making mistakes or literal human trafficking.
6- Amegakure (DO NOT TRESSPASS)
RAVES. The rave culture is unmatched. If you are looking for hardcore parties with moshpits and loud eletronic music you are looking at the right place.
The night culture is really the bulk of what there is to do in Ame, its residents uses thoses parties and alcohol to escape for the reality of their daily lives.
Like everything in the country, it is so hard to acces and it doesnt like outsiders not even a little bit. most of them are not allowed to even enter the city's walls.
There you can find the HARDEST drugs in the entire world. Addictions is a real issue in Ame but when i mean hard i mean amnesia (you forget your life before you consumed it) type of hard
if you go there, you 10000% getting robbed.
thanks yall for your request, that was fun to do. hope the formatting is not too much.
shoutout to @getyourmindrightson, @oceanjenna! thanks for the support.
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incinerator-deluxe · 4 months
Pinned Post - Important Things First; Personal Things Under the Cut
Amjad (@amjadshiltawu)
Youssef (@dima96yousef)
Maysaa (@tamer200333)
The Abushammalah family (@ahmed8311)
The Tahrawi family (@saratahrawi)
I don’t have very many followers on here at all, which is part of why I mistakenly remained almost completely silent wrt Palestine on social media until this week, but at the very least this list can function as a repository for GFM links that I can donate to when possible.
[MUTUAL AID LINKS]: https://www.tumblr.com/themandownstairs/751694483599572992/dune-popcorn-bucket
[This was the original post; I realized I should cut it when people started reblogging it to spread the GoFundMe links. I still want both at the top of my page, but obviously this takes less of a priority.]
Info post so I can have something at the top of my page …
Hi i’m Jack i’m 18 i’m Love rate uour music dot com … (my username is digitalreptile!! If you’re reading this we should be mutuals and send recommendations to each other and Suggest things for Lists!!! Consider it … !!!)
My name is a mashup of two of Dreamcrusher’s EP titles (Incinerator & Suicide Deluxe)
I loveeeee (esp hardcore) EDM & industrial music … as well as indie rock / pop !
More Specific Subgenres (in no real order): idm, industrial hip hop, art pop & art rock, digital hardcore, electro-industrial, post-punk, darkwave & ethereal wave, noise rock & experimental rock, power noise, ebm & aggrotech, electropop & synthpop, shoegaze, indietronica & glitch pop, minimal wave & minimal synth, goth rock, deconstructed club, dariacore, gabber, hexd, minimalism, dnb, post-metal … and So On And So Forth Into Perpetuity …
*bold = I’m interested in making music in this genre!!
[mission statement . More for myself than the General Public] . Future posts (I am probably going to be more active on here in the coming months…) will likely pertain to RateYourMusic Discourse (using that term largely in an unserious sense), my love for the website, & various musical & artistic Ideas upon which i will probably Not take action … as well as rambling about music or briefly expressing intebse love for a track or artist or album or wtvr
Tags List For Efficiency:
#birdposting [bird stuff, birdsona (?) stuff]
#rymposting [self-explanatory]
#musicposting [non-RYM-relevant musicposting]
#websiteposting [don’t think too hard about this … I am just a website at my core]
#artposting [others’ art]
#ideaposting [self-explanatory. Mostly so i can go back and see all of the things i wanted to do]
#me irl [relatable stuff that may or may not be related to websiteposting . Just because i am mostly the same person irl that i am online]
#mediaposting [related to nonmusic media. Including: Hannibal (2014), MLP:FIM]
#ogposting [non-reblogs]
#etcposting [anything else i want to reblog that isn’t categorizable]
#gofundmes [self-explanatory; extends to similar sites]
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louisupdates · 11 months
The Habit He Can’t Break 4/4
IQ 123 | Gordon Masson | 9.11.2023
If I Could Fly
With the production traveling to Australia, in early 2024, before shifting to Latin America, Andy Lovell at Freight Minds is gearing up to become involved with Tomlinson once again.
“We did the Central and South America dates on the tour last year, and onto Mexico,” says Lovell. “It was very challenging back then as we were still coming back from Covid, and various systems and infrastructure were in pieces. But it all went well in the end, as we kept an eye on things and worked on it every day to make sure we had solutions to everything that was thrown our way.”
Lovell continues, “Things on this tour kick in early next year for us. Historically, Australian services were quite reliable, as we could use any number of airlines. But post-pandemic, the number of long-haul flights still aren’t as frequent as they were. As a result, the production is being reverse engineered with the budget being worked out before we can see what we can afford to take as freight, and then we try to plan accordingly.”
“Similarly, in Central and South America there are still just a fraction of the flights operating, compared to pre-Covid, so that makes it very challenging. If there aren’t the flights to handle the gear, then you have to start looking at chartering aircraft, or alter your schedule, and that can become very expensive, very fast.”
With everyone working on the artist’s behalf to make sure the tour remains on track, being able to call on such experienced production experts is paying off on a daily basis.
Sherwood notes, “There are a few back-to-back shows over long distances that occasionally mean we don’t arrive at the next venue until 11 AM, rather than 6 AM. But we’ve never failed anywhere to open the doors on time, so we know we’re capable of getting things done, even if we have a late start at mid-day.”
Such dilemmas are not lost on agent Rowland. “It’s not so much the routing, it’s more like the timings, because Louis does have two support acts, so the shows start at 7 o’clock, and then when we’re done, we need to load out to get to the next show in good time for loading in the next morning and soundchecks, etc.”
Nevertheless, Sherwood admits that he loves the trickier venues and schedules. “Because I’m a dinosaur, I relish anything that makes things difficult or awkward for us on the production side of things,” he says. “I think everyone on the crew looks forward to challenges in finding the solutions to problems.”
Common People
Having amassed millions of fans through his association with One Direction, Tomlinson very much has a ‘pay it forward’ attitude to music and is building a reputation as a champion for emerging talent, wherever he performs.
“He’s a great advocate for alternative music,” says manager Vines. “Louis realizes he’s in an incredibly privileged position in terms of what he can create in terms of awareness. He loves alternative music and indie music, and he understands how hard it is for that music to be heard. But we have this amazing platform where we can put these bands in front of these audiences as a showcase that allows them to build these authentic new audiences. It’s a huge part of his love of music, wanting to help younger bands.”
Rowland agrees. “He took an act called Andrew Cushin - a very new artist – on the road in America with him as a support, and he’s doing the same for Europe. Louis is a fan and is championing his career.”
Indeed, Tomlinson’s A&R skills have knock-on effects for his agent, too. “He asked me to confirm the Australian band Pacific Avenue as support for his Australian tour last year. The music was great, and they didn’t have an agent, so now I’m representing them,” says Rowland.
Perfect Now
As the European tour speeds towards its conclusion, agent Rowland is enjoying every minute of it.
“It’s incredible – they’ve really stepped things up,” she says, fresh from seeing the show in Athens and Paris. “They’ve got six hanging LED screens on the stage, and the whole production just looks polished and professional.”
And Rowland is especially excited about next year’s Latin America dates, which will deliver her first stadium shows as an agent. 
“The return to Latin America is going to be huge – Louis is playing arenas and stadiums in South America and Mexico 15 shows across 11 countries,” she says. 
Vines is similarly enthused. Harking back to the Covid situation, when the show would go on sale, sell out, be postponed, and then re-scheduled in a bigger venue, Vines says, “For example, in Chile, originally the show was scheduled at a 5,000-cap, half-capacity arena in Santiago. And what we ended up doing with three nights at 10,000-cap in that same venue.”
Vines contends that Tomlinson’s work ethic is outstanding. “He loves his fans, and he loves performing for them, it’s as simple as that,” he says. “He just loves being on the road and seeing how the songs connect live. In fact, the second album was very much written with the tour and live shows in mind – ‘This song could work live,’ ‘This one will open the set,’ ‘This is the one we can do for the encore.’”
Another element to Tomlinson’s psyche has been his decision to visit places off the usual tour circuit.
“Louis has a real desire to perform to fans in markets that are often overlooked,” says Rowland.
Manager Vines explains that while the Covid-delayed first tour allowed them to upgrade venues pretty much everywhere, “On this tour, we are a bit more competent on venue sizes, but we still speculate a little bit in different territories. In Europe, for example, we’ve gone into the Baltics in a number of different places to test the markets there, while in America, we’re looking at A and B markets, but also tertiary market as well – we go to places where people just don’t tour in America, just to see what the reaction is. That was something that very much interested Louis - to play in front of people who don’t normally have gigs in their town. So there’s been a lot of experimentation on the tour in terms of where we go and what room to play.”
That concept is something that Vines has employed before. “I manage a band called Hurts, who were pretty much overlooked by the British radio system, and we have spent 15 years building a business outside of the UK. And that was built on going to play at those places where people didn’t normally go. They built to multiple arena level in Russia, for instance.”
“If you can build fanbases in lots of different places, you have festivals that you can play every summer, as well as touring those places. It allows you to have more consistency over a number of years, by having more opportunities.”
Such a strategy found a convert in Tomlinson. Vines tells IQ, “Louis also is extremely fan-focused in everything that he does. He comes at it from a perspective of ‘I want to take the show to them,’ meaning he’s always more willing to take the risky option to try something out.”
And the result? “It’s a combination,” concludes Vines. “There have been a couple of places where we now understand why tours don’t go there. But there are more places where it’s worked incredibly well. For example, we enjoyed incredibly good sales in Budapest. And overall, it’s allowing us to get a clearer idea, globally, of where the demand is, which will help us when we go into the next tour cycle.”
1/4, 2/4, 3/4
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sceneweekly · 5 months
Hello! I'm Zombie Stardust and this is Scene Weekly, your source for all the lastest and greatest in Scene, Emo, and Alternative news!
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I am looking to start something that is in no way revolutionary or never before seen, but something I feel could be a great way to bring this community together and make something genuine for everyone!
My hope for Scene Weekly is to bring you three news letters as blog posts on my own website that will act as a hub for all things scene!
These blog posts will be about:
Music (with a special emphasis on niche indie artists making their own music online)
Fashion (with things like DIY clothes, makeup & hair tutorials, & hopefully community submitted outfit inspo where a person talks about their outfits, how they put things together, and spotlight their own personal style!)
Culture (featuring an ask column where people can ask questions about anything alternative & get a response with resources, personal experience, and history!)
I would also eventually like to start an accompanying podcast where I can interview new music artists, indie fashion models, and OG scene kids & alternative folks!
This is currently a work in progress! I'm working on building the website with a friend of mine, creating submission forms, drawing a lot of special icons & doodles for the blogs, and I've yet to start writing anything formal for the blog. I'm only one person & I'm doing my best to get this project off the ground because it's something I'm passionate about! Once everything is ready to launch I'll be leting everyone know across various media platforms :3
If you are interested in featuring on the website, have a niche indie artist you think I should cover, have some cool ideas to share, or just like my vibes pls send an ask! Leave a comment or rb, my dm's should be open as well!
I look forward to your feedback! Thank you so much for reading through my little introduction!
If you'd like to have a formal discussion about the site or maybe want to help out with it you can email me at [email protected]!
(I know I just made this account but I promise I'm not a scam! ^^" I don't want your money or personal identitying information or anything like that! I just really love scene culture & want to uplift & show off all the cool amazing things our community is doing! <33)
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n7punk · 4 months
What’s your beef with Spotify?
It's less beef and more just a product I don't like - because that's what Spotify is, a product. They really don't want you to think of it that way, but at the end of the day it's particularly invasive product packaging around the thing you actually want to listen to, and there are dozens of different ways to listen to music. As far as gripes, though, number 1 is that it doesn't really pay its artists for shit and its objectively kind of shitty audio-quality wise (I'm not a snob on this, but depending on your hardware it can be especially crunchy while other things like Youtube sound just fine). Number 2 is how much it spies on you and tracks your data. Number 3 is the ads. Number 4, and the actual reason I will never use it, is that it's the enshittification of media consumption.
I do, actually, have a Spotify account. I used it for all of a day before never logging in again or verifying my email. Spotify forces you to experience music the way it wants you to, with absolutely no benefit aside from cloud syncing cross-platform for your playlists that I don't actually need, and I'm used to the freedom from the dawn of the accessible mp3 era.
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Better Kind Of Best Friend is a single. I bought it as part of the entire The Sex Was Good Until It Wasn't album, so it came with the album artwork. I wanted it to have its single artwork - so I changed it. And now, in MusicBee and on my phone, I see the single artwork because it's in the file metadata. Spotify doesn't give you that option. It's a little thing, maybe, except when it isn't, like when a song's cover art is graphic or otherwise upsetting to look at, or just plain doesn't fit it.
Sometimes I don't agree with a song's "official" genre (usually because the entire album classifies the songs one way while they actually span genres). The range of things that are classified as indie rock is insane. Anyway, other times I use the genre more specifically, such as "Dark Pop", which isn't actually a thing but if I played you Dark Pop songs you would understand what I mean. In MusicBee, I can change genres to be whatever I want, which is important for various auto-playlists in filtering.
I also have a custom tag for any sapphic songs that automatically populates my lesbian love auto-playlist as they're defined, and another playlist that automatically adds all music from my custom-defined list of queer artists to the "Gay Life" playlist. When I buy a new Reinaeiry song, it automatically gets added without me having to do anything.
I can't listen to demos or any music that Spotify has lost licensing to on it, which means that if I want a complete playlist with a demo song on it, I have to have all those songs exported anyway, and at that point why am I bothering to split my listening across platforms? Idk if you heard, but Spotify lost licensing to a giant catalogue of Kpop music at one point because one company pulled out, and all those listeners were fucked. I don't have to wait for an artist to upload their shit to Spotify (although right now I am waiting for Reinaeiry to put Too Sweet up for download - pls queen - this is luckily more rare of an occurrence than me seeing "please add this to Spotify" comments is).
I like music I can keep forever, listen to whenever, and do so without ads or paying three figures a year to hear uninterrupted. I'd rather buy one album a month with the Spotify premium money than pay for it. I like creating folder after subfolder worth of an unlimited number of playlists (admittedly idr if Spotify allows this feature. It varies by online listening platforms and I don't bother to track the ones I don't use). I like being able to drag and drop my playlists from MusicBee into iTunes to instantly listen to them on my phone (and thus cross-play isn't a concern for me as long as I remember to synch my phone). I like the feature of being able to instantly and permanently adjust the volume, as well as the beginning and end point, of any single song I chose (super helpful for when certain albums are inexplicably quieter/louder than others or have a stupid incongruous music or dialogue part in them).
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If I want to listen to something without actually getting it, then I do it on Youtube, which has a wider music selection with more control. Don't like album art? Find a lyric video upload with a generic nebula background. Weird movie sample at the beginning? Someone might have cut that out in their upload (shoutout to the person who turned DICTATOR into a part 1 and 2 to match the two different mood halves), but otherwise Sponsorblock will skip the non-music segments. The only downside of Youtube versus Spotify is I can't share the playlists without exposing my name, but again I actually create those playlists in MusicBee 99% of the time so I wouldn't be sharing a link anyway.
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ljesak · 4 months
im Maki, a 20 year old hobbyist artist from serbia currently majoring in compsci ! I have a bunch of interests, main ones being art (visual and writing), philosophy, sociology, media analysis, biology and video games as a storytelling medium
✦ main fandoms: warrior cats, elder scrolls, fallout, furry
✦ i engage with various other things too but these are the biggest!
✦ when it comes to art i enjoy portraying atmosphere and emotion, subjects are varied as im interested in too many things to settle on only few! I do wanna make more oc content, though and finally branch out into humans
✦ i enjoy a plethora of movies/books/shows/games etc. but it felt bloated to include them all here
✦ art is under #art tag !
my characters: https://toyhou.se/ljesak (art with them is tagged with their name, ex. laurie)
✦ other socials and commission info: https://ljesak.carrd.co/
I open commissions sporadically, my messages are open for inquiries
more about art/stuff i like! video games: fallout nv, what remains of edith finch, disco elyisum, the talos principle, witcher 3, skyrim, firewatch, SOMA, beginner's guide, baldur's gate 3, outlast franchise, cyberpunk 2077, citizen sleeper, fran bow, undertale, outer wilds, the unfinished swan,, there's def more but those are the favs i rmbr so far. i want to get into dragon age and mass effect
webcomics im currently reading and enjoying: What Lurks Beneath, Lackadaisy, Oren's Forge, Golden Shrike, I Hope So, Tofauti Sawa shows: bojack horseman, atypical (except the 4th season that one was awful), midnight gospel, dungeon meshi, atla, dragon hunters, arcane... i did watch many shows but i remember these personally resonated. i need to watch more shows in general but they are quite a big time investment films: most of miyazaki's work, favs being princess mononoke and spiried away, WALL-E, coraline, ratatouille, I'm thinking of ending things, the eternal sunshine of the spotless mind... and more. i tend to prefer animation over live action as it's more expressive (obv not always the case) again i did watch more movies id consider good but not personally meaningful enough to mention books: i mostly read philosophical texts and fiction!! my fav authors are probably meša selimović and chomsky but i really need to expand my horizons with books, I'm least experimental with them, so its classics mostly unless i get a good recommendation music: mostly indie folk/rock but i do listen to most genres, fav artists rn are Lord Huron, Daughter, Wickerbird, Slowdive, Warpaint, Arcade Fire, Wilsen, Aphex Twin and more!! i rlly love ambient music too so a lot of the games i mentioned previously have gorgeous soundtracks will probably edit this periodically as i remember more things !!
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foultastemusic · 6 months
Power of noises and vaginas - a thought
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For two decades now, post-hardcore has been considered a sub-genre descended from hardcore, which in turn was considered a sub-genre descended from punk, and which in turn... well, it's not important to put musical genres and sub-genres into boxes purposely organized to fit people and their ways of dressing and other useless aesthetics promoted by media/digital cultures. But for two decades now, post-hardcore has been asserting itself as a well-defined genre, with well-defined textural characteristics, as well as certain types of chords and experimentalist riffs in the nostalgic-depressive world, heartfelt screams with a poetically sad story to tell in the most imperfect and dirty way possible, where D.I.Y. is valued in the various arts that embrace recorded and live music.
In 2003, music researcher Jessica Hopper wrote the review "Emo: Where the Girls Aren't" for a column in Punk Planet 56. It was already in the cradle of the emo thing at the beginning of the century that we noticed an absence of girls at concerts - at first there was no mention of them playing or making music, but even their absence from the public as listeners / active participants in this subculture and community. Girls began to enter this world in a very controversial and unrevolutionary way, but always with all the freedom.
Obviously, through the promotion that took place on the internet on the various platforms, the genre reached more stages, more people, more musical cultures and gained a large structure. Girls (like everyone else) start going to these places, often through an interest they already had in other genres such as indie, punk, metal, etc., and as soon as they buy a ticket to go to a concert, we have a group of 50 young men talking about love, depression, nature and other "weaknesses" seen through the eyes of toxic contemporary masculinity. And girls are welcome here. They will always be welcome until they start making music out of fear, because in punk they've already had the chance to revolutionize themselves and post-hardcore/screamo gives voice and space to boys who also suffer from prejudice.
Hopper talks about this band that dedicates a song (Strike Anywhere - Refusal, 2001) to the girls about their problems and lives, and claims that we need more of that: protection and respect. But this hasn't happened and girls still don't feel encouraged and empowered: they are an inspiration for the experiences and texts of this subculture, they are desired as artists and recreationists, and even though they aren't sexualized or repudiated in all cases, they feel obliged to get on the boys' knees to make it too, perhaps even better. A fight against meritocracy, male dependency in order to learn or be promoted and supported, where we are ALL programmed to think that we have a sex organ between our legs and that public reception is influenced by this: either in a positive or a negative way.
«And so I watch these girls at emo shows more than I ever do the band. I watch them sing along, see what parts they freak out over. I wonder if this does it for them, if seeing these bands, these dudes on stage resonates and inspires them to want to pick up a guitar or drum sticks. Or if they just see this as something dudes do, because there are no girls, there is no them up there. I wonder if they are being thwarted by the FACT that there is no presentation of girls as participants, but rather, only as consumers – or if we reference the songs directly – the consumed. I wonder if this is where music will begin and end for them. If they can be radicalized in spite of this. If being denied keys to the clubhouse or airtime will spur them into action».
- Jessica Hopper (2003)
Girls are not yet part of this music, or at least not in a direct or comfortable way. Perhaps through music promotion, the organization of concerts, photographs and poster designs, perhaps through their words adopted by these boys or the desires and utopias of an all-embracing subcultural milieu that, although they may all agree and share the same idea, refuses to accept that they are not welcome altogether, completely. Perhaps they are, but ever since men began to dominate this music or all music, they have needed reasons to pick up a guitar without the issue of sexual gender being brought into the listening experience or even to politics. Would it be better to ignore the gender issue at all costs (until this argument is normalized) or to promote the importance of giving girls a voice to help empower them, as has been happening in punk and hardcore (until this issue becomes part of the contemporary elements of screamo)? Maybe no one has the answers, but the reality is that girls continue to enjoy and consume this music without drumsticks in their hands.
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