varioriented-pride · 5 years
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Variangled | Periangled flags
Vari-angled (or vari-angular): people with differing orientations that are unlimited to just romantic or sexual attractions, applying additionally tertiary forms of attraction. I.e. aroallo grey-aplatonic; biplatonic panro asexual.
Peri-angled (or peri-angular): people with identical orientations, not limited to just romantic or sexual ones, including tertiary attractions; not having any type of crisscrossed orientations. E.g. aplatonic ace; polysensual polyro.
I asked @official-angledaroace before using -angled (from angled aroace) for these situations. Flags are based on vari-oriented/peri-oriented by BMPF. I personally consider my sensual and platonic forms of attraction to be split/varioriented, but that’s a descriptivist point of view, the coinage of -oriented delimited romantic/sexual labels only, perioriented seems to be a conforming norm (periorientism), while both periangular and variangular are orientation variants.
You can use these terms as standalone identities, useful for non-SAM (folks not using split attraction model) not specifying everything, plus semi-SAM, reidems & ays.
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