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atomalways · 4 months ago
They got 11500 differnt devices apparently west mart says ware house isn't gonna sell no more there's only technically 23 legal devices https://www.fda.gov/tobacco-products/premarket-tobacco-product-applications/premarket-tobacco-product-marketing-granted-orders
Yeah anywhere selling couldla got hit in a FDA sting smh this posting link of what we will have left gonna sell https://www.fda.gov/-
logic dafaq is that shit and guess njoy is the way to go so anyway stock up on your vapes cuz there gonna be gone apparently
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smokglobal · 2 years ago
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SMOK Propod Kit, 800mAh battery, 22watt power, novo 2x 0.6 & 0.8Ω MTL pod. #smok #smokpropod #propod #smokindonesia #smokphilippine #smokthailand #smokMalaysia #smokvietnam #smoklaos #smokCambodia #smokmyanmar #vape #ecig #ecigarette #vaping #smokclub #vapeIndonesia #vapenews #smokfansclub #smoksales #smokwinter #stopsmokingstartvaping #vapelifestyle #vapesociety #vapelife #vapestyle #smokcommunity. (在 Shenzhen Overseas High-Tech Venture Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqHzp4Pvz4n/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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voopooofficial · 6 years ago
(via @voopootechofficial · Instagram 照片和视频)
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ivannavape · 5 years ago
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SMOK #nexMESHPOD HERE!! 🔥A Real Super Combo...🔥 🙌1200mAh Battery Life + Conical Nexmesh Coil + Lightweight & Durable Aluminum Alloy Shell+ Waterproof Cartridge Base. 😁What Color Will You Choose? #smok #OFRF #NEXMESHPOD #SMOKTECH #vape #vaping #vapetricks #vapelife #vapecommunity #vapefam #vapeshop #vapinggirls #vapeuk #vapegermany #vapeporn #vapenew #vapelove #vapeon #vapenation #vapedaily https://www.instagram.com/p/CEWIbnIjUZp/?igshid=1ts1cmxprzqnl
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Reposted from @ohmbreweliquids Want to start vaping but don't know where to start? @ohmbreweliquids and @innokintechnology help with that! 🤝⠀ ⠀ Introducing the Ohm Brew x Innokin Sceptre 4 Week Switch Kit - a new all-in-one, simple vaping solution! 💨⠀ ⠀ Why not make the switch this Stoptober? 🚭⠀ ⠀ Visit our 'Make The Switch' section of our website for more information on how much you could save by switching to vape, e-liquids explained and devices broken down. ⠀ ⠀ Link is in our bio 👆⠀ ⠀ #ohmbrew #brewedinbelfast #innokinuk #innokincares #stoptober #stopsmoking #vapefam #eliquid #vapecommunity #vaping #newvape #vapenews #vapingsaveslives - https://www.instagram.com/p/CFMzf_yJyBc/?igshid=p575x9hrfmtb
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thinkvape · 4 years ago
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Thinkvape AUXO DNA 250C 200W mod.
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adwardspiral · 5 years ago
Вот и неопровержимые доказательства того, что вейп вызывает рак. Это вам не вейп трюки, тут наглядно рассказано, как сделатьт эпидемию. Новость: https://www.rbc.ru/rbcfreenews/5d81c5649a79479b6da66816 Для тех, кто понял сарказм и толстый троллинг: у нас правда проблема с лекарствами. Потвитайте, чтоли, тему. Она того стоит. === Канал на твиче https://www.twitch.tv/adwardspiral === Конфа Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/SZCEDBM - Роли - Эксклюзивные перки для друганов - Сигны и конкурсы на них - Обсуждение и помощь с софтом. -— Конфа Telegram: https://t.me/droogany -— Мой Инстаграм http://instagram.com/adwardspiral/ Твитер http://twitter.com/adwardspiral Страница на Фейсбук https://www.facebook.com/dolgovworks/ Паблик https://vk.com/adwardspiral - Отличный способ заменить оповещения, ведь на ютубе они не работают! -— Донат: https://streamlabs.com/edwardgermanad... - Сообщения выводятся на стриме - Донаты оффлайн зачитаю отдельно -— Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/adwardspiral - Участие в скетчах - Бесплатная реклама - Помощь с софтом - Автороль в Дискорде для всех тарифов
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vapehooligans · 6 years ago
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Marvelous HIGHLIGHTS by: @juicee.ca! ♥️ Period. 🕊️ ⚪ ⚪ ⚪ ⚪ ⚪ ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪ Follow @ohmywatt ⚪⚪⚪ If you haven't, already. 😉 ⚪⚪ - Smash that blue 'Follow' 🔳. ⚪ ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪ ⚪ ⚪ ⚪ ⚪ ⚪ ⚪ 🕊️ #vape #vaper #vapeon #vapelyfe #vapelife #vapelyfes #vapenation #vapestagram #vapeporn #vapor #vapelove #vapenews #vapouround #vapeforward #vprmag #thenewyorktimes #casaa #nbc #qmul #nbcnews #reuters #cbs #health #cnn #vapemagazine #vapefamous #vapefam #vapelife #vapers #vapedaily #vapecommunity (at Just Vape Media) https://www.instagram.com/ohmywatt/p/BtoHNimCBc7/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1a3adke1o2mqe
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smokglobal · 2 years ago
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SMOK G-Priv 4 Advanced MOD with Touch Screen. TFV18 mini Tank, V18 meshed 0.33Ω Coil and V18 mini Dual Meshed 0.15Ω Coil. Max 230w Power. #smok #GPRIV4 #SMOKGPRIV #smokindonesia #smokphilippine #smokthailand #smokMalaysia #smokvietnam #smoklaos #smokCambodia #smokmyanmar #vape #ecig #ecigarette #vaping #smokclub #disposablevape #vapeIndonesia #vapenews #smokfansclub #smoksales #smokwinter #stopsmokingstartvaping #vapelifestyle #vapesociety #vapestyle #smokcommunity (在 Shenzhen Overseas High-Tech Venture Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp1sW4cDwJT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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voopooofficial · 6 years ago
(via @voopootechofficial · Instagram 照片和视频)
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aaavape · 4 years ago
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Beautiful day from AAAvape Savor Pro Kit. #aaavape #aaavapesavor #aaavape2021 #aaavapeproducts #podssystem #aaavapelife #vapelyfe #vapeworld #vapenation #disposable #disposablevapepen #vapefamily #vapefam #vapenew #vapers #vape #vapelove #vapelife #vapecommunity #vapeshop #vape #vapers #vapefam #savorfamily #savorpod * Warning: This product contains nicotine and nicotine is an addictive chemical. https://www.instagram.com/p/CKBcrJplEkI/?igshid=7d9fee400tmj
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vapesoul-voom · 3 years ago
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Vapesoul Soul Smile II 5 ml 1500 puffs disposable vape cubic shape
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usedvape-blog · 7 years ago
Happy #vapentine Day
#vapememe # vapedaily #vapefam #vapeon #vape #vapenews #vapepics #newvape #vapetrend #usedvape #vapefamily #vapefam #newvape #vapegirls #vapeallday #vapeall #buysellvape #vapeunity #vapepics #ejuice #buysellvape #vapeunity #vaping
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vapehooligans · 6 years ago
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Morning time = #mouthtolung time = Advken Manta MTL time = #tobacco flavor time = #RY4 = 4 x ♥️ ;-Þ. Mod: HCigar VT75 Nano. 🦋 ⚪ ⚪ ⚪ ⚪ Follow me, if you haven't already. 😉 💨 ⚪ ⚪ Engage. 🤹‍♂️ ⚪ ⚪ Socialize. 🗨️👥💬 ⚪ ⚪ Be kind & polite in your comments. 🗣️ ⚪ ⚪ ⚪ ⚪ ⚪ You may SHARE/RE-[POST] ⚪ Whatever you like! 🥇🌟 ⚪ (from my feed.) ⚪ ⚪ Just, please: ⚪ CREDIT people. (Everyone, not just me. Always.) ⚪ 'Tag people' in 🖼 or🗒 (picture or post.) ⚪ ⚪ Fairness is... 💕 ⚪ the ONLY requirement. 🙃 ⚪ ⚪ ⚪ ⚪ 🦋 #vape #vaper #vapeon #vapelyfe #vapelife #vapelyfes #vapenation #gatorbackcoil #gatorback #vapestagram #vapeitorleaveit #vapeporn #vapor #vapelove #vapenews #vapouround #vapeforward #vprmag #vapemagazine #vapefamous (at Wake up and Makeup) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bn0dM4GjxON/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=v1swe019vxb4
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smokglobal · 2 years ago
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SMOK Novo 5 Kit, Max 30w power, 900mAh Battery, Novo 5 meshed 0.7 MTL Pod. #smoknovo5 #SMOKxDenkat #smok #smokuae #smokphilippines #smokthailand #smokMalaysia #smokvietnam #smoklaos #smokCambodia #smokmyanmar #smokndia #vape #ecig #ecigarette #vaping #smokclub #disposablevape #vapeindo #vapenews #smokfansclub #smoksales #smokwinter #stopsmokingstartvaping #vapeindonesia #vapelifestyle #vapesociety #vapelife #vapestyle #smokcommunity (在 Shenzhen Overseas High-Tech Venture Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpy9vNXPC0k/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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voopooofficial · 6 years ago
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Comprehensively exceeding!⠀ DRAG 2/Mini Platinum is coming soon!⠀
👉 Non-fading & scratch-proof platinum shell⠀ 👉 Gene.Fit Protection⠀
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