#vanya fanfic
cardinalcheerio · 10 months
So, I'm writting a five fanfic, and come across the need to search up Dolores' name meaning.
It means "lady of sorrows" I am unwell.
It makes so much sense, I'm crying rn.
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srslyblvck · 1 month
dark echoes, the umbrella academy
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pairing: hargreeves siblings x sibling!reader
synopsis: you are ben's twin sister. after he was murdered, you were never yourself. you were on the brink of madness when your brother who was considered dead comes back asking for your help to stop an apocalypse.
warnings: suicide and suicidal thoughts, drugs, alcohol consumption(not in a healthy way)
author's note: alright, this was an impulse decision. my first series here, lets see if i continue it lol
word count: 0.6k
chapters: 1/?
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ YOU COULDN'T REMEMBER THE last time you saw the sun. It had been years since your twin brother Ben was killed, and every day since was a blur of shadowed memories and endless pain. You hadn’t moved on; you couldn’t. The echoes of his absence haunted you, made worse by the voice in your head that never stopped. The other you—your darkest thoughts—was always there, gnawing at your sanity.
No matter how much alcohol you drank or how many pills you took, the voice stayed. It felt like your mind was a prison with a warden who never gave you a break. It was maddening, like being tied to a tormentor who sometimes took over your body, making you watch helplessly as it carried out its dark desires.
You tried hard to act normal, but it was exhausting. When you did go outside, you felt like a stranger in your own life. You’d walk around, feeling like people were watching you, or glance at your reflection in shop windows and be shocked by how different you looked. Your world, once full of colour, had turned grey and unchanging.
Your job used to be a place where you could escape your inner pain. But now, it just added to your misery. The paperwork stacked up, deadlines loomed, and your coworkers seemed distant. What used to make you proud now felt like another trap you couldn’t escape.
The only thing that offered a temporary escape was the haze of drugs and alcohol, but even that couldn’t quiet the relentless voice in your head. Every bit of peace felt stolen, leaving only your torment. You’d sit in the dark, the TV flickering, too tired to turn it off. Your life had become a series of dull days and empty routines, and even the job you once cared about felt like a burden. You felt like a burden.
Your siblings didn’t know. They couldn’t. They saw only the surface, the mask you wore to hide the suffering inside. Your eyes were hollow, your face thin. You didn’t need a mirror to see that you were a shadow of who you once were. But you didn’t want them to see you like this. The pain was yours to bear alone.
In your grief, the pills were a temporary relief, but they never silenced the voice completely. It only got louder when you tried to stop using them, a constant reminder of your pain. You had tried to end it all more than once, but each time, the voice took over and stopped you. It was as if you were doomed to live in despair.
You had seen the news about Reginald Hargreeves, your father's death. The man who had orchestrated so much of the pain in your life had finally met his end. You wished you could have been the one to deliver that final blow, to exact the revenge you had longed for. The thought of him lying in a casket brought a dark satisfaction, but it was fleeting. The funeral was to be held soon, and you had no intention of attending. You didn't want to face your siblings, to see them mourn the man who had taken so much from you.
On the day of the funeral, you were sprawled on your couch, having taken more pills than you could count. The numbing haze of the drugs clung to you, but you were still awake, lying in a stupor. It was during this disorienting state that you heard it—a faint shuffling coming from the kitchen. Your instincts, sharpened by years of vigilance, kicked in. You summoned a knife with a golden hue, its beauty masking its lethal purpose.
You moved towards the kitchen with slow, deliberate steps, the voice in your head urging you to be cautious. It was as if it knew something you didn’t.
As you rounded the corner, you saw him. The figure in the kitchen was unmistakable. A boy, maybe around five feet three inches tall, with messy hair falling into his eyes. He wore the Academy uniform, the sight of which haunted your dreams. Even through the fog of the drugs, you recognised him instantly.
Time seemed to freeze. The knife in your hand vanished into thin air. You took a shaky step forward and whispered, “Five?”
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catoslvt · 1 month
umbrella academy s4 rant, spoilers ahead and also a potential rewrite by me 😆
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nah guys I swear I'm about to rewrite Umbrella Academy season 4 cos wtf.
why did they dumb Luther down sm?
Giving them new powers they didn't have in the first place.
Luther turning into a monkey again.
Gene and jean.
the dance scene?
Luther and Sloane.
Alison being alive.
just everything guys.
I swear give me like 40 mins, a good playlist and some motivation and I'll rewrite episode one and upload it here. #notmyumbrellaacademy.
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incorrectklaus · 1 year
Klaus: Hey Diego, have you ever considered becoming a magician?
Diego: What? Why would I become a magician?
Klaus: Because you could finally learn how to make Dad's disappointment disappear.
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Ignoring the crash and burn that was the majority of season four, I will probably pick up on writing some TUA fics while the obsession is burning hot again. This has been sitting in my docs for awhile, when I had a strange obsession with the movie The Miracle Worker. But would anyone ever be interested in seeing a Miracle Worker AU?
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acearcane · 2 months
Help me choose my next project!
Per custom, I have too many ideas and no clue which one to go with. So I'm going to leave it up to the fates. (Aka, you. You're the fates.)
All of these are Umbrella Academy fics, but you don't need to know anything about the show to vote. Just choose whichever title sounds coolest, or feel free to read the summaries beneath the poll.
Most of my fic ideas are Five or Vikor-centric. There's a Klaus one in there though, and an Allison one.
1. time, that fickle temptress
At first, Five assumes it’s a fluke, the trick of a tired mind. Just a lost recollection here or there; nothing too unusual for a man of his age. But when the memories begin disappearing at a faster rate, Five begins to piece together what is truly truly going on.
His mind and body are attempting to realign. He’s becoming thirteen again.
2. i look in a mirror and i see you
Five Hargreeves has been trapped in the apocalypse for almost five years; a bit ironic, isn’t it? His powers are working just fine, but he finds himself faced with a peculiar problem: he can’t seem to find the right timeline.
After another jump goes wrong, Five finds himself in a universe where he and his siblings were never adopted; in fact, they never even had powers. It’s there that he meets a younger version of himself, and sees what life might’ve been like if it weren’t for his father.
3. the voice of god
Allison is tired of losing everyone and everything she loves. Be it the fault of her father, the universe, or the careless actions of her siblings, she’s reached the point where she can’t take it any more. Someone needs to suffer for what has happened, and Allison is more than willing to make them suffer.
In which the author gives Allison a self-indulgent villain arc that does not involve sexual assault.
4. a morbid reflection
The Hargreeves may be broken people, but they have always tried their best to do what is right.
This isn’t the case in every universe.
When Allison reset the timeline with an incomplete equation, it fractured, resulting in dozens of different universes that are shaky reflections of the original. The Hargreeves and their allies have been scattered across these dimensions, trapped in worlds that are not their own with no clear path home.
Lila finds herself alone in one such universe. In this timeline, the members of the Umbrella Academy are not the heroes that are known and loved in other dimensions. Instead, they are the villains of this world, dark and twisted versions of the people Lila has come to love.
Unfortunately for her, if she’s going to get home, she’s going to need their help. She’ll do whatever it takes to convince them--or trick them--into giving her what she wants. But Lila isn’t the only one with ulterior motives; unbeknownst to her, there’s someone else pulling the strings, and they aren’t afraid to let the world burn along the way.
“This is the price of being powerful. Sometimes we step on ants.”
5. oh to be young again
Five tries to reverse the mistake that got him trapped in his 13-year-old body. Something goes wrong, and now his siblings are stuck as kids, too.
6. my brother’s keeper
(An Umbrella Academy/The Hunger Games AU) When Five Hargreeves’ brother is reaped for the 170th Annual Hunger Games, Five volunteers in a desperate ploy to save his life. He doesn’t expect to win, not when he’s so much smaller and younger than the rest of the tributes, but he’s willing to do anything to get back to Viktor. If that means defying the odds and fighting his way through twenty-three tributes to return home, then so be it.
Unbeknownst to Five, rebellion is boiling at the seams of Panem. The flame of revolution that died nearly a hundred years ago with Katniss Everdeen has been rekindled, and it has chosen this year’s tributes as its puppets.
Now Five finds himself faced with two choices: play the Capitol’s game and lose himself in the process, or fan the fires of revolution and risk losing the world instead.
7. the skeleton key
Klaus can’t take it any more; after one too many evenings spent trapped in the house of the dead, the ten-year-old boy decides to call the authorities on his father. Things don’t go quite as planned, and after months of brutal court cases and custody battles, Klaus and his siblings are scattered across the country through the foster care system.
Six years later, and Klaus hasn’t heard from his siblings since the day they were torn apart. As far as he’s aware, they never want to see him again; he did destroy their life, after all. But then a powerful new enemy rears their head, and Klaus starts receiving instructions through the mail. If he wants to save the world, he’ll have to reunite the Umbrella Academy… and just hope that the anonymous tipper feeding him information is friend, not foe.
8. rusty bullets
(Zombie apocalypse/no power AU) Viktor Hargreeves was attending his first semester of college when the world fell apart. Now the undead roam the streets, and Viktor isn’t quite sure how he’s still alive. One thing is certain, though; he needs to make it back to his hometown, back to his girlfriend Sissy. To do that, he’ll need to join forces with a ragtag band of survivors and battle his way across the apocalypse. The odds are not in his favor, so it’s a good thing Viktor has never been one to give up.
9. a trick of the fates
(Self-indulgent OC fic. They aren't a couple tho, just pals against the end of the world.) When Five Hargreeves escapes the apocalypse after six long years of solitude, he’s ecstatic. Now he has plenty of time to stop the apocalypse before it’s even begun. Only problem? He lands in Larkspur, Colorado, hundreds of miles away from home. And that’s not all… his powers don’t seem to be working, either.
Quincy Gray has never understood her powers, nor does she want to. Unfortunately, they’re becoming harder and harder to control. A miracle arrives in the form of a bedraggled boy who falls out of the sky and into her backyard. They quickly strike up a deal; Quincy gets him home to New York City, and Five teaches her how to use her powers along the way.
Nothing could go wrong, right?
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Chapter 1: Vanya
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Disclaimer: This fic has been written back in 2019, after the first season of Umbrella Academy.
I didn't switch from Vanya to Victor because I don't want to erase his personal growth, he's a great character and Elliot Page did an amazing job.
You knock on the door softly, the music stop for just the moment it takes to Vanya's voice to reach your ear.
"Come in" she says in a sweet tone.
You peek your head inside the room, Vanya is near the window wearing a white blouse and black jeans, her hair loose on her shoulders.
You think she's beautiful like this, playing her violin with her eyes closed, swinging slowly with the notes she makes.
You sit on the couch listening and admiring her intensity and waiting for her to finish the song before speak.
"Beautiful, the song was awesome too" you smile at her.
"Y/N!" she chuckles blushing "Thank you, I composed it but I am not sure... Maybe I should change a couple of notes".
"To me it was perfect... Oh Vanya, I just got an idea, but you have to give me your consent"
She looks at you with a puzzled expression before nodding.
"What about if I paint you a portrait while you're playing?" you ask her, excitement in your voice.
Vanya drops her glance to the floor like there was a huge stain on the carpet she could not tear her eyes off.
"Maybe... Maybe I am not a great subject" Vanya shakes her head, she's always been so insecure about herself that makes you want to rush to Reginald's grave and stomp on his tombstone.
All his fault if this beautiful, rare and kind woman is a ball of anxiety and repressed dreams.
You nudge closer to her on the couch, placing your left hand on her cheek and stroking gently with your thumb.
"Maybe I am the one not capable of catch all the wonders that you are" you said, barely a whisper.
With a little hesitation, she agrees and you rush to your room, taking your brushes and colors and a large canvas before returning to Vanya.
She makes a perfect model to you, in front of the window like before, with her violin under her chin and the sunbathing her figure in vivid orange.
You sketch her quickly and paint the canvas with fervor, not wasting a single second. Grace even brought you tea and sandwiches, smiling sweetly at both of you and making a pleasing sound when she sees your work.
"Thanks, Mom" Vanya and you say when she leaves. You finish right before dinner, Vanya is terrible at faking her curiosity to see the painting and now is your turn to feel a little nervous and insecure.
All of that emotions totally vanish when you see the woman expression, she's in total awe. "I'm... It's beautiful, I do not know what to say... I think you've made me prettier?" a tint of pink on her cheeks.
"This is exactly how I see you Vanya" She hugs you tightly thanking you repeatedly and hiding her face in the crook of your neck.
Even the rest of the family loves the painting, Grace insisted to hang it on her gallery on the second floor so she can see it every night. Vanya plays for you often and you love to sit on the couch sketching and drawing her.
You love her so much.
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ashleycatchemm · 3 months
03: The Return Of Five
Part 3 of ??
Parings: Five x Reader
Summary: (Y/n) Hargreeves has 7 adoptive siblings, all of which were born on the same day, of the same year, at the same hour. This phenomenon, somehow caused them all to get special powers. (Y/n) loved her siblings with all her heart, but there was one she just couldn’t stand, one that always seemed to get under her skin, and that was Five Hargreeves. The years flew by, with one sibling dead and another missing, the 6 that remained all went their separate ways. That is until the death of their father, Reginald Hargreeves. Now 29 years old, with all their own lives. The 6 remaining Hargreeves were brought back together for their fathers funeral, only for their missing brother to reappear out of no where, in his 16 year old body, saying that the world was going to end in 10 days. But it’s gonna take a lot more convincing for this dysfunctional family to even THINK about saving the world.
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Season 1 Masterlist
Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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~19 years ago~
Poking my head out my door I noticed Five's door ajar, the light from his desk lamp shining into the hallway. I could hear the smart ass grumbling about something that he was working on. Hoping to be able to sneak by him for once. I pushed my door open a little, activating my powers, camouflaging into my environment. Slowly closing the door quietly behind me, I started making my way over to the steps, only for the creak of a board to stop me in my tracks.
I heard from Five's room, a bright blue light shined in the middle of the hallway followed by the fluttering noise of his spacial jumps. The 10 year old boy appeared in the middle of the hallway, hair a mess, still in his uniform. "When are you gonna learn that-" he cut himself off, realizing that no one was around. I slowly started to continue towards the stairs on my tippy toes, as to avoid causing to much noise. The dark haired boy stood there, wracking his brain for some kind of answer to explain the creaking noise of the floorboards.
I was only a few feet away from the stairs, as an arm swung around my shoulders "And just where might we be going this fine evening?" A growl passed my lips in annoyance, shrugging his arm off my shoulders, I revealed myself to him. "How did you even know I was there?" My arms crossed as I faced the boy, shoving his hands in his pockets, a knowing smirk on his lips as he leaned forward.
"That's my little secret."
Green eyes sending a wink my way, only for him to straighten back up "And as much as I hate asking things twice..." he huffed "Where are we going this evening?" I scoffed, a confused look crossing my face "What do you mean 'we'?" Shoving past him, I quietly made my way down the steps. Only for Five to be standing at the bottom of the steps upon my departure down them. "Go back to your room Five." He shook his head, eyes narrowed at me as I walked passed him, having my eyes set on the front door.
Reappearing in front of me, I once again stopped in my tracks "I'm not letting you go out there by yourself." Rolling my eyes in response to Five's statement "I can handle myself out there." Five's hands moved in front of his uniform jacket, sticking them back in his shorts pockets "You aren't going out there alone." Crossing my arms in front of my chest, an annoyed look sat on my face as I stared down the boy in front of me.
"Oh yeah? Says who?"
His eyes narrowed, the corner of his lips lifting up into a small smirk "Says me." It was quiet between the two of us, both of us staring the other down, eyes unwavering. A look of amusement sat on one face, while the other held utter annoyance. Finally, I gave in, knowing he wasn't going to stop pestering me unless he tagged along. Stubborn ass. I thought, letting a small huff pass through my lips "Fine." I managed to walk past him, shoving my left shoulder into his own. "Just, keep up. I won't care if you need to stop to tie your shoe, I'll continue on without you." I almost reached the door, when Five's arrogant self appeared next to me.
"Trust me, I won't let you stray far from me."
Glancing over at the dark brown haired boy, a shit eating grin on his face, uniform jacket behind his arms, hands shoved into his shorts pockets. Rolling my eyes, I looked back towards the giant entrance doors in front of me "Whatever." I grumbled not wanting to drag this conversation on any longer. Opening one of the doors, I was quick to walk out, the troublesome Five Hargreeves following close behind me.
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My ears picked up the sound of shoes hitting the floor, step after step. It was slow and barely there, but still able to be heard, I focused on the sound of someone walking, only for it to stop. It didn't sound to far away from me, a heavy breath could be heard from the person in the room.
My eyes fluttered open, letting out a small groan as I slowly sat up. "What the hell..." I mumbled, bringing a hand up to my head, pain coursing through it for a quick second, my body quickly healing itself, slowly making the pain stop. Then, I heard it. The voice of the boy who I used too love but also hate. "Welcome back to the land of the living." Closing my eyes, I refused to believe he was actually there. Because I knew that he was never coming back.
I thought I was passed this? I can't be hearing his voice again.
My ears picked up a noise, the movement of fabric. (E/c) eyes opening back up, darting around the room, hoping to god I wasn't just hearing things again. But at the same time, I hope I was. Because dealing with the voices would be easier than having to see him again after all these years. My mind went blank as my eyes caught sight of a familiar figure, Five Hargreeves stood in an (obviously borrowed) umbrella academy uniform, hands shoved in the shorts pockets. Leaning over my vanity, his green eyes examining every picture and piece of jewelry on it (which was very few). He got taller, dark brown hair over his forehead on the right side of his face. A hint of a chiseled jawline could be seen, his features having matured since I last laid my eyes on him.
All I could do was stare, so many emotions working their way through me all at once. I felt angry for him abandoning me, after promising that he would never leave. Happy that he's back, Five Hargreeves, the boy I hate, but also loved, was standing in my room again after all these years. Scared that he would leave once again, and I'd lose him for the second time. And finally, Sad, because deep down I knew this couldn't be him, after all, I used to hear his voice when no one was there, I could be seeing him now as well.
I couldn't even get a sentence out, this seemed to grab the boy's attention, he straightened up as he looked over at me, forest green eyes sending me a hard glare. "Are you fucking stupid?" My eyes went wide at Five's sudden burst of anger, stomping towards me. I tried to sputter out something, anything, as he made his way towards me but my mind was blank. "What the hell were you thinking?! Sticking your damn hand into that portal!" An enraged huff left his lips, teeth clenched in anger.
I backed up a little on the bed feeling threatened I was still trying to process the fact that Five was here, standing in front of me. "I-I...Well... I just..." I couldn't find the words as I tried to say anything to explain myself but Five didn't give me the chance to continue, going back on his angry rant "You weren't thinking dumbass! Now we're both stuck in these pubescent bodies!" Gesturing between the two of us. Confused from his words, I let out a small scoff while asking "What do you mean 'both stuck'? You're the only teenager here." Green eyes rolling in annoyance, moving off to the side, he gestured towards my vanity with his right hand.
"Go take a look for yourself."
Moving my legs off the side of the bed, I quickly stood up, only to receive a dizzy spell in response to the fast movement. I closed my eyes, a hand shooting up to hold my head as I stumbled to the side, feeling as if I would fall. Five's eyes went wide, holding his arms out to catch me if I did fall. "Hey. Hey. Take it easy." The dark haired boy stated in an almost caring way. The dizzy feeling left as fast as it came, causing me to shake my head, the hand that was just on my forehead waved between me and Five. Grumbling out "I'm fine." My eyes opened as I made my way over to the vanity.
Placing my hands on it, leaning over a little to stare at the girl in the mirror. What the fuck? I recognized the person staring back at me in the mirror, it was my 16 year old self. Looking down at my clothes, there wasn't much of a difference, but they did seem a bit baggier than usual.  (E/c) eyes landing back on the mirror in front of me, hands gripping onto the vanity as if to stabilize myself from the shock of being back in my 16 year old body.
Anger coursed through me as my hands turned into fists on top of the vanity. Slamming them down against it, a small growl passed my lips, only for me to quickly close my eyes and try to steady my breathing. Calmly, I asked "What the hell did you do now?" Not bothering to turn towards him "I miss calculated when I jumped back in time." My brows furrowed in confusion, letting out a small breath as my anger faded, I turned back to face the 16 year old boy in front of me.
"What do you mean 'back in time'? You were in the future?"
Five let out a small huff, his eyes glancing off to the side for a quick second, gaze landing back on me "For over 4 decades." I shook my head in denial, trying to wrap my head around things. "That's impossible. You've only been gone-" Five finished my sentence with a nod of his head "For 16 years I know. But that's in your time." Walking a little closer to me "For me it's been over 4 decades." Closing my eyes for a few seconds I tried to piece things together.
Opening them I stated "That would mean that you're over 50 years old." Five's shoulders shrugged "58 if we're technically speaking." I narrowed my eyes at his 16 year old self "So then how..." I gestured to his whole body, causing his green eyes to roll in annoyance, letting out a huff he asked "Did you not hear a thing I just said?" Taking a few steps forward, an aggravated look sat on his face.
"No. Because I was to busy trying to process all this shit."
Gesturing around me Five pinched the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath he moved his hands back to his pockets, while opening his eyes. "I hate repeating myself, but since you are just as dim witted as the rest of the morons here..." Stepping forward, I scoffed in offense "Dim witted?! I-" Five didn't move an inch as the two of us stood face to face, staring down at me with the annoyed look that he always seemed to wear, as I looked back up at him anger written across my face.
Cutting me off " I- Five Hargreeves, miss calculated- made a mistake, when coming back here- to the present." I realized Five was purposely dumbing things down. My teeth grit in anger as I dug my nails into the palm of my hands. Five gestured between us "Which caused the two of us, to be stuck in these damn teenage bodies." A growl arose from the back of my throat, I turned away from five, closing my eyes as I tried to calm down, not wanting to get out of control. I heard the boy behind me suck in a small breath almost nervously, feeling his stare behind me.
I huffed and opened my eyes, feeling myself calm down a little as my nails dug into the palm of my hands, causing me to focus on the pain. "You're not getting angry?" Five asked skeptically, taking a few more deep breaths, I felt myself calming down. Turning back to face Five, my eyes opened, along with my fists. "Yeah. Something I've learned over the years." I stated, watching as his eyes fixated on my hands by my sides, that now had blood dripping down them.
"Bit of an unhealthy way to calm down, don't you think?"
Five's green eyes met my own, concern shining through them. His face held the same stoic expression he seemed to always wear, while his eyes held all his feelings on the matter. I glanced off to the side "It helps keep me grounded whenever I feel like I'm loosing control." My eyes moved back to meet his, the dark haired time traveler in front of me holding his stare on me, not wavering for a second. "Does this happen a lot? (Y/n), how much does this happen?" Five questioned, almost desperately, trying to put the pieces together as to why I need something to ground me.
My (e/c) eyes dropped down to my feet, hoping to avoid the questions he was currently asking. A small sigh passed Five's lips, "Come with me." He stated, looking up at him I opened my mouth to give him some kind of response. But he didn't seem to give me a choice in the matter as his right hand gently wrapped around my left wrist, carefully pulling me along behind him.
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Once we reached the bathroom, he let go of my wrist only to start looking through the cabinets above the sink. "Five I-" quickly shushing me, I sent him a glare.
Pointing at the closed toilet seat, his eyes never wavered from trying to find what he was looking for. I let out a small huff in defiance, only to end up giving in anyway, sitting down on top of the toilet seat. Placing the, cotton balls and gauze wrap on the counter, along with the Isopropyl Alcohol, he shut the cabinet and moved over to stand in front of me. "Hand." My (e/c) eyes stared up at him, dark brown hair hanging over his forehead, obstructing my view to his right eye.
When I didn't give him either of my hands, I noticed his green eyes roll, before his left hand came down to hold my left wrist. Gently pulling it towards him, palm open and facing up at him. "Shit. (Y/n), how many times have you done this?" My eyes drifted down to look at my open palm, scars, scratches and blood littered it. I shrugged, not wanting to answer his question. I heard a small huff escape his lips, his hands moved up to my sleeve and started to roll it up, only for my eyes to widen in fear. Trying to quickly move my arm away, but Five grabbed ahold of my wrist causing me to wince in pain.
He seemed to catch my small reaction, loosening his grip, I relaxed just a little. "I can take care of myself." Five's eyes seemed to narrow in anger, teeth clenching "Is this what you call taking care of yourself?!" Yanking up my sleeve, my eyes widened as I sucked in a breath of air, feeling the fabric rub against my recent cuts. "H-How did you-" scars and cuts now visible to the boy in front of me "I know a lot of things about you (Y/n)." Dabbing a cotton ball in the Alcohol, he continued "I know about you and Ben." It was barely there but I was able to hear a small waver in his voice as he told me. Five didn't waste anymore time as he gently rubbed the soaked cotton ball against my palm, covered in dried blood.
"I know about how Reginald treated you while I was away."
Once my hand was cleaned he moved up to my arms, running it over the irritated cuts a couple of times. It stung and hurt, but I didn't show it as I just watched the boy fix me up. Something that no one has ever done before, not even Diego when he was glued to my side for 3 years. But even through this nice gesture, I felt angry. Angry for him leaving me, angry for him not coming back. Why did he just come back now if he knew everything? A small growl left my throat and I tried to close my palm, only for Five to stop me and straighten my hand back out.
"You're angry, so talk to me about it. Don't try to push it down. Why are you mad?"
I glared up at Five, his green eyes staring right back into my own. "Why didn't you come back?" Fives eyes drifted back down to focus on wrapping up my hand "I couldn't." a huff in aggravation passed my lips. "What do you mean 'you couldn't'?" Once he finished wrapping it, he shoved the hand back towards me "Because I couldn't go back in time. I could only go forwards." Grabbing the other one he slowly rolled up my sleeve, his brows furrowed, teeth grit in anger as he looked over each and every cut and scar.
"You must've used your own hands. Didn't you?"
I stayed quiet my eyes drifting down towards the cuts and scars that littered my arm "Because I know that you can't heal from yourself, if these were normal knife wounds they wouldn't be here. So it was your own claws wasn't it?" I didn't want to answer him, but even if I did it wouldn't matter, because he already knew the answer anyway. Five's hand tightened around my arm for a quick second, only for him to let out a small breath, calming himself down before running a wet cotton ball over the wounds.
A burning sensation ran through my arm and hand like it did for the other, but I paid no mind to it. Different questions and thoughts flew through my head as he silently cleaned my wounds. After a minute or so I finally decided to ask the one question that's been on my mind. "You said you know a lot of things..." his eyes glanced up into my own, only to let out a small scoff as if I somehow insulted him. Throwing the now dirty cotton ball away "Yes, I do. What about it?" his green hues drifted back down to focus on wrapping up my hand.
"I just..."
I paused, debating wether or not I even wanted to ask the question. Not wanting him to know what I did years ago, but then again, I had a gut feeling that he already knew about it. "Well? Spit it out." My eyes stayed trained on Five, watching as he wrapped the gauze around my hand in his own caring manner. "What else do you know?" he stopped his actions to look up at me. I continued to clarify myself "About me, I mean." His forest green eyes held an emotion I couldn't quite place, lips twitching down, but quickly moving back to their original spot, keeping same stoic expression he always seemed to wear.
Five's brows furrowed, putting the pieces together behind my question, as to what I was really asking. "You want to know if I know about your attempted suicide." I swallowed the lump in my throat just what I thought. Of course Five knows. My eyes darted off to the side, confirming his statement to be true. I felt embarrassed, and ashamed. I was hoping that he wouldn't know, but I had a strong suspicion that he did. Five continued to wrap up my hand, my eyes stayed glued to my hands, not really knowing what to say.
A small sigh escaped the dark haired boy "(y/n), look at me." I didn't want to look him in the eyes. I couldn't. Because I'm not the same girl he once knew, I'm not the strong independent girl who never ran from a fight. No. I'm constantly terrified of when I might loose control next, always living in fear and never able to hold so much as a glimpse of a smile. I have to much death on my shoulders, and it seems to be following me everywhere I go.
Once Five finished wrapping up my hand he grabbed my chin and was quick to turn my head to face him "Look at me." His lip twitched down a little, his face holding a look that seemed to be remorseful "You're here with me now, which shows just how strong you can be. And proves that there is some hope still left in you." I stared at the 16 year old boy in front of me, watching his face go back to the same look it always has while his eyes continue to hold the same sorrowful emotion.
"So please don't stop trying, because I don't know what I'd do without you again."
I didn't know how to respond so I just sat there in silence, mouth held slightly agape. Rattling my brain for some kind of answer to his statement. Letting go of my chin, Five turned around and started making his way towards the door when my mouth finally caught up to me. "Five." Stopping in the doorway Five turned his body slightly to show that he was listening, but kept it so I only saw the back of his head. I continued "I won't stop trying. So don't worry." Five didn't give a response, standing there for a second or two before continuing to march out the doorway.
"Hurry up and get dressed. Meet me back downstairs when you're done."
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~18 years ago~
A fluttering noise, followed by a flash of blue was quick to wake me. Sitting up in my bed, my eyes caught sight of the person who disturbed my peaceful slumber. "Five?" I questioned, squinting my eyes as I rubbed them to wake myself up further. "What are you doing here?" The dark haired boy shushed me a little before walking over to the side of my bed. "Come with me." His hand stuck out towards me to take, the light from the windows casting a glow onto the side of his face.
I noticed he was already all dressed in his uniform "What time is it?" Fives eyes rolled in annoyance at all the questions "it doesn't matter. Just, come with me." Now fully awake, my legs sat criss crossed under the covers "Can I at least know where we're going?" Five didn't respond, green eyes glancing down at the hand held out to me, as if begging me to grab ahold of it. I let out a small huff before moving the covers off me. "You're being real secretive this morning." A smirk graced the boys features as I stood up.
"When am I not?"
Taking his hand in my own, he pulled me closer to him, head leaning over, he whispered "Focus on me." Mouth a good distance away from my ear, knowing if he said anything to close he could hurt it from being to loud. I knew exactly what this boy was about to do, glaring at him from the corner of my eye "Five. I swear to god if you-" a chuckle escaped the dark haired boy, the fluttering noise of a spacial jump could be heard, successfully cutting me off as the two of us disappeared.
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When we reappeared, my head was pounding in pain, ears ringing from all the loud noises that hit me at once. Five let go of my hand, only for both of my hands to be brought up to my ears. Closing my eyes I let out a small huff as the ringing in my ears slowly subsided. I felt someone grab my face in their hands, causing my eyes to shoot open. I was met with a pair of forest green ones staring back into my own, Five's lips moved but I could barely hear anything.
"Damn it Five!"
Bringing my hands away from my ears, I placed them on his chest, shoving him away from me. "I hate it when you do that!" The dark haired boy stumbled back a few feet, eyes blown wide in surprise. My hearing slowly began to clear up and focus on the boy in front of me. Quick to catch himself on his feet, he stated "I told you to focus on me." Sending Five a glare I let out an angry huff "Yeah well you didn't really give me a chance to!" He quickly jumped towards me, covering my mouth with his left hand "shh." His right hand held onto the back of my head, preventing me from moving my head away.
His eyes glanced over at the building next to us, which just so happened to be the mansion which we live in. "Do you wanna get us caught?" He angrily whispered, only for a growl to arise in the back of my throat. Opening my mouth, I bit down on the inside of his hand, causing Five to bring his hand away and let go. "Ow! Did-Did you just bite me?!" Five whisper yelled, eyes blown wide from surprise. Crossing my arms a crossed my chest, eyes narrowing at the boy in front of me. "What are you up too Five?" Looking down at the palm of his left hand "Jesus, you really bit me!" Rolling my eyes at his dramatics.
"Oh please. I didn't even break skin. If I wanted to hurt you, I would've done it by now."
Five messaged the palm of his hand with the thumb on his right hand, eyes trained on it "Well yeah. It just surprised me is all." I huffed a little starting to get annoyed "Are you going to tell me what you woke me up for now?" His eyes drifted from his hands, to the mansion-like building beside us "I forgot something inside." Green eyes landing on me, he narrowed them, a serious tone being held in his voice "Stay. Here." Looking back at the building he continued "I'll only be a second or two." I went to say something in response, only for a fluttering noise and blue flash to cut me off, letting me know that he was already spacial jumping away.
"Damn it Five." I grumbled out.
Annoyed and tired, I flopped down on the rock wall near our house. As much as the boy annoyed me, I could never stay mad at him for long. Five was quick to spacial jump back, gift bag in hand. "Couldn't find the damn thing at first." My eyes narrowed in confusion at the small bag "What's that for?" I asked, only for his arrogant smirk to grace his lips. "You'll find out soon enough." He stated, all while hiding the bag behind him. Holding a hand out for me to take, I shook my head in defiance.
"Oh no. I'm not going anywhere with you. You're just gonna spacial jump to our destination."
Letting out a small huff in annoyance, Five responded "As much as I would love to spacial jump there, I feel like taking a stroll this morning. Care to join me?" My eyes narrowed at him, not fully believing the dark hard boy. But as his eyes stared into my own, lips twitching up into a small uncharacteristic nervous smile. Closing my eyes, I let out a small sigh as a smile over took my lips, opening my (e/c) eyes meeting a pair of green ones. "Don't look at me like that." Taking his outstretched hand in my own, he quickly pulled me up, bringing me close in front of him.
"Like what?"
An almost genuine smile now sat on his lips, eyes shining with happiness. Our faces were inches apart as I stated "Like that, like you're actually happy." One of his brows lifted in a questioning way, all while that happy look stayed glued to his face. "Am I not aloud to be happy?" My eyes widened a little, of course he can be happy! I thought it's just different seeing it on him of all people. I quickly sputtered out exactly what I was thinking "of course you can, it's just... I never thought I would see that look on you." Fives eyes danced around my face, I couldn't tell if he was ignoring my statement, or didn't know what to say. His eyes finally landed back on my own after a small gap of silence.
Fives smile quickly faded into his normal stoic look "come on" turning around he started dragging me off "let's go." I fast walked to catch up to him, the two of us walking side by side. "Do I at least get to know where we are going?" Five's infamous smirk appeared on his face as he looked over at me.
"Not a chance."
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I wasn't to surprised when the destination turned out to be a park we would always hangout in, after getting some food from Griddy's. Considering that it's 3 in the morning (I got the information out of Five) and Griddy's is currently closed, this is the next best thing. Whenever we came here we'd always sit underneath this giant maple tree at the top of the only hill in the entire park. It was nice and peaceful, it gave the two of us a break from everything so we could just talk or even sit there quietly doing our own things. But Five never seemed to take a break, considering the fact that he'd constantly be trying to figure out the right equation for time travel.
This time was different, Five seemed carefree his morning, like the only thing on his mind was here and now. He didn't have some kind of math problem going on in the back of his head and he wasn't angry about some argument with our father. Once we made it to the tree, the two of us sat down at the bottom and stared out at the rest of the park. "It's so peaceful out here." I stated, Five hummed in agreement before saying "Yeah, it is very beautiful as well." I let out a small huff in disbelief, looking over to him "You can't even see anything, it's to dark." To my surprise, he was already looking at me with a look that I couldn't quite place.
Shifting his view to the park, he cleared his throat before defending his statement "The streetlights in the park, it shows some of it, so it does have its own beauty at night." I nodded my head in agreement, while staring out at the park "I guess you're right." Five chuckled, sending a glance my way, smirk gracing his lips "And when am I wrong?" The dark haired boy smugly stated. Rolling my eyes, I bumped my shoulder into his own "Shut up." I stated playfully, causing him to let out another chuckle as a smile appeared on my face.
I started to feel the warm rays of the sun on my face as the park lit up around us. Looking over to my left, I noticed the sun slowly rising over the horizon. Hearing the noise of a bag crinkling, I glanced back over at Five, only to see the bag in his hands along with a small nervous smile on his face. "Happy birthday (Y/n)" my eyes widened a little, watching as the sun lit up his face, causing his hair to shine, showing just how brown it is. Fives forest green eyes could be seen clear as day holding an emotion I couldn't quite place, one that I've been seeing a lot more on the spacial jumpers face.
"Our birthday isn't till tomorrow."
"I wanted to get a head start and give you your gift now."
I should've known that it was that, Five always loved to be one step ahead, even if it was by a day or so. The dark brown haired boy pushed the gift more towards me encouraging me to take it. I slowly took ahold of the gift bag, curiously taking a peak inside "What is it?" A chuckle passed Fives lips at my question "Why don't you open it and find out?" Looking up at Five, his infamous smirk sitting on his face as a smile graced my lips. Opening the bag, my eyes landed on the light blue Polaroid camera, my smile broadened at the sight of it. Pulling the camera out of the bag Five explained "I always see you looking at it through the window of the camera shop we pass by, so I figured that-" I cut him off, eyes glued to the camera in my hands.
"Is there any film in it?"
I struggled to try to open it as Five gave a quick answer "Well yeah, I put eight in there so you can use it right when you get it." Turning the camera on I gave a quick response "Perfect." As I lifted the camera up to face us, throwing an arm around Five, all while he looked down at me, a confused look on his face. A joyous smile crossed my lips as I snapped the picture, bringing it back down to my lap a small Polaroid printed out of the slit at the base of the camera. "I wasn't ready. Let's take another one." Taking the picture from the camera, I shook it a little while teasing the boy next to me.
"Aww, is Mr.Grumpy pants mad that he didn't look good in the picture?"
Five rolled his eyes at me, taking the camera from off my lap "Hey!" I exclaimed, all while he grumbled out an annoyed response "Shut up and look at the camera." Five threw an arm around my shoulders pulling me closer to him as the two of us looked at the camera, a gentle smile sat on his face, all while a broad smile appeared on my own. The dark haired boy was quick to snap the picture, the Polaroid popping out soon after. Five took the Polaroid before handing the camera back to me "This one's mine to keep." Taking the camera out of his hands, I watched as he stared at the picture, patiently waiting for it to develop.
A small smile appeared on his lips, eyes shining with the same glow it's held all morning. Looking back out at the horizon, I noticed the sun rising higher and getting a bit brighter. "We should get going, before dad realizes we're gone." Glancing back at Five to see his response, he had his eyes glued to the currently developing picture. "Five." Snapping his eyes up to me, narrowed in almost an annoyed look, seeming to be aggravated that I distracted him from the picture. Five's eyes softened after a minute, and slowly stood up, lending a hand out for me to take.
"Come on."
Putting the camera back in the bag, I grabbed ahold of his hand. Pulling me up, a small smirk graced his lips, only for my eyes to narrow.
"Five don't you da-"
And with that the two of us special jumped back to the academy
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astrologicalwarrior · 1 month
The Wanderer Series
On the 12th hour of the first day of October 1989, 43 women around the world gave birth. This was unusual only in the fact that none of these women had been pregnant when the day first began. Sir Reginald Hargreeves, eccentric billionaire and adventurer,  resolved to locate and adopt as many of the children as possible.
He got seven of them.
On October 1st, 1989, Anabell Nicholson woke up feeling the same as she always did. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, the sun was shining as it always did. The leaves swayed in the wind as usual. It was a normal Sunday, so Anabell proceeded to her routine as usual. She stretched before swinging her legs over the edge of the bed. She stood and walked to the bathroom to get ready for her day.  Anabell took the same path she always did to church. She entered the same church she always did. She praised the Lord with the same devotion as usual. At 11:58 AM she stood as always to approach the front. At 11:59 she turned to face the priest as usual. At 12:00 PM she dropped to the floor clutching her now round belly in pain. Now that was unusual.
 On October 1st 1989, Tabitha took her first breath and screamed. 
Since then she never stopped.
Since the day she was born, Tabitha’s mother knew there was something different about her. For starters, the fact that Tabitha was even born was unbelievable and quite frankly, impossible. As a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Anabelle firmly believed in no sex before marriage, so imagine her surprise when in the middle of Sunday's sacrament she gave birth to a baby girl with bright blue eyes. 
It’s not that Anabell did not want to be a mother, she just did not plan to be a 21 year old unmarried virgin mother but she believed that this was God’s will. So when an older gentleman named Sir Reginald Hargreeves offered her thousands of dollars for her child, she declined. The thought of selling her miracle child that the Lord blessed her with seemed like an ultimate disrespect. Instead she decided to raise the young girl, with the help of her church, to be a good God fearing woman. 
She tried her best. Lord she really did but when Tabitha hit the age of 4 and her eyes started to glow she started to question if this child was really a gift from God or a curse from the Devil himself. She tried to ignore the gold glow of her eyes, she tried to rationalize when that same glow started to appear on the young girl's hand. She could not ignore when that same glow appeared in others eyes when Tabitha was around, how those that were affected by the same glow that Tabitha possessed would then seem to be under Tabitha’s command. She did the only thing she could think of to help her child. She called a priest.
Tabitha remembers the day she turned 9 like it happened yesterday. She remembers the feel of the rope around her wrist and ankles. The way her drenched hair was plastered to her forehead after the priest threw the holy water. The way she screamed for her mother while he yelled at her in a language she did not understand. She remembered how dry her mouth was, the way that her bones ached from being kept in the same position for days. She remembers the relife she felt once she was released. At 16 she finds herself in the same predicament except this time, she snaps.
coming soon...
nothing yet...
nothing yet...
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Luther, Diego, Allison, Klaus, Five, Ben, Marcus, Fei, Jayme, Alphonso, Sloane, and Christopher: Fuck you, Vanya, you destroyed the world twice and nobody loves you. Viktor: :( Viktor: oh also my name’s Viktor. Everybody: Well. Fuck you Viktor.
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inopportune-oddity · 3 months
Chapter 8 of The Crescent Moon is here! woohoo!
If Chapter 7 wasn't angsty enough for you then don't worry, it ramps up again now since these two dumbasses don't talk and communicate nearly enough (¬、¬)
This chapter introduces a very important character! ✨ Impington ✨
We have big plans for him later on, so I'd love to see what your theories are as to how he's going to be influencing the storyline if you care to drop a comment! My Blitzy and I absolutely love reading and replying to them 😁
As always @wanking-at-your-funeral did a fantastic job not only co-writing but also editing this chapter, so please throw in a kudos if you enjoyed reading it <3
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mithrilhearts · 2 years
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Dragonhearted by LordOfTheRazzles
“Bilbo…there is no use…” Bungo wheezed from where he was seated, huddled into his blanket and looking like the definition of miserable. His ears were droopy, a tad discolored at the tips, and his eyes practically sagged in exhaustion. “I can’t afford to think like that. I will get us out of here, I have to warn Thorin! This isn’t right!” “Save your voice, son,” Bungo encouraged again, still shivering, but fixing his son with a confused look that couldn’t help but display some skepticism. “Why are you–you so concerned…over a dragon? He took you from me and held…you prisoner…” Bilbo, for the first time since being locked away in this cage, pried his hands from the metal bars. His hands rubbed raw at the force he had been trying to use. “Why do you think I’m here, father? He let me go. As soon as we both saw that you were in danger from the storm…he ushered me out. Thorin is not the beast that everyone is saying he is.” “But–” A gold coin was pulled from Bilbo’s coat, nestled nicely in his palm, before stretching out his arm to hand it over. “He wanted me to give you this. He wanted me to tell you that he was sorry for your initial meeting.”  Bungo was hesitant, but reached out to grab the coin. It had the same rough marks on it as the one that he had picked up within that treasure hall. To part with it was quite the gesture, but it still left the older hobbit confused. It had only been a few weeks. What could have possibly changed? That’s when Bungo’s deep brown eyes lifted to meet the hazels that reminded him so much of Belladonna. Bilbo truly was his mother’s son.  Swallowing thickly and reaching out his free hand to gently cup the side of Bilbo’s face, Bungo bore a tired, but loving smile. “You’re–you’re just like your mother. Able to bring out the best side of any individual.” That’s when Bungo took notice of a braid fashioned off with a dwarvish bead at the side of his son’s face. It was as loud and clear as a head decorated with flowers, or being presented with one’s favorite meal as a gesture of courtship. A gesture of love.
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random-writer-23 · 2 years
Sunshine (Ben Hargreeves x reader)
An: Hello my lovelies I apologize in advance for writing this, I shed a few tears while writing this so lmao if you cry, we're in the same boat. But I hope you enjoy this angst I'm throwing at you! Happy reading!
Warnings: angst, deals with death, and some cursing.
Words: 3579
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"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are grey, you'll never know dear how much I love you, so please don't take my sunshine away" I sang softly to myself, sitting on my bed in my room. I fiddled with the (random/object), in my hand, humming the tune to mine and Ben's special song. He had nicknamed me sunshine when we were younger and had called me that ever since he came up with the name. Since then, that has been our special song. The one we sang to Calm each other down when we were stressed, or couldn't sleep, or were scared, or just when we wanted something to do. I started humming the beginning again and sang the lyrics for a second time. "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are grey, you'll never know dear how much I love you, so please don't take my sunshine away." I had stood up from my bed and started dancing around the room as I sang. As I finished the last lyric I heard a chuckle coming from my doorway. It was Ben, my best friend, (and sort of crush), within the Hargreeves family.
"You're singing our song without me," He said faking a pout as he leaned against the doorframe. I giggled
"I was indeed" I chuckled walking over to give him a hug, He pushed off the door and walked towards me meeting me halfway. I smiled as he wrapped his arms around me hugging me gently. "I'm sorry benny boo" I giggled, 'apologizing' for singing our song without him there to hear it.
"It's okay I forgive you, just never do it again" He answered jokingly, holding me at arm's length, and wagging his finger at me threateningly. I laughed, and he let go of my shoulder.
"So what's up Ben, why were you creepily watching me from my doorway," I asked moving back to sit on my bed, he followed and sat on the other end.
"what, I can't just come to visit my best friend anymore?" He asked appalled that I would even suggest him having some ulterior motive to come visit.
"Yes, but this is YOU we're talking about, so what do you want?" I asked chuckling.
"Alright, Alright, I was getting tired of being around Klaus so I came in here to escape him" Ben explained with another chuckle.
"oh so what, am I just your backup?" I said pretending to be angry with him, I folded my arms giving him a glare, successfully holding back my laughter.
"Of course not," He said gently "You know I prefer you to Klaus, but Klaus was just needier than you today" He explained laying across my bed looking up at the ceiling.
"whatever you say" I replied with a giggle, faking the disbelief evident in my voice. I continued to fiddle with the (random/object) in my hands as silence fell between the two of us, the silence wasn't suffocating or tense or anything, it was comfortable. And neither of us felt the need to fill it with mindless chatter.
"Sing it again for me, Sunshine?" Ben asked suddenly using my nickname against me, and shattering the calm silence I had been enjoying, I looked over at him, he hadn't moved from his spot staring up at my bedroom ceiling.
"Benny Boo? Why?" I whined at his request, using the awful nickname I had given him that just stuck.
"Because I like hearing you sing it" He replied snarkily finally turning his head to look at me. "So please??" He asked smiling widely
"You know I hate singing in front of people," I paused in my statement before continuing when I saw he was about to interject. " even if it's just you" I finished giving him a look.
"Oh come on," He frowned, "Pretty please?" He asked folding his hands together in a begging motion.
"No," I said bluntly, staring at him with a glare.
"Pretty please with a cherry on top?" He begged, sticking out his bottom lip, and giving me his best puppy dog face. 'well shit, how can I say no to that adorable face' I thought to myself, my glare softening.
"ok fine!" I announced, to him, and he stopped his begging immediately.
"Yay!" He smiled widely and clapped his hands like a little kid being promised a new toy, I just laughed at him. I watched him laugh with me before he crawled over to where I sat on my bed with my legs crossed and continued to lay down. This time with his head in my lap. I sighed as he looked up at me expectantly, waiting for me to start singing to him. I rolled my eyes as he got comfortable in my lap.
"are you comfortable yet Benny?" I asked with a small smile as I watched him squirm around trying to get comfy.
"Not yet" He mumbled grabbing a nearby pillow and stuffing it under his head, and on my lap, boosting his head up higher and closer to my face. I rolled my eyes again, as he fluffed the pillow quickly, before finally settling down. "now I'm ready" He declared after he finally became comfortable in my lap. I rolled my eyes for the millionth time since he entered my room, and against my will began to hum the opening tune to the song. I hummed the tune slower than the original song plays, turning it into a sort of lullaby. As I started humming Ben reached for my hand resting next to me on the bed. He grabbed my hand and moved it up to his head so I was running my fingers through his hair. Once he was sure that I wouldn't stop with the movement he released my hand and sighed contently, a very small smile etched onto his face. Then I began to sing.
"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are grey, you'll never know dear, how much I love you, please don't take my sunshine away" I stopped singing words and hummed the tune before the next lyric. "The other night dear, as I lay sleeping, I dreamed I held you in my arms when I awoke dear I was mistaken, and I hung my head and cried" I hummed the tune again before starting the final part to the song, "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are grey, you'll never know dear, how much I love you, please don't take my sunshine away... Please don't take my sunshine away" I finished singing softly and I looked down at Ben fondly, he still had his eyes closed, and I swear I could hear a soft snore coming from him. I kept running my hands through his hair, knowing if I stopped I would wake him up. I didn't want to do that, he was already tired enough from all the missions and training our dear father forces him to do. He looked so peaceful and happy and content as he snored softly. judging from how he was right now, you would have never thought he had small monsters brewing inside his stomach. Man, I loved him, more than he would ever know. I would just die if he ever found out I loved him as more than a best friend. But I couldn't help but lean down and place a soft kiss on his forehead, as he slept... At least I thought he was asleep until a wide smile stretched across his face, and he opened his eyes. I frowned as he grinned up at me blinking innocently.
"I thought you were asleep" I groaned with slight embarrassment.
"I was about to fall asleep until you decided to leave a big smooch on my forehead," He said with the biggest grin I had ever seen. I scowled at him.
"Shut up" I mumbled shyly, pink dusting my cheeks, he sat up and rotated to face me. He smiled wistfully at me before raising his hand to my cheek stroking it with his thumb softly.
"it's ok Sunshine, I didn't mind, he said softly. As he leaned in closer to me, my breath got caught in my throat, until he finally pressed his lips against mine softly. My eyes fluttered shut, and I let out the breath I had been holding. The kiss didn't last long, only a few seconds at most, but it made butterflies erupt in my stomach like I was a little girl. He pulled away with small glow in his eyes, that wasn't there before. I smiled at him, giggling stupidly, and he rested his forehead on mine. "You know, I've been wanting to do that for a while now, He said unable to contain his grin.
"Have you now? I said with a smile that rivalled his.
"I have" He responded
"Well, then you should have done that a while ago" I replied sassily.
"Really?" He moved away from me, instead choosing to sit in front of me and play with my fingers.
"yep" I smiled, "cause let me let you in on a little secret, I wouldn't have minded" I copied his answer, from when I kissed his forehead. And he chuckled.
Time Skip (be warned the Angst is beyond this point, I also mention the word goons like 50 million times)
Another damn mission, this one getting a tad bit out of hand, the entire umbrella academy was overwhelmed, and if we didn't step up our game and fight harder we would soon be overrun, and one of us would get hurt. I was fighting multiple people at once, and so was everyone else. More goons appearing out of seemingly nowhere as soon as you finally knocked one goon out. Knock one down and Two more appear. I was getting tired, using my power for this long was draining me, and quickly at that. But I couldn't stop fighting, not unless I wanted to die. Which I didn't so I just took a deep breath to steady my dizzy head, turned to the group of goons slowly surrounding me. I looked at each of them in the eye and smiled. They cocked their guns nervously and the click echoed in my mind. I swirled my hands around in a small circle, the trail of a (favourite/colour) glow following after my hands, I threw my arms out to the side knocking the goons that were facing the palm of my hands across the room. One of them landed on one of the goons Allison was fighting on the other end of the room. The rest of the goons that surrounded me looked at each other fearfully then back at me. I smirked.
"What's wrong, you look a little scared boys," I remarked snarkily to the goons, before waving my hands again and sending them all directly into the nearest wall. Clearing the circle of goons around me. Before more goons filled their place. I scowled angrily. "Holy shit, How many of you guys are there?" I asked, the rhetorical question aimed towards the newest set of goons before I pushed my hands forward the (favourite/colour) glow following, and sending the circle sliding across the floor into the group of goons Diego was fighting, knocking out every single one of them. Diego threw me a grateful glance, before throwing a knife at me, my eyes widened as it came hurtling towards me, until it curved around me and hit a goon that was making a quiet approach behind me. "That was close, Thanks Diego," I said with a smile, as I wiped the sweat off my forehead. No more goons had approached me so I went to find Ben to help him out. Pushing my hands towards the ground, I pushed my self off the ground and flew around the room looking for him. But for some reason, I couldn't find him. I shrugged, not thinking much of it and looked around the room to see which of my 'siblings' needed help. I noticed Allison was struggling a little so I yelled out to her. "Allie!" I shouted down
"What (y/n)?" She yelled back blocking her opponent's punch and kicking the guy in the head.
"Rumor them!" I shouted, landing next to her when I saw someone approach her from the back, I flung my arm out once I landed launching a ball of (F/c) glowing energy towards them. "Make these guys fight each other," I said to her as I swirled my hands knocking them men off their feet, giving Allison time to Rumor them.
"I heard a rumour, that you all fought each other," She said, her words echoing towards the fallen goons. I watched with Interest as their eyes glazed over as they stood to comply with her orders. We giggled to each other and I raised my arms pushing myself off the ground and levitating Allison off the ground just before one goon threw a punch at another who was stood right behind her. The circle of bad guys turned into a mass of flailing arms as they fought one another, Allison and I floated above the commotion and looked around at who needed help.
"set me over by Luther," She said after giving a quick scan of the room, to see who needed the most help. I looked over to where she was looking and saw Luther struggling to keep up with the punches being thrown at him. I quickly moved Allison over to him to help him, and Lost control she wasn't too far from the ground, so she dropped down rolling and landing on her feet perfectly. I sighed in relief that she was okay and moved over to where Klaus was going one on one with an opponent, he was dancing around laughing hysterically at absolutely nothing, and making snarky and funny remarks, riling up his opponent, getting him angry. And the thing was the angrier his opponent was, the worse his punches were. Klaus got a few good punches in but I still figured I should help him out a little bit. I dropped down beside him and, said hello. Making him completely turn towards me.
"Well hello there 'Sunshine'" He said with a grin, putting emphasis on the word Sunshine, and raising his eyebrows suggestively. He was the only one who knew about mine and Ben's secret 'Relationship' and he took advantage of that, teasing us endlessly about it. But within that split second he looked away from his opponent, the goon he was fighting threw a hard punch hitting Klaus hard on the jaw, making Klaus spin and fall to the floor. I watched Klaus fall, catching him and gently lowering him to the floor before looking at the goon. I was enraged, how dare this fiend lay a hand on my innocent little boy. I looked after Klaus more than even Ben did, and Klaus came to me when he was drunk and crying, or scared. I looked after him like he was my younger brother even though he was the same age as me. I had a huge soft spot for Klaus and he knew this. So I was a bit protective of him, and seeing this villain, this piece of scum, even lay a finger on my little bean enraged me. My eyes glowed the same colour as my hands and I lifted the guy into the air effortlessly.
"Don't ever lay a hand on my little baby boy Klaus ever again" I with my jaw clenched tightly. "or any of my siblings for that matter" I added for good measure, I saw the man's eyes widen with surprise and fear. I kept him suspended in the air before letting out a growl and flinging my arm towards the nearest wall as hard as I could. He zoomed past as a blur and I could barely hear his scream before he crashed into the wall so hard I could hear his back cracking as it broke, and his limp body fell to the floor weakly. He didn't move after that, and the spot where his body had made contact with the wall, was a huge crack and hole. My rage died down and the glow in my eyes dimmed. I unclenched my fist and breathed in and out quickly to calm myself down.
"Woah," Klaus said from behind me, with complete awe, and a little bit of fear. "That was sick!!" He said jumping up and pumping his fist in the air. "Danke Sister," He said happily, skipping around me and giving me a huge hug. I hugged him back smiling, before letting go and looking around the room, all the fighting had died down, and all the thugs were either dead or knocked unconscious. Five was spacial jumping around the room freeing hostages, while the rest of the group ensured they were alright once they were freed. Klaus and I looked on as they made sure everyone was alright. Klaus and I took it upon ourselves to round up any of the unconscious thugs and tie them up, ensuring them no escape before the police got to them. We finished that job fairly quickly and high fived each other enthusiastically once we were finished. I giggled as Klaus ran jumping into the air and clicking his heels. My laughter faded as I heard a panicked shout from five.
"UMM YOU GUYS!!" He yelled and you could immediately tell something was wrong. "WE'VE GOT A PROBLEM" He continued to yell to the group. Klaus and I looked at each other warily, before sprinting to where Five was. We got there in record time.
"what is it" I panted out of breath from the sprint. With Klaus breathing heavier than I was.
"Uhh" Five's eyes darted to the other side of a counter he was standing in front of. I looked over the edge of the counter and saw Ben lying there lifelessly.
"Shit!" I exclaimed as I hopped over the table effortlessly, I dropped to my knees and lifted his head placing it gently on top of my knees. "no, no, nonononono, Hey, hey, c' mon" I whispered cradling his head on my lap. I sniffed, already feeling tears welling up in my eyes at the thought that he could have been dead. "Hey, c' mon Benny Boo, open your eyes" I ran my hands through his hair. "Please" my voice cracked and the tears spilt down.
"Hey, there sunshine" He whispered his voice cracking, as he struggled to keep his eyes open. He took a deep breath, and it sounded strained and raspy.
"Hey, Benny Boo" I sniffed, and let out a weak chuckle of relief that he wasn't dead. The rest of the team slowly gathered around Ben and me, as Allison looked over the counter she let out a sharp gasp. There was nothing visibly wrong with Ben, no blood, no stab wounds or bullet wounds, nothing out of the ordinary that you could see. But you could tell something had gone wrong, you could tell he was struggling to breathe. Klaus was behind me and was crying as well, as he looked at Ben's weak form, he could tell Ben was about to die, I could feel that he knew, and as a result, he hurriedly ushered the rest of the group away so I could spend this time alone with Ben. The others took the hint and gave us some space. I sniffed wiping away a tear as it ran down my cheek, before speaking. "What happened you, idiot," I said sadly trying to put some light in the situation.
"I'm not sure" He replied wheezing and struggling to speak. "Hey... Sing for me Sunshine" He said the corners of his mouth struggling to turn upwards in a smile. I smiled back nodding, more tears spilling down my cheek at his request. Knowing my voice might be the last thing he ever heard.
"You are my sunshine" I started singing, my voice worsened by my crying state. "My only sunshine, You make me happy when skies are grey, you'll never know dear how much I love you, so please don't take my sunshine away" I finished singing, and he lifted his hand to my cheek, rubbing it with his thumb, a soft grin on his face.
"Beautiful as always Sunshine," He said and I held his hand to my cheek, kissing his palm softly. He grinned puckering his lips for a kiss, I chuckled a broken chuckle and lean down to grant his silent request. "ahh, even when you're in tears you're a good kisser." He chuckled gravely, his voice getting weaker and weaker. "I Love you Sunshine" He declared proudly, as the rest of the group slowly gathered around to wordlessly say their last goodbyes.
"I love you too, Benny Boo," I said smiling brokenly.
"Sing it again, One more time, just for me" He begged cupping his hand on my cheek again, I held it there with my own hand.
"You are my sunshine, My only sunshine, you make me happy, when skies are grey, you'll never know dear how much I love you, so please don't take my sunshine away." He closed his eyes and smiled slightly right before I felt his arm go limp. I sobbed and barely whispered the last line of the song. "Please don't take my Sunshine away" I whispered, sobbing over his dead body. I never sang again.
Qotd: Who's your favorite Umbrella academy character?
A/n: I'm sorry, but even though it was sad I hope you enjoyed it anyway. And as usual, all likes, comments, reblogs, and follows are welcome, and super helpful and appreciated.
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vanyafresita · 6 days
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incorrectklaus · 1 year
Klaus: Hey Five, have you ever thought about using your time-traveling abilities to become a famous historical figure?
Five: I don't think that's a good idea, Klaus.
Klaus: Fine, we'll just use our powers for more practical things. Like winning the lottery and buying matching jet skis
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