#vanoss crew x reader
MASTERLIST WORK IN PROGRESS (pls send help its confusing :( )
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gamergoddess98 · 1 year
A Drink With Terroriser
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Summary: Brian (Terroriser) is at the bar/club with Nogla and he sees y/n across the room and orders her a drink and ends up spending the rest of the night with her.
Warnings: Adults only! 18+. Alcohol. Flirting. Dancing. Swearing. Smut.
Song Credit: Post Malone “Takin Shots”
Brian and Nogla are in town and decided to go for a drink at the bar. They both sit down at the bar counter and order a glass of Heineken beer. While the two are enjoying their drink, Nogla was talking to Brian. After a moment of looking at Nogla, Brian looks past Nogla’s shoulder and sets eyes on a girl sitting at a booth with her friend.
Noticing that Brian wasn’t paying attention to him anymore, Nogla waves his had in front of Brian’s face and he snaps back to reality.
“Sorry, I was just....wow..”
Looking confused, Nogla turns around then back and asks Brian if he was looking at one of the girls at the booth.
“Yeah she’s really pretty. I’m gonna buy her a drink.. Excuse me, bartender! Can I get two shots of Jameson whisky?”
(Cut to Y/n and her friend)
Y/n’s friend sees Brain walking over to the booth. “Hey there’s a cute guy walking towards us.”
Brian looks at y/n and says “Would you like a drink?” Y/n smiles and says “Sure. What is it?” As Brian sits down at the booth next to y/n, he says, “Jameson whisky. What’s your name?” “I’m y/n and this is my friend Kira.” “I’m Brian….and this is my friend Nogla.” Nogla walks up with himself a new glass of beer, sitting next to Kira, and says “I’m David but my friends call me Nogla.” “Do you like Jameson?” Brian asks y/n. “It’s ok but I prefer tequila.”
After a while, Brian and y/n were at the booth, Kira was visiting with her friends and…who knows what Nogla is doing, leaving the two to get to know each other. They talked and flirted while Brian bought a several more shots each.
“Oh my gosh! I love this song!” Y/n says when she hears the song ‘Takin Shots’ by Post Malone come on. “Let’s go dance!” She says. They get up and she grabs his hand and walks to the dance floor. They got to the dance floor and y/n started to dance in front of him. With a combination of the lyrics and her dancing, he was stunned. A part of the song came on and she started to dance on him, touching him and giving him sexy looks.
(Song lyrics)
“”Frontin' on me, but you love it (Love it)
Tryna act like you above it ('Bove it)
Dad bod know you wanna rub it (Rub it)
Have you ever done it in public?
Sippin' all night, let it rotate
Baby, just for the night, you my soulmate
Mixin' vodka with the champagne
Tell me how much liquor can a man take
How many records have I sold?
I don't even know, can't keep count (Nope)
You know that I've been on a roll
Celebratin' life when I come around (Come around)
Sippin' all night, sippin' all day
Brought the beerbong out like a tailgate
Holdin' big words that I can't say
Got me speakin' drunkanesecan you translate?””
When the next part of the chorus came on, Y/n then pushes him onto a nearby empty chair and starts giving him a lap dance, not caring if they’re in public.
(Song lyrics)
“”Drunk when I walked in the door
So fuckin' high like, hello
I told her pour me some more
Then she went right for the blow (The blow)
30 more girls wanna roll
Let's get this bitch on the road (On the road)
Already losin' control
This is the life that we chose””
Not knowing what to do, Brian just sits there with a big smile and lets her do her thing, which he didn’t expect at all.
After the song was over, Brian met back with Nogla and y/n went to the bathroom, Kira seeing her then followed. “Girl, what the fuck was that?!” Kira said amused and laughing at y/n’s boldness, though y/n was drunk. “Bro I donno! It was in the heat of the moment. I can’t stop thinking about him.. like.. having his way with me, ya know?” “I feel that. I’m just not brave enough to do something like that.” Kira says.
(Cut to Brian and Nogla)
Brian sits down at the bar counter next to Nogla and lets out an exhilarated deep breath. “Wow! Bro, I.. oh my god.. I donno what to make of this woman!” Nogla just looks at Brian, confused and drunk, stuffing his face with nachos. Nogla’s dumb ass didn’t even see anything that happened. He’s just off in his own little Nogla world.
Y/n walks over to Brian, and with it getting late, he asks her “So, what are you doing after this? Like.. when you leave?” Y/n stops to think and says “Nothing really. I was just gonna go home and hop on the game.” “If you want, we can go to my house and play video games. I have a few different gaming platforms and I even have a guest bedroom if you need to crash.” Brian offers y/n. Y/n thought that maybe something might happen between them tonight and says yes. Brian pulls out his phone and orders an Uber back to his house.
The Uber arrives and Brian opens the door for y/n then sits next to her. When they get to Brian’s house, they walk in and he offers her a drink. As he pours her a drink, he thinks about whether he should make a move or not, but based in her actions at the bar, there was no way she’d turn him down. He hands her the drink and steps close.
Looking down at her, with a smirk on his lips, he says, “I have no interest in playing video games tonight.. at least not right now.” She takes a sip of her drink, making eye contact with him, smiles, licks her lips, softly biting her lower lip, then reaches out to grab his shirt, slowly pulling him in. He takes the drink from her hand and sets in on the counter. Brian leans in for a hot kiss and picks her up. He carries her to his room and drops her on his bed then he takes her shirt off, laying warm, breathy kisses on her chest. As he unbuttons her shorts, she rips his shirt off, bringing it to her face to smell it and moan into it, enjoying his kisses down her body.
Pulling her pants down, he starts to rub light circles on her over her panties, getting her wet, making her gasp, wanting more. Smiling, he pulls her panties off and throws them to the side. Brian stops to pull his pants and underwear down then he without any teasing or warning, slams himself into her. It made her scream into his shirt. He takes his shirt from her, throws it on the floor, and goes in to bite and kiss her neck.
Y/n wrapped her arms tight around him and he picked her up and slammed her against the wall, still having his way with her. Noticing that he was still drunk and couldn’t hold her very long, he set her on the bed and flipped her over onto her stomach and continued to thrust a few more times before he pulled out and came on the bed.
He had been waiting to fuck her since she danced on him at the club and he wasn’t disappointed. Y/n rested on the bed for a few minutes before getting up to go to the bathroom. Without Brian noticing, she picked his shirt up off the floor as she walked away. Brian was getting dressed while y/n was in the bathroom and couldn’t find his shirt until he looked up and saw y/n was wearing his shirt. “It’s mine now.” Y/n says, smiling, talking about the shirt. “Keep it.” Brian says as he smiles. “We should hang out and “play games” more often.” Brian says as he winks at y/n.
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pandemoniumskey · 2 years
The Masterlist
Harry Potter
James Potter
I’m Your Sister?
Sirius Black
A Quiet Day
Believe Me
Believe Me Pt. 2
Severus Snape
This is Why I Love You 
Remus Lupin
Ghost Adventures 
Zak Bagans
Beyond The Stars
Black Veil Brides
Andy Biersack
Songbird p.1
Songbird p.2
All Fall Down Pt. 1
All Fall Down Pt. 2
All Fall Down Pt.3
Winged Assassin Book on Wattpad
The Real Tales of a Housekeeper on Wattpad
The Night One and Two Shots on Wattpad
Black Butler: (Ciel X Reader) Broken Past (DISCONTINUED) on Wattpad
 H2OVanoss: Can Anybody Hear Me! on Wattpad
The Anime Lemons on Wattpad
Vanoss & Crew Collection on Wattpad
Other Stories (Fanfic or Not)
Fourth of July
Silver Kitsune - Rorschach X Reader
Space Bear
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broimanalien · 3 years
Being a woman sucks
Terroriser x Vanoss x Wildcat x reader
Brian/Terroriser POV
I was filming a video for my channel with Evan, Tyler, and David when I heard the door to my open and a quiet shuffle. I turned around and saw Y/n cuddled in what looked like two fluffy blankets flop down onto the couch in the room, Nussle into them, and go to sleep. When I say that was the cutest thing I ever saw. I mean it, but me being distracted by Y/n gave Tyler time to kill me in GTA. "HA! Sucker I win!"
"Yeah, sure whatever," I say deep down knowing that I win because I have Y/n at my house and not theirs.  "Dude, you just stopped trying what happened?" Vanoss asked.
"Y/n just came into the room"
"WHAT!" Tyler yelled
"Ow," David said
"What is she doing?" Vanoss asked
"She just came out of nowhere with two fluffy blankets and flopped down on the couch, I think she's asleep?" I say looking at her trying to figure out if she actually is asleep.
"Bro your getting cuddles!" Tyler said annoyed
"Well, I would be if I wasn't playing with you guys!" I said kind of annoyed because she looked so comfy and all I wanted to do was be close to her, yet here I was on this chair playing GTA. "My girlfriend does that a lot either when she's upset, tired, or wants attention so good luck finding out which one it is," David says
"Thanks, A lot Nogla," I say still looking at her
"Your welcome"
"I'm coming over" I hear Evan say before he goes off the game and discord
"I'm not missing out on cuddles, be there in 10!" Tyler says before he leaves the game and discord just like Evan. "Well good luck I guess, see ya later," David says before he does the same as Vanoss and wildcat. I log off and then walk over to Y/n. "Baby, you awake?" I say pulling the blanket down so I can see more of her face. I look and see tears coming out from her clenched eyes. "What's wrong baby?" I ask nealing down in front of her so we are at eye level with each other. "I hate being a woman," she says sniffling, she starts crying more then sat up and threw herself at me. Now she's full-on crying into my t-shirt but I don't mind. I start rubbing her back whispering sweet nothings into her ear trying to calm her down.
I'm sitting on the ground with Y/n sitting on my lap still crying when I hear the front door open and I hear Vanoss and Wildcat talking. "Were in the gaming room!" I yell to them hoping they come so we can calm her down fully to find what hurt her. I hear their footsteps getting closer and their conversation about who knows what comes to a stop when they enter the room. I look up and see them staring at me with confused looks, I just shrug my shoulders and look back at y/n who sniffling.
Tyler/Wildcat POV
Evan and I were talking about what came first, the chicken or the egg when we enter Brian's gaming room to see him on the floor with Y/n in his lap crying, I look over at Brian to see him shrug his shoulder and look back at Y/n. I walk over to them and crouch down to their level and rub Y/n's back. "Hey babe it's me, Tyler and I guess Evan too" I hear Evan schroff but I ignore him. "What's wrong?" Y/n moves so she's now sitting on Brian's lap facing me and Evan who's now also crouched down looking at Y/n. She looks at me and Evan with such defeated eyes that make me want to kill whoever hurt her. She looks down, takes a deep breath, and says "This guy sent me a DM on Instagram saying how hot I was and stuff like that and when I said I had a boyfriend he started saying a bunch of horrible things, and normally it doesn't get to me but I guess I've just been having a hard time recently that it just got to me more than it should of." During her confession, she never once looked at us and during this, I just got angrier and angrier. I stood up and started pacing around the room. I mean why would someone do this to her. I mean I get why he would want to get into her pants because I do to but then afterwords just because she said no doesn't give him the right to go say horrible stuff about her.
Evan/Vanoss POV
As she finished telling us what happened I was beyond angry but I knew that I would have to try to be calm because Tyler would be furious and Brain will and angry too. I looked at Y/n to see him looking at Tyler with tears in her eyes so put both of my hands on her cheeks and made her look at me. "Hey, don't worry, it's not your fault the guy was awful and whatever he said was a lie, your beautiful and amazing, and he's just jealous that he can't have you." Y/n jumped into my arms and hugged me like I was going to melt away if she let go, I hugged her back as she cried into my shoulder. I moved so my back was against the couch and just held her telling her that everything was okay and how much of an amazing person she is.
I watched as Tyler kept pacing the small gaming room and Brian stands with his back against the wall watching both Y/n and Tyler trying to calm him down. By now Y/n had fallen asleep in my arms and we were trying to figure out what to do. "We should send a police report and make them kill the bastard!" Tyler said, "Quiet you bimbo Y/n is asleep" Brain said looking at Y/n. For the first time since Y/n told us what happened Tyler stopped pacing and turned to look at Y/n asleep in my arms, he then sighed and sat down next to me running his hands through his hair "It's just not fair"
"I know but there's not much we can do," Brian said coming to sit down on the other side of me. "What about we look at her phone and see what he actually said?" Brian said looking over at Y/n. "I don't know if that's a good Idea" I spoke for the first time. Tyler looks over at me with a confused yet frustrated face "Why not, we will get to find out what he actually said so we can know how bad it is."
"But we will be invading her personal space and we don't want her not to trust us"
"Yeah but Evan if it made her this upset it must have been bad and if we find out exactly what he said then we can help fix it," Brian said trying to persuade me. I thought about it for a moment, if we did we would be looking through her phone and if she finds out we did that she might get angry at us and I don't want to lose her, but if we don't then we probably won't find out what happened and then we won't be able to undo what the bastard said to her. I looked at Y/n who was peacefully sleeping in my arms and decided that it was better to find out what he said than not know what happened. "okay" I see Brian stand up and leave the room to go get her phone. While he's gone I stand up still holding Y/n and look over at Tyler. He gets the idea and stands up and grabs the blankets of the couch. I place Y/n on the couch and Tyler places the blankets over her and we both just stand there watching her sleep (not creepy though, of course not)
I hear Brian walk into the room but I don't look up I just keep watching her. There's a moment of silence where everyone's just silent thinking over the plan and making sure that this is a good idea. "Well..." Brian says snapping out of my thoughts causing me to look over at him. "Let's just get this over with," I say going to stand next to Brain so I will be able to read what he wrote. You may be thinking, how are these three idiots going to log into her phone. Well, it's as simple as Y/N gave us the password. Brian logs into her phone and goes straight to Instagram, when the app loads he goes to the message simple and taps it. Once it opens the first person is someone I don't recognize I look over to Brian to see him looking at me. I just shrug my shoulder and Brian inhales a deep breath and presses the messages. I look over his shoulder more as the conversations come up. "Well, what does it say?!" Tyler asked annoyed. It's like I'm frozen looking at what he sent, time has stopped as I read over everything that he said again and again.
Tyler/Wildcat POV
I just see both their faces go pale and I start to wonder if I even want to know what he said but I need to know. "Well, what does it say?!" "umm... It basically says that she needs to kill herself and she's not good enough to ever be in love and that we are just with her for... you know" Brian says still staring at her phone. "WHAT! THAT'S INSANE" "Tyler calm down we don't want to wake her" "BUT SHE FELL ASLEEP BELIEVING ALL THAT BULLCRAP!" "Tyler, please stop yelling"
I woke up to yelling, lots of yelling coming from Tyler and Evan trying to calm him down but what they were yelling about was beyond my half-asleep brain so I decided to try to make them shut up. "SHHHHHH! I'm trying to sleep here" I say causing the whole room to straight away fall into silence. "Thank you, I would ask what you were yelling about" I start saying sitting up to see Tyler across the room staring at me while Brian and Evan were standing next to each other and Brian had my phone. "And why you have my phone but I'm too tired to care so let's go to Brian's bed and cuddle with no yelling, please"
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justpeachiixx · 6 years
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Imagine having a night on the town with Evan and the crew. 
(Gif by @evanisdaddy - sorry for taking it without your permission!)
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Jump scare  H2O Delirious x Reader
Hey guys, I'm back! This is the first time I've attempted to write a fan-fiction since I was 13, so hopefully, this is better than my last ones! Enjoy!
As I sat at my desk in my office, I could hear Jonathan start the intro for his next video. I was prepared to hear more terrified screaming than usual tonight because he was starting a new horror series that his viewers had been asking him to play. I was rather excited about this one because it was one of my favorites, (H/G). In fact, I think I'd played this game so often that I could time when almost each and every jump-scare would happen.
That was when my idea formed.
Ever since I've known Jon, one of his favorite past-times has been scaring me while I play my horror games; Just looking back to some of the lets-plays on my channel could prove that. He would sneak into my office while I was playing, and stand behind me until I calmed down after a jump scare, just to grab the back of my chair and scream next to my head. It would send me cursing and screaming while he was on the floor crying from how hard he was laughing. I think that now might be a good time for some good old-fashioned revenge.
I finished up a few things on my newest thumbnail before I stood up and crept down the hallway towards his office, avoiding all of the floorboards that I knew had a habit creaking. I could hear his commentary as I got to the doorway, which was coincidentally him talking about how this was one of my favorite games.
"Y'know guys, I almost expect her to try and jump scare me, like how I always do to her. But she wouldn't do that, she's too nice!" He giggled before continuing, "Plus, I don't think she even knows that I'm playing right now, last I saw her she was listening to music and drawing, so I think I'm fine."
Oh, how wrong he was.
I opened the door as quietly as I could, thankful for the fact that he finally got around to fixing the squeaky hinge. Tiptoeing into Jon's dark office, I slid the door shut behind me as I crouched low to the floor. I crawled on my hands and knees until I got directly behind his chair, smirking as I realized that he was almost to the jump scare that always gets me no matter how many times I play the game. I knelt behind him quietly for another minute or so before I heard him start screaming, nearly running over my hand as he slid his chair back a few inches in fear.
Jon breathlessly laughed before taking a few calming breaths. As soon as I heard the familiar, "Okay..." fall from his lips, I sprung up from my place behind him, screaming "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!"
Jon screamed even louder than before, spinning his chair around and slamming the back of it into his desk. "WHAT THE FUCK?!"
I burst out laughing at the look of absolute terror etched onto his face, which quickly morphed into several different emotions all at once as he watched me collapse onto the floor, wheezing, with tears streaming down my face.
"You bitch! I trusted you, why?!" Jon yelled, with his hand pressed to his heart that was beating erratically, a smile trying to take over his face. "Paybacks a bitch isn't it, Delirious!? You deserved this!" I stated happily, little giggles breaking out in the middle of speaking. My sides were burning as I laughed, his reaction replaying in my mind until I was hysterical again.  
Soon enough Jon's laughter joined my own, both of us loud enough that I was almost sure our neighbors could hear us. A little while later, we'd finally reduced ourselves to breathless giggles. I slowly stood up from the ground, clutching my mid-section with one arm. "Okay, okay, as fun and satisfying as that was, I've gotta finish this thumbnail and you've gotta finish the game." I took a few steps closer to him to place a quick kiss to his lips but before I could, he placed his hand over my mouth, effectively stopping me from pressing my lips to his.
"You're so mean to me, meanies don't deserve kisses!" Jon firmly stated before crossing his arms and turning his head away from me, pouting.
"Aw, come one, you knew that was gonna happen eventually!" I teased, moving into his line of sight.
He spun his chair away from me, once again removing me from his view, "Hmph."
I grabbed the back of his chair, spinning it around to face me again. "Pleeease, just one kiss and I'll leave you alone." I bribed.
"No, shoo! No more kisses for you!" "If you kiss me right now, I won't jump scare you next time you play a horror game," I smirked as I saw him considering my offer, a hand on his chin and a quizzical expression on his face as his eyes searched my own for any signs of a lie. Jon nodded before quickly standing from his chair and pressing his lips to mine, "Deal." I smiled and turned away after we broke apart, walking back out into the hallway, and calling over my shoulder, "Pleasure doing business with you, Del!" Voila, it is done! I wasn't 100% sure how I should end this, but I hope I did well. If you guys have any advice for me, please let me know either in the comments or you could private message me. Constrictive criticism is welcomed and requests are open! Thank you guys so much for reading, and I'll talk to you later!  
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exclamaquest · 3 years
I had a semi popular Vanoss crew x reader on wattpad that had like 1k views r something. Second most popular was a blush blush x reader.
I know what literally none of these words mean im sorry </3
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Hey there! If you're looking for some Vanoss Crew/BBS fanfiction, I would appreciate if you checked out "Under Pressure" on Wattpad, written by yours truly. It is a Female Reader x BBS/Current Vanoss Crew read.
Not sure if you want to? Here's the story description to help you out -
"Your mission, Miss [l/n], is to protect a group of...video makers-"
"You mean Youtubers?"
"Is that what they're called?" [Y/n] nods. "Well, whatever. Your mission is to protect these 'Youtubers' from a group of terrorists that are planning to storm the E3 event happening in Chicago." Director Caymbrig slides the manila folder file across the smooth, clean glass table to [y/n]. She opens it and flips through the pages of information, studying each person listed.
"You must protect these men with your life. The fate of the world depends on it." Director Murfin states.
"Why? What's so important about seven grown men who play video games all the time? And why me of all agents?" Director Caymbrig and Murfin look at each other, then back to [y/n].
"They have important information and intel that we need..." Director Murfin starts.
"And as for why we chose you, well... you are our number one agent. The MI6 and the CIA are relying on you, [l/n]. Don't fail us."
Vanoss Crew x Fem. Reader
(In this story, reader (y/n) (l/n) is 28)
Characters include:
Reader (Y/N) (L/N)
Evan Fong (VanossGaming)
Tyler Wine (Wildcat)
Jonathan Denis (H20 Delirious)
David Nagle (Daithi De Nolga)
Brian Hamby (Terroriser)
Marcel Cunningham (BasicallyIdoWrk)
Brock Barrus (MooSnuckle)
Thanks everyone!
#vanosscrew #bananabussquad #bbs #bananabuscrew #vanossgaming #bananabussquadfanfic #bananabussquadfanfiction
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roycekibby · 7 years
Fantasy - Scott McCall X Reader
A/n: The reader believes in supernatural creatures always have and always will, she grew up in San Fransico, California. She's a famous youtuber with so many viewers and subscribers. She was living the high life until she had to move. And that place was a small town called Beacon Hills.
Track: Sickick - mind games
Characters: Scott McCall, Y/n L/n and the other teen wolf cast members
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Thursday, November 2, 2017
9:48 AM
Y/n L/n, was just a normal girl how came from a city called San Francisco… She left San Fran because her mother and father had wanted to try something new. They wanted to get away from all the noise and violence to keep their child, their only child unharmed.
But, there was one problem. They were moving to Beacon Hills, a place where a lot of supernatural stuff happens. And the only person that knows that is Y/n, she happens to be very fascinated by supernatural creature's that she always studded them.
One, day she was on a blog about supernatural creatures. And on the blog, it said that "the hotspot for all these creatures, we'll be able to find them in a small town called Beacon Hills." ever since that article, I've been wanting to go there but, I never brought it up.
But, here she is now going to a fairy tale place was nothing but a fantasy to her, she looked out the window in wonder of what the people here would look like and how they would act around humans… But, if only she knew the stories of Beacon Hills.
They finally made it into town, she looked around at the house and saw that they were somewhat kind of mythical cool but not a lot, The car stopped at this beautiful mansion house that was going to be their new home. Y/n has always lived in a mansion because her family was so fealty rich it was unbelievable.
She got out of the car and looked at her new house as she slowly progressed towards the house, her parents watching as their daughter was staring at the house. She turned around towards her parents with a big wide smile on her face showing all of her perfectly white teeth and braces.
Her parents walked up to her and placed a hand on either side of their daughter's shoulders as they talked to her, "You like it, sweetie?" Her mother asked.
"Yes, yes I do… very much actually." Y/n said quickly.
"Then why don't you go in and pick a room." Her father told her as he handed her the keys to the house… with a big smile on her face, she ran to the house opening the door and began the hunt for her room.
When she found the perfect room, she began helping her parents move everything into the house, By the time they were finished, it was already nine o'clock at night.
Her mother was making dinner while her father was in his workroom, and Y/n was too busy fixing something in her new room… Putting up her artwork, posters, setting up her game set so she can still make her YouTube videos that a lot of people seem to love.
On YouTube she has over 10,465,653,123 followers on there, that’s basically the whole world is watching her… she goes to a lot of Comic-cons and to a lot of meet and greats with her fans… she's even in the banana bus crew which is Vanoss crew.
She loves those guys so much that it hurts her face when she smiles too much, most importantly they make her laugh too much, moving on… anyway, she just had finished setting up everything and sat down at her computer and began a live stream.
She was going to play the game that they all requested "Evil Within 2" but before she did that she had to make an announcement. She had her thumbnail up and beat to a song as she waited for a lot of people to show up and so she could fix her game.
When she saw that it was over a thousand people on her live stream she took of her thumbnail and turned the beat down just a little bit and began to speak, "Hi, guys (gamer tag) here and as you can see. I'm not in my normal room anymore." she told her viewers and fans.
"And if you are wondering where I am, I'm still in California just not in San Fran… I am in a little town called Beacon Hills.”  She told them with a smile.
“ I don't know anything about this place but it seems kind of chill. I mean it's quiet as fuck but, that should be a good thing right?” She asked her viewers.
"Well enough about that, let's get into this game "Evil Within 2" shale we," she said as she began playing the game that took up four hours until she finally ended the stream.
~The Next Day~
The next day Y/n was receiving messages from everybody today say how they would miss her in San Francisco and that she would have to come back and visit for some time for a meet in greets and other things like that. Her friends said good luck in the new town and how she should've moved where they were.
And there some people from the town she was in that were happy that she was there with them, and said that they weren't giving me back… again it’s a small town.
Y/n was riding her skateboard up and down the streets of Beacon Hills looking for something unusual and stuff like that, but she didn't find anything all she found was stores, people, schools and more house and stores oh and the police department.
Y/n stopped riding her skateboard and sat on a bench that was in a park… she picked up her phone and pulled up where she could find GameStop in a small town like this. It said that it was just a few blocks down so she hopped back onto her skateboard and headed down to the store.
She walked in and looked around, she looked around until she found more games she wanted… she had gotten "Dead By Daylight." for PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One. She also got "Forza 7" and more controllers in case she breaks one and a couple of more games.
She purchased all of these and walked out of a store, when she walked out she saw a lot of policemen outside by a movie store… Y/n walked over to see what was going on. She can see people in uniform and some not in uniform talking to the police.
She didn't care about the situation anymore and left the scene, she got home and put everything she bought where she wanted it to be and laid down on her bed as she looked up at the ceiling.
Tomorrow she had school, and she was going to meet some new people, and boy isn’t that challenging. She turned her body over as she then was now facing her glowing fish tank as she thought.
maybe it won't be so bad, she thought to herself as she closed her eyes and went to sleep. But, what she didn’t know was that her life was going to change drastically.
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moonhawk147 · 7 years
Moons’ Picks
@orkachii ​ I tried to find wattpad stories where ships weren’t the main focus but it hard??? So I added some Archive stories too under the cut.
The Loud Library (BBS x Reader) (I am aware you do no lie X Readers. I just put it in here in case someone wants to read it) Y/n works at a big, old library in a small town. The library had many sections and the further you go in the library, the older it gets. Y/n has never went too deep into the library until the new guy put a book in the wrong place. However, something in the oldest room of the building caught Y/n’s eye. Note: No ships! Reader just is another character. -COLORFUL EMOTIONS- Everyday, every color, every emotion helps them remember their feelings because they’ve forgotten how to FEEL…How to LOVE. Note: Big ol poly bbs
LunarEclipse High { TerrorSnuckle ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ } *DISCONTINUED* I’m not one to fight. I’m not one to lift a sword in battle. I’m not one to harm. I’m not one to spit out words to sadden. I’m not the one to save the world. I’m not one to face my fears�� …And win… She chose me for a reason… But what? Note: Its soooo good omg All☆Star Academy. (MINICAT) Craig has been through his ups and downs but when his mom is diagnosed with cancer and he gets into his dream school all star academy he is lost ((P.s All☆Star Academy  is a school for talented singers and anything to do with music)) ENJOY!
Finished Stories
SilkThe first time a dress majorly captures his attention happens when he’s at work.It probably isn’t the best time for it, but it happens anyway and his eyes stay glued to the silk dress the whole time he helps move the heavy ivory piano.Note: Brock in a dressss
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justpeachiixx · 6 years
The Adventures of the Vanoss Crew (Ft. Reader)
You should know: This is a GTA V AU where the gang, including yourself, are criminals! I've also posted this on Wattpad. My username is miss_marzzz. Enjoy!
"(Y/N), we're home!" Evan called, the door to your shared house creaking open. The rest of the group trailed behind, laughing and giggling like children as they walked into their home. Evan's hand reached to the right side of the door, feeling for the light switch and flicking it on. The giggles and laughter suddenly came to a halt as they stared at the room in front of them.
     Their home was torn to shreds. The black leather couch and matching loveseat had multiple slashes cut into them, the stuffing poking out in every direction. The glass table that sat in front of the couch and loveseat was completely shattered, the glass shards covering the floor. Trash was littered in with the mix of glass, the trashcan from the kitchen poking out of the doorway.
     "(Y/N)?" Evan called once more, his voice wary as he slowly stepped in the direction of your room, his gun drawn.
Upon no answer, Evan looked back at his team. They already had their pistols drawn, all staring in Evan's direction waiting for his command.  With a simple nod of the head, everyone split up in teams of two - hoping to find their only female crew member.
     Evan hesitantly stepped towards the only door he hadn't yet checked, the shattered glass from broken picture frames crunching under his charcoal black work boots as he took step after step. With his gun still raised, he reached out towards the handle, his hand hovering over the silver knob. He hand nearly latched onto it and turned, but he froze. A crimson red handprint marked the handle, a drop of blood trickling down the white door slowly. He stared silently at the print in shock before he let out a shaky breath he hasn't noticed he was holding. With a trembling hand, Evan finally swung open the door with one swift movement and nearly fell to his knees at what he saw.
     "No." He wailed, shaking his head in disbelief as his silver pistol fell to the floor with a thunk. Evan ran to your side, dropping to his knees beside your nearly lifeless form as you leaned against the white marble bath tub. Your own blood soaked you head to toe. He screamed for his friends as he wrapped an arm around your form, trying to keep you up. You fell over into his arms as relief flooded through you, even if you couldn't show it. You don't know how you were still conscious, especially after all the blood you had lost.
     "I'm so sorry (Y/N), I'm so sorry we let this happen." Evan says with regret, his large hand pushing your knotted hair from your bloody and bruised face as he inspected your wounds. You shut your eyes slowly, barely able to stay awake as Evan muttered comforting words and apologies to you.
     When the rest of the crew members reached the bathroom, the view before them was one of their worst nightmares. One of their closest friends, the one person who was to be protected at all costs, was dying. Time seemed to slow down as they all stood there, taking in your wounded body. Their faces all read the same expression - one of pure horror.
     "Oh God." Jonathan whispers, taking a step back in shock with widened eyes.
     "Not like this. Please." Craig begged to no one in particular as his eyes began to become shiny like the shattered glass that covered the ground.
     The group stood in silence, too shocked to do anything. A few of the members stepped away, unable to look at your form. Lui suddenly turned to Brock, putting a hand on his shoulder. Brock glanced over to Lui, his lip quivering slightly.
     "Guys," Lui spoke, turning his attention from Brock to the entire group. He stepped forward and watched as all eyes turned towards him. "we trained for this."
     "She's dying, and if we don't so something she's going to be gone for good. Brock, Evan, and I are going to fix her up as best as we can. I need the rest of you to split up and search the house for any clues the attacker could have left. Lastly, stay cautious. For all we know, someone could still be here hiding. Understood?" Lui says firmly, watching momentarily as Brock rushes off for medical supplies before focusing his attention back to the group.
     A few of the group members nod, quickly pulling themselves together before they all turn and head in their own directions, leaving Lui, Evan and Brock to handle (Y/N). Just a few seconds pass before Brock returns will a vast amount of medical supplies.
     "Alright," Brock begins, dropping to his knees and rolling up his sleeves. "let's do this. You're gonna be okay, (Y/N). I promise."
[End of Prologue.]
I just got back into writing after a really long time, so hopefully this isn't too trashy. ;v;
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