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balkanparamo · 9 months ago
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The Rainy Season: Lisa Vanin
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thecomfywriter · 14 days ago
how is it that the main cast of tov somehow got MORE INTERESTING in the spinoff series????
like wdym??? what type of side quests were they doing off screen before the book started that they’ve got all this lore??? and when do we get to see it???
i guess you can’t take the mc out of the mc. once a main character, always a main character
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oblivion-npc · 1 year ago
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he was so real for this btw
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chessb0r3d · 16 days ago
I can't be in the vaninity in people talking about gender in a political stand point because they agree about the things the United States having a law about imprisoning gays and trans because "There's only 2 genders." But I am. This is hell.
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eeios · 11 months ago
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Meet the crew of my main webcomic project !
The crew of a flying ship, and dragon hunters ... More info about them under the cut ! (more stuff is tagged as oc:dragon hunter on my blog if you want to check it out)
Eve of House Albret: the main character, whose purpose is to seek out the voices in the sky she hears since childhood.
Lambert of House Dramm: The captain of the ship, he is an ancient royal scientist who figured out how to harness dragon magic.
Faust Vanin: Right and of Lambert (and . ..best friend . .. ), he takes care of accounting stuff.
Louve: A mysterious knight. They're the one who give the killing blow to their prey. They're mute and use LSF. (french sign language)
Hildegarde de Hautecoure (aka Ida): The magician of the ship. She has a tragic past and was welcomed in the crew in spite of it. She is the only one close to Louve, who was the one who brought her on the ship.
Blanche: She is the boat mechanic. Genius in her domain, she is the successor of Lambert.
Mahaut: The tracker of the crew. Being a glouton - a creature who eats magic - she is very sensitive to the magic that come from dragons.
Varseiss: A dragon. He is the mount of Louve. What is a dragon doing on a dragon hunting crew? Well he is a magic addict and this is the way to sate his appetite.
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nixy-y · 1 year ago
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My drawing level is jumping a lot again... And yes, I love the Asian cutout of Chu Vanin's eyes, he's such a sex
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luckhissoul · 8 months ago
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full name: matrim cauthon
nicknames / aliases: mat , son of battles, gambler, trickster, lord crimson
height: 6' ft
age: verse dependent but 19+
zodiac: this doesn't exist lol but in modern verses i have him born the first week of november so do with that what you will
spoken languages: the common tongue , some of the old tongue in modern verses he probably can get around in some countries due to his time in the military and being stationed in different countries. but nothing fluent but english.
physical characteristics
hair colour: dark brown
eye colour: brown
skin tone: medium
body type: slender, toned from training / fighting
dominant hand: right
posture: eased, a little lazy
scars: a hanging scar over across his neck, several scars scattered over his body from battle / fighting, he's been stabbed and stuff, a large one on his hip from when a building fell on him lol ( okay maybe it wasn't funny ) , and depending on the timeline he's missing an eye
tattoos: none --
birthmarks: n/a
most noticeable features: mat has pretty eyes awwww so pretty ( its canon i didnt make that up. lol
place of birth: emond's field , the two rivers
siblings: two younger sisters
parents: abell and natti cauthon
adult life
occupation: general of the band of the red hand, general of the light ( is this an occupation ??? the general of almost all the armies of the world? he wasn't paid for it? ), prince of the ravens ( is this an occupation? )
current residence: always moving around --- unless he's in seander -- eeek
close friends: rand ( ew ), perrin, nynaeve, egwene, thom, noal, vanin, talmanes, sorta kinda beslin, elayne
relationship status: verse dependent but he ends the books with an evil wife lol
children: olver is his ten year old adopted son that he "isn't responsible for", totally not, totally doesn't want to be a dad. they have matching coats. lol and at the end of the books said evil wife is pregnant
criminal record: like he's wanted by the shadow. so it comes off like he has one but he doesn't lol
vices: drinking, gambling, smoking, fighting, sleeping around
sex and romance
sexual orientation: heterosexual
turn-ons: powerful women, especially evil ones lol wait wut don't judge him please
turn-offs: being nagged lol he'd say this. he'd so say this.
love languages: acts of service ( giving ) , physical touch ( both ), gift giving ( giving ) , words of affirmation ( receiving but he might get weird about it)
relationship tendencies: he is very showy, over the top, likes to leave an impression. will do various things - give gifts , plan things, to get their attention or win them over so to speak. very loyal and devoted. but when it comes to emotional things he's very closed off, isolates his emotions. his personality is adaptable to circumstances and company so he's tough to get to know or to figure what he really wants. if pressed on that end he'll get hostile and sulky. he's considerate, charming , attentive. but a little overeager to leave an impression, to make them happy, to make them like him. but that's not something he'll ever admit to. he's a bit of a contradiction. he'll come off either aggressive or passive. but he's not either. physical things are very easy for him though, a little too easy probably.
hobbies to pass time: gambling, drinking, fighting, dancing, listening to music, training, HORSES, playing stones, women -- can women be his hobby? he wants it to be, fishing, collecting rocks.
mental illnesses: ptsd - from various different experiences. he needs a hug plz .....but like he probably wouldn't hug you back.
self confidence level: i like to say that he's the most insecure cocky, self assured, self deprecating, confident person you'll ever meet.
tagged by: stole it
tagging: @caracarnn & @xhideyourfires & @agoldenlily
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444names · 10 months ago
Names derived from Tolkienesque forenames, theological angels, and superlatives, excluding the letter "E"
Abalth Ablaracalla Addacild Addalith Adradrata Adûna Agasin Agudir Aihir Ailúk Aindil Ainvannat Airdaiang Aladacir Alattant Algranákhôr Alimor Alindand Amild Amitë Amling Amragudil Amran Amranor Amron Amrothair Ancil Ancir Andil Andir Andis Andor Anduin Andust Anfainúmil Anfalm Angoldach Angor Animuzgal Animë Annar Antan Antar Anthorophon Aradardan Araglirman Arail Aramag Arand Aranduil Aranur Araphang Arashan Arasin Arassad Aravanwë Arazaphoron Arazôn Arcir Ardannas Ardar Ardil Ardilthôr Ardir Argos Arinwë Arinúmil Armaurvia Arthéod Artullik Atamalabar Athil Atillion Auglúk Azimair Azrandaind Azraphil Azrazôr...
Bador Baharfinar Balfan Bardaiahang Barombur Baron Bightarast Bithothim Blarikar Blarunna Blatar Blorn Blund Bofthôn Boldor Bombar Bomir Bormtor Boros Braca Brach Bragorl Brahráin Brast Brazil Brazran Brimbusil Brion Briën Bryar Bulkanwë Bëorl Bëorn Bëoron Bórwar Caldorlion Caldur Carah Caran Carma Catron Chaphil Charin Cilaugdur Cilimrardar Clorn Clowmaca Clurtz Coori Cothaphirë Cranamil Craphon Crinil Criën Curiën Curtil Dalin Dallos Dardancaróf Dorbarad Dorina Dorod Doron Drant Driah Duicir Dular Durionna Durust Dusilmon Déallinúvir Déomir Déoth Fainnardaia Faldant Fanarcir Fangolwë Fastirion Fatalma Filúk Findir Finzil Firyah Flain Fland Flant Folorn Forion Foron Frind Frindumo Fréago Fréagold Fréagon Fréagor Frórind��mir Fëangon Fílimloth Fírdarost Gabadamar Gabar Gadrin Galadan Galast Galingrik Gallouglik Gamilkardin Gamrouglin Gamsirë Gasin Gildil Gildon Gilgancalca Gimbal Gimrah Glast Glindrat Glinin Gloolgalain Golionwë Gorfil Gortur Graph Grapharcir Grararth Grathor Griondran Grohilúk Grontata Grómil Hadaming Halcwin Haldil Haldë Halin Hamroddor Hamrondir Hamûl Hangoldum Hangor Hanwë Harata Hardair Hardal Hargormanth Haronwë Hassuirë Hingloon Horomë Hossir Huaqqibûn Hubbithon Humbrion Hunnarimë Huoldor Hushorië Hyath Hyavi Hámaminduin Ibaulë Ibûnah Idurl Ildarantho Imbrinar Imiryaviad Imoilir Indanch Indli Indorn Isildir Iskil Iskin Itchinc Jophor Juild Kirim Kusilgash Kílik Lalanthôr Lararë Latandor Limin Lithia Londandum Lossunír Lothon Loughâl Loungon Luilin Lumaiar Lurth Léotha Makil Malaca Malitho Mamanth Mandusil Manthoron Marat Mirmaras Mithramrons Muanassion Muladorthir Mulair Mulfin Mulfwin Mírdil Nahtar Nakar Naraiadil Naraphar Nauglas Ningrossion Nittârin Noisrah Nurvir Nólin Nómil Olcaldwyn Oldog Ollia Orlim Palas Palfwinros Paláf Phast Plador Polór Powyn Primanil Prondil Purlada Purviarun Rangoldir Ranor Ranthéod Razazach Razôr Rildon Rintor Riont Rondor Rophamin Ríand Sacali Sadomë Salar Salbah Salchub Saldal Saldorod Salik Salinar Salmil Salthôr Samlimog Sanim Sanáinbri Saughtil Sauglador Sauglitë Saugloth Sauglúk Saulast Saust Scalfin Sharfil Sharros Shmorlaihin Shnáin Shnáincil Shnákhîm Shnákhôn Shnárin Shoril Shossandir Siaron Simlin Singwin Skinindil Slimundor Slion Slorroador Smacir Smalast Smalmo Smancaláf Smandurucir Sméawin Sofur Soomë Soorfin Soorost Soron Souglon Súriandurië Tabaglor Taldil Tamracir Tamûl Tanbrapho Tanch Tanur Tarda Tardagon Tardir Tharavor Thardag Thargor Thing Thingran Thongwin Tiust Tuolwë Tuolór Turimron Turin Turind Tzagdur Tzazim Túrimir Túrisir Ufingun Ugassil Ulkhar Ulmaalthrór Ulwin Unkasil Uolóin Urondorod Urubifunkas Urunkan Uzgan Valadacir Valaurth Valdadûnan Valgas Valliahamli Vanin Vanwë Vathéod Vidufin Viduin Vincalik Vorman Vánamir Vánar Vánast Vánatalast Waindë Winca Winimë Worod Yáviah Zachalg Zadan Zadrór Zagoldog Zimbucargil Zophoroddoc Zophos Éodróg Éodwyn Éothar Éothiahadoc Éothor
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ylespar · 2 years ago
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"In lucid dreams (LDs), people maintain consciousness and can make predetermined actions while asleep. Since the 1970s, electrooculography and other sensors have been used to send signals from LDs into reality. In this study, we test whether electromyography (EMG) can help transfer melodies from LDs, which can expand our abilities to transfer information from LDs into reality. Software was developed to translate EMG impulses into sounds. Four LD practitioners were trained to play musical rhythms by straining their arm muscles, which had EMG sensors on them. Then, these volunteers were asked to induce LDs and repeat the task under polysomnographic observation in a laboratory. Each volunteer induced from one to three confirmed LDs. Three of them were able to transfer musical rhythms into reality, as the EMG sensors detected electrical spikes in the arm muscles despite sleep paralysis. The researchers heard the sounds from the dreams in real time and in recordings. The results prove the concept that people can transfer rhythmical EMG impulses from LD, which could be potentially useful for transferring sounds or music from LD into reality. As one practitioner failed to transfer proper EMG signals, the method needs further investigation. Since LD practitioners sometimes create original music in LDs, it could be possible to transfer these insights into reality. These melodies can be broadcasted via the Internet, TV, or radio in real time."
Raduga, M., Shashkov, A., Gordienko, N., Vanin, A., & Maltsev, E. (2023). Real-time transferring of music from lucid dreams into reality by electromyography sensors. Dreaming. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1037/drm0000244
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eyeballapproved · 2 years ago
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Lisa Vanin
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thecomfywriter · 3 months ago
should i…. yap about gotn?
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jiubilant · 2 years ago
who is an oblivion npc you just wanna hug and give a cupcake and why. please and ty, love your art
thank you! <3
i don't think i'd hug them—i don't know them like that—and i can't bake but my favorite oblivion npcs as of right now are
ormil and graman from the bloated float, because that quest was a surprise and delight
ontus vanin because he's hilarious
methredhel because she's hilarious
completely canon character coradri
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sehrikesfet · 1 month ago
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auroroboros1 · 2 months ago
With that in mind, I want to let you all know, especially on Reddit, that I am tired of posting here and hope to avoid a lot of controversy on April Fools' Day. I received a letter from you today, Mrs. (Sarah's family) received it, and the same letter from Mrs. (Bob) explained: I feel like a Christmas tree, so I kiss you differently with my hands, so that I can kiss you differently too. I went to Ulaskinson, where we crossed a very rickety bridge. We were all sitting around the table happily, and my brother (Tim) told me that some of his family members were beaten (unfortunately) by their mother. In some way, this has nothing to do with the friend (Chris) who does this. Crisco Sir (Jane) I came to your house last week and she was crying, and brother, you were so scared. After not seeing each other for many years, the families were reunited. Zama Zami lived with him for four years, they were married for 15 years, and within a year they had four children. You can also ask if I would kill you with such politeness. Tamuk, four come to us in two weeks. Looking back, because of the cleanliness of the house, he had already made 3 different decisions, now he has fallen and the same clothes that Mrs. Tata used to dress him in... Subblock Wheel. Stop clapping for those dirty warriors. April is the most precious thing in my life, my heart is filled with Christmas. Finally Yarama Dimali Vanin Grandpa, the nomination was so interesting that the saliva was dripping. We have been married for six months (six months after the wedding), so I can do it. Demiray and Mars Panther are dating. Everything that Kodama touched ripened. Pamaya's wife cried and demanded treatment. He became depressed and isolated from his family and friends. This was where Tim's mind was playing games, he felt stupid, thinking about his wife's mess, her mess. Then they saw a very suspicious three-year-old child. The rest of my family sat in silence, and my husband started scolding me for worrying me so much... I was shocked. Karen said, I don't know what to do, I have to tell you something... But, to be honest, I'll listen to Abel's jokes. Because of the failure of his wife's project, he became the executive producer of the production company. He told me it would be on April 1st. So he thinks he's trying to be understanding. That innocent man was as miserable as I've ever seen him. Who knows if they'll get married or get divorced.
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mechova-entita · 4 months ago
Vidělo jsem yellowjackets na vašem blogu a mám na vás důležitou otázku. Líbil se vám Vanin cosplay na Jana Husa?
Samozřejmě. Jsem toho názoru že se jí velmi povedl, jen příště by to chtělo doladit oblečení. já si na dobovou přesnost potrpím…
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lyrics365 · 8 months ago
Ibrahim, Ibrahim, Ibrahim, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah will pray for you. Hey! Mustapha, Mustapha, Mustapha Ibrahim. Mustapha, Mustapha, Mustapha Ibrahim. Mustapha Ibrahim, Mustapha Ibrahim Allah, Allah, Allah will pray for you. Mustapha Ibrahim, al havra kris vanin Allah, Allah, Allah will pray for you. Mustapha, hey! Mustapha Mustapha Ibrahim, Mustapha Ibrahim, hey! Allah-i, Allah-i,…
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