agamholdings · 1 year
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On this Civic Day, let's come together as a community to celebrate our shared values, honor our past, and embrace a brighter future. May the spirit of unity and progress guide us in all our endeavour.
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crookedt44th · 29 days
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PAIRINGS ➳ lee minho x gender-neutral reader (cora)
GENRE ➳ friends to lovers ◦ slow burn ◦ heavy angst ◦ horror ◦ psychological thriller ◦ fantasy �� slight humor ◦ ghosts ◦ will add more later!
WARNINGS ➳ mental issues (derealization) ◦ memory loss ◦ inappropriate language ◦ suggestive themes, but no smut ◦ death ◦ gore(?) ◦ smoking ◦ lots of drug and alcohol use ◦ cruel society ◦ adult life crisis ◦ bad life decisions ◦ religious themes ◦ class struggles ◦ hallucinations ◦ food mentions ◦ hints of eating disorder ◦ will add more later!
WC ➳ 6,000+
STATUS ➳ Ongoing.
ABOUT ➳ After dropping out of college, Cora returns home to their small town of Stormvillie with the hopes of reconnecting with their friends they left behind and resuming their carefree previous life. However, things have changed since then. Their friends have grown up and changed, and home seems different now. The wind is getting colder and the leaves are falling. As the night gets darker, strange things are happening.
And there's something in the woods.
Scott Pilgrim v. My GPA - Mom Jeans. started playing ...
There’s a quiet inside of this open air. It expands and fills, and soon, you’re walking through the thick, tangible quiet. And if you listen, if you really listen, you can hear the pulse of the world, the old hum we almost remember, the old language etched into us. 
It’s a strange thing, to hear the quiet. 
One day, I’ll be quiet forever. 
One day, I’ll exist in the space between words. 
One day, you’ll hear me whispering into the open air, singing something you can almost understand.
I closed my eyes, fantasized about a quiet life. 
Suddenly, I feel at home.
But when I opened my eyes, I started to see shapes. 
I’m somewhere.
Just not here.
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It’s hard for me to see exactly where the hell I went wrong
I never thought I’d see the day we wouldn’t get along
You think I smoke too much, I think your friends suck
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September 23, 9:34 a.m.
I feel awful. 
I don’t even know what happened yesterday.
DId I do something crazy yesterday? 
With my head still resting on the pillow, I reach beneath the blanket to find my phone. I lifted my head off the pillow and browsed through my lock screen as soon as I did. Many of Jisung's missed messages. 
Did I say some wild shit last night??
[J.0ne] yo das was honestly the most beautiful speech ive ever heard in my entire life
I don’t want to know.
With a grumble, I forced myself to get out of bed in the hopes that taking a shower would help me feel less disgusted. I put on a large, baggy shirt that was sitting on top of my toilet after I finished my shower. I looked in the mirror as I began to wash my teeth. I look like fucking shit.
Hey, don’t be mean to yourself. 
I have the worst face on earth. 
Well, I mean, you look totally awesome in that big old band shirt you totally did not steal from that one little vendor at the mall where an old man just makes the graphic shirt for you. 
I straightened up my posture and placed my hands on my hip, looking at the shape of my body. 
I should lose weight. 
Nah, you look fine. 
No, I don’t. I should really stop eating a lot. 
It’s cool, dude. Not everyone needs to be super duper skinny!
Fine, I should be more positive about myself, whatever the internet says. I am just a real human being. 
My hands slipped off my hips, and I stood there straight, staring blankly at myself. 
And no one can prove that I’m not. 
I should read the messages my friends sent me.
After hurrying to my room to find my phone, I nervously went through the messages Jisung had sent me. I texted him back after learning that he hadn't given me many details about what I had done the previous night. 
[C0conut] wat rlly happened last night
[J.0ne] sum beautiful speech that u did in front of lino i dunno i dun rememebaer anythanng
[VanDivision] you called him a cute boy.
[CB97] And then you puked on his shirt again hahaha 
[C0conut] ಠ_ಠ he prob hates me again
[J.0ne] whu CARRRESS plssssss come by chris outlet job stuff work now me me bored here  
I shrugged and let out a breath before tossing my phone onto my bed. I decided to keep this large t-shirt on, find some jorts, and throw on another flannel. Despite the fact that I had lost my other pair of Converse shoes, these fucked up black vans will have to do. My name was called from the kitchen as I sauntered down the stairs. I figured the breakfast was ready. 
“Heya mom, what’re we having today?”
"Hey, sweetie, you look awful!" Mom giggled as she set down a plate with a sandwich and a bowl of soup. "For breakfast, we're eating sandwiches and soups. Plus, you went to a party; I'm not sure how much you drank, but you needed this soup anyway."
"Awesome." I dug in with my spoon and sipped the warm liquid down my throat, feeling relaxed.
"Rough night?" Mom went on, holding up a book to read.
“You know it.”
“You wanna talk about it?”
You hummed, “I saw Minho.”
“Did you talk to him?”
“A little bit.”
"Give it some time. He will get to you." She flicked through another page of her book, "I believe most of the repair workers have left the town center. Some shops are still under construction, though."
"Oh really?" Taking a bite out of the sandwich, I said.
"I remember how much you enjoyed climbing some buildings."
"I've thought about doing it again."
"No, sweetie. You should go to jail for that, no?" Mom arched an eyebrow at me. 
“They’ll never catch me!”
“Your aunt will catch you.”
“Boooo.” I dropped the almost eaten sandwich and slouched down. "I'm going to finish this later, mom; I have to go." 
“Alright, well, have fun! Stay safe!”
I quickly grabbed my shoulder bag from the hanger and bolted out the door. I'm getting a little eager for autumn as I stroll down the street and feel the cool morning breeze. I saw some of the local businesses were closed as I passed by them and noticed a group of elderly men gathered around one of the stores.
"There won't be Stormvillie if we don't start doing business right." Says the tall old man dressed in a business suit.
"Well, it appears that we must take whatever action we can." Says a different large, bearded man. "To make the market take note of us!"
Huh, wild. On my left, where I used to go since I was a child, was the closed doughnut shop. A lot of stores are really closing down.
"Will, you're not listening- it's not of sufficient historical note."
"Brother, most folks don't even give a damn about our jobs anymore. Our pay is really low!"
"There must never be another fight at a stop sign."
I left nonetheless, not wanting to listen in on some of the things adults like to talk about, and went past the old pizza place I used to and still enjoy. The pizza place is still open, at least. Perhaps I should bring my buddies here. Maybe with Minho. 
The middle schooler was once more playing on his Nintendo while perched on the seat next to the statue. I looked up at the bronze statue of the man who built this town, the man holding up his axe. The child was still engrossed in the game and was not aware of my presence when I peered down at him.
"Shouldn't you be at school?" I asked, looking down at the child.
"I'm gonna skip." His little fingers hitting the buttons with aggression, his eyes fixed on the game rather than me. 
The boy lost the game and groaned out of frustration, “I’ve been going at this game for hours! And I still didn’t get it.”
“What’re you playin’ this time?”
“Star Wars; Battlefront.” 
“Seriously? Star Wars?”
“You don’t like them?” Lori let out a cry and held his palms over his mouth dramatically. “All of my friends are playing the Star Wars games! One of my friends said they’re coming over tonight to play the games with me on my nintendo 64.” 
“I just don’t get the hype.” I shrugged.
“Hmph!” He again folded his arms in a drama queen manner, then rose from his chair and grabbed the skateboard that was next to him. "Hey, you wanna go to the library for a second?" Lori asked, gesturing to the neighborhood library across the street.
I look at him, then at the library, and I start to wonder if I have time left at all. "Sure," I nodded.
"There used to be strange little letters hidden in some of the books. My friend and I would open every book to find more, sort of like on a scavenger hunt!" Lori kept talking while we strolled towards the library. 
“Weird letters?”
“Yeah! Some letters are about odd cult shit or something.” Cult?
Lori wandered the library, trying to find a certain book. I trailed after him to the Bible area, where I watched him leaf through the books, choose one, and hand it to me. I found the letter by grabbing and turning the pages. "I was not made for this kind of test," the paper said in such a hurried handwriting when I unfolded it. “I will fall apart. I will not stay. I will come undone, and you will never see me again."
"This letter is so weird, right?" He chuckled: "I think there's someone in town trying to troll some gullible kids here for fun."
"Could be. Not really remotely close to odd cult shit, whatever you say, but close enough."  I remarked, still staring at how familiar the handwriting was. 
“Lori, did you save the other letters?” I shoved the letter in my pocket. 
“Nope, Mom threw it away. She thought it’s a curse or something.” He shrugged, taking out his nintendo sitting on the table. 
“Bummer. I’ma go now.”
“Bye, killer!”
“Okay, now don’t call me that.”
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Can’t figure out the reason why our parents fight so much
But I’ve given up on luck
But I’m happy here
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“Yeah, he’s cute but what are his critical thinking abilities? His political stance? Socioeconomic aspirations?”Jisung began talking nonsensically as soon as I entered the store. Chan, dressed in black dress slacks and a white button-up shirt, leaned against the counter and wore an elegant gold watch that his father had most likely given him. Then there's Jisung, the typical punk, decked out in his trademark red and black. Worn-out black leather jacket with a revolution illustration and a few words scattered throughout it, paired with cargo trousers and tall boots. You already know it.
"What is happening here?" Asking, "Are you seeing someone?" I broke up the talk between the two men' talk, who beamed at me.
"What? No way!" Jisung waved his hand in denial. I stared at the blue-haired man one more time after turning to look at Chan for confirmation. He was stifling his laughter. "All right, maybe, but..."
"Who is it, though?"
"All right, so this guy that I've been chatting with online for a few months now has been arranging to meet me here," Again rambling, he leaned on the counter, clasped his hands together, and bowed his head. "Vanna, on the other hand, does not approve of me going on a date with this guy because I did not know what the guy looked like in person. So this motherfucker is setting me up with another guy.”
“Woah, you don’t know what he looks like? Han, don’t you think that’s pretty alarming?” I frowned, “Vanna is right though.”
"Yeah, but he's sweet, a smooth talker, and so caaaring. She's matching me up with someone I'm not supposed to see until we go on the date, which is scary enough than meeting up with a guy I've talked to already!" Jisung turned around swiftly, looking away from us and folding his arm like if he were a cartoon character being betrayed by bunny bugs or something.
"Dude, whatever." I looked over at Chan, who was arranging the pricey, ornate jewelry and watches—some of which were vintage—on the front table. I browsed the store, enjoying how cozy and antique it seemed—like a grandpa's store in London. It seems to make sense that his father owned the store. "Chan, do you know about shops being shut down?"
"Yes," he said, perking up and nodding before returning his attention to organizing. "What about it?"
"Will this store close down as well?"
"Well. Who knows, probably. In any case, my dad does things his own way."
"Would you not want to go to, you know, Los Angeles or somewhere else, if you were so rich? Live in a big modern house?" I inquired, unsure whether it was insensitive or not. But he knew I was always curious.
"I wish it was that simple, Cora," laughed Chan.
“Simple? Don’t you have zillions of dollars to be able to do it anyway?”
“Crazy of you to think we have THAT amount of money.” He snorted, shaking his head. 
"I wish I had an answer for you, kiddo. But recently, things have become more complicated." He stooped to pick up the boxes, which he then carried behind the counter and placed on the floor beside numerous other unopened boxes. Jisung gave us both a perplexed look, and I shrugged at him, feeling uncomfortable and guilty for being overly curious. "Well, I apologize for the sudden mood change. You guys wanna get pizza later today when I’m off work?”
“Oh yeah! Good thing that Marinara Magic is still open.” I exclaimed, getting excited at the thought of us getting together to eat pizza like little kids again. 
"Dude, right now I would kill for a pizza!" Jisung leaped to his feet and followed Chan inside the office. I followed them both as well and went inside what appeared to be Chan's father's office, however he seemed to spend more time here than his father. While the worker was busy finishing up tasks and they were busy chatting, I kept myself occupied by wandering around the office and taking in the many framed awards and certificates. A computer was situated atop an extremely cluttered desk, alongside numerous loose work documents and a few images pinned to the wall beneath the desk. The pictures showed him with his sister, his family, and all of us together. When I gazed upon the following picture, Chan, Minho, and Felix were posing at a high school graduation in their gowns. They wrapped each other's shoulders with their arms while grinning broadly. I turned to face Chan, who was rummaging through the drawers. Even if all he did was dye his hair bright red, which turned into an unpleasant pinkish tone, and he gained weight, he still looked very different. Even though he was only 23, he appeared a little older than his actual age. Maybe, he didn’t sleep at all again. 
I looked at the picture once more, focusing on the boy with brunette hair who was standing next to Chan. I would never be able to pretend that Minho wasn't the cutest kid in high school. Everyone was all over him. He was way out of my league. Even though he is much more stylish and handsome now, his face appears really worn. How am I going to face him next time I see him?
Felix, a ginger freckled boy, stands to the right. I couldn't remember when we had last spent time together. A few months after graduating, he stopped playing in our band and became distant from us. Suddenly, he disappeared from our lives. With his long hair, he now had a much more bad boy appearance, according to the missing poster. He had been, always.
"Hey Cora, would you mind checking to see if they have batteries at the grocery store? I need to work on this..." Chan looked at the surveillance cameras he had taken out of the drawer as he gave me the money. "Vanna works there."
"Oh, sick. I guess I should go then." As I was going to leave the store, Jisung yelled, "GET US SNACKS!" as I snatched the money and jammed it in my pocket.
"YA GOT IT!" I yelled in response.
Since the grocery shop was down the street, the walk wouldn't be too far. Across the street was Poppy's Coffee as well. I thought about going to visit Minho, maybe apologize, and ask him to go have pizza with us later. He used to be my best friend, therefore I should really make it up to him, but the thought frightened me.
Vanna wasn't behind the counter when I went inside the store to look for her. I went through the snack aisle and picked some snacks as well as drinks. I swung around to see Vanna standing directly in front of me, staring at me with no emotion.
"Are you trying to find anything?" Dropping the box and restocking the shelves, Vanna asked nonchalantly. 
“You scared me, dude.”
“My bad. Your head’s okay?”
“Oh, yeah, a little.” I rubbed my head. “You got any batteries?”
“Yeah, behind the counter. What type?” She stopped restocking to go to the counter and searched through the variety of different batteries.
“Type? Shit, I dunno. Chan just said he needs some for the camera or something.”
“What kind of camera? Is it a film?”
“Looks more like a security camera.”
Vanna slammed the product on the counter and began scanning the rest of the items. Vanna didn't seem to buzz, but the sudden loud hum coming from the freezer distracted me. 
“Store looks busted.”
“A lot of shit went down this summer. My boss said he’d order for repairs, but I don't see any motherfucker to come fix it and it’s been months.” As she pushed the objects she had completed scanning in my direction, she said. “No plastic bags either. Someone usually has to bring their own big bag. Better for the environment.”
“Cool.” We both stood silently, just staring at each other.
“I didn’t mean anything I’ve said yesterday.”
“It’s cool. I barely remember half of it, honestly.”
“Yeah, me neither. You really need to chill when it comes to drinking.”
“Was it really bad?” I tried not to watch the memory again in my mind as I shamefully rubbed my head.
“Everyone forgot it. I’m sure Minho finds it funny now.” Vanna said as she scrolled on her phone.
I hit my head on the counter and moaned. I'm worried about what Minho thinks of me now, more than whether there's an image somewhere of me getting wasted.
"Do you hate Minho or something?" Sincerely curious, I inquired, recalling vaguely what Vanna had said about him the previous evening.
“No, I was just upset. Just wanted to bring someone up to blame. I should learn not to.” 
“Hm. You wanna go for a pizza with us? Jisung, Chan, maybe Minho.”
“I’m still working.” Vanna looked up from her phone, furrowing her eyebrow.
“Like later.”
“I should stop by Minho’s work…”
“Good luck, man.” 
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So leave my sweater on the porch 
I’ll leave your bag under the stairs
Don’t go back to our old place
It’s probably locked up anyway
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I crossed the street tensely, imagining what I should say or how I should apologize as I made my way to Poppy's Coffee. Hesitantly, I paused in front of the store entrance, debating whether or not to go inside or simply walk out and travel to space, never to return. Someone from inside the store opened the door before I could even extend my hand, revealing Minho. His lovely reddish-brown hair and honey complexion glistened in the sun's rays. He gave me a radiant smile.
"Cora! I was just wondering if you were okay." With a broad smile, he flashed his bunny teeth. "I kind of ran to open it for you after seeing you standing there for a minute. You know, you just gotta be a gentleman. Come inside, Co!" Minho laughed as he greeted you with a smile at the rustic coffee shop. The room had a pleasant aroma of roast coffee, antique, charming vintage tables and chairs, and a lot of fairy lights hanging from the ceiling. Since I left, the shop's entire style has evolved. He obviously decorated it, as I could tell. "Oh, and you still enjoy mocha, correct? I can do it right now!" His excitement and sudden outburst of energy reveal a new aspect of him that makes my eyes widen in disbelief.
"What's up with you?" Watching him run in circles and start preparing coffee for me, I blurted out.
"I'm just happy to see you back home," Minho smiled at me, really sweet, and then gathered everything to make coffee on the counter.
“I don’t have any money, dude.”
“On the house!”
“Free drink.. Sick..” I found a table and sat down, observing him prepare a drink. With his small watch on his wrist and a brown apron on top, he had his sweater sleeves rolled up. Now that his hair was groomed, his entire face was visible to me. I completely understand why so many girls were over him. It makes sense that he has a girlfriend. Oh, right.
"I apologize for last night." I looked down, embarrassed, trying to scrape the skin off my arm. And a little disappointed that he actually had a girlfriend.
“Oh, that’s no problem! You were just.. being you again.” With a giggle, he looked up at me and flashed his rabbit teeth once more. "You don't have to buy me a new shirt, by the way. I could easily wash it."
"Well, yeah, I know. I've puked on you twice already, it's ridiculous." I laughed along with him.
"Your hot mocha is here! It's getting chilly outside, and see, I drew you a cat!" Minho approached my table gingerly and set the mug down carefully, revealing a white kitten sketched in cream. Still grinning and gazing at me, he took a seat in front of me as well. I was able to get a closer, clearer look at him. He looked very tired, but his cute big smile topped it off. 
“Since when do you know how to do this?” 
“My mom taught me when I started working. It’s kinda therapeutic actually.” He giggled once again. “God, I’m so giggly today. Maybe, you’re finally here with me again like the good old times.”
“Couldn’t agree more.” I took a sip of the hot mocha and realized it was the best drink I had ever had. "I had a brownie with my coffee the last time I drank it in college, and it tastes really bitter."
Minho snorted, "Obviously, chocolate tastes much sweeter than coffee itself. Of course it will taste bitter."
“I miss Felix’s brownies.” 
“Right, Felix. Do you know about it?”
“Yeah, I always wonder why he left.”
“You think he left? Not like being kidnapped or something?”
“Do you think he was kidnapped?”
With a sigh, he palmed his face and rested his elbow on the table. "Just a hunch on my part. To be honest, nobody in the town seemed to be making any effort to find him. Chan and his family may have tried, but they got nothing."
"Why did you stop talking to Chan and Han?"
"Well, it was a bit complicated." Minho tightened, straightened his back, and gave me a sincere look. "Listen—I am deeply sorry for how I treated you when you told me you were going to college about two years ago."
“Hey, it’s all chill, dude.” 
“No, it’s obviously not. I know you were drunk last night, but everything you said, I’ve thought about it a lot since.” 
“I was just out of my mind. I don’t even remember half of it. Vanna even told me I called you cute, so that’s awkward ‘cause y’know you have a girlfriend and all.” I blurted it out, sulking, and nodding till I turned to face him, who appeared confused.
“I don’t.. have one?” His head was cocked in confusion at me.
“Dude, that girl at the party, y’know-”
“Pretty sure she’s a lesbian.”
“I kinda had to dip when she started making out with that girl which lasted for like a long minute.”
“It’s good.”
“Have you ever had one?”
I scowled at him as I sagged into my chair and folded my arms. "Well, have you seen yourself?" I asked.
"I'm not really chasing it." He was moving a little stiffly, suddenly tense.
"Yes, whatever, boo, tomato," I said.
"Someone has been on my mind for a very long time, and still is." In the end, Minho said, "Just not ready to tell them."
"Oh." I forced myself not to get emotional as I imagined Minho to have feelings for someone who is completely unlike me. "Whatever, do you want to join me, Han, Chan, and Vanna for pizza?"
"Oh? I'll see if I can stop by, but I'm kind of busy all day." Minho smiled.
"Well, I missed us all together."
"I know, sorry, I've been busy a lot lately." The bell at the door rings, announcing that the customers have arrived. He let out a sigh and rose from his chair, eager to resume his job. "I have to go right now. I'll try to see and come by, okay?" Minho smiled at you one last time before returning to his job.
I nodded slowly and watched him as he began to take orders and put back his apron. I got up from my seat and exited the store, expecting to meet him later. 
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I bet it still looks the same as when I ran away that day
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Everyone was at the Marinara Magic eating pizza and sides and sitting and talking to one another. The realization that the two years I had been waiting for was finally here nearly took my breath away. Even though Chan was trying to talk them out of being too loud and scared that the staff could kick us out, Jisung was being playful as usual with Vanna and they were fighting over pizza toppings. But I was disappointed that Minho wasn't here yet. It appears that the kids are still not on good terms with him. For the last twenty minutes, all I could look at was the front entrance. While Jisung was still yapping and Chan was on his phone, Vanna appeared to notice but chose not to speak out.
Maybe, it’ll be too awkward if he comes.
The pizza place looked precisely the same as it did when I left. The red checkered tablecloth, slightly worn-out wooden seats, leon signs, and several framed pictures of former employees and musicians who had dinner here. The owner, who had been employed there since the 1990s and was now essentially a grandfather, ultimately left due to the death of his son. Unlike most soldiers, who return home to surprise their families, his son arrived in a box. He was "at fault" for electing to join the army of his own free will, but no one believed it was all lies and propaganda. The brutal reality of the American dream was that. You either achieve everything successfully or lose everything. 
Although it didn't taste as good as it used to, it was still better than the pizza I had in the city. Even yet, I feel like throwing up when I eat pizza. I fidgeted as I started to finish the drink in the red glass, wondering when Minho would arrive. Would he even show up at all? Does he even care?
Vanna moved to get closer to me and said in a whisper, "Are you waiting for Minho?"
"Yeah." I glanced at the boys to see if they heard us, but they were still too engaged to respond. "Do you think this would make them hate me?"
"No, they were hoping to speak with him, but that jerk decided not to. That's what I think." With a shrug, Vanna settled back into her chair and took her notebook out of her leather purse. 
“He confuses me sometimes.”
“Are you really confused or just frustrated?”
“I guess, both.” I sighed. 
“A friend,” She quoted, “shouldn’t make you that frustrated, let’s be real.”
“I guess.. I mean, I know he has some rough family issues, that’s all. I don’t know if there’s anything else.”
“You didn’t at least try to talk to him earlier?” 
“I did try!” I pouted, sinking down in my seat. “He’s just.. being complicated.”
“What did he say?”
“I dunno.. Like he was being overly nice and then it got awkward when you know, I asked about his girlfriend which I thought he does have, but he doesn’t and he still hasn’t told me what really happened–”
Vanna groaned, putting her hands on her head. “What the fuck are you talking about? You’re the one being complicated.”
“Okay, well–” Just as I was about to defend myself, I felt a bit offended.
"Vanna's not wrong here, kid." Chan said, still deeply absorbed in his phone.
"I am not a kid!" I yelled at him inaudibly. "He's just making things more complicated,"
"You TWO are being so complicated and annoying!" Jisung also yelled as he pointed jokingly at me with his finger.
"Holy shit-" Vanna places her fingers on her nose's bridge.
"What is happening here?" When someone else's voice was heard, the yelling stopped. There was no way I could pretend that seeing him didn't make me nearly puke again.
"Awkward…" Vanna rolled her eyes and sang.
"We ate the entire pizza!" With a wide smile, Jisung resumed his random hand gestures.
“Don’t worry, I’ll buy you a slice.” Chan took out his card and stood up.
“No, it’s good, I can just–”
“Shut up and let me buy you one, man.”
“I know, but-”
“Dude, c’mon, we haven’t talked in a while-”
“I’m the one that should make up-”
Everyone else at the table chuckled at their interaction as I smacked my head against the table.
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It doesn’t matter anyway
‘Cause I’m happy here
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"That pizza was gooood, ay?" As he put his arm around Minho, Chan laughed. By now it had gotten late, so everyone left Marinara Magic together to walk home. The staff seemed to already like Chan enough to not throw us out, so I'm amazed they put up with us.  
"But not as good as it was before. I could make it better at home!" Minho replied as Vanna and I just kept strolling down the street in silence as the boys laughed and chatted about how much they used to miss his cooking. I couldn't help but feel uneasy tension when I was around Minho, even though it felt great to have him back in the group like we did in high school. At least, we were all back to normal again. Nothing bad will definitely happen!
I was taken aback by what I had just seen on the pavement and froze in place. An arm mutilated, with blood dripping from the tip. I turned back to give the kids a warning since they were all standing in a circle and talking nonstop, much as when family get together and chat for hours at a time. "There's an arm, guys!" I yelled out and ran to the tree to get a stick, then I walked back to where the arm was and attempted to poke it. The group approached it with caution and began to swear loudly as soon as they saw it.
"Why are you poking it?" Like everyone else, Jisung coughed in disgust and yelled silently.
"It's too much to look at." Vanna stopped staring at it and poked her tongue out.
"How did that end up there? Has there been a murder? That shit barely happens here since like that one incident in 1990," Minho inquired.
"Was that not in 1983?" Chan folded his arm and scowled at Minho.
"No fucker, that's the bite of '83 you're thinking of; it's definitely before 1990." As I was prodding the arm, I snorted, and Jisung burst out laughing and slapped his thigh.
"Sorry, the what?"
"Game reference." Minho stated while awkwardly scratching his head.
Chan said, "He's really back," shaking his head.
“Oh, shut it.”
"Are we going to do shit about this or not? This kid is messing with it." Vanna spoke out.
"Dude, get up." The lighting flashed on us as Chan attempted to grip my shoulder, and I realized who it was as I got up.
"What's going on over here?" My aunt was standing there in her uniform, staring at us expressionlessly.
"A arm!" I gave my aunt a smile and gestured to where it was. She bowed, glanced down, examined the arm, and reported what had transpired using her talkie-walkie.
"You kids need to go home. We will take care of it."
"Go. Home." Aunt gave me a scowl. 
I kept glancing back, wondering what the whole "arm" thing was about, but Minho kept trying to pull me out of it and finally we walked home together. Since their routes to their homes differed from mine, half of the group bid goodbye and parted ways. Since Minho and I live in the same neighborhood, we strolled home in silence.
"Wow, that was crazy." He let out another quiet laugh to break the ice. 
"Yeah." Still feeling a little uneasy, I laughed too. When we arrived at my house, I was about to say goodbye, when Minho grabbed my wrist. I was shocked as I looked down and wondered what he was going to say.
"Hey, listen, uhm," The taller one went on, "If you want, we can hang out this weekend?"
I nodded despite standing there taking in what he had told me. 
"Alright, cool. So, see you then?" Minho smiled at me, and I smiled back. We kept looking at one other, and neither of us wanted to break eye contact. I finally hurried to my house and entered, blushing slightly. Is it a date? Nah, nah, you’re crazy. It’s totally not. 
I began to search around my living room for my dad, but figured that since it's becoming late, they might be asleep. I mentally noted that I will talk to him more before he leaves for work tomorrow morning when I woke up. After walking the flight of stairs to my room, I completed my night routine and was soon ready for bed. As I lay in bed tonight, I pondered how quickly today went from being just normal to not so normal. Since I had nothing planned for tomorrow, I thought I should stay home and perhaps look up old strange incidents that occurred in my town a long time ago on the internet. It's been a while since I last hunted a ghost. I should do it again. 
I should just go to sleep.
I sleep well alone now
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AUTHOR'S NOTE ➳ this one is kinda rushed but i hope u still enjoy it! make sure u read the warnings before u read each chapter bc i update it every chapter :p
TAGLIST ➳ @estella-novella @melanctton
Send an ASK or COMMENT to be added in the taglist!
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jungkookiexxx · 4 months
240510 - RM's Instagram post
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rkive: Come back to me MV Creative Director: @/kangghettodaewang Director: @/beherelater
Starring: @/rkive @/minhakim__ @/joeyunlee @/sukhyeong_lee @/kim.a.hyun @/cho___ee @/sangheeya @/ordinary_giru @/beasera_freedom
Music by @/hyukoh2000 @/sunsetrollercoaster @/jnkyrder @/rkive @/kangghettodaewang
Creative Team: @/jnkyrder, @/sehooninseoul Production Company: @/bangjaeyeob Producer: Bangjaeyeob
Co-Producers: @/jakeschreier @/heynanynany @/hhaeejin @/peyotej @/_nongboo Assistant to Lee Sung Jin: Kelly Kyungseo Joh
Cinematographer: @/woosh_kim Production Designer: @/podo_________ Grip: @/movement_hsk Lighting Director: minjae7911 Production Team: @/ssupport_official Photographer: @/sonjimin_
Editor: @/keemsaro Korea VFX Supervision: @/secondfloor_vfx US VFX Supervision: @/vandivision Color: @/color__collective
Artist Styling: @/kimvenchy Styling: @/sophie.yoon Artist Makeup/Hair: Mahito Makeup/Hair : @/reeyoochoi
Virtual production: The SSEN Visual Craft Casting agency: @/etcmgmt, Clover Agency Party Guests Casts: Soyoon Kim, Bomi Park, Hyuna Yoon, Eunjeong Boo, Nayeon Kim, Jaehyuk Heo, Sumin Kim, Yerin Choi & JNKYRD, Jimin Sohn, Sehoon Jang, Seokjun Lee
Baby RM Stand-in: Yungeon Seok
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bangtanitalianchannel · 5 months
"Fuori ora 'Come back to me'
Direttore Creativo: @.kangghettodaewang Direttore: @.beherelater
Protagonisti: @.rkive @.minhakim_ @.joeyunlee @.sukhyeong_lee @.kim.a.hyun @.cho__ee @.sangheeya @.ordinary_giru @.beasera_freedom
Musica di @.hyukoh2000 @.sunsetrollercoaster @.jnkyrder @.rkive @.kangghettodaewang
Team Creativo: @.jnkyrder, @.sehooinseoul Casa di produzione: @.bangjaeyeob Produttore: Bangjaeyeob Co-produttori: @.jakeschreier @.heynanynany @.hhaeejin @.peyotej @._nongboo Assistente di Lee Sung Jin: Kelly Kyungseo Joh
Direttore della fotografia: @.woosh_kim Scenografo: @.podo_______ Presa: @.movement_hsk Direttore delle luci: minjae7911 Team di produzione: @.ssupport_official Fotografo: @.sonjimin_
Editor: @.keemsaro Direzione VFX coreana: @.secondfloor_vfx Direzione VFX statunitense: @.vandivision Colore: @.color__collective
Stile dell'Artista: @.kimvenchy Design: @.sophie.yoon Trucco/Acconciatura dell'Artista: Mahito Trucco/Acconciatura : @.reeyoochoi
Produzione virtuale: The SSEN Visual Craft
Agenzia di casting: @.etcmgmt, Clover Agency Cast degli Ospiti della festa: Soyoon Kim, Bomi Park, Hyuna Yoon, Eunjeong Boo, Nayeon Kim, Jaehyuk Heo, Sumin Kim, Yerin Choi & JNKYRD, Jimin Sohn, Sehoon Jang, Seokjun Lee Baby RM Stand-in: Yungeon Seok"
Traduzione a cura di Bangtan Italian Channel Subs (©Xina)
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sonicmovieupdates · 9 months
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Forgot to post this. Vandivision will be working on the Knuckles show.
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ohwhale22 · 4 months
instagram link
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‘Come back to me’ out now
Creative Director: @kangghettodaewang Director: @beherelater
Starring: @rkive@minhakim__@joeyunlee@[email protected]@cho___ee @sangheeya@ordinary_giru@beasera_freedom
Music by @hyukoh2000@sunsetrollercoaster@jnkyrder@rkive@kangghettodaewang
Creative Team: @jnkyrder, @sehooninseoul Production Company: @bangjaeyeob Producer: Bangjaeyeob Co-Producers: @jakeschreier@heynanynany@hhaeejin@peyotej@_nongboo Assistant to Lee Sung Jin: Kelly Kyungseo Joh
Cinematographer: @woosh_kim Production Designer: @podo_________ Grip: @movement_hsk Lighting Director: minjae7911 Production Team: @ssupport_official Photographer: @sonjimin_
Editor: @keemsaro Korea VFX Supervision: @secondfloor_vfx US VFX Supervision: @vandivision Color: @color__collective
Artist Styling: @kimvenchy Styling: @sophie.yoon Artist Makeup/Hair: Mahito Makeup/Hair : @reeyoochoi
Virtual production: The SSEN Visual Craft
Casting agency: @etcmgmt, Clover Agency Party Guests Casts: Soyoon Kim, Bomi Park, Hyuna Yoon, Eunjeong Boo, Nayeon Kim, Jaehyuk Heo, Sumin Kim, Yerin Choi & JNKYRD, Jimin Sohn, Sehoon Jang, Seokjun Lee Baby RM Stand-in: Yungeon Seok
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lizziexmeow · 5 months
[ BTS UPDATE 🌟 TWITTER ] 240510 - 13:00 KST
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[ BTS MEDIA 🌟 YOUTUBE ] 240510 - 13:00 KST
[ Namjoon Posted 🌟 IG ]
240510 - 13:05 KST - @/rpwprpwprpwp
> ‘Come back to me’ out now
Creative Director: @/kangghettodaewang
Director: @/beherelater
Starring: @/rkive @/minhakim__ @/joeyunlee @/sukhyeong_lee @/kim.a.hyun @/cho___ee
@/sangheeya @/ordinary_giru @/beasera_freedom
Music by @/hyukoh2000 @/sunsetrollercoaster @/jnkyrder @/rkive @/kangghettodaewang
Creative Team: @/jnkyrder, @/sehooninseoul
Production Company: @/bangjaeyeob
Producer: Bangjaeyeob
Co-Producers: @/jakeschreier @/heynanynany @/hhaeejin @/peyotej @/_nongboo
Assistant to Lee Sung Jin: Kelly Kyungseo Joh
Cinematographer: @/woosh_kim
Production Designer: @/podo_________
Grip: @/movement_hsk
Lighting Director: minjae7911
Production Team: @/ssupport_official
Photographer: @/sonjimin_
Editor: @/keemsaro
Korea VFX Supervision: @/secondfloor_vfx
US VFX Supervision: @/vandivision
Color: @/color__collective
Artist Styling: @/kimvenchy
Styling: @/sophie.yoon
Artist Makeup/Hair: Mahito
Makeup/Hair : @/reeyoochoi
Virtual production: The SSEN Visual Craft
Casting agency: @/etcmgmt, Clover Agency
Party Guests Casts:
Soyoon Kim, Bomi Park, Hyuna Yoon, Eunjeong Boo, Nayeon Kim, Jaehyuk Heo, Sumin Kim, Yerin Choi &
JNKYRD, Jimin Sohn, Sehoon Jang, Seokjun Lee
Baby RM Stand-in: Yungeon Seok
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[ BTS Official posted 🌟 IG ]
240510 - 13:31 KST - @/bts.bighitofficial
> RM 'Come back to me' Release
#RM #Comebacktome #RightPlaceWrongPerson
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[ Namjoon Story 🌟 IG ]
240510 - 15:08 KST - @/rpwprpwprpwp
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0 notes
greasypigstudios · 7 years
This Sunday on @adultswim it's the season finale of #DeckerMindwipe. It's all been leading up to this, and once you see the EPIC space battle and alien VFX from me and @vandivision you will S YOUR Ps. Thank you #Decker! - The Universe. . . . #timanderic #cartoonnetwork #vfx #visualeffects #spacebattle #pewpew #lasers #aliens #illegalaliens #america #aftereffects #cinema4d #compositing #characteranimation #turbosquid #daz3d #vfxartist #greenscreen #comedy #timheidecker #greggturkington #greasypigstudios #deckerunclassified #deckerunsealed #scifi #sciencefiction
0 notes
ohwhale22 · 4 months
instagram link
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"Come back to me (M/V)
Creative Director: @kangghettodaewang
Starring: @rkive@minhakim__@joeyunlee@[email protected]@cho___ee
Creative Team: @jnkyrder, @sehooninseoul
Production Company: @bangjaeyeob
Producer: Bangjaeyeob
Co-Producers: @jakeschreier@heynanynany@hhaeejin@peyotej@_nongboo
Assistant to Lee Sung Jin: Kelly Kyungseo Joh
Cinematographer: @woosh_kim
Production Designer: @podo_________
Grip: @movement_hsk
Lighting Director: minjae7911
Production Team: @ssupport_official
Photographer: @sonjimin_
Editor: @keemsaro
Korea VFX Supervision: @secondfloor_vfx
US VFX Supervision: @vandivision
Color: @color__collective
Artist Styling: @kimvenchy
Styling: @sophie.yoon
Artist Makeup/Hair: Mahito
Makeup/Hair : @reeyoochoi
Virtual production: The SSEN Visual Craft
Casting agency: @etcmgmt, Clover Agency
Party Guests Casts:
Soyoon Kim, Bomi Park, Hyuna Yoon, Eunjeong Boo, Nayeon Kim, Jaehyuk Heo, Sumin Kim, Yerin Choi &
JNKYRD, Jimin Sohn, Sehoon Jang, Seokjun Lee
Baby RM Stand-in: Yungeon Seok"
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jungkookiexxx · 5 months
240510 - Rpwprpwprpwp's Instagram post
rpwprpwprpwp: ‘Come back to me’ out now
Creative Director: @/kangghettodaewang Director: @/beherelater
Starring: @/rkive @/minhakim__ @/joeyunlee @/sukhyeong_lee @/kim.a.hyun @/cho___ee @/sangheeya @/ordinary_giru @/beasera_freedom
Music by @/hyukoh2000 @/sunsetrollercoaster @/jnkyrder @/rkive @/kangghettodaewang
Creative Team: @/jnkyrder, @/sehooninseoul Production Company: @/bangjaeyeob Producer: Bangjaeyeob
Co-Producers: @/jakeschreier @/heynanynany @/hhaeejin @/peyotej @/_nongboo Assistant to Lee Sung Jin: Kelly Kyungseo Joh
Cinematographer: @/woosh_kim Production Designer: @/podo_________ Grip: @/movement_hsk Lighting Director: minjae7911 Production Team: @/ssupport_official Photographer: @/sonjimin_
Editor: @/keemsaro Korea VFX Supervision: @/secondfloor_vfx US VFX Supervision: @/vandivision Color: @/color__collective
Artist Styling: @/kimvenchy Styling: @/sophie.yoon Artist Makeup/Hair: Mahito Makeup/Hair : @/reeyoochoi
Virtual production: The SSEN Visual Craft Casting agency: @/etcmgmt, Clover Agency Party Guests Casts: Soyoon Kim, Bomi Park, Hyuna Yoon, Eunjeong Boo, Nayeon Kim, Jaehyuk Heo, Sumin Kim, Yerin Choi & JNKYRD, Jimin Sohn, Sehoon Jang, Seokjun Lee
Baby RM Stand-in: Yungeon Seok
0 notes
agamholdings · 2 years
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Happy Civic Day! May you enjoy the time with family and friends this holiday season. Wishing you health, happiness and spectacular life.
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agamholdings · 2 years
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We are dedicated to provide excellent service to our customers. We will collaborate with you to create the best logistics strategy for your supply chain. Agam Holdings will keep your supply chain moving and your freight delivered safely and on time.
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