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dillasannotation · 1 year ago
With ecofeminism, the political focus turns outwards. Its first premiss is that the ‘material’ resourcing of women and of nature are structurally interconnected in the capitalist patriarchal system.
Maria Mies and Vandana Shiva - Ecofeminism
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epitome-the-burnkid-viii · 1 year ago
Pertinent news updates suppressed by the establishment and much more! Shared daily!!! Watch my show #SupplementalBroadcast 🎱#youtuberecommendedchronicles🔮 on YouTube & Rumble New episodes posted regularly!!! 🧩🙏🎟️ #NewsUpdates #3DMatrix #conspiracy #currentevents #5DEarth #TheGreatAwakening
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empirediaries · 1 year ago
Bill Gates Is Dividing The World' | Vandana Shiva Interview | Empire Diaries Empire Diaries caught up with the firebrand food right activist and presents to you this thought-provoking Dr Vandana Shiva interview on issues that matter to humanity.
#vandanashiva #billgates #empirediaries #vandanashiva #drvandanashiva #empirediaries #BillGates
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eug3n362 · 10 months ago
Oneness vs. The 1%: #VandanaShiva at the United Nations Office at Geneva
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kenbowe · 1 year ago
The reason why the world needs E-learning (maybe)
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porternotesscribbles · 2 years ago
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Uniformity is Not Nature’s Way; Diversity is Nature’s Way - Vandana Shiva
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seedkeeping · 4 years ago
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Last June, @tuna__turner connected me with his friend @linyeezy, who interviewed me for this piece in @thisismold. I just got the magazine in the mail today and it is beautiful!! I’m so honored to be featured in this seed issue alongside @tuna__turner, #vandanashiva, @namu_farm, @vivien.sansour, and many other amazing people and projects. This article was spoken aloud in response to verbal questions/prompts while I took a quick break from filling seed orders from my quarantined home office last year, so it reads pretty different from my usual writing style, which I appreciate. This piece is my mediations on seed keeping and a bit of my backstory with the food justice and community gardening movements and how I got into seeds. Please check out this entire issue! Thank you Mold! https://www.instagram.com/p/CNoQzbtnLAa/?igshid=17ii81ikrwqrx
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twistedparalleluniverse · 5 years ago
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leiamulheres · 5 years ago
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Mulheres, nossa luta é árdua, mas é justa. Às vezes pode parecer tudo bem difícil, mas nos desesperar fortalece quem luta contra nós. Por mais difícil que tudo possa parecer, não desistam! Vamos seguir juntas!
Leia a entrevista completa aqui!
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notedown · 5 years ago
Dulu sekali saat SMP, ketika jadwal ulangan tiba dan guru mata pelajaran masuk kelas, saya sering dengan polosnya mengingatkan, “Ulangan ya, Pak/Bu?” Sumpah saya nggak berniat apa pun, sombong atau siap banget menghadapi ujian. Pertanyaan itu terdengar bodoh memang; seisi kelas juga sudah tahu kalau hari itu ujian dan nggak mungkin guru membatalkannya. Tapi entah mengapa saya sering nyeplos begitu. Mungkin untuk memecah hening dan ketegangan selagi guru bersiap membagikan soal ujian. Tentu kemudian di jadwal-jadwal ujian berikutnya, kawan-kawan saya mengingatkan sekaligus mengancam, “Mith, awas lho nggak usah ngelingno ulangan!”
Seiring dengan hidup yang makin pelik, kepolosanku sirna. Misalnya, saat ujian Fisika di bangku SMA, ketemu dosen pembimbing skripsi saat kuliah, atau meeting dan presentasi dengan mitra ketika sudah bekerja. Tidak bisa lagi itu dengan enteng dan tanpa beban bilang, “Wah, mau ujian/bimbingan/meeting nih.” Sudah nervous breakdown duluan. Di saat-saat genting seperti itu, sering kali saya berimajinasi, ada kejadian besar apa kek sehingga rencana meeting dan lain-lain hari itu batal atau ditunda.
Tanpa diduga, kejadian besar itu tengah terjadi sekarang. Apalagi kalau bukan karena pagebluk virus korona atau Covid-19. Bedanya, kini saya sedang tidak dalam posisi bekerja. Kalau pun saya masih bekerja, kemungkinan besar bakal tidak berbahagia juga sih karena meeting dan lain-lain betulan batal atau ditunda. Pasalnya, saya pasti harus berpikir ekstra keras agar semua agenda dalam setahun tetap berjalan. Atau ikut memikirkan rencana dan tindakan darurat. Tentu ini akan jadi kekhawatiran dan stres di tingkat yang lain.  
Untungnya, kekhawatiran dan stres di level yang lebih tinggi ini tidak diperlukan. Sebabnya, saya sedang menikmati kemewahan luar biasa sebagai mahasiswa master di Wageningen, Belanda. Tugas saya hanya belajar. Uang saku bulanan tersedia dan ada kerja part-time sedikit di akhir pekan, sehingga masih bisa kirim cukup banyak ke kampung halaman. Sungguh keberuntungan yang tak terkira. Tentu Covid-19 ini juga berdampak pada sistem perkuliahan. Semua kelas dan ujian berlangsung secara daring, pembatasan jumlah orang di gedung-gedung kampus sehingga hampir semua kegiatan belajar dilakukan di kamar, pembatalan excursion ke museum dan praktik fieldwork di pulau yang kabarnya sangat indah di Spanyol. Potluck serta acara kumpul-kumpul dengan teman sekelas atau pun sejawat Indonesia praktis tidak dilakukan juga. Apalagi jalan-jalan pakai weekend free. Singkatnya, Covid-19 ini bikin hidup jadi kurang asyiklah.
Tapi sejujurnya, saya sempat mengalami euforia tersendiri. Buat manusia tanpa rencana hidup jelas dan introver macam saya begini, isolasi diri ini seperti surga. Koridor dengan tujuh kamar hanya dihuni dua orang. Di kondisi seperti ini, kawan koridor enggan juga ngobrol lama-lama, hanya bilang hai saja saat berpapasan. Sepi dan senyap. Karena online, kelas-kelas berukuran kecil yang saya ikuti pun kini tersedia rekamannya, sehingga bisa diputar ulang. Biasanya, hanya kelas besar dengan peserta lebih dari lima puluh orang saja yang direkam. Meskipun berada di kamar, saya tidak merasa bosan dan malah banyak yang bisa dikerjakan. Selain belajar materi perkuliahan yang makin sulit dan berusaha keras memahaminya, saya jadi cukup rajin menulis buku harian, melamum, tidur siang secukupnya, bersih-bersih, atau membiakkan tanaman-tanaman di kamar. Krisis, kepanikan, dan chaos di luar sana bikin saya merasa apa yang saya anggap persoalan hidup selama ini berkurang kegentingannya. Ya, kecemasan secara umum masih suka muncul juga sih, misalnya takut nggak bisa tesis dan internship, atau keluarga dan kawan ada yang kena dan jatuh sakit.
Tentu saya rindu juga kumpul-kumpul di meja makan dapur, masak ala kadarnya terutama dengan kawan-kawan Indonesia. Terakhir kali bergerombol makan ayam geprek di awal masa karantina, dilanjut ngobrol asbun penuh hiburan dengan Kukuh dan Ghilandy. Selama masa karantina ini, beberapa kali juga ngecek kawan sekelas, terutama yang sesama dari “selatan,” dan berujung pada sepedaan bareng ke Arboretum atau berjemur di tepi Sungai Rijn. Bukan bermaksud rasis atau apa, hanya bersolidaritas karena mengalami tantangan adaptasi yang kurang lebih mirip. Juga bisa bebas bergosip soal negara masing-masing tanpa merasa konyol.
Saya pun tak bisa bilang bersyukur karena korona. Berita-berita akibat Covid-19 yang berdampak baik bagi iklim dan lingkungan karena pelambatan ekonomi (kegiatan manusia) berdampingang dengan berita-berita efek negatif yang menyayat hati. Euforia kemudian bersanding dengan frustasi. Kegembiraan hadir lagi ketika mendengarkan diskusi-diskusi membayangkan dunia pasca-Covid-19, yang berbeda, yang berubah, yang mungkin lebih indah. Tapi perubahan seperti apa? Mungkinkah itu jika cara manusia hidup akan kembali seperti biasanya saja?
Salah dua perempuan idola menulis opini mereka soal Covid-19:
A little virus can help us make a quantum leap to create a planetary, ecological civilisation based on harmony with nature. Or, we can continue to live in the illusion of mastery over nature and move fast forward to the next pandemic. And finally, to extinction. The Earth will continue to evolve, with or without us. (Vandana Shiva) Historically, pandemics have forced humans to break with the past and imagine their world anew. This one is no different. It is a portal, a gateway between one world and the next. We can choose to walk through it, dragging the carcasses of our prejudice and hatred, our avarice, our data banks and dead ideas, our dead rivers and smoky skies behind us. Or we can walk through lightly, with little luggage, ready to imagine another world. And ready to fight for it. (Arundhati Roy)
Entah sampai kapan jaga jarak fisik ini akan berlaku. Yang agak jelas bagi saya, jendela waktu itu akan menjadi jeda untuk terpontang-panting pada kesenangan pribadi atas isolasi diri, kepasrahan karena toh manusia tidak terlalu signifikan atau malah jadi penyebab masalah dan eksistensi bumi akan berlanjut dengan atau tanpa manusia, dan gelisah membayangkan dunia seperti apa yang akan hadir setelah pandemi nanti. Tentu sembari mengurusi urusan domestik dan keperluan dunia fana yang bisa bikin bertahan hidup. 
Wageningen, 10 April 2020
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journey-to-the-goddess · 5 years ago
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🌺Last weekend I enjoyed a magical Journey to the Goddess at the Marian grotto shrine and grounds in Portland, OR. I had begun my journey feeling particularly disheartened by the state of the Amazon. Although I already had plans to visit her, it suddenly felt vital to reconnect with the goddess. After all, Regeneration is the primary principle of the Great Goddess and each goddess form she takes on represents an aspect of the regenerative cycle. 🌺Regeneration is the principle of life that cycles thru birth-growth-degeneration-death-rebirth. According to ecofeminist Vandana Shiva, “regeneration lies at the heart of life” and the ecological perspective honors all life as intrinsically valuable. Ecology sees living systems as inherently co-collaborative, self-organizing, naturally diverse, self-sustaining, and self-healing, hence fundamentally regenerative. If given the opportunity to regenerate, nature will do so. This will also take courage, and perhaps humility, for us humans to remember our place within the regenerative cycle as one system co-existing within the whole Gaian-Earth ecosystem. 🌺I see this Marian image to exude the life-giving and life-sustaining symbolism of the cycle of regeneration. Her shrine, deeply embedded within a cave—another feminine symbol connected to the womb—is a remembrance of the vital connection between ecology / environmentalist and the manifestation of the feminine principle in the world. Perhaps if we genuinely remember and nurture the feminine principle of Regeneration, we too can be a part of the healing of the Amazon. 🌺”Biopiracy: The Plunder of Nature and Knowledge” by Vandana Shiva. 🌺Photo cred. to the lovely Amber Revoir. #thegrottoportland #regeneration #divinefeminine #journeytothegoddess #ecology #mary #healtheamazon #vandanashiva #earth (at The Grotto Portland) https://www.instagram.com/p/B142EjDBtPM/?igshid=cosnsm9p7qpz
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empirediaries · 1 year ago
Delhi Air Pollution | Rockefeller | Ford | USAID | World Bank
Delhi air pollution has been happening for years now. But why it is getting media attention now? Stubble burning in Punjab is primarily blamed but are the farmers really responsible for Delhi air pollution?
To know more watch full video https://youtu.be/mCuvs35C9Is
#delhipollution #delhiairpollution #henryford #delhiairpollution #airpollutiondelhi #stubbleburninginpunjab #stubbleburning #delhipollution #delhipollutionsolution #rockefellers #fordfoundation #henryford #USAID #worldbank #empirediaries #vandanashiva
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erik595 · 6 years ago
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Nel 1995 il vicepresidente della Banca mondiale espresse una previsione inquietante: "Se le guerre di questo secolo sono state combattute per il petrolio, quelle del secolo prossimo avranno come oggetto del contendere l'acqua". Molti segni fanno pensare che avesse ragione. Le prime pagine di questo libro parlano di acqua insufficiente in Israele, India, Cina, Bolivia, Canada, Messico, Ghana e Stati Uniti. Le guerre dell'acqua non sono una prospettiva lontana nel futuro. Il conflitto è già in corso, anche se non è sempre visibile. Molti conflitti politici di questo tipo sono infatti celati o repressi: chi controlla il potere preferisce mascherare le guerre dell'acqua travestendole da conflitti etnici e religiosi. #vandanashiva #shiva #libro #libri #libros #book #books #acqua #reportage #inchiesta #bookstagram #bookish #bookshelves #bookshelf #bookphotography #booklover #bookworm #bookporn #bookblogger #bookaholic #india #author #autore #dirittiumani #humanrights #guerre #wars #consiglidilettura https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt86ab6lbvV/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1dfj6ltykw36t
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startingattheroots · 6 years ago
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Excerpt from #vandanashiva 's book #makingpeacewiththeearth 🦌🦁🐯🦊🦏🐘🐍🦎🐢🦑🦐🦀🐬🐋☘️🍀🌲🌱🌷🌼🌸💮🌹🌍🌎🌏♻️ #landgrab #privatisation #lossofthecommons #poverty #oppression #noplanetb #love #compassion #earth #socialjustice #earthjustice #peace #capitalism #westernculture #privilage #poor #greed #timeisnow #cultivatewhatmatters #changeisgood https://www.instagram.com/starting.at.the.roots/p/BtHefUMgcxQ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1hgzf45nlbrvg
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honestlyscentedninja · 3 years ago
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A stimulating philosophical discourse with the phenomenal #vandanashiva @navdanya delhi #ecofeminism #earthdemocracy #biodiversityislife #climatechange #environment #ebyugakhil https://www.instagram.com/p/CgFKOGKpMkq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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plantman-dan · 6 years ago
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These deadheads know life / They hold summers warmth through seed / The freedom of life \\\ "We are dealing with life itself, so the first place we get power is by aligning ourselves with the forces of life. That is why the act of seed saving is such an important political act in this time. And that is the part that is linked to self-organizing—organizing yourself to save the seeds, have a community garden, create an exchange, do everything that it takes to protect and rejuvenate the seed. But at this point, industry is hungry to have absolute control. They will not tolerate a single farmer who has freedom in his seed supply. They will not stand a single seed that grows on its own terms." – Vandana Shiva /// #deadheads #deadflowers #seedsaving #seedsavers #vandanashiva #freedom #haiku #cosmos #marigolds #zinnias https://www.instagram.com/p/BqH4fcyHou_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=7xeofzg5hunj
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