#vance and bruce are complete opposites about their sexuality
staggersz · 1 year
What's your hc on Robin's relationship with his sexuality? How he discovered it, how he feels about it, how he deals with the heteronormative society around him, etc etc whatever you're thinking about. And feel free to include any of the other characters that you also hc as non straight!
Oh this question. I can go ON and ON about this.
Since this question mentioned mainly Robin, I’ll start with him and go more into detail with only Robin for this post.
I feel like Robin’s thoughts and mentality with his sexuality was mostly always negative and his self esteem about it was awful.
I can imagine just since day one of being friends with Finney, he had a crush on him. He saw Finney as someone who was so much better than him. Finney treated him with kindness and Robin treated him with just as much kindness, if not more.
I think around 4th-5th grade for him is when he realized the way he felt around and about Finney wouldn’t be considered normal by society. Robin read the newspapers, he watched the TV, he heard what people have said. He knows he isn’t considered “normal”.
The day he realized, he just went home and cried and yelled into his pillow because he thought he was a horrible person. He felt like he disappointed his parents, he felt like they were looking down on him in shame. He thought that if they were alive, they wouldn’t love him anymore if they knew. I feel like if Robin was religious, he would have prayed to god or whatever was up there to fix and cure him, to rid him of his “sins”.
Robin doesn’t discuss this with his uncle or Finney at pretty much any point early on. He wants to like girls so he can be considered normal, but he knows he can’t force himself to like girls. He can’t help but feel his heart flutter when Finney does so much as look at him. Seeing Finney have a crush on Donna completely destroyed him, but what could he do? He didn’t think Finney would ever like him; a boy.
Robin defends Finney from bullies that call him slurs and make fun of him because if Robin was the one in Finney’s place, Robin would want to be defended as well.
What Robin doesn’t know is that other kids do call Robin those things. They talk about him, just not to his face. He’s called those things because they think he looks gay in those jeans, gay in those tank tops, gay with his long hair. But the most damning piece of evidence is that he defends Finney, someone who is constantly bullied on the suspicion that he is gay. When Robin did find out about all these rumors, he felt more self hate than he ever did before.
He does learn to be accepting of who he is as a person, though it takes a long long time.
If you want to read about more characters in TBP with this question, you can click more to read more or leave it off here :)
I feel like Finney would be characteristically pessimistic when it comes to him realizing he’s bisexual. He knows all the backlash he’d get from people if he ever mentioned it. He knows Gwen would still support and accept him though. :)
I feel like he would discover/realize he was bisexual when he realized he started looking at Robin differently, like the same way he would look at Donna. He noticed how his heart started beating faster when he was around him.
He doesn’t talk to his dad about it for the fear that their relationship will get worse, and he doesn’t want to be hurt anymore than he already has been.
He mostly accepts himself, but he just wonders what would happen if his bullies did find out about this.
Bruce discovered he was bisexual when he saw Vance for the first time and went home, and couldn’t get him out of his head. Vance literally had him entranced.
Bruce is one of those people that despite all of society’s opinions on the lgbtq, he is open about his bisexuality. He’s a bit sad when his friends start looking at him weird and his baseball team avoid him completely after they learn this info.
Bruce’s family is 100% accepting of him and I don’t see it any other way. They would still love Bruce to the fullest and would just want him to be happy and to most importantly stay safe.
Bruce is probably the one who had the least amount of a crisis over his sexuality.
Vance is probably the one who hates himself the most when it comes to his sexuality. After his parents divorced and he became a child of split custody, his life kinda went downhill a bit. While Bonnie is a very supporting and kind mother, Scott (Vance’s dad) is pretty religious, and drills thoughts into Vance’s head, threatening him, and just making Vance afraid.
Vance had religious trauma, and he was very cautious when it came to his dad. He felt like he was walking on eggshells around him all the time.
Vance didn’t realize he was gay for a while. Sure, he read metal band magazines and would stare at the guys on his band posters for a bit too long, but he didn’t really consider it. He kind of only realized when he became friends with Bruce, and got unknowingly jealous when girls got close with Bruce.
When Vance finally realized he was gay, he kind of just lost it. He went home to his mom’s house, locked himself in his room, and kind of just had self-destructive behavior for a bit. He thought he was disgusting and thought that he didn’t deserve anything good since he had a crush on a boy.
Most kids in North Denver already suspected Vance of being gay. They would make fun of his choker, his clothing style, and his long curly hair; plus how angelic he looked physically was a reason for this.
Even after he starts dating Bruce, he’s still very very closeted and is afraid to even stand right next to Bruce in public. He gets very paranoid when people find out about them dating.
Billy is a bit like of an odd ball.
Billy would get notes from girls slipped into his backpack or folders when he was younger asking him if he wanted to be their boyfriend, but every time Billy said no and brushed it off.
Billy’s parents had zero clue or suspicions about Billy being bi but they didn’t berate him when they did find out; they loved him all the same.
Billy kinda didn’t really realize himself. All he knew was that he found the lonely boy on the playground that was a year younger than him interesting. Billy found Griffin to be interesting.
He was always thrown off by romantic and suggestive scenes in movies though. He’d exaggerate a gag, and would turn away or leave the room. He didn’t know why it irked him so much. He didn’t know of the term asexual.
When he finally did realize, all he knew was that he only wanted to grow old with one person, which was Griffin.
Griffin was always a bit wacky from the start.
Bonnie knew ever since Griffin was in daycare that he wasn’t like any of the other boys there. Griffin always wanted to play dress up, was a mama’s boy, was a very shy kid, and was kind of frightened by the rowdiness of other boys.
When Griffin grew older, he never had any crushes. He never found any kid in his grade interesting, he never had a thing for anyone. He found boys cute, sure, but never got any crushes on them. Heck, it even took a while for him to feel any kind of feelings for Billy.
Griffin also was irked by romantic and suggestive scene. He never saw the appeal. He could feel the sweat on his hands and the turning of his stomach whenever he saw stuff like that.
Griffin knew what the term gay was. His mom had taught him that some people were just different than others and that it was okay. When he finally kinda realized, he didn’t care in the slightest. But it was odd. He was interested in boys, but at the same time, he never had been. He had grown to only be interested in Billy.
He just had to get to him a little bit, that’s all.
Holy shit my fingers are TIREDDDD
I was so scared the app would crash half way through LMFAO
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