cloud-kaiju · 4 months
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Will continue the Werewolf Story post TF, under the tag #teethingproblems, so number 1.
 Luc stumbled with the first step.
The sensation had faded now, and her long tail and strange wings flexed to balance her as if standing on tip toe was second nature. Having virtual exercise balls glued to her chest and perhaps double the mess was not second nature though.
She looked over again- paw-claw-hands, pale white fur and blood red hair, the body beyond voluptuous. Just as Luc had designed his character to be for the virtual reality game, Tales of Lore. But the game, the virtual reality stuff, and all his clothes were gone, and instead he- she- was this no middle sliders vampire werewolf character.
How human even was she? Curiosity pushed her through the small flat, tail flailing for balance, to the bathrooms shaving mirror. Was she like a ravening monster face? Or like, Sonic style?
Her momentum came to an abrupt stop as she ducked through the doorway, and felt a wooden vice on her abundant hips. She took another step, but her fleshy rear overfilled the portal’s width, and she slammed her paws against the frame, straining with a frustrated resounding GRRRRRROWL.
The wood creaked in response as her paws scrabbled off the floor, her mass bounced with the effort, and cracks began to spread from the point of pressure. He had designed this character to be max strength, a complete bombshell aesthetically and effectively, there was no way a puny doorway could stop her!
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the-autistic-spider · 5 months
Real Question Not A Joke
if a vampire and a werewolf where to both bite a person
would that person become a vamwolf? vampire werewolf
and if so what would a person bit by a vamwolf become?
a vampire or werewolf?
if you are a werewolf (bitten not genetic)
and where to be pregnant with a normal human's genetics
would that baby be a quarter werewolf or half werewolf like you
if you are a werewolf (for ether genetic or bitten)
would you have a litter or one human baby
feel free to add any questions of your own in a reblog =]
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collarbjt · 4 months
Ty Olsson and Dj Qualls are married, I’m so glad to hear that! Congratulations, wish you two a wonderful lovely life together🥳 Happy werepire wedding
(Why werepire? Why no vamwolf???)
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rainbowxocs · 2 years
Juniper. I have a very important question. If a vampire and a werewolf both bit a human at the exact same time, what would happen? (Werepire?? Vamwolf????)
Welllll.. assss a vampireeee and aaaa werewolffff.. Iiii dooo haveee someee authoritttyy onnn thisss..
Ifffff itsss justtt a normallll humannnn theyyy woulddd probablyyy dieee.. Vampirreeee bitesss and Werewolffff bitesss are bothhh incrediblyyy traumatic eveentttsss to the bodddy..
Yyouuuu cannn survive oneee.. buttt twooo???
Butttt ifff theyyy diddd surviveee, theyyy woulddd probablyyyy be stableeee (unlikeee meee)… vampireeesss andddd werewolfff powerrssss complilimenttt eachotherrr well… theresss alsooo no realll overiddeee in natureee..
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arent-we-all-nerds · 4 years
What happens when a werewolf bites a vampire? Or the other way around?
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cleaetpauline60 · 5 years
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73icn7 · 7 years
This Otome fan is BL friendly!
because there is too much negativity in otome fandoms i thought this need be said.
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a-simple-complexity · 3 years
I'm writing a werewolf fic that actually makes sense:
- werewolf is an umbrella term which means you can be anytype of canine (main character is a black German shepherd, their best friend is your typical angry Chihuahua, and their boyfriends are an adrenaline junkie Welsh corgi and a posh but loving poodle)
- story takes place in the 90's (more specifically the grunge niche era) and main character comes from a lineage of the original werewolf (gotta keep some sort of trope)
- main character doesn't actually believe they're a werewolf until meeting up with a coven of vampires and after going through initiation to join (drink vampire blood, make first kill) ends up going through an extremely painful transformation.
- the coven and pack meet up and realize what's wrong before running main character through two tests:
+ Can you go out in sunlight?
+ What happens when there's a full moon?
- main character isn't the only hybrid but is among the few who aren't shunned by their pack or coven
- both groups end up teaming up to keep the werepire (vamwolf?) Safe from the head vampire who is very conservative (i.e believes that vampires and werewolves shouldn't be around each other bc of that mythical war that people joke about)
- even the pack alpha (main characters grandpa) tries to keep them safe only to be taken out by head vampire
- now main character is pissed and seeing as head vampy boy is strongest in the tri-state area (not world just area) decides to embark (lol bark) on a journey to find a strong enough hunter to bring back and kill the head vampire while the sired vampires try to break they're sire-bonds before then
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captainbaddecisions · 4 years
Perhaps vampwolf/vamwolf should = person who's both a werewolf and a vampire; and werepire should = person who turns into a vampire during the full moon. Thoughts?
My thoughts is this is very confusing but a possibility? Can a vampire also be a werewolf? Can a werewolf also be a vampire? My World of Darkness days are far behind, my dear anonymous friend-
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cannonette · 6 years
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Start screens from various Otome Games [ 2 ]
Vamwolf Cross†
KLAP!! ~Kind Love And Punish
Yunohana SpRING! 
Nil Admirari no Tenbin Teito Genwaku Kitan
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cloud-kaiju · 3 months
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Teething Problems 9.
Flying was an uphill battle. Well, it was the next thing above uphill really, but she’d have expected it to be easier. Instead, Luc was sore and muddy by the time she turned towards home. She had to have fallen on her boobs like fifty times, and eventually there was only so much cushioning her expansive curves provided. She had glided, sort of, once she got some altitude, turning long jumps into huge bounds, but elevation eluded her.
Then it was struggle back through the doors at four in the morning, only to glance down and notice the brown and grey smears across her white coat. Yuck. So, it was back wrestling through the bathroom door, filling the tub with warm water, only to discover her ass was too wide to even fit in the bath. Standing for a shower was impossible too, the showerhead just scooshed her belly, so the enormous vampire werewolf found herself sitting, scrubbing down her fluffy fur, discovering the thick curves beneath.
With a frown, she turned to glance at the mirror once more, straining her eyes where a reflection should be, only to reveal a wet wall and shower spray.
Then, after a second longer, the flash of red appeared once more, spelling out her name, her existence in warm hard numbers. All in all, her first night of playing as a Vamwolf had netted her her first level up
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alheli-doctorsad · 7 years
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i just tryed okay? i had to dasdasdadsa
my love with his tail and visible ear of his vamwolf hybrid. i have to clarify of course.
(first time i attempt this)
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2nd-jiken · 7 years
『ラノゲツクールMV』新コラボDLCに『BELIEVER!』と『Vamwolf Cross†』登場
#新戎橋 2018年02月22日 07:09:00 『A3!(エースリー)』2月24日と2月25日に、東京渋谷駅前および大阪戎橋の大型ビジョンで冬組出演のオリジナルプロモーション映像が放映されることが発表された。 『A3!(エースリー)』2月22日は真面目でストイックな口ベタ役者・高遠 丞の誕生日 新戎橋の近所のバー
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cloud-kaiju · 3 months
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Teething Problems 7.
 Luc climbed upright as the bell rang, nose perked at the scent of meat laden pizza as her stomach growled. For a moment her mind wandered from her hunger- there’d be drama if people thought she was a werewolf or vampire right, let alone both?
With a bit of tension to her vast hips, her wings retracted and she grinned at her skill, before bounding over to the door, ears virtually scraping the ceiling. Oh, right, the door was barely chest level- she bent low to open it, balancing herself on her knees as she leaned outwards with an eager grin.
The delivery guy was there as expected, holding a glorious stack of boxes, the source of that scent!
“Aw, fantastic, dinner is here!” Luc cheered, surprised at how well her husky warm tones boomed forth. Yet the human, a bearded lad, didn’t move, his mouth agape, eyes wide, staring at…
Oh yeah, she was still a giant wolf girl in the buff wasn’t she? Luc glanced down, feeling a little colour at how her vast bosom bounced, her hips scraping against either edge of the door frame, she’d probably stare too. But he had already seen, what was the problem with a little fun?
“Oh, you ok there buddy? Hope I didn’t scare you,” She purred, daring to stand a little more upright, crossing her arms under her girls. The man blinked and tried to look down, but there was no way for him to look up at her without his eyes being drawn. “I just got soooo excited for pizza that I rushed to the door- can you imagine, if you brought me them again, I’d probably do the same thing? So silly!”
“Ah… ah, no, it’s uh, no problem.” He finally stuttered, hefting the pile he was struggling with, “You… you order often?”
“Ooh, well it’s a bit steep isn’t it? But I’d never turn down a delivery if you have spares,” She winked, and barely contained her laughter as the man coloured bright red, stumbling as she took her feast from him with ease.
“Right, uh, y’know, sometimes that happens- uh, gotta go, nice to… meet you,” He blabbered, and Luc grinned and slammed the door shut, almost tumbling backwards as her ears brushed the ceiling again. After a solid twenty seconds she broke into proper laughter and slumped down by the couch again, hefting the box open.
Maybe this could be fun- after all, she was nocturnal, why not enjoy this a little bit?
Food first, then try out her wings and powers
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cloud-kaiju · 4 months
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Teething Problems 3. Originally when I wrote these on DeviantArt, I let people vote for some choices, like the one at the end of this section. Vote is not open, happened years ago.
 The eight foot amazon of fur and fang yelped in surprise and recoiled as the mirror flashed. Her long ears batted the lamp, and only the proximity of the wall behind her stopped Luc from entirely collapsing on the ground.
Her hackles rose with embarassment, fur standing on end across her vast form, but her eyes adjusted to see no threat. Things weren’t normal, but they didn’t seem scary.
The mirror was no dark, covered in vibrant blood red writing, listing:
<Lucas Bernando. VamWolf. Level 1.>
<STR: 23 DEX: 12 CON: 30 INT: 11 WIS: 6 CHA: 12>
More statistics followed, the statistics for the character she’d been creating in the game, but also not. She apparently had five levels in pop culture, one level in english, and a gratifying eight levels in mechanics- clearly the knowledge of her real life.
But then there was stuff like levels in Drain-Bite, Resilient Body, Keen Senses, Nocturnal Apex, and a confusing half level in Flight (“How do you get created with a 0.5 level!”) and then more concerning aspects:
<Fire Vulnerability: 2> <Silver Vulnerability: 3> <Holy Vulnerability: 3> <Radiant Vulnerability: 50> <Garlic Vulnerability: 1>
“Stay out of the sunshine. Okay. Good to know.” Luc growled, letting her eyes drift to the large text at the bottom of her “sheet”.
<Alpha: Ability to coerce lupine beings>
<Beast Form: Ability to transform into a suitable animal>
<Blood Bond: Ability to make loyal familiar>
<Ceaseless Hunger: Ability to consume additional mass or concepts>
<Charm: Ability to coerce beings>
<Daywalker Lustre: Sparkles>
<Empathic Senses: Ability to sense thoughts>
<Hemomage: Open gateway to allow learning of Blood Magic>
<Lunar Rebel: Ability to transform without full moon>
<Metamorphic Initiate: Minor shape-shifting ability>
<Resilient Body: Lvl 5: Greatly enhance physical defence>
<Umbral Novice: Minor shadow-shifting ability>
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cloud-kaiju · 3 months
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Teething Problems 8.
 “Pwah, bleh!” Luc spat out a mouthful of turf, and slumped, letting her body slam down into the earth with a grunt. Her pride hurt more than her body honestly- even looking back at the sizable furrow she had ploughed through the field with her crash landing, she didn’t feel more than slightly bruised. That was a vamwolf for you.
Yet what wasn’t a vamwolf, she considered as she hefted herself upright, was being so crap at flying!
She had been feeling good when she finished her nine pizzas. Her stomach was nearly full, the memory of the delivery guys’ reaction playing in her head, her new body full of promise. After wrestling her hips free of the front door, it hadn’t been that hard to run off into the shadows, and find she could jump fences fairly easily, out to a nearby field.
Flying though? She grimaced, stretching out her wings from her hips, and tried to stretch her near nine feet of fluff and muscle. It was so damn hard! She’d tried jumping, flapping, triple jumping- even sprinting at her full pace and leaping had only left a furrow and a trail of mud across her formerly pristine white fur.
Maybe there was a trick to it- she had half a level in Flight, right? How did she even raise her levels?
With a snarl, the huge winged wolf turned, and headed over to begin hauling herself up a tree. It was all a matter of trial and error.
Mainly error.
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