fxcetspera-blog · 7 years
boxing day
Boxing Day: Tag someone whose writing style you love.
I’m gonna go ahead and tag @vampiricallyxspeaking. CK is a next level writer, someone who seriously knows what she’s doing and knows the rules of her craft. Seriously, everything that she writes just sounds like art. I absolutely love seeing her on the dash, no matter if she’s writing Benny or Jaxon, and I’m so privileged to get to write with her as well. If you’re not following her, definitely go take a look, because she’s such high quality, both in her writing and just as a person in general. I love her so much and I’m so proud to call her my wife.
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blccdborn-blog · 7 years
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      [ txt ;; fangs ] b.       [ txt ;; fangs ] whdere arye you man       [ txt ;; fangs ] i miss oyou dcome home
closed starter for @vampiricallyxspeaking
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failedhero-archive · 7 years
" uh huh. i know. i'm not lookin' to start any big conversation. just somethin' you ought'a know. and i'm not gonna let you make me feel weird 'bout telling you i care about you. — now, you gonna watch old movies with me, or what? "
                     That has always been an issue. Feelings of any kind, no matter how reciprocated they might be, falling flat because Dean feels obligated. He doesn’t say ‘I love you’ the last time he said that was to his mother right before she died. It’s just not- he doesn’t- it’s not what he does. Life and death situations? With Sam? Maybe. That can be decided on a case by case basis but just in general? No. 
                         And because his experience has always been ‘I say it now you have to say it back’ he expected the same from Benny. What he gets is astronomically different. This isn’t baiting. Dean knows Benny and that just wasn’t his style. None of this really was. How like him to just get it off his chest and move on. He’d done the same with Castiel back in purgatory hadn’t he? Vetting him as to why the angel left Dean in the first place, totally unprompted. Then he wanted an answer but there hadn’t been anything leading to it. It seemed to Dean that Benny does what he wants and a man like that doesn’t expect an answer to a big thing like this. 
                          “You gonna talk through the whole thing or actually let me watch? I want to watch Streetcar again, I like the bit about the shoes.” And while he might not say anything Dean’s body language speaks for itself. He’s closer. His heart rate has evened out. Cheeks a bit flushed. He’s comfortable. Relaxed. And yeah, sure, maybe he’s in love. 
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freckledrighteous-a · 7 years
@vampiricallyxspeaking liked for a short starter.
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Dean wasn’t sure what kind of game was this. What kind of trick it was.  But he sure as hell wanted it to not be an illusion. He couldn’t be here. Could he? 
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hellfirebound · 7 years
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“You do know that I don’t get ALONG with anyone, right?” His words came out more sarcastic than he intended, but he was at least being truthful, “So, let me put it QUITE clearly to you, yes? Stay out of my BUSINESS and we will get along just time.”
// @vampiricallyxspeaking
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amazonmarked · 7 years
How do you handle forgiveness? What will you never forgive? Is there someone you need to forgive?
[ okay so the concept of forgiveness for emma is a huge thing in both of her verses tbh ?? just because i think part of her being able to grow as a person is learning to understand why those around her did what they did & how ( if she can ) move on from that. for her main verse, she eventually begins to forgive sam for shooting her just because he had a reason to. she had every intention to take out both him & dean that day, so she understands he was just trying to eliminate what he perceived as a threat. and by the time she leaves purgatory & starts to get a life going for herself, the w.inchesters seem like a distant bad memory.] [ in her au verse, since she doesn’t end up coming to harm & instead decides to abandon her ‘mission’ ; her focus of forgiveness is on her mother. lydia is a sore subject for emma, just because she’s so bitter about what the amazon clan & her mother put her through. she was virtually only a few hours/days old when she was taken away to be conditioned & trained to be a killer. from the time she was born, it seemed like lydia’s motherly feelings only extended so far. emma holds some of her deepest resentment towards her mother, just because she knows lydia likely never truly saw her as her own person with agency, or wanted her daughter to grow up and have a ‘good’ or ‘normal’  life.  tldr; she can hold some major grudges, but she has it in her to be very forgiving if given ample enough time to sort out all her internalized feelings. ] 
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nevermeanttofall · 7 years
vampiricallyxspeaking replied to your post: how adorable are you? Cas: vs Castiel: [ idk why...
cas is softe & a friend. castiel is scary & a big bad angel. hahah
[ this is true <.<;;; But then there’s characters like Benny where he can be both soft, but also kick anyone’s ass XD ]
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❝ did you just name drop jesus christ like you know a guy who knows a guy ? ❞
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“ I do know a guy. Jesus. ”
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highschccldropout · 7 years
Love is an abstract concept, but what concrete images does love conjure for you?
worn leather seats and an engine that purrs
soft blonde hair faded by memory, the whisper of a voice singing me to sleep
the familiar weight of a necklace against my chest
gentle blue eyes watching me with earnest concern
the sound of another person sleeping in the passenger seat
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failedhero-archive · 7 years
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               To say he isn’t sure of this situation is a massive understatement. Dean had thought he was doing a good job of keeping his crazy on lock but that wasn’t the case. It had taken awhile to leak into his hunting life but when it had- he almost got Sam killed. Couldn’t let that happen again so....... he’s in the car the next day. Driving down to Louisiana where he knows Benny is living, hoping the guy lets him hang out for a bit before he goes to find a motel. Of course he’s not looking forward to being on his own but it was worth it if it meant keeping Sam safe. 
                    Knocking on the door a few times Dean resists the urge to knock again and takes a step back to get a good look at the place. He starts second guessing himself. He shouldn’t be here. After all that Benny’s done for the two of them and now he’s back- it’s pathetic. Before he can turn around, however, the door is answered which means Dean has to quickly shove his emotions back to smile.                  “Nice of you to finally answer, Dracula. How ‘bout a beer?”
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“Been a while since I’ve last seen ya. Glad you decided to show up when that stray vamp got a jump on me. Man, I would be toast right now if it weren’t for you.”
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blccdborn-blog · 7 years
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       he came back to his senses with a low hum, head against benny’s chest.  a single eye peaks open to look up at the other, while a hand brushes through the light fuzz on the man’s toned belly. dean leans up, placing small, gentle kisses on the side of benny’s scruffy face, trying to wake him up like he never had before. “wake up you old bear,” he mumbles, nose teasing at his neck. he’d thought of making them both some food before waking benny up, but then again nothing could beat benny’s cooking skills or how amazing he looked while exercising them.
@vampiricallyxspeaking ♥
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heavensfallen-blog1 · 7 years
@vampiricallyxspeaking | PLOTTED.
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she was torn from heaven and sent violently plummeting towards earth. everything happened so fast-- not only was she falling, but ALL the angels fell.  that’s all she could remember; before she passed out from the pain halfway down.  she wakes up in a crater in the middle of a field; confused and injured. her vessel was badly damaged; covered in burns and scratches. she summons her grace within herself to heal... But it was fruitless. she couldn’t heal with how weakened she was. she rolls on her side, and slowly pushes herself to her feet. she stands on wobbly legs, stumbling towards the nearest tree and leaning on it. she had to find shelter... she attempts to stretch her wings out... But they’ve been torn to shreds. her heart sinks.
she falls to her knees, letting out a shout of pain upon impact. there was no point in trying to fly; her wings were seriously injured and would probably take years to heal. no flying? that might be a problem. she leans her head on the root of the tree; the edges of her vision fading before everything went completely black.
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fxcetspera-blog · 7 years
vampiricallyxspeaking replied to your post: vampiricallyxspeaking replied to your post: ...
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highschccldropout · 7 years
What creature comforts bring you peace?
greasy diner food and a warm slice of pie 
good music, the kind dad mom listened to 
a long ride down an empty road at night 
the sounds of a roadhouse full of people 
a soft memory foam mattress to come home to
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