theygotlost · 16 days
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introducing..... MY VENTURE BROS OCS: A butterfly-themed villain and and her sidekick who are TOTALLY CRAMPING THE MONARCH'S STYLE!!!!! 🦋
Red Admiral has an origin story as ridiculous and unnecessary as any supervillain worth their salt. once an accomplished entomologist studying carnivorous lepidoptera, a bite from a mutated specimen gave her the ability to dissolve into a swarm of vampire butterflies the same way a typical vampire transforms into a swarm of bats. with her new power, she's turned to a life of crime simply for the novelty of it, and believes her claim to the butterfly-based villain niche is more legitimate than the Monarch's. (voice: Helen Mirren)
Swallowtail doesn't have powers, but makes up for it with her sick butterfly knife skills. she was a bit disappointed to discover that serving as a supervillain's right-hand woman is basically a glorified internship, but hey, it's still kinda cool. by day, Aditi Tallavarjula works at a hole-in-the-wall comic book shop frequented by one Gary Fischer. eventually he works up the nerve to ask her out, but hilarity ensues as both parties try to hide their henchman double-life from the other. (voice: Aparna Nancherla)
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morgansplace · 7 months
can we start a monarch Baz fan club? I'm officially the president
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rosejigglypuff76 · 4 months
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Wandering around for another night life within one crowded mall! 🎀 Where we find various cookies hanging out together, ranging from families to couples! 🪴
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justsomeimbicel · 11 months
"I'm well aware that you've fought vampires and won, but you've never fought me. And for your sake, you should hope you never do."
Alexis. sweetheart.
Darlin will fight until their last breath. No matter who they fight. They will not stop until either of you is laying lifeless on the ground. And you hurt their mate so they will be even more motivated. You will not win against them.
And you know this. Otherwise you wouldn't have waited to approach them at an event where they couldn't hurt you. Your words are confident but your actions are not.
As Porter said, "You'll find Alexis, is a delightfully contradictory blend of self-assured and insecure."
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zeerohpunk · 1 year
quick! youve been invited and money is no object, i need to know what everyone would wear to the monarchal summit if this was a real party
no theme requirements! i wanna see everyones outfit choices *slams fists on table*
personally, im going with something dramatic (bc ofc, if im going w the Prince of the Solaire Clan, im going to be overdramatic about it and show off) and royalcore inspired 👑✨️
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6-atlas-6 · 11 months
Summit spoilers? Not really but just in case
Shut the fuck up why was Porter and Alexis arguing the hottest thing i've ever heard
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stupd000 · 11 months
“I saw something in her, and she hasn’t changed” SAMUEL WHAT ARE YOU TRYIN TO SAY?!?!
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belle-keys · 1 year
Vampires being Southern confederates in the American pop culture tradition makes so much sense to me logically. Not saying that I don't believe it's propaganda, because it absolutely is. But planter vampires and confederate vampires (Jasper, Damon, Lestat, Louis, Bill Compton) make a lot of sense in the American context, as much as aristocratic and “Old World” vampires make sense in the British context.
If vampires are inherently Gothic, then vampires must symbolize and personify the vestiges of a long-gone past – one which only simmers to life from far below the surface when it’s time to reveal the horrors, or the romance, of what is usually an oft-forgotten history. In 19th-century Britain, through vampire short stories and novellas, and later Dracula, vampires evoked the (misunderstood and misappropriated) time of the Goths. This, in turn, brought to readers’ minds images of towering castles, the superstition of Eastern Europe, and the so-called barbarism of the Old World, that which was made to appear antiquated in its monstrosity and secret imperialist desires. (*sarcastic voice*) The Old World was so at odds with enlightened, modern, industrializing Britain! It’s no wonder that vampires in British literature took the forms of counts, noblemen, and princes – they were the conspiring, powerful leaders of the Old World, or the medieval world, or some forgotten pre-Industrial feudal world.
And if we are to apply this concept of what vampires should represent for the United States, it only makes perfect sense that vampires would be planters and confederates. Slavers, planters, and confederate fighters also evoke the Old America, conjuring images of Southern chivalry, the great Antebellum, and the humble pioneers of this free nation of God and goodness and prosperity! And then the confederates got their ass beat really bad. And they could only hold on to these romantic images of that former “honour and glory” through propagation of the Lost Cause myth. What better vehicle to wield this romanticisation of, yunno, the defense of chattel slavery than through vampire softbois?! Immortal beings who symbolize the survival and resilience of the Antebellum South through time. Why don’t we make them hot guys who were just protecting the South in our pop culture? Sure. If the vestiges of America’s long-gone past are slavery and genocide and, uh, chivalric Southern honour, then vampires do a pretty effective job of reminding us of this horrifying/romantic (you choose here) history. Spoiler alert: it’s horrifying.
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vilf-lover · 11 months
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half-oz-eddie · 8 months
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It’s a lonely existence, to be the only quarter-vampire in the world. Holding onto his promise to his absent mother, trapped in a home with an abusive father, Billy spent his entire life trying to figure out how to be human, or vampire, or neither. The pieces slowly come together when Billy enters a relationship with Steve, and they both ride a rollercoaster between the life of humans, vampires and butterflies together.
Explicit . 4.6k
Also on Ao3
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TW: blood, blood drinking, hematolagnia, homophobic slurs, past child abuse, 18+
“Dad! Dad, look!” The young boy excitedly shouted. “They like me!” He giggled as the butterflies fluttered around him.
“Stop playing with those bugs, boy.” His father groused. “No son of mine is gonna play with butterflies. Makes you look like a fag.”
“Get in the car, Billy. We’re going home.”
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10 years later…
On beautiful spring days, Steve liked to take a shortcut through the park on his way home from work. He took the same route every single afternoon, but on this particular day, he wasn’t expecting to see Billy Hargrove. 
They weren’t friends, but they weren’t enemies either. Billy seemed to avoid most people outside of school. He was really good at basketball, track and, well, any sport you could think of. 
Billy was sitting on a bench in the shade, smoking a cigarette, surrounded by beautiful butterflies. 
“Wow, they really like, you, huh?” Steve chuckled as he stopped in front of Billy. “You’ve got a flock of butterflies all around you. Never seen anything like that before.”
Billy nonchalantly blew out the cigarette smoke and emotionlessly glanced into Steve’s eyes. “A kaleidoscope.”
Steve squinted in confusion. “Wh-what?” 
“A group of butterflies is called a kaleidoscope.”
“Really? That’s an interesting name.”
“It’s ‘cause of all the various colors of their wings. People call them other things too. Swarms, flutters, flight, rabble…” 
“Kaleidoscope is a cool name, though.”
Billy nodded, taking another drag from his cigarette. 
“Why do they all like you so much? Is it your cologne or something?”
“No.” Billy calmly replied. “It’s my blood.”
“Your blood?” Steve raised a brow.
“Yeah, you didn’t know?” A ghost of a smirk crept upon his lips. “Butterflies drink blood.”
“Shit. They do?” Steve backed away slightly. 
“They don’t bite, though. But if you offer them blood, they’ll accept it. For the minerals and shit.”
“Oh. So…if I sit next to you, they won’t attack me, right?”
He slowly shook his head. “Nah.”
Steve reluctantly joined Billy on the bench, watching as the butterflies landed on his shoulder and his nose, insisting they stay near, even if Billy gently swatted them away. 
“Are you sure it’s not your cologne or something? It smells like…really sweet.”
Billy turned to Steve and smirked. “I’m not wearing cologne today, pretty boy.”
“No? So you just…naturally smell like that?”
There was a momentary silence while Billy took another cigarette out of his pack and lit it. He blew out the smoke, watching as a jogger breezed past. 
“You like the way I smell, Harrington?”
“What? I—no! I mean—I wasn’t trying to sound weird it’s just…I noticed. And like, the butterfly thing. It’s just really cool.” Steve faltered.
Billy silently chuckled, dismissing Steve's stammered response. “Back home in California, there’re always butterflies. This is the first time I’ve seen any in months.”
“You must really like them.”
“They like me. I don’t do anything.” Billy shrugged. “They’re kinda like you.”
“Like me?” Steve echoed in a puzzled tone. 
He turned his attention back to Steve, smirking mischievously. “They like the way I smell.”
Steve laughed. “I just—I dunno. We never, y’know, talked in high school, and then I see you here and you’re surrounded by all these butterflies and—oh!” Steve’s eyes widened as a butterfly landed on his nose. “I…there’s one on my face. What do I do?”
“Nothin’. It’s not gonna hurt you.”
“Hey…Mr or…Ms…butterfly…y’mind getting off my face?” The butterfly fluttered onto Steve’s shoulder. “Oh, it listened to me! That’s cool!”
“Hey, Billy?”
“You wanna like…get coffee or something sometime?”
Billy snorted. “Why?”
“I just—like I said, we never really talked in high school and I just think you’re interesting!”
Billy shook his head in contest. “M’not interesting.”
“That’s not true. You’re super fast, you’re good at every sport and like—butterflies freakin’ love you. That’s interesting.”
“Uh…will the butterflies be upset if we go now?”
“They’ll just follow us all the way there.”
“I don’t mind.” Steve glanced at the butterfly on his shoulder. “I think this one likes me. I might keep it!” He half joked. “Do you have any butterflies that you keep as pets?”
Billy hung his head down as a painful memory plagued his mind.
“I told you to stop playing with those god damn bugs!” The man’s voice boomed.
“I’m not, I swear! They’re just followin' me!”
Billy tried to shield his face as his father swung his closed fist at him.
“Don’t you ever bring those bugs in this house again. You understand me?!”
“No.” Billy replied, his tone tuning cold.
“Ah, really? I’m surprised. Anyway, y’wanna go now?”
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Billy and Steve sat by the window of the coffee shop, the butterflies right outside, resting on the windows and fluttering about. 
Billy was quiet and pensive as he sipped his coffee, not even bothering to acknowledge the butterflies outside the window. 
“Why do you always stay to yourself? Everyone asks about you. Everyone wants to hang out with you. You’ve only come to one or two parties, but the town never sees much of you. Why is that?”
“I’m a loner, Harrington. I dunno what else to say.”
“You don’t have to be alone. I can be your friend, if you want—”
“I dunno.”
“Well, what’s the worst that could happen?”
Billy sighed, took money out of his pocket and set it on the table before leaving without a word.
After the momentary shock wore off, Steve chased after Billy, or tried to, but Billy was long gone, and so were the butterflies.
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For the next 3 weeks, Steve hoped to see Billy at the park, disappointed that there was no sight of him. He would even stop by on his days off, searching for Billy. 
He wondered if he’d seem like a stalker if he visited his home.
Thankfully, his friend Dustin was close friends with Billy’s sister Max, so he could ask how Billy’s doing. 
Steve: Hey, can you ask your friend Max if her brother is ok?
Dustin: We’re at lunch right now. I’ll ask her. 
Steve waited for Dustin’s response. 
Dustin: She said he’s fine and asked if something happened to him to make you ask that.
Steve: No. I just haven’t seen him in awhile.
Dustin: Oh Dustin: Yeah she said he’s fine. So no need to worry! 👍
Steve didn’t feel comforted by this at all, but he decided to give Billy his space. 
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Another week passed, and Steve still couldn’t stop thinking about Billy. 
He went to bed late that night, unable to sleep peacefully. He was startled out of his sleep by a butterfly landing on his face. 
“Hey, how’d you get in here?” He wondered, watching as the butterfly softly fluttered out of his window.
He stood, rushing to the window to follow the butterfly, smiling when he noticed Billy standing in his front yard.
“Heard you were looking for me.” Billy said.
“Wanna come in?” Steve asked.
“Can I?”
“Yeah, you can come in. I’ll just get the—“ Steve’s eyes widened in disbelief as he watched Billy scale the side of his house and climb up to his window. “Or you can…come in through the window, I guess…hi.”
“Hi.” Billy smiled. 
Steve was enchanted by the way Billy’s ocean blue eyes glowed in the darkness. It was unlike anything he’d ever seen.
“I looked for you everyday at the park. You seemed really upset when you left the coffee shop.”
“I wasn’t mad at you, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“So what set you off, then?”
“I can’t trust anybody, Harrington.”
“You can trust me. My best friends are a..." He chuckled to himself "band geek and a science nerd. I don’t go out as much as I used to, I don’t talk to anybody. I don’t even have a girlfriend.”
Billy laughed. “Pretty pathetic, huh?”
“Yeah. I-I guess so.”
There was a long pause. The air was thick with unnerving tension before Billy decided to speak up and find out if he could really trust Steve after all. “D’you believe in vampires and demons, Harrington?”
Steve nodded. “Yeah. Definitely.”
Billy was taken aback by Steve’s swift answer. “Really?”
“Oh, yeah. Dustin and I have seen some shit around Hawkins. Y’know the uh…the lab? They used to bring people there and experiment on them. This girl I know? She can move things with her mind.”
“That’s crazy…”
“Yeah! So I definitely believe in demons, vampires, monsters, all that. Even ghosts!”
“That’s a relief.”
“Is it?” Steve sat on his bed. 
“I wanna show you something. You have to promise me you won’t freak out.”
“Uh…I’ll try not to.”
There was an almost ominous pause before Billy’s eyes turned a void black. 
“Holy shit, your eyes!” Steve exclaimed.
“Yeah. I’m…”
“A demon?”
“A vampire?”
“Could you shut up?”
“I’m only a quarter vampire on my mom’s side. My mom’s a half vampire. I’m…the only one like me.”
“Jesus Christ…”
“My mom told me I’m a descendent of Dracula. My family descends from some...ancient Coven Of Monarchs.”
“Which explains why the butterflies like you.”
“Yeah. Something in my blood just attracts them.”
“Tell me more. I wanna know everything about you.”
“Really? You do?”
“Yeah. What can you eat? What can you not eat? Do you sleep?—“
“I can eat the same things you eat. I don’t sleep much, but I do get some sleep. If I enter somewhere without being invited in, I get nauseous. I have really sensitive ears. Garlic makes me break out in hives. And before you ask, I don’t drink blood. I can…” He showed Steve his elongated fangs. “But I don’t have any desire to.”
“So you’re just…an ordinary guy with some enhancements, right?”
“Yeah, I guess so.”
“Cool. Want a drink? Or something to eat?”
“I—you didn’t say anything about what I just told you!” Billy exclaimed indignantly.
“What do you want me to say, Billy? I think it’s cool that you’re a quarter vampire, and I promise I won’t tell anybody. So are you gonna stay and hang out?”
“…Got any beer?”
Steve smiled and nodded. “Sure do.”
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Billy and Steve talked for hours until Steve fell asleep. Billy sat and watched Steve sleep before leaving a butterfly beside him, and disappearing into the night. 
Steve woke up the next morning to the butterfly on his nose again. He turned his head to search for Billy, sighing in disappointment.
“Do you think I’ll see him again?” He asked the butterfly, not expecting an answer.
To his surprise, the butterfly fluttered toward his bedroom door, as if waiting for him to open it.
“W—are you gonna take me to Billy?” He scrambled to his feet and put on some clothes, opening the door and following the butterfly out of his house.
The butterfly led him to Billy’s car, which wasn’t parked very far from his house.
Billy tossed his cigarette butt into the street.
“Get in, pretty boy.”
Steve laughed, a soft blush forming on his cheeks. “So you…left your butterfly with me so it could bring me to you?”
“Now why would I do that?” He asked with a smirk. “Want breakfast? I’ll buy.”
Steve nodded. “I could go for some breakfast.” He eagerly hopped in his car, unable to stop admiringly gazing at him as he drove off.
“Is uh…is that the same butterfly that kept landing on me? Or a different one?”
“It’s the same one. She remembers you.”
“She? How do you know it’s a girl?”
“Look at ‘er.” Billy pointed to her spread out wings as she rested on the dashboard. “No spot on her wing means she’s a girl.”
“I wonder why she likes me so much.” Steve chuckled, reaching a hand out for the butterfly.
Billy shrugged. “Probably because the first time she saw you, you had yellow on. Or maybe cause…you smell sweet.”
Steve’s chuckle gradually became a soft laugh. “You really think I smell sweet? It’s probably my hairspray.”
“Probably.” Billy lied.
“I like when we hang out, y’know? I learn a lot from you.”
Billy snorted as he parked in front of the diner. “I like hanging out with you too.”
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For 4 months, Billy and Steve spent a lot of time together. By August, Steve started to notice that there weren’t as many butterflies as before.
“They’re gonna start migrating. It gets too cold in this shitty town for them.”
“And what about you? Is it too cold for you?”
“Sometimes. I really hate it here. I’m just stuck for now.”
“Me too. My dad cut me off financially because I refused to go to college, so I’m trying to figure it all out on my own.”
“Dads suck.”
There was a long, drawn out silence as Steve battled the idea in his mind to reach and grab Billy’s hand.
“Why’s your heart racing?” Billy asked.
“Huh? I—is it?”
“Yeah. That’s been happening to you a lot lately. I didn’t mention it before because it was never beating this fast.”
“I just…I dunno.” Steve nervously chuckled. “When I’m around you I just—“
“Is it because you’re afraid of me?”
“What?! No!” Steve emphatically shook his head. “I like being with you. A-a lot.”
“I know.”
“You know? Then why’d you ask—“
Billy grabbed Steve’s hand and placed it on his chest. Billy’s heartbeat was strong, but unsettlingly slow. 
Thump…thump thump…thump
“Is…that normal for you?”
“Yeah. But yours beats so fast around me. I thought you were the weird one.” Billy chuckled. “So it’s…because you like me?” 
Billy could hear Steve’s heart racing even faster, and he pulled him into his arms. “I like you too. I…hope this is okay.”
“It’s more than okay, Billy. I promise.”
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Steve wore his heart on his sleeve for the 2 months he and Billy grew even closer. He was very forthcoming about his feelings while Billy was more guarded. They held hands once or twice, but nothing more. They never even kissed.
Billy never felt this way about anyone before. He couldn’t bear to lose Steve at this point. He figured if things just stayed the same, all the time, they'd never have anything to worry about.
“Hey, Billy?” Steve asked as they sat on his bed.
“Do you uh…wanna spend the night? Here?”
Billy sighed. “Steve…”
“I know, I know. It’s just…well, we’ve been dating for 2 months and I love being with you. I just…I wish you’d let me in a little more. Trust me a bit, y’know?”
“It’s not easy to trust people. I’m not human. I’m not a vampire either. I’m just…on my own—“
“That’s not true. I want to be with you, no matter what you are or aren’t.”
“Fine. Okay. Yeah, I’ll stay.”
“Yeah!” Steve excitedly cheered.
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Late that evening, Steve offered Billy a snack. 
“Ah, shit! Shit! Shit! God…dammit!”
Billy rushed into the kitchen. “Steve are you—“
His eyes widened and he froze by the counter. 
“It’s alright, babe. It’s just a little cut. I sliced my hand with the knife, that’s all.”
Steve noticed the hungry look in Billy’s eyes and the way they slowly turned from blue to black. An odd feeling crept over Steve and the energy in the room suddenly shifted.
“Billy? Are…you alright?”
“I dunno, I’ve never…felt like this before.”
Steve was confused. “I thought you didn’t drink blood…”
“I don’t. I never have before. It’s just…I dunno…”
Steve reluctantly, silently, slowly offered his hand. 
Like the butterfly, Billy would never bite to draw blood, but if offered, he is willing to accept it without hesitation.
Billy took Steve’s hand into his, gently licking the blood from his palm, moaning into Steve’s hand. 
Steve’s heart was beating wildly as Billy’s tongue brushed against the sensitive skin on his palm. This was so fucking hot…
Billy raised his head, his mouth hung agape, licking the blood from his lips. 
“Your heart’s racing again.” Billy softly whispered.
“Can…can I kiss you?” Steve asked, his question practically a plea. “I’ve been so patient, I’m—“
Billy pulled Steve in for a kiss. Steve could taste the blood lingering on his tongue, but he didn’t care. He’d waited so long to feel those lips. He could feel the fangs nicking his tongue. It was everything Steve could have dreamed of. 
“I love you.” Steve muttered through the kiss. “I want’chu.”
Billy slowly pulled away. “Steve…are you sure you want me?”
“Yeah. Every part of you, baby.”
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They made their way upstairs when Billy stopped Steve at the door, pushing him against it and crashing into his lips. 
Maybe Billy was nervous. Maybe he was buying time. Steve struggled to find the doorknob as they kissed, swinging it open after a few unsuccessful jiggles. 
He dragged Billy into the room, pulling him to the bed, where they fell as they continued to exchange passionate kisses. 
They rubbed against each other as their hands intertwined, their hard cocks painfully constricted by their jeans. 
Billy broke away from the kiss and slowly leaned into Steve’s neck, dragging his tongue across his warm, perspiring skin. 
Steve moaned, fighting his way out of his jeans when his cock twitched and drooled precum in his briefs. 
He reached a hand onto Billy’s belt buckle, struggling to get it undone while Billy sucked on the sensitive vein on his neck. 
Billy could taste Steve’s sweat, moaning as his tongue was teased by the blood coursing through him behind the soft skin of his neck. He continued to savor Steve, gliding his tongue in circles on his neck. 
Steve let out a loud moan, finally undoing Billy’s belt and attacking the zipper, eager to grab hold of his cock. 
Billy wriggled out of the jeans Steve pried off him, continuing to tongue at Steve’s neck. 
A moan escaped Billy when Steve finally got his hands on his cock, slowly jerking him. They kissed once more, their tongues dancing around one another’s. 
Steve managed to take control, getting on top of Billy. They continued to kiss, rubbing himself against Billy’s hard, exposed cock, while he kept his briefs on, like the fucking tease that he is. 
Billy whined and whimpered, restraining himself from digging his retractable claws into Steve’s back. His cock sputtered precum all over Steve’s briefs, causing him to impatiently break away from the kiss. 
“Are you gonna fuck me, or what?” Billy asked, his voice sexy and commanding. 
Steve licked his lips, nodding. He slipped out of his briefs, nearly falling as he made his way to his dresser to swiftly grab a condom. 
Billy chuckled as he watched Steve awkwardly stumble around. 
Steve put the condom on and crawled on top of Billy, smiling at him in the dim moonlight. 
“I’ve wanted this for so long.” He whispered to him softly. 
Billy bashfully nodded, his glowing eyes hypnotizing Steve. 
Billy smirked knowingly. “Confused, pretty boy? Put it in already.” He urged, biting his lip with his fang. 
Steve let out an uncontrollable whimper. “I—it’s just—god, you’re—you’re so hot a-and you smell so good. Jesus.”
Billy lined Steve’s cock up with his hole, beckoning for him to come closer. “Show me how much you love me.”
Steve slowly entered Billy, earning soft moans from him as he delved inside him. 
“You’re so tight.” Steve whined when he slid all the way inside. 
Steve’s cock was long and thick, causing Billy’s eyes to roll back as he thrusted. 
He gradually moved closer and closer to Billy, their lips connecting while they swallowed each other’s moans. 
Billy briefly broke away from the kiss to urge Steve to go faster. 
Steve obliged, loving the way Billy’s hole sucked him in. He was feeling absolutely drunk off the aroma emanating from Billy’s body. He smelled like cookies, cake and flowers all at once. Maybe a little hint of fruit too. He leaned into Billy’s neck, hoping to suck the taste off his skin. 
Billy screamed his name, wrapping his legs around Steve’s back. “Fuck me!” He pled, moaning and writhing beneath Steve. Steve’s thrusts became gradually rougher, rolling his hips as his cock filled Billy up, rubbing against his prostate and bringing him to the brink of an orgasm.
Billy gripped onto Steve’s shoulders, his claws accidentally digging into his skin.
Steve hissed in pain and Billy quickly pulled his hands away. 
“Shit. I’m sorry, baby.”
“It’s fine. But I think—I think I’m bleeding.”
Billy swiped a finger across the marks he’d made on Steve’s left shoulder, gazing at the fresh blood on his finger while Steve went back to fucking him, this time rougher.
Billy simply couldn’t let this blood go to waste, so he sucked it off his finger, indulging in the flavors of his loving boyfriend.
“I’m gonna cum.” Billy moaned out, running his fingers through Steve’s hair.
“Mm-me too, baby.” Steve heaved in response. 
They kissed again, Steve’s thrusts slowing, their sex gradually easing into gentle lovemaking. 
“You feel so good.” Steve confessed against his lips. 
“You feel even better.” Billy replied, spreading his legs wide, surrendering every part of him to Steve.
“Do you love me too?” Steve couldn’t help but ask as his cock slowly grazed Billy’s prostate.
“Yeah.” Billy heaved. “I’m fuckin’ crazy about you.” He smirked, a cute fang-revealing smirk.
Steve thrusted harder, watching Billy’s pretty face screw up in pleasure. 
Billy’s apprehensive hands ghosted Steve’s back, not wanting to hurt him again.
“It’s okay, baby.” Steve reassured. “Hold on tight.”
“Y-you sure?”
Steve began to move faster, fucking Billy harder and deeper than before. Billy dug his claws into Steve’s back, both of them moaning and groaning in each other’s faces. 
“Y’gonna cum for me, my pretty vampire?” Steve asked sweetly.
“Mm, fucking make me cum, Steve.”
Steve pinned Billy’s legs down, fucking him into the mattress, his warm, sweaty body rubbing against Billy’s hard cock, bringing him nearer his peak. 
Billy whimpered as Steve gave him incomparable pleasure and still gave him reassuring kisses on his cheek. 
“I’m gonna cum, baby.” Steve whispered. 
Billy grabbed onto Steve’s asscheeks, whining and heaving until his cock spilled cum between them. 
Steve came a few thrusts later, then slowly pulled out.
“That was amazing.” He kissed Billy’s forehead and stood. “I’m gonna get some towels and water. You want anything else, baby?”
“Mm-mm.” Billy weakly hummed. 
He lied in the bed, staring at the ceiling. He wished the night with Steve could be endless. Billy dreaded going back home. 
Steve soon returned and cleaned Billy up, then offered him water and some orange slices. 
“They’re the ones I cut up earlier before…Y’know.” Steve chuckled. 
Billy accepted the plate, smiling at his adoring boyfriend. 
“I wanna give you something.” Steve said as he swiped an orange slice off the plate. 
“Yeah? What is it?”
Steve went into his drawer and took out an envelope. 
“I wanted to give it to you a little sooner but I was kinda nervous about it.” Steve chuckled. “It’s uh..it’s a set of keys? I-I just figured this way you don’t have to ask to come in anymore a-and you…you don’t have to leave if…if you don’t want to.”
Billy stared at the envelope in disbelief. “I—Steve—“
“I know it’s a lot, and maybe it’s too soon. But your dad is a complete asshole, and at least here, with me, you can…y’know, vamp out, or whatever…be your true self. I’ve been researching all the things you told me about how you’re so similar to butterflies and I know what temperature to keep the thermostat at, I’ll buy all your favorite fruits, I’ll even keep flowers around the house if you like that. I just—“
“Steve!” Billy laughed as he reeled him in. “Thank you. If you really want me to stay that bad, I’ll fucking stay.”
“Really?” Steve sighed in relief, kissing Billy’s forehead. “I’m so glad. And you know what? When it gets warm, you can bring some of the butterflies back home, if you want. And we can let them go when they wanna migrate. I just…I wanna be part of your world, Billy. However much you’ll let me.”
“I let you all the way in already, haven’t I?”
Steve paused before laughing. “Yeah, I guess you did.”
“Let’s get a little rest, pretty boy.”
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Steve hadn’t fallen asleep next to Billy before. The way Billy slept was a little alarming. He slept straight on his back with his arms at his sides like an actual fucking vampire. And his body was cold to the touch. 
Steve checked Billy for a pulse, startled when he turned his head, glaring at him with black, empty eyes. 
“Sorry—I—you sleep like you’re dead.”
“Hm. Do I?”
“You wanna, maybe, cuddle or something?” 
Billy opened his arm for Steve, and Steve scooted close. The cuddling didn’t last long before Billy returned to his original sleeping position. 
Maybe there was nothing he could do about this. Steve decided he would just rest his head against Billy’s shoulder and quickly fell asleep. 
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The next morning, he woke up in bed alone, but quickly found Billy downstairs in the living room with some boxes. 
“Hey. You went and got your stuff!”
“Yeah, I…gave my dad back his keys. He was pretty pissed when I said I’d be moving in with you. Called me a fag and said I was only using you.”
“Don’t listen to him. He doesn’t know what we share together.”
“I have something of yours.” Billy changed the subject as he rummaged through the boxes. He handed Steve a pencil. “It’s the one you lent me for that science midterm.”
Steve narrowed his eye at the pencil. “You kept it for 3 years?”
“I told you I’d give it back to you.”
Steve laughed. “I only had an extra pencil because Nancy gave me 2.” He accepted the pencil. “But I guess you kept your promise.”
Billy nodded. 
“You wanna cook breakfast together? Then we can find space for all your stuff.”
“I’ll teach you how to make my favorite French toast recipe. I…learned it from my mom.”
“I’d love that. Teach me everything about you.”
Billy grasped Steve’s hand, staring into his eyes as his turned black. 
“What happened?” Steve asked worriedly. “You okay?”
“You know how an ordinary human’s pupils dilate when they look at the person they’re in love with?”
Steve nodded. “Yeah.” He quietly responded. 
“Like yours are doing right now?”
Steve laughed, trying to turn his head and hide his pink cheeks.
“I guess this is how you know I’m really in love.” Billy paused. “Or maybe…I’m hungry.”
“Well, I’m willing to feed your appetite in any way, babe.” Steve met Billy’s black eyes with his own full of lust. 
Billy smiled, his eyes returning to their usual blue. “Let’s start with French toast.”
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hammerhead-jpg · 11 months
The department: we can't use telepathy to read his mind 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 that's like the equivalent to torture 🥺🥺🥺🥺 I mean yeah we would be doing it to save the life of a dying woman but still!!!🥺🥺🥺🥺
Monarch Baz: I don't like you and I think you probably killed that guy. Off with his head!
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a-dead-tea · 2 years
heelo hello
perhaps do you have something about a human royalty with a vampire? <3
"Oh, good morning your highness," the vampire says teasingly from their spot on the cell floor. "I'm glad you could finally take some time out of your busy schedule to come see me after all these years."
"It has been a month," the royal responds evenly.
"Has it now?" The vampire goes to stand, the chains that confine them to the wall behind them clattering together.
The royal's heart jumps at the movement, though they force themself to remain poised.
"Apologies, it seems I can't tell time correctly with no access to a clock or a window," the vampire continues, stepping forward on wobbly knees.
"And I suppose starvation also adds to the illusion of time warping. Tends to make time pass slower in my experience." They are definitely thinner than when they first met the royal, eyes now glowing a dark red to indicate just how much hunger is eating away at them.
The royal watches as the vampire approaches, steeling themself as the chains pull taut, stopping the monster just before the bars.
"I have been providing you with food. Supplements to your-"
"Poison," the vampire interrupts with a hiss, grabbing the bars of the cell suddenly; slightly delighting in the way the royal jumps. "Pigs' blood does nothing but eat away at my insides. It would only kill me faster than starving."
The vampire looks at the royal with disdain, "and I would hardly say that is the fate worthy of someone who helped you take control of your kingdom."
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frog-0n-a-l0g · 11 months
Summit thoughts it’s long so it’s under the cut
Vincent my baby😭❤️
Oh god my anxiety is rising
Ew porters here🙄
Ew Porter
I knew DAMN WELL that man wasn’t sorry
Atleast treasure isn’t here
“Can I be the one that punches him this time?” Yes yes you may😌
Almost done? We’re only 16 mins in? Oh no
She’s such a bitch.
I’m gonna shoot her
had to pause to chill myself
So it wasn’t alexys who brought Porter?
Hah that whore bitch
I’m still gon be a bitch at the summit idgaf
Nah it was alexys babes🤭
The ONE GOOD THING Porter did
He’s the best tracker?? Sus
Oh no revamps w David
Racist already???
can she stop being such a sly bitch?
Roll w dogs? Ima fight her bitch ass
Sam warned them abt Porter🤭
But like why is he there🤢
Why he talking to sh🙄
Tf closeknit got to do w anything
And sh was on closeknit?
He made a fucking ward????
The inversion is not a good topic
Porter is reframing a lil…
Ok stealth is stealthing
God I’m anxious
Sam was right abt a lot
Ash don’t know???
Sam make out sesh🤭
Omg Sam and darlin twinsies🤞🤞🤞
Love a good ol toxic ex
How did he like her then😒
What is it w these hoes and their “I can fix them” mentality
Wait did David just leave us w VAMPS
Ash tell that alpha
Sh is a v good stealth they can do it
Ash acting like a real beta❤️
Ok Angel was w him we’re good
Oh shit what’s sh doing
The drama is dramaing
They can go without the money they are just fucking fine
Losing ground?
Wtf is their mission tho? Blake’s mission? No Blake’s was a secret what all is closeknit ac trying to do
Ok I’m he’s planning smth what is it tho
Sam tryna be a sidelined
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zeerohpunk · 1 year
rivalries at the monarchal summit but instead of life threatening fights and altercations, they settle things through competing on Dance Dance Revolution
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channydraws · 1 year
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I realize if this was the same timeline Jinji would be less jaded so- :Dc
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6-atlas-6 · 11 months
Ok maybe switching up on Alexis and giving her a chance was a bad idea sorry guys 🤞
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