#vampires for fun or leisure lmao
oliversrarebooks · 9 months
More world building questions lol cause they're fun to ask (and in my experience, also fun to answer)
-What other magical creatures are in this world other than vampires, witches, and fae? Are they gonna show up later in the story? How do they interact with each other and with the human world? Is this a "magical creatures secretly run the world and don't tell humans because that would be inconvenient" type of story, or a "magical creatures have to hide in the shadows to avoid being wiped out" kind of story?
-How many vampires are there? How widespread are they? Are there vampire communities or do they all live among humans like Alexander?
-What other vampire powers do they have? Can they turn into bats, fly, etc?
-Is there vampire religion? Is it structured or informal? Is it common?
-How much of vampires are science and how much is magic?
-Assuming no shortage of blood, are vampires immortal? If a child was turned, would they be a child vampire forever?
-Can/do vampires have biological families (with children from after they're turned)?
As before, no pressure to answer these lmao
Yay more questions! I hope my worldbuilding isn't too half-baked. Obviously this story is mostly focused on a narrow slice of the supernatural world.
Apart from vampires, witches (and wizards), and faefolk, there are definitely also merfolk, werewolves, and various types of ghosts and spirits. I reserve the right to include whatever supernatural creatures float my boat at the moment. None of these apart from the vampires are going to play a huge role in this story, but I might keep it in mind for spinoffs / AUs.
I think I'd classify this as more of a "secret parallel society" situation. Certainly in the past the supernatural creatures have been in danger of being wiped out, and there have also been times when supernatural creatures have hidden among humans and risen to positions of power, but for the most part, vampires and the like concern themselves with their own business.
I'm not going to put an exact number on how many vampires there are because that's how writers get into trouble. It's not like anyone's conducting a vampire census, anyway, so the number in-universe is not known. The vampire population is very small compared to the human population -- perhaps around 0.3% or so.
Vampires exist all over the world. They nearly all live in cities, because the thick population makes it easier to feed and take thralls. While vampire communities may have existed at some point, it is very much not the norm. Vampires tend to be paranoid and suspicious of other vampires, especially if there's competition for blood involved, so they do much better spread out in areas that have an ample human population. Vampires also rely on human production for most kinds of luxury and leisure goods, which is another reason why they stay near population centers.
Vampire powers -- I'll make a separate post on this.
There is no vampire religion. Vampires generally renounce all religion, although some still practice the trappings of whatever religion they had while alive, such as holiday festivities. (For example, Alexander, who was Catholic when he was human, still has a bit of affection for Christmas festivities).
Science vs. magic - let's just go with magic. There are rules behind it, but the only way vampires could work as they're laid out in this series is by magic.
Vampires are effectively immortal, and remain at the age at which they're turned forever. They are largely immune to disease and heal all wounds quickly, except for those caused by silver weapons which take much longer.
A child who is turned would be a child vampire forever. Drinking from and especially siring children is extremely taboo.
Vampires cannot have children after they've been turned, on account of being technically dead.
Thanks for asking so many questions! It's fun to consider the answers.
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albatris · 3 years
happy (possibly very late) storyteller Saturday!
does anyone in the rental car cast have any opinions on vampire literature? oh, does the Garble mean that vampire stories as a whole are slightly different?
thank you for the ask!! :D I am very very late responding, whoops
also I'm so sorry this turned into more of a ramble than I've done in months, I swear I did not mean to subject you to this, I'm mortified
ooh, this is an interesting question, and not something I've put too much thought into yet!
in particular, "does the Garble mean that vampire stories as a whole are slightly different?" - I hadn't even considered this and now my brain is doing a whole spiral thing which is fun (genuinely)
I will say on the topic: I hadn't intended for it! the Garble has existed for hmmmm 800 - 1000 years, ish, so in real world terms a lot of vampire lore and literature predates it! but it's quite likely that it has influenced some more modern (relatively speaking) takes on vampirism which could be fun to explore in the story c:
also this has made me think about, like.... the nature of the Garble does mean it began as just a single regular human ("doctors hate him! local dumbass finds one fucked up trick to achieve immortality!"), but the original Garble found a way to outsource its murders to other people while still reaping all the benefits for itself, and grow a whole stupid hivemind system that basically runs itself
whereas perhaps with previous instances of people in the same situation it would all just stay contained in that one person on a much smaller scale, and resulted in a more traditional "undead" vampire existence for that person after a while
so, like, a combination of misunderstanding ordinary human phenomena and a few rare instances of genuine undead vampires would contribute to the existence of vampire lore and vampire literature - then at some point the entire system just fucking FLIPS due to the Garble finding a way of expanding and outsourcing and bringing living humans under its influence, and a Lot Of Them, who as vampires end up markedly different in appearance and behaviour and physiology and vibes to those more traditional undead vamps. unless in very very specific cases (cough Ethel cough)
which might result in, like, a REALLY odd shift in vampire lore at some point, and perhaps an odd shift in the way people represent vampires in literature too
HM. LOTS TO CONSIDER. thank you for making my worldbuilding brain happy ahaha
anyway!!!! opinions on vampire literature!!! sorry it took me so long to get to the first part of your question fdhgjkdfg
I will give you the opinions of the vampire members of the cast because that's what I'm vibin with. I'm sure Quinn has some Opinions too though lmao
so, I've entertained the possibility of Riley being something of a vampire literature/film/media-in-general buff, mostly just because she finds it entertaining to see all the different takes and twists people have on vampirism :P she's Riley, so she'd have some Strong Opinions for sure. and probably an ever-updating ranked list of which stories are most accurate
for the most part she enjoys vampire fiction, I think! the scary fucked up horror vamps are her faves in a sort of morbid self-deprecating way ("haha hey it's me!")
Alex's opinion on vampire literature is that it's the worst. do NOT ask Alex about vampire literature unless you want to be trapped into hearing an unbearably miserable three hour rant
and like Alex KNOWS it's being petty. but still
it despises ~sexy vampire romances~ the most I think, but to be fair Alex is also aroace so there's multiple reasons for that. but also, yeah, it irks Alex to see vampirism being portrayed as cool and sexy and mysterious in a way that's meant to be appealing and attractive, like. none of this is cool and sexy. this is not cool sexy angst. this is horrible nightmarish surreal angst 24/7 that makes you super depressed and anxious and not want to get out of bed for a week. sexy vampire tropes make Alex super fucking uncomfortable
another sore spot is any vampire literature dealing with like..... themes of morality and humanity and anguish........ like. no, fictional vamps are not allowed to be sexy and fun. but they are EQUALLY not allowed to be miserable and monstrous and full of symbolism. perhaps they are simply Not Allowed
like, moral crises and misery and questions about the nature of humanity are things Alex struggles with on the daily, and seeing vampirism all turned into some big important symbolic moral lesson or just kind of..... woven into some dramatic angsty spectacle for people to fawn over. giving it some Deeper Meaning or revealing some meaningful truths about life or whatever. idk
humans always try to make vampirism into a Whole Big Thing to entertain other humans, be it tragic or symbolic or sexy or whatever else
it's rough, kinda
n like. logical Alex does Get It. bitter jaded petty Alex is like "fuck you. vampirism fucking blows. that's it. end of. stop making a stupid song and dance about it"
on that note, Alex would be fucking furious to learn it itself is, in fact, a vampire in a novel about vampirism
idk about Nat lmao. he canonically has enough vague knowledge of Twilight's terminology that he occasionally feels the need to awkwardly clarify that when he says he's both a vegetarian and a vampire he means this in the "I'm a vampire who makes killer salt and pepper tofu and hasn't had a hamburger since he was fourteen" way and not in the "I'm a vampire that refuses to drink human blood" way. just so there can be no misunderstandings and no unfortunate surprises when he inevitably just fuckin drains a guy like a capri sun
but yeah, neither human nor vampire Nat has ever really been one for reading OR for horror stories, which a lot of vampire literature would count as. he doesn't have a lot of opinions like Riley or Alex do. he's just kind of like "well, books about vampires sure are a thing that exists!"
that being said he DOES have personal beef with any stories portraying vampires as exclusively fancy formal hoity-toity rich folks who live in fuck off giant mansions. he himself is a broke unhinged gremlin of a man who lives in a shitty apartment and works in a petrol station. most of the vampires he knows personally are in similar boats (with varying degrees of gremlinry, of course)
anyway thanks for coming to this behemoth of a ramble! I hope u have a nice day!
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supernatural-reacts · 3 years
Season 15 episode 20
- I know everything that happens in this episode and I’ve actually already seen most of it so this might be a little different from usual
- they didn’t have a road so far. They didn’t have a- they really broke a 15 season long tradition in order to erase Cas and Eileen and the others huh. Wow.
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- this is stupid
- “is we don’t keep living all that sacrifice is gonna be for nothing” wow Dean that’s a great point. Hey what’s your opinion on rusty nails?
- Dean being a dick to Sam bc? He wished the rest of their family could be there? Is so terrible and out of character
- ✨vampmimes✨
- this is so fucking stupid lmao
- oh fun let’s threaten to torture someone one last time for old time’s sake
- everyone’s favourite character Jenny thee vampire
- seriously why would Dean remember her name lmao
- oh and she’s very dead ok I thought she at least got to kill Dean
- yeah Sam don’t call an ambulance just stay here and listen to Dean talk for five minutes 😃
- Dean really didn’t care if he died huh
- I know this is emotional but I’m so sad and angry that it’s looped around into hysteria and I can’t stop laughing
- this is terrible on so many levels 😂
- Bobby!!
- fuck John Winchester the only explanation for him in Dean’s heaven is so Cas and Mary can curbstomp him at their leisure
- I’m kinda proud of Jack. Kelly knew he could make the world better and he did. Not only that, he also made heaven better for everyone. I just love him sm.
- “Cas helped.”
- ^^ the only thing that matters in this episode
- also Dean’s smile when Bobby said that 🥺
- the famous blurry wife! They really said we’re going to be horribly misogynistic and ableist one last time even though we could have easily put Eileen here
- 🎶 just to get a glimpse beyond this illusion 🎵
- this song is still a bop they can’t ruin it for me
- ah yes the party city wig
- they really said for the final installment of our 15 year long tv show we are going to have an episode that is 80% montage
- disrespectfully, this sucks ass :)
- Sam doesn’t even look that old lmao he just said aight imma head out
- canon can be whatever I want and therefore this episode does not exist!
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its-sixxers · 4 years
Bless Me With Your OTP - Mary/Nines
read more isn’t working with this idk why i hate tumblr i am so sorry
tagged by the ever wonderful @radbeetle​! I think my vamp bbs are the only ones that haven’t gotten OTP prompt love so I’ll be doing it for these two. ;) Spoilerish for Half Light chapters I haven’t written yet I guess lmao tagging @gohnnyjuitar​, @courier-sux​, @comrade-shrimp​ and @mitsybubbles​ (and anyone else who wants to do this!)
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Do they fight often? If so, what is their dynamic like?
It’s not a frequent occurrence, but it happens. Mary prioritizes safety and subtlety and isn’t the type to take risks, Nines is willing to be reckless when required and it’s a point of contention between them. Usually they’re able to reach a compromise, but when finding one is impossible things devolve into a full fight. Mary’s the type to yell when angry, Nines’ anger runs cold - she’ll get up in his face and he’ll remain stationary. They tend to back off and accept whatever argument is most realistic after they argue their case, but in the very rare instance neither will budge they’ll leave each others’ company and fume on their own for a little while. They return to each other soon enough, the isolation a reminder of what their priorities should really be.
Who is the most skeptical of the two?
Nines by a long shot. He’s got a few decades of experience as Kindred on Mary, and his realm of expertise (to his chagrin) is dealing in politics. He’s very aware that taking things at face value can be a death sentence - he doesn’t try to impress that on Mary, however, as he’s fond of her more optimistic nature and having a different perspective is often essential.
Who would be most likely to suggest a night of dancing?
Neither - even after Mary’s got Mask of a Thousand Faces mastered, she’s not fond of crowds and while Nines is more in touch with his humanity than others would be in his position, getting that close can be dangerous. Not to mention that the type of dancing done in the modern nights isn’t really his style. When it comes to a night of fun in general, though, Mary’s most likely to bring up the idea. Nines is a serious guy and won’t give himself much needed leisure time if she’s not the one hauling him out.
What would they do if the other was injured in battle?
this totally happens in a point of fic i have not published yet
Being Kindred pain and injury is a part of unlife, and even lost limbs can be regenerated. Both of them are used to violence and cope with the aftermath pretty well - but serious injury mid-battle is a different matter. A foe facing the two of them fighting together is already in a decent amount of trouble, but managing to injure one of them to the point of edging on death is a guaranteed frenzy for the other. Which is usually bad news for whoever they’re fighting.
There is one difficulty when it comes to near-lethal injuries - both are unwilling to let the other feed off of them even in dire circumstances due to the whole blood-bond thing. Both would rather die than risk having the other lose their free will.
How do their fighting styles complement each other?
Nines is a jack of all trades when it comes to combat - part and parcel with a Brujah and Anarch to boot. Mary’s unable to wield guns well due to her claws, but is pretty vicious with them to make up for it. Usually Nines runs bait and distraction with firearms, giving Mary an opening to sneak up on a foe and tear them apart where they’re weakest. Against large amounts of weaker opponents, the two take the steamroller approach - Mary shreds them and Nines puts them out of their misery while dealing with any stragglers.
Do they want children? Does it frighten them? How many do they want?
Ignoring the whole Kindred can’t have biological kids thing, when it comes to siring childer and bringing a few more vampires into the world - absolutely not. Again, both value free will and the innate blood bond between Sire and Childe is unsettling to the two of them. For Mary especially it’s out of the question - being Nosferatu is incredibly difficult and condemning anyone to that fate isn’t something she’d be capable of doing even if it was a matter of life or death.
What happened when they took them home to their families? If their families aren’t in the picture anymore, how do they feel about it?
Both of their families aren’t in the picture anymore - Nines’ thanks to time and poverty, Mary’s by her own hand. In unlife the closest thing Nines has to family are the Anarchs and the closest thing Mary has is the Nosferatu clean.
Damsel and Skelter had a healthy dose of skepticism thanks to her seeming to have no issue in running errands for LaCroix. The Nosferatu thing didn’t help much, and the Blood Hunt really didn’t help. Through her own effort Mary managed to earn some grudging respect. Neither ever find out about Mary and Nines’ past, but Skelter suspects something’s going on between them after LaCroix’s fall.
As for the Nosferatu - Gary finds the entire thing hysterical and a very juicy bit of information to hold onto. Bertram is happy to have some blackmail material given that Mary’s aware of his relationship with Jeanette. Mitnick doesn’t really understand the point of relationships when you’re Kindred and doesn’t have an opinion in the matter.
stay tuned into half light for nines actually meeting some of the nossies
How does each person show affection towards the other?
Mary’s got nasty sharp little teeth, shoulder spikes, and is just generally kind of gross. It doesn’t bother Nines (he’s seen a lot worse than her) but it has her really spooked when it comes to physical contact in a romantic context unless her emotions are overwhelming. Not to mention that any PDA is dangerous - giving any unwanted eyes the idea that they’re important to each other makes them vulnerable to power plays by outside forces.
Most of their affection is expressed in deeds - accompanying the other in their work, going out of their way to make things safer or easier for the other, et cetera. Total Acts of Service love language. It’s subtler. If they’re feeling brave they might lean against the other.
The rare times they’re able to express physical affection, holding hands and embraces are most common. Touching foreheads is their equivalent of a kiss, given the teeth situation - though if Mary happens to be wearing her Mask of a Thousand Faces kissing is definitely in the cards. It doesn’t happen too often as Nines doesn’t want her thinking that’s the only way he’s able to love her.
Who cries the most? Who is better at comforting?
Mary’s the crybaby. It’s bad when you’re Kindred, given that her tears are blood. She’s newer to the reality of being Kindred and not yet emotionally ground down enough to keep her from feeling sadness at the state of things. Nines has that old fashioned stoicness keeping him from shedding tears - it happens but it’s incredibly rare.
He is, however, better at providing comfort - not just because he’s physically built better for hugs but also due to just generally exuding an aura of safety and sturdiness. Nines is soft spoken and usually knows the right words to say. Mary finds having a fixed point calming and treasures the knowledge of someone having her back.
Who is the bigger flirt?
Nines, Nines, Nines. Once he’s aware that Mary is WEAK for it he enjoys teasing her. In general, he knows he’s a pretty good looking guy and that it gives him an advantage. Mary’s too self conscious to really throw herself into shamelessly flirting - when she does it’s almost always with a healthy dose of plausible deniability.
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atlafan · 4 years
Were you a fan of twilight when it was released? Like movies or books? What kind of books did you like reading growing up? Or what do you read now? 😁
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I had friends that were OBSESSED with Twilight, like they went to midnight book release parties and all that, and I could not have cared less tbh. I was more into High School Musical, like everyone was team edward or team jacob, and I was team Troy bet On It Bolton, you feel me? 
The closest thing I’ve seen to a Twilight film would be the parody Vampires Suck and I’ve seen the Fifty Shades movies lmao
Honestly, I was not big on reading growing up. I used sparknotes for a lot in high school. Once in a while I would enjoy a book, like, I loved Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, and I’ve read the 5th Harry Potter book, and there have been some other books I’ve read that I can’t really think of right now that I’ve enjoyed, but I truly am not a big reader and I never was. It drove my mom nuts because she and my sisters LOVE reading. My brother didn’t like reading either, but he still read all of the Harry Potter books, and LOTR/The Hobbit. I just can’t be bothered??? Like, I don’t have the attention span. I also hated being told what to read in school. Like, I enjoyed Of Mice and Men, and Lord of the Flies, but even those I probably didn’t fully read. I read one chapter out of The Great Gatsby, sparknoted the rest, and got a 96% on the essay I had to write for it. 
In college I didn’t read for leisure because I had so much to read for my communication classes. I enjoy reading fanfiction, but even that sometimes I’m like eh???? Oh! When I was 5th grade I really enjoyed The Spiderwhick Chronicles, I fucking loved those books!! I also really enjoyed the Wayside School series, and I loved Captain Underpants. Basically if it was at the scholastic book fair (which I never had money for), I wanted to read it. 
I much preferred watching TV/Movies growing up, and still do now. Something has to really peak my interest for me to want to sit down and actually read a book. I don’t like sitting in quiet spaces to read, so I have to listen to music, but sometimes the music is too distracting. It’s just not a fun experience for me. 
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gwainefest · 5 years
Gwaine Fest 2019 Prompts
Thank you everyone for signing up! Below the cut are the prompts that are available for claiming. If you have signed up to participate, then please peruse these prompts at your leisure. The claiming form will open on Friday, October 25 at 12:00 PM PST (noon; countdown clock here) and will remain open until Monday, October 8, or everyone has replied (whichever comes first).
You will be asked to list your top 3 choices.
>> Claiming Form << >> Countdown Clock <<
Prompts below!
1. Characters or pairings you'd like to see featured? Gwaine/Percival, Gwaine/Arthur/Merlin, just general knight friendship and shenanigans Prompts: Modern au: knight group secret Santa and/or snowball fights Either canon or modern: gwaine getting really excited about snow and someone finding it adorable. Bonus points for a grumpy Arthur snowman existing Cuddling for warmth. Preferably Gwaine using Percy as a human space heater. Can be established relationship or catching feelings. Any tropes that really get you excited? I am a sucker for bed sharing, fake relationships, and soulmate au Favorite wintery things? What winter holidays might you like to see featured? First snow of the year, gift exchanges, drinking warm drinks by a fire, obnoxious sweaters. If modern au, lots of lights (though i guess with magic that could work with canon). Squicks, triggers, or other content you do NOT want in your fill: No major character death, non-con, dark themes. Its a holiday thing, so mainly looking for fluff here. Hurt/comfort super okay as long as it gets resolved Anything else you'd like your match to know? I'm pretty easygoing! 
Characters or pairings you'd like to see featured? Gwaine, Merlin, Arthur, Knights of the Round Table Prompts: Gwaine’s nobility getting revealed, Merlin and Gwaine going on an adventure, Gwaine finding out about Merlin’s magic and/or dragon lord heritage Any tropes that really get you excited? Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Whump Favorite wintery things? What winter holidays might you like to see featured? Exchanging gifts!! That’s where it’s at Squicks, triggers, or other content you do NOT want in your fill: Smut or slash
Characters or pairings you'd like to see featured? I’m a sucker for all things Perwaine, but also ALL THE KNIGHT SQUAD BOOOIIIISSSSSS i love them Prompts: Soothing nightmares, Gwaine’s childhood, surprise holiday gift, SNOWBALL FIGHTS, traveling around the kingdom, GWAINE WRAPPED UP IN A FUZZY BLANKET WITH SOME HOT COCO WITH MARSHMALLOWS HOLY CRAP Any tropes that really get you excited? Most tropes get me pretty excited Favorite wintery things? What winter holidays might you like to see featured? Snowball fights, hot coco, roaring fires, SLEDDING, s’mores over said fire, cats playing in wrapping paper, homemade Christmas ornaments, ugly sweaters Squicks, triggers, or other content you do NOT want in your fill: No smut please. No death please. Keep the clothes on please. Anything else you'd like your match to know Gwaine+ponytail/bun=adorableness
Characters or pairings you'd like to see featured? Gwaine/Percival, Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (secondary pairing), Morgana, Kinghts of the round table... Prompts: 1. Gwaine is in the tavern one night when he gets attacked by a group of guys. Percival saves him. 2. Gwaine finds out about Merlin's magic and decides to have fun with it. Any tropes that really get you excited? Hurt/comfort, fluff, humour, angst with a happy ending... Favorite wintery things? What winter holidays might you like to see featured? Yule or Christmas, but anything is fine! Squicks, triggers, or other content you do NOT want in your fill: Mpreg, A/B/O dynamics, rape/non-con between main characters, vampires, werewolves, fuck or die, magic made them do it.
5. Characters or pairings you'd like to see featured? Gwaine and Merlin and Arthur is an iconic trio if this is all about friendship, ship wise I'm into Merthur!!! Prompts: GWAINE TRYING TO GET MERLIN AND ARTHUR TOGETHER SOMEHOW? OR MERLIN MAKING GWAINE GO CHRISTMAS SHOPPING WITH HIM FOR ARTHUR ?? Any tropes that really get you excited? I like meet cutes!! BED SHARING TOO THOUGH IDK HOW THAT WOULD WORK. Favorite wintery things? What winter holidays might you like to see featured? MISTL E TOE BABEYYY !!! OVERSIZED SWEATERS ADN BEING WARM?? So CUDDLES... I celebrate Christmas so it would be fun to see that~ Squicks, triggers, or other content you do NOT want in your fill: Don't have anything I can think of from the top of my head! Anything else you'd like your match to know? Nope!
Characters or pairings you'd like to see featured? Percival/Gwaine; (Just a hint of Merthur, maybe) Prompts: - Gwaine helping couples get together, but being totally oblivious to his own love life - Gwaine and snow/winter activities (e.g. ice skating, building a snowman, etc.) That’s it. - A pile of Love Letters to Gwaine just magically shows up on his doorstep and they date back all the way from a decade ago to present day - Or Gwaine writes love letters to this one person he likes over a decade, and they miraculously disappear. Until he realizes someone found them and sent all of it to the addressee (ala To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before) just in time for the Christmas party at said person’s house - Winter ball/masquerade (maybe?) Any tropes that really get you excited? Caught underneath the Mistletoe; Accidental confessions; Scarf/Umbrella-Sharing; Snow in Hair/Eyelashes/Etc. Favorite wintery things? What winter holidays might you like to see featured? Hot cocoa; snow days; Christmas; Cuddling by the fireplace; Air so cold that your breath can be seen; Squicks, triggers, or other content you do NOT want in your fill: Character death (it’s unlikely to show up, but still! I can never be too sure.) Anything else you'd like your match to know? Angst is perfectly fine (I actually kinda love angst), so long as a happy ending is involved.
Characters or pairings you'd like to see featured? Besides Gwaine, Arthur foremost (Gwaine/Arthur would be awesome). Merlin and the other knights would be great, too (as friends, but I'd be interested in Gwaine/Leon romance too!). Prompts: Gwaine finding home and hope in Camelot (basically, a missing scene between S3 and S4). Gwaine sharing a personal holiday tradition with one or more of the boys. As many of the boys as you want having a peaceful and joyful gathering in Arthur's chambers. Gwaine and Percival getting up to no-good in the castle during the holiday festivities (and maybe dragging some of the other knights into it). Any tropes that really get you excited? For Gwaine/Arthur - soul bonds/marks. And generally speaking, I just like the idea of brotherhood among the knights (+ warlock)...is that a trope? Favorite wintery things? What winter holidays might you like to see featured? Christmas Squicks, triggers, or other content you do NOT want in your fill: Dub/non-con between the main pairing. Pure smut (Nothing against it! I'd just like something more character-driven this time). Anything else you'd like your match to know? Just how excited I am to see what they create! :)
Characters or pairings you'd like to see featured? Perwaine for sure :) Prompts: Snowball fight Fireplace Ice skating Ugly Christmas sweater! Sharing a scarf!! Favorite wintery things? What winter holidays might you like to see featured? H o t chocolate!!  Mistletoes !! Snow!! Squicks, triggers, or other content you do NOT want in your fill: I’m fine with everything ! Anything else you'd like your match to know? I’m french, English isn’t my first language !
Characters or pairings you'd like to see featured? Merlin and Gwaine's friendship / Knight of the round table / Just Gwaine alone is also fine Prompts: Getting up to trouble together / Strength, courage and magic / Fighting side by side / Having a feast together as a family Any tropes that really get you excited? Found family / Chosen one Favorite wintery things? What winter holidays might you like to see featured? Christmas Squicks, triggers, or other content you do NOT want in your fill: Shipping
Characters or pairings you'd like to see featured? Merlin/Gwaine, Gwaine & Merlin, Gwaine & Aithusa, Gwaine & Gwen Prompts: - Modern!Merwaine: First holiday together.  - Golden Age AU: Aithusa has to stay in the castle over winter because it's cold - she and Gwaine get up to all sorts of mischief.  - Or, Merlin has to do something and asks Gwaine to babysit her.  - "And there was only one bed" - Merwaine: Gwaine is gone on an extended patrol, filled with pining and letters - Or, really, just general winter shenanigans with a Gwaine and/or Merwaine focus would make me happy lmao Any tropes that really get you excited? - Hurt/Comfort  - Angst with happy ending  - "I didn't know how much I cared for you until I almost lost you"  - Domestic fluff  - Epistolary fic  - (Gwaine!)whump with happy ending - Reunion after one of them thinking the other is dead  - Druid Centric AUs - Accidental Baby Acquisition Favorite wintery things? What winter holidays might you like to see featured? Yule, Ice skating, hot chocolate, watching the snow fall Squicks, triggers, or other content you do NOT want in your fill: - Large age differences/underage - Please no Merlin/Arthur even if it's only background Anything else you'd like your match to know? I hope you have fun :D
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thisgirlsays22 · 6 years
Ereri Creator Interview: DreamxxDream
Hello friends! Thank you all for your support with this project. If you’d like to complete the interview, you can do so here: https://goo.gl/forms/lUpTjm0NFeYYzXGy1. The form will remain open indefinitely.
A special thank you to @fluffymusketeer for making the wonderful section banners!
Nadine ( @dreamxxdream ) is an artist who has been in the fandom for almost 5 years. She enjoys creating canonverse and reincarnation AU works that express deep emotions. I loved her insights about Eren and Levi’s dynamic: “ Eren’s entire nature with his unshakable willpower and his passion are in my eyes something that’d be good for Levi in a partner, something that could give him hope when he needs it and coax him out of his shell. Levi can keep Eren grounded, motivate him and ease his doubts with that awkward Levi-like mix of blunt harshness and honest reassurance (which I think works well for Eren) ” 
Read on for more!
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What kind of content do you create? 
Please link us to your content so we can send you some love!  
http://dreamxxdream.tumblr.com/tagged/my_art  or http://dreamxxdream.tumblr.com/tagged/ereri for just ereri content
How long have you been in the fandom for?
Almost 5 years!
Why did you start shipping Ereri? 
It’s been so long, I’m honestly not sure anymore omg. I just remember that I was already sort of drawn to them before I had even watched S1, thanks to the fanart I kept seeing. But that's a dumb reason to start shipping something, lmao. 
Now, to me their appeal is all about understanding each other very well - naturally and without many words needed -, mutual respect and easing each other’s pain. They have some important things in common but there’s also so much they can give to each other through their differences. Eren’s entire nature with his unshakable willpower and his passion are in my eyes something that’d be good for Levi in a partner, something that could give him hope when he needs it and coax him out of his shell. Levi can keep Eren grounded, motivate him and ease his doubts with that awkward Levi-like mix of blunt harshness and honest reassurance (which I think works well for Eren). I’m also very emotional about the way Levi looks after Eren throughout the story and how their whole relationship has evolved despite its rough start. OMG. I rewrote this like a million times so I will stop now!!
Thematically speaking, what kind of content do you most enjoy making?
I’m all about canonverse, with the only exception being reincarnation AUs (which is still a lot like canonverse so it doesn’t feel like a real AU). I like expressing deep emotions with my art and I think most of my ereri works have a certain mix of warmth and melancholy in common.
What is the work you're proudest of and why?
Definitely my ongoing reincarnation AU comic. I’m never fully satisfied with my stuff for too long so my most recent work will usually be my best work in my eyes but this comic is something I’ve been truly pouring a lot of love and effort into. I also never thought I’d be able to commit to a proper comic with more than just a couple of panels but here we are!!
What inspires you to create?
Many different things but I usually feel the most inspired after reading a new manga chapter or after reading a really good fic that gets that specific dynamic I like for ereri just right.
Is there any work you'd like to share that inspires you?
Sparrow by @sugarplum-senpai and Before the Storm by @fluffymusketeer are two of my favorite stories. A Sound Like Breaking Glass and These Weren’t Memories by @mongoose-bite are also classics to me that I can’t rec enough. 
((Aer, can you please add links when you post this!! Thank you xxx)) [Editor’s note: *long suffering sigh*]
What projects are you currently working on?
My comic is always one of my current projects! I know it might seem like I forgot about it because I’m so slow with updates but I think about the story at least once a day, lmao. Everything else isn’t really a project, I usually just draw what I feel like at a whim. 
What are your strengths as a writer/artist?
Conveying emotions and faces/anatomy. I’m always obsessed with getting these things right most of all so they’re my most developed skills ahaha.
What is an area in your work which you're trying to improve on?
Coloring definitely. I rarely even envision how I want my finished piece to look like colorwise when I start drawing and I spend such a long time on the lineart that I’m inevitably frustrated with my limitations whenever I get to that part. Also more interesting and difficult angles and perspective are something I’ve been trying to practice on for the past year or so. 
What advice do you have for other creators?
Create the things you really love with a passion, not what you think others expect of you and it will show in your work! Also: Don’t constantly speak badly about your own creations and be patient with yourself because otherwise you’re making it impossible for yourself to become confident in your skills - look at your improvements and celebrate them!! Basically, just have fun and don't fret too much :)
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Do you have any pets?
Yep! I have two lovely kitties named Cookie and Sockington and they mean the world to me.
How do you relax?
Being home and alone is already pretty relaxing in itself, lmao. Hot baths, snuggling my cats and eating home-made food is great too.
Tell us about your dream day
Oh wow ok, here goes, I will go all out with no regards to logic. When I wake up it's already sunny outside and a fancy, healthy breakfast magically appears. No people are there, I eat my breakfast to the sound of purring cats next to me while I stalk the tags people have written for the numerous art posts I have recently made. Afterwards I go out shopping with my bestie (we are magically in Tokyo for this), then for late lunch with Ylva, Danni, Aer, Eis and Vi where we chat about Ereri things and more. It's sunny and warm all day long. When I get home both a new snk episode and a new manga chapter have been released and I scream about those. I spend the evening on my balcony with my mom and my cats where we enjoy the warm summer night. After this, I do not have to leave the house or see another person for an entire week. LOL.
What music are you into?
A lot of different stuff depending on my mood!! But I have a thing for mellow and soft music, indie and singer-songwriter stuff.
What are some of your favorite tv shows?
Except of the few anime I love dearly, I watch shows pretty leisurely. I love How to Get Away with Murder and The Walking Dead, I enjoy Grey's Anatomy, The Vampire Diaries (don't judge me) and quite a bunch of Netflix shows (Stranger Things, Orange Is the New Black etc)
What are some of your favorite films?
I'm a huge Jurassic Park fangirl, AHAH. 
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bakugou-ou · 7 years
Haunted forest with Bakugo, Kirishima and Shinsou with their badass SO. Its inspired by the time I went to one and like I wasnt scared at all until the clowns came. Rip me. Reader can have any fear you want.
I’m doing these as headcanons, and only for Shinsou because I’ve done a similar requests to this before for Bakugou and Kirishima, and to save time, so here they are! Hope you enjoy them. Also, ugh, clowns. I’m honestly more scared of things like Kayako from The Grudge/Ju-On, but clowns fuck me up too. Oddly enough, I saw the new It and was sorely disappointed that I only jumped once and that otherwise I was laughing my ass off through the whole thing. It also helps that a few of my friends work as scare actors, so I don’t get all that scared by haunted houses anymore because I just go to see my friends working lmao
Hitoshi Shinsou
+ you being into this sort of thing is a bit of a mystery to him, but he doesn’t mind going with you to a haunted forest, so he agrees to go
+ he’d rather be at home watching movies or something, but any activity with you is fun for him
+ when they arrive, he knows what to expect; Shinsou himself doesn’t spook all that easily, so he figures it’ll be like taking a leisurely stroll through a place where people try hard to scare you two but nothing happens because neither of you is really afraid of things, not of tangible things like ghosts and zombies
+ at least, that’s what he thought
+ you laughed at most of the things that came your way, zombies, onryo, Frankenstein-esque monsters, ax murderers, you even got through the creepy little girl dolls without jumping
+ but, as you entered a section of the forest that had carnival music playing, you two saw a carousel moving on its own, not quite right; it was moving slowly, the music was distorted, the thing was covered in splatters of fake blood and bloody hand prints
+ cheap scares, Shinsou thought as you two kept walking
+ this isn’t so bad he told you, taking your hand as you continued to walk together; he was unsettled, it was definitely the fact that the music was out of tune
+ as you rounded a corner in the forest, the two of you heard giggling from behind you
+ when you turned, a large figure decked out completely in clown clothes and makeup with glowing yellow eyes and sharp teeth began laughing manically and chased after you
+ you let out a loud shriek of terror, gripping Shinsou’s hand tightly and pulling him along with you as you ran as fast as your legs could carry you, the clown pursuing you a good distance through the forest until you reached the edge of his zone
+ once you were into the next zone, the two of you stopped to catch your breath, with Shinsou chuckling just a bit
+ what are you laughing about!? You demanded, I didn’t think you’d be scared of clowns, Shinsou responded, pulling you closer and kissing your cheek just as a vampire jumped out from behind a tree and hissed at the two of you, causing you both to jump just a bit, still hyped on adrenaline from the clown encounter
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gothzyx · 7 years
10 Facts About Me!
I was tagged by Bree @kimmidokyu to do the 10 facts tag a while back. It took me a while because I’m bad at talking about myself but Bree’s was like super informative and nice to read so I felt compelled to make this ~interesting~ too. I guess if you want to know more info about me then read this????
1. I was born in Vietnam, but have lived in the US for a long time! My grandmother was a war refugee and sponsored my parents and I when we moved here. I’m actually planning to get my citizenship soon though because at this point I’ve lived in America for so long and my citizenship status gets in the way of a lot of things lol. 
2. I’ve worked in the music industry for almost 5 years now, specifically with the Japanese rock scene. I’m on a bit of a break from that for various reasons but I do a lot of work in event management, public relations, and promotions. I started doing this type of work because I’ve been very passionate about diverse representation within the entertainment industry from a young age (Jrock because I was super into that and made connections there first).  
3. My favorite subject is literature! I love doing literary analysis and it’s was also my best subject in school. From a young age I’ve always been an avid reader and writer. I used to go to the library and check out books on all sorts of subjects and read them. I heavily pursued these interests as hobbies until high school which was when I quit writing. Then I got too busy to read much outside of class. I only started again recently with poetry and it’s been nice so far. I think it’ll take me a while to get where I want to be with that but I’ll have more time to read and write leisurely when I graduate hopefully!  
4. I’m a business major with a double concentration in marketing and international business. These are majors I’ve chosen because I think it’ll help me with what I need to know for my job. It matters to me that artists of different races and cultures get represented in an industry that is very racially biased. Since I want to work with foreign artists, I’m sure having a degree in the field would be useful. However, I also think that other careers in international business are interesting and lucrative, so there’s lots of options to explore.
5. I’m the Mom Friend. I’m like the tough love mom friend though. I’ll yell at my friends to get their shit together and they come to me for advice about all sorts of things etc. I’ve also had some ask me for permission to do things before and I still don’t really understand why but whatever floats their boats I guess. I also like to do mom things like cook for them when we hang out.
6. I’m obsessed with perfume oils. I don’t like the synthetic smell of most perfumes because they have alcohol in them (even those brand ones) so I tend to buy oils from perfume apothecaries. Those can be tricky because they’ll smell different from the bottle on everyone due to personal skin chemistry, but I really like them because they’re a lot more unique, natural, and can last longer with none of that watered down alcohol smell. If you want to try perfume oils, please tell me! I promise to recommend some nice ones based on what you like :)
7. Halloween is my favorite holiday (I’m sure this is no surprise lmao typical goth kid)! I’m a vampire like every fucking year but this year I think I’ll do something different if I have time ahahahaha. My obsession with Vampires is thanks to gothic literature & my favorite artist (Kamijo) but you probably already knew this. I’m gonna move on before I go on a 3 paragraph tangent about this. 
8. I LOVE crime shows like... they’re honestly all I watch. My favorite is Criminal Minds and then I watch everything from Law & Order SVU to Chicago PD to NCIS lol. CRIME RELATED SHOWS ARE THE BEST OK. I’m pretty much like the parent that drinks wine and only watches crime shows when they get home from work.
9. I’ve had WAAAAYYYY too many near death experiences. My friends joke that I can’t die and will be immortal lmao. Idk why but the experiences have been escalating in seriousness each year; last year I was actually in the hospital and my friends thought I died for real (fun times). I’m still waiting for my brush with death this year lol. 
10. I’m 4′11″ and would like to be taller so I rarely wear flat shoes.... I never buy heels under 3 inches and only have 3 pairs of shoes that aren’t heeled (sandals, combat boots, & a pair of tennis shoes). I'm trying to get the One Star converse Yixing has though so I guess that’ll be 4 but I can’t find them in my sizes even in Vietnam :((((((  anyway.... My daily shoes are 4 inch platforms and I love them hahaha. 
I’m going to tag some friends I would like to know more about outside of fandom shenanigans! You don’t have to do this, of course: @xingsdeer @theshenanigansoftakiyah @uminbean @hallowxing @yike-xing @zhangyixingsdimples @xbaek @amaxing-daes @1honeygrl @16stigma @kenopsiae @hearts4luna
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durin-son · 7 years
Ten facts about me!
I was tagged by @sinenceq so what the hell lets do this.
1. When I first had my lip pierced I lied to my dad about where I was getting it done. I told him that my friends dad was a professional and was willing to do my vertical labret. In all actuality that friend and I sat in our local park in the middle of the day and he pierced it himself. I had to hide my face as kid a went by because my lip just just nonstop bleeding. It turned out well but seriously leave it to the professionals don’t be like me!
2. I was a shitty student until high school. If it hadn’t been for programs like No Child Left Behind there’s no telling where I’d be now. Like I failed classes in elementary school, do you know how hard that is to do!?
3. The first time I dyed my hair didn’t happen in the best terms, it was a day or two after my dad told my mom he wanted a divorce. Previously I had begged both of them to let me do it but they always said no, well as my dad left the house and started staying elsewhere my mom straight up looked to me and asked if I wanted to get my hair dyed.
4. I have a pillow addiction, I’ve spent well over $400 on pillows within the last year alone.
5. Speaking of blowing money I’m a convulsive spender, it’s just always happens. I spent $2000 within a month once. I had to have someone else hold onto my card for me until I trusted myself again.
6. I got into anime because of my obsession with werewolves. I used to browse YouTube for different videos and being the edgy child I was, watched only the videos with Three Days Grace songs. Eventually a video popped into my recommended, but it was about vampires and I was like ehh but I watched it and had to find the show. To this day Vampire Knight remains a personal favorite of mine.
7. I have this huge stuffed tiger named Ivan that had been bought for me before I was even born. It was embarrassing though in my freshman year of high school my boyfriend was named Ivan too so that was a fun thing to say when he first came over and I was like, “Oh that’s Ivan.”
8. I have dyslexia and it made my childhood a nightmare. I felt like an idiot because I was so behind on spelling and reading. It wasn’t until a friend had me read Harry Potter that I learned to love reading and strived to improve.
9. My book collection probably stands about twice my size. Though that’s not hard do to me being short it’s still an accomplishment knowing that I’ve read so much and have gotten better at it.
10. My nose is just slightly crooked from where it was broken when I was a child. My brother and cousin had me in one of those yellow and red toy cars and were pushing me down my aunts driveway repeatedly. I didn’t want to do it anymore, but my brother said one last time. When he pushed the car he accidentally got it at an angle so I got off the driveway and into the grass crashing into a tree stump sending the car tumbling.
Lmao I really don’t wanna tag anyone, but feel free to do this at your leisure!
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