#vampire kisses valentine maxwell
scarletremains · 3 months
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Is the Vampire Kisses fandom alive?
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lemonandtheart · 2 years
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Doodling one of my fave scenes and the Maxwells! Seriously tho everytime I hear about the Maxwells I just have to wonder who the fuck made them the way that they are. Luna especially deserved better fuck
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Dance with a Vampire (Vampire Kisses #4)
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author: Ellen Schreiber # pages: 179 #chapters: 18 start date: October 8 finish date: October 9 rating: 1/5 review: Oh look another Maxwell 😒 apparently Jagger and Luna have a little brother and guess who befriends the kid? Raven’s own little brother and on top of that it’s prom season so Raven gets to deal with that fun little vampire kid and to get ready for prom with Alexander
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vampire kisses thoughts
billy and henry. meme lords.
they and valentine and stormy have a group chat and it's just full of memes it's so cursed
i like the idea of raven and alexander moving to hipsterville and billy and henry stay there on the weekends and hang out with valentine
stormy visits every summer and there's plenty of shenanigans between the four of them
raven tells their parents that she'll look after them but mostly she's just like "here's $30 stay together go have fun dont get arrested"
usually they just end up at the coffin club or the movies or an arcade or mcdonalds
billy has a massive crush on valentine and vice versa but they're both too dumb to do anything about it until they're like. seniors
meanwhile henry and stormy have been dating since like freshman year LMAO
billy reluctantly goes to raven for advice on talking to boys and she's incredibly embarrassing and basically no help
somehow he ends up talking to fuckin jagger because he's like the only other queer dude billy knows (there's no fuckin way jagger is straight i tell you what)
(jagger/trevor ftw)
(actually my number one trevor ship is trevor/therapy but i digress)
anyway it's incredibly awkward and goes something along the lines of
"u wanna bang my brother don't u"
"what?? NO!! ..........maybe"
"make him a mixtape or something he loves that shit also if u hurt him i'll, like, kill you or whatever"
and billy makes him a sappy playlist full of like. the cure and the smiths and death cab for cutie and shit it's like rly sappy
val thinks it's super sweet especially when he realizes that this means billy was actually listening when he was rambling on about various bands, and they get together
henry and stormy roast the shit out of them for taking so long to figure it out
billy ends up starting a gsa at school and raven is so proud of him oh my god
she boasts about him all the time like "my brother is in the math club and he's president of the gsa and he's taking college classes and he's learning romanian and...."
raven goes to college for journalism because of what trevor said about her running a magazine (she will die before she admits that it's because of him)
she has a hard time with a lot of her classes but for once she actually enjoys what she's learning so she pushes through and gets that degree
(billy is so fuckin proud of her for it and brags about her to all his friends)
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reading list for 2020 2019 reading list literature recommendations last updated 7.1.2020
crossed = finished bolded = currently reading plain = to read * = reread + = priority
ask if you want PDFs!
currently reading: The Brutality of Fact: Interviews with Francis Bacon by David Sylvester We Eat Our Own by Kea Wilson Frankissstein by Jeanette Winterson Inferno by Dante Aligheri
novels (unsorted) The Border of Paradise by Esmé Weijun Wang +Justine by Lawrence Durrell Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy +Death in Venice by Thomas Mann* The Robber Bride by Margaret Atwood The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco* The Letters of Mina Harker by Dodie Bellamy Story of the Eye by Georges Bataille +Nightwood by Djuna Barnes +Malina by Ingeborg Bachman A Girl is a Half-Formed Thing by Eimear McBride Monsieur Venus by Rachilde +The Marquise de Sade by Rachilde +A King Alone by Jean Giono +The Scarab by Manuel Mujica Lainez +The Invitation by Beatrice Guido Operation Massacre by Rodolfo Walsh She Who Was No More by Boileau-Narcejac Mascaro, the American Hunter by Haroldo Conti European Travels for the Monstrous Gentlewomen by Theodora Goss Kiss Me, Judas by Christopher Baer Possession: A Romance by A.S. Byatt The Grip of It by Jac Jemc Celestine by Olga Ravn The Girl Who Ate Birds by Paul Nougé The Necrophiliac by Gabrielle Wittkop Possessions by Julia Kristeva
classics The Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio* Purgatio by Dante Aligheri Paradiso by Dante Aligheri
short story collections The Wilds: Stories by Julia Elliot The Dark Dark: Stories by Samantha Hunt Severance by Robert Olen Butler Enfermario by Gabriela Torres Olivares Sirens and Demon Lovers: 22 Stories of Desire edited by Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling The Beastly Bride edited by Ellen Datlow  +Vampire In Love by Enrique Vila-Matas Collected works of Leonora Carrington Collected works of Silvina Ocampo Collected works of Everil Worrel Collected works of Luisa Valenzuela
theatre +Faust by Goethe The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus by Christopher Marlowe Phaedra’s Love by Sarah Kane
nonfiction (unsorted) Countess Dracula by Tony Thorne +The Bloody Countess by Valentine Penrose Infamous Lady: The True Story of Countess Erzsebet Bathory by Kimberly L. Craft Blake by Peter Akroyd Lives of the Necromancers by William Godwin A History of the Heart by Ole M. Høystad On Monsters by Stephen T. Asma +Ghostly Matters: Haunting and the Sociological Imagination by Avery Gordon +Consoling Ghosts : Stories of Medicine and Mourning from Southeast Asians in Exile by Jean M. Langford essays (unsorted) When the Sick Rule the World: Essays by Dodie Bellamy Academonia: Essays by Dodie Bellamy ‘On the Devil, and Devils’ by Percy Shelley +An Erotic Beyond: Sade by Octavio Paz
poetry +100 Notes on Violence by Julia Carr
academia (unsorted) Essays on the Art of Angela Carter: Flesh and the Mirror edited by Lorna Sage The Routledge Companion to Literature and Food edited by Lorna Piatti-Farnell, Donna Lee Brien Cupid’s Knife: Women's Anger and Agency in Violent Relationships by Abby Stein Traumatic Encounters in Italian Film: Locating the Cinematic Unconscious by Fabio Vighi The Severed Flesh: Capital Visions by Julia Kristeva Feast and Folly: Cuisine, Intoxication, and the Poetics of the Sublime by Allen S. Weiss
on horrror Terrors in Cinema edited by Cynthia J. Miller and A. Bowdoin Van Riper Robin Wood on the Horror Film: Collected Essays and Reviews by Robin Wood Monster Theory: Reading Culture by Jeffrey Cohen The Philosophy of Horror, or Paradoxes of the Heart by Noël Caroll Dark Dreams 2.0: A Psychological History of the Modern Horror Film from the 1950s to the 21st Century by Charles Derry Monsters of Our Own Making by Marina Warner Monster Culture in the 21st Century: A Reader edited by by Marina Levina and Diem My Bui
the gothic Woman and Demon: The Life of a Victorian Myth by Nina Auerbach Skin Shows: Gothic Horror and the Technology of Monsters by J. Halberstam +Perils of the Night: A Feminist Study of Nineteenth-Century Gothic by Eugenia C. Delamotte Art of Darkness: A Poetics of Gothic by Anne Williams Body Gothic: Corporeal Transgression in Contemporary Literature and Horror Film by Xavier Aldana Reyes On the Supernatural in Poetry by Ann Radcliffe The Gothic Flame by Devendra P. Varma Gothic Versus Romantic: A Reevaluation of the Gothic Novel by Robert D. Hume A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful by Edmund Burke Over Her Dead Body by Elisabeth Bronfen The Contested Castle: Gothic Novels and the Subversion of Domestic Ideology by Kate Ellis Gothic Documents: A Sourcebook, 1700-1820 by E. Clery Limits of Horror: Technology, Bodies, Gothic edited by Fred Botting The History of Gothic Fiction by Markman Ellis The Routledge Companion to the Gothic edited by Catherine Spooner and Emma McEvoy Gothic and Gender edited by Donna Heiland Romanticism and the Gothic Tradition by G.R. Thompson Cryptomimesis : The Gothic and Jacques Derrida’s Ghost Writing by Jodie Castricano
bluebeard Bluebeard’s legacy: death and secrets from Bartók to Hitchcock edited by Griselda Pollock and Victoria Anderson The tale of Bluebeard in German literature: from the eighteenth century to the present Mererid Puw Davies Bluebeard: a reader’s guide to the English tradition by Casie E. Hermansson Bluebeard gothic : Jane Eyre and its progeny Heta Pyrhönen Bluebeard Tales from Around the World by Heidi Ann Heiner
religion The Incorruptible Flesh: Bodily Mutation and Mortification in Religion and Folklore by Piero Camporesi Afterlives: The Return of the Dead in the Middles Ages by Nancy Caciola Discerning Spirits: Divine and Demonic Possession in the Middle Ages by Nancy Caciola “He Has a God in Him”: Human and Divine in the Modern Perception of Dionysus by Albert Henrichs The Ordinary Business of Occultism by Gauri Viswanathan The Body and Society. Men, Women, and Sexual Renunciation in Early Christianity by Peter Brown
cannibalism Eat What You Kill: Or, a Strange and Gothic Tale of Cannibalism by Consent Charles J. Reid Jr. Consuming Passions: The Uses of Cannibalism in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe by Merrall Llewelyn Price Cannibalism in High Medieval English Literature by Heather Blurton +Eating Their Words: Cannibalism and the Boundaries of Cultural Identity edited by Kristen Guest Dinner with a Cannibal: The Complete History of Mankind’s Oldest Taboo by Carole A. Travis-Henikoff
crime Savage Appetites by Rachel Monroe In Cold Blood by Truman Capote The Mind Hunter: Inside the FBI’s Elite Serial Crime Unit by John Douglass
theory/philosophy Life Everlasting: the animal way of death by Bernd Heinrich The Ambivalence of Scarcity and Other Essays by René Girard Interviews with Hélène Cixous Symposium by Plato Phaedra by Plato Becoming-Rhythm: A Rhizomatics of the Girl by Leisha Jones The Abject of Desire: The Aestheticization of the Unaesthetic in Contemporary Literature and Culture edited by Konstanze Kutzbach, Monika Mueller The Severed Head: Capital Visions by Julia Kristeva
perfume & alchemy Perfume: The Alchemy of Scent by Jean-Claude Ellena The Perfume Lover: A Personal Story of Scent by Denyse Beaulieu Past Scents: Historical Perspectives on Smell by Jonathan Reinarz Fragrant: The Secret Life of Scent by Mandy Aftel Das Parfum by Patrick Süskind* Scents and Sensibility: Perfume in Victorian Literary Culture by Catherine Maxwell The Foul and the Fragrant by Alain Corbin +throughsmoke by Jehanne Dubrow “The Ugly History of Beautiful Things: Perfume” by Katy Kelleher
medicine The Butchering Art by Lindsey Fitzharris
Finished (Vampires): An Uneasy Essay on the Undead in Film by Jalal Toufic
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sevi007 · 6 years
THE VALENTINE BROTHERS SEVI. I DIDNT THINK THAT JAN WAS SO /gestures/ THAT IN THE REAL SERIES BUT HE IS AND IM DYING. The freaking, Konami code. I'm so happy. And WALTER, BEING A BADASS YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Poor Seras tho..... Her bed ;u; give the girl her bed back.... (This has turned into a spam live blogging I'm so sorry;;)
Okay so I’m on episode 5 since ive been binging so hard and I am a concern its all gone to hell Sevi. London is fucked and i am worried about walter hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. vanwinke was really great tho. Also why does the scythe wielding person have to be a Nazi they’re so hot /sobs/             
HOLY CRAP THE MASSIVELY UNIMPRESSED LOOK ON INTEGRA’S FACE AS ANDERSON AND HIS CREW GO NUTS HAS ME SOBBING. Integra for biggest bamf alive holy he’ll. They’re a going nuts and shes just ‘having fun there I’m guessing?’ With the most bored and unimpressed expression. What a legend
Okay so has Maxwell always been this insane. Like. He’s literally starting a new crusade to murder all the people ever like. Im. The only one around him with any sanity is the little bowl cut kid that give him the papers. Alucard on that ship has me mentally singing back in black. He’s coming back to start a party. Also Integra giving zero fucks has me living. The cigar scene is so hilarious. They fear her power, too strong. And JFC ANDERSON, SAVAGELY BURNED YOUR OWN PEOPLE HOLY CRAP.     
Holy only did the scythe person invest all their skill points in illusion magic or something omg. And my girl Seras being the biggest BADASS!!!            
I now rescind what I said aboud the scythe person. No longer hot and I’m no longer sad that theyre a naiz. Rest in hell you sack of garbage. Stupid ass hand magic. You did my girl, and pip dirty. Also also, me @ this series in general: go to hell you did not need to do that to my soul. Why did you make me love these mercs and then do this to me. Why. Pip…. Why are you so loveable… I am also even more concerned about walter (I’m on ep 7 btw)      
Yep scythe person opinion is infinity rescinded. Gonna stab them personally.   
 Maxwell is really just murdering everyone eh? While the major stand like a conductor on his blimp. I cannot wait until our home group turns them into mulch.                            
Holy shit one million respect points to Anderson for calling Maxwell out on his shit. What the hell I love Anderson so much he’s such a good. ALSO THE BOY IS BACK IN TOWN THE BOY IS BACK IN TOWN /guitar solo/ It’s all gone insanse and im having the best and worst time hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhb       
Oh man shits getting real Alucard is about to to absolutely beast mode I can feel it. He’s saying the bird of Hermes stuff             
OH BABY HE HAS PEOPLE BACK FROM THE DEAD WHAT HOT DAMN IT’S ALL GONE INSANSE ALUCARD HAS EATEN SO MANY PEOPLE OMG. WHAT THE SHIT HES SO HOT NOW. You know I should have seen this twist coming, his real identity and all but like. They’re so different wtf. This has gone off the rails in the best of ways                 
Wow Maxwell’s death… Almost hurt????? Damn dude. Also Anderson is just. Really good. I love him so much now.    
Damn this fight between alucard and Anderson is so good holy shit and they’re having such fun it looks like??? This is so fun I’m loving it. Anderson has gone a bit nuts tho. And I have a bad feeling          
They should rename Anderson to the human slap chop at this rate. He’s so determined it’s incredible. AND HIS BACKUP STAYED AWWWWWWWWWW Aannnd I think they’re naruto running I am sobbing over this. Also i wanna punch the major in the face. Make him eat my fist.         
What the actual fuck is happening I don’t. I’m so confused and upset Sevi. Why did this have to happen. (Okay one episode to go I think)    
Everything has gone incredibly wrong and I don’t like it. Alucard and Seras are on fire and Anderson has just done whatever the fuck he did???? AND NOW ALUCARD HAS JUST GONE BEAST MODE??? I CAN’T. THIS SERIES NEEDS TO CALM DOWN.    
I am in pain     
 Man Integra and Seras are a pair of badasses. I’m so set for them to kill the major. Also the high coat guy intrigues me. I wanna know what his deal is. Is he a werewolf. I feel like he is. Also what’s up with that long ass pistol. That can’t be practical. YEP HE IS A WOLF THINGY I WAS RIGHT. Alucard is just summoning a tsunami of blood now. Alrighty then. And now I am worried since the major is happy about that.
Oh damn the captain guy is a big ass wolf. And also, I am very concern about Alucard. PIP YOU BACK FROM THE DEAD AGAIN JACKASS I LOVE YOU GO BEST TAG TEAM EVER!!! AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH
Wow cheating asshole major with his glass box. I want him to die. AND HE’S GONNA DO WHAT?????? OH FUCK THE CAT GUY I AM A FRIGHTEN
I am so worried and don’t like this.
Wow now I feel kinda bad for Walter. I mean, I’m still mad at him but. I want to major to die. Can I stab him. Please
Oh no he’s stuck in different realities now isn’t he fuck
Oh no    
HAH AT LEAST THE DOCTOR DIED. GET FUCKED. Fuck did they desecrate a woman’s bones I am so lost now. I am too tired for this. DAMMIT WALTER STOP MAKING ME FEEL THINGS YOU ASS. I need to lay down this hurts too much. Everyone’s dead and I am in pain. And kinda nauseous from it. OH SHIT THAT ONE VATICAN PERSON WHO WAS SHOT DIDN’T DIE. SJDJDJSJSISUD INTEGRA LYING TO PENWOODS GRANDSON IM DYING. Fuck I am in pain. And-FUCKER IS HE BACK. STOP TOYING WITH ME SERIES. STOP THIS. I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD                                                                                                                                                             
Okay, so, for people wondering: That were 41 asks right there. Quick apology to mobile users, but I had to collect all these, this, this is awesome. Ti, you mad person, did you freaking watch all of the series in one sitting?! XD I love you dude. I just had the time of my life reading through this.
To point a few things out in answer to this:
1) Integra is the most badass in this entire series, you got that absolutely right
2) Walter was NOT brainwashed, a fact he was very adamant about. He decided on his very own that he wanted to betray Hellsing so that he would get a fair chance in fighting Alucard (something he had wanted to do for fifty years) since he’s a vampire hunter and Alucard is THE vampire, and Walter just… misses the battlefield? After staying a simple Butler for all this time. Millenium merely gave him vampire powers so he could revert to younger years so that he may have a chance fighting Alucard.
3) Yes you may stab the Major, go for it
4) The captain wanted to die, so he helped Seras and Pip out by giving them silver (kills werewolves) and laughing in his death. It seems as if he was immortal otherwise and had little chance to disobey Millenium, so he took the only way out he had.
5) The woman’s bones you see there in the end is Mina Harker, a character from Bram Stoker’s Dracula. Apart from Seras, she’s the only known woman Alucard ever turned into a vampire - also important to note that he loved her, to whatever degree he is able to. Because she drank his blood (which stayed active inside of her even after her friends somehow managed to turn her human again), it’s the only DNA of Dracula / Alucard that Millenium could get their hands on. They used that Alucard-DNA to make copies and clones of Alucard (all the vampire / ghoul soldiers you saw) and to enhance their other fighters (Rip van Winkle, the scythe guy, even Walter himself).
Ti I absolutely love you, this was such a rollercoaster from start to finish. XD Increasing amount of Caps Lock means you reached the end of the series. *nod*
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billymadisons · 8 years
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(gets off my lazy ass and picks up a tablet pen for once in my life)
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hecking-art · 8 years
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Never before seen image of two nerds geeking out over a vampire
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st-percocet · 6 years
rec masterpost
yo here’s some tunes that i recommend cause i get asked to rec bands/songs a lot so yea bold = absolute bangers that i can’t get sick of
SONGS: 1 trillion dollars - anti-flag 17 crimes - afi 302 - the lippies 5 to 9 - fidlar 6969 - ninja sex party acid baby - spilt addicted - simple plan afraid of heights - billy talent alfie - lily allen aliens are real don’t tweak - netherfriends all american girl - adickdid alone and stoned - king tuff alone is no together - jamie campbell bower / the darling buds a mask of my own face - lemon demon a more perfect union - titus andronicus a new wave - sleater-kinney anxiety - pinact atmosphere - joy division bad egg - hands off gretal bad habit - the kooks bad kids - black lips beach bones - more amor ft ryan ross beck and call - sundressed better man - jamie campbell bower better than sex - the midnight beast billionaire - travie mccoy ft bruna mars bitch theme - bratmobile black me out - against me bleed - out came the wolves bleed american - jimmy eat world body - mother mother boy grinder - jack off jill boyfriend - best coast boys wanna be her - peaches bubblegum - mystery jets but a nightmare - danzig byob - system of a down california uber alles - dead kennedys can we laugh now? - 7 year bitch cannonball - the breeders can’t go to hell - sin shake sin cardiac arrest - bad suns carried away - passion pit cat-o-nine-tails - L7 cemeterysexxx - doyle cheer up london - slaves chop suey - system of a down cold hands - the dose colder quicker - real friends come on eileen - dexys mightnight runners constant headache - joyce manor corrine - black honey crazy - gnarls barkley (cee lo green) creature - it looks sad. daddy issues - the neighbourhood dance like a maniac - the dollyrots danny don’t you know - ninja sex party dark necessities - red hot chilli peppers dark nights - dorothy death cup - mom jeans devilgirl - gorgeous frankenstein don’t come home - all human don’t mess with me - brody dalle don’t you wait - cloves dreaming dead girls - doyle egg - shoe. empty apartment - yellowcard even when the water’s cold - !!! evil eye - franz ferdinand faking the benz - from oslo family tree - black lips feels blind - bikini kill fill in the blank - car seat headrest firetruck vagina - baby guts first light - django django flannel - cardboard swords full circle - aerosmith fyi i wanna f your a - ninja sex party genghis khan - miike snow get busy - jimothy lacoste gia - fabulous disaster girls and boys - blur golden - travie mccoy ft sia good rhymes for bad times - bears in trees gothic roccata from the suite - léon boëllmann, roman penicki grace kelly - mika green eyes - wavves ha ha ha - the julie ruin hands down - dashboard confessional happy pills - weathers happy today - the wowz headfirst for halos - my chemical romance heroin - badflower hopeless - screaming females hung like jesus - cancerslug hypnotize - system of a down i killed abor day for you - panucci’s pizza i’ll be your butcher - cancerslug i look good - chantal claret it’s amazing - jamie campbell bower / the darling buds i wanna get better - bleachers i was a teenage anarchist - against me idiot - jeff the brotherhood is this sound okay? - coconut records i’m not crying you’re not crying are you? - dear and the headlights i’m not part of me - cloud nothings jellybean - video nasties jerk it out - caesers jerk of all trades - lunachicks just like you - nial harvest killer ball - gesu no kiwami otome kiss this - the struts la la lainey - forever the sickest kids ластоска - leningrad lezbophobia - tribe 8 liar - the dying arts lights out - royal blood lillibulero - bellowhead loner - fangclub lost on me - peace love bites (so do i) - halestorm makin’ whoopee - neil gaiman, amanda palmer max can’t surf - fidlar maxwell murder - rancid me and the bean - spoon miley - smwrs miss murder - AFI mixtape 2003 - the academic modern swinger - the pink spiders mother - danzig move (i’m coming) - chantal claret my best friend’s hot - the dollyrots my sharona - the knack nagoya - it looks sad. new born - purple nightmare - avenged sevenfold nite vision - mean jeans no surprise - the shacks not my girl - tokyo police club nothing can stop me - heavens to betsy nothing is wrong - analog rebellion no waves - fidlar oh bondage! up yours! - x-ray spex old folks home - cottonwood firing squad olly olly oxen free - amanda palmer (piano is evil version) only acting - kero kero bonito on your side - a rocket to the moon orgy for one - ninja sex party overdose - fidlar palm trees - smwrs panic switch - silversun pickups paradigm - avenged sevenfold paris - magic man psychedelic ascension - mr traumatik pudding - joel cossette rats - ghost red flag - billy talent river - eminem ft ed sheeran romance - wild flag romans - adam walicki salad days - mac demarco samantha - hole same damn life - seether same old blues - phantogram save me - aimee mann say it ain’t so - weezer schism - tool shia labeouf live - rob cantor shit twins - dads sick boy - kill hannah sick shit - together pangea silly boy - the blue van skulls and daisies - danzig slob - artificial fever soldier - dover southern comforting - hotel mira (prev. known as jpnsgrls) speak life - damien marley spooky ghosts - snckpck strange town - the moderates supermodel, superficial - voodoo queens sur la planche 2013 - la femme sweet ‘69 - babes in toyland sæla - black foxxes tears don’t fall (acoustic) - bullet for my valentine teenage whore - hole televisor - morningwood the beer - kimya dawson the devil’s son - creepshow the hounds - the protomen the sound of silence - simon and garfunkel the times they are a-changin’ - bob dylan think of you - bleached time bomb - rancid toy box - ward xvi transylvania - iron maiden trophy wifey - partyline turn me on (radio mix) - wet fingers twin sized mattress - the front bottoms typical girl - the slits ukulele anthem - amanda palmer us - regina spektor vampire’s kiss - john gold virgin sacrifice - doyle volcano girls - veruca salt wait for me - motopony waiting - jamie campbell bower waste of time - elvis depressedly weekend - smith westerns west coast - coconut records whole wide world - big tree without me - eminem you are going to hate this - the frights you’ll fall in love - mrs magician you’re gonna go far kid - offspring
BANDS: against me! - amanda palmer - artificial fever - avenged sevenfold - bellowhead - black foxxes - bleachers - bloodnun - blunderpuss - bullet for my valentine - cancerslug - cobra starship - counterfeit - danzig - dead! - death spells - doyle - earl. - electric century - fidlar - foo fighters - frank iero and the patience - ghost - good charlotte - gorgeous frankenstein - green day - hole - hotel mira - hounding - iron maiden - jimothy lacoste - kero kero bonito -leathermouth - leningrad - marilyn manson - mindless self indulgence - misfits - my chemical romance - ninja sex party - nirvana - papa roach - paramore - pencey prep - poison crow - pup - queen - queens of the stone age - rage against the machine - ramones - rancid - reggie and the full effect - simple plan - slipknot - spilt - sum 41 - swmrs - system of a down - taking back sunday - the darling buds / jamie campbell bower - the dead xiii - the dollyrots - the dresden dolls - the killers - the left rights - the levellers - the pretty reckless - the used - the world you love - video nasties - ward xvi - weathers - weezer - wolfe sunday - yellowcard
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if you like vampire kisses please interact
i wanna talk about stormy and billy and henry and valentine being friends
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THIS IS NICHE BUT JOIN MY VAMPIRE KISSES DISCORD SERVER!!!!!! (just wanna say rn that im an adult so if ur a minor just....... idk be aware of that..)
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