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icyowl · 2 months ago
Save Me
Pairing: Vampire Megumi Fushiguro x reader
Synopsis: You discover Megumi's true nature in the worst way: when he nearly devours you in a frenzy. Gojo saves your life, but Megumi is held captive under the school, starving, unable to consume any blood. Can you save him? Will you try after what he's done?
A/N: I promise i'm not dead! Sadly I keep running out of steam before I finish any WIPs, but I powered through for you on this one! Been wanting to do vampire megumi foreverrrrrrr
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The hot blood pouring from your shoulder had been reduced to an afterthought now that the vampire who nearly tore your neck open was barreling after you. There was only one thing you could do:
Out the bedroom, through the hallway, down the stairs — you passed through most of the building without really taking it in. All that existed were the dank/steaming/slobbering/moist snarls behind you and the burning in your lungs. Air couldn't come fast enough.
His weapons — a pair of bloody inch-long canines and countless claws — were one bad step from having their way with you.
A flash of guilt had your steps slowing for a fraction of a second. You could maybe reason with him or somehow pull him out of it, so, against better judgement, you turned-
The crazed animal that took his place slammed head-first into the wall next to you, missing your carotid by one flinch of your quivering muscles. Splintered wood sprayed everywhere. If your survival instinct hadn't kicked in when it did, you'd be right in his war path, and likely ripped open (again). Face still partially embedded in the wall, mouth gorging on wood fractures, one of his pulsating eyes fixed you in its wild gaze.
Red hot, with a slitted pupil constricted to a razor sharp sliver.
It wasn't simply inhuman; it was the farthest thing from human. Curses didn't compare to whatever was in those now-ruby eyes.
You gave yourself splinters trying to yank yourself out of his reach. Maybe you could have reasoned with him, maybe you should have, but you didn't trust him not to kill you if you tried. What about the movies where the monster's love interest could subdue his deadly instincts? Yeah, this wasn't a movie. Fuck that.
Every slip of your feet on the hardwood flooring sent a bolt of fear through each nerve in your body. Where could you go? Did you stay away from people and keep them safe, or try to find help? Could you manage that while keeping yourself alive? Air stung your lungs with every brash inhale and your legs began to fatigue. How much longer could you keep this up?
You exploded out of the dorm into the muggy summer air. In time, he would catch you, end you, devour you. Bad idea or not, you needed help.
A bear trap full of claws closed around your side. You screamed as they tore through your clothes and into your skin. In a fit of sheer willpower and for the second time that day, you deliberately pulled your skin from him, the ripping and tearing only worsening. It sucked, but you didn't have a choice. Could you try and lose him in the forest? Lock him in a building? Lure-
You were too busy keeping an eye on the gnashing teeth and snarling yowls of your boyfriend to stop yourself from running head-long into someone. After recovering from the initial shock of hitting the ground hard and heavy, you looked up to a moment of great stillness.
Gojo stood, one hand in his pocket, and the other outstretched to Megumi. What had once been your violent animal now floated helplessly in the air, his lashing talons catching nothing but the humid breeze. He growled deep in his chest, trying with everything he had to break the invisible chains keeping him suspended and kill you, and yet Gojo simply smirked, humored by it all.
“Megumi,” he chided, “I told you something like this would happen.”
It was almost laughable — almost — now that you were safe, alone, staring down your ordinary visage in the bathroom mirror. Three days until you could get a full night's sleep, five days until every sound didn't send your heart into overdrive, and now, one week removed from the incident, you could nearly believe it never happened. Apart from the bandages. Megumi had done a number on you and likely would have feasted on you had Gojo not happened to be in the way. His moans were pained, and when his words turned to garbled growls. . . all this time, he was so different from you, and all this time, you hardly suspected a thing. How could you not see something so important? How could he have deceived you so completely? Would he have ever told you? Was he fine with hiding so much of himself from you?
Your shoulders dipped down and forward. Megumi’s backpack was still at the foot of your bed. His cologne was on your pillow. You smelled it last night before you dreamed of him — a ballad of warmth and peace. Every time you looked at your phone screen you saw a glimmer of his grin from that trip to the carnival however long ago. Dark bruising curtesy of a healing hickey on your throat snickered at you from the mirror; he had been so gentle then.
You would have gone to him already, had Gojo not turned you away at the basement door. It probably wasn’t a good idea to go down there before you’d healed — what if you made it worse? If Megumi lost control from some kissing, what would he do when he saw the bandages or smelled the stitches digging into your skin? But it didn’t feel right to know he was locked up just a ways away while you hid like a child in your room.
Your phone’s buzzing nearly sent you through the ceiling.
Principal Yaga.
“Hello?” You asked warily. Was a week really all he’d give you before he sent you back to class? Your wounds could hardly be considered healed.
“Fushiguro needs your help. Come to the sealing chambers if you can. We're out of options.” His tone was grim (when wasn’t it?). All at once your heart galloped like you were back in the courtyard running for your life. You didn’t see your reflection in the mirror. The lack of color, slack jaw, none of it. All you saw was an image of the man who read to you at night now locked away in a dark room, bound and gagged, a starved circus animal.
At the first door of the sealing chambers it wasn’t Yaga who met you but Gojo. Even with the blindfold, you could tell he wasn’t happy. He held the door open without a word. As soon as you entered the dark hall, tortured cursed energy pressed in on your chest. Sealing tape lined the long corridor Gojo led you through, along with every staircase and every doorway. Talismans of different origins and scripts from countless religions hung from the ceiling. You’d be fearful if Gojo’s words hadn’t kept you preoccupied. Megumi had been unable to keep down any blood he’d been given since your attack, and, since he’d been starving enough by then to trigger a frenzy. . . he was in dire straights now.
“Why can’t he keep anything down?” You asked.
“It’s called taste aversion. You get food poisoning from a restaurant, you never want to go to the same company or get the same kind of food again. His goes beyond that, though. The mind is an incredibly powerful thing – the shame, self-loathing, guilt – his psychological barriers are just as real as any physical ones. Without consuming any nutrients… he’s dying.”
As soon as you walked through the next door to a long, narrow walkway with cells on one side, the shouting and thumping reached your ears.
“No! Don’t bring her in!” Megumi said from down the hall. He could smell your cozy allure, the infernal whispers beckoning the frothing beast under his skin to break through. His teeth ached.
Your stomach squeezed when you saw him; shackles held his wrists on the end of chains bolted to the ceiling. He was on his knees, covered in grime, and wearing the same clothes you’d last seen him in. Stains and a few empty bloodbags dirtied the floor.
As soon as he saw you, he shoved his head in his shoulder to the point of cricking it and slammed shut his bloodstained eyes.
“Get out!” He screamed.
You looked at Gojo who was already studying you. His message was clear: do what you think is right. No judgement. If you ran away yelling, he wouldn’t hold it against you. This was merely something he was willing to try, if you were too. You looked back at Megumi. Dried blood caked his wrists where the cuffs had dug in. His skin touching the metal puffed out smoke where the skin underneath burned. They must have chained him with silver. His skin was pale and gaunt, a sure sign of a starving man. Bits of his hair lay around his knees where it had fallen out. Around him, the walls were etched with staines, fingernail scratches, and symbols of faith.
You knelt across from him. The hard floor pushed at your knees. All you could think to do was roll up your sleeve and hold it out to him. “I’m letting you take my blood, so no more of this aversion stuff. I’m telling you it’s okay, so you can’t reject it.”
Something guttural made you flinch back. He kept his eyes shut even when he turned to say: “I’m never touching you again. I don’t want you here, understand?”
You sighed. Water flooded your mouth and eyes. “You have to eat, Megumi, or you’ll die.”
“Then let me.” He bit back.
You looked to the teacher for answers. Gojo held you in his eyes for a long moment before nodding and bringing up two fingers. Using infinity, he forced the cuffs open. Megumi’s ruby eyes shot open, looking at his hands, sharpened nails still present, to you, and to Gojo.
Megumi only had time to hiss before Gojo was behind him, wrapping an arm around Megumi’s neck and wedging his student’s chin in the crook of his elbow. Gojo’s other hand spread out on the back of Megumi’s head, forcing it forward and putting him in a suffocating headlock. Megumi lurched and growled but couldn’t budge Gojo’s insurmountable strength. He turned frantic when you approached and his noises turned to snarls, hating showing this side of you but hoping he’d reach that primal flight reflex inside you and get you to fear him, to run and leave him in his misery.
“Don’t do this.” Megumi warbled out. His voice was whimpering and tortured. It broke off with a foreign growl. His instincts tried to make him submit. Your heart pulled itself from your ribcage when his eyes watered and his canines descended against his will. Every part of his body was trying to reach for your supple skin, close the gap, find that sweet release, but his mind was fighting valiantly to resist the pull. In the middle of the war was his heart, damaged and vulnerable and begging for salvation.
“It’s okay.” You tried. You pressed your arm against his lips. Still, he wouldn’t budge. You pressed harder, until his teeth were smashed to your skin, yet he wouldn’t bite.
Gojo tightened his hold until Megumi involuntarily gasped for air, giving you a chance to dive your arm into his open mouth and impale it on his fangs. It fucking hurt, sure, you yelled and flinched in spite of yourself, no doubt making it worse for Megumi, but you were far more focused on him. Megumi clawed at Gojo’s arm, trying to pull away, but soon the sensation of your blood flowing down his throat hit his nervous system and he stilled, eyes glazing over and a tear escaping down his cheek. Audible swallows interrupted the sudden quiet and you let out a heavy breath. As scary as he might have looked, glowing eyes and snarling face and intermittent growls, the relief you felt at hearing those quiet gulps washed over you from head to toe.
His claws turned from trying to push himself out of Gojo’s hold to pulling you closer. Megumi’s grip became untamed, readjusting and tightening, not caring how he tore open your skin. Hot tears fell from your eyes. You weren’t sure how long you could keep from wailing. “How much does he need?”
Sweat was breaking out over your face. “What?”
“If you can hang in until he recovers himself, he might see he can control it. That should cure the avoidance, but it won’t be fun, and it might not even work. It’s up to you.”
Your neurons turned to sludge, so all you did was nod. Against your will, your sense of balance was leaving you. To comfort Megumi, and anchor yourself, your other hand rested on his head, petting the thick, unruly strands.
“It’s okay. Even when I saw what you were. . . I trusted you. That’s why you bit me before; because I believed you wouldn’t kill me. I’m sorry I wasn’t someone you thought you could trust. I. . . I’ll be better, from now on.”
Again Megumi’s struggling changed. His eyes, previously wide open yet unseeing, slammed shut, his face pinching in a struggle. Moans of pleasure became grunts of effort. Your forehead fell against his. From here, you could smell your blood and his shampoo in the small space between you. “It’s okay, don’t fight it. I want to help you. I want this.”
Though he writhed against Gojo’s abominable strength like a predator in a bear trap, you were growing statuesque. Cold crept up your arm. Blood turned frigid in your veins. Shadows settled in your ears and eyes until the world seemed very far away. All you felt were the fine serrations on his canines as Megumi’s movements wove them deeper into your sinew. His growls took on a melodic quality, a primal war chant from a bygone era. It was a deep rumble you imagined sounded just like the thrum of the earth. This was easy. Peaceful, even.
A herculean pull yanked your arm off his canines with a squelching pop and spray of blood. Megumi’s effort made you tumble onto your back. Blood poured from the wounds on your arm. When he could finally get his eyes to focus, you were unconscious and unmoving.
Some sort of hissing moan escaped him. The fresh blood in his belly threatened to come up. “No. . . no.” He groaned around his fangs. His words were unintelligible. Gojo could sense his cursed energy - the guilt within - and let him go. Megumi crept to you, and stopped with his hand just above your arm. He strained over the sound of his tears to barely catch the whoosh of your breaths. Alive. Still alive.
Something gripped his muscles - not hunger or thirst, but a different kind of insatiable desire. A feeling to have you, not as food, but as. . . something necessary all the same. He had to draw you to him or risk some kind of death; he could feel it in his bones. At the edge of your consciousness, your latched into his grimy shirt, right where the lurch in his stomach had begun to calm. Megumi worried about his claws on your skin - he’d hurt you so many times with them already - but nevertheless couldn’t let go.
“That’s pretty cute, like a dog growling over its bowl.” Gojo remarked, smirking at the glare his student was giving him. Megumi didn’t even notice the hisses leaving him or the baring of his sharp fangs. “Tell me, do you feel sick?”
Fire or love tinged his vision an opaque red. His teacher, the prison, even you were reduced to a slurry of wavering shapes and twisted movement. The blood had begun to settle in his stomach, and with it came the grip of shame. Fck, what had he done? He was such a monster he couldn’t even see that carnage he left behind, but he smelled the blood mixing with the dirt on the ground under you, could feel it coagulating between his fingers and cooling under his nails, heard the weak rasp of your lungs fighting for every inhale. He had ruined you.
Something gnawed at his stomach. His hand rushed to his mouth. The blood roiled in his belly and began digging its way up his esophagus. How could he have done this to you?
Still blind, he felt your chest tense, heard your hand push through the air, but nevertheless flinched when your wobbling fingers brushed at the blood and tears drying on his cheek. Your thumb pushed away his upper lip to caress the flat of his fangs. “Please,” you whispered, “don’t stop me from helping you. Don’t keep me from loving you. It’s what I want more than anything.”
And more than his desire to protect you was his need to fulfill you.
Megumi swallowed the tears and the blood at the back of his throat. If this was what you wanted, then he had to try. If he was good for anything, let it be this. He pressed his forehead to yours, staining your face and filling your nose with the stench of dirt and blood. Who knew love was so vile.
“Not that this isn’t cute, in a teen angst sorta way,” Gojo chimed, “but she needs a transfusion. You need to let go.”
Megumi’s eyes cleared. The first thing he saw was your gaze, glassy and sluggish, but unwavering from his own. He smelled the oxytocin wafting from you.
“No,” he shook his head while his fingers kissed your face, “she only needs me.” His hand dove into his mouth and with a silent snarl he burrowed his fangs deep in his wrist. You tried to stop him, but weren’t fast enough. The sound of it should have made you flinch, but the gleam of his scarlet eyes and the slitted pupils had you fascinated. He pulled his mouth away with a wet schlop and held it against your lips.
You pulled your lips around the wound and began to suck. To be fair, you didn’t expect to feel different right away, but as soon as you swallowed, a warmth spread out from your core - knitting the cuts, curing the bruises, and healing the puncture wounds. The pounding in your head, the adrenaline dumped in your veins, it all dissipated in the gentle heat of a morning sun. After a couple of gulps Megumi’s own bite mark had closed, leaving nothing but a pleasant aftertaste under your tongue. Even his own blood didn’t want to harm you by tasting bad.
Megumi’s head lurched towards the door, seeing past Gojo, hearing something far away.
“Who’s coming?” Gojo asked.
“Yaga. Nanami and Ieiri, too. They’re not happy.”
A rush of hurried steps followed some time after. Yaga was sweaty and livid.
“Gojo,” he roared, “she was meant to comfort him, not feed him!”
Gojo rose to stand in front of him. “I wasn’t gonna let anything bad happen.”
“This,” he threw a hand at the two of you, “doesn’t count as bad?! You’ve endangered your own students!”
Gojo was having none of that. His playful tone evaporated. “If I thought for a second he might kill her, I’d have stopped him instantly.”
The bickering continued in your peripheral. All you concerned yourself with was brushing the dirt off his face while he watched, listening to the ever-stronger beats of your steady heart.
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bl00dyghoul2 · 2 months ago
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kikyoupdates · 6 months ago
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☁ yandere ♡ oneshot masterlist
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🔮 masterlist ☁
❝ You don't know how or why, but you've been isekai'd into the world of Jujutsu Kaisen. Although your first instinct is to stay away from the plot, you've been blessed with an abnormal amount of cursed energy, and for better or worse, you find yourself sucked into the storyline. You decide that you may as well use your newfound powers for the greater good, and if you're lucky, you might succeed in rewriting some of the characters' fates. But it turns out that your presence in this world is an even bigger deal than you first thought, and soon, everyone wants to make you theirs.❞
more chapters of this story are available on quotev and ao3
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💫 masterlist
❝ You never believed reincarnation was possible, least of all in the fictional world of Jujutsu Kaisen. However, from the moment you meet Gojo Satoru, it’s impossible to deny. Whether it’s a miracle or some kind of curse, you find yourself growing up alongside the strongest jujutsu sorcerer. Unfortunately, you know what the future holds in store. You know exactly what kind of tragedies await. Perhaps that’s why you were brought into this world. If it means saving people from a gruesome fate, you’ll gladly suffer in their place. You’ll do whatever it takes. All for the sake of a better tomorrow. ❞
more chapters of this story are available on quotev and ao3
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🧪 masterlist
❝ You didn’t accomplish anything in your previous life. Looking back on it, you feel nothing but regret, and you yearn for the chance to do things differently. As it turns out, your wish is answered, and you are reborn into your favorite fictional world. This time, you resolve to make a change, and you have the means to do it. You won’t be content with just sitting on the sidelines and letting life pass you by. You will live boldly and vibrantly, as if every moment is your last. No matter what it takes, you are going to leave your mark. ❞
more chapters of this story are available on quotev, ao3, and wattpad
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💎 masterlist
❝ You are the product of a series of twisted experiments, an anomaly that shouldn’t have ever existed in the first place. Thankfully, you are taken into the arms of a hero and given a new purpose in life. But as you soon discover, it isn’t easy to deny your true nature, especially when you were made to destroy. ❞
more chapters of this story are available on quotev and wattpad
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💔 masterlist
❝ You awaken one day with virtually no memories. The only thing guiding you is some strange system that likes to dictate your every move, and for some reason, it insists that you make certain people fall in love with you. Desperate for answers, you decide to go along with its demands. After all, how hard can it be? ❞
more chapters of this story are available on quotev, ao3, and wattpad
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💌 masterlist ☁
❝ Your Quirk is rather unique. It plays out almost like a game, giving you missions and goals that help you become stronger. On top of that, you also have the ability to charm those around you. It sounds innocent enough on paper, and you can’t help but revel in the attention everyone keeps showering you with. But what happens when their feelings give way to something more sinister? ❞
more chapters of this story are available on quotev and ao3
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💋 masterlist
❝ As punishment for your sins, you, a young vampire, are banished — not just from your home, but to a different world entirely. Now, you find yourself in a foreign place where Quirks and heroes are the norm. In addition to coming to terms with your new life, you must also face your greatest challenge: controlling your massive thirst for blood. ❞
more chapters of this story are available on quotev, wattpad, and ao3
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💘 masterlist
❝ Ever since your Quirk first manifested, you’ve been the apple of everyone’s eye. With the goal of becoming a hero, you enroll to U.A. and soon find yourself drawing the attention of many. Will you form genuine connections with others, or is this all just your power's will? ❞
more chapters of this story are available on quotev and wattpad
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🩸 masterlist ☁
❝ Desperate for money to pay off your debts, you sign up for a program that allows you to sell your blood to vampires. At first, everything is fine, and you’re finally able to make ends meet. But they soon begin craving more than just your blood. ❞
more chapters of this story are available on quotev and wattpad
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🦋 masterlist ☁
❝ Hoping to try something new and earn a bit of money on the side, you join an app that lets people hire you for your dating services. The idea is pretty straightforward — you pose as the client's girlfriend for a brief period of time, and in turn, you receive payment. But you didn't foresee everyone getting so attached to you, and suddenly, they're no longer satisfied with a fabricated relationship. ❞
more chapters of this story are available on quotev
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🗡️ masterlist ☁
❝ Reincarnation isn't as great as it sounds, especially when you've been reborn as none other than the villainess. Fated to die if you stand in the heroine's way, you immediately resolve to distance yourself from the plot. As long as you have nothing to do with any of the relevant characters, surely, you'll be able to avoid an untimely death. But in a horrible turn of events, the heroine ends up wanting to get close to you. Are you really doomed to meet the villainess' tragic end? Or is there an even more sinister fate that awaits you? ❞
more chapters of this story are available on quotev
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💞 masterlist ☁
❝ A desperate cry on your deathbed leads to you being given a fresh start at life. You're overjoyed at having finally obtained a healthy body and a real chance at living normally, only to discover that you've been transported into a yandere game, where danger lurks at every corner. Determined to protect your new life at any cost, you vow to stay as far away from the major characters of the game as possible. But things don't always go as planned. ❞
more chapters of this story are available on quotev
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🥀 masterlist ☁
❝ Following your mother’s recent passing, you are visited by a group of men claiming that your father abandoned all his debt and obligations, leaving you to take his place.❞
this story is completed on quotev
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👑 masterlist ☁
❝ Your parents are thrilled to have secured an engagement for you with the royal family. Your suitor, the crown prince, has agreed to be wed to you. It seems as though your entire future has been assured, so why is it that from this moment onward, your life starts to fall apart at the seams? ❞
more chapters of this story are available on quotev
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oneshot masterlist
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kund306 · 3 months ago
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vamp megumi n werewolf yuji sketches
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im kinda embarrassed for signing sketches??? thats so lame of me bruh (but its perfectly fine when other people do that)
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whoishotteranimepolls · 8 months ago
"Who's Hotter?" Anime Vampires
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chiarrara · 3 months ago
listening to von dutch for an hour straight writing vampire megumi salivating over the skin on yuuji's neck and orgasming to the taste of his blood like
it's alright to just admit that i'm the fantasy. you're obsessin' just confess it cause it's obvious. i'm your number one, i'm your number one, i'm your number one, i'm your number one, your number one, your number one, your number one...
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chosos-mascara · 2 years ago
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blood night
𝙢𝙚𝙜𝙪𝙢𝙞 𝙭 𝙧𝙚��𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙭 𝙨𝙖𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙪 𝙭 𝙨𝙪𝙜𝙪𝙧𝙪
(yes, you read that right)
𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆 - as a maid to the geto-gojo house, you're surprised when they request your presence alongside their usual source of food, megumi.
𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 - vampire!satosugu, human!megumi, human!reader, reader + megumi are servants so dub-con, blood, biting, blood drinking, fingering, cunnilingus, man x man, fem!reader, voyeurism (megumi x reader while satosugu drink from him), scratching, teasing language, aged up megumi(mid-late 20s), names like good girl, cum eating,
4.6k words
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"Gojo-sama requested a change of sheets within the master room." 
With shaking hands, you'd worked to collect new linen. Sights you'd allowed yourself to predict had plagued your mind, restlessly preparing yourself for the encounter you'd been about to endure. After a mere few months working within the Gojo-Geto household, you'd still been regarded as a long-serving member, with most employees barely making it past a week. Being exposed to the harsh realities of a vampiric lifestyle had scarred many; the truth of a co-existence beside humans (or rather, above) too much to bare. In only the first fortnight of employment, you'd been subjected to more blood than a doctor had in one lifetime, and through that, multiple personnel packing their bags to leave the trauma they'd rather be ignorant to. 
Usually, fresh sheets later into the evening had signified someone's life being close to taken, and with that, a bloody mess for you to deal with. If the pay hadn't been needed and your social life so barren, you'd have thought twice about this job. 
Of course, there had been other risks too. Not only being exposed to an unhealthy amount of blood and taking on board many mentally scarring images, you'd ran a risk of an attack on yourself. Although you had trust within your bosses, you lacked that very trust for their friends. Only a few nights prior they'd hosted a younger vampire by the name of Mahito, and due to his uncontrollable urge, you'd lost three colleagues. Of course, your employers had offered you a sizable amount for your silence on the matter, as not to 'scare your poor colleagues' - subsequently reminding you of their morally grey personalities. 
One step at a time, one foot had been placed on the stairway before another. The careful dance had been done as your heart had raced so vigorously, nauseousness rising to your throat. Memories both old and prospective of crimson and decay flashed before your eyes, a tightness in your chest. With only a few more steps you'd approached Gojo's room much sooner than you'd hoped, drawn out movements no longer able to postpone the inevitable. His door had been ajar with a slither of light cascading through the crack, growing to shine brighter when nudged by your elbow. Quick-drawn breaths had halted when you'd encountered both men within their room, indulging in a sight you'd rather not be privy to. 
The bed had been made, yet three man had sat atop sheets, limbs tangled with bodies while supported by ornate headboard behind. Megumi had been between two pairs of lips over neck, tired eyes left closed and soft hums vibrating through his chest with lips parted. Geto had been latched onto his left and Gojo to his right, gulping back the trickling ambrosia his body had created. 
Frozen in place, you could only bare witness while wide-eyed to the display of intimacy before you. The white button-up you'd seen Megumi wear around the home had pooled around his waist to leave chest and shoulders bare, his head tilted back toward the wall for ease of access to neck. His breaths were deep, face furrowed while he'd allowed his blood to spill into the mouths of the beasts beside him. Bite marks had littered the pale skin of chest, barely deep enough to draw blood, small bruises over collarbones signifying drawn-out teasing over his skin. 
Your presence had appeared undetected, and so a step backward to leave the room had been done so in silence. Trembling leg had supported foot as you'd planted your heel behind you, a shallow breath in celebration as you grew closer to escape. Only, with the blink of an eye you'd been left confused, Gojo's person suddenly removed from Megumi's side. Four eyes had now peered up to your shaking figure as you'd found the confidence to turn on heel, an instinct from your gut to run -
You had hit into a hard structure; that of bare chest and towering body. The racing heart within your chest had only encouraged escape further, but Gojo's cool hand over your arm had prevented movement. 
"I'm so sorry, I-" Panicked, stuttered words spoken as your eyes had peered to the door, a jolt from wrist in an effort to escape Gojo's grip. 
"Where are you going, lamb?" His grin had widened when blue orbs had set over you, fingers squeezing over the limb he'd held tightly. "I-" Stammering, you took a deep breath, a venture at regulating the fight or flight response your body had fallen into. "I think I got the wrong room, I'm sorry Gojo-sama." Bowing head low while speaking your feeble attempt at an apology, you'd hoped through desperation to be excused. Though, when silence had answered your prayers, gaze lifting from the carpeted floor to peer into the eyes of the curse before you, your blood had ran cold. 
Thick crimson had coated his chin, pointed fangs to decorate the white smile he'd eagerly given you. When looking into the depths of his blue eyes, you'd understood leaving wouldn't be an option. 
"I can hear your heart racing." With his voice low, hand moving to caress the skin of cheek, Gojo had looked at you through both superiority and pity. "Don't you want to have some fun?" 
Your direction had been turned, back plush to Gojo's chest as he'd attempted to coax you back into the heart of his room. As his fingers held your chin in place, you were left to stare over Megumi and Geto slumped on the bed, watching you through straight expressions while you'd been left to uncomfortably shift in Gojo's grip. "I'm just a maid-" Attempting to dig yourself out of the hole you'd fallen within, excuses piled on your tongue, though only one had been voiced. "I'm not a Source." 
Sources had been the category of servitude Megumi had been a part of; a label to those used as for both food and pleasure by cursed-beings. Within this household, there'd been only one, though it had been common within covens and cults to have a hundred or more. 
"But, we could use some warmth to keep Megumi satisfied, how about that, hm?" Gojo's voice tickled your ear, lips grazing skin. His fingers were cool over your burning cheeks, running over flesh gently. "Keep my 'Gumi's cock niiice and warm while we drink, like a good little maid." The proposition had your jaw tensing, eyes wide. "Blood sharing during sex is pleasurable for humans too..." As his words trailed off, his body worked on persuading you. The tender touch he'd provided over your prickling skin had contradicted the cursed form you'd seen moments ago, a personality switch to entice you into his clutches. To be at his will. "Be a good girl and help us please our Source." The final sentence, the final instruction given through Gojo's glossy lips as he left you to brew on the ideas he'd planted within you.
Even if your mind had told you to run, to flee Gojo's residence and never return, your body had reacted to the scene before you in another way. Feet planted into the ground, you'd taken in broad and bare chests covered in markings of lust, and the sensation left by large hands enveloping your skin. Megumi's disheveled state and the pull to graze his flesh with your own had been much stronger than the urge to leave. You'd decided with the ache between thighs rather than common sense to be pliant to Gojo's clutches, to bend how he'd wanted you to. 
It was likely the erotic urges pooling within your stomach had been the product of Gojo's magic, the scent of his blood heavy in the air; but your resolve had been clear when your gaze had landed over the tent within Megumi's unbuttoned slacks. 
A light push over your form had caused you to step forward, heart in throat as your feet stumbled toward mattress. Like most bedding within the home, silk had been set beneath the men, a mixture of red, black and white - though these were often discarded due to stains. As Getou held an open arm to beckon you closer, Megumi had watched through half lidded eyes, a lust driven intoxication written over his usual expressionless countenance. 
Getou's forearm flexed when his fingers tugged over the zip of your uniformed dress, undoing the garment with ease to allow you to shrug free. Cool air kissed your spine, a draft over stomach and thighs when the cotton had fallen to the ground. His lips quirked up when revealing the soft skin beneath, nails dragging over nudity. 
"Don't look so frightened..." His voice was low and soft, and with purple eyes drinking your body, he'd appeared much sweeter than Gojo. Glancing over his chest, you noted each small mark and scar over olive skin, the curve of muscle, defined abs. Hair that had usually been back into a bun had instead freely flowed to sit over his shoulders, a beautiful sea of brown woven into thick locks. 
Prior to employment, you'd heard only stories of cursed-beings and their fixation with the blood of humans. A reoccurring statement whispered among humans had been that of eroticism; blood-sharing had been sexual in nature and a dangerous path for those willing to indulge. Sources had often been the result of a human becoming tethered to a vampire through sex, and often ended in either death, or transformation. Neither of which you'd wished to partake within.  
As Gojo's fingertips ran the length of your flesh, and with his head buried within the crook of neck, he worked to unclasp your bra. For a moment, with the positioning of his lips, you'd assumed to await his bite - but it never came. Instead, black panties had been omitted to the floor as Getou's fingers had dragged them over thigh, nudity exposed to the bodies surrounding you. 
"Warm her up." Gojo spoke lowly to his partner, a kiss over the tip of your shoulder before he released his grip. Once freed, you were pulled toward the brunette, straddling outstretched legs. His hand had been quick to graze thigh and cup the thickness of your ass, though his head had tilted toward Gojo. His eyes fluttered closed when Gojo's lips had met his own, a few languid kisses exchanged before the introduction of tongue. Dried remnants of Megumi's blood had been licked from Gojo's skin, a hum from his throat at his partner's lewd display. Goosebumps had decorated your skin when the pair had separated, narrowed purple orbs now meeting yours. 
With his cold grasp over you, it had felt difficult to loosen up. He scaled your figure, grasping over hip and chest, sitting forward to lean into your neck. He tilted your head with his fingers as he'd made way to place kisses over vein, your stomach tightening as you'd been left to question whether he'd go further. 
Movement from the other side of the bed had caused heavy lids to open, sight set over Gojo's hand gliding over Megumi's abdomen, fingers interlacing with the hem of boxers before freeing him from cotton confinement. His fist had wrapped around the length, a hum from the raven haired male left to die in Gojo's mouth with the movement of his lips on Megumi's. Your muscles had tightened in both arousal and curiosity, fixed over the unhurried pumps against Megumi's skin. 
Geto's fingers had pushed into cheek, drawing attention back to him to lock lips with yours. A free hand had found your nipple, rolling over the bud with gentle touch; tender circles over skin before a stroke across. Each flick had your back arching, hums of pleasure voiced between your tongue and his. There had been a hint of iron mixed between you, a flavor you'd understood had originated from Megumi's neck. Butterflies danced around your core at the first taste of the male you'd watched from afar. 
As his hands set over your hips, he'd maneuvered you from the seat over his lap to lay with back to mattress, finding his place between your thighs. He drew himself down lower, lips dragging over skin to both kiss and nip, his fingers leaving inner thigh to finally trail over slick. You'd already been wet, Getou's hum of approval and gentle roll of fingertip causing you to whimper. The brunette brought tongue to folds, teasing finger finally pumping inside of you. 
The barely audible hums from your throat had turned into whimpers as he'd used his mouth to please you, a second finger added to stretch your walls a little further. Gojo had let a breathy laugh against Megumi's neck, pulling back to watch your soft expression contort into bliss; he'd been all too familiar to the feeling of Getou's tongue. Only when Megumi's hips stuttered against pale fist had blue eyes been brought to focus back over his Source, neck painted with crimson, and finally, with a breathy groan and roll of hips, stomach painted in white. 
"What a mess." Gojo's statement had been a whisper, playful tone riddled between words as his gaze flickered to his partner's, head between your legs. "Why don't you have her clean him up?" The cursed male laughed as he spoke, watching as Geto had pulled from your warmth, fingers drawing out slowly. 
When his touch leaves you, your eyes catch his, a questioning glance lingering between you before his head had gestured toward Megumi's stomach.  "You want me to..." Timid voice trailing off as you glance over the white pearls coating Megumi's abdomen, half hard cock resting below. His stomach rose and fell with labored breaths; a remnant of the high he'd been coming down from. 
Getou's smirk made your stomach sink in anxiety, purple orbs awaiting your apprehensive reaction as he spoke in mischievous tongue.  "You are a maid, aren't you?" 
Defeated, you sat up, maneuvering with some reluctance to fulfill their request. Megumi watched intently as you bowed head, lips parting and tongue pressing flat to his stomach. As you drew upward, the first taste of his arousal setting over you, Megumi's stomach sucked inward, a shaky exhalation from the sensations over his skin. You swallowed back the liquid before darting for more, Getou's fingers finding their way to trail back over your inner thigh before curling into you. The action coaxed a whine to echo against Megumi's stomach, a stuttered breath leaving his lips in response. His muscles clench under your tongue, moans spoken against his skin. 
With every lick, blood rushed to his cock, unable to tear his eyes from the display you'd set over him. The more Getou's fingers had toyed with you, the more enjoyment you'd found in your actions, each roll over your clit and buck of hips enhanced by the salty substance meddling within your mouth. A helpless whine had ricocheted against the raven haired male, face pressing into his abdomen as you felt yourself reach a high. Between convulsions, Megumi's hand laid over the back of your head, the comforting palm acting as an anchor to reality as you'd lost yourself in pleasure.  
"Pretty..." Gojo's words had been soft as your eyes grew heavy, large hand placed over your body and cheek to encourage movement. When sitting upward to face Gojo's fang ridden smile, your body had been guided to sit over Megumi's thighs. His cock was hard, red tip leaking arousal as the length had rested over the stomach shining in your own drool. It was thick, blue veins running under the skin, and twitched as you wrapped a hand around it.
Megumi hummed as you sank down over him, warm walls hugging over sensitive cock, laying back against Gojo's chest with eyes closed. Geto's teeth had punctured one side of this neck as you'd drawn up and down, finally offering friction. Gojo pierced the opposing side to his lover, face pressed into the crook of shoulder, a hum of ecstacy as the thick of blood finally cascaded onto his tongue. 
Breathlessly, you bounced on Megumi's cock as he offered himself to the curses beside him, hands roaming the length of his body while he'd laid in bliss. Opening heavy lids halfway, he glanced to watch himself disappear into you, delicate breaths and groans of pleasure drawn from his chest to form a symphony. You'd bitten over your lip in an attempt to suppress your own sounds, though had failed miserably with each action, cock filling every inch of your walls. 
Geto had pulled back first, a sigh as he slumped back against the headboard to watch your body move against Megumi's pleasure written across features when the curve of him had massaged your insides. Gojo had drank only a little while longer, pulling back to place a hand over the growing ache in his pants, a button loose and fingers wrapping around the length.  "I want to taste her too, Sugu..." He languidly pumped a hand over himself, tightening when reaching tip - but even a deathgrip hadn't been enough. 
"You can -hah..." Interrupted by a roll of Megumi's hips, your voice had wavered, hands steadying yourself over his chest. "You can drink from me, too."  As Megumi had gained back strength, he placed his grasp over your hips, a grunt from him as he'd aided your movements. He pushed up, allowing your cunt to suck him to base, lips parting as he pushed his head back into Gojo's chest, eyes squeezing closed. Gojo chuckled, tongue pressing to his neck to lick a stray droplet of blood. 
"What do you think, love? Should we take her offer?" Gojo spoke against the raven haired's skin before lifting sight to set over Geto. Purple eyes watched your chest, chest bouncing with each movement. In thought, his gaze had lifted to your face, searching your expression. You hadn't been able to give full attention, mostly consumed by the sensation of Megumi pounding into you from beneath, toes curling. 
"You told her we wouldn't." His boundaries had been stricter than Gojo's - or at least, his promises. If you'd been told your body would be for Megumi's use, then he and his husband would have to obey the terms they'd set. Though, after he'd laid his tongue over you, Getou found himself lost in your taste. It was hard to say no. 
"What do you think, 'Gumi? Can we play with your toy, too?" Gojo allowed his playful nature to dictate his aura, a smirk and laugh as he'd asked, though Geto had understood the front had hidden deeper meaning. Gojo wanted consent from all parties before continuing. 
Megumi grunted through gritted teeth, a sigh of annoyance as his grip tightened over your hip, nails digging in. He rolled upward to bottom out and you'd whined in his grasp, thighs clenching as his stomach kissed your clit. The friction had you wanting more, a desperate drag of your cunt over him to feel another graze of his abdomen while brimmed with his dick.  "Ask her." With his attention fixated on your lower half, he hadn't put much thought into his words. He knew he wouldn't last much longer inside you, cock twitching and stomach stuttering. 
"Drink from me, Gojo-sama." With heated cheeks and halted breaths, you spoke, grinding hips over the body beneath you once more.  Gojo hadn't needed more persuasion. Tapping over Megumi's arm, the curse earned another angered expression from Megumi before he moved you, flipping you to lay with butterfly legs splayed to sides. With the switch of positions, you'd had Gojo's cool chest to your back, his form slouched to reach lips to neck. Megumi had felt much deeper in this position, hands grasping folded calves as he pummeled into your hole with quick breaths. Each movement had caused his hair to move with him, with the exception of a few strands coated in the sheen of sweat over his neck. 
Sharp fangs had dragged over your skin, a hand moving to circle your clit as you felt the thick flesh of neck become punctured. With two holes pierced, a stinging pain as you stirred against him with a creased countenance - though pain had soon turned into pleasure as Gojo's saliva had mixed into your blood. 
There had been no other way to describe the bliss flowing throughout your body, a lulling caressing skin; massaging aching muscles. You loosened up against Gojo, head rolling to lay over his cheek as Megumi held your legs in place, understanding the lack of control you'd feel while fed from. Once comfortable, Geto brought his lips to the opposing side, inhaling sharply when pressing tongue to skin, he took in both scent and pulse before tasting the blood flowing from vein. 
With messy circles over your clit and the bullying of Megumi's cock, it hadn't taken long for you to reach your end. The drifting feeling of your body had left you to only experience the build of pleasure bestowed upon you, screaming out with blurred vision as your muscles spasmed. Back arched, nails dug into Gojo's thighs - a groan against your neck and gentle rock of hips to press his own aching cock against the skin of your back. 
Megumi had watched you come undone beneath him, and with Gojo's fingers grazing his base with every circling motion - he couldn't hold out. A grunt had accompanied your whines, jaw tensing as he pressed your thighs further into your torso to form a mating press as he'd bottomed out deep into your cunt, painting your insides with his seed. 
After the waves of pleasure had faded into soft twitches, he pulled from your body, chest heaving when setting himself down. Sweat had trickled over every inch of his body, mingling with dried blood over his neck. Gojo kissed the wound his teeth had left, the flow of blood ceasing as the injury had closed over. He glanced to the raven head of hair at the foot of the bed, and then to his partner's arm, laid to drape over your chest. Beneath limb had been delicate skin, and blue eyes gave into temptation, ogling the mess between your legs. 
"Should I clean you up?"  
The question had been more of a statement as you'd become aware of the movement behind you, lips attaching to your torso as Gojo had planted kisses over the curve of chest, drifting to stomach until his lips had been where he'd wanted them; plush to your folds to lap at the mix of Megumi's, and your own, arousal. 
A gasp had been drawn from your chest when he'd licked the first stripe, hips rolling toward his face. Without a chance of rest, your legs were held open once more, fingers pressed against fat and tongue circling clit before moving downward, sucking the liquids pouring from your abused hole. Gojo hummed in appraisal at your taste mixed with Megumi's, swallowing back the load.  "G-Gojo..." Your chest heaved, eyes squeezing closed. "It's too much, please - hah-" Overstimulated, you wriggled beneath his mouth to fight against him. A smile had contorted across his face as he pulled from you, lips dressed in a light gloss. His tongue darted to lick remnants of your taste from his mouth before planting a kiss over your forehead, glancing to his husband before requesting one more thing from your exhausted body. 
"Do you think you could help me with one more thing, lamb?" Getou's voice had been the one to lull you this time, heart racing under rib as you'd nodded with some hesitance. As you'd waited anxiously for words to express his request, you'd been left empty-handed. Instead, Getou undressed his lower half to allow himself freedom. The thick length's tip had been decorated in precum, pink skin desperate for touch. 
Your cheek had rested against his inner thigh, fingers wrapping to pump around the middle before bringing lips to kiss the head, wrapping mouth soon after. Geto sighed in relief, pushing up to feel more of your mouth engulf his length. His head tipped back with eyes remaining fixated over the languorous movements of your head; the arch of your back. He studied the curve, before halting over raised ass. From the moment his sight had set over the plumpness, your body positioned on all fours, he'd known his partner's next movements. 
As predicted, Gojo had been unable to resist temptation. Pulling himself free, he'd been unable to stop himself from indulging in the dripping cunt before him, dragging along slit, teasing head to hole. You'd hummed against the cock within your mouth, startled jut causing the tip to press further into your throat and induce a gag. 
Gojo pushed into you slowly, hands steadying himself as a pornographic moan had left his lips. You'd accommodated him so well; spongey walls massaging both head and base with each rut into your core, all while your head had bobbed over his lover. When his hips had met with your ass, a moan had been voiced into the flesh of Getou's abdomen, before he'd drawn back only to push further. Gojo's pace quickened, his whines unforgiving. Out of the four bodies within the room, Gojo had been the most vocal this evening, pretty whimpers falling from his lips to kiss the air surrounding him, helpless ruts from a place of need, sensitive cock twitching with each godly squeeze you'd bestowed over him. 
"So fucking good." Spoken between groans, Gojo's eyes had squeezed closed, teeth caught over lip. Geto watched as his partner's face displayed his bliss, his hand moving to the back of your head to guide your movements. Hollowing out your cheeks, you bobbed over him, tongue circling the head of his cock when drawing upward. 
"Megumi, would you help Satoru?" 
You hadn't understood the request - with Gojo pummelling into your cunt and his partner within your throat, it hadn't felt as if there'd been room for Megumi's assistance. A bottle had opened within the distance and in curiosity you'd drawn upward to release Geto from your mouth, a string of drool connecting you and his member as it had sprung to hit stomach. Your confused gaze had met the brunette's as he'd gestured behind you, though when turning head, Gojo's body had collapsed against your back, and you'd been unable to make out the scene behind you. 
Though, you could feel a difference. Instead of thrusts, Gojo's movements had been limited, his hips barely rocking against you; even while bottoming out. The small ruts had stuttered into the deepest parts of you regardless, his fingers gripping over your sides for both stability and comfort. 
"He's inside of Satoru." Geto had spoken but you'd been left little time to react before he'd placed a hand over the back of your head, pushing you to latch over his cock once more. Gojo had felt almost static behind you, and with the information given, you'd been left to realize Gojo's thrusts had been a product of Megumi's movements, rather than his own. When Megumi drove himself forward, Gojo would move too. 
"Good girl." Geto's praises encouraged you, eyes brimming with tears with each gag, hands pumping over base. You'd been stuffed from both ends, and with a few more humps into your hips, Gojo's release had added to the fullness, seed spurting inside cunt. His stomach fluttered against your back, whines short and sporadic as he'd dumped his load, pathetic groans into your skin in his euphoria. His teeth had grazed over shoulder blade as his vulnerability had hit a peak, and for a moment you'd questioned his intention. Though, with his orgasm reaching completion, he'd drawn away from your pulse. 
Geto had grunted, curses falling from his lips as you felt his arousal hit your throat, a palm forcing your head deeper as he sucked inward. You swallowed what he'd given to you, coming up only when his grip had loosened. 
Only when both your and Megumi's breathing had mellowed with consciousness lost had partners stood, leaving you to rest. 
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a/n: i'm not going to lie, this was so difficult to write. having to focus on this many people at once was hard, and throughout writing this i'd considered scrapping the idea. honestly, this is not my best work and i kind of fucking hate it, but i wanted to share regardless - i know a lot of you were excited :L i hope that it's not too poorly written. thank you to everyone who comments and reblogs, i really appreciate it!
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tags - @toastsfriends @tomiokas-lunchbox @firebonbon @moonlightonmyheart @nx-0w @arminthebangmaster @sleepyamaya @m0mmyyyy @lem-hhn @vile-woman @onthr-dream @cotton-candy-cloudz @nymphsdomain @iam-mia9 @formulaaoflove @urmomsslut @lulunanax @doll62 @eternal-kakashi @love-me-satoru @viajaeger @misplacedorphan @ficti0nalslxt
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knightscanfeeltoo · 10 months ago
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What Slayer and Axl Low from Guilty Gear have in Common...
(not funny i know...)
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weighted-patience · 3 months ago
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Vampire Megumi 🖤
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cherryys · 8 months ago
holy fucking shit
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saint-miroir · 1 year ago
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Vampire Princess Miyu (TV)-- Animage Magazine (12/1997). Illustrated by Megumi Kadonosono.
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lightprkdraws · 2 months ago
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outside your window
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0hunnyy · 8 months ago
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shiki is too good 😩🔥🔥
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kentuckyfriedmegumi · 4 months ago
happy itafushiween!!!
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while i’ve got you here, i finished my halloween fic! check it out, it’s got fun trio antics, with costumes inspired by @medblackcoffee!!
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chiarrara · 2 months ago
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gojooooo · 1 month ago
here’s an old concept that i’ve decided to post because i just know it’s never going to upgrade from wip to actual fleshed out thing. very cute and silly hehe. takes place at some point during the culling games.
sukuna closes his eyes, suddenly unable to protect himself with his two other arms, and waits for a blow that never comes. when he opens his eyes, yuuji’s fist is frozen mid air while he looks down at sukuna with wide eyes.
“why do you look like that.” the young sorcerer, who has sukuna pinned down on the ground, releases the curse’s arms from under his knees and when sukuna goes to run a hand through his hair he feels a familiar buzzcut tickling his fingers.
“ugh. get off me, brat”
god, he’s so stubborn.
“i said get off me” sukuna insists and when he tries to sit up yuuji sits back and both men hiss when he presses down right where sukuna’s crotch is, effectively grinding down on him.
“don’t you think you should move” sukuna deadpans, cheeks red and breath caught in his throat.
“it gets the job done at keeping you still so i’m not moving” yuuji pouts, determined, cheeks equally red.
sukuna has barely the time to roll his eyes when hana and fushiguro approach the two men.
“ohohoh, would you look at that” chuckles a voice that doesn’t belong to either of the two teens.
“shut the fuck up angel” sukuna is quick to retort, his irritation growing at the sudden audience that his rather embarassing reflex is getting.
“what does it mean?” yuuji insists, desperately looking for an answer.
“just like a predator turns into a bunny when wounded and cornered, a weakened curse is reduced to the form their heart subconsciously clings to the most.”
“fuck off. that doesn’t apply to me”
“it applies to everyone, king of curses or not” the mouth on hana’s cheek curls up in a smirk.
“should’ve killed you when i had the chance” sukuna grumbles and finally pushes yuuji off of him, whose guard is down because he’s processing the information and he lets himself be pushed back, not missing how sukuna doesn’t actually shove him too hard and makes sure to stabilize him before his hand leaves his chest.
later that night, yuuji is on his old middle school roof.
when he hears footsteps he immediately turns around with his fists up in the air and glowing of a beautiful blue.
“relax, brat. just me” sukuna mockingly raises his hands in the air before shoving them back into his pockets. “jeez, when did you become so nervous?”
“take a wild guess” yuuji deadpans, lowering his hands.
“right” sukuna chuckles, passing by him and going to stand at the edge of the roof.
yuuji dumbly stares at him until sukuna calls him out. “stop fucking staring” he mutters, closing his eyes and furrowing his eyebrows.
yuuji is quick to look away and he walks up to sukuna, going to stand next to him. “sorry! it’s just so weird seeing you like this”
sukuna sighs. “it’s the same as it was”
“except you can walk away and anywhere you want” yuuji says quietly.
sukuna curiously looks at him for a moment. “does it bother you?” he asks, trying to make it sound casual.
“no” yuuji replies, then, “not the having-my-face part, at least” he adds.
sukuna hums, pleased by yuuji’s subtle confession.
“are you alright? i haven’t heard anything about you destroying half of japan yet” the boy smiles, looking up at the stars. they look especially bright on this night.
“i don’t have my full powers anymore”
“maybe you can’t cross your arms twice to show double disappointment but i’m pretty sure you can still slice everyone in half”
“alright well i don’t care for it. i’m just gonna do whatever until i die again”
“oh?” yuuji turns to him.
“i’ve changed perspective is all” sukuna mutters and when yuuji just keeps staring he sighs. “you made me reevaluate things, is that what you wanna hear?”
“only if it’s the truth” yuuji’s lips curl up in a smile and sukuna can’t help but match his expression.
“why are you here anyway?”
“i could ask you the same thing” yuuji shrugs, doing very little to hide his intention to be difficult just because. brat.
“i’m obviously not gonna tell you first” sukuna replies, because what is he if not the everlasting opponent of yuuji’s teasing game.
“how about we say it at the same time and we’re absolutely honest about it?”
risking trusting a curse, huh? you never learn, itadori yuuji.
“and what if my answer is pathetic and yours isn’t?”
“i give you permission to slice me in half. wouldn’t be a first anyways”
“you give me permission, hm?” sukuna chuckles. “deal”
yuuji slowly counts down as he turns to sukuna and his cheeks turn pink.
“…because i’ve been missing you”
“…because this stupid human heart has been yearning for your presence.”
“hm” sukuna smiles, delighted, as silence stretches between them for a few seconds.
“come again?!” yuuji exclaims after realization fully hits him.
“that’s the best you’ll get, brat” sukuna chuckles, “take it for leave it.”
yuuji goes to stand in front of sukuna.
“you’re blocking my view”
“i am your view. do you really mean that?”
sukuna smiles, half amused and half fond. “i never say things i don’t mean” he mutters as he cups yuuji’s face with his hand.
yuuji leans forward and takes sukuna’s face between his hands, kissing him slowly, then fervently, hungrily, the urge between them spilling out more and more. sukuna kisses yuuji back as he puts his other hand on the small of yuuji’s back, pulling him closer until their bodies collide. it’s not enough. it’s not enough. they need to be one again.
yuuji breaks the kiss, his body gasping for air, but tries to go back for more. sukuna smiles against his lips, slightly tilting his head up. “breathe, yuuji” he whispers.
yuuji groans at that. “again” he mutters between short breaths.
“yuuji…” sukuna complies, filling the moment by starting to pepper yuuji’s neck with kisses. “yuuji, yuuji, yuuji…” he whispers sweetly as yuuji tilts his head back to grant him more access, sighing at the use of his given name.
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