#valid pesterchum handle
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squidward985 · 1 year ago
goldenGod (GG) is a valid Pesterchum handle!
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paper--machete · 2 years ago
wait is your name vapboy because your a vaporeon? i always thought it was because you vapped alot and made it your whole brand. how did this not click until now?
tbh it was initially decided when koolaid was supposed to be my pfp, but ever since i separated church and state, having my own sona as my pfp kinda makes the "vapboy" url confusing. i wanted to call dibs on some variation of "paper machete" as a new URL following that new qotsa record but both papermachete and paper-machete are taken by inactive blogs........
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cosmicanamnesis · 1 year ago
list some initials of crushes you coward
absolutely not. they follow me
I am 100% a coward
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homestuckreplay · 7 months ago
Put The Cruxite Dowel Back In The Box
(page 394-400)
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400 pages!! What's next, 500? Dare I say 600? Given that we've had a few interactive pages recently that can't be easy to make, it's amazing that Homestuck is hitting these numbers already.
The past 16 pages have very quickly flicked back and forth between John and Rose, and by extension, between video games and real life. John's fully inside Sburb, in what we can probably think of as another dimension, while Rose is very much on earth. Because John is still in his house, it's really easy to forget how separated he is from the world. This rapid back and forth really reflects the constantly online + video game logic of their lives more generally. They are extremely used to crossing these boundaries, going from their daily efforts to navigate their physical houses and strife with their parents, to their Pesterchum conversations and the various other games that are part of their lies.
Another big theme in this section is Rose and John figuring things out on their own. John had Rose to walk him through the Sburb 'tutorial level', but he's no longer getting explicit instructions. The Wayward Vagabond, the Data Structures for Assholes book, and we as the reader are all giving him some information on winning his first Sburban Strife, but he's doing some of the work putting all those pieces together. I guess that can happen when you have a very steep learning curve and no time to process the traumatic things happening to you.
On Rose's end, I'm reading too much into her leaving the W stuck to the generator. A plastic fridge magnet is a kids' toy, so this is her putting away childish things, and no longer allowing herself the luxury of being silly like on p.370. But it's also a symbol of Rose's cold war with her mom, so she's walking away from that petty rivalry and towards something that - in this moment - is more serious and important, towards an actual symbol of death, which is a much darker and more adult concept. And it's honestly really sad. She should be allowed to be silly, she should be allowed to take the W, she shouldn't be on her own having to handle apocalyptic disasters. Something or someone has failed her for that to be the case.
'You wonder if your mother has any plans to have [the transformer] fixed. You guess she'd rather just play her mind games in a dark house like a weirdo.' Coming a couple pages before the W incident, I love this line. Because it is 100% reasonable that fixing the electricity is not top priority, or even possible, in the middle of a meteor shower/forest fire. But I think it's a very relatable teen emotion to dislike someone for a valid reason and then to criticize every single action they take, justified or otherwise.
I had a lot of fun with John's strife on p.397 - even when I realized it was unwinnable, I played it a few more times just cause I liked it. The controls are smooth, the programming is good, the hammer bonk noise is really satisfying. It's also interesting how the shale imp - unlike John - doesn't take visible physical damage, and from the way the health bar moves out of the vial, it's almost like the health bar is being attacked directly. I have no idea what this means though.
Even more interesting is how we can deplete exactly half of the shale imp's health with the hammer's handle, and no more. Then, when we weaponize John's sylladex on p.400, the imp is easily able to parry all of the objects except for the hammer head, which instantly depletes the other half of its health. Weaponizing a sylladex might be possible to smash a window or even to strife with Dad, but it doesn't seem to work in game. Only John's One True Chosen Weapon is effective here.
Finally, John gets some loot!!!! 32 units of build grist, good for 16 perfectly generic objects, and 10 units of shale. Looking back at p.157, that means when Rose is back online, she can deploy the Punch Designix, which... designs punch cards? This could finally be a chance to experiment with alchemy mechanics!
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sainteclectic · 2 months ago
anyways have you ever thought about how mindElectric heartAcoustic and soulEclectic are valid pesterchum handles
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cipheramnesia · 1 year ago
cipherAmnesia is a valid pesterchum handle
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juststarsandthemoon · 1 year ago
one day i will find a name that is both a valid pesterchum handle and a warrior cats name and that will the day i propose to @transfucksmilfs
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cowardlycowboys · 9 months ago
Is there an origin/backstory to your Tumblr handle?
got threatened had to change urls said goodbye to my homestuck one</3 picked one that I think would be a valid pesterchum handle and also I'm a coward and I love cowboys!!
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alphabetcompletionist · 2 years ago
valid pesterchum handle
i know. i get it. i understand.
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lightboundpunkz · 1 year ago
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wizardlyghost · 2 years ago
jokes on you i and everyone in my family have a valid troll name irl
bootsre fullov oiter :(
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vanityluvsme · 1 year ago
autisticAnarchist is a valid pesterchum handle
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articulately-composed · 2 years ago
hehe, your url looks like it could be a valid chumhandle
It actually is my chumhandle! It's the handle I chose when I was 15 and downloaded the fanmade pesterchum client. It's not formatted like a pesterhandle on tumblr because you can't do capital letters, but on youtube it's spelled articulatelyComposed very intentionally.
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pierrhoe · 1 year ago
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spambots are showing up with valid pesterchum handles now
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hayateyagami · 1 year ago
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what i really really dont like about the surge in bots is every name ive seen looks like a valid pesterchum handle
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canyourlawnmowerdothis · 2 years ago
POINTS AT U. valid pesterchum handle
enamored w this, is this a homestuck thing i dont know
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