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ogdmart · 1 year ago
Cake Express: Fast and Flawless Delivery in Dehradun
Experience the convenience of Cake Express, offering swift and flawless cake delivery services in Dehradun. Whether it's a birthday bash or a spontaneous craving, count on us to deliver indulgence right to your doorstep. With a wide range of delicious cakes and a commitment to timely delivery, we ensure your celebrations are filled with sweetness and delight.
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tanlorin · 6 days ago
val x liana is me trying my hand at toxic yuri (nsfw text below)
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felagund-fiollaigean · 1 year ago
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the meme made itself
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unfogged-arc · 2 years ago
@coveitous / darriana + valiana.
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"Heard you got Falcio arrested." There's a bit of a smirk on her face as she continues on. "I guess you know he went to the little idiot's room last night." Darriana knows full well that Valiana doesn't yet know this. What can she say, she's bored and finds Falcio's arrest amusing.
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herrage · 2 years ago
worse things have happened to people who have touched me. / valiana to cassandra!
VALIANA WAS NOT UNHEARD OF TO CASSANDRA. She was well aware of the potential danger the Duchess posed: her battle prowess was passed along through whispers, through Leliana's Eyes that were scattered all throughout the land. It was here now that she found herself face to face with her, and the other woman appeared more... youthful than she had expected. Perhaps that was not the right word—she did not look to be battle-hardened. However, if anyone knew not to underestimate another, it would be Cassandra.
Rising from the knee she had placed herself onto, the Seeker carefully pressed a brief, chaste kiss to the back of the Duchess's hand. She was not a stranger to custom, nor decorum—anyone else would be eager to pipe up that Cassandra was royalty. She was not so eager.
"I can only imagine from the tales that have reached my ears," she digresses, the shadow of a smile reaching her lips. "I apologize, normally it is my colleague Josephine Montilyet who handles these affairs. I believe you were corresponding with her, or perhaps a page of yours," she continues, standing proper. "I am rather rusty in diplomacy aside from... diplomatic battles," she chuckles.
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littedidyouknow · 3 months ago
“What’s a teddy bear?”
Cassian could only watch, could only blink, could only stay frozen.
Long forgotten were the cries in the other room or the droplet of milk on his wrist when he looked at her—really looked at her.
Valiana, six years old. Knows how to prepare a bottle of baby formula and how to carry her baby sister. Can kill you with a look, can scoff, and can scold.
Doesn’t trust everyone.
Especially doesn’t trust men.
Doesn’t know what a teddy bear is.
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teenageread · 9 months ago
Review: Knight's Shadow
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Following his beloved debut, Traitor's Blade, Sebastien de Castell returns with volume two of his fast-paced fantasy adventure series, inspired by the swashbuckling action and witty banter of The Three Musketeers. Knight's Shadow continues the series with a thrilling and dark tale of heroism and betrayal in a country crushed under the weight of its rulers' corruption.
A few days after the horrifying murder of a duke and his family, Falcio val Mond, swordsman and First Cantor of the Greatcoats, begins a deadly pursuit to capture the killer. But Falcio soon discovers his own life is in mortal danger from a poison administered as a final act of revenge by one of his deadliest enemies. As chaos and civil war begin to overtake the country, Falcio has precious little time left to stop those determined to destroy his homeland.
Hiding out in the village, Falico honestly could not believe they had gotten this far. Saving Aline originally was a task he was willing to die for, but somehow they managed to survive, bringing Aline to the Tailor who wants to make her queen. With Trin on the hunt for their heads, it was no surprise that the village they were hiding out in, betrayed them, and brought Trin to their door. Escaping once again, Falico, Kast, Brasti, Valiana, and a new greatcoat named Dariana, head out to convince the dukes to back Aline’s claim to the throne, promising that with Aline in charge, the Greatcoats will protect the trade routes once again, their villages will stop uprising, and it will work out for their better. The first duke on their mission was Isault, who agreed that Falico could settle an uprising in one of his border villages. Doing as he promised, Falico comes back to the kingdom only to find the Duke and his family killed, with the guards believing Falico did it. Escaping again, Falico knows someone is targeting the dukes, and even though they all hate him, Falico is willing to put his life on the line to do what's right and bring the lands back to the way his beloved King once had them. 
Sebastien de Castell comes back with another wonderful novel, diving deeper into the lands that Falcio val Mond, First Cantor of the Greatcoats swore to protect. With the same witty remarks as the story is told third person from Falcio, de Castell ups their game by having this novel not only extend the world but dive a bit more into the past, especially on Falico and why he acts the way he does - aka throwing himself head first into every fight hoping for death. Going deep into the death of his wife, his relationship with the King, and how he views himself; de Castell added depth to our character, and by the end wrote him as a completely new man who is going to take the remainder of the series by storm. With this stuff, de Castell does not hold back, bringing along a tone of seriousness and adulthood to this fantasy novel. The gory details of the death of Aline (Falcio’s wife), show the range de Castell has as a writer, as he brings our hero into the worst moments of his life Along with Falcio, de Castell also gave us more background on the other two of the trio, Kest and Brasti, giving their characters a bit more depth and purpose throughout the story that are their own and not directly tied to Falcio. Giving these characters their own side quest and achievements, allows the novel to feel more realistic, as unlike the first novel, not everything revolves around Falcio and his desires. Continuing with epic battles, and more witty banter, de Castell opens the world a bit more, diving deeper into Saints (like how Kast is one and what that means), the Dashini, and really leans towards the magical and governmental side of this story. With the world expanding, de Castell really compelled readers to keep reading this hundred novels, by keeping it engaging with a mix of history, new battles, people to save, and people to kill. With the series' long arc being revealed a bit more, de Castell made sure to let readers know that they are nowhere near done with the Greatcoats and their tale, and hopefully, neither are you.
Read more reviews: Goodreads
Buy the book: Amazon
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notatrasnota · 1 year ago
Memoria y porvenir: lecciones y aprendizajes desde los pueblos mayas
#viral #NoticiaEnDesarrollo #Tendencias #Noticias #News #Internacional #ULTIMAHORA #viral #Hoy #Actualidad
El día miércoles 15 de noviembre de 2023, se llevó a cabo el evento denominado Memoria biocultural Maya. Apreciación, resistencia y porvenir, organizado por miembros del Departamento de Humanidades y Sistemas Sociales de la ENES-Mérida/UNAM. En dicho evento participaron Valiana Aguilar -colectivo Suumil Móokt’aan-, Angel Kú -colectivo Suumil Móokt’aan-, Anselma Chalé Euan -Luuchil Kaab-, Ismael…
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444names · 1 year ago
Names generated from periodic table elements, Roman emperors' forenames, and musical instruments, excluding the letter combination "Um".
Accone Acconius Actic Airhos Airopho Albass Alexan Alibine Aliforn Alius Allieno Amanaxion Ameine Ameinus Amerus Amervalt Amery Andios Anius Antac Anthan Arcon Arconiold Arcus Arinian Asilius Assflus Audius Auran Auric Aurius Auton Avibel Avinus Aviolos Avion Avios Avitinus Avitne...
Bagne Balet Ballianax Baltein Basiangon Basions Bassgus Bastan Baster Bastine Belian Berian Berinian Berony Bervalt Boarp Bonikos Bonius Boniustan Brapsture Bulfur Buliforn Cadius Cadmil Cadosmute Cadouba Calbas Caleac Caleborus Caleony Calin Callit Calucite Canus Carcar Carcon Carebon Cargon Carian Carpsios Casdos Cerbista Chadomba Chnet Chneth Cholanos Chorn Chpit Chros Clagne Clatinius Claugens Clawre Clius Cobas Cobelhar Cobugus Conese Congan Conian Conius Copho Cophock Cophona Copianian Coppipes Corine Crius Curius Custastan Dinikos Domius Doron Douba Dricele Dromer Drommon Dronino Drustanos Drutelhan Dyspan Einastino Elenc Elhad Elines Elluth Elpano Erine Erius Eupho Euphorn Eupipet Ferbius Fertinus Flocla Flone Fluronery Fluste Flutheo Fluther Flutios Flutitas Flutono Fraklo Franass Frandel Gadius Gadon Galbinus Galebohn Galenius Galipe Galla Ganiusta Genus Gleableon Glybderus Golan Golius Gorgius Gorian Gorntin Gradoran Guliel Hados Haeler Hafnian Hafnius Hanuelho Harcian Harcur Harian Haric Harius Heninad Henus Heodold Heodony Heodos Herbono Herian Honax Horaklon Horan Horus Hydro Irectina Irhon Irhordius Irhornton Irimius Irinet Irone Istet Istleba Joarp Johne Johrick Jordius Jovius Julfur Julibrius Justinus Keptinus Lagne Latick Lawrer Lebons Lethemian Lexano Liguitne Ligus Luorianus Lutelius Luthass Lutohn Luton Lybon Lycer Maclagnes Maclavios Magne Majan Manos Mantan Mantimine Marcury Marian Maxhon Maxophos Meitac Mender Merbius Mermichn Mervan Metitus Monerbius Monton Neodymic Neptus Nerianc Nesiantin Nestus Netromius Niold Niustanus Niuste Noradian Olius Osilvet Osphos Otarmodos Otarpsil Othord Oubalus Oudius Oxygeno Oxyget Oxyllipet Palba Palbard Peromius Philinius Phiscus Phocarp Phonios Phonius Phord Piellute Pientin Pipet Pipetian Pipetin Pippet Pluteno Polmius Polon Pothorian Potron Potrotan Praklo Proarp Progen Progenus Promerius Prongord Prota Psilic Psion Pstan Pstlens Pupian Quinetass Quita Quitacale Quitus Ranet Ratian Relius Rheelad Rhord Rhorine Rhorn Romba Rominus Romius Romulian Ronorius Rothos Saaca Saacius Salus Samacrian Samanthen Saxenden Saxeno Saximius Saximony Saxio Saxion Saxoppet Saxotarp Saxtubius Saxtus Scalibery Scarian Scasiold Scura Scure Scuste Seaba Seadian Seves Seviold Silian Silves Sodold Sodomenus Sodos Sodouba Sodus Staboar Staca Starenet Stasta Statiosic Stius Stleac Sulfurine Sulitnet Sullit Sulus Tabas Tantasick Tantheono Teelipet Teitas Telius Tenicks Tenobine Terajan Terbius Termin Tharan Tharius Theodord Theodos Theon Therian Thermit Thery Thius Thoraklos Thorian Thorn Thullron Tianth Timius Tinaxtus Tindius Tines Tinius Tintinius Trajohn Traklon Trelenon Trerylo Trian Troan Trobulian Troget Tromba Tromein Tromeno Tromutel Troneon Tubleonet Tungan Uranus Uraphon Ureno Urntin Valebo Valiana Vallic Vannerius Verinus Vetros Viane Viberian Vineadius Viodymius Vitablo Vitano Vitne Vitrius Vitromer Vitus Whenus Wherimius Whius Wobaganc Wobble Wobela Wobon Wobonste Wobus Woodone Woodyspan Xenobble Xentian Xygeno Xygentony Xyget Xygeth Xylonions Zendius Zenes Zinassgus Zinian Zinus Zircurac Zirenus Zirhon Ziricgus
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unfogged · 2 years ago
i know people don't like me. / valiana to kest
how to be eaten ⤷ @coveitous
Kest wants to disagree with her. He wants to tell her that it isn't true, that people like her perfectly fine. But that simply isn't the truth, much as they all wish it were different. "Maybe they don't." He gives her a tight smile, watching the retreating backs of the Dukes who were visiting ( rather, trying to bully Valiana into giving them what they desperately want ).
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He wishes to fight each and every one of them for the way they treat Valiana. "You are well-liked and loved by those who matter."
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ogdmart · 1 year ago
From Oven to Kurukshetra: Freshly Baked Cakes Delivered Just for You
Experience the ultimate indulgence in Kurukshetra with our freshly baked cakes delivered straight from the oven to your doorstep. Whether it's a special occasion or a spontaneous craving, savor the irresistible flavors and textures crafted just for you. Elevate every moment with our delectable treats, bringing joy and sweetness to your day.
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screenviolense · 2 years ago
@coveitous sent: i hate being in other peoples’ debts. / valiana to anais!
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  ' oh, don't worry. i was simply doing my job-- don't worry about debts. ' human politics and traditions weren't particularly something that elves cared much for, which was why she was a special case indeed. though some still liked to doubt her abilities to persuade and negotiate, this alone was proof of her skill. even the most stubborn of humans could listen to her.
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felagund-fiollaigean · 2 years ago
I know zero (0) people who have read both of these series so I know I’m writing for an audience of one (1). but that’s what this blog is so.
The potential for a Greatcoats/Stormlight crossover is sooooooo juicy. Hear me out. I’m gonna start with the obvious under the cut (spoilers for both series obvs):
The gods native to Tristia are Death, Love, War, Coin, and Craft. These can (with a little imagination) be interpreted as Shards, allowing Tristia to fit into the Cosmere. If we wanna get jiggy with it, we can say that Craft is a colloquial name for Invention, an actual shard who (as far as I know) hasn’t appeared in any books yet.
Not only do the original gods of Tristia fill this role, but the new ones (that we know of) do as well. We meet the god Valor in Saint’s Blood, and Valor is also a shard of the cosmere. Like Invention, they haven’t actually made an appearance yet to my knowledge, so having them fill this role in the world of the Greatcoats works well.
Even though they are not analogous to each other, the Saints of Tristia and Heralds of Roshar fill similar roles in the religious spheres (pun unintended) of both worlds. This will be good for comic relief when the Stormlight characters learn that Kest and Falcio were once Saints and wonder how they’re not insane, and the tristians have to explain “no it’s more of a job title we’re not immortal i’ve never even been to hell, well, except for that one time and that was only for a little while- stop looking at me like that, brasti.”
Oaths play a very important role in both worlds. It’s how radiants bond to their spren and access their surgebinding abilities, and personalized oaths are sworn by each Greatcoat when they pledge themselves to their monarch. If we want to play it this way, swearing their oaths to Aline in Saint’s Blood could be what attracted Spren to the Greatcoats in the first place.
Speaking of binding spren and giving our greatcoats surgebinding, let’s talk about that for a second, shall we? there’s a few obvious choices here.
- Falcio is a Skybreaker. He practically wrote the laws of Tristia with Paelis and was the first to swear to and enforce them. He was the most dedicated out of any other Trattari to the cause of uniting Tristia the law, bringing justice, and to Paelis himself. Thesea re all very Skybreaker qualities. With the added bonus Character Drama: radiants who access the surge of division have to show impeccable self-control before they can wield it (they don’t get it until they swear their... third oath? something like that, it’s locked behind a certain amount of character growth) and Falcio famously has some, ahem, anger management issues. He would have to work on the whole trauma-induced dissociative episodes of incandescent rage and homicidal behavior. just a little bit. it will be good for him! a long time coming tbh. that’s good character work babey. His spren is named Crux
- Brasti is an Edgedancer. He’s so obnoxious and ridiculous and horny but his strongest moments in the series are when he’s remembering those who have been forgotten. Comforting the child during her father’s execution, training people to fight and defend themselves while the rest of the squad was off destroying their enemies, talking to the wounded people in the infirmary about the loved ones they fought for, I could go on. He’s by far the most sensitive and empathetic of the squad and definitely would be suited to being an Edgedancer. His spren is named Persical and they usually appear as a flowering vine twining around his wrist or through his hair
- Kest is an Elsecaller. Being an elsecaller is all about mastery of the self, rational decision-making, etc etc and that’s Kest’s whole thing. He’d be so good at it. Inkspren everywhere are swooning and fighting over who gets to keep him. His spren is named Gloss. Also I’d like to see a world where Kest Murrowson and Jasnah Kholin are a united front in literally anything. An unstoppable force, immovable object, and asexual icons.
- Valiana is a Windrunner. The very first oath she swore as a Greatcoat was to protect Aline. The windrunners oath to protect goes beyond just one person but she’s got the spirit! She threw herself at men twice her size with next to no training to protect a girl she’d known for, like, a week. She’s a whole other kind of real one and a natural Windrunner, don’t try to argue with this one. Her spren is named Saphaedra.
There are other Greatcoats who I’m sure would be worthy of a Nahel bond but these are the only four I feel strongly about. Now that we’ve set up some basics (loosely stuck Tristia into the Cosmere with scotch tape, given our trattari some surgebinding and a call to adventure to another world to discover the source of these strange powers and voices, etc) we can gush about specifics.
I’m not sure who would break about vorin gender roles first: Valiana and Kest would definitely have the strongest opinions, but unlike Falico and Brasti, they have self-restraint and some modicum of diplomatic ability. I will say Brasti might break first simply because he can’t stand spicy food. We know this. He and Valiana would trade plates at the first meal they have together and intentionally ignore every vorin staring at them aghast.
Speaking of Brasti, he’s the only member of this squad that has light eyes. This is. Interesting to say the least. Because he’s routinely the member of the squad taken the least seriously (take a shot every time someone says, “shut up, brasti” ding dong you have alcohol poisoning) this would cause a great deal of cultural dissonance for an alethi to see the only lighteyed guy in the squad routinely disrespected. NOT TO MENTION brasti is the only one of them who doesn’t use a sword. he uses a bow. which (as i understand it) is a common weapon. for infantry. or whatever (yes shardbows exist this isn’t that). This automatically introduces a cool weird dynamic if these people arrive in alethi society in which he is an oddity for the above reasons. not even to mention all the other ways brasti is an oddity (affectionate).
All of them would be pretty stunned to hear that slavery is actually cool and legal here and would have some choice words to share about the king’s first law. yes, i’m singing it right now.
Gosh, Adolin. if he had any doubts about being bisexual they would vanish the moment he sees Kest fight. you know how cartoon characters will have heart eyes that explode out on springs? yeah that’s him. Ass over teakettle in love, just about begs Kest to spar with him.
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unfogged-arc · 2 years ago
“You’re delirious, but you’re not dead.” / valiana to brasti
the witcher 1.08 / @coveitous
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"Delirious." He laughs, nearly a giggle. "I like that word. Deee-leer-ree-us." Brasti draws out the word, laughing again. "Have I been poisoned?" He grins at the idea, looking up to Valiana. "Am I finally important enough to get poisoned?"
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gildedarcanum · 5 years ago
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Tried and failed to draw my aasimar gal, a very sad yeehaw. But oh well, just happy to be able to play her again.
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brasti-s-bastard · 6 years ago
Valiana, whenever Brasti and Darri fight:
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